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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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Kay and Chas both nodded (albeit for different reasons) at Serena's words about hoping she could trust everyone here and that it wouldn't put John in a difficult position. With Chas goi g upstairs Kay listened to what else Serena had to say to her, making her smile very slightly. "I hope we're both in the right place and I'm glad you found me as well Serena. I'm not afraid of what I am, I'm just...confused about it that's all. It's a lot to acknowledge when I thought I was either crazy or just normal" she explained to her. "if that even makes any sense at all" she sort of half chuckled sheepishly.

Chas hesrd what John said, finding his words suddenly explained why he was witnessing his beatt friend pacing back and forth the way he was. "okay 1) we're talking about that later and 2) it's about Serena. Her behaviour is down to a bite mark on the back of her neck from something that came from Hell. Happened a few days ago and she's getting feverish. She's also says she was blessed by the Shadow of the moon. She's his vessel. That's why demons are after her as well as Kay." he explained." she didn't want you knowing as she shouldn't even exist and she doesn't want you to be in a spot where you kill her. She just wants to live like Kay does. But right now she needs the bite mark seeing to or she will be dead." he continued.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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John closed the book and set it on the desk, frowning. "Now I understand why she was so worried...those linked to gods can be a messy business..." but she seemed in way more control then others I have seen in the past...there must be a reason for that. But" HE moved a pulled another book down and said "Demon bugs are easy to take care of. She take care of the demon already?"

Serena smiled weakly at Kay and said "Good...that's...really..." She suddenly leaned forward, her face red. She was shaking badly now and her breathing sharp. "Kay...something is...wrong..." She slipped off the couch, hitting the floor and crying out in pain. John looked down and cursed. "Okay, maybe not so easy..."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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Chas listened to what John was saying, nodding at his words, "yeah she said she took care of the demon, but not before she got bit" he explained to him, as Kay was still talking to Serena downstairs. He was about to say more when he heard the crying happened downstairs, making him also look over the balcony and see what was happening. "well bollocks." he agreed, "guess you'll be helping her even quicker. Kay refused to let Serena die" he told him. Kay quickly squatted down on the floor beside Serena wondering what the hell to do to help her she had no idea how to stop the fitting, finding the only thing she could do was hold Serena's hand to try and give some kind of support to show the woman she wasn't going anywhere. "guys!! PLease help her!" She called up, looking up and behind her at the two men above her. Her eyes pleading for the help, not wanting anyone else to die around her. She looked back at Serena, "I'm not going anywhere, I'm here." she told her.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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John jumped down and ran over. "Lay her on her side! I need to get that bite right now!" He landed by the girl and looked at the now pulsing with energy. John cursed and said "Chas, I need everything that we have for a purification now!" He checked Serena's pulse that wasn't stable. He looked at Kay and said "Its dark energy, its burning thru her body. We have to clean her body of the energy now"

Serena was panting, her eyes dull as she muttered "It hurts...a lot..."
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As John jumped down and told her to lay Serena on her side, Kay did exactly as she was told whilst brushing the woman's hair out of the way of the bite mark on the back of her neck. She remained by Serena's side but made sure to keep out of John's way so he could actually do what was needed. At the order pretty much shouted at him, Chas quickly hurried to where John kept everything and grabbed what he could that he recognised as being used for purification purposes. He ran downstairs with it all and gave it to John as John explained what they needed to do to Kay to which she nodded. "I'll help in any way I can" she replied to him before turning to Serena, "its gonna be okay, John can help you'll see" she told her trying to give her as much of an reassuring smile as she possibly could. "tell us what we need to do John" Chas requested from him, also wanting to help. Seeing the young woman on the floor expressing how much it was hurting did get to him emotionally. He never wanted anyone to hurt, not in this way and it was clear that Serena was in incredible amounts of pain to him, yet he also had a lot of faith in John and his abilities.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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John was grabbing things and pouring them into a bowl he had grabbed on his way over, muttering over it as fast as he could. Then he looked up and said “alright, this is going to hurt, a lot. But we have to do the fast method to save her soul in time..the nasty bugger is poisoning her very soul...if she were a full human, she would already be a soulless vessel of the demon world...”

Serena was shaking, sweat pouring all over her. John finished mixing and then put the mixture onto the bite then moved to put it on her face. “Chas, you will have to help hold her down...Kay? Don’t let her move or let her give up, alright?”

He moved so her head was in his lap now and he started chanting over her, a seal appearing around them as small trails of red smoke started to lift from Serena’s body. As this happened Serena cried out in a new level of pain, trying to move away.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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Kay found herself continuing to try and calm Serena as calm as possible whilst she was watching what John was doing. As he combined ingredients in the bowl and what she guessed was enchanting them in some way, she kept an eye on Serena before John eventually spoke up once more telling herself and Chas what to do. Chas nodded and walked round, squatting down and holding Serena down by her legs whilst Kay nodded. "got it" they both said in unison. They let John angle Serena in. A position so he could help her and went silent so he could work, seeing the seal appear around them before they both witnessed the red smoke escaping Serena which they both could summarise as being to do with the demon's attachment that was on her. As Serena screamed and cried in pain, Kay and Chas kept her down whilst Kay also kept ahold of her hand. "you're doing great Serena... Just keep going" she reassured her, "come on, you wanna feel how warm my wings are? Then keep going" she told her, wanting to say anything to keep the woman fighting for her life.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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John was flinching as the magic worked, finding it harder to cleanse a demigod then he had thought. He kept his chanted up, a glow starting in his eyes to show how much effort he was using. Serena shaking badly, her breathing labored as she opened her eyes weakly to see Kay. Then her eyes glowed silver again and she said in a soft voice “the gods...they worry for their flamed messenger...they sent me...to protect...the shadow of the moon...the guardian of the...” then she cried out again, he smoke getting thicker and faster as it was pulled out of her.

John was panting and looked at Chas. “This is heavy stuff...this wasn’t a normal bug sting....this was meant to bring down a GOD...how she lasted this long....” suddenly the seal flashed and the smoke seems to be blown out of her, making Serena gasp. Then it was over. Serena went limp on the floor, looking a mess. John leaned back, making sure to keep Serena’s head safe on his lap. “Let’s move her to one of the rooms...she will be out for a while...” John looked like a mess, panting.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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Kay kept watching as John seemed to be going above and beyond into helping Serena. She felt so thankful that he was helping her so much when he could have left her to die. She couldn't understand why she felt so compelled to help Serena herself, or why she just had to have her on her side, which only got more curisour when Serena started talking about the two of them as her eyes glowed silver. She kept a friendly firm hold of Serena as she saw the smoke and seal die out and finally leave Serena's body, making her slump and go unconscious. Nodding at John's words, she let go of Serena's words as Chas got intto a position where he could pick up the woman and take her to one of the spare rooms, which he did leaving Kay and John alone in the main room.

"thank you for helping her John." she first said, placing her and on top of his own hand, seeing just how worn out he was. The idea that whatever bit Serena was designed to bring Serena down once and for all was just another large bombshell that she was trying to compute as well as knowing she saved her from that demon attack only a couple of hours ago now whilst dealing with that infection made Kay feel all the more greatful for everything that was done to keep her safe. "what do you think what she said meant? Worried about the flamed messenger? Did she mean me?" she had to ask him, realising she was still touching his hand and pulling it away. "am I really that much of a big deal to this whole magical world?" she asked, waving her hands round her to gesture the whole world around them. The idea of her being anything than normal was absolutely baffling to her as she never saw herself as anything but average."only thing I know is that I need a bloody stiff drink" she commented.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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John smiled at her weakly and said “my guess? She must have been channeling their wishes in her weakened state...the flamed messenger is another name for what your kind used to be called. Must be why she was drawn to you...”

He flinched and lowered his head, clearly tapped out. “We will figure it out...don’t worry...she’s out of the woods now. Just needs time to recover. I can’t believe she was able to fight off the other demon why hurting like this...” he slowly got up, his breathing a little labored.

Serena was limp in Chas’s arms, shaking a little as he laid her down in the bed. The shadows around the room moved around, watching her with wordy.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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Kay found it curious and interesting that her kind had so many names. Yet she could clearly tell that John was tapped out and probably needed to rest himself. She felt almost guilty still talking to him when he was so worn out. The important thing that she should be focusing on was indeed the fact that Serena was out of the woods and would make a full recovery. "right.." she replied as she too got up, realising only now that she left her bag unattended the entire time this was going on. "I should let you rest..is there somewhere I can crash for the night?" she asked him, not wanting to bother him any longer than she had been.

When Chas laid Serena down on the bed, he quietly left, but left the door ajar so if she needed any of them, they'd hear her call out and they could easily check in on her if needed without disturbing her too much as well. Reaching the main room once more, he saw Joh. And Kay now standing but John was clearly worn out from exerting himself so much. "mate you look like you need to rest yourself" he told him.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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John waved his hand and said “I’m alright...you can have anywhere you wish. There’s another room by Serena if you want a bed to yourself...and the bathroom is at the end of the hallway...” he swayed a little and saw Chas. “Hey mate...no I’m alright. I need to look up what the heck that was...if more of demons like that show up I’d rather be prepared...”

He started to wake back to the stairs but after he took a few steps the whole room spun and he grabbed the wall. He closed his eyes a moment, hoping to shake off the feeling. “Mind helping her to a room Chas?”
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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Kay could tell that John wasn't alright even though he was stubbornly saying he was. "thanks" she replied, making note of where the bathroom was if she ever needed it, but then remembered she already knew where it was after going after Serena initially. Seeing John sway a little she was glad that Chas returned when he did, because she was convinced John was going to pass out. Both of them could could understand why John would want to be more prepared, they all did deep down. Both watched him closely as he headed to the stairs, easily seeing how uneasy he was on his feet. "sure thing mate, then I'm back to help you out because you're clearly not okay" he told him back, gesturing for Kay to follow him, which she did.

On the way to the hallway, she quickly grabbed her bag and followed Chas through the hallway and to the other spare room that was available. Stepping inside, it wasn't the best looking room but it had a comfortable enough looking bed. She could see it was mostly used as possibly a storage room judging by some stuff that was casually placed in there. "this should be alright for you. Sorry about the mess he keeps but it'll be better than the couch, trust me" Chas said to her with a small smile. "anything is better than concrete floor and tarp if I'm lucky" Kay countered to him, to which he looked at her as if to say 'touché'. "we'll I'll leave you to it, if you need either of us just hollah. I'll be here long enough to make sure John gets some rest then I'll be back in the morning" he explained with Kay nodding in response. "thank you" she said back, letting him leave the room as she walked over and slowly sat on the bed. A small content sigh escaping her as she felt once again a mattress beneath her and soft bedding. Dropping her bag beside her on the floor, she pulled off her coat and laid it over her bag before kicking her boots off and getting under the cover fully dressed out of habit. It took her only a couple of minutes before she was out like a light, the softness of the fabrics of the bedding lulling her to sleep.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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John waited till the pair was gone and he flinched, holding his head. “That was more work then I thought...both these girls are going to make things interesting...” he stopped at the stairs and the room spun again. His legs buckled and he grabbed the railing, holding himself up.

He heard steps behind him and he muttered “Chas...”
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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As Chas returned he saw the state John was in and ran over, making him head to the couch instead of attempting going upstairs. "nah ah, you ain't going up a spiral staircase when you're about to faint. Just for once in yer bloody life pause and rest up" he said to John. To anyone else his tone may have come across as quite harsh, but he knew with John sometimes, just sometimes he had to give him some kind of authorative tone or his mate just wouldn't do anything sensible. It always came from a caring place though. "if the girls can rest up then so can you, research can wait until the morning. The girls aren't going anywhere, this place is heavily warded to protect all inside it, so there's no reason to over do it tonight" he added, hoping that for once his best mate would actually listen to him even though it sometimes felt like it was a rare moment when he did. He made John sit on the couch before perching on the coffee table edge.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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John sat down and held his head, shaking it as Chas sat across from him. “Just loose on my steps is all...you don’t have to stick around. You have a promise to keep...I’ll be fine really....” he would wait till Chas left then go back to his work. He was tapped out and he knew it, bu the girls lives were on the line.

He looked up at him, his eyes dull. “Really I’m good. Just need to get my bearings and I’m solid...nothing get me down long...”
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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Chas knew he did indeed have a promise to keep, but he was still concerned about his friend also. He also knew his mate better than he liked sometimes. He looked at his mate, seeing how dull his eyes were and sighed. "if I leave I want you to promise me that you'll at least take a break before trying anything. I know the girl's loves are at risk, but like I said they're safe here. You know that more than anyone else. If I show up in the morning and hear you overworked yourself or find you in a mess on the floor or at the desk I won't be happy" he warned him. "so please for my own sanity as well yours, take a decent break before even thinking of getting back to work" he practically pleaded with John, before sighing and standing up.

Kay's sleep was deep but it wasn't entirely peaceful, like a lot of nights it was filled with her horrid memories as a kid, as well as the 'what ifs' surrounding if she was caught by demons and not saved or escaped. In her sleep she gripped the pillow and duvet tightly around her that even her wings struggled to appear and comfort her like they normally would. Tears streaked down her cheeks, but were hidden by strands of her hair that laid over her face.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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John smiled weakly and said “of course. I won’t move from here until I’m feeling better. I swear. Now get home Chas...you have a sweet girl waiting for you...two of them if I remember right?” He smiled again, lying thru his teeth. But he wasn’t keeping Chas from his family anymore. He had done enough to his best friend as it was.

The shadows in the room moved and wrapped around Kay protectively, seeming to want to help in some way. Serena was still out cold in her room but her powers were still acting on her will.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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Chas nodded and patted his mate on the shoulder, "I'll see you and the girls in the morning" he told him, he knew he was lying through his teeth, as it was clear as day how turbulent the acquaintance between John and Renee was. Everyone around them knew how much each other despised the other, but always appreciated the fact they tried to remain neutral for Chas and Geraldine's sake. John was after all still the godfather to his daughter. Satisfied that John would stay sat down for a bit, he left the house and went home for the night.

Kay was unaware that she was getting comfort from Serena's shadows, but Fee wasn't. Fee from within Kay's soul appreciated the help in trying to calm Kay, knowing that any help was a good thing. Without it, Kay's fire ability could get out of control like once before in an abandoned apartment block where she fell asleep near an old barrel from a previous squatter. Her nightmares became too much for her and she set the barrel and its contents on fire. The smell of fire and smoke stirred Kay awake and made her make a swift exit, in denial that it was of her doing before seeing the fire fill the floor of the apartment block and break through the windows. So the last thing Fee wanted was for Kay's powers to become unstable and possibly burn down John's house.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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John waved goodbye to him then once he heard the door shut he got up, heading up to his work space again. Slower this time to make sure he didn’t fall over. He stood over the desk and started looking over things but a strange symbol caught his eye. He moved over and picked it up, moving other papers off of it. It was a symbol that had been found when Serena’s energy had first popped up. He frowned and started to look into that.

It was almost dawn when John was on the ladder pulling books down when a strange wind blew thru the room. He cursed and moved off the ladder, book in hand. He turned slowly, his mind already tired as he said “alright...whose there? I am not in the mood for anything but a hard drink and a bed but I don’t get to have those things right now so bugger off” suddenly a dark laugh and a huge burst of wind hit John, sending him flying and slamming into the bookcase, making his slid down and hit the floor. He was barely able to sit up and moved his hands in a certain way and muttered “I banish this evil back to the depths...here me now spirits!” The wind was stopped but he wasn’t strong enough to banish it fully. But suddenly shadows jumped up and helped, pulling the wind ghost back to hell where it belong. John felt blood somewhere on his person when he saw a all black wolf appear before him, silver eyes looking back at him.

“They will start coming, magic one...you must be ready...” the wolf vanished and John tried to get to his feet. But it was too much and he fell forward, hitting the floor and blacking out.
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