The First Era, The Divine Age, started and ended with the Second Blight. An entire generation of people lived and died through it, not knowing what life without darkspawn was like. It had started in the Anderfels and spread across Thedas like fire. It ended in the year of 1:95 at Starkhaven as a mostly human force led by the Grey Wardens struck the final blow.
Divine Hortrensia I named the Second Era the Glory Age, predicting a grand rebirth of the world after the devastation of the Blight. Yet, the rebirth of Thedas would be the upheaval of the social and political norms, and a life of hardships more dramatic than the Blight. In the years to come, Orlais and the Dales would come to war. Divine Renata I called for a Holy War, leading to the Exalted March of the Dales. Orlais claimed the land, and the elvish people either escaped to alienages or took to nomadic traditions. In Ferelden, Teryrn Caedmon declared himself king which incited a civil war. At his death, fighting for power over the region began. This period in Ferelden would be called the War of Crowns. Further North, Starkhaven's King Fyruss would try to take over all of the Free Marches under the Tevinter banner. It was called the Time of Rebuilding, but it was hard to say would what was truly being forged in the ashes left by the darkspawn.
This all happened within the thirty-five years after the end of the Second Blight. There were now inhabitants of Thedas growing into adulthood without the fear or knowledge of the Blight. Yet, that didn't stop the Grey Wardens from remaining vigilant. Old God Zazikel wouldn't be the last Archdemon, and they were sure of it. Still a branch of the Chantry, they were given stipends and notoriety in most towns. They'd not fallen out of favor, yet. So, they took to Thedas to deal with roving bands of darkspawn along with other moral adversaries the Chantry might have. They became hunters of the wicked and the profane.
Our story begins in 2:30, a newly formed squadron of Grey Wardens are sent from the Fortress Weisshaupt to deal with what is believed to be a new emergence of the Blight. There's a town in the Free Marches that went silent seemingly overnight. Those that investigated have not returned. No one dares to get close for fear that they'll be next. But those that remember the Second Blight and the darkspawn, swear they can hear them on the other side of the town's border. Your group has been tasked with eradicating this threat and saving anyone that might be alive within the confines of the town. You've been gifted a templar from the Free Marches Circle to help. Yet, all the strange and scary aside, the land is in the midst of political upheaval. There may be enemies in more forms than just those of darkspawn.
Are you ready to embark upon a tale where our lovely protagonists' lives and stories are lost to time? Where their blood is spilled only for their name to be removed from the Warden logs? Where their death will be a convenience to the powers that be? If so, let us begin.
Divine Hortrensia I named the Second Era the Glory Age, predicting a grand rebirth of the world after the devastation of the Blight. Yet, the rebirth of Thedas would be the upheaval of the social and political norms, and a life of hardships more dramatic than the Blight. In the years to come, Orlais and the Dales would come to war. Divine Renata I called for a Holy War, leading to the Exalted March of the Dales. Orlais claimed the land, and the elvish people either escaped to alienages or took to nomadic traditions. In Ferelden, Teryrn Caedmon declared himself king which incited a civil war. At his death, fighting for power over the region began. This period in Ferelden would be called the War of Crowns. Further North, Starkhaven's King Fyruss would try to take over all of the Free Marches under the Tevinter banner. It was called the Time of Rebuilding, but it was hard to say would what was truly being forged in the ashes left by the darkspawn.
This all happened within the thirty-five years after the end of the Second Blight. There were now inhabitants of Thedas growing into adulthood without the fear or knowledge of the Blight. Yet, that didn't stop the Grey Wardens from remaining vigilant. Old God Zazikel wouldn't be the last Archdemon, and they were sure of it. Still a branch of the Chantry, they were given stipends and notoriety in most towns. They'd not fallen out of favor, yet. So, they took to Thedas to deal with roving bands of darkspawn along with other moral adversaries the Chantry might have. They became hunters of the wicked and the profane.
Our story begins in 2:30, a newly formed squadron of Grey Wardens are sent from the Fortress Weisshaupt to deal with what is believed to be a new emergence of the Blight. There's a town in the Free Marches that went silent seemingly overnight. Those that investigated have not returned. No one dares to get close for fear that they'll be next. But those that remember the Second Blight and the darkspawn, swear they can hear them on the other side of the town's border. Your group has been tasked with eradicating this threat and saving anyone that might be alive within the confines of the town. You've been gifted a templar from the Free Marches Circle to help. Yet, all the strange and scary aside, the land is in the midst of political upheaval. There may be enemies in more forms than just those of darkspawn.
Are you ready to embark upon a tale where our lovely protagonists' lives and stories are lost to time? Where their blood is spilled only for their name to be removed from the Warden logs? Where their death will be a convenience to the powers that be? If so, let us begin.

This roleplay is set in the Dragon Age universe, but quite a few ages before the main games' timeline. This means we don't have to think about the choices that were made within the games, but instead just what the current events hold. More or less, most of the big events involving the races and most of the nations have happened, but there are a few things that remain ambiguous and unknown. The biggest change will be the lack of Par Vollen and the Qunari nation, but I will be bending the lore to allow the face to be played. Because who doesn't love those big ole, horned people?
The other big change is the Warden's standing. Basically, they're still viewed as a valiant and much-needed organization, even if they do remind people of a darker time. They're still a branch of the Chantry and griffons are still very much alive (you won't have them starting out, sorry.) So, the idea is that they are hunters of darkspawn and other abominations in Thedas. If this gives mild Witcher vibes, that's to be expected. The underlying plot will be woven in as your characters travel and tend to dangerous situations. There will be character-oriented "loyalty missions" as there are in Dragon Age, and you'll have to work with me to develop these. As the RP progresses, you'll have a base to operate out of that ties in with the main plot. Something that the Chantry has buried.
The roleplay had taken a lot from the Dragon Age TTRPG, and while it will include stats and skills--they're just there to better help flesh out your character. There won't be any rolling, and if it does happen it'll be behind the screen and by myself using what you've given me. It's just a chance to quantify your character's abilities. I haven't fully decided how that's going to translate into spells, yet. But I won't be entirely rigid on what is known and unknown.
If this all sounds good to you, put interest down below. If I get enough people, I'll put the OOC up.
The other big change is the Warden's standing. Basically, they're still viewed as a valiant and much-needed organization, even if they do remind people of a darker time. They're still a branch of the Chantry and griffons are still very much alive (you won't have them starting out, sorry.) So, the idea is that they are hunters of darkspawn and other abominations in Thedas. If this gives mild Witcher vibes, that's to be expected. The underlying plot will be woven in as your characters travel and tend to dangerous situations. There will be character-oriented "loyalty missions" as there are in Dragon Age, and you'll have to work with me to develop these. As the RP progresses, you'll have a base to operate out of that ties in with the main plot. Something that the Chantry has buried.
The roleplay had taken a lot from the Dragon Age TTRPG, and while it will include stats and skills--they're just there to better help flesh out your character. There won't be any rolling, and if it does happen it'll be behind the screen and by myself using what you've given me. It's just a chance to quantify your character's abilities. I haven't fully decided how that's going to translate into spells, yet. But I won't be entirely rigid on what is known and unknown.
If this all sounds good to you, put interest down below. If I get enough people, I'll put the OOC up.