Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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Fia nodded as she pulled away from the hug slightly, "yeah, and in turn you...Well, your mental state" she replied truthfully. Kay looked at her with curiosity and sadness as those words spoken seemed to say so much. If whatever happens in Fia and Drake's time is bad enough to make them time travel backwards to save them, then it must be a big deal, bigger than any of them could have previously imagined. It brought forward just how dire it could be if Hell got her. There was so much to lose she never really thought about before.

Chas listened with great interest and scrutiny to make sure he didn't miss a single bit of information. He looked at Serena when she spoke up about the mage from the tunnels and nodded, agreeing with her, "it'd make sense, if he himself came from the kid's timeline or something, then he'd definitely know more than we currently do" he said, thinking as he was speaking.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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John frowned and said “I take it it’s worse then me checking myself into the nut house?” He pulled Kay to his side and said “we will just have to make sure that doesn’t happen…”

Serena looked at Drake and said “we can’t let anything happen to Kay and John. I need to take out this Papa” she tried to stand up, her leg stiff as Drake went white. “Mom no! That’s too risky. Listen…” he paused and looked at Fia, not sure all he could say. Then he said “It’s not Aunt Kay papa is after. He went after John because…uncle John was seen with you Mom. Papa is after you”
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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Fia sighed and nodded lightly, "its on par with that and getting to being worse...yeah. I'm risking a lot leaving future you alone..." she replied, not wanting to say more but she still wanted to stress how important it was that they didn't fail in what they were trying to accomplish. She then overheard the conversation between Drake and the others and stepped over, standing beside Drake.

"Drake is right Serena. Trust us, you do NOT want to be going after Midnite. He is still incredibly powerful in our time and unfortunately something that cannot be changed. Not to mention, that what Drake said is true, he's more after you and your shadow ability than he is mum and dad. If you go after him you'll be serving yourself up on a platter to him." she explained, urgency in her voice. "so please, don't go after him. It's safer for everyone if you stay away" she added.

"so what are we to do? I can't stay in this millhouse for the rest of my life, nor can Serena. We'll get cabin fever for a start" Kay spoke up finally, staying close to John.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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John nodded and said “and we can’t keep getting jumped either. Does this have to do with the god talk in Seattle? That nut job thinking Serena was Nyx?”

Serena rubbed her temples, her head pounding. “I can’t just let others get hurt…if he wants me, I’d like him to try to take me. I’ve fought my whole life…I won’t let this endanger Kay or John and their future…”

Drake glanced at Fia and said “mom please…you were almost taken today. They will keep coming…”
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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Everyone in the room listened to everything being spoken, hearing all opinions before anyone decided to say anything else. Kay then was the first to speak up, seeing the frustration on the kids' faces that was born from concern for them all. "Serena, no one is asking you to let anyone get hurt or jeopardise anyone's futures. But you're not the only one who has to fight all their life. All of us have had to fight all our loves for one reason or another. If our kids have come back in time to stop what's looming, then we should trust their opinions on this matter. Right now, they know more than we do and because of that I'm trusting their instinct. If they say you need to stay as far away from Midnite as possible, then quite frankly I'd trust them" she explained.

Fia glanced at Kay, a little surprised that she was agreeing with her and Drake over something, but looked back at Serena nodding and pointing in Kay's direction as if to say 'listen to her'. "we can all come together here as a group to fight, where we have all the power in this millhouse. In my home" she said in agreement with Kay. "the girls and Drake are right. Just because you've fought all your life alone doesn't mean you have to keep fighting alone. If something happens to you, you're jeopardising Drake's life now, not just yours" Josh spoke up calmly, looking at the much bigger picture.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Serena looked around at all of them then sighed and closed her eyes. “I’m not losing anyone else…but I’m also not just going to sit back and watch either…it’s not how I work” John was thinking and then said “who are the main concerns here that we need to avoid?”
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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Everyone around Serena nodded in understanding at her words, they understood where she was coming from and none of them were asking for her to just stand back and not do anything. They were just asking her not to do it alone and avoid the right people. At John's question, Fia sighed and pinched her nose as she was dreading this question the most. "I'm gonna warn you now dad. You're not gonna like what I'm gonna tell you." she warned, "obviously from what you're future self has told me in stories, The First of the fallen is a given. He wants mum just to have one up on Lucifer. That you all know anyway, but the next name I'm gonna give you, you're not gonna like, someone you know of, at least in my time... Its Antone Arcane whose also on the prowl for mum, he's even being willing to work with Pralaya so he can twist time to make these changes to try and win... And he does in my time" she explained.

"wait...are you saying the very embodiment of The Void is working with the immortality obsessed 19th century douchebag to continue his life of immortality by having Kay?!" Chas exclaimed, almost choking on his words. Fia nodded in a somber manner. "and he practically wins....with Pralaya's help, he gets mum from The First of the fallen and taints her essence so drastically she becomes a black shadow phoenix, burning the country down city by city, giving him all the souls he could ever want...this is why I said it also fucks with you dad mentally..." she continued.

"but what about Serena?"Josh asked, wondering how she comes into all of this. "how do you think Antone and Pralaya successfully turn mum into a shadow?" Fia said, looking at Josh, to make him figure it out for himself.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Serena was looking down and said “because I’m the one who taints her…I get turned and I use my power of the night to turn her too…why I have no idea. Something must happen to make me turn”

John was staring, his eyes burning in anger. The glass near him cracked as he muttered “Fia…is that Papa midnight goal? Turning Serena into his personal reaper of darkness?”

Trish moved to Josh and w held his hand. “Bro…”
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

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Fia and Kay both felt the anger coursing through John because of the bond. It was unbearable and it was the kind of anger that Fia was trying to avoid putting on him, but it seemed she failed in that part. As she let them all take in what she was saying, she sadly nodded at his question. "in a round about way....yes" Fia replied sadly. "he has help from Pralaya to do so and from what we-" she gestured between herself and Drake, "managed to figure out, he's made some kind of deal with her so he and his gang are safe from whatever happens to the world. If he helps in making Serena lose so much control, she becomes his reaper of darkness that not even you manage to stop" she sighed as she finished explaining.

Josh looked down at Trish and took her hand back, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "it's gonna be okay Trish. I promise.." he said to her, then looked up at them all, glancing round the room. "this all happens in the future, right? Way after you two have been born? So... We got time to come up with a safe plan?" he asked. Fia looked at Drake then back at Josh, "it does, but they're wanting to bring the destruction forward....so me and Drake don't try and fix things and stop it. We're a thorn in their sides and a threat to them" she said.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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John still couldn’t answer but moved back and said “pardon me a moment…” he slipped down the hallway and Serena looked up. “We need to figure out this deal with the god rebirth. I think that’s key to part of this. We have to find out why this started in Seattle”

Trish pulled on Joshs hand and said “Serena’s hand getting black. It’s gone now. But it was black last night when she got back from Seattle…is that something”

Once John was down the hall a ways he roared and smashed the wall hard with his hand. He cracked the wall and his hand as he shook with rage. He was losing it.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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Kay looked at John when he shrugged away from her and excused himself from the room. She couldn't help but look back and wonder what was going on in his mind. She even toyed with following him but Serena speaking, made her snap her attention back to the room and conversation at hand. "I'd say then let's see if there's anything in these books about it and start from there" she suggested, as she noticed Trish tugging on Josh's hand and speaking to him.

Josh looked down as Trish tugged on his arm and reminding him about the state of Serena's hand from the night before. "well remembered Trish" he replied to her then looking at Drake, "do you know anything about that? Serenaehand turned black last night after the events in Seattle, is that linked to all this?" he asked his future son, hoping that they could give an answer to about that little situation they had to deal with, when John's growl was heard by them all.

"I'll go after him" Kay said, lifting her hand up to stop Chas or Fia going after him. She then swiftly exited the room and walked around to find him, eventually succeeding in doing so. Cautiously walking up to him, she placed her hand on his shoulder, "john? You okay?" she asked.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Drake blinked and looked at his mother wide eyed. “Yes. It’s part of her powers. When she does something that’s dark like, her body will start to take on the form of that darkness. Is this the first time it’s happened?” Serena nodded and said “yes. But it didn’t show up till on our way back…”

Drake nodded and said “when you questioned it. Mom, your a guardian. Your job is to protect. Having doubts about that duty…yes, you killed the guy. But he was a threat to the lives you are charged with. You don’t have to question that…you used to tell me that we are soldiers for the gods, but we are more so the guardians of humans.” Serena blinked at Drake and then smiled softly. “Maybe I learned it from my own son…”

John was shaking as he muttered “I fail…in the future and even now I fail to keep you safe…I fail so badly our own daughter has to step up…”
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

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Josh and Chas listen to the explanation that Drake was giving Serena about why she was getting a black shadowy hand after the onslaught in Seattle. Neither could say they fully understood the How's about it all, but they did think the explanation made some kind of sense to them. "so we need to keep her away from anyone that will release the dark side of her?" Josh suggested, but partly in question.

Kay let John speak and sighed when she hesrd him out himself down so much over what was happening, "John listen to me, you haven't failed yet and I don't believe for a second that what happens in Fia's time is down to you failing. None of that is going to be your fault okay? And the fact they've told us how it all happens we can have the upper hand in stopping it, unlike our future selves." she replied to him." but right now, all you've proven to me is that you can succeed in keeping me safe. You got me back from that crazed mage, you saved me in that warehouse, from the iron cage... You saved me from those demons in the alleyway by getting me out of there and offering your home up to me. You're my saviour John Constantine" she told him with conviction.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Drake tiled his head and said “more…keep her from reaching her true path. Making her give into the evil that is within all of us. It’s more the actions and reactions then people”

John looked at her and said “Serena saved you in that alley…I just gave you shelter. That warehouse I could have killed you with that spell going wrong…the mage would still be coming if Serena hadn’t killed him like I should have…” he lowered his head and muttered “I’m a failure Kay…I get shot and made a target…
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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Josh nodded, but Chas thought it. Might end up being easier said than done. He didn't know if his pessimistic thought was because he'd been around John for so long or if he genuinely was almost losing hope in keeping rhe girls safe, but either way it truly did feel like they were barrelling straight into something they couldn't change. "so how do we do that?" Josh asked next.

Kay let him speak, but hearing what he was saying was breaking her heart. She hated hearing that he was blaming himself for everything when in her eyes it wasn't his fault. She had a target on her back years before he came into her life. She placed her hand on his cheek and looked at him back, "John, Serena may have done the fighting in the alleyway, but you got me out of there, by giving me the shelter of this home you saved my life that night. If the demons hadn't of got me, the cold weather and living on the streets, not knowing when my next meal was coming would have. As for the warehouse? Yeah, the spell went wrong but you still got me out of the iron cage, you got me to Chas and safety. You wouldn't have killed me in that warehouse, that iron cage was killing me, draining me and making me weak. And as for the mage in Seattle, well, me being caught was my own doing, I didn't stay alert when doing such an mundane task as taking the trash out. I let my guard down and its that that got me caught. If that mage was still around and coming then we would be fighting side by side to take him out. So please.... Please don't call yourself a failure."she told him, almost begging him at the end.

During the group's split and chatter, Fia weighed up where she should go, should she stay in the main part of the room with Drake and the others or go after John and Kay. In the end. She chose to find her parents, and as she got near, but out of sight, she overheard what Kay and John were saying to each other making her lean against the wall in hiding as she listened. She eventually showed herself, by stepping out slowly, "guys, you two are an utter powerhouse of a couple in my time. Dad, if you were a failure in keeping mum safe, then you wouldn't have me. I'm proof you're not a failure." she told them.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Drake rubbed his neck and looked at Serena who was listened but had her eyes closed. “I…have no idea. If I did I would have done it in the future…” Trish looked at Chas and askEd “how do you keep John from going dark?”

John looked at her then pulled her into his arms and kissed her. He pulled back and said “your right…blaming myself doesn’t help things…right now I have to find a way to keep our future safe…our kids safe. And I know how to do it. We take out the bad guys before they become real threats”

He looked at Fia and said “I need a list of all the players in the future that cause this. It’s time we took the fight to them. We find them before they are strong in the future and make sure they don’t get that way”
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

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Chas wasn't expecting Trish to ask him any questions on the subject being discussed, let alone the question she actually asked. "uhh...honestly, I usually find a way to knock him out if it's really bad or constantly talk him down, even if it's shoving a bottle of alcohol in his hand and make him get so pissed he just passes out" he shrugged. He knew his answer wasn't helpful in the slightest to Serena's situation, but when it came to John, there wasn't many options he could do. "which I'm aware isn't useful or helpful. Wish I could be more help with this" he then added with a sigh.

Kay let John pull her into him, returning the kiss gladly even if it was a reaction she wasn't expecting from him. She was glad however that what she said seemed tog et through to him somewhat and make some kind of difference to his outlook. She gave him a small reassuring smile and nod, "right" she said, before turning her head and looking at Fia when her voice broke through the moment. She let John reply as she saw Fia nod after giving what he said a bit of a think. "okay...but we do this as a team. You can't succeed on your own" Fia replied to her dad.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Trish frowned and looked at Josh then Serena said out of the blue “kiss me. Josh already figured it out this afternoon. In the alley. I was losing control and he snapped me out of it. I need to be rooted and to remember why the heck I do this. I used to volunteer at clinics when I was on the run…reminded me that I love to help people…”

John nodded and said “oh I know love. Serena and Kay have proven that much. We don’t go alone anymore. At any time. This afternoon was a close enough call with Chas getting hit in his cab”
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

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Josh gave Trish's hand a reassuring squeeze when she looked at him before looking at Serena as she spoke up, telling everyone in the room exactly how he managed to snap her out of her anger and dark turn. He turned ever so slightly pink in the cheeks and ran his hands through his hair sheepishly over it, but nodded. "then I'll keep reminding you of why you're here" he said, half mumbling the answer which made Chas smirk, forcing himself to stop himself from sniggering. Young love was so reassuring for him to see and in a way a sign of hope that in this shit world full of darkness and hatred, there was still a chance for something good in the world.

Fia and Kay both nodded their agreement that no one in the group should go alone anywhere. The only people remotely safe to do so was Drake and Fia as they could easily get out of a sticky situation by going back to their own time. She did however agree that the rest of the group shouldn't be alone at any moment, just to play safe. "I agree completely, I don't think any of you should be alone right now. Me and Drake can keep watch when needed as we've got the advance supplies and knowledge to do so. But I don't want you letting mum out of your sight, just as Drake don't want Josh to let Serena out of his no doubt." Fia explained.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Serena looked at Drake who was looking between them smiling. “It’s nice to see this again…you two in love and normal…when mom was lost dad took it the hardest…” Trish looked at josh and then back at Drake. “Was I there?” Drake nodded and said “you do amazing things Aunt Trish…”

John nodded and said “I may have a trick for that…all seeing eye charms. I think I have everything to make a few of them. That might help”
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