Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Wolvena
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Wolvena RP loving wolf girl

Member Seen 11 hrs ago


After the plan and teams were decided, Esme walked over to the back of Duke's truck, grabbed her duffle bag, unzipped it, and began to pull out the items she needed, wincing as she heard Anna’s words. Her first pick was her favorite pistol, which she tucked into her right jacket pocket. Then she took out flasks of salt and holy water, a couple of knives, and extra ammo, all of which she shoved into the pockets of her jacket and jeans. The last item Esme pulled from her duffle was a foot-and-a-half-long steel rod with an intricate inlaid design in iron. She didn't use it often, as it held some painful memories for her and was a gift from a family member. She zipped up her duffle and stepped away from Duke's truck. As she walked away, she ran her thumb over the small engraved letters on its surface:

To my fav cuz, from your fav cuz. Love Ari.

When Duke spoke, Esme looked at him and softly laughed at his mischievous smirk. “Can you ever be truly ready to play with demons?” she asked, giving him a mischievous smirk in return, hiding how uncomfortable she felt. With a quick flick of her wrist, it expanded into a five-foot-long bo staff, the ends made of iron. Esme twirled it in front of herself, over her head, then back in front. “Yeah, the sooner we get it over with, the better.” she replied as she stopped spinning the bo staff and planted one end on the ground. Being this close to so many demons made her skin crawl and feel incredibly uneasy. She hoped to keep herself in check and not lose control of her powers. She knew at some point, she was going to have to find a solution that would help her stay in control of them. Esme felt lucky knowing she wouldn't have to go it alone. She knew Duke would be there to help her in any way he could.


Before everyone started to group up, Esme took that moment to clear her mind and focus on the task and what needed to be done, not what could happen. The longer she focused, the more her white-knuckled grip on her staff loosened. Sarah had come up, sitting next to her, leaning gently against her during this. Esme was determined to maintain control of her powers so that this whole thing didn’t go sideways for everyone. Esme had finally found her happy place by the time everyone had begun to group up. Taking a deep cleansing breath, she lifted her staff off the ground and walked over to the group as Dean started to bark orders. A small smile came to her lips when Duke interrupted Dean on what they could do before Dean could finish his sentence. “Yes, just like the old days.” she breathed, a small smile still on her lips. As the groups went their ways, Esme found a spot that gave her a clear view of everything.

Sarah came over and sat close to Esme while she watched the others move into their positions. Soon, her gaze focused on Natalia, watching as the woman took up her bow, nocked an arrow, loosed it, and hit her demon target. “Seo sinn a-nis.” she breathed as the demons noticed one of their members down. Esme gripped her staff, readying herself to jump in if either group needed help. As she stood there, she felt a knot growing in the pit of her stomach. No matter how hard Esme tried to ignore it, she couldn’t. Bad feelings and thoughts weren't needed at a time like this, not with how many demons were involved and how she had the tendency to lose control of herself. “Fòcas, Esme, fòcas.” she breathed to herself. “Gheibh thu tro seo gun dad uamhasach a’ tachairt.”
Hidden 4 days ago Post by JustAnna
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JustAnna Hunter

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Anna and Cason

Anna glanced over as Nat and Cason spoke, sighing to herself. She knew that Cason was the most careless of all of them, due to him being extremely hard to kill. But with her limited knowledge of demons, she also knew that demons definitely knew how to take each other out. The thought made her nervous, and she turned her head away from them, toward the open field and the barn of chaos they were about to walk into.

Cason tilted his head to the side, not quite convinced by Nat’s words, but her request stuck with him and he took a deep breath through his nose, turning his eyes from her to nod his head. He couldn’t promise her that he wouldn’t come out of this worse for wear. He was already a target to most demons that he knew, and from the smell of things, he knew at least half of the assholes inside that barn.

“I will do the best I can.”, he answered bluntly, with a soft smile, reserved only for Nat. He resisted the urge to pull her back to him, as she stepped away, a gut feeling telling him that she was safer with him, than not. He had to remove whatever this human worry was, and focus. She would either be okay, or she wouldn’t. At this point, there wasn’t much of an option to change any minds.

As she came back, with her weapon of choice, squared up and ready to go, he once again took a deep breath through his nose, part frustration and part concern. But instead of stopping her, once again, he nodded with a fake attempt at a confident smile, “I’ll see you on the other side. Be smart. Don’t get yourself killed.”


At the base of the hill, Cason stepped up in front of the building, in plain view of the demons there. At first they didn’t notice him, and Anna reached out a hand, grabbing his arm and hissing at him, “Don’t. Follow the plan.”

Cason glanced down at her hand, and smirked with a nod, stepping back out of their eye sight, until he turned to look around the side of the building and saw Nat land a good shot against a demon, drawing attention to herself. With gritted teeth, his eyes turned black and an unnatural panic settled in his chest.

“Hey boys! How’s it goin’?! Pretty night we got here!” He called out to the distracted demons in the front. To his surprise, they didn’t immediately attack. Instead, they stood, their knees slightly bent as they watched him closely, waiting for him to attack, or do something. “I think you got a real nice place here. Party? Wake?”

He fake pouted, as he joked, and one of the demons recognized him, growling a little more audibly. Anna, though momentarily frozen in place by Cason’s stupidity, slipped away from him, and behind a tractor nearby. She walked as gently as she possibly could, before jumping onto one of the demon’s back. She covered his mouth and with both hands, wrapping her legs around his waist as he fell onto his back, directly onto her body. The fall knocked the wind out of her, and she saw stars, but she didn’t loosen her grip, as his skin melted and eventually, he wilted into nothing but bones and boiling blood.

She laid there, relaxing her body for a moment as she tried to regain the breath that was knocked out of her. As she laid there, she hadn’t realized the chaos that was beginning to unfold around her. A body entered her field of fuzzy vision, and she reached her hands out to try and defend herself, but the body slumped and fell to the ground, smoke flowing out of its mouth and into the night sky. Cason stood there, nudging Anna’s leg with his foot, “Get up. C’mon! I can’t do this on my own, and neither can your boyfriend…”

Anna growled in frustration and shoved herself off the ground, standing to her feet to get back into the fight. She didn’t even have time to attack anyone, as she was tackled, right back onto her back again.

“What a pretty little thing Cason has picked up and you can melt demons?!” The demon teased her as he wrapped his hands around her throat. His palms began to smoke and he growled in anger, pulling his jacket sleeves over his hands and going right back to the grip around her throat, tightening down to the point that she couldn’t even begin to feel breath trying to enter her lungs. She slapped at his face, trying to make contact with her bare hands, but her arms weren’t long enough as he pressed her harder into the ground. Before she passed out, she felt a glove being placed on each hand, and then everything went black.


Dean reached a hand out, as Nat pulled her bow string back, ready to tell her to wait until they were all in position. When the arrow made the sickening thud, Dean winced, but lifted an eyebrow. It was a good shot. He would have to tell her about it later, as he didn’t want to yell out to her across the barn. Much to his dismay, several demons turned at the sound. The farm was super quiet, and so even the sound of a body dropping onto the gravel was enough to echo throughout the barn.

“Dammit.” Dean groaned, and then heard Cason’s voice echo through the night, like another arrow piercing the air. Dean closed his eyes tightly, having known it would be Cason that would ruin everything. He waited a moment, hiding behind a wall, and a demon passed him, right on cue. “Hey…dickhead.”

And before the demon could even get a good look at him, he reached into his jacket pocket and tossed a handful of salt into the demons eyes. The demon backed up, pawing at it’s eyes while groaning, and Dean stepped forward, pulling another handful of salt. He wrapped his arm around the demon’s neck and shoved the handful of salt in his mouth, holding his mouth shut as he fought like hell.

After a moment, Dean removed his hand, and the demon smoked out, running like a coward. The body fell to the ground and Dean ran toward the girls, not even sure where they ended up. It was then that he remembered he had Ruby’s knife in his hand, as he was tackled to the ground by a large demon. This demon had to have been a football player in a former life. No matter what Dean did, wiggling his body around, he couldn’t free himself from the weight that held him to the ground, until the demon pushed off to draw a punch and Dean acted quick, shoving the knife through his heart. He twisted the knife with his teeth clenched together, as the demon sparked out, and luckily landed to his side, an arm draped over Dean’s chest.

Dean groaned again, hearing the chaos on the other side of the building, and shoved the demon’s arm off his body. But when he stood up, there were two demons standing in front of him, and no sight of anyone else. Most everything around him was quiet, and a sinking feeling began to settle in the bottom of his gut that something wasn’t quite right.


Duke felt relatively confident as he followed Esme behind the rest of the group. All he had to go with was an iron bar, but as long as he was quick on his feet, that wouldn’t be an issue, it never was. As Nat killed the first demon they came across, Duke smiled ear to ear. Maybe this would be successful.

Just as the thought ran through his mind, a female demon ran up and swiped across his face, out of nowhere with a knife. “Holy shit. Jesus…”, he gasped, taking a few steps back from her, before swiping back at her with his iron bar. The woman turned and took a swipe at Esme, which Duke attempted to catch with his hand. The knife slashed Duke’s palm, and he cried out, pulling his hand to his chest with a growl. “Hey! Me and you, sweetheart…me and you!”

The demon woman turned to him, and sneered, her creepy smile sending a chill down his spine as a larger demon speared Esme out of Duke’s eye sight, making it impossible for him to help her with her own battle. He dug his feet into the ground, his heart fluttering as the woman lunged forward with the knife, barely missing his face, and they began a dodge and weave battle of wit.

“That was close…a little slow…but…”, Duke teased as he continued backing up, dodging all of her slashes and attempts to kill him with the knife. He swiped at her hand, a sparking gash forming against her elbow as she growled and stopped her slashing for a moment, “And we found the weak spot.”

“You’re so cute, cowboy. You’ll be even cuter all bloody and yelling my name…”

“Sweetheart…you ain’t my type. I like my girls alive and a little less forward. I’m also not the yellin’ type.” Duke chuckled, but his smile dropped as she screamed and lunged at him with the knife once again, barely missing his chest. The swiping continued until Duke backed up against the side of the barn, and like clockwork, the knife plunged into his abdomen, wedging itself into the wood behind him. The demon, with her strength, pulled the knife from him, and turned, without saying a word, toward Esme. “Esme! Ah…dammit…RUN!”

Duke was reminded mid sentence that he had a gaping hole in his stomach, placing his hand over it, to try and stop some of the bleeding. It was then that Sarah caught onto what was happening, and pounced on the female demon, causing her to scream out, piercing the quiet night air. After a few moments of thrashing her around (which Duke could only see the poor demon’s body flailing and ragdolling) Sarah bit the woman’s head, causing it to implode, and dropped her sparking body on the ground below her, before returning to help Esme.

Duke leaned his head back against the side of the barn, his vision beginning to fade as he stared at the tree tops, trying to count each one. The last thing he could remember seeing before he lost conciousness was Cason’s face, the demon’s voice seemingly far away as he screamed at him.

“C’mon! We gotta group up. Come on. Dammit, that looks bad. You’re alright. Let’s go group up.” Cason shouted at him, before hoisting him off the ground, and attempting to run toward the others with him.
Hidden 16 hrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 15 hrs ago


If there was one thing that Nat did notice before they all went their separate ways, it was that Cason didn't or felt he couldn't, promise her not to do anything reckless and come back to her. His words of "I'll do the best I can" rang through her mind constantly which just made her determined to keep to her word that she wouldn't get herself killed or hurt so he didn't feel like he had to do something reckless. She just had to trust that although Sam didn't like him in the slightest, he wouldn't let Cason ruin whatever it was she and him were becoming and keep him alive and safe. If not for Cason, but for her. She knew Sam knew she would never forgive him if something happened on his watch.

Forcing her mind to keep on the present, she smirked as the demon she shot went down like a dead weight, smoke appearing as the coated arrow yip pierced through the host's flesh. She always felt a tad bad for killing the innocent person in the process but time was of the essence tonight and she knew they couldn't save every single human inside. She didn't even think about Dean behind her possibly trying to get her to stop and not take the shot just at that moment. She had an agenda against demons, she wanted justice for everything they had put her through for years and she wasn't going to wait on permission by her big brother. It was solely when Dean cursed and Cason's voiced echoed out to everyone in the vicinity did she remotely feel bad for not waiting on everyone else. With Dean hiding behind a wall, she took to remaining behind a couple of bushes and a tree so she could try and remain stealthy as much as possible, whilst Mika took the other side of the barn's wall.

Mika, on the opposite side to Dean, snuck forward as she saw another demon follow his comrade out of the barn. "Well hey there soldier" she cooed in the ear, making him swiftly spin round without taking any precautions, stepping right into Mika's blade stupidly. "Oh sorry, forgot I had it" she smirked, twisting it and yanking it out as she watched the demon writhe and twitch as the realisation of the blade being coated in salt was coursing through his body, making him smoke out and flee. As the body dropped to the ground, she turned round ready to go back to Nat but she took was cornered by another demon, stopping her from getting to Nat. "Well hi there sweet thing. How about you tango with me without the cheats?" He coyly spoke, stepping towards her, making her back up so she could study his actions. He then started quickly towards her, making it impossible for her dart out of the way in time. The demon gripped her by her neck and sniffed her deeply. "You smell...different. you're not like your team. Interesting...very very interesting!" He smirked, making Mika grimace and feel confused by his words.

She tried to wriggle out of his grip, but all it did was make his grip tighter. She began to gasp for air, raising her hands to try and wrangle herself free. "Get off of her!" Nat threatened, bow raised, arrow nocked and aiming right for his head. Mika stated at Natalia, unsure if she could trust the girl's aim when she was in front of the target. Yet she knew she had to trust Nat with all her might. "Aww the little psycho bitch is proving herself of her title! Tell me, how's life outside of the asylum?" He replied, but that just pissed Nat off even more, making her loose her arrow which struck the demon right in the skull, with only the breeze of the arrow in the air being felt by Mika. "Thanks!" Mika gasped as she regained her breath. "Always" Natalia commented back.

With a nod exchanged by both girls, they began to run round to try and find Dean but they couldn't find him. "What the hell?" They both said in unison. This wasn't making a heap of sense but they had to keep trying holding down the fort for the others. "You go left, I'll go right and keep finding Dean, stay safe" Mika instructed, trusting that Natalia would be okay separating from her. It was risk, but they had no choice. So separating they did. It was only then did Mika find Dean being cornered by two demons. "Shit" she cursed.

Natalia used this moment to climb as best she could go the roof of the barn after finding some haystacks she could use for steps. Reaching the roof, she looked around. She could see Duke and Esme trying to hold down the advantage on their enemies, whilst also spotting Cason, Sam and Anna Beth with their old fight. Lifting her arm over her shoulder to grab another arrow to nock in her bow, she drew the string back once more, debating on who to help first. She turned between Duke's group and Sam's several times before finally deciding on helping Sam's group. Just as she was about to loose the arrow, she got shoved off the roof, her bow flying out of her hands, clambering on the ground as she rolled and smacked her head hard onto the ground. Everything began to go hazy and dark, but she didn't fully black out straight away, not until she saw two feet walk towards her.


Sam refused to be far from either Annabeth or Cason, but he had his own battles going on. A female demon aimed right for him, as he headed himself up for a fight. He knew just because the host was seemingly a small framed woman, it didn't mean they were going to be an easy fight. He flipped his knife in his hand, making sure he had a good grip on it. "Stop toying with me already" hele said, just wanting this night over with. He hated they were all split up in groups, even though he agreed it was the best plan but it felt like it was all going wrong. Almost as if these demons knew they would go in for an ambush attack. He charged the female demon as she charged him, using the same tricks as Dean by grabbing the salt in his pocket and throwing it right in her eyes, making her scream and s ratchet at her eyes. With her temporarily blinded, he went for the kill, stabbing her right in the heart, forcing the demon to smoke out, whilst the meat suit dropped to the ground dead.

Turning on his heels, he saw Annabeth go down and was ready to run when Cason beat him to it, getting her up on her feet, only to end up back down again and getting knocked out. He saw the assailant and went to charge, but he got hit round the back of his head, falling to the ground. "Shit..." He managed to curse out before he felt his eyes behind to shut. Refusing to go out, he shook the pain off, waking once more and stumbling back onto his feet. "Anna!" He called out, stumbling over to her to try and give her some kind of cover.

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