Name: Tobias Mervyn "Lionheart" Sinclair
Age: 32

Tobias stands at 6"5, a relatively tall operator with a prettier face than most soldiers would normally have- and probably what would make him a spy if he was in a different business! Whilst in his days as a Royal Marine he had buzzcut hair, his long flowing locks of brown-blonde hair fits that Cornish surfer vibe. He seems well muscled, with a tatooo of a trident on his back, and piercing hazel brown eyes. He has a subtle beard, but it stays put at a five o'clock shadow.
Most striking of all however, is the fact that Tobias has titanium and carbon-fibre reinforced prosthetic legs with a grey-yellow colouring, going from his knees downwards on both legs- and he makes no hiding of it. The "feet" are often bedded into a pair of trainers, though he has gotten used to a pair of carbon fibre skids that basically allow him to run with a "spring" into his step. Whilst this would stop most soldiers dead in their tracks, Tobias is suprisingly adaptive to basically being legless, being still at soldiering levels and with an incredible drive. If anything, his legs if anything allow him to run more efficiently. Whilst most armies would effectively turn him down, if not most private security firms, his track record and talent overcomes this.
Tobias is an interesting case of a soldier- take away two legs and you end up with a character who instead of giving up has in fact, doubled down. His unrelenting nature continues, with Tobias having a naturally inquisitive way of wanting to fix things- he's got a mechanic's mindset and always wants to learn how things work, or adapt things, even extending to himself. After all, he's basically bionic- and is happy to use himself as a testbed more than ever before. This coupled to his strong detirmination to get the job done, and his charm and charisma makes him a natural leader, someone who can get men and women through combat. While he can be a bit happy go lucky and a little greedy, there's no doubting you want him on your side in a firefight.
Nationality: British (Cornish)
Born in Falmouth, Cornwall, Tobias was born into an expectation that he'd join the Royal Navy eventually like his dad did, and like his older brother. Good grades, an aptitude for engineering and technology, and an affinity for the sea, it almost seemed perfect. So the shock of him joining the Marines was plenty enough to them- and for the adventurous young lad to set himself up- skipping uni and anything else to follow into war.
Tobias's talent was proven in fighting- in spite of his lack of education, Tobias was naturally adept at using drones and other equipment, fighting in the closing phases of the Afghan War. He ended up fighting in the SFSG, the UK's Special Forces supporting teams and lead fireteams in various counter-insergency operations, operating covertly. Of course, the money was never great, but serving Queen and Country for five years got him the experience and talent he needed to do his own thing.
After leaving the Marines at the rank of Staff Sergeant, he joined a small private security firm as a frontline consultant, or basically, a line soldier again. At Raven International he made his money, and went through the ranks, serving in Congo, Greenland, Indonesia and Iraq on various rotations, making fat stacks and showcasing his special forces talent. His aptitude with technology, drones and leading teams made him reliable, an operator mentality that got the more specialist jobs done in the PMC. A great time, because he did things his way and knew how to overcome any odds. Well, it was that way until he ended up in an IED attack in Baghdad and it killed most of his squad.
Tobias was left basically to die, if not for the intervention of an NGO to pull him out. Call it a rough way to quit a job, but he had both his legs amputated and was left with nothing but a military pension and a fat redundancy package- no longer useful to man or beast. Rather than slip into alcoholism and even worse, dependency on opioids and drugs to help him ease into prosthetics and a life spent moping about, Tobias decided to take a forward step and actually do something with his grades from before being in the Marines. He studied an undergraduate in Mechanical Engineering and balanced it with part-time work in an engineering start-up in Plymouth, learning how to work on not only his own disability but on how to actually set up, run and operate a combat exoskeleton. Something they used him as a mule for- after all, if a legless guy can use it, so can anyone, right?
Iron Wolf hired him based on the merit of this talent, as well as through a former contact of his at Raven- someone who could be a dependable user of a prototype piece of kit and didn't need him to have all the training. He was the right jigsaw piece for the role- and still has his talent from his past. Perhaps in some ways Tobias is proof that a soldier's mind is more important than body, where the future is concerned, and his unrelenting drive and calm, decisive and friendly demeanour makes him a good soldier and a better person to work with. While his stubborn nature, and sometimes his happy-go-lucky attitude can raise sparks, he looks after those close to him and gets the job done, because he always wants to get paid. But there's more than money to the Lionheart...
Suit Spec/Desciption:
Indie and Folk Music
Local Cider
Outdoorsy Hiking
Fixing and Tinkering with Anything
Puns (if you can make a good one about his legs, you're a winner)
Unpractical things
People who don't like cider
People who haven't got a sense of humour
Not getting paid
Needless paperwork
Age: 32

Tobias stands at 6"5, a relatively tall operator with a prettier face than most soldiers would normally have- and probably what would make him a spy if he was in a different business! Whilst in his days as a Royal Marine he had buzzcut hair, his long flowing locks of brown-blonde hair fits that Cornish surfer vibe. He seems well muscled, with a tatooo of a trident on his back, and piercing hazel brown eyes. He has a subtle beard, but it stays put at a five o'clock shadow.
Most striking of all however, is the fact that Tobias has titanium and carbon-fibre reinforced prosthetic legs with a grey-yellow colouring, going from his knees downwards on both legs- and he makes no hiding of it. The "feet" are often bedded into a pair of trainers, though he has gotten used to a pair of carbon fibre skids that basically allow him to run with a "spring" into his step. Whilst this would stop most soldiers dead in their tracks, Tobias is suprisingly adaptive to basically being legless, being still at soldiering levels and with an incredible drive. If anything, his legs if anything allow him to run more efficiently. Whilst most armies would effectively turn him down, if not most private security firms, his track record and talent overcomes this.
Tobias is an interesting case of a soldier- take away two legs and you end up with a character who instead of giving up has in fact, doubled down. His unrelenting nature continues, with Tobias having a naturally inquisitive way of wanting to fix things- he's got a mechanic's mindset and always wants to learn how things work, or adapt things, even extending to himself. After all, he's basically bionic- and is happy to use himself as a testbed more than ever before. This coupled to his strong detirmination to get the job done, and his charm and charisma makes him a natural leader, someone who can get men and women through combat. While he can be a bit happy go lucky and a little greedy, there's no doubting you want him on your side in a firefight.
Nationality: British (Cornish)
Born in Falmouth, Cornwall, Tobias was born into an expectation that he'd join the Royal Navy eventually like his dad did, and like his older brother. Good grades, an aptitude for engineering and technology, and an affinity for the sea, it almost seemed perfect. So the shock of him joining the Marines was plenty enough to them- and for the adventurous young lad to set himself up- skipping uni and anything else to follow into war.
Tobias's talent was proven in fighting- in spite of his lack of education, Tobias was naturally adept at using drones and other equipment, fighting in the closing phases of the Afghan War. He ended up fighting in the SFSG, the UK's Special Forces supporting teams and lead fireteams in various counter-insergency operations, operating covertly. Of course, the money was never great, but serving Queen and Country for five years got him the experience and talent he needed to do his own thing.
After leaving the Marines at the rank of Staff Sergeant, he joined a small private security firm as a frontline consultant, or basically, a line soldier again. At Raven International he made his money, and went through the ranks, serving in Congo, Greenland, Indonesia and Iraq on various rotations, making fat stacks and showcasing his special forces talent. His aptitude with technology, drones and leading teams made him reliable, an operator mentality that got the more specialist jobs done in the PMC. A great time, because he did things his way and knew how to overcome any odds. Well, it was that way until he ended up in an IED attack in Baghdad and it killed most of his squad.
Tobias was left basically to die, if not for the intervention of an NGO to pull him out. Call it a rough way to quit a job, but he had both his legs amputated and was left with nothing but a military pension and a fat redundancy package- no longer useful to man or beast. Rather than slip into alcoholism and even worse, dependency on opioids and drugs to help him ease into prosthetics and a life spent moping about, Tobias decided to take a forward step and actually do something with his grades from before being in the Marines. He studied an undergraduate in Mechanical Engineering and balanced it with part-time work in an engineering start-up in Plymouth, learning how to work on not only his own disability but on how to actually set up, run and operate a combat exoskeleton. Something they used him as a mule for- after all, if a legless guy can use it, so can anyone, right?
Iron Wolf hired him based on the merit of this talent, as well as through a former contact of his at Raven- someone who could be a dependable user of a prototype piece of kit and didn't need him to have all the training. He was the right jigsaw piece for the role- and still has his talent from his past. Perhaps in some ways Tobias is proof that a soldier's mind is more important than body, where the future is concerned, and his unrelenting drive and calm, decisive and friendly demeanour makes him a good soldier and a better person to work with. While his stubborn nature, and sometimes his happy-go-lucky attitude can raise sparks, he looks after those close to him and gets the job done, because he always wants to get paid. But there's more than money to the Lionheart...
Suit Spec/Desciption:
Firehound 01-004 isn't a very nice name, so "Galahad" just had to be the name of the Firehound that Tobias uses.
Galahad had originally been a smaller, more infantry-focused design, with Tobias asking for it to be scaled up and designed with heavy armour, fast fire and good mobility in mind. That design had been combined with another similar one similar one from the more original part of the programe. It seems to have more curve to it, with a sleeker, cleaner look rather than a rough-edge look. While function is key, it seems to have a more polished, cleaner look.
The suit was given a bolster in armor, up to six and a half inches of ballistic materials. On the outside, the outermost layer is a carbon-fibre and nanoweave mixture, that could resist small arms fire up to 5.56, and it was only 5cm thick, giving the suit a honeycomb and carbon-fibre look that is ideal for conserving the armor below it. It has a lusterous but dulled look, like it shines at one angle and then at another is blacker than black, the honeycomb/hexagonal carbon fibre weave looking like it was something out of some cyberpunk vision, albeit perhaps very real and much more effectual. Underneath that is about three inches of solid titanium and composite weave armor, a exoskeleton "shell" that the armor is effectively fixed upon, this going from the suit's feet to the neckbrace, which covered from the chin to the centre of the back of the helmet, giving a huge area for bomb blasts to be deflected away from. Under the three inches of hell that was the titanium and composite armor, able to stomach .50 rounds easily, was three inches of dragonskin and kevlar composite, interwoven to be the last line of defense. This was designed predominatly to stop shockwaves hitting, so much so that you could hold a grenade in your hand and not even feel it go off, with a prototype anti-blast foam and liquid armour material employed throughout to stop the shock waves puncturing lungs or damaging the internal organs. Below that, is perhaps the workings of the suit, and a soft grey satin material, Tobias's favorite choice when inside his suit with a climate control system, and a deep-buried hydrogen cell system, as well as a tungsten-titanium frame and exoskeleton that supports all 350kg of the armour.
The exo itself is a hybrid hydraulic-pnumatic type, making the suit go from over a quarter of a ton down to about 20kg, or a standard soldier's armour- and has an inertial stabilisation system to keep it upright, allowing the suit to act as an extension of Tobias's body. There are adaptions for Tobias's lack of lower limbs, the suit effectively mimicking his prosthetics through a plug-in- so yes, this thing basically makes it so he can walk as normal. The helmet is made out of polycarbonate, titanium and layered with a similar nanoweave, with a set of ballistic inserts across it's area, and even the gauntlets of the suit are about an inch thick, made of almost solid titanium and dragonskin with the hand designed to grip around a large weapon's frame. The suit has a large ammunuition rucksack, made out of kevlar an inch thick, similarly matt black and honeycomb in color. The "boots" of the suit are almost as thick as the main torso of the suit's material without compromising mobility, being elegantly designed and fitting as the base of the exo's working unit.
Inside the helmet, the visor is made of a prototype one-way transparent glass-reinforced nanofibre, that he has seen resist a direct 7.62 round to a small area, with only a tiny hairline crack appearing to it. It has a holographic HUD integrated, with the suit having an voice and blink recognition system, and an arm-mounted PDA and multipurpose system for configuring "modes" in the suit- to harness the exoskeleton for either a more charging, overdrive mode, or a more stable shooting platform. The suit is CBRN ready, and the visor features a thermal and night vision mode, as well as an electronic warfare mode and a near-ultraviolet imaging system.
Speaking of weaponry, a platform like this allows for far heavier than usual weaponry to be carried into the battlefield with a large ammunition pack and a power source in the suit. Miniguns such as the M134, or even a lightened version of the GAU-19 allow for a firepower that even an LMG can barely keep up with, while classics like the M2 .50 cal and Mark 19 GMG allow for overhwelming firepower from .50 cal rounds or 40mm projectiles, carried like a two-handed weapon. Other custom equipment, such as a heavy flamethrower, or dual-wielding automatic shotguns or LMGs are also on the cards- there's certainly plenty more options to hand. Mind you, there are some very interesting additions on the horizon that are in the pipeline- everything from a Tesla-coil based lightening gun to a suit-portable railgun are on the horizon, and can offer a very exotic, if at all specialist tool for use. Secondaries usually take the form of adapted high-ammo count SMGs, such as the P90, MP7 or modified M4A1 carbines with drum mags, as well as pistols as an absolute backup, or melee tools such as trench clubs, maces and combat axes.
As for shoulder-mounted munitions, a variety of weapons technology is also on the cards, ranging from point-lock anti-tank missiles, smoke grenades, mortar shells to anti-infantry projectiles. Hand or shoulder-fired grenades are often in the cluster variety, useful for clearing out often hordes, rather than singular enemies, as well as oversized smoke and stun grenades. The use of a shoulder-mounted suit-portable Trophy System also helps negate RPG, anti-tank and other large projectile weaponry be negated. Unlike the Stormhound, Tobias's armour relies upon carrying weapons without hardpoints, a fact that has its own advantages in swinging weaponry around, but comes with its own problems too in dexterity and weapon handling.
The Firehound is also futureproofed, and while not relying on a turbine system, could be upgraded. Future upgrades include the use of a jump-jet system to "leap" the suit, a harpoon/grapple system,
Often a Loadout comprises of:
Primary Carried Weapon (one of)
GAU-19 .50 caliber minigun
M134D 7.62mm minigun
Select-fire 20mm caliber chaingun (single-shot/3rnd burst)
Multi-feed 12 gauge automatic shotgun
Multi-feed semi-automatic 40mm grenade launcher
Shoulder Mounted Munition (one of):
4-tube anti-armour missile launcher
2-tube Stinger anti-aircraft missile launcher
Mini-Missile (12) Light Anti-Air/Anti-Tank/Multi-Munition HE
4-tube APKWS-Compact launcher
Secondary Arms (one pair of):
2x P90
2x MP7A2
2x Vector KRISS
2x M4A1 (Drum Fed, 50-Round mag)
Melee Weapon:
Fire Axe (oversized)
4x V40 Cluster Grenades
4x Smoke Grenades
Personal Weaponry:
Kimber Warrior M1911
Scout Knife
Firehound 01-004 isn't a very nice name, so "Galahad" just had to be the name of the Firehound that Tobias uses.
Galahad had originally been a smaller, more infantry-focused design, with Tobias asking for it to be scaled up and designed with heavy armour, fast fire and good mobility in mind. That design had been combined with another similar one similar one from the more original part of the programe. It seems to have more curve to it, with a sleeker, cleaner look rather than a rough-edge look. While function is key, it seems to have a more polished, cleaner look.
The suit was given a bolster in armor, up to six and a half inches of ballistic materials. On the outside, the outermost layer is a carbon-fibre and nanoweave mixture, that could resist small arms fire up to 5.56, and it was only 5cm thick, giving the suit a honeycomb and carbon-fibre look that is ideal for conserving the armor below it. It has a lusterous but dulled look, like it shines at one angle and then at another is blacker than black, the honeycomb/hexagonal carbon fibre weave looking like it was something out of some cyberpunk vision, albeit perhaps very real and much more effectual. Underneath that is about three inches of solid titanium and composite weave armor, a exoskeleton "shell" that the armor is effectively fixed upon, this going from the suit's feet to the neckbrace, which covered from the chin to the centre of the back of the helmet, giving a huge area for bomb blasts to be deflected away from. Under the three inches of hell that was the titanium and composite armor, able to stomach .50 rounds easily, was three inches of dragonskin and kevlar composite, interwoven to be the last line of defense. This was designed predominatly to stop shockwaves hitting, so much so that you could hold a grenade in your hand and not even feel it go off, with a prototype anti-blast foam and liquid armour material employed throughout to stop the shock waves puncturing lungs or damaging the internal organs. Below that, is perhaps the workings of the suit, and a soft grey satin material, Tobias's favorite choice when inside his suit with a climate control system, and a deep-buried hydrogen cell system, as well as a tungsten-titanium frame and exoskeleton that supports all 350kg of the armour.
The exo itself is a hybrid hydraulic-pnumatic type, making the suit go from over a quarter of a ton down to about 20kg, or a standard soldier's armour- and has an inertial stabilisation system to keep it upright, allowing the suit to act as an extension of Tobias's body. There are adaptions for Tobias's lack of lower limbs, the suit effectively mimicking his prosthetics through a plug-in- so yes, this thing basically makes it so he can walk as normal. The helmet is made out of polycarbonate, titanium and layered with a similar nanoweave, with a set of ballistic inserts across it's area, and even the gauntlets of the suit are about an inch thick, made of almost solid titanium and dragonskin with the hand designed to grip around a large weapon's frame. The suit has a large ammunuition rucksack, made out of kevlar an inch thick, similarly matt black and honeycomb in color. The "boots" of the suit are almost as thick as the main torso of the suit's material without compromising mobility, being elegantly designed and fitting as the base of the exo's working unit.
Inside the helmet, the visor is made of a prototype one-way transparent glass-reinforced nanofibre, that he has seen resist a direct 7.62 round to a small area, with only a tiny hairline crack appearing to it. It has a holographic HUD integrated, with the suit having an voice and blink recognition system, and an arm-mounted PDA and multipurpose system for configuring "modes" in the suit- to harness the exoskeleton for either a more charging, overdrive mode, or a more stable shooting platform. The suit is CBRN ready, and the visor features a thermal and night vision mode, as well as an electronic warfare mode and a near-ultraviolet imaging system.
Speaking of weaponry, a platform like this allows for far heavier than usual weaponry to be carried into the battlefield with a large ammunition pack and a power source in the suit. Miniguns such as the M134, or even a lightened version of the GAU-19 allow for a firepower that even an LMG can barely keep up with, while classics like the M2 .50 cal and Mark 19 GMG allow for overhwelming firepower from .50 cal rounds or 40mm projectiles, carried like a two-handed weapon. Other custom equipment, such as a heavy flamethrower, or dual-wielding automatic shotguns or LMGs are also on the cards- there's certainly plenty more options to hand. Mind you, there are some very interesting additions on the horizon that are in the pipeline- everything from a Tesla-coil based lightening gun to a suit-portable railgun are on the horizon, and can offer a very exotic, if at all specialist tool for use. Secondaries usually take the form of adapted high-ammo count SMGs, such as the P90, MP7 or modified M4A1 carbines with drum mags, as well as pistols as an absolute backup, or melee tools such as trench clubs, maces and combat axes.
As for shoulder-mounted munitions, a variety of weapons technology is also on the cards, ranging from point-lock anti-tank missiles, smoke grenades, mortar shells to anti-infantry projectiles. Hand or shoulder-fired grenades are often in the cluster variety, useful for clearing out often hordes, rather than singular enemies, as well as oversized smoke and stun grenades. The use of a shoulder-mounted suit-portable Trophy System also helps negate RPG, anti-tank and other large projectile weaponry be negated. Unlike the Stormhound, Tobias's armour relies upon carrying weapons without hardpoints, a fact that has its own advantages in swinging weaponry around, but comes with its own problems too in dexterity and weapon handling.
The Firehound is also futureproofed, and while not relying on a turbine system, could be upgraded. Future upgrades include the use of a jump-jet system to "leap" the suit, a harpoon/grapple system,
Often a Loadout comprises of:
Primary Carried Weapon (one of)
GAU-19 .50 caliber minigun
M134D 7.62mm minigun
Select-fire 20mm caliber chaingun (single-shot/3rnd burst)
Multi-feed 12 gauge automatic shotgun
Multi-feed semi-automatic 40mm grenade launcher
Shoulder Mounted Munition (one of):
4-tube anti-armour missile launcher
2-tube Stinger anti-aircraft missile launcher
Mini-Missile (12) Light Anti-Air/Anti-Tank/Multi-Munition HE
4-tube APKWS-Compact launcher
Secondary Arms (one pair of):
2x P90
2x MP7A2
2x Vector KRISS
2x M4A1 (Drum Fed, 50-Round mag)
Melee Weapon:
Fire Axe (oversized)
4x V40 Cluster Grenades
4x Smoke Grenades
Personal Weaponry:
Kimber Warrior M1911
Scout Knife
Indie and Folk Music
Local Cider
Outdoorsy Hiking
Fixing and Tinkering with Anything
Puns (if you can make a good one about his legs, you're a winner)
Unpractical things
People who don't like cider
People who haven't got a sense of humour
Not getting paid
Needless paperwork
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