Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Windstormugly
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Windstormugly Eater of Time

Member Seen 10 mos ago

The world of Chramlede is nothing special, a rocky planet and moon in an unassuming little starsystem with two sibling planets, a gas giant neighbor and a dim yellow star.
On its surface three continents lazily move about, too slow for anyone to notice, flora and fauna as you would expect. Flowering trees along with pines, fish and mammals on land, birds in the sky, dragons in caves.
Tribal groups of intelligent bipedals walking around trying to survive. Praying to their gods no plight or ill befall them. Taming their fear with tools and magic alike.

Chralmede is not the first or alone with its name, floating along in space in time and the astral sea.

A very ordinary place...

You just had to crashland, didn't you?

--- --- ---

Whello there!
If its not clear, Im thinking of starting a little simple scifi meets fantasy story, any interested?
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Silvir
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Silvir Lost Kitten

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Well I would be lying if this didn't look interesting XD
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Windstormugly
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Windstormugly Eater of Time

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Well, lovely to have you here @Silvir any questions as to what this crash will potentially entail for you and your crewmates?
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 1 yr ago

This is really giving me Elex vibes. I like the idea of combining sci-fi and fantasy, though I tend to be more familiar with the latter than the former.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Windstormugly
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Windstormugly Eater of Time

Member Seen 10 mos ago

@Rusalka Glad to hear that :)
I did not know what Elex was but after looking it up I understand what you mean with the vibes.
No problem if you are more familiar with fantasy, you won't need to be knee deep in hard sf to chrashland on Chralmede ;)
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Wolvena
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Wolvena RP loving wolf girl

Member Seen 13 days ago

This defiantly has my attention. ^_^
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Windstormugly
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Windstormugly Eater of Time

Member Seen 10 mos ago

@Wolvena Happy to have you with us :)
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Sapphic Nunnery
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Sapphic Nunnery Decadence Artist

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Is this already started?
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Windstormugly
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Windstormugly Eater of Time

Member Seen 10 mos ago

@Sapphic Nunnery Hi there, no it has not started yet.
I'll be getting the ooc and stuff up and running when one or two more people have shown an interest in the idea. Then the rp itself will start maybe a week after, allowing for everyone to make characters and getting to know the premise better.

I'm guessing you are interested in the idea, so, anything I can elaborate :) ?
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Silvir
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Silvir Lost Kitten

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Well, lovely to have you here @Silvir any questions as to what this crash will potentially entail for you and your crewmates?

Accidentally crashing onto a village killing everyone and becoming worshiped as gods by the neighbours O_O
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Windstormugly
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Windstormugly Eater of Time

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Accidentally crashing onto a village killing everyone and becoming worshiped as gods by the neighbours O_O

That would certainly be a stereotypical order of events, let us see what happens.

Im debating with myself if you should have a prologue scene to the crash and thus a potential to direct your splash-zone.
Or if I should just roll dice and see where you end up... if I roll 6 6 6 I'm planning a subnautica play, only you arent equipped for deep sea excursion. Or maybe you are, we shall see ^_^
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Wolvena
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Wolvena RP loving wolf girl

Member Seen 13 days ago

Now you really have me wondering how this is going to go and how I'm going to do things.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Razael
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Razael Lord General

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Windstormugly I would be interested as well if this is still recruiting. Its always a treat to blend such styles together. Going to attempt to call the spot for the Medical specialist or Biologist : p Will everyone be a part of the same crew? Or can/will some of us be wayward from other events that left us marooned? Can/will any of us be natives of the world?
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Sapphic Nunnery
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Sapphic Nunnery Decadence Artist

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Sapphic Nunnery Hi there, no it has not started yet.
I'll be getting the ooc and stuff up and running when one or two more people have shown an interest in the idea. Then the rp itself will start maybe a week after, allowing for everyone to make characters and getting to know the premise better.

I'm guessing you are interested in the idea, so, anything I can elaborate :) ?

Will this be in an overall sci-fantasy galaxy/universe? Or is the magic on planet more akin to superstition? Or is it more akin to an untapped science (how else would they describe it in this case?) to the rest of the galaxy/universe? Basically what I'm leading up to is will/can our characters be magically inclined before crashing? And in what ways? Like are space mages a thing? Or is it more like biotics from Mass Effect?
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Windstormugly
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Windstormugly Eater of Time

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Whello there people! All apologies for my disappearance the last few days. Now then:

@Windstormugly I would be interested as well if this is still recruiting. Its always a treat to blend such styles together. Going to attempt to call the spot for the Medical specialist or Biologist : p Will everyone be a part of the same crew? Or can/will some of us be wayward from other events that left us marooned? Can/will any of us be natives of the world?

Yes, still looking for more people, you are welcome :D

Xenobiologist or medical specialist, you will certainly be damn important either way! (some more information shall be supplied while Im working on this OOC so that you can all start making characters)

Everyone being part of the same crew was my original plan, and I'd prefer to keep it that way for simplicity. (I should mention that the crashing ship is not a tiny thing. And you guys will not have been the only people on it.)

And no native characters, I've got them handled ^_^

Will this be in an overall sci-fantasy galaxy/universe? Or is the magic on planet more akin to superstition? Or is it more akin to an untapped science (how else would they describe it in this case?) to the rest of the galaxy/universe? Basically what I'm leading up to is will/can our characters be magically inclined before crashing? And in what ways? Like are space mages a thing? Or is it more like biotics from Mass Effect?

Good questions, as far as the different alien species on the crashing ship are concerned, there is no magic in the galaxy.

We shall see how your characters decide to understand any supposedly supernatural forces on Chralmede.
As far as your charactes know, they are not capable of magic.
An inclination or affinity though, possible. It will not be something you are aware of at the start of this story.

(Yes, your characters will have the opportunity to somehow acquire magical powers and abilities)


Due to the amount of interest this has garnered I will begin editing and cleaning the proto OOC document.

I will post a brief excerpt so you can start writing your characters soon.

Glad to have you all here :D
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Windstormugly
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Windstormugly Eater of Time

Member Seen 10 mos ago

So, to lessen your waiting, here is almost entirely the Character Sheet I will have you use for your characters.
Some of it will of course make more sense once I've gotten the OOC up, but I think it's functional.

As I put this in the "Free section", I am not expecting an essay for your characters, and if you want to be of an original alien species I don’t need the same amount of rambling as I put to show some guidelines.
Above anything, ask me to elaborate and clarify if you have a question :)

Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Silvir
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Silvir Lost Kitten

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ill just put the character here for now.

Character Sheet:
Name: Tagnan Equil
Species: Gui’ lek
Age: 32
Sex: Male
Appearance: Short in stature with some messy hair that only seem to be get a basic wash regime. Tagnans posture is more of that of prey ready to bounce. Which is quite opposite to the deep intelligent eyes that seem to look through everything they gaze upon. And a very calm face that seldom expresses much but pondering and questions.

Assignment: Medical researcher and ships doctor assistant.
Equipment: when outside his lab he carries a small scanning computer, chemical sampling kit and a field medicine bag. Alongside some small spades, knifes and scissors for plants and the like. And always a bag of snacks. Always…

Skills: Medicine, treatment, basic surgeon, zero G EVA, Nano technology, chemistry.
Cybernetics/Genetics: Extra organ that helps produce stem cells for increased regeneration. Alongside cybernetics for improved protection against cancerous development in the body.
Most Gui’lek also chose to have a brain implant for mental access to networks and improved work efficiency.
Education: Medical science PhD, Biological engineering PhD

Personality: A bit self-absorbed and weak on the small talk Tagnan is at least a good listener when needed and when he figures he should just shut up for a while. Awkward around weapons or violence he prefers to attempt to talk it out or maybe run for the hills. A bit fussy in hectic situations, his only good trait for emergencies is that he is good at taking orders and focusing on his tasks.

Tagnan is a fresh graduate of two PhD’s and an eager explorer to fund his research and gathering of field experience to build up his reputation. He comes from a loving little family of scientists and doctors. And the occasional black sheep engineer. Which pretty much set his career for him as he grew up. Diving in as a nerd into the studies he has remained a single to date and a somewhat lackluster social skill that he might now develop better being stuck on a ship with a crew for a longer period. Since well not much tends to happen in space during these voyages.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Windstormugly
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Windstormugly Eater of Time

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Hello People!

The OOC is up!


Hope to see you all there ^_^
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Shadow Dragon
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Shadow Dragon Lord Of Shadows

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Is there a option for a magical creature to be an imposter in the ship crew? Like, it replaces one of the dead crew members to spy on them?
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Windstormugly
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Windstormugly Eater of Time

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Is there a option for a magical creature to be an imposter in the ship crew? Like, it replaces one of the dead crew members to spy on them?

Hi there!

If something like this happened it would do so after quite a while in the story. The goal to begin with will be focused on introducing your scifi characters to a new world. Everything native will thus be in my purview so I can give the right thematic feel for it.

No Among Us shenanigans to begin with :)
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