Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Kenshi
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After Morgan stripped the dead soldier of his battle outfit and gear that remained, she could hear the sounds of moaning and long drawn out raspy growls.
Looking up from the dead soldier, she could see several zombies starting to cover the main street from the apartments.
Deciding not to tangle with that many of them, she backtracked down the alley and came across

Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Carlyle
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What the fuck is going on?!

The thought had raced Morgan's mind repeatedly. When she was attacked by her blood-covered girlfriend. When she was roaming the streets looking for a place to hide or people she could join in getting out of dodge. But this? This was all sorts of fucked up. There'd been so much blood; so much gore that coated the walls and pavement to where Morgan had to fight herself not to throw up right then and there. From what she could see, there were only three or four zombies at best within the alleyway. And yet, even in such little numbers, they were able to cause such carnage. It horrified her as they turned their heads in her direction, hungry for their next meal.

"Stay the fuck back!" exclaimed Morgan, waving her bat in their general direction. Her heart beat at a million per hour, the fear of being ripped apart alive consuming her whole. She didn't want to die. She didn't want to go into the long night painfully and in anguish.

She needed a way out. Right now.

Glancing hastily around the alleyway, Morgan looked for any side door she could run to and enter to escape the coming undead.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Kenshi
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

A metal back door is slightly ajar, but there is a zombie blocking the way.
You muster enough courage and swing away with the bat, it connects with the Zombie's head, and crushes it. (Rolled 6)
Scrambling over the dead zombie, you make your way into the darkened room.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Carlyle
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Rushing over to the door, Morgan whacked the zombie guarding it and entered the building. She could hardly see a thingβ€”no other doors or people, but especially no zombies. Nonetheless, even after closing the door behind herself, worry still washed over Morgan. She may have escaped the dead outside, but who knew what was or could be lurking in the darkness.

Holding her bat tightly in a striking position, Morgan looked for around for a light source to better see where she was.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Kenshi
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Morgan's fingers find more than just a light switch, as her fingers touched something wet and sticky.
Bringing her hand up close for a smell, she knew it was blood, and fresh.
She flicked the light switch, but nothing happened.
Suddenly! She heard a noise above her, maybe an upper deck or attic?
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Carlyle
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"Oh god..." Morgan muttered, gagging at the smell. It was rather impossible to see where the blood came from, hidden away by non-functioning lights, but the wet, sticky feeling gave hint that something or someone must've been here recently. She wasn't keen on finding who or what was bleeding all over the place, believing it suicidal given the circumstances at play. Nonetheless, knowing her only other alternative was to go back outside, Morgan meekly resigned herself to her fate as she pressed onwards.

Rumble, rumble!

The sudden noise startled Morgan, freezing her in place. Was there one of them upstairs? Morgan hoped not, but if she wanted to stay alive, she needed to check the place out herself. Squinting her eyes to focus through the darkness, Morgan searched for a staircase, a ladder or something else that led further upwards.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Kenshi
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Stumbling through the darkness, you come to a wall.
Feeling around in the dark, your hand touched doorknob.
Turning the handle, it seems locked.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Carlyle
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Of course the door had to be locked. Sure, Morgan was technically breaking and entering right now, even if the concept of law and order had gone out the window earlier today, but couldn't whoever owned this place had at least made it easier for her to find shelter and safety? Between the non-functioning lights, fresh blood and locked doors, it was almost as if she had stepped into a house of horrors. Maybe it was; maybe Morgan was already dead, left behind to live eternally in hell. People coming back from the dead and munching on people like an all-you-can-eat buffet certainly made it feel like she was.

Contemplating her actions, Morgan decided to announce her presence, in case whoever locked the door was on the other side of it. At least that way she might not be seen as some common burglar taking advantage of the chaos in the streets by brute forcing the lock open with a hefty swing of her bat. But with the blood and everything else, Morgan figured that she might have to come to that regardless. Whoever had been through here already could've been one of the undead, or already bled out somewhere inside.

"Hello? Anyone in there?" She called out, listening for any sound or response, like the noise from before. "I don't mean to break into your place; I'm... I'm just looking for some place to get away from everything out there."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Metal Head
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Metal Head White Skull πŸ’€

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Something bumps against the door roughly, and you hear a low moan.
The sound of hands slamming against the door intensifies as well as the moans.
Whatever is inside, is making lots of noise, which may attract others.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by wanderingwolf
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wanderingwolf Shiny

Member Seen 4 days ago

The world was coming apart at the seams, and underneath was only more loss, destruction, and death.

The body was on him, reaching, grabbing, gnashing. Isaac held a heavy chain between both hands, the middle of which was coiled around the neck of one of his congregants. Sheryl had shown up every Sunday, attended vigils, and served in the soup kitchen; that was before last night. Last night the city turned upside down, and now Sheryl's lolling eyes rolled into the back of her skull as she bit the air between their faces.

Tightening his grip, Isaac readied himself and let out a yell as he drew his hands apart with as much force as he could muster. Sheryl's tongue protruded from the pressure before a deep crack emanated from her spinal column, and as the chain straightened, the flesh between its links tore her head from her body.

Keller let out a sharp cry as the final pull had wrenched his left shoulder from its socket, hanging lifelessly at his side. Sheryl's body had slumped away, and though the detached head ought to be in its final rest, gurgling noises continued to articulate from between her teeth.

Leaning against the wall he rode it to the ground where Isaac sat amongst the putrid mess of human flesh and tried to catch his breath. The world was coming apart, and in his struggle to survive Father Isaac Keller was just as much a perpetrator of dismantling what little humanity remained. He looked at the bruises forming on his hands from the heavy, blooded chain across his lap. A month ago these hands fed, prayed, and healed. Now?

A sound caught his attention and Isaac rose from the ground, grunting when his dislocated left arm protested. It came from the the adjoining alleyway; another apartment perhaps? From the ground floor he peered out the window into the alley.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Carlyle
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Fuck. Just fucking great.

The door being locked was now officially the least of her problems. Now, the only path to safety was blocked by one of the undead, and Morgan had to dispatch it quickly to avoid drawing attention from outside.

Her thoughts flicked back to moments ago, when she had to defend herself from her zombified girlfriend. These horrible... things couldn't be alive anymore. They weren't a person, or at least they weren't who they once were. She had already bloodied her bat; the weapon coated in the gory remains of whoever she swung at in the alley while trying to escape. Yet, with all the chaos in the city, Morgan hadn't had the time to truly reflect on what it meant to kill one of the walking dead.

I couldn't do it to... I couldn't save Petra. I couldn't put her out of her of misery.

Morgan took a deep breath, tightening her grip around the bat. Readying herself, she swung at the door knob, hoping to break it somewhat loose so that the zombie inside could be taken care of.

But I.. I can do this. I'm going to live for you, Petra. I swear on it!
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Metal Head
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Metal Head White Skull πŸ’€

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6 You bash the doorknob off, and with a hard shove from your shoulder, the door swings in, slamming the zombie Backwards.
It stumbles over it's own feet and falls thru a window.


You hear a loud bang, followed by shattering of glass coming from the other side of alley.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by wanderingwolf
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wanderingwolf Shiny

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More of them. It had to be; no one who had seen what was going on outside would be making that kind of racket. Craning his neck, Father Isaac peered through the dirt streaked window to see if he could make out where the broken glass had fallen. He feared that anyone making this much noise, if they weren't sick, might be in serious distress.

Still holding his dislocated arm pinned to his side, Keller stooped to pick up the chain before cracking the door open just a slit to get a better look. Glass was strewn about the alley from several windows, making it near impossible to tell where the latest shards mingled with their comrades. Looking up, Isaac's fingers tightened around the chain at his hip. The clouded sky cast a cool, dull light over the brick and iron of the narrow alley. Still, was that something?

He'd need to step out the door to get a better view of whatever made the noise. Bracing himself, Isaac took the first step out door and into the alley proper.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Metal Head
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Metal Head White Skull πŸ’€

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(Oh no, I rolled a 1)

3 zombies are in the alley, you try to close the door back, but it gets caught on something, making a horrible scrape noise that gets the zombies attention. Not able to get the door closed, you have 3 choices to make.
1. Go Back the way you came
2. Fight zombies
3. Make a run for the metal ladder across the alley, that leads to the roof.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by wanderingwolf
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wanderingwolf Shiny

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"Jesus Christ," Isaac stared at three blood-stained zombies shambling toward him. Normally, he'd be cylcing through the Lord's prayer, confident that it was enough to keep him protected from the slings and arrows of evil, but here, evil's six dull eyes looked on him as if he were filet mignon. The only thing keeping him from becoming evil's meal right now was his wits. His muscles flexed beneath his black buttoned collar, sweat breaking out across his back.

Glancing around, he saw a ladder attached to a fire escape on the adjacent building. If he ran, he'd make it in time to start his slow ascent with only one good arm. That was the only way. Isaac draped the chain over his shoulder and sprinted for the metal ladder. As he started his climb, he realized that he would need to leap between each rung because his left arm was in excrutiating pain when he tried to raise it. Keller fought the urge to glance over his shoulder at the three ravenous mouths snapping in his direction.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Metal Head
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Metal Head White Skull πŸ’€

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Rolled a 2, Damn ur luck buddy.

As you attempted to jump to the next hand rail, you miss it and fall.
You hit the ground with a hard thud, luckily you didn't break anything.
2 choices remain now, 1. Go Back inside and find a different way out or 2. Fight 3 zombies.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Carlyle
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

That was easier than she thought it would be.

With a hard swing, Morgan knocked the door knob off, freeing the door loose from the locking mechanism. She had been ready to charge at the zombie with her weapon, but her shoulder shove into the door was evidently more than necessary. The zombie stumbled about, shattering glass as it fell back through a window. Fearing that the noise might attract more zombies, however, Morgan hastily searched the premises, looking for some sort of heavy object like a dresser or bookshelf to block the window. Even if it was a temporary fix, it'd hopefully keep the dead out long enough a moment of respite.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Metal Head
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Metal Head White Skull πŸ’€

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Glancing about the room, you quickly find a bookshelf to place over the broken window.
As you move into position, you look outside and see a man fall from a ladder.
3 zombies are closing in on him.
1x Like Like
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by wanderingwolf
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wanderingwolf Shiny

Member Seen 4 days ago

The impact from his fall not only knocked the wind out of him, but the force snapped his shoulder back into its socket. The pain was almost unbearable, but not nearly as painful as the death that was clawing its way toward him if he didn't get up right now. The thought crossed his mind that this would be the end of him, here in this alley. The last thing he would feel was teeth in his abdomen. No, he didn't fight his way through a church full of his closest friends to end up dying here, like this.

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for You are with me.

Isaac drew himself up to his full height, the bloodied chain hanging from his white-knuckled hand. It was now or never. Do or die. And Keller planned on living. He cracked his neck, and rotated his newly restored limb. Raising the chain above his head, he readied himself to bludgeon the first zombie on the head before kicking the next one aside.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Metal Head
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Metal Head White Skull πŸ’€

Member Seen 1 yr ago

(Bad news and Good news) rolled a 1 & 5

You begin swinging the chain above your head, building up strength and speed for the attack, but unfortunately the chain flies out of your hand and sails over the zombie's head.
Good distraction tho, as the zombies watch the chain fly overhead, you managed to jump kick and punt the 2nd zombie's head clean off its shoulders.
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