Kay had never given that a single thought that not staying in contact would put Sam in just as much danger as keeping her close. At the time, she just made a run for her own safety from their possessed room mate and never looked back. She thought that if the demons were constantly on her tail and they had no one else to use against her, that SAm would be safe, but she never thought of the facts given to her by John. Yet again, she never thought there was anything truly magical about herself at the time, so it wouldn't have occurred to her that her own aura of her link to her would be enough to keep Sam in danger. "I never thought of it that way, I just thought..." she started to reply but needing to pause for a couple of seconds before continuing. "I just thought that if I wasn't in close proximity to her, she could continue her student and adult life and be safe from all those demons that are hunting me. I thought I was keeping her safe by ignoring her attempts to bring me home..." She finished, a lump in her throat forming, making her gulp and wipe at her eyes before any tears successfully fell, like they were threatening to. Sam meant the utter world to her and she wouldn't be able to live with herself if anything happened to her. "I guess that was stupid thinking" she said once more, annoyed at herself.
Chas nodded and when the doors opened to the lift, he exited it with her and let her find what she needed to whilst he scoped round the floor, looking for all the cameras and making notes of all their locations. He also made notes of where each blind spot was near every camera, and the ones that had no blind spot because their views would cross each other, he used a rune design John would use on occasion to disable them, by pulling out a pencil and drawing them on the walls discreetly, said a few words and watched the runes glowed softly before turning invisible to show they were working. Turning to his left, he found where the doctor's office was, making himself pull all of his efforts into not storming ahead and just beating the living shit out of him himself. As a father, it angered him in ways he never thought possible, especially as he had onlyrecently been making real progress in making his own family life better than it was. Even if he knew things would never be the same with his wife. He made his way back to Serena, seeing that she was managing to get her shadows to find the patients that were having nightmares, which would have been relatively easy as they all had nightmares due to their own mental health and with what they were going through from this monster of a man. He gave her a light double tap on the shoulder to let her know he was back. "I found all the cameras, disabled the ones that would be an issue for us and found the office we need" he explained in a hushed tone.