General Template: Tyler/Tyrelle
Tyler/Tyrelle (Insert Last Name Here)
15 - 38

Personality: Tyler's generally kind, and generally courageous; his heart is in the right place. However, his prime trait is his protectiveness towards Ascot, and his dedication to what cause the boy takes. He is basically Ascot's guardian, either directly, through his superior strength, or indirectly, through legal connections, hacking, or magical scrying. Because of this, he is sometimes willing to use morally dubious means to help Ascot or his cause; his desire to guard Ascot sometimes reaches obsessive levels.
Magical powers/ Physical Abilities: Varies with every RP, but while Ascot is the Hero, Tyler is the bodyguard. Tyler is either the superior physical fighter with increased endurance and defensive abilities that can take hits, or a hacker who can find information for Ascot from the shadows, or a Dean of Students who is the strongest scryer on Earth. Or, he can even be dead, and a ghost who finds information for Ascot from the shadowy recesses of the Netherworld.
Tyler is overprotective to the point of obsession towards Ascot, and is, again, willing to use morally dubious means to help the other boy. Not merely that, but he also isn't a genius, although he's of above average intelligence. He tends to overrely on his hacking/magic/physical strength/ghost powers, as well as on the expertise of his allies, allies that he values less than he does Ascot. He also has a tendency to counsel caution to Ascot, while taking risks for himself.
Side: Whoever can protect Ascot best.
Bio: Differs with every RP, but, basically, Tyler was originally a posthumous character for Torn Across the Rift One (RoleplayerGuild One, now defunct), where he helped Ascot break out of his shell, but then was killed in a robbery. He was later made a backstory character in Where Have All The Heroes Gone (AH.Com, can be seen by members only, now defunct), in which he was merely brought into a coma through a car accident, but was cured by Ascot. He was also played for a few pages in a Victorian Zombie RP whose name I forget. Then, he made his true debut in The Coming Storm (AH.Com, can be seen by members only, now defunct), where he was the Dean of Students in the fictional Empire State University, and the most powerful scryer on Earth. There, he was overprotective towards Ascot, but I commited the crime of causing him to metagame.
Basically, I was ashamed of that performance. Once TCS ended, I revisited the Tyler idea as Tyrelle, a character in my second KH RP, Kingdom Hearts: Darkness Origins (Roleplayer Guild One, now defunct), in which she was a Keyblade Wielder looking for Ascot, who had been kidnapped in the RP. There, she was a decent character, forming bonds with the rest of the group, and falling in love with another character, Rel, who was the resident woobie. Needless to say, without Ascot, Tyrelle had the chance to grow into her own, and she was satisfactory.
Then, I rejoined AH.Com, and started playing Ascots again. And, with Ascots, come a Tyler. In an RP called The New Dawn: A Metroverse RP (AH.Com, can be seen by members only, still running), I played him as a Mental Time Traveller whose mind had travelled back to his 15-year old body, and fused with his 15-year old mind. And, this time, the obsession with Ascot was back, this time coupled with hacking knowedge and various other magical goodies.
Basically, though, Tyler, except for Tyrelle and only because she's away from Ascot, is Ascot's 'sattelite' character, his personality, skills, and even biography defined by the boy. However, within that role, there is a large bit of leeway, due to the fact that there are so many ways to protect Ascot. Also, as a character given into singleminded obsessions myself, playing a character with the goal of protecting his best friend sometimes allows me to vent. Not merely that, but who wouldn't want a protector like Tyler? Certainly not me *jokes*.
Tyler/Tyrelle (Insert Last Name Here)
15 - 38

Personality: Tyler's generally kind, and generally courageous; his heart is in the right place. However, his prime trait is his protectiveness towards Ascot, and his dedication to what cause the boy takes. He is basically Ascot's guardian, either directly, through his superior strength, or indirectly, through legal connections, hacking, or magical scrying. Because of this, he is sometimes willing to use morally dubious means to help Ascot or his cause; his desire to guard Ascot sometimes reaches obsessive levels.
Magical powers/ Physical Abilities: Varies with every RP, but while Ascot is the Hero, Tyler is the bodyguard. Tyler is either the superior physical fighter with increased endurance and defensive abilities that can take hits, or a hacker who can find information for Ascot from the shadows, or a Dean of Students who is the strongest scryer on Earth. Or, he can even be dead, and a ghost who finds information for Ascot from the shadowy recesses of the Netherworld.
Tyler is overprotective to the point of obsession towards Ascot, and is, again, willing to use morally dubious means to help the other boy. Not merely that, but he also isn't a genius, although he's of above average intelligence. He tends to overrely on his hacking/magic/physical strength/ghost powers, as well as on the expertise of his allies, allies that he values less than he does Ascot. He also has a tendency to counsel caution to Ascot, while taking risks for himself.
Side: Whoever can protect Ascot best.
Bio: Differs with every RP, but, basically, Tyler was originally a posthumous character for Torn Across the Rift One (RoleplayerGuild One, now defunct), where he helped Ascot break out of his shell, but then was killed in a robbery. He was later made a backstory character in Where Have All The Heroes Gone (AH.Com, can be seen by members only, now defunct), in which he was merely brought into a coma through a car accident, but was cured by Ascot. He was also played for a few pages in a Victorian Zombie RP whose name I forget. Then, he made his true debut in The Coming Storm (AH.Com, can be seen by members only, now defunct), where he was the Dean of Students in the fictional Empire State University, and the most powerful scryer on Earth. There, he was overprotective towards Ascot, but I commited the crime of causing him to metagame.
Basically, I was ashamed of that performance. Once TCS ended, I revisited the Tyler idea as Tyrelle, a character in my second KH RP, Kingdom Hearts: Darkness Origins (Roleplayer Guild One, now defunct), in which she was a Keyblade Wielder looking for Ascot, who had been kidnapped in the RP. There, she was a decent character, forming bonds with the rest of the group, and falling in love with another character, Rel, who was the resident woobie. Needless to say, without Ascot, Tyrelle had the chance to grow into her own, and she was satisfactory.
Then, I rejoined AH.Com, and started playing Ascots again. And, with Ascots, come a Tyler. In an RP called The New Dawn: A Metroverse RP (AH.Com, can be seen by members only, still running), I played him as a Mental Time Traveller whose mind had travelled back to his 15-year old body, and fused with his 15-year old mind. And, this time, the obsession with Ascot was back, this time coupled with hacking knowedge and various other magical goodies.
Basically, though, Tyler, except for Tyrelle and only because she's away from Ascot, is Ascot's 'sattelite' character, his personality, skills, and even biography defined by the boy. However, within that role, there is a large bit of leeway, due to the fact that there are so many ways to protect Ascot. Also, as a character given into singleminded obsessions myself, playing a character with the goal of protecting his best friend sometimes allows me to vent. Not merely that, but who wouldn't want a protector like Tyler? Certainly not me *jokes*.