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Hidden 23 days ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


Mika knew the rules of the house but she didn't care. She would have taken Bobby's lecture about getting intimate on the couch gladly right now. The way Dean trailed kisses and bites down her throat just sent her wild as she gripped onto his back, keeping her legs linked and tangled up in his and then...the car pulled up and ruined everything. she groaned in slight annoyance at being interrupted as she shifted just enough for Dean prop himself up on his elbow to try and look out the window. It quickly became clear there was no continuing where they left off as he spoke about putting it on hold until much later tonight. Smirking, she let him climb over her first before she scrambled up and off the couch, leaning down to hurriedly grab her shorts and hoodie off the floor.

Hearing the back kitchen door open and Dean greet Anna, she knew she had to be quicker as she slipped her arms in her hoodie sleeves and zipping it up at the front, whilst Dean covered her as best he could. The whole almost getting caught scenario was amusing her to no end, even if it panicked her ever so slightly. In her shorts and hoodie once again, she stepped up behind Dean, giving him a little tap on his back to signal she was good, even if her hair was yet again matted and she was rather flushed looking. Looking over his shoulder, she saw the way Anna walked in, it was clear the girl still wasn't willing to talk to him, and somehow she looked even more upset and angry than when they left for the diner. “what, did they run out of burgers or something?” She joked, hoping to lighten the mood whilst also not even imagining what the truth could be.

She then watched as Cason walked Natalia in behind Sam, with Cason giving the discreet warning in the form of advice that Dean shouldn't count on Anna talking to him any time soon. Sam just gave her and Dean a shake of the head to say ‘don’t push it…’ as he really was about to attempt to defuse the bomb that was clearly about to drop in the form of the girls. Mika rose an eyebrow in curiosity, if Sam was giving them that look then something pretty big happened and it was starting to dawn on her what that could be. “Dean…I think we should–” she began to warn, trying to grab for him to pull him away from Natalia but it was too late.


Natalia was really trying to decide if she even wanted to get back in the house. How could she look at Dean and not punch his lights out for lying to her and betraying the promise he gave her. The whole short drive back to the house caused her to think back on everything, and now it was all making sense why he was so adamant to do the suicide mission in bringing Cason back out of the asylum with him. It all made sense why he gave Mika a look that said ‘i mean it' before he did so. It was all falling into place in her head finally. He didn't do it for her, he went back in there to try and clear his guilty conscience. That was why he and Cason constantly were making jabs at each other in the car back, why they were purposely being vague to not upset her. She knew she should be hating Cason for also going along with the lie and hiding the truth from her, but as she thought about it, she could see Cason was possibly doing it for her sake. To try and keep some peace between her and her brother. Yes she was angry when he brushed off the seriousness of it all, but he wouldn't have been put in that position if Dean didn't make a damn selfish decision in the barn.

She felt Cason's arm firmly round her as they walked into the house, he was trying to stop her from exploding. Well it wasn't going to work this time. There was no just swallowing her anger down and letting it go. Not this time. She ignored Dean as he glanced at her when they got inside, putting the bag down on the kitchen table, briefly closing her eyes to try and center herself but it was pointless. “Screw it…” she muttered under breath, shrugging out of Cason's grip, turning on her heels and throwing the hardest punch she could muster right into Dean's face. “Natalia!!” Mika shouted at her in disappointment, but Nat didn't care for the scolding. “No! I'm not scolded this time! I'm not a child! He betrayed me…again! You all just followed his damn orders like some dogs on a leash! Dean, you are so close to being dead to me! You're my BROTHER and all you do is break promises and hurt me! I hate you!!” She practically yelled at him, turning to the bag, grabbing her burger and storming out into the lot.

Her fists were shaking as she stormed through the lot before clapping eyes on the impala. She knew she shouldn't but when she passed a tool box, her intrusive angry thoughts won out. She had to get this anger out of her system, so she grabbed the hammer as it was the first thing her hand found and she just threw it, a strained scream escaping her lips as she did, smashing the front passenger window, the hammer landing inside on the seat. not even caring who could hear her or see what she did. Storming over to her car, she climbed onto the hood of it and opened her burger, angrily eating it as she cried.


As Anna got out of the car, he quickly opened his own door and got out, jogging to try and catch up to her. He had to do what he could to try and keep the calm, but he didn't know how. He was dreading everyone getting back into the house as it was clear to him and Cason that it wasn't going to be light hearted like it was when they left. He walked in behind Anna and saw the way she still ignored Dean. That wasn't entirely shocking as it was very clear she was still fed up of Dean's crap. He was never going to rush her into forgiving Dean as he knew that would be an impossible request. He had to let her learn to forgive him in her own time, even if he hated the tension between them.

When Dean said she couldn't ignore him forever and would have to talk to him eventually, he gave Dean a shake of his head, especially when Mika chimed in with a poor joke. His shake of the head matched Cason's words as he and Nat stepped in behind. He watched Natalia's actions with scrutiny, feeling on edge as she turned away from Dean but that didn't last. It felt like he had been thrown into fast forward as before he or Cason could grab her to yank her back, her fist collided fast and hard into Dean's face. Mika instantly scolding her which just resulted in a barrage of anger thrown at her and Dean. “Nat come back!” He called out, seeing her storm out of the house with her burger. He knew that too well, she was about to angry eating outside. He glanced at Cason before speaking, “go after her, you're the only one she won't push away” he requested of the man before he flinched at the sound of a window smashing and Nat's screaming.

His blood ran cold as he rushed to the kitchen window and looked outside, “oh crap…” he simply said, slowly looking towards Dean. “you best not look outside” he warned as he watched Mika tending to Dean's cheek.
Hidden 23 days ago Post by Wolvena
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Wolvena RP loving wolf girl

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Esme immediately felt how her words bit Duke after she reciprocated his ‘I love you’ but added to it. She was pretty sure he'd want her to repeat it, but he never pulled away to ask her to say it before she moved to push his jeans off his hips. Esme made a mental note to find a time to tell him again. Not only did she want him to feel how she loved him, but she also wanted him to hear how much she loved him. Even knowing he knew, Esme still felt the need to let him know and wasn’t sure if she could tell him enough. She was also surprised that Duke allowed her to press kisses along his face. She knew how he felt about the action. Esme would have stopped if he wanted her to, but this showed her he was keeping to his promise of trying to let her in, and it made her heart swell. Before she made it back to his lips, it was hard to miss the toothy smile on Duke’s lips from her kissing his eyes and the tip of his nose. That sweetness was for him and him alone.

Esme could feel the urgency in Duke’s kiss as soon as their lips met. When his hands slipped carefully under her hips again to pull her tightly against him, a smile came to her lips behind the kiss as she wrapped her arms around his neck when he lifted her off the counter and carried her over to his bed.

A little bit later

Esme’s breathing was calming slowly as she laid cuddled up next to Duke, her arm draped over him and her hand resting on his chest while under his quilt. It almost seemed like she was lying there next to him in a dream. She had been in this RV so many times, but she never saw herself being in this position with Duke. Yes, she had grown to love him way back when, but she never thought she’d meet back up with him and be here in his arms or bed. When Duke tilted his head down and brushed her hair with his fingers, she tilted her head up to meet his loving gaze with her own as she brushed her thumb against his chest. A smile came to Esme’s lips when she felt Duke shudder and moved his hand to draw circles on her shoulder, carefully avoiding any scrapes and bruises. His tease caused her to laugh softly while also hearing the car door slam in the nearby lot. Like Duke, she didn’t think anyone would come bursting through the RV door, so she ignored it and focused back on Duke as he teased her with a tired chuckle.

“Trouble am I?” she softly laughed. “ But you already knew that before you brought me to your bed, and you know you wouldn’t have me any other way.” she teased back with a smirk. Esme watched Duke as he turned a bit to lay more on his side and studied her face. Then he brought his hand up, caged her jaw in his hand, and smirked, commenting how she was his. She looked into Duke’s blue eyes. ‘Oh no, I’ve created a monster.’ she jokingly thought. Esme slid her hand up his chest to rest on his cheek and lovingly brushed her thumb along it. “Yes, Bright Eyes. I’m yours, and you're mine. Forever and after.” she told him softly. Esme was close to pulling Duke in closer to her, if that was even possible, when a scream echoed through the lot, followed by the sound of breaking glass, causing her to jump. The loving look in her eyes turned to one of concern. “Which one of us should check that out? Or should we both go?” she asked Duke.
Hidden 23 days ago Post by JustAnna
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JustAnna Hunter / Maybe Soldier Boy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Dean’s body was tense as it seemed like everyone in the room was trying to keep him from being light hearted with Anna, and they all seemed worried about what was going to happen when Nat got into the house. Even Sam seemed to be warning him not to say anything to Natalia, and he didn’t like it. He didn’t like it one bit.

He took a step back when Mika pulled him back, and Nat stepped into the kitchen. Dean raised his arms out to his sides, questioning Nat with his eyes as she ignored him and walked straight for the kitchen table. He turned, following her with his eyes, and before he even knew what happened, she had shrugged out of Cason’s grip and hit him. The blow landed heavy against his cheek and the side of his eye, and he groaned loudly, stumbling backward. His hand instantly came put to press against his cheek and he shook his head roughly to get rid of the stars that were swimming around in his brain.

“Son of a bitch!” He cried out, cracking his jaw a bit to make sure Nat didn’t break anything as she started to scream at them, mostly him. Dean’s angry expression fell and he reached a hand out for her as she screamed at him, “Nat wait. I know what this is about. I can explain…Nat!”

As he reached for her, she stormed out of the kitchen and Dean brought his hand back to his face as he turned almost in a complete circle, the anger and confusion rumbling up in his stomach. “Dammit! What the hell?! She goes out for an hour and suddenly she comes back and…”

Dean’s words were broken off as the smash of glass echoed in the lot. He figured, at first, that Nat had taken her frustration out on some random stacked hunk of metal in the lot. It was something he had done seemingly a million times. You go out in the lot with a crowbar and you beat the hell out of the beaters there, in order to vent some frustration. But as Sam walked over to the window, and warned Dean not to look outside, Dean quickly pushed Mika’s hand away and jogged over to the window. The Impala’s passenger side window was missing, and glass covered the gravel beneath it.

“MY CAR?! She punches me in the face and then she goes after MY CAR?!” Dean shouted in anger, studying the broken window as his anger and frustration bubbled like a boiling pot. He turned back and his eyes instantly fell on a target…Anna.


Anna stood still against the kitchen counter as the others walked in. She knew that the tension was going to boil over, right there and then, but she wasn’t quite prepared for what happened as Nat walked through the back door. The punch knocked the wind out of Anna, as she raised her eyes to look at Dean’s expression, trying to read what level of anger her actions had caused. He didn’t seem to even begin to blame her at first, until the glass smashing outside caught everyone’s ears.

…please don’t be the Impala…

The second that Dean cried out about his car, Anna closed her eyes with a sigh, and tightened her arms around herself. Nat’s outburst wasn’t going to be the end of this fight, not my a long shot. Anna almost regretted ever saying anything to Nat, until Dean’s eyes landed on her.

“What the hell did you do?” Dean practically growled at her, like an animal. Anna stepped away from the counter, and she walked toward the door, planning to just walk away from him before she listened to another one of his lectures. Suddenly, he crossed the room and wrapped an arm so tightly around her upper arm that she thought it was going to snap in half in his hand. He then turned her and shoved her aggressively into the corner by the door. “You’re not walking out of this house. I should have never let you walk INTO this house…”

“Dean…” Anna warned, glaring up at him as he pressed a little harder against her. “Let me go…now.”

“No. See? You’re not all hopped up on demon blood. So, until you look me in the eyes and tell me what you said to her, we’re getting comfy.” Dean growled, pulling up an arm to press against Anna’s upper chest, just putting a tiny bit of pressure on her throat. Anna tilted her head back, but she kept her glare, tears pricking the corners of her eyes. Dean leaned a little heavier against her arm and Anna let out a tiny whimper.

“I just told her the t-truth. She deserved that much. You’re just angry you weren’t in control of the situation.” Anna spat at Dean through gritted teeth. Suddenly, Dean rolled his arm up and he pressed it harder against her chin, his own teeth clenched to the point that he was shaking with anger. He completely ignored that Anna was beginning to struggle a little more against him.

“You know…I’ve let a lot go. But I’m going to tell you this. You’re not a part of this. The only reason you’re still here is because everyone around here knows that if you’re out there, you’ll turn into some kind of monster.” Dean started, speaking through gritted teeth, disgust gracing his face in a way that made Anna whimper, a few tears falling down her cheeks as she struggled against his arm, “Ever since you showed up, it’s been nothing but chaos. It’s like you were sent here. You get a little demon blood in your system. You feel powerful, right? You think you’re in charge.”

“No. I don’t…” Anna sobbed, her angry scowl melting into desperation as Dean continued.

“I’m so close to just shoving you out that door, letting you become whatever monster you’re gonna be. Lilith…Alastair…they can have you.” Dean growled, pressing just a little harder against her throat, before finishing, “You knew what this would do. I was going to let her down easy. Nice and easy and painless. But you can’t leave well enough alone. You shut me out, and then you chose to bring the whole castle down, and for what? Hmm? To dig your claws into my sister the way you managed to do to my brother? No. I’ll fix this. But if you slip up…even once, I’ll be there.”

“You’re g-gonna kill me?” Anna struggled out, bringing a hand up to grip Dean’s wrist that was now pressed close to her ear.

“I’ll do what I have to do to keep my family safe. You’re not my family.”

And like that, Dean’s arm was gone and Anna didn’t even take time to catch her breath. She tore her eyes from his angry face, and pulled the door open, running out of the kitchen and onto the gravel. She nearly fell as she missed the steps on the back of the house, and as she stomped past Bobby, he called out to her, but she didn’t turn back. She just kept walking, toward the darkest part of the lot so she could cry alone.

“You’re not my family.”

The words rolled around in her head. She had been around Dean long enough, at this point to know what he meant by those words. She was just another thing for him to hunt. She was just another hunter for him to write off in the wind, and leave to her own defenses. She squeezed her eyes shut and growled as the fear, anger, and heartbreak overwhelmed her chest to the point of pain. And Sam? As usual, Sam would choose his brother…


Cason was fast, but apparently the little firecracker in his arms was faster. He wrapped his arms tighter around Natalia, as she moved, as if she was going to slip his grip. But before he could grab for her arm, the punch had already been thrown, and Cason groaned audibly. He reached back out for her, wincing for Dean, “Dammit. Nat!”

He shut his mouth as soon as he began her outburst toward Mika, not wanting to add fuel to that fire. But when Sam told him to go after Nat, he didn’t hesitate. He took the gentle order from the younger Winchester, and he quickly spun, following Nat out the door. He followed quickly behind her, but paused as she picked up the hammer, “Natalia…put the hammer down. C’mon. Lets just go eat some food and…”

And she had already thrown the hammer with a scream. Cason threw his hands up, his eyes landing on the breaking glass that was still falling all around the passenger door of the Impala, onto the gravel. There was no way this wouldn’t be an explosion. Dean would be out there any second to explode all over the place, because if there was one thing that meant everything to the guy, other than his family, it was his car. Cason quickly pushed off, no longer feeling the need to chase Nat as she simply walked over to her car and perched on the hood to eat. Cason slowly approached, and climbed up beside her, dropping his arms over his knees as he stared across the lot and sighed, “I know you’re mad. But…you know what? I’m not going to correct you or your decisions. I’m just gonna sit here with you, alright? We’re good?”


Duke smiled a little brighter as Esme’s hand moved up his chest and onto his cheek. It was another small movement of affection that would normally have had him squirming to get away, but he stayed still and allowed it, just staring into her eyes as she repeated the words he had been dying to hear again. He flinched, tightening his grip on Esme’s jaw accidentally, before releasing his grip and placing the hand against her chest with a confused frown.

“That didn’t sound like Mika…” Duke murmured, raising his head a bit to listen for voices. He heard Cason and what sounded like possibly Natalia, and then suddenly Dean’s voice, screaming at someone. That…was his ‘you broke my heart’ voice. Duke groaned, laying back down for a moment with his arm over his eyes, “I think I gotta go check it out. Dean sounds pissed. I don’t want you gettin’ wrapped up in whatever it is and possibly gettin’ hit in the face or somethin’. I’ll be back.”

Duke reluctantly pulled the blankets back, and slung his legs over the edge of the bed, looking around for at least enough clothing to get him in and out of the house in decency. He stood up, grabbing his jeans off the floor and quickly pulled them over his legs, buttoning them but leaving his belt undone. He turned and grabbed his hat off the sink, before gesturing toward Esme with it, “If you don’t want to hang back here…go check on whoever it is that just exploded in the lot. It sounded like Natalia. Oh…”

Duke covered the small space he had walked away, and he leaned a knee on the bed, leaning over Esme and pressing a tight quick kiss to her lips, “I love you. I’ll be right back.”

He then stood back up, stepping into his work boots, leaving his jeans bunched up around the tops. He quickly left the RV before he could change his mind. He jogged down the steps, just in time to see Anna barrel through the door, almost crashing into his chest. “Whoa little one! Hey…hey, what’s wrong?”

“Don’t…touch me!” Anna snapped at Duke, who pulled his hands he had been hovering over her into the air as if she had a gun on him. Without another word, she jogged away from him sobbing. Duke sighed, placing his hat on his head, and stepped into the house. He wasn’t even sure what he was walking in to.

“So what’s goin’ on with the ladies? Let me guess…” He started, but paused as he felt the intense tension in the room.
Hidden 22 days ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


Dean didn't seem to have anything broken after Natalia's punch, even if it was an impressive right hook, which Mika was glad about. The last thing Dean needed was yet another injury even if the last lot were healed up by Castiel. She understood that Nat was angry, but this violent anger had to be dealt with at some point in her eyes. If Natalia couldn't control her outbursts and save them for when hunting, they were going to be in serious trouble trying to tread around her like they were on egg shells. Did she think Nat was warranted for feeling betrayed by Dean? Sure, but she did have to be so violent about it? Probably not. It wasn't healthy in the slightest. She was going to tell Cason herself to go after Nat and make sure she didn't do anything else stupid, but it seemed Sam had beaten her to it with just a look, before Cason was out the door.

Then came the crashing sound outside that made her flinch. ’please don't be Baby…please’ she thought to herself but it seemed her wish wasn't granted as Sam told Dean not to look out the window and she knew that must mean only one thing. Following Dean's over to the window and looking outside, she sighed, dropping her head for a moment as Dean shouted about Nat's actions. That was going to be one hell of a fix for Dean and Bobby to do if it was remotely as bad close up as it looked from this short distance. “Dean…” she spoke cautiously, about to tell him to catch a breath before they went to Nat but it was too late. His eyes landed on Anna, she tried to reach out to grab him before he could get to Anna but he was too quick and had pinned Anna to the wall.

“Dean let her go” she told him, not wanting to be stern with him just yet. Her voice was full of tiredness from the arguments that occurred in the house. She stood beside Sam, knowing he wasn't going to take this well if Dean got any rougher with his girlfriend. Then the barrage of hateful words came spewing out of his mouth, the tightening of his arm against her throat and Anna was struggling against him. “Dean let her go!” She instructed more forcefully, stepping up with Sam and grabbed his shoulder. She tried to pull Dean back with Sam's help as she let Sam do the talking when the most hurtful words of all came out of Dean. ‘you're not family'. With Sam's help, she managed to get him off of Anna, letting her run off to safety.

Letting Sam go after Anna, she sighed, running a hand through her hair in frustration as Duke came in and asked what the commotion was all about. “Anna told Nat about Dean leaving Cason for dead in the barn. Nat hasn't taken it well. Dean almost suffocated Anna as a reaction to Nat punching him and breaking the impala's window” she explained, giving him the short rundown of what he missed.


Nat knew she played with fire when she threw that hammer at the impala. Hells, a tiny part of her deep at the back of her mind actually regretted the action, but she didn't know how to release her anger in a healthy manner. She had spent so long either having to bottle everything up in the asylum, or take it out on whatever supernatural being they were hunting. She had no healthy coping mechanisms whatsoever, so she ended up breaking an impala window to get at Dean and show she really was fed up with him breaking promises. ’this is why Sam is my favorite brother…’ she thought to herself, barely noticing at first that Cason had run after her. She hadn't even heard him when he asked her to put the hammer down, she was so clouded by her hurt and anger, that the only time she realized he was even there at all, was when he sat beside her on the hood of her car.

She took another angry bite out of her burger as Cason began to talk before changing his tact and deciding to not discuss her actions. She gave a nod as she ate, staring at the impala. She was going to be in so much trouble for that. Swallowing a mouthful, she sighed as she saw Anna running out of the back door and to a darker part of the lot. Her actions caused Dean to take them out on Anna and that made Natalia feel like shit. She never wanted Anna to get the brunt of Dean's anger because of her own actions and she knew she'd have to apologize to the woman for that.

“He just…he really gets under my skin and not in a good way. He's always lying to me. He swore to me he'd get you out…him, Sam and Meeko…they all promised if I just stayed in the car, he'd get you out.” She told Cason, to try and give some context to why she was so angry about what Dean did. “He's always doing this. Says one thing and does the opposite but expects all of us to follow his orders like good little soldiers. I'm sick of it. I've tried to be accommodating and forgiving since he got back from Hell, I've tried SO hard, but he makes it so difficult” she continued between bites. “but he never changes. I get why you kept it from me, and yes I'm a little hurt by it but I get it. You're still yet another victim of his wrath.” She sighed, finishing her burger and scrunching up the wrapper into a ball. “I don't know how Mika stays with him..” she sighed once more before finally having the courage to scoot closer to Cason and rest her head on his shoulder, sliding her arm under his.

“I can't lose you Cason…and knowing I almost did? I can't control how that makes me feel inside. I just–” she started to admit, lifting up another hand to wipe the tears she didn't even notice were falling down her face. She couldn't lose the first person she allowed herself to love, she just couldn't handle that. He was her rock, the one person who kept her fighting for her life far longer than anyone else and if she lost him? She didn't know what she would do.


Sam really wished that sometimes Dean would just listen to him, as he witnessed his brother yet again do the opposite and see the state of the passenger side window in pieces. He tried to warn him, he wanted to break it to him carefully but no, Dean just made things worse for himself. Only, he was only to make it even worse the moment he took one look at Anna. He looked between his brother and Anna, quickly seeing where this was going to go. “Dean…” he began to try and speak, anything to get through to his brother and try and stop whatever it was he was about to do. He glanced at Mika as she glanced at him and without a single word being said, they both stepped into action as Dean's hand went straight into Anna's arm, before he pinned and choked her against the wall with his forearm. That was it, Sam saw red. Now he was pissed off as he stormed over and grabbed at Dean's upper arm to try and pull him off of his girlfriend. “Dean get off her!” He raised his voice, as he tried his hardest to still break Anna free of the grip that held her in place.

He listened as Dean practically spat venom at Anna, saying things that he knew Dean would regret soon enough but would linger round in Anna's head for a long time. “Dean!” He scolded, finally managing to get him off of Anna. He made enough space, whilst blocking Dean from Anna so she could escape, making a quick note of where she ran to. “what the hell is wrong with you?! She did not deserve that!! You're seriously toxic sometimes, you know that?! Everyone here knows you'd have kept that information from Nat as long as possible. We're all partially to blame here. So back off of Anna!!” He practically shouted at Dean, shoving him back so he could go running after Anna, passing Duke in the process.

“Anna!” He called out, looking around for her, weaving between beaten up old cars until he finally saw her, crying in the darkest part of the lot. Rushing over her pulled her into his chest, wrapping his arms around her comfortingly. “Shhh…I got you…I got you” he cooed, showing that for once, he did not take Dean's side. He took hers.
Hidden 22 days ago Post by Wolvena
Avatar of Wolvena

Wolvena RP loving wolf girl

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Esme didn’t react much to Duke’s hand tightening on her jaw before he released it and placed his hand on her chest. She took in his confused frown before he said it didn’t sound like Mika, and like him, she raised her head to listen for voices. She heard Natalia and Cason, then heard Dean screaming at someone. Like Duke, Esme knew that voice as well, and she sighed. As Duke laid back down, Esme propped herself up on her elbow and looked down at him, letting her hand slide back to his chest as he told her he needed to check it out but didn’t want her getting wrapped up in anything and possibly getting hit. She tried to tell him she’d be fine if she went with him, but didn’t have in her to do it. “Alright. I’ll hang back on this one.” As Duke pulled himself out of bed, Esme sat up, holding the quilt around her. She watched Duke grab and put his pants on, then walk over and grab his hat from the sink. Esme gave a slight nod to his suggestion of checking on whoever exploded in the lot. “I can do that.” she responded as he returned to her.

When Duke leaned a knee on the bed, leaned over her, and kissed her, Esme caught his face in her hands and kissed him back. “I love you too.” she said, reluctantly letting him go. “Try not to get yourself into too much trouble with whatever is going on in there.” she told him as she put on his boots and exited the RV. Now in the RV alone, Esme sighed softly, hearing that Duke ran into Anna. She sounded like she was pretty upset and crying. Releasing the quilt, she pulled herself out of the bed and walked over to her duffle and the clothes she had laid out to change into earlier. Running a hand through her hair, Esme quickly and carefully got dressed, deciding to just stick with her tank top as a shirt, slipped on her boots, and grabbed her jacket before walking out of the RV. As soon as her boots hit the gravel, Sarah greeted her with a nuzzle to her leg. “Hey, girl.” she told the hound warmly. Esme scratched Sarah’s head, looking around the lot and spotting Natalia and Cason sitting on Natalia’s car. “Come on, you can come with me.” She walked toward the two, her jacket draped over her arm.

She could hear the two talking, and from what she could make out. Natalia had learned the truth about what happened in the barn. They had all left Cason behind. This could turn out to be tricky. Esme didn’t want to intrude on their conversation, but she did want to make sure that Natalia was alright with how upset she seemed. As she continued her way over, she caught sight of the broken window of the Impala and winced, knowing that it was going to fire up Dean if it hadn’t already. Esme stopped a few feet from Natalia’s car and looked at Cason. “Looks like Duke and I missed quite a bit when we left the house earlier.” she sighed softly. Her gaze then went to Natalia, her features softening. “Are you alright, Natalia?” she asked in concern. Esme then carefully took her jacket off her arm and draped it around her own shoulders, pulling it around herself, suddenly feeling the cool night air nipping at her bare shoulders.
Hidden 22 days ago Post by JustAnna
Avatar of JustAnna

JustAnna Hunter / Maybe Soldier Boy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Dean and Duke

Dean knew before he ever turned to his brother that Sam was seething. He could feel it in Sam’s grip as he pulled him back. Sam stepping in front of him caused him to pause, and for a second, he just stared at Sam’s chest, before raising his eyes to Sam’s face as his brother began to scold him.

“She told her!” He tried to argue with Sam, but Sam was probably right. Once Dean calmed himself down, Sam was right. This wasn’t Anna’s fault. She was just the catalyst to the consequences of his own actions. He didn’t back down, not wanting to show that he knew he was at least partially wrong. He simply glared at Sam until Sam finally shoved him back, Dean rocking back awkwardly on his feet at the force. Dean wiped a frustrated hand down his face, just as Duke walked through the door and asked about what was happening.

Dean turned to Duke and he huffed, staring him down as Mika explained what had happened, “I didn’t almost suffocate her! I just wanted her to hear every damn word I was saying.”

“Every word? So, you told her to leave, right?” Duke defended Anna, knowing all too well how Dean could be when he was this particularly mad. He tipped his hat back and stood with his hands on his hips.

“No I didn’t tell her to leave. I just told her that she’s not going to take my brother…” Dean started, but he didn’t like the way that Duke’s eyes narrowed at him. So, he continued. “She gets close to people, because of those big baby eyes and her soft voice. She digs into them. And then she turns them against each other!”

“You say that about a lot of people that call you out on your crap.” Duke reminded Dean, and Dean took a step toward him, as if he was going to go after his next. But Duke held his hands up, and he tilted his head with his eyebrows raised, as if to say ‘wait a second. Let me finish.’. “Ever think that maybe her tellin’ Nat was a floodgates thing? You and the little one haven’t seemed exactly close since you got back. Seems like it might be weighin’ on her shoulders a bit.”

Dean unclenched the fist that had balled up for Duke, and he frowned at him, before taking in Duke’s appearance, “And where the hell have you been during all this?”

“The RV. Esme was fixin’ me up and stuff. This ain’t about me.” Duke continued to try and diffuse his older brother, holding his hand up. He then pointed that hand at Mika, “You okay? You didn’t catch an elbow or anything…”

“Oh don’t do that!” Dean shouted, and Duke dropped his hand, letting his face go blank as he tilted his head back, a look that Mika knew well. He was challenging Dean, because Duke’s frustration was growing.

“Do what? Check on your girlfriend that you tend to conveniently leave out of the conversation…forcing her onto my tailgate in the middle of the night?” Duke asked condescendingly and Dean balled his fists back up, causing Duke to smirk, “I’m just sayin’ that if you’re this mad, maybe we should give you a breather.”

“And you’ll fix it and be the good guy.” Dean grumbled.

“I didn’t say that. But if you’re thinkin’ it, then I’m pretty sure you know that you’re makin’ your self look like one hell of a bad guy, right now. I’m talkin’ about coolin’ off. No good guy. No bad guy.” Duke explained simply, placing his hands back on his hips. Dean took a deep and shaky breath as he unclenched his fists and Duke nodded, “Or we can all calm down together, hmm?”


Cason caught Natalia’s nod, and he took it at face value, matching it with his own nod. After everything, at least they were okay. He let her just sit in silence and stare at the damage she caused, while eating, until she was ready to start talking. Cason had already kind of figured out what she was going to say. Dean had made her a promise that he never intended to keep. He had such a mean on for Cason that he had just completely obliterated Nat’s trust…willingly. He had assumed she would get over it, or it would be forgotten long enough that when it finally came out, it wouldn’t sting so bad.

Cason just nodded a few times. Everything Nat was saying seemed to be the absolute truth. Dean was an all or nothing type guy. Since he was ripped from Hell, it seemed like whatever personality type he went in with had only been elevated to a point of almost constant rage, fear, and control issues. He finally decided to speak up when she mentioned Mika, and he scoffed, “She stays with him, because despite all his faults, he’s still Dean. There are echoes of that old him, in there.”

Her next words, as she wrapped her arm around his and laid her head on his shoulders caused his chest to tighten a little. He felt a tiny pang of guilt rumble in his stomach at the fact that he had almost failed to escape the impossible situation in the barn. He blamed Dean, sure. But even after Dean let him go, he almost failed.

Cason brought his hand up, and brushed it across Nat’s cheek, before sliding it back into her hair, leaning his cheek against her head with a soft sigh, “Well, that’s over, alright? I’m not going anywhere. You’re not going to lose me, baby…I know there’s no way to convince you to not think about what could have been. But I’m here now. You’re touching me. You’re breathing the same air. We’re okay.”

As Esme approached them, Cason glanced up at her and he didn’t say anything. If anything, Esme might be good to be around, for Nat in the moment. Maybe being around Esme could curb a bit of her anger, and settle her down. He glanced down at Sarah and smiled at her, reaching a hand out, which she nuzzled gently, but stayed at Esme’s side.

“Let’s just say that the powder keg finally exploded…” Cason explained to start helping Esme understand the situation.


After running into Duke, the last thing Anna wanted was to see literally anyone else from the group. She was tempted to run off. She was tempted to just start walking down the back road behind Bobby’s and hope that she ended up somewhere that she could take a bus straight back to California. She wanted to be anywhere that wasn’t with the Winchesters, especially since it was obvious that Sam was going to stick to his brothers guns on literally everything.

“When push comes to shove, you’ll leave me too…”

Her own words played over in her head and she squeezed her eyes closed, letting out a soft sob. She lost everything. She did the right thing, and lost everything, all at once. Because no matter how mean he was, or how much he hurt people, Dean was ultimately the one that they would all follow…off a cliff.

When she heard the heavy footsteps on the gravel, she instantly assumed it was Duke, and she started walking again. She didn’t want to talk to Duke. She didn’t want his blue eyes searching her soul, asking her to forgive Dean, or to come back to the house. She didn’t want to hear his voice as he tried to reason out ways that Dean was wrong…but misguided. She didn’t want to hear Duke, arguably the one that should have left years ago, talk her out of being upset, as the pain in her wrist throbbed and told her otherwise.

But then Sam’s arms were around her, and she turned quickly, her face pressed against his chest. His warmth washed over her like a tidal wave, and she fisted his jacket in both her hands, her body melting as he held her. To her surprise, Sam had come to…her. Sam had picked a side, and it wasn’t his brother.

The dam opened up against his chest, as he held her, her sobs shaking her whole body. She took a step closer to him, letting go of all her control and tried to concentrate on his voice without saying a word.
Hidden 22 days ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


Mika knew Dean wouldn't like hearing the true but shortened rundown she gave Duke, but she still slightly flinched when he shouted his protest of almost suffocating Anna. The poor girl was struggling to breathe and talk, scrambling to get out of his grip, so in her eyes he almost suffocated her. She knew in her heart he would realize he was wrong and he would have apologise to Anna eventually, even if Anna wouldn't want to hear any words out of his mouth. In this moment she was also glad that Duke stepped in because she didn't know how well she could get through to him on her own this time. She listened to the two of talk, watching both their actions intently and seeing how Dean kept fighting with his urge to then attack Duke for being called out.

She really hoped he wouldn't go for Duke as she knew deep down she would have stepped in between them and taken the punch for Duke to really shake Dean out of his anger. Dean never intentionally hurt her, he knew better than to lay a finger on her so if she had to step in and take a punch, it would shake things up and showed she was determined to make a very strong point. That Dean can't use violence and his fists to get out of tough situations. Hearing Duke's words, he was echoing her own thoughts and what she would have told Dean if Duke hadn't stepped inside. Anna was hurting, she was struggling to accept what Dean did...what they all did. It was only a matter of time until she spilled everything out to Natalia.

Mika glanced at Duke as he pointed his hand at her and asked if she was alright. The moment he gave her a look she knew far too well, she knew he was deliberately stirring the pot and annoying Dean all the more for the sake of it. When they were done talking she stepped between the two of them. "Okay, both of you cool off a bit okay?" she began, then turned her head to Duke, "I'm fine, he didn't hurt me in any way so please don't challenge him, not tonight" she asked of him softly and calmly. She understood why he was doing it but she was really not in the mood. It broke her heart when the two of them fought so if she could put a stop to it by simple calm words, she would. She then looked to Dean, "but, and don't be mad when I say this, but he has made some very valid points. Everyone needs to cool off, even you. Especially you. Yes it sucks that this secret has come out the way it has. Believe me, I would have loved to have told Nat in any way that wasn't this. But we can't pretend we could hide it from her forever." she started calmly telling him.

"You know as well as we all do how persistent Nat is when she wants information. If Anna didn't let it slip then eventually Nat would have been asking questions until one of us just caved into her. Yes I'm angry at her for punching you and for what she did to the impala, but think about it. She came out of that horrendous place-" she couldn't even bring herself to say the word 'asylum' anymore. "straight into recovery and hunting whilst also trying to accept she has two older brothers. Just like you and Sam had accept you have a little sister that was kept from you both. That girl has been lied to all her life. That's why she can't cope with the lies and lashes out. She doesn't know how to control any of these strong emotions because she spent so long drugged to high heaven that kept her docile." she finished explaining.

She hoped it would bring some kind of rational thinking to Dean's mind. Mika didn't even know how much of Nat's history Duke knew, but everyone had to know or at least, be reminded of it. Even herself. Mika was so ready to lecture Natalia for punching Dean and act like a mother. Hells, she probably would have slapped the girl but then a heavy hit of reality came to her head. That girl was hurting in ways they couldn't ever begin to understand. Sure, Dean was struggling with his time in Hell, they all went through bouts of intense grief in one way or another, but Nat never had a chance to know the real John Winchester, had a lot of her memories wiped, never got the chance to say goodbye to her mother or learn how to be a normal teenager before she even hit her twenties.

"So yeah, Duke is right. We need you to just take a breather and calm down. Please darlin'" she half begged of him, looking at him with sad but pleading eyes.


The way Cason didn't rush her into talking gave her memories of when he'd do the same in the asylum way back when. The nights of him sneaking into her room, pulling up a chair and just sitting there after giving her slightly better food than what she was being fed until she could feel strong enough to try and talk. The few memories that only ever got stronger in her mind the more he came to her side. It was the one reason why it didn't take her too long to start talking to him now on the hood of her car. She didn't expect him to scoff at her words about Mika, but she knew he was right when he explained why the woman stayed with him and sided with him seemingly blindly. What she didn't know was that in the kitchen, Mika was actually defending her whilst sticking by Dean's side.

As he spoke yet again and called her baby whilst stroking her cheek then to her hair, she closed her eyes as she took in the soft touch. Another tear fell down her face as she made herself believe his words over everything else she had heard this night or would possibly from Dean for damaging the car. She gripped onto him tighter as if his words would cause some cruel fate to rip him from her. "I believe you" she muttered just as Esme came over, Cason explaining in a very short way what happened. At first she couldn't look at Esme, she was one of the group in that barn that prioritised Duke over Cason, even after Cason gave her a damn pet hellhound and saved her life at one point. She couldn't understand due to her anger and hurt how Esme could do something so hurtful. Yet Cason wasn't holding any of that against the woman, so maybe she shouldn't either.

Nat could hear the concern in Esme's voice as she addressed her personally, she didn't know how she could possibly answer that question. She wasn't okay, she was so far from okay. "Yeah...no...I don't really know" she replied, lifting her eyes up to Esme but not moving her head. "I'm so sick of him lying to me, of everyone lying to me. I can't take it anymore Esme." she told her a bit more truthfully than she actually planned to tell Esme, but something in her told her she could confide in her. She had been trapped in the same as her, at the same time even so maybe Esme could understand how she felt more than anyone- other than Cason. Her eyes stung as she attempted to stop the tears from falling, not wanting to cry anymore but she couldn't.

"I don't know how to process these emotions, it's like I just see red and explode" she explained, before realising her words may not have been the best to use to the blonde. "Sorry, bad wording" she added. "How did you cope being around Dean so long? He's a nightmare".


Sam felt how tightly and desperately Anna gripped onto him when she knew it was him and not anyone else who went running after her. It made him hold onto her more firmly and comfortingly, lifting one hand and placing it on the back of her head. The moment the floodgates opened and she began sobbing he refused to let go of her, just letting her cry it out. "I'm here babygirl, I'm here" he kept cooing to her, stroking the back of her head.

"I'm not going anywhere, I'm on your side okay?" he added as he yet again pressed his lips to the top of her. He knew he couldn't do much in this moment other than hold her but the way she was sobbing and shaking in his arms that wasn't from the cold air, this was all she needed. That much was clear to him. So he decided to keep a hold of her and say soothing things every now and then, glad to have her out of the house and the angry vibes that were circulating in the air. He had to stay here with her, so it really drove home that for once, he did keep his promise and he chose her over his brother. He didn't lie to her like Dean lied to Natalia. That although this whole mess blew up like C4 on a wall, he didn't blame her like Dean was doing. If anything, he was glad Anna opened the dam and told Nat the truth.

It made him feel like they didn't have to keep tip toeing around Nat whenever they watched her be so happy with Cason as if he hadn't almost died because of their blind following of Dean's orders. He felt guilty for siding with Dean in that barn, he hated himself still for ignoring Anna's pleas and cries and dragging her out of there to save her over Cason and that guilt would take a long time to fully disappear. So all he could do for now was try and do everything he could to show how guilty he felt by making it up to Anna as much as possible. Even though he knew there was still one pretty major secret he was keeping from her because he didn't accept it was a reality. He wasn't ready to tell her about Ruby, it was bad enough she knew about Ruby giving him vials of blood and convincing him he was part of the endgame with Lilith, he couldn't bare the thought of Anna finding out just how close he and Ruby had gotten when Anna wasn't around.

"We don't have to go back inside. We can probably stay in Mika's car or go get a room in town at the b&b if you'd feel more comfortable with that for the night" he finally suggested to her, knowing the house would be the last place Anna would want to be in. He also knew there was absolutely no way he was leaving her alone. He was going to stay by her side the entire time. He was even picking her over Natalia this time round.
Hidden 22 days ago Post by Wolvena
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Wolvena RP loving wolf girl

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


As Esme waited to see if Natalia would even answer her, Cason spoke up, and she turned her gaze to him. She nodded in understanding. So, she was right. Someone had slipped to Natalia that they had left Cason in the barn, following Dean blindly as they got Duke out of the barn. She sighed inwardly as she turned her gaze back to Natalia, who hadn’t looked at her, feeling her hurt and anger towards her for leaving Canson behind to get Duke out. She couldn’t blame the woman for feeling that way towards her, especially with how she knew Cason saved her life at one point and had given her Sarah. Esme dropped her gaze to the ground and pulled her jacket tighter around herself, starting to wonder if she’d be any help here at all, but as soon as Natalia spoke, Esme lifted her eyes back up to her. She didn’t really expect the woman to say she was alright. That was bad wording on her part, but at least she was speaking to her. As Natalia continued, Esme nodded her head softly, a little surprised that she was spilling so much truth out to her at once.

Maybe she felt like she could confide in her since they had once been stuck in the same place at the same time, and they could understand each other. She still didn't know Natalia all that well, but what she was saying made it clear she had been lied to her entire life. She had been lied to by those she loved and trusted. Esme could partly sympathize with her because she had been lied to plenty of times by those she loved and trusted. Even with being a human lie detector, it hurt no less. Her father, godmother, Duke, and Dean had all lied to her at some point. A lot of those lies felt like slaps to the face and knives in her heart. Esme’s face softened even more as she listened to Natalia, not attempting to interject her own words, just letting the woman get what she needed off her chest. Then, she spoke about not being able to process her emotions. Esme knew what that was like all too well. There was a time she had the same problem, even more so when the emotions of others were bombarding her. Esme felt as if she would explode and had nothing to release it towards.

To this day, she still had trouble processing either her or someone else's rage. A slightly amused smirk came to Esme’s lips as Natalia finished talking and softly shook her head. “Don’t worry about the wording. I know exactly how you feel. Before my…. “Exploding moments”…. There were times I couldn’t process my emotions, and nothing but a tree or an old car to take them out on. But I also had the emotions of others mixed in with mine. Processing and controlling your emotions isn’t something you can learn overnight. It will take work. Especially after what you and I have gone through.” she told her. Esme took a couple of steps closer to the car. “If you’d like, I can help you with those emotions.” she offered kindly. She briefly looked down at Sarah as she moved with her and sat down at her side. “As for Dean and how I coped.” she started with a light sigh. “I can’t tell you how many times I asked myself the same question. I almost left several times, but either Duke or Bobby would talk me out of it.” she admitted to Natalia.

“I think I stayed so long with him because I felt he needed me just as much as I needed him, and I loved him deeply…. Our time together wasn’t all bad either. Some of the hardest times were when he and Duke would butt heads and Duke would run off. And a few times, he got jealous of how close Duke and I got and would confide in each other.” Esme shifted to one foot and felt a knot forming in her throat as she remembered some of those moments. She swallowed down the knot, refusing to let herself give in and tear up, but they still showed in the corners of her eyes. “And since we’re being truthful, I want to apologize for the truth being kept from you. I’m also sorry for my part in leaving Cason behind, but I’m sure you can understand in part why I did it.” she told her. Esme dropped her eyes once again to the ground. “But that’s still no excuse for what he’s done for me, which I am grateful for…. I’m sorry…. Both of you.” After a moment, she looked back up and at Cason.

“And I’m also sorry for almost attacking you in the asylum before I brought it down. I wasn’t thinking straight, and my emotions blinded me. I just wanted to end it all, feeling like I had nothing left to live for.” she admitted. “I felt that if you could take me out, I wouldn’t explode and risk hurting anyone else, and I wouldn’t have to deal with the pain of losing Duke anymore.” Esme sighed heavily through her nose and wiped away a tear that rolled down her cheek as she stared at the car's hood. “Rage, grief, and loss are emotions that tend to get the better of me.”
Hidden 22 days ago Post by JustAnna
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JustAnna Hunter / Maybe Soldier Boy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Dean and Duke

Dean’s shoulders relaxed a bit when Mika stepped in between him and Duke, telling them to simmer down. He almost became mad all over again when Duke cracked his neck and nodded slowly at Mika’s response. It was amazing to Dean that Mika was still able to get through to Duke so easily. They were linked, like they were using the same brain like twins. Duke took a step back and crossed his arms, leaning against the kitchen counter as Mika turned to Dean.

He came back to on edge as Mika said the words ‘don’t be mad when I say this’. He knew that whatever she was going to say was going to smash him in the face. But she said exactly what he had been thinking, how his fear was the reason he was so angry. He wasn’t angry that Anna told Nat about the barn. He was angry that she found out, because he had to deal with her anger before he was prepared to. His face softened a bit as he listened to Mika’s explanation, and her reasoning for him stopping the warpath he was on.

She was right.

Nat had been through so much in such a short amount of time, Dean didn’t even want to think about it. And he was sure that to her, he was the most untrustworthy person to come into her life, regardless of whether or not he was her brother. Hell, half the time, he didn’t even feel like her brother. She had Sam. She and Sam were so close, for good reason, and Dean protected her as best he could, similar to Sam. If something he said was going to hurt her, he would never let it slip from his mouth, no matter how big. And in this particular case, he had really messed up with Cason and he was too scared to tell Natalia, only to have it blow back in his face…hard.

“C’mon brother…” Duke reasoned with him, as Mika’s eyes pierced into Dean’s. Between the two of them, Dean’s eyes softened a bit, turning almost into Sam’s signature puppy eyes as the green overwhelmed everything else. He took a deep breath, and tapped his hand on the kitchen table, needing something to touch.

“I’m sorry.” Dean muttered, glancing over to Duke, who just held his hands up and shook his head.

“Ain’t the worst fight we’ve had. You really do need to get some ice on that eye, though.” Duke replied simply with a small lighthearted smirk. Dean reached up and touched his swelling cheek with a shrug.

“I’ll be fine.” Dean said. “I just don’t know what to say to her, now. I was wrong and I admitted it, or so I thought. But now…it’s all fresh again. I mean, what do I say to her?”


Cason watched as Nat spilled her guts to Esme, a little surprised, but glad that she was actually talking to someone. Bottling things up was the reason these little explosions happened. Cason knew that. That’s why he was trying to make it a personal mission to pull her away from the group every now and then to just have her let things off…

He just let them talk for a bit, seeing a lot of why Esme, Duke and Dean were so tense around each other at times and why those that were around Dean Winchester tended to stick around. He was what they needed, when they needed it. But he also tended to pick up people he needed…only to drive them away when he didn’t feel he needed them anymore.

When she looked up to him, he caught her eyes, lowering his eyebrows into a relaxed and polite neutral gaze. He wasn’t as afraid of her, now. While he appreciated her apology, it wasn’t necessary. It wasn’t hard to see why she was so angry at the asylum, and hopeless…

“It’s alright.” Cason told her honestly, “That was more than just emotions, Esme. I can tell how much you love that blonde idiot…I can’t imagine how it felt when they told you he was dead. I was blunt. I was unkind and coming from a demon, this may sound hilarious, but I’m sorry for that. I really am.”

Cason paused and he sighed, “And then everything else that happened, all that anger and…you know what? Let’s chalk our situation up to wrong place, wrong time. How about that? You don’t have anything to apologize for.”


Anna held onto Sam for dear life as long as he was willing to hold her. His voice cut through all of the chaos and the anger in her mind. Her heartbeat slowly shifted, from frantic and anxious to calm, if not a little nervous. She could feel it in Sam’s heart, too, the little stutters of his heart every time she took a deep breath. She eventually pulled her head to just press her forehead against Sam’s chest, signaling that she was at least calming down a bit. She always seemed to. There was a reason it was so hard for her to be angry at Sam. His voice brought her down from the worst of her anger, sadness, anxiety…anything. He could get through to her when no one else could, and in some ways, that could be dangerous.

When Sam spoke up again, not just soothing her but actually offering ideas, Anna stopped and listened, catching her breath against his chest. She mulled over his words, not wanting to necessarily sleep outside in the cold, even in a car. But she also wasn’t staying in that house, with Dean under the same roof. After a moment, she nuzzled her forehead against Sam’s chest and then pulled away from him, her nose bright red and her eyes still flooded with tears. She knew she looked pitiful, but Sam wouldn’t judge her for it.

“I think um…I think I want to leave.” Anna told him honestly, as a fresh bit of crying came up, causing her to scrunch her nose as the tears poured down her cheeks. “I can’t be around him. I can’t even go get my clothes, because I don’t want him to look at me. Can we go? You don’t have to stay with me…I just…I just don’t think I can drive right now.”
Hidden 21 days ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


Mika knew she couldn't fully relax until she saw both her boys visibly calm down. So when Duke was the first, she gave him a nod of thanks before she went on her explanation of why Nat was reacting the way she was to Dean, aka why Duke was right in why Dean needed to calm down. She refused to look away from Dean until she felt she had gotten through to him, he always was the most stubborn one out of the two men. Mika watched as Dean's shoulders finally dropped and he seemed to be calming down finally, making her breathe a sigh of relief. He was finally actually listening to them both and taking in what she was saying to him. The impala they could fix, his black eye they could tend to if he didn't refuse it, but Nat was going to take a lot of persistent proving to her that they all are trying to protect her. Mika still didn't know what those demons said to Natalia when they took her, but whatever it was, she had a feeling that had a part to play in her anger towards Dean. She also hoped that now Nat had gotten the violent streak out of her system, and with Cason outside with her, that Dean may get through to her calmly.

She gave a nod in agreement as Duke and Dean spoke to each other, glad that Dean was apologizing to Duke for coming at him for no good reason. The way Dean looked at them both caused Mika to just walk up closer to him and hug him briefly before pulling away and stepping back just a couple of steps to give him space. As he explained he thought he had said he was wrong for it, Mika could understand why he thought that. She was certain he said it to Cason, but he never said anything to Natalia. Just hid it from her. “I think to get through to Nat, apologizing is the first step. Don't try to reason with her why you chose the path you did in that barn. She won't want to hear it at the moment. I think right now, she needs her brother to be solely that…her brother. No lies, no lectures, just calmness and an apology” she suggested after giving it a few seconds to think of the best course of action to take. “she no doubt holds a bit of resentment towards us all as we all agreed to the plan. So if that means we have to earn her trust back again bit by bit? Then we do it.” She added.

She stepped back a bit more and looked out the window briefly, seeing that Esme was now where Nat and Cason were and the three of them looked to be all calm. Which told her that the two of them must be getting through to Natalia. Looking back toward the boys again, she focused on Dean once more. “Esme is out there talking with Nat, if she can calm her down enough then maybe you can go out there and talk with Nat yourself. I think a proper heart to heart that doesn't result in shouting is way overdue between you two. She is so much like you it's uncanny and downright frightening at times. Maybe she just needs to see you're not going to give up on her like John did.” She said as the idea hit her, walking to Dean and taking his hand. “So whaddya say? Be a brother and not a lead hunter to her for a bit?” She asked, looking him in the eye, taking this moment to see his black eye without touching it.

She knew Nat was desperate to get closer to Dean deep down. She grieved and went on a rampage with Sam when he was in Hell to try and bring him back, so she knew deep down Nat wanted Dean in her life and that what she said to him in the heat of the moment was all absolute crap. Dean just had to take it slow with her, something Mika knew he could be capable of if he just put his mind to.


Natalia listened to Esme as she replied to her truthfully. There was something about Esme that seemed to make Nat be able to talk and begin to calm down. It was probably her empathy for Natalia's situation and history, now that she knew Esme went through the same thing. She had something in common with the woman that she never realized before, which now that she thought about it, she felt bad for being suspicious of Esme and just blindly siding with Mika in the beginning. With Esme and Cason with her, she felt she was in a safe space and was able to talk and explain what it felt like in her head. If she was a normal twenty something, she would have gone to therapy for it, but being a hunter, a Winchester, there was no way that was even possible. All she could do was have the same problematic coping mechanisms as Dean, which was bottling it all up and sometimes drinking the pain away. He really wasn't the best influence in that regard, and it was becoming clear to Nat that's where she picked up these traits from.

It still felt weird to hear someone other than Mika say how much they loved Dean for a while, as she only ever knew of Mika and Dean being the power couple that they were. Yet she listened and gave a nod. Dean did have a habit of finding people that he needed as much as they needed him. She wondered if she was any different in that regard. Was she someone who needed him more than she let on and vice versa? She couldn't figure that one out. As Esme turned to Cason and apologized to him as well, she remained stuck to his side. “I guess we're the same that way. Grief and rage get to me the worst too.” She finally said after Cason told Esme to not apologize. If Cason was willing to forgive then she knew she had to be. For a demon, Cason really was proving to be a better person than she was at this moment. It was an ironic moment to Nat but one that was very much a reality.

“Esme? I'd like to learn how to deal with my emotions more from you. You're the only one other than Cason who knows what it was like in there and understands why I'm the way I am.” She finally said, finally asking for help. She also knew she had to say sorry to Dean for smashing his car window and punching him, but most smashing the car window. She felt more bad about that than punching him but still felt bad for punching him. Nat was terrified of the lecture she was convinced she was going to get from Dean, to the point she didn't want to be left alone with him. “He's gonna really hate me…isn't he?” She then spoke, as she glanced at the state of the window glass on the ground beside the impala near her car. Readjusting her head ever so slightly on Cason's shoulder, she regripped his arm as she tried to push her hands through the long sleeves of her jacket better. When Dean was angry at her she got terrified, she knew she went too far with the impala vandalism and if she had heard Cason behind her, she probably would have stopped before she let go of the hammer, but her rage just made her completely deaf to her surroundings.

She wished now she had noticed Cason behind her and her actions created an opening for Cason to stop her in her tracks. Hindsight really was a wonderful thing after all. “Thank you, both of you for talking me down…” she then said earnestly, “Esme? Can I come to you if I ever need to, ya know…have a girl's advice or…umm…whatever it is that girls get from confiding in each other? I really need a female friend” she asked Esme.


Holding Anna the way he was, Sam focused on listening to her breathing to know when she was calming down. He just wanted her to be okay so much that when she finally lifted her head ever so slightly to give him that signal that she was calmer he felt so relieved. He knew his suggestions of sleeping in one of the cars wasn't exactly ideal of a suggestion, but he didn't know where else they could go on this property that meant she was far enough away from Dean. Other than the b&b idea. He wanted to leave it entirely in Anna's hands on what they did because he knew whatever she chose, he wasn't leaving her alone. Not tonight. She was his priority and nothing else mattered. He was still angry at Dean for laying a hand and arm on Anna, to the point that although he was calmer around Anna, he was determined to let Dean stew on his actions for the night.

He didn't care that Anna had a red nose and puffy eyes from crying. She still looked beautiful to him because she wasn't hiding her feelings from him. As she decided on what she wanted to do, he moved his hand from the back of her head to her cheek, where he wiped the remaining tears off her face, giving her a soft smile. “okay, I'll go grab our bags and we'll go together. Just you and me, up the road and away from all this tension. The others can deal with it all tonight. You're my one and only focus okay?” He told her, pulling her head towards him so he could kiss her forehead.

Slowly pulling away, he took her hand and walked her back to the more lit up part of the lot. “Wait here in sight of those three for me. I'll be right back” he requested, meaning Cason, Esme and Natalia. She was still far enough away from the house, but at least she would be in sight of someone he trusted. Walking away, he walked through the lot, passed all the cars and opened the back door stepping inside. He didn't even look at any of them, just heading straight to the hallway where their duffel bags were and picking them up. Mika saw his actions and held her finger out to Duke and Dean to signal she would be right back. Following Sam out into the hall, she placed her hand on his arm gently, “hey, what's going on? Is she okay?” She asked him. “She's scared of Dean, I've calmed her down but she can't step foot near this house so I'm going to take her to the little B&B in town, so we won't be far but it's far enough for her to be able to get some sleep tonight.” He explained, feeling he could only let Mika know what was going on.

“It's the right call. I really hope she'll be okay Sammy. Look after her and we'll see you both in the morning…but first-” she replied, stepping to where all the keys were kept, grabbed her car keys and handed them to Sam. “Take my car for the night” she insisted, as Sam took the keys from her. “Thanks Meeko” he said honestly, giving her a brief hug then exiting the house once more and over to Anna, pointing to Mika's blue ‘66 impala.
Hidden 21 days ago Post by JustAnna
Avatar of JustAnna

JustAnna Hunter / Maybe Soldier Boy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Dean and Duke

Mika stepping up and hugging him caused Dean’s shoulders to fall just a bit more. He needed the closeness, even if right now, his whole body felt like it was on fire with conflicted emotions and adrenaline from being punched out of nowhere. He settled, crossing his arms over his chest as Mika explained what she thought was the best method to break through to Nat.

Dean didn’t like the idea of approaching Natalia this early, but Mika was right about the way to approach it. Nat wouldn’t want to hear reasoning, or explanation. She wouldn’t want to hear any sort of ‘greater good’ lies, when she would be able to tell that Dean was lying. Dean had left Cason behind for no other reason than he wasn’t willing to fight for him, and would rather Nat not be around him. He would rather Cason be dead, than with his sister.

“No explanations…no lies…” Dean whispered, nodding his head with a sigh. The thought of even standing in front of his sister gave him a nervous pause, his heart hammering in his chest as he moved himself so that he could also see out the window. Of course it was Esme that was trying to diffuse the situation. She had always been so good with quick anger, and reasoning. Dealing with himself and Duke, she had to get good at it. Mika pulling his hand away from his chest caused him to look down at their hands for a moment, and he sighed.

“I can do my best. I mean…I don’t know how to be the caring brother. That’s Sam’s job…” Dean started, his eyebrow twitching with the awkwardness of having to open himself up to Nat, when he had always wanted to portray himself as the strong, quiet boss of the family. But that was the exact opposite of what Nat would want to hear from. He was broken from his thoughts by Sam coming through the back door, and keeping his head down.

“Sam?” He called out to him, but Sam just marched straight over to the bags, grabbing his own and then Anna’s. Dean nodded, not moving from his spot, as he was definitely not feeling being punched in the face by Sam, of all people. After his outburst, he was a bit surprised that Sam hadn’t already decked him.

He listened to Sam and Mika talk, and hearing that Anna was scared of him, Dean clenched his jaw and closed his eyes, letting a sigh leave his nose. Duke shifted a bit at his side, and came to stand next to him with a shrug.

“It can’t be that surprisin’ from what I heard…” Duke muttered, and Dean simply shook his head.

“No. It’s not surprising.”

“Looks like a famous Dean Winchester apology tour.” Duke teased him, as Dean saw Mika hand Sam a set of keys, after he missed Sam saying that he and Anna were headed out overnight. He straightened a bit, as Duke reached an arm over and squeezed Dean’s shoulder, “Don’t you dare chase him. Let them go…C’mon. Fresh wounds. Let him go.”

Dean didn’t move, just watching Sam from the corner of his eye until he couldn’t see him anymore. He heard the door open and close and he let his brother go.

“That’s my boy…” Duke murmured, patting Dean roughly on the chest. “Now, lets get you simmered down enough to go talk to that little sister of yours.”

Cason and Anna

Cason didn’t say anything when Nat was working through her emotions, wrapping up on him a bit tighter. He knew the renewed anxiety was her fear of being left alone with a very pissed off Dean Winchester. He could understand the sentiment. Dean was pretty terrifying on his best day, and he was at peak terror inducing when angry. Cason didn’t even want to think about the look Dean had given him, before trying to kill him at the barn. It’s a look that most demons don’t survive.

As Nat held onto him, oddly asking Esme for help, which surprised him, Anna suddenly approached but didn’t say anything. She just stood to the side of the metal awning and wrapped her arms around herself. Cason perked up and glanced over Nat’s shoulder, before wrapping his fingers around her wrist to remove her hand, “Hey. I um…I’ll be right back, alright? I’m just gonna check on something.”

He slipped off the hood of the car, nodding to Esme to tell her to stay and talk to Nat, and to keep an eye on her. He then crossed the small gap between the cars and covered bay, where Anna was standing.

“Are you good? I don’t want to get roasted.” Cason teased, to test Anna’s mood. Anna didn’t say anything at first, just tightened her arms around herself, before sighing.

“I’m going with Sam.”

“That’s a good idea. Actually, I think that’s a great idea.” Cason beamed at her, causing Anna to narrow her eyes at him, before sniffling. She then remembered out of nowhere that she was wearing his jacket, and she began unwrap herself and shrug the jacket off her shoulders. “You can take it.”

“No. Because I don’t know if I’m coming back…” Anna muttered honestly, removing the jacket from her arms and holding it out to Cason. Cason sighed, frowning at the thought of her running off with Sam…and possibly Ruby. But he didn’t say anything. He just took the jacket from her, and then nodded his head toward the Impala.

“C’mere…” He muttered, holding his hand out to her. She didn’t take his hand, but she did follow him as he walked over to the busted window of the Impala, his boots crunching in the pile of glass next to the car. He carefully reached into the backseat through the window, and pulled Anna’s jacket, shaking it a bit to make sure it wasn’t covered in glass. “I thought you might want this.”

Anna reached out and took her jacket, her face softened and neutral. Cason reached into his pocket as he watched her put her arms through the sleeves, pulling the front around herself. He pulled out a vial of his blood, holding it up in front of her face. Anna reluctantly took it from him, placing it into her pocket as if he was giving her illegal drugs in a parking lot.

“That will help, if you guys are gone for a few days. If you’re gonna be longer, Sam can summon me. I give full permission. Don’t…take anything from Ruby. Nothing. No matter what she tells you, or tries to convince you of, you summon me…only me.” Cason explained and Anna nodded, her eyes tearing up again with a bit of fear. “Hey…don’t cry. You’ll be safe with Sam, remember?”

Anna nodded as Sam came out the back door and walked over to her. Anna stepped forward, wrapping her arms around Cason’s waist, causing him to pause for a moment, before he wrapped his arms around her, patting her back.

“You’re gonna be fine.” Cason muttered against the top of her head, before letting her go. She grabbed Sam’s hand, stepping back from Cason slowly to head over to Mika’s car.
Hidden 21 days ago Post by Wolvena
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Wolvena RP loving wolf girl

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


As Esme spoke to Natalia, she knew it had to be a bit strange hearing another woman say she loved Dean when she was so used to it being Mika with Dean. But it was true. She had been deeply in love with Dean before Duke came into the picture and then fell for him as well. She wouldn't admit to anyone out loud, but she still loved Dean even after how the trio split up. Dean was her first true love, and it was hard not to love him anymore, even after he hurt her. But even with still loving Dean, Esme’s deepest love and heart entirely belonged to Duke. When Cason met her gaze and relaxed his features as she spoke to him, she felt she half knew what he would say. She almost shook her head in protest when he told her it was alright. Esme didn’t feel like it was alright. She still felt horrible for leaving him behind. She listened to what he had to say and nodded, smiling a bit when Cason called Duke the blonde idiot before apologizing for his own actions. Esme opened her mouth to respond but closed it as Cason continued, and she smiled a little more at his words.

“You’re right, I do love that blonde idiot.” she laughed a little. “What I felt when I heard those words is something I wouldn’t wish my worst enemy to feel…. I also understand where you were coming from when getting me to come with you. Your mind was on her.” she told him, gesturing to Natalia. She sighed, thinking about his last words to her, and nodded. “I can get behind chalking up to wrong place, wrong time. But I still feel like I should apologize for some of what happened.” Even though he said she had nothing else to apologize for, she still felt that a few things hadn’t been said she needed to apologize for. Cason apologizing to her and saying she had nothing to apologize for made her see him in a different light. He was really showing her that he wasn’t like other demons. When she heard Natalia speak, she pulled her gaze from Cason to Natalia and nodded. She couldn’t have been happier that Natalia was actually talking to her and opening up to her. Esme’s eyes widened and then softened to her next words.

Natalia was asking for help from her, something she never saw coming. A warm smile came to Esme’s lips as she looked at Natalia. “I’d be more than willing to help you work through them. I can’t tell you how many times I wished I had help with mine while I was struggling with them.” she told Natalia. “I’ll do my very best to help in any way I can.” Esme felt when Natalia’s thoughts went to her actions towards Dean before she spoke about Dean hating her. She followed the woman's gaze to the Impala, then rested it back on her as she watched her readjust her head on Cason’s shoulder and regrip his arm as she pushed her hand through her long sleeves. It didn’t take being an Empath to see how much Natalia regretted her actions towards Dean. It was clear on her face. Esme's face softened more, and she was about to reply to Natalia’s comment that Dean would hate her when the woman spoke again. A new smile graced Esme’s lips at her asking if she could come to her for advice and be her friend. How could she turn her down after this talk?

Once again, Esme opened her mouth to speak, but this time, she was interrupted by Cason pulling himself from Natalia and sliding off the hood after a few words to her. At Cason’s nod, she nodded back, understanding what he was telling her. Looking back to Natalia, Esme moved closer to the car and looked at Natalia. “You can come to me anytime you need to.” she started warmly. “If you need help working through something or just want to vent, I’ll be there to listen and help. And if you just want to talk without any feedback, I can do that too…. I could also use a female friend.” Esme fell silent for a moment, her gaze drifting over to the Impala, looking at the broken window and the shattered glass on the ground. She knew Natalia was scared to face Dean over it and apologize to him. She sighed softly, remembering her own incident with Dean’s beloved Impala and how furious he was with her about it, but he never hated her for it. “And the answer to your other question is no.” Esme said, looking back at her. “Dean’s not going to hate you over what you have done.”

“I can’t say that he won’t be pretty angry, but I know he won’t hate you.” She looked up and saw Dean’s face in the window and where Natalia had punched him. She looked back at her and gave a warm smile. “You’re not the only one that’s hit him or damaged his beloved car. When I was with him, I lost my temper and did both as well. Though, what I did to the Impala could be considered far worse than throwing a hammer through one of its windows.” she admitted. “Dean was absolutely furious with me, but he didn’t hate me over what I did. But he didn’t want me around the Impala much after that for a while.” Esme dropped her head and closed her eyes, pulling her jacket more around herself as an image of the damaged Impala came to her, and she shook her head. To this day, she still felt horrible for what she did, even though she apologized to Dean a hundred times over it. “I’m not even sure if Dean is capable of hating people in his family.” she added.
Hidden 21 days ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


Mika knew that she asking the near damn impossible out of Dean when she suggested the only way to get through to Natalia was to actually talk to her as a brother and not as a leading hunter, but she also knew if he didn't at least try, Nat would never forgive him or get remotely close to wanting to be bonded with Dean. It made her happier about the situation that he was willing to agree to the idea and try.

After she spoke with Sam, she walked back to Duke and Dean as Duke mentioned about getting Dean simmered down to talk with Nat. She did see the way Dean looked at Sam and she decided that once they got him in the right state of mind to talk with Natalia, she would explain Sam wasn't leaving forever. So far it was just going to be for the night, but if it was longer, it was longer. She didn't mind how long Sam had her car for as she trusted Sam to look after it. “Duke is right, and we're gonna help you okay? You know you'll feel better off once you've spoken to her. We all do.” she commented, standing in front of them both. She knew how much deep down Dean cared for Natalia, but he did have to learn he couldn't be the same kind of brother to her as he always was with Sam. Natalia needed approaching differently, more carefully and with a bit more tact. “I know how much you love that kid, so does Sam. You just gotta show her how much.” She told him honestly. She did want to say that trying to be more civil to Cason would also be a sign to earn Natalia's trust back, but she figured right now that was one step too far and they had to take small steps at the moment.

Chances were Natalia would be the first to apologize to Dean over either punching him or the car damage, but they had to go on the assumption Nat would refuse to look at him and Dean had to be the first one to speak. She placed her hand on his back and rubbed it soothingly, “you got this Dean. You managed it with me didn't you?” She said, giving him a soft smile. “and let's face it, if you can talk with me and not have me scream, shout and leave, then you can do it with our girl out there” she added, briefly glancing at Duke as if to say ‘yes, I know the history now’. The three of them knew how temperamental she used to be, and in some ways still could be if she didn't control herself, so if she could listen and accept Dean's attempts at making amends then Natalia surely had to be able to. Mika knew she would only let him out in the lot when she thought he was calm enough to go out there, but she was also thankful that Duke was here to help her calm Dean.


Esme promising and agreeing to help her with her emotions in any way she could was a great relief to Natalia. Finally, she could feel like she wasn't alone in this situation of emotions. For a human, she felt like she did a piss poor job at knowing how to deal with emotions, but Esme was a beacon of help and she knew she had to grab it with both hands. Any other time she would go to Mika for advice, but she saw how angry Mika was at her for punching Dean so there was no way she was going to go to that woman for any kind of advice or help…at least at the moment. “thanks..” she replied.

With Cason grabbing her hand gently and pulling her off of him, she looked up before nodding. Glancing across and seeing Anna, she knew instantly what he felt he needed to do, knowing it was only appropriate he checked in on Anna. Part of her wished that she would get herself off the hood of her car and go and hug Anna herself, tell her she still has her back no matter what, but she just couldn't move from her car. Her car was a safe space and right now, despite the fear, anxiety, and cold she was feeling, her car still felt like a safe space she couldn't leave just yet. As he slid himself off the hood of the car, she pulled her legs up and hugged herself, her chin on her knees to wait for him to return, as well as a way to try and stay warm. It was only when Cason left her side she truly felt how cold the night air was and how warm he was.

Now alone with Esme, she began to listen to what the woman could finally say to her other than ‘i'd be more than willing to help you’, words that still rang through her mind. She nodded without removing her chin off her knees as Esme told her she could come to her anytime about anything. She was starting to see why both Dean and Duke fell in love with her. She was beyond nice and caring and had a way of making you trust her. Now if only Mika could see that in Esme she couldn't help but think. “I'd like that” she simply replied before the topic went back to the impala and Dean's anger. She was surprised when Esme said he wouldn't hate her for smashing the window, although Esme in a lot of ways had been around Dean a lot longer than Nat had, she still found that hard to believe. How could he not hate her for what she did? She practically screamed in his face that he was becoming dead to her before smashing the car, that she hated him when it was far from the truth. If she was Dean, she would hate her. Tilting her head so her head was facing Esme, but still on her knees, she saw the warm smile the woman gave her and it was almost infectious as she found herself trying to smile a little bit back before she just gave up trying and went back to being straight faced.

It was Esme's next words though that made her raise an eyebrow, feeling like there was most definitely a story behind why Esme would damage the impala. She couldn't imagine Esme doing anything worse than what she did to the car, she seemed…too nice for that kind of violence. She watched as Esme took a breath and wrapped her arms tighter around herself before speaking again. “I guess there's a first for everything, I'm hardly the sibling he probably ever wanted. I'm not Sam…” she sighed, “I don't doubt for a moment that he thinks I've forgotten what I overheard him say to Sam the night they first saved me. Saw me as this suspicious thing, a Trojan horse from the demons. Said to Sam they can't keep me around and the photo of me and dad was probably faked. That he refused to accept a sister in his life….” She told Esme, a tear falling down her face as she recalled his words. Of course his opinions changed over time but that night still haunted her mind.

She was a frail little thing in that motel room that night. Hugging herself in an attempt to stay warm even though Sam had wrapped her in the blankets as best he could on the bed. She barely weighed a thing, more skeletal than human now she thought back on her appearance. Her clothes barely hanging onto her body as she cried overhearing the boys arguing over what to do with her outside the room, thinking she wouldn't hear them if they were outside the door.

She had to shake the memory out of her head and sighed as she then turned her head to see Sam coming back with bags and giving Cason a nod of thanks before they left in Mika's car. “I feel bad that my actions got Anna hurt. She was just saying what she felt was right…she didn't even know I knew very little of what happened in the barn.” She told Esme.


Stepping outside and back to Anna, he saw her saying goodnight to Cason, something that wasn't a shock to him. They were close and she deserved to say goodnight to whoever she felt she needed to. He gave Cason a nod of thanks for having stepped away from Nat just long enough to give Anna a hug and probably some kind of comforting words. Taking her hand back, he walked her to Mika's car where he let go of her hand so he could unlock the trunk and put the bags in, closing it back up. Walking round to the passenger side with Anna, he unlocked the door and opened it for her, holding it open so she could get in before he closed the door again. Satisfied that she was in securely and comfortably, he walked round to the driver's side, opened the door, got in and closed the door before putting the key in and bringing the car to life. “Right, b&b it is and then we can just put on some bad TV and relax” he smiled.

Pulling out the lot, he headed back into town to their destination for the night. He didn't force her to talk in the short car ride if she didn't want to, but if she did, he'd listen. He didn't even put the radio on as part of him didn't want to hear what music would come blaring out or if Mika had it still set on the cassette player and it could be a total game of russian roulette with her music tastes. So he drove in silence until they reached the b&b where he pulled into the front parking lot near the reception, an action that was complete second nature to him by this point. Turning the key and removing it, he took a sigh of relief at being away from the house. They may not be far away, but it was far enough for him to not feel the weight of the group's tension. His shoulders felt so much lighter, as did his mind. “I'm going to make this whole thing okay again.” He told her, reaching across and holding her hand before turning his face to her. “I promise.” He added, giving her hand a little soft squeeze.

“Come on, let's get this room” he then said, letting go of her hand and stroking her cheek before getting out of the car. He jogged round to her side and opened the door for her, holding out the car keys to her. “Fancy getting the bags whilst I book the room?” He asked her, “or we can go in together if you prefer” he then said, not sure if she would want to be alone to get the bags or not.
Hidden 20 days ago Post by JustAnna
Avatar of JustAnna

JustAnna Hunter / Maybe Soldier Boy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Dean and Duke

Dean watched Mika as she walked over to stand in front of him and Duke, echoing Duke’s advice. Dean agreed that he would probably feel better if Nat didn’t go to bed hating him for all of this. He would at least feel better if they were just…okay. Then, he had a lot of work to do with Sam. But first thing had to come first…the catalyst of all this, Natalia. He had never been good at showing Nat that he cared about her. For a while, he chalked the behavior up to not believing she was real. He held her at arms length. But the time for not getting close to her had passed a long time ago. She had been right there, every step of the way, for a while…and Dean never acknowledged it.

Duke’s eyes widened at Mika’s words and the look on her face. He wondered how much Dean had actually told her about his relationship with Esme. Surely, she wouldn’t be so calm and collected and non judgmental if she knew everything…right? But he didn’t speak on it, just in case Dean had conveniently left out parts. He just turned his attention back to Dean and took a deep breath.

“So, should I go, now?” Dean asked, his eyes turning to the floor, as Mika’s hand began rubbing his back, and the fear of approaching Natalia at all filled his chest. It was strange how afraid of confrontation he was, considering his job. He could handle almost anything, except apologizing for being legitimately wrong. That was scary. Demons? Nothing. Accountability? Terrifying.

“Go now. Go later on…but don’t leave it sittin’.” Duke chimed in, glancing at Mika again, before reaching up, grabbing the back of Dean’s neck in a movement that instantly made Dean feel calmer. He turned his face to look Duke in the eyes, which was what Duke was signaling for him to do. “She’ll forgive you. I’ve been on this side of the Dean Winchester apology tour…and I forgave you. Mika forgave you. Just make sure that whatever you’re tellin’ her is the truth and you ain’t gonna stab her in the back later on…”

“Like I did you.” Dean muttered and Duke shook his head.

“This ain’t about us. None of it is. Me and you can have that conversation later.” Duke spoke calmly, tilting his chin up to show Dean with his body language that he was fine…they were fine.

“Alright. I’ll go.” Dean sighed, and Duke released him, stepping back for him to walk around. Dean turned and pressed a kiss to Mika’s lips, pulling away pretty quickly and just walking toward the back door. As Dean disappeared out the door, Duke turned to Mika.

“So…you and Dean are good, I see…”, he awkwardly addressed to Mika, pulling his phone from his back pocket, and texting Esme. He typed quickly wanting to head her off and just sent a simple.

‘Dean’s on his way out. He’s more civil and he wants to talk to Nat. I’m in the kitchen.’

Dean stepped onto the lot, his boots feeling a million pounds as the cold air hit his skin. He glanced toward his car, his brow furrowing at the fact that Bobby had to replace another window on the Impala. A tiny bubble of anger rolled into his chest, but he pushed it down, taking a deep breath as he stepped forward, his eyes set on Natalia.

He slowly walked over, and Cason’s head perked up, as he was walking back over to the girls. He approached Dean, placing a hand on his chest without thinking and Dean stopped in his tracks. Dean glanced down at the hand, and then back up at Cason’s serious expression, realizing that Cason was protecting Natalia…from Dean.

“I’m not coming to fight.” Dean said simply, looking Cason in the eyes. Cason watched his face for a few moments, saying nothing. But then, Cason dropped his hand, and turned to let Dean by, walking close behind him as he passed. Dean approached Natalia as if she was going to explode, the second that he got to her, and he crossed his arms over his chest. “Can we talk?”


Anna followed Sam to Mika’s car, holding his hand loosely as she did so. She felt safe with Sam…but after the last time they left, she didn’t know if she felt safe away from the group. But there was no way she was going anywhere near Dean Winchester. When Sam opened her door, she got into the car, placing her hands on her lap and staring at the glove box in front of her. The car was eerily similar to Dean’s car, and the thought made her almost smirk. Dean and Mika were a lot alike. It made sense that they were essentially soulmates.

As soon as Sam was in the car, and he spoke up, Anna couldn’t help but notice the smile he put on for her. He was already working to diffuse the situation, and she couldn’t help the polite tug at the corners of her mouth, “I like relaxing…”

Anna felt tension leaving her shoulders almost immediately when they passed under the ‘Singer Salvage’ sign and onto the road. She didn’t feel the need to talk, just staring out the window as pastures and warehouses passed in the foggy night air. But when they pulled into the parking lot of the B&B, Anna’s shoulders tensed a bit. The last time she was in a hotel situation with Sam, all hell broke loose and after the warning from Cason about Ruby, Anna was a little more than nervous about being in Ruby’s presence. She always seemed to be right around the corner…

When Sam spoke up, Anna nodded, glancing down at their hands as she laced her fingers with his. She didn’t expect him to fix anything. She just wanted him to be…with her, while she navigated all of this. And it seemed he would be. She didn’t say anything, only squeezed his hand back and turned to open her door. Before she could fully open it, Sam was already helping her out of the car, and handing her the car keys.

“I can get the bags. Go. Get the room. Let’s get to quiet.” Anna reassured Sam, taking the keys from him and walking around to the trunk. She quickly popped the trunk and grabbed both their bags, slinging them over her shoulders, before putting the keys in her jacket pocket. She walked toward the reception area, and quickly stepped up close to Sam, her shoulder nudging his side.

After a little bit, when Sam had the key to their room, Anna sighed, and looked up at him, “Thank you by the way. I really don’t want to be alone, right now…”
Hidden 20 days ago Post by Wolvena
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Wolvena RP loving wolf girl

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Esme opened her eyes and looked over at Natalia, seeing her eyebrow raise at her admitting to damaging the Impala, giving a light laugh. She knew from what Natatia had seen from her since they met it was probably a little surprising to hear she’d take her frustration and anger out on Dean’s car. “I know, it's a little hard to believe.” she said softly. Natalia’s next words caused the smile to leave Esme’s lips and her face to soften into sadness for the woman. A soft sigh escaped her lips as she listened and felt what Natalia was feeling, then wiped away a few tears that rolled down her cheek. “I’m so sorry you had to hear them say that, Nat.” she started softly. “I won’t pretend to know what that felt like. I don’t have any siblings, but I can imagine it was quite painful. And with everything those two had been through, you can’t really blame them for being suspicious and cautious of you then.” she told her. “I mean, if I were told I had a sibling out there somewhere, I’d feel the same way. I’d have to wonder if the universe was playing some sick, twisted joke before finally accepting it.”

Esme looked at Natalia and gave another soft sigh. “Look at them now, though. They love you. They would go through hell and back to make sure you're safe and alive. There’s nothing they wouldn’t do for you, even when they're upset. When Dean found out you were taken…. He was out of his mind worried about you.” Esme fell silent, watching Natalia, then followed her gaze to Sam and Anna, who appeared to be leaving for the night. She couldn't blame them with all the tension in the air. Esme didn’t know what happened in the house, but she sure could feel it wasn’t anything good. She knew how Dean could get and what he’d say when his feelings hurt. She turned her eyes back to Natalia when she spoke. She moved to sit next to Natalia, wrapped her arms around her, and hugged her tightly. “Don’t blame yourself for what happened. I’m sure Anna doesn’t blame you.” she said softly. “You should have been told what happened in the barn. Sure, Dean wanted to be the one to tell you, but we both know how long it would have taken him if he had ever done it. Dean doesn’t like confrontation and will do anything to avoid it.”

Esme sighed and rubbed Natalia’s back comfortingly, resting her cheek on her head. “I’m glad she told you, but not for what came out of it. But we know she’s in good hands with Sam, and he’ll take care of her until Dean cools down. Then, we can all talk it over. If we can’t talk about it, we'll never get past it.” Esme hugged Natalia close until she felt her phone vibrate in her jacket pocket. Releasing Natalia after a moment, she pulled back and pulled her phone from her pocket, seeing she had a text from Duke. Opening the text, she read it, sighed, and put her phone back into her pocket. She didn’t want to leave Natalia, knowing how scared she was to talk to Dean, but she also knew the talk needed to happen. Looking back at Natalia, Esme placed a hand on her arm. “Dean is on his way out here to talk to you, and he’s more civil than he was.” she told her. “I know you’re scared to talk to him, but at least try to give him a chance to explain everything to you.” As she spoke, Esme looked into Natalia’s eyes, trying to get her to listen.

“It’ll be okay, I promise…. If things start to go bad, you know Cason will step in. You should really give him a chance, though.” Esme told her. As she spoke to Natalia, she saw Cason stop Dean from the corner of her eye. She knew Cason was protecting Natalia from Dean. When Cason let Dean pass, Esme lifted her hand from Natalia’s arm and stood from the car. “If you need to talk afterward, you know where I’ll be.” she told her softly. Esme then stepped away from Natalia and her car, adjusting her jacket on her shoulders. As she passed Dean, she placed a gentle hand on his arm and gave him a small smile, silently telling him that Natalia was calm. “Be her brother. That’s what she needs. Nothing else.” she told him softly. Esme pulled her jacket tighter around herself as she walked across the lot to the back door, opened it, and walked inside. Her eyes quickly fell on Duke and Mika, and she stopped. “Cason and I got her to calm down. I just hope she’ll listen to what Dean has to say.” she told them. “She’s so scared of him hating her for what she did tonight.” Reaching up, she wiped away a few stray tears that were on her cheeks, which she hadn’t realized were there until now.
Hidden 19 days ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


Dean may not have told Mika absolutely everything, but he told her enough of just how deep his relationship with Esme was and that was all she needed to know in her mind. Just from the way Duke looked at her, she knew she'd have to tell him exactly what she knew and how her chat with Dean went. Especially after the early hours of the morning and she told him about her insecurities. It was only fair she updated Duke. Turning her attention back to Dean, she saw how terrified he was at confronting his younger sister and Mika couldn't recall the last time she saw this kind of terror in his eyes. As Duke started to talk, she remained quiet, deciding to just let Duke do the talking in this moment so she could focus on trying to be calming for Dean. “He's right, now or later, it has to be done. You two have been butting heads too much lately, it needs to end” she told him softly. “But if it was me? I'd metaphorically rip the band aid off and go now. Like Duke said, we forgave you, she will too” she added.

As Dean agreed to go after they both spoke to him, she dropped her hand from his back to let him go when he took the moment to kiss her quickly before exiting through the back door. She gave a sigh and shoved her hands in her hoodie pockets, really hoping that things would get better for the siblings. She wanted the two of them to get on so much as they were so alike, she knew it could be possible if they would just get past their own walls they built around themselves. She looked up when Duke said about her and Dean being good, making her nod. “yeah…we had a good chat earlier. Not an easy one but an important one. He told me how close he and Esme got, how he wanted to start a normal life with her until she turned him down…because of me.” She explained. “he knows what went down between me and Ethan..that night I finally left him for the last time. The fight the two of us had, over Dean…” she added, knowing Duke would probably remember that night all too well.

Mika saw Duke texting who she figured was Esme and she just glanced down at the floor for a moment before looking up again. Such a big part of her wanted to follow Dean out there and monitor the chat with Natalia, even though she knew she would probably freeze doing so, whereas the other part of her, more rational side of her was telling her to stay put. “We got a lot to work on still, but we're both swearing to each other. We'll get through it together” she finally told Duke, looking up at him again. “I'm glad you and Esme are seemingly okay too” she told him, searching for anything to say that meant she didn't have to worry about Dean being outside with Natalia.

She cut her conversation short when she heard the back door open again and Esme walked inside. Mika, as much as it partly hurt her to admit it to herself, was grateful Esme was there to help Natalia even before Esme spoke a single word. It was just clear from when she had glanced out the window that having Esme there with Cason somewhat helped Nat. Esme explaining that she did in fact, with Cason's help, calm Natalia down made Mika exhale a breath she didn't even know she was holding in. The woman's next words didn't come as much of a surprise even if they were sad to hear. Mika never wanted Nat to feel scared of her brother. “Thank you…Esme. Honestly, thank you for helping her.” She then said as she looked at Esme with much kinder eyes than she had ever looked at the woman before. “I hate seeing those two fight constantly when I know Nat is desperate to be loved by Dean.” She remarked.


When Natalia admitted to what she still remembers overhearing back then, she didn't want to strictly get pity from Esme, but she tried to give context of why she always felt Dean never really wanted her around or as a sister. it was why she grew so close to Sam, he was the one who carried her out of that asylum, he was the one defending her to stay with them and to protect her. So after all that, how could she not drift closer to Sam? He always had her back. She listened to Esmesl’s words about how she would have probably reacted to finding out she had a sibling out of nowhere and Natalia didn't know how to take it. Part of her knew it was the rational way to start thinking, hells, she was suspicious of finding out she had brothers when she felt more coherent at the time, but that never stopped the hurt she felt from Dean keeping her at arms length. Truth was, she never really felt like a real Winchester, even though she was and she still held so much pain from their dad just abandoning her. It was all linked to why she was the way she was, even after she helped Sam try and find ways of bringing Dean back from Hell, offering to make deals herself when the demons wouldn't take Sam's offers. Yet it felt like it was all for nothing right now.

She continued to listen to Esme as she told her to see the other side of things. How Dean absolutely lost his mind when Nat got taken to the point he did come after her, with Mika in tow. She had to remember that, Dean DID come after her, even if it still felt so surreal to her that he would. Cason may have been the one who actually saved her life, but Dean and Mika did go after her, Dean carried her on his back out to the car and was fussing over her before going back inside. He risked his life…for her as well as Esme. As Esme climbed onto her car, an action Natalia would have normally been irritated with, but not tonight, and hugged her, she didn't know if to flinch or lean into the woman's arms. She just stayed still for a moment until Esme started rubbing her back which made all of Natalia's instincts just lean into Esme as she tried not to cry all over again. Deep down she knew Esme was right, she shouldn't blame herself for whatever Dean did to Anna to make the girl leave with Sam but she couldn't help it.

If she had JUST kept her temper under control and listened to Cason, none of this would have happened. It would take a lot for her to believe anything different, even after Esme told her they both knew Dean would have kept hiding it from her. “okay…” she simply said, finally speaking up once again as Esme told her Dean was on his way over to talk with her. “Thanks Esme” she said, pulling away from the warm hug as she sat still waiting for Dean to arrive. When he did arrive, she just gave a nod and patted the car beside her. “May as well sit here…” she replied to Dean, even though she was scared he was going to flip on her.


With Anna agreeing to get the bags and taking the keys from him, Sam headed into the reception area to book a room. At first he couldn't see anyone around, so he tapped the bell to signal a customer was waiting to be served. A guy walked out from the back room moments later and looked at Sam, “needing a room?” He asked, to which Sam nodded. “yeah, either double or twin preferably if you got anything left. Seems to be busy tonight here” Sam replied, judging by the amount of cars that were in the lot compared to normal when he would drive past with Dean. “Yeah, I think something is happening just outside of town or something” the receptionist explained as he got out the book to check Sam in. Sam just gave a nod wondering what it could be, but he didn't care enough to ask more questions about it. He figured it was probably some gathering of some kind which didn't phase him in the slightest. “Alright, just need a card and matching ID and I can get you a room key” he got told, which made Sam delve into his back pocket to grab his wallet as Anna stepped inside with the bags.

Handing over some convincing fake ID and a credit card with a matching name on it, he paid for the room whilst letting Anna stand close to him. Receiving his id and card back, he also grabbed the key that was handed with them. “We only got a double room upstairs to your left when you step out of here. Room 203.” The receptionist explained. “That's fine, cheers. Have a good night, yeah?” Sam said finally, grabbing one of their bags from Anna before placing a hand on her back and guiding her back outside.

Once outside, he walked with Anna to the room where he opened the door and let her inside first, followed by himself and closed the door behind them as he switched the light on. “home sweet home for the night” he smirked. Putting the bag down, he walked further in and perched on the end of the bed where he instantly kicked his boots off. Looking at Anna, he just held his arms out to her getting the sense she may need another hug. He didn't say anything…just gestured what he was thinking with his actions.
Hidden 19 days ago Post by JustAnna
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JustAnna Hunter / Maybe Soldier Boy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Duke almost breathed the largest sigh of relief as Mika explained what she and Dean had talked about. Other than a few details about Dean’s time with Esme, and what drove Esme away…it didn’t seem that Mika knew much more about the dynamic between the three of them. At the very least, she didn’t know any more than what he had told her about his involvement with Esme back in the day. He just really didn’t want the confusion and ‘what were you thinking’ speeches, when he was actually pretty happy with the way things were back then. It could have worked…if Dean had been able to let go of Mika.

“I remember those days all too well.” Duke muttered, tilting his head down a bit as the memories of Mika being shattered into pieces in his motel room flooded his mind, as well as the memories of her phone calls. Duke had no good answers to give her when she called, but he picked up…no matter what. “You guys always manage to come back together. Now, you just gotta work on all that brutal honesty together, if you’re gonna make it work long term, this time.”

He paused, just before Esme stepped in and as the back door opened, Duke nodded, “Yeah…we’re the best we’ve ever been, if I’m honest. Waitin’ around was worth it, this time.”

As soon as Esme was in the room, Duke stepped over to her and he wrapped an arm around her waist. He pressed a gentle kiss to her temple, and dragged his hand down to rest against her hip. He could feel the pressure change in the room, the second Esme came in, and when he glanced back over to Mika, he was happy to see that she had on her kind face. She was ready to be patient and civil toward Esme, which caused Duke to smile a bit and turn his eyes back to Esme’s face. Bringing his spare hand up, he wiped a spare tear away from her face and sighed.

“Well he walked out there in a much different mood than he had when I first walked in. He was simmered down quite a bit. I don’t think Natalia has anything to worry about.” Duke said softly. He turned his attention back to Mika for a moment with a smile, “Seems like we’re all workin’ toward civil.”


Dean watched as Esme pulled away from the hug with Nat and started her walk toward the house to give Dean and Nat some space. As she passed, and echoed Mika’s words, Dean gave her a soft smile, even though he was terrified that he couldn’t do what they asked. He wasn’t exactly good at expressing anything toward his siblings other than protection and anger when they made stupid mistakes. But he had to try, or he would end up losing Nat…and from the feeling in the air, Sam was on his way out, too.

As Nat patted the car next to her, Dean sighed nervously, stepping forward with a bit of a foot drag. She was definitely more calm, and seemed less likely to hit him again, which he was thankful for. As he climbed onto the car, his nervousness in the pit of his stomach grew. Where to even begin?

“I’m not going to beat around the bush, because that’s not what you need from me.” Dean began calmly, his voice low as he glanced up at the busted window of the Impala. He took a deep breath, and continued, “I’m sorry that I kept things from you, like you couldn’t handle it. I treated you like a kid, which is probably what you’ll always be in part of my brain. For that, I’m sorry.”

Dean paused and frowned, glancing out into a random spot in the lot, before turning to look at Nat’s face, “I don’t want you to ever think that there’s anything you could do to change how much I love you. Alright? Take swings at me. Wreck my car. It doesn’t matter. When I told you ‘I’ve got you’ back when we first found you, I know I didn’t deliver. I was horrible to you, for the longest time. But I mean it, now.”

He knew that he needed to let her get her own feelings out there, if he was ever going to try and fix any of the mistakes he had made that had led to this level of distrust and vitriol between them. Dean wasn’t a fixer. He didn’t do the whole ‘I’m sorry I made you feel that way’ dance…but he was willing to try for his baby sister.

“I just feel like we’ve needed to talk for a while…”


Anna was a little zoned out as Sam booked their room, standing close to him, and moving even closer into his side every time someone passed. She really just wanted to be behind a locked door, safe and sound for the night while she processed Dean’s outburst, and where to go from here. If the tension with Dean was going to be as thick as it was before she and Sam had left the house…Anna had no desire to be around the older Winchester.

As Sam led her outside, she just followed along, handing Sam’s heavier bag off to him. Her own bag bounced against her leg as she walked absentmindedly, her body a bit numb, toward the room with Sam. She took his lead and walked into the room as soon as he unlocked the door, walking over to the side of the bed she preferred and dropping her bag on the floor. She then kicked her own boots off, realizing that she desperately needed a shower, but she was too keyed up to deal with it at that moment.

At that moment, Sam was holding his arms out to her, asking her if she wanted a hug. She simply stood there for a moment, his arms looking way too inviting to say no to, especially now that they were alone, and she could fall apart if she wanted to, without prying eyes. After a moment of watching Sam, Anna walked around to him. She stepped up to the end of the bed, climbing up beside him, instead of into his arms, and laid down beside his legs, using his thigh as a pillow. She brought both her arms up, covering her eyes and just absolutely fell apart.

Dean’s words, mixed with the feelings she had dealt with not long before, when she ran away…were all enough to drive her into another fit of tears. As if she felt like part of the family before, she definitely didn’t now. If not for Sam’s actions, choosing her in the moment that she broke down, she would have run off. She was no good to them as anything other than a weapon…that she didn’t even want to be.

“Thank you…” She whispered, her voice shaky and heartbroken as she wrapped an arm around Sam’s thigh.
Hidden 18 days ago Post by Wolvena
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Wolvena RP loving wolf girl

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


As soon as Esme walked into the kitchen and saw Mika, she felt uneasy and a little nervous. The two hadn't gotten off to the best start, and Esme was a little worried that something would break out between them, which she wasn't feeling up to. When Duke came over and put an arm around her waist, Esme leaned into him as she put her arm around him and slightly smiled as he wiped a tear from her face. Esme knew he had to feel how tense she was standing there, even if the room felt lighter for Duke. It wasn't until Mika spoke and Esme saw a much kinder look on her face that she relaxed and looked at the woman kindly in return. “You don’t have to thank me for helping her.” she started after Duke spoke. “She’s dealing with some deep emotions she’s never been able to process. She doesn’t know how. I wanted to help her because I know what it’s like trying to process emotions you don’t understand. The only difference is I didn’t have help.” she told Mika. Sighing softly, Esme briefly looked at the floor, collecting herself a little more. “I don’t like seeing them fight either.” she admitted.

“Especially knowing how much he loves and cares for her. I can feel it. He’s just crap at showing it. And Natalia…. She feels like she’s the sister Dean probably never wanted.” she said sadly. “And she still remembers Dean and Sam's conversation outside the door after they saved her. It clearly still haunts her…. I hope this talk between them will help start bringing them closer.” Esme really did hope that this talk between Dean and Natalia would help bring the two closer. She hated seeing family members not get along or seeing family members think they didn't belong in the family. It was hard to see when she witnessed it in her own family and watched it tear them apart. So, if she could calm Natalia down enough for Dean to talk to her, she would be happy. As Esme stood there, she found herself falling into memories of her family and tensing up again with a lump forming in her throat. Esme forced the memories from her mind and swallowed the lump in her throat, then unconsciously put two fingers through one of Duke’s belt loops to hold him closer to her. She then focused back on Mika to keep herself from drifting back into the memories.

Esme’s mind was tired from the lack of good sleep, so it was taking some effort to hold back memories the situation stirred and keep some emotions at bay. “While we talked, Natalia asked me if I would help her process her emotions, admitting she didn’t know how. I told her I would.” she told Mika. “I have to say I was a little surprised. She doesn’t seem like someone who often asks for help, at least not with something so personal.” Esme knew that the way she told Mika sounded as if she was asking if it was okay, but she didn't care. She felt she should know and did hope she was alright with it. Esme didn't want to overstep in any way but did want to do what she could to help. She also didn’t want Mika to think she was trying to take over anything. Just step in with her where she could and help out. Esme didn’t want the tension to linger between them since she didn’t know just how much Dean told her about their relationship.
Hidden 18 days ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


Mika was genuinely happy for Duke that he finally got things figured out with Esme and he could have the girl he's always loved. Despite her cold demeanor that grew over the years, she did still love love. She still wanted those she adored to be happy. She watched as Duke wrapped an arm round Esme's waist and added that by the time Dean had been given advice by him and herself, he walked out a lot calmer than he was when Duke walked in. She was feeling anxious still about the two siblings talking in private, even though she knew it had to be done. She took note of how Esme stayed close to Duke for comfort and how Duke kept her close. They really did look good together, she had to admit. As Esme explained what she found out from Natalia, or at least…what Natalia was willing to tell her, Mika listened intently. Hearing how Natalia was still struggling with her emotions broke her heart and made her want to rush out the kitchen and just bundle Nat up in a blanket and hug her. Yet she remained in place, hoping that Dean would be able to do that in her place.

At the remark of how crap Dean is at telling people how he feels, she did have to smirk and half chuckle. “You're not wrong there” she commented before letting Esme continue on. “I really hope so too. They both need it, but that breaks my heart to hear out of all the things she's forgotten, that's one thing she remembers. If anything needed to be wiped from her memory- it's that. She will always be family” she replied with a sigh. Like Esme, she knew what it was like to have family not seeing eye to eye. She had witnessed her dad and Bobby argue enough times about whether she should have been visiting him and especially be near Dean and his dad. It was that rift after all that made her dad decide he was going to rip her from school and move state- only for that very night a Wendigo to come and slaughter both her parents and attempt to slaughter her. As much as she held a lot of resentment towards how her dad treated her as a kid, she still wished he didn't die in that horrific manner and even as an adult, she missed her mother dearly. So she understood why Natalia was struggling with so much, all whilst having pretended she was fine. She almost partially blamed herself for not doing anything before now, she should have seen the signs of the pain Nat was feeling inside, and like the boys, she did nothing.

Esme's voice broke her out of her own thoughts and to say she was surprised by what was said would be an understatement. Yet when she really thought about it, she guessed it did make sense after all. Those closest to Natalia weren't there when she needed them, Esme was the closest thing to a stranger for Nat to be able to open to, especially as Esme knew exactly what Nat had gone through. “She's not someone who asks for help…as you’ve seen for yourself, she lashes out and storms off. She'd rather bottle it all up before that bottle overfills.” She sighed, stepping back and leaning against the fridge. “I know you said you need to be thanked but in my eyes? You do. This is the closest we've ever gotten to seeing what goes on in that head of hers. If she's asking you for help then please, help her.” She told her in a raw moment of honesty. “I love that girl like she's my own little sister. I just want her to heal and be happy” she added, the sadness in her eyes obvious. She will gladly be Esme's friend if Nat gets help from the woman.


Even though Natalia offered for Dean to sit beside her on the hood of her car, she still felt on edge having him so close to her. She hated being like this around, she just wanted a brother and here she was feeling like he was more of a stranger to her. The moment he said he wasn't going to beat around the bush, she convinced herself in seconds that he was going to try and explain his reasons for doing what he did. But he didn't and that surprised Natalia. She continued to listen to him, taking in his words about how she'd always be that kid sister to him in some ways. She never wanted to be treated like a kid, even though she knew it was inevitable because she was the youngest of John Winchester’s kids. There was no changing that fact even though it always left a bad taste in her mouth. The moment the words ‘i love you’ came out of his mouth, more silent tears began to spill over her bottom eyelid and down her face, making her hug herself even tighter.

She thought about how to say everything she was thinking and feeling so she didn’t cause another shouting match. The energy to scream and shout was well and truly gone from her at this point- she was convinced that Esme hugged it all out of her, not that that was remotely possible. It was a comforting thought nonetheless. “All I’ve wanted is for you to see me as me…to have your respect…” she began to quietly say as she started shifting through her thoughts. “I’ve always felt you’ve resented me for being closer to Sam. That’d you prefer to just abandon me like dad did. I hate feeling like I don't belong or deserve the Winchester name. It’s breaking me down more and more each day” she continued, wiping at her face with the back of her hand.

“You keeping this from me has just felt like it’s another way of controlling everything I do and am. I’m sorry I smashed your car window, I really am…I hate that yet again I’ve let my anger get the better of me. You always promise me we’ll be better but then shit like this happens. How can I believe anything you say to me?” she explained, slowly making herself turn to look at him finally. The heartbreak and feeling of loneliness evident in her brown eyes. “I can’t take being the unwanted half sibling anymore Dean…I can’t. I’ve tried everything to be worthy of your sister and all I do is fail. I’m sorry for being the sister you don’t want…” she said, her silent tears turning into sobbing as she shook and hugged her knees so tight, her knuckles were turning white in the dark light.

“Maybe it would have been better if you never saved me that day” she cried.


Sam was about to lower his arms, figuring that Anna didn’t want a hug after all but then she walked round to him and climbed onto the bed. The actions instantly became familiar to him as she curled up and rested her head on his thigh. He then lowered his arms slowly and gently, wrapping one over her shoulders and his other hand, gently placed on top of her head where he stroked her hair. “You don’t need to thank me babygirl” He said back to her. “What Dean did was absolutely out of order and believe me, I made it known I did not agree with him or his actions” he explained, feeling it was important that she knew he stood up to Dean for a change. “I’m done seeing him get his opinions out in violent ways. He had no right hurting you and he definitely had no right to say what he did.” he continued, still stroking her hair.

He was actually now more worried about having left Nat behind, but he knew Cason had her back. The idea of leaving Dean with any of the others was a concern, he was just trying to tell himself that at least Mika and Duke were there to reel him in. He would no doubt hear all of Dean’s complaints when he eventually went back, but he could take the shouting and the punches. As long as it meant Dean didn’t lay a hand on any of the girls. “What he said to you wasn’t true, not in the slightest. I know for a fact none of us think of you as solely a weapon. Mika adores you like family, Nat is growing very fond of you. She doesn’t let just anyone in and she’s let you in. Duke clearly likes you, I don’t think it’s possible for him to see a person as anything other than a human worth being nice to” he smiled.

“Esme? Well I’ve not seen any hint of her seeing you in a negative light. As for me? Well you know I love you dearly.” he finished saying to her, hoping yet again his words would bring her some comfort. He knew Dean’s words would take a long time to fully vanish from her mind, but he was determined to wipe them from her mind bit by bit until there was none of them left. All she needed to think about was the truth and what things he said to her. “I won’t stop reminding you you’re loved, wanted and family until you believe it yourself.” he told her, looking down at her head, hoping that what he said and his little soothing actions were enough to calm her down.
Hidden 18 days ago Post by JustAnna
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JustAnna Hunter / Maybe Soldier Boy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Duke felt Esme tense against him a bit, and glanced down when she looped one of her fingers through a belt loop. He didn’t acknowledge it, keeping his attention on her face. She was obviously tired, and what little he knew about her empathy, she had to be emotionally overwhelmed around everyone, with all the tension. He moved his hips a bit closer to her, keeping his hand on her hip as she and Mika spoke.

Mika and Esme speaking so calm with one another was a relief, as Duke turned his eyes from Esme over to Mika as she thanked Esme for her efforts with Nat. Duke didn’t know Nat as well as he knew Mika and Dean, but he could tell that she was a lot like Dean. She was more like Dean than she would ever admit, he had to assume.

“Well, I mean, who better to have out there than someone who knows her type…” Duke chimed in before he realized he had spoken up. “I mean, you and Esme know Dean like the back of your hand. Nat doesn’t seem that much different. Maybe a little more closed off…different trauma and all that.”

He shrugged his shoulders, sinking into the calm in the room, between two women that he loved more than anything.

“Seems like we’re all makin’ strides tonight, right?”


It was Dean’s turn to listen, and listen he did. He waited patiently as Nat gathered her words, and glanced over to her when she finally did speak. Of course she just wanted him to respect her and to see her as a sister, and not some kid to babysit. He was her big brother. But when she mentioned that he resented her, he frowned, shaking his head instantly. It was a gut reaction, and he hoped that she would take it for what it was. He didn’t feel that way at all. There were times that he wished she felt she could come to him the way she came to Sam, but resentment wasn’t the word…

Dean didn’t voice what he was thinking. He just let her vent to him, the way she had probably needed to for a while. This had been brewing for a while. He had lost her trust, completely. He had taken away her agency, under the guise of protecting her…a habit of his. As soon as her eyes met his, Dean’s own eyes began to well up in tears a bit. He snarled his nose to try and press them down, but it was hard to deny the feeling in his chest that told him that he was the one who broke her spirit. He had done a lot of damage, in the heat of the moment.

“I don’t know…” He whispered in response to her question of ‘how can I believe anything you say to me?’. He wasn’t quite sure what he wanted, here. On one hand, he wanted forgiveness but on the other hand, he wanted to hear it all…to be tortured with it. He wanted her to hate him for his actions, and match his own internal feelings.

But her next words sobered him up a bit, and he almost stopped breathing. She felt unwanted. She felt like he didn’t want her around…like he didn’t love her. Dean shook his head quickly, and had to choke back his own sudden overwhelm as she sobbed.

“No no no. You’re wrong about that.” Dean stopped her, clearing his throat and sniffling. He scooted a little closer to her, grabbing one of her hands to wrench her hands away from her knees. He placed the hand on his chest, and used his other hand to push her legs down so he could pull her close to him.

“I want you to listen to me. Take a deep breath and listen to me…” Dean took a deep breath, his chest rising and falling under her hand. “There has never been a day that I regretted saving you. I don’t want you to ever…ever think that. And you’re not half of anything. Nat look up here at me.”

Dean pushed aside any bravado or facade that he had ever put on. They were alone. Nat needed him. His protective brother side took over before he even realized it, and for a moment…he saw Sam sitting in front of him. He remembered these sorts of conversations with Sam, after one of John’s rampages at the boys. Sam would be left feeling helpless and small, while Dean took the brunt of John’s anger to protect him…and then he picked up Sam’s pieces too.

He dipped his head to find her eyes, and he brought his hand up to cover hers.

“You feel that? That’s blood pumping. Our blood. You have that same blood pumping through your veins. You’re my sister…my blood. That ‘half’ crap doesn’t matter. You’re…a Winchester. You understand?” Dean spoke softly, his eyes wide and pleading, “And you’re going to do plenty of stupid shit because of that name. Me and you? We’re a lot alike. But don’t you ever…ever think that I don’t want you. If you can’t believe anything, please believe that.”


Anna nuzzled into Sam’s leg as he began stroking her hair. For a moment, at least, she felt safe and heard. Hearing that he stood up to Dean was a bit of a surprise to her. Sure, he had followed her out of the house, but she had assumed that he likely just walked away in an angry huff and left all the opinions in the air. It seemed very on par with Sam and Dean. But he actually stood up to him, and voiced an opinion. That was relatively new…

It was then that Anna remembered that Dean had hurt her arm, and she pressed her arm against Sam’s leg, forcing her jacket sleeve up so she could glance at the bruise that was forming. As Sam continued, Anna began to shake her head softly, barely moving it against his leg as the sobbing threatened to break out of her chest, all over again. She believed what Dean had screamed at her. Dean only wanted her around because he was afraid of her. They all were. In some small way, the whole group felt like she was a danger if she wasn’t tied to them.

But as he brought up the way Nat and Duke felt about her, she mulled it over in her mind. She could see Duke’s friendly smile, and sweet way that he called her ‘little one’ and Nat taking the time to talk to her and hug her in the bathroom at the restaurant. He was at least right about the two of them. They seemed to actually see her as a person, mostly because they hadn’t seen anything else from her…the way Sam and Dean had.

If it was everyone’s opinion against Dean’s, no one would win. Dean took over every situation. In a moment of panic, Dean could send her into a meat grinder, and someone would make an excuse for his decision, as if she died for some ‘greater good’. But yet, Sam was saying everything she had been practically begging him to tell her for months, before the situation at the barn happened.

He needed her. He loved her. He wanted her.

“It’s a bit hard to argue with someone like Dean, though.” She finally murmured, staring off into space as she spoke. Her crying had calmed, but the thoughts were now flooding in, and Anna couldn’t help voice them out loud. “No matter how much you love me…if Dean doesn’t want me around, then he’ll do everything he can to make sure I don’t…stay around.”

She paused and she brought a hand up to wipe tears from the tip of her nose, “And with all this stuff with Lilith and Alastair, I have a feeling he wants me as far away from you as humanly possible. Me telling Nat the truth is just the excuse he needed…”
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