Hidden 11 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

General Template: Tyler/Tyrelle

Tyler/Tyrelle (Insert Last Name Here)

15 - 38


Personality: Tyler's generally kind, and generally courageous; his heart is in the right place. However, his prime trait is his protectiveness towards Ascot, and his dedication to what cause the boy takes. He is basically Ascot's guardian, either directly, through his superior strength, or indirectly, through legal connections, hacking, or magical scrying. Because of this, he is sometimes willing to use morally dubious means to help Ascot or his cause; his desire to guard Ascot sometimes reaches obsessive levels.

Magical powers/ Physical Abilities: Varies with every RP, but while Ascot is the Hero, Tyler is the bodyguard. Tyler is either the superior physical fighter with increased endurance and defensive abilities that can take hits, or a hacker who can find information for Ascot from the shadows, or a Dean of Students who is the strongest scryer on Earth. Or, he can even be dead, and a ghost who finds information for Ascot from the shadowy recesses of the Netherworld.

Tyler is overprotective to the point of obsession towards Ascot, and is, again, willing to use morally dubious means to help the other boy. Not merely that, but he also isn't a genius, although he's of above average intelligence. He tends to overrely on his hacking/magic/physical strength/ghost powers, as well as on the expertise of his allies, allies that he values less than he does Ascot. He also has a tendency to counsel caution to Ascot, while taking risks for himself.

Side: Whoever can protect Ascot best.

Bio: Differs with every RP, but, basically, Tyler was originally a posthumous character for Torn Across the Rift One (RoleplayerGuild One, now defunct), where he helped Ascot break out of his shell, but then was killed in a robbery. He was later made a backstory character in Where Have All The Heroes Gone (AH.Com, can be seen by members only, now defunct), in which he was merely brought into a coma through a car accident, but was cured by Ascot. He was also played for a few pages in a Victorian Zombie RP whose name I forget. Then, he made his true debut in The Coming Storm (AH.Com, can be seen by members only, now defunct), where he was the Dean of Students in the fictional Empire State University, and the most powerful scryer on Earth. There, he was overprotective towards Ascot, but I commited the crime of causing him to metagame.

Basically, I was ashamed of that performance. Once TCS ended, I revisited the Tyler idea as Tyrelle, a character in my second KH RP, Kingdom Hearts: Darkness Origins (Roleplayer Guild One, now defunct), in which she was a Keyblade Wielder looking for Ascot, who had been kidnapped in the RP. There, she was a decent character, forming bonds with the rest of the group, and falling in love with another character, Rel, who was the resident woobie. Needless to say, without Ascot, Tyrelle had the chance to grow into her own, and she was satisfactory.

Then, I rejoined AH.Com, and started playing Ascots again. And, with Ascots, come a Tyler. In an RP called The New Dawn: A Metroverse RP (AH.Com, can be seen by members only, still running), I played him as a Mental Time Traveller whose mind had travelled back to his 15-year old body, and fused with his 15-year old mind. And, this time, the obsession with Ascot was back, this time coupled with hacking knowedge and various other magical goodies.

Basically, though, Tyler, except for Tyrelle and only because she's away from Ascot, is Ascot's 'sattelite' character, his personality, skills, and even biography defined by the boy. However, within that role, there is a large bit of leeway, due to the fact that there are so many ways to protect Ascot. Also, as a character given into singleminded obsessions myself, playing a character with the goal of protecting his best friend sometimes allows me to vent. Not merely that, but who wouldn't want a protector like Tyler? Certainly not me *jokes*.
Hidden 11 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

General Template: Ascot

Ascot (Insert Last Name Here)

13 - 14


Personality: Ascot cares for people, to the point where it can get him hurt. He values his friendships, being willing to go to great lengths for even relatively new friends. While he has the fears and insecurities of someone his age, he can overcome them if people are at stake. You do not hurt innocents around Ascot, nor should you threaten to, because Ascot will fight, and he will give his best.

Magical powers/ Physical Abilities: Varies with every RP, but Ascot is either a Mage-Fighter, or an ordinary boy with basic martial arts or weapons skills. When having magic, Ascot prefers a mix of divinatory and combative powers for use in his quest, due to the fact that he might have to quest with only one companion or so. As an ordinary boy, Ascot prefers to use Eskrima, although if he has a wealthy origin, he would use western weapons styles, preferably with a sword or mace.

However, Ascot's greatest strength is his way with people, something that emerges when he has no powers at all, or doesn't feel the need to use them. His kindhearted, emphatic nature allows him to form bonds very easily, as long as those people allow themselves to make such connections. No matter how powerful he is, Ascot always has friends or family contacts who are better than him in some way, but are willing to help him.

He also has a limited descriptive/deductive ability when it comes to people, as well as a keen interpersonal perception that makes him hard to lie to.

Ascot is rarely on the level of his compatriots; he tries to be, but in the end, he still needs them to accomplish his goals. Not merely that, but he cannot plan worth a dang most of the time, and even when he could plan, said plans are in need of improvement from his compatriots. He tends to lose most of his battles with other PCs, with his victories rare and few. Not merely that, but his deductive abilities, as mentioned, are limited, and sometimes lead him to ridiculous conclusions.

Ascot also has a surprising amount of coldness for 'the enemy', but that can be suppressed.

Side: The most morally light grey party and faction.

Bio: Differs with every RP, but, basically, Ascot is a child genius character created to defy the sterotype that child geniuses must be either technogeeks, manipulative bastards, or socially inept (which I am IRL, but that's a different story). He's smart, and has a great store of knowledge, and he has a basic descriptive/deductive ability, but most of his knowledge his based on history and literature, meaning that his deductive abilities sometimes lead him to wild conclusions based on the stories that he reads. However, he compensates for his failings due to his most defining trait, the trait that keeps me coming back to him despite repeated warnings about my attachment to him: his bullheaded kindness.

You see, Ascot's intelligence allows him to comprehend the enormity of such things such as losing one's parents or losing one's home, and that moves him to keep trying to help those that he encounters (assuming that they're not jerks to him), and going out of his way to try and succeed in whatever quests he's in in general, because he also knows the importance of his quest to the world/multiverse. While he can be sidetracked by losses and setbacks, in time, he manages to get over them, and abandon what false priorities that he acquired and go back to what is important: helping others. His intelligence also allows him to understand whatever companions he has, as well as give them what they need to hear.

In RPs on AH.com*, Ascot fared badly on his first RPs due to mistakes I made, which I will not elaborate on. But, in later games, such as Tarnished Futures One and Dark Shadows: A Gothic Roleplay, he managed to be a dynamic and interesting character due to realizing his limits, and working better with others.

RPs on Roleplayer Guild, on the other hand, especially KH:Signs of Zodiac,and Torn Across the Rift One**, have Ascot embark on a path to character development, starting out as a character who was weak compared to the others, yet who manages to form connections with others due to his dynamic personality, and, while staying weak, managed to attain a confidence that allows him to face life-threatening challenges without fear.

On Torn Across the Rift Two, on CreativeFreedomRPG, Ascot's still an underdeveloped character, but is shaping up to be a 'talker', someone who's trying to gather together the various PCs scattered throughout the place, and put together their stories.

*Note: the RPing section on AH.Com can only be seen by members only.

**Torn Across the Rift: Original Version, can no longer be accessed due to Roleplayer Guild getting a reboot.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Osamu Akiyama's CS and my work as him.

The Context

Note: Osamu Akiyama is not the same person as Osamu Ichijouji; that is all.

Note 2: The Demi-Fiend NPC in these profiles isn't the same as the Demi-Fiend PC who is serving the Reign of Chaos.

Link to first post.

Link to second post.

Link to third post.

Link to fourth post.

Link to fifth post.

Of these, only second, third, and fifth posts are relevant, but the first and fourth make for interesting reads.


Link to Sixth Post

Link to Seventh Post

Link to Eighth Post

Link to Ninth Post

Post Ten

Post Eleven

Post Twelve
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
Avatar of Letter Bee

Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Flashback, Six Years Ago

It was an uncharacteristically cool and windy day near the city that used to be known as Tokyo, now ruined iron skeletons with an entrance to a successor underneath the earth. The "Red-Star Corporation", one of the Ruling Companies that long ago built the Burrows, controlled these lands with an iron fist, using brainwashing and peer pressure to control their population of corporate slaves.

One man, Alexander, was in his cockpit and checking pre-launch procedure. His mission was being relayed to him over his NC's comms. The Phoenix, his NC, was in the Burrow's hangar area, which had many sub-divisions used for NC's, jets, surface-crawlers, and various other vehicles. The Mecha was fully functional and operating at maximum capacity.

Alexander waited obediently for his commands; from a young age, obdience had been drilled into him for survival and security.

The 18-year old boy was recieving readings from his Neural Combatant, all systems were go and his synchro score was at a very respectable ninety-percent. His NC maneuvered fluidly with every movement, and indeed, if the control systems weren't desensitized, it'd 'breath' and slightly twitch just as its' pilot does. He was now recieving audio feedback from his comm-links; his 'Operator' was an older fellow by the name of 'Shao-Lung', although, if the rumors were true this wasn't his real name at all.

Shao's old yet warrior-like voice began speaking, "Ah, good, all systems green? Good, good. As usual, I'll be your operator for this mission. You shall launch and rendezvous with the Third Defensive Army, specifically a battalion of infantry and main battle tanks who have been hounded by a damnable Denver-Vegas NC, identity unknown."

Alexander nodded; he was a good slave.

"I hear and obey." No bravado. Bravado was for Asians; he was an inferior European whose parents had been captured in inter-corporate struggles.

"Indeed you do; I shall tell you that Denver-Vegas, as you should know, stereotypically use heavy armor and large, revolver-like kinetic weapons. Weave through their attacks and go for the jugular."

"I will, sir," said Alexander. "They will fall before the Red Star." He then nodded again, before asking:"Am I permitted to take prisoners?" Alexander wanted to introduce others to the joys of serving their betters, as he himself had been taught.

"Mmm... If you can, drag the D-V NC back here. Whole thing." Shao added, "if the cockpit is blown to pieces, though, don't even bother. You'll be launching in... three minutes. So, any questions on the operation? More specifically, you'll escort them at low power until the D-V NC comes out to play, when it does, do what you will. If there's anything you want to get off your chest, do it now." The man laughed, "At least, if it involves the mission at hand! Kehahah."

"Nothing more, sir," Alexander said.

"Really? Strange.. strapping young lads such as yourself usually want to talk about things before you go out and rip another man's throat out." He breathed in and must've grabbed something, before setting it back down again and continuing. "Just.. traditional. Not to mention talking to another NC before you do battle. Something NC pilots always have done, always will I presume."

"You 'Pluggers' sure are a weird bunch with all those little unwritten rules. So, which of them do you know anyway, if any of them?"

"Master," spoke Alexander, "I know nothing, except that I should not talk about matters not my ken." Shao seemed to chuckle at that.

"Well... if I'm your master, you have my permission. How else do you burn away ignorance aside from correcting it as it comes?"

"Thank you, master," said Alexander. "So...if I may ask, what are the unwritten rules?"

"Well, the most major ones, you're just meant to open up comms with any other NC you meet, even enemies. You don't see them aboslutely every day, and oftentimes even NC's on different sides of the same war are nearly friends. Indeed, one of my previous pilots, was a confidant for one in Paragon. He didn't tell me what secrets he knew, but he wasn't the type to lie about things such as that. Even masterless NC's such Who Dropped the Soap, Sineater, Love's Embrace, and especially Little-Wings deserve that respect."

"Sir!" shouted Alexander, "such indiscretion is allowed?!"

"Yes, actually."

"And, who is Little-Wings?

"Old friend of mine, very respected. A great and honourable warrior,", he attained an air of nostalgia, "I wish he was on our side. I haven't seen him in years, but if you do meet him, tell him I send my regards?"

"I will give him all my respect as well, Master, and yes," said Alexander.

"Oh, another thing, it's simply customary to refer to yourself as your NC's codename while on the field of battle; something about respecting the machine. Aside from those two big points, I suppose the unwritten rules aren't set in stone."

"Thank you, sir, Phoenix out?" Alexander sought approval.

Shao-Lung laughed, giving the wanted approval, "Good, you're presentable as a student!", he snorted before going back to being somewhat more serious. "In any case, now's the time. Commence launching procedures, the hangar is already lifting."

The floor the NC was on began slowly rising, as the ceiling opened up, door after door sliding upwards to allow the slowly moving elevator towards the surface. Alexander readied himself, ready to make his master proud.

The Phoenix and its' pilot soon reached the surface, and a 'destination pointer' could be seen in Alexander's vision, showing him the way. "Alright, I'll try and mark things of note, too. I can't do this often; there's infrastructure necessary to do things like that. Consider it an occasional homefield advantage!"

"Thank you, sir!" Alexander said, before zooming off. He went at speeds that would be too dangerous for anyone that didn't have his sync level; his NC, due to its' focus on maneuverability and speed, quickly reached a mighty respectable top speed of almost 1500 meters per second, after a few moments of accelerating.

Once Alexander felt himself close enough to the people he was supposed to rendezvous with, the 18-year old boy slowed himself down so as not to injure any of them with a sonic boom when he finally halted. The Phoenix was currently in a 'cruise mode', and in combat, couldn't reach speeds such as this easily, if at all; in 'combat mode' it would hover around 900. Still, the quickly moving NC reached the operational zone quite soon enough, and began slowing down 20 kilometers out; already seeing signs of battle and indicators 'planted' by his Operator to tell him things

The Phoenix was hailed by an unknown contact, and while that was connecting his Operator gave him some info as Alexander began following the movements of the enemy mech, trying to detect said enemy's sync rate.

"Damn, I've heard of this man; Nathaniel I think is his name, he knows what he's doing, for the most part. The same tactic of 'dodge and charge' applies, though. Just get close and start ripping parts off, you'll be fine."

Alexander nodded, then opened comms to Nathaniel. "Hello! New Pilot here!" he said. "I was told to open comms before battle, so I'm doing that?"

The NC was a big, heavily armored brute and held two rifles in the hands, firing slug after slug at Red-Star tanks and shooting head-mounted smallarms to take out infantry units. He was finishing up if anything, though. Seems like the scattered remnants of Defense Brigade 3 won't be of much help.

Nathaniel scoffed, "This is Sixshot, you're fucking with me? First thing you say is that you have no idea what you're doing?". He was a younger man himself, although not as much. Obviously more experienced, and cynical.

"That's either an amusing little truth", the young man seemed to get his hopes up, "Or you're trying to screw with my head before we even start?"

"I know how to fight; I just don't know how to talk to anyone who's not master or fellow slave!" Alexander spoke, before rushing at Sixshot, then doing a roll in the air that would take him to the enemy VC's left, while the Sixshot destroyed one last threatening MBT and focused his attention on the Phoenix.

Sixshot fired a few heavy battle rifle rounds but they found no purchase; the Phoenix dodged the attacks and slid across the sand to the Sixshot's side, a perfect position to slice something off. Phoenix obliged, moving to claw off one of Sixshot's rifles.

The Sixshot tried to bat away the Phoenix's large, thermal claw yet couldn't in time. The unit's left battle rifle was torn in half nearly immediately, but the heavily armored NC dashed backwards and opened up podules on its' shoulders and knees, revealing many smaller-caliber guns. Right before firing, Shao-Lung only managed to scream:

"DODGE, NOW!" before the Sixshot pulled the trigger. Alexander shot up, towards the sky!

The Sixshot's close-range buckshot barrage came a second too late as the Phoenix flew upwards; in response, the enemy NC boosted backwards, making some notable distance and giving it ample opportunity to pull out a thick, folding blade from a holster on the NC's hip. "Close-range, huh? I've got the advantage, mook."

Shao-Lung commented "I think it's obvious that's a bluff, press-on!"

This time, the Phoenix zig-zagged towards the enemy, moving so fast it seemed like a flash-step, before rolling towards the right, then moving up, in order to claw at the shoulder.

The red close-combat NC quickly moved towards its opponent, rolling and landing to the right of the Sixshot before going in straight to the shoulder. The heat-assisted reinforced claw went straight through, then embedded itself in the shoulder. Pulling back out, it brought the Sixshot's entire right arm with it. Pressing his advantage, Phoenix threw the Sixshot's arm at the mech's head!

While Nathaniel was crying out in anguish, the Phoenix tossed the siege-ready NC's own arm right at the head, making it stumble and lose any balance it once had, falling flat on its' ass for now. Phoenix then put his microwave gun hand on the cockpit to force a surrender.

Nathaniel coughed. "Fuck.. how embarassing. Who the hell are you?"

"My name is Alexander Sky, new pilot of the Phoenix VC. I'm 18-years old. I'm European, my parents were captured by the Red Star."

"...Well, gee-", Nathaniel paused, in pain, "I need a fucking lifestory."

"How old are you?"

"That's the first question you fucking ask?" Nathanial spat, "Weirdo.."

"The rest can be asked back in base," spoke Alexander, "It's a security risk to ask questions while in the open," he continued, using his other arm to remove the mech's weapons.

Shao-Lung stopped that train. "I believe you should start packing him up for storage, or whatever you deem necessary.". Alex's Master seemed to be happy, "Damn, you did that flawlessly, and your first try against another NC? I do hope this isn't a fluke!"

"Thank you, sir!" Alexander almost chirped.

"Good Job, if I say so myself. Rest easy when you come back, you certainly earned such."

"You heard that, Nathaniel!" spoke Alexander, having finished taking away the mech's weapons, before beginning to drag him back to the base. "And thanks, master!"

And with that, Alex began moving on, saying to Nathaniel: "You'll be disarmed and brought to The Room, where the Masters will make you obey! Then depending on how good you do, you'll either work in the mines, or if you're really good, even work with me!"

When the Phoenix returned with a prize, the Hangar was already prepared for it when he came back. Men in uniform got Nathanial out and handcuffed, before bringing him to deeper into the Burrow's bowels to be interrogated, or even indoctrinated. As for Alexander, he was given approval by his Operator, and was sent back to his own quarters.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The Multiverse Army (Digimon, Pokemon, and Shin Megami Tensei Crossover.)

I. Intro

II. The Mon Alliance and Types of 'Mon'

Here are the types of 'Mon' (Digimon, Pokemon, Demons, and Personas, a subtype of Demons):


IV. Character Sheet

Appearance: (can use a picture or just a description)
Powers: (remember, keep it reasonable)
Weaknesses: (no exceptions)
Theme Song: (not required, but I figured it would be nice to have the option)

Team of Mons: (Digimon Tamers/Digidestined only have 1 Digimon (which would be capable of Digvolution to Mega level), Pokemon Trainers can have 6 Pokemon (and their own version of Mega Evolutions), and Demon Summoners can use 3 Demons per fight, but keep 5 more in reserve, aka not used in a fight.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
Avatar of Letter Bee

Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Second Osamu CS

Note: Osamu Akiyama is not the same person as Osamu Ichijouji; that is all.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Dawn of a New Age - The Return of Magic

I. Intro

Many stories exist of ancient civilizations, of monsters, magic, and mayhem. But these are not just legends. 10,000 years ago, Magic was the dominant force on this planet, and was as common as science is today. There is a cycle that determines which force will be in control of civilization, but thanks to the actions of humanity at Atlantis and Babel, that cycle has been thrown askew, with Earth being cut off from Magic longer than usual. But now, something has changed.

People have begun experiencing visions of winged, angelic beings called Malakim, some beautiful, others terrifying, and some both. Shortly after, those who have seen these beings, whether in dreams or in waking life, began manifesting strange, supernatural gifts, gifts each connected to a facet of existence. These powers have attracted attention both good and bad, as the world's governments have sought to capture and contain these 'Magi'.

In a world that is growing worse, the chaos caused by the Return of Magic might yet unravel an already tense situation...but the Malakim do not want Humanity to destroy itself, and so have given additional guidance to a group of Magi, asking them to turn the tide, to arrest the headlong decline of the world into a 'crapsack' state. Will you answer the call? If so, let the world enter the next phase of its destiny...

Welcome to Dawn of a New Age, the RP. In this RP, magic has begun appearing in the modern world. Your characters are a group of 'Firsters', some of the first people to develop magical abilities. You will be forced onto the run from the US Government, who is looking to acquire your powers and use them as a weapon of war.


Note; this RP was originally made by Flamelord, but he gave me permission as long as no one, and I repeat no one mentions him.

II. Magic

There are six disciplines of Magic:

High - There are many theories that try to explain High Magic. Some say that it is the power of The Divine, and that our ancestors edited the tenets of many religions and sects to bar people from accessing it. Others say that it is the power of positive emotions, channeled through 'quantum interactions inside our brain'. Nevertheless, High Magic is the power of controlling Magical Energy itself, allowing for the ability to see all Magic, to draw available magical energy from the sky and earth, create constructs of condensed Mana, create and fuel magitech and enchanted items, ward people and places from magic, and finally, the ability to create bolts of silver-white light that cause damage that cannot be healed by Magic (although Science is exempt).

World - World Magic is control over the physical elements of the world. You want to create Fire? World Magic. You want to alter Gravity to make yourself float? World Magic. You want to use lightning to electrocute a person? World Magic. Basically, if it has nothing to do with changing one thing to another, or controlling something that isn't wholly of this earth? World Magic is your key. Basically, Bending from Avatar: The Last Airbender, but without healing or spiritual arts and with control over gravity.

Change - This is the magic that deals with changing one thing to another. This magic can knit wounds and reverse aging, cause trees to grow fists and turn vines into whips. This magic can change one substance to another, turning lead into gold, earth into acid, and fire into water. What it cannot do, however, is affect stuff protected by High magic, or mess with things that are already dead. That belongs to another school, the magic of the Underworld.

Underworld - Death is all around us, and the old laws against disturbing the ghosts who chose not to pass on are gone, cast into the wind. Nevertheless, the souls of the departed have to be treated with respect...but it is not the same for their bodies. Underworld Magic is the magic of Necromancy; it is the magic you wield when you want to raise an army of the dead, to control the shadows of the world, to speak with ghosts, and to strike people dead with one blow. You can even use this to transcend death, allowing you continued existence in this world without need for food, drink, and sleep...

Timespace - The magic of travelling vast distances in a single bound, of teleportation, portals, bullet time, and scrying. The strongest Magi can even control probability, making a person luckier or unluckier, sometimes to absurd levels. But what it cannot do is reverse the past, basically, no time travel. Time stop, however, is a possibility...

Mind Magic - This magic deals with controlling minds and altering emotions of both humans and animals, as well as creating illusions, mental compulsions, and even erasing or editing memories. A very powerful magical discipline, but a strong willpower can break its effects...

Basically, each PC is supposed to mix and match effects from multiple sources of magic, but the more disciplines you take your power from, the less room you have to grow.

Signup Form

Name: What’s your characters name?
Age: How old is your character?
Physical Description: What does your character look like?
Place any photo’s here.
Important items: What possessions are important to your character?
Short Bio: Tell us your characters story up to this point.
Skills/Flaws: What are your characters strengths and weaknesses? You need two of each.
Spell List: One Natural Concept with two spells, one Human Concept with another two spells, one Fused Concept with one uber-spell.


Name: Gavin Prince

Age: 19

Physical Description:

Important items: Smartphone, Laptop, Pistol, First Aid Kit.

Short Bio: Gavin Prince was born in California and came of age there, finding an interest in archeology

Skills/Flaws: What are your characters strengths and weaknesses? You need two of each.

Spell List: One Natural Concept with two spells, one Human Concept with another two spells, one Fused Concept with one uber-spell.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Digimon Sliders - Children of Eniac

Long ago, there was the Atanasoff-Berry Computer, the first digital computer in the world. After him came ENIAC, the most well-known of the early computing machines. As they operated on Earth, they created another plane of existence, the Digital World, a mirror of the world of matter inhabited by sapient creatures called Digimon. Wishing to create more of these dimensions, ENIAC and Atanasoff created the various Yggdrassil units, to go to other worlds in the Multiverse and create Digital Worlds there, and Digimon to inhabit them. And for a while, this worked...until the Ygdrassil Units' flaws made themselves evident.

For the Yggdrassil units slowly became overprotective at best, prideful and arrogant in the middle, and tyrannical at worst. And one world's Yggdrassil was not only the last type, but harbored ambitions of waking his siblings to the truth of the Multiverse, so that they can all band together and take it over, usurping ENIAC and Atanasoff in the process. This Yggdrassil failed, foiled by a band of unlikely heroes.

Or was he? For in his final throes, this Yggdrassil, Yggdrassil-666, managed to send one last transmission out of his universe, a transmission received by another Yggdrassil, and another, and another, until they all realized the truth; they were not alone, while their creators, Atanasoff and ENIAC, were weakened from recent conflicts.

And so the remaining Yggdrassils allied with each other to form the Great Yggdrassil Alliance, with the intent of combining their legions into one Multiverse-conquering army of unstoppable force. But first, they had to overthrow ENIAC and Atanasoff, and even at the end of their strength, the two were still formidable.

Sounding their metaphorical trumpets, the two Supercomputers called forth Chosen Children and their Digimon from other worlds, asking them to fight once more, to band against the enemy that seeks to take over all worlds...


Okay, you must be lost, wondering, who are Atanasoff and ENIAC and why are they the creators of Yggdrassil and the various Digital Worlds? Well, ENIAC and co come from various Digimon Video Games not released outside of Japan, linky here*. And, well, let's just say that they are calling various Digimon and Chosen Children, some Canon, others Original Characters, to help them.

Does this mean that you can play Taichi, Sora, and the original Digidestined? Sure! However, some characters like Ryo Akiyama and Ruki Makino, are restricted for in-universe reasons.

There's also a third option, such as alternate versions of the Canon Characters (for example, an Osamu from a universe where Ken died).

Anyway, have fun!



1.) No Godmoding or Powergaming, aka no controlling other players' actions, no defeating your enemy in one shot, and no shrugging of all hits without a magical shield.
2.) There will be both mature themes here, even if it's Digimon; prior warning.
3.) You can be, sigh, villainous, but not psychotic. Your character must be able to work with others, even if its just to use them as meatshields or pack mules.
4.) At the same token, I'd like there to be at least one intelligent, competent, and somewhat diplomatic 'good' person in the group.
5.) Be polite to others.
6.) Caveat to 1.) You can defeat your enemy in one shot if you have a Mega and they have a Rookie, but doing so will be looked down upon.

Character Sheet

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
Avatar of Letter Bee

Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Name: Eden Verne Wells

Appearance (If you use a photo, please keep it SFW)*:

Sex: Male

Age: 13

Nationality: American

Equipment: Mage's staff, smartphone, first aid kit, snacks.

Powers/Abilities (If applicable): To know what Eden's powers are, a short explantion for how his school of Magic works is in order. Basically, Eden knows two kinds of Magic: Imagination Magic, which is really powerful, but also temporary; when the Mage stops concentrating on the results, they fade away. This applies to even Death; the moment the Magi stops concentrating on what he does, even death is reversed. A way around this is to use Imagination Magic to manipulate something that aleady exists, such as weapons or water, and move them away. You can also use Imagination Magic's temporary nature for self-transportation, or to hide oneself from people. Also, divination.

The second type of Magic is Ritual Magic, which allows you to make Imagination Magic's effects permanent. Eden knows only one type of Ritual: Healing. Basically, Eden can use word+gesture combinations, potions, or even just hide his rituals under the guise of first aid in order to make his healing permanent.

Skills: History, Literature, some Politics.

Bio: Eden was born to the a family belonging to Church of St. Photius, a denomination that asserted that the Biblical Ban on Witchcraft only applied to those who practiced, or profited from (directly or indirectly), Human Sacrifices and talking with Eldritch Horrors. Oh, and certain liberal policies that would make Reverend Katherine Jefferts Schori and Desmond Tutu proud. But enough controversy. Point was, Eden was able to believe in God and practice Magic without guilt, and had parents who were able to raise him to do both, both being Magi. Blah, blah, blah, I'm sure you also don't want to hear about his 'genius' and precocious intelligence, so let's not talk about that. Nevertheless, Eden had a happy life,and he wanted to extend that happiness to as many people he could help, and so he became a superhero.

Quote: "Artillery Incoming!" A reference to his 'tac-nuke' tactics.


Name: Daniel Wells

Appearance (If you use a photo, please keep it SFW)*:
-Deleted because I didn't use Tinypic-

Sex: Male

Age: 40

Nationality: United States

Equipment: Mage's staff, Bags of Holding, Smartphone, a Gun.

Powers/Abilities (If applicable):

Temporary/Imagination Magic - Exactly as it says on the Tin; Daniel can set stuff on fire, turn people into frogs, change shape and size, and a lot of other things, just by concentrating on them. However, once he stops concentrating, everything he does, including Death, is reversed. However, a way around this can be found by affecting something that already exists - for example, lifting a person several dozen meters into the air, then dropping him.

Ritual Magic - The ability to make Temporary/Imagination Magic permanent through means of a ritual, which is either a word+gesture combination, the creation of magical potions using alchemy, or even just a more elaborate version of mundane actions, like first aid. Unlike Eden, Daniel knows a broader range of rituals, specializing in Destruction, Summoning, and Weak Healing.

Skills: Composing Music, Business, Painting.


Pre-Time Travel: Raised by Fundamentalist Parents, Daniel ran away to Eternity City to find a job as soon as he was 18, working in menial jobs until he got accepted in a Musical School where he learned composing, and began a small career in making music, although at first, he was reluctant to sell to religious groups in general. This changed when he met Deborah Verne, a member of the Church of St. Photius, a strange, but well-established organization dating from the 1900s, when Photius I of Constantinople*, aka St. Photios the Great, was debeatified from the Eastern Orthodox Church due to his ties with Magic and the Occult being discovered**. This was opposed by a minority of believers and converts, a schism that grew wider when the Angel Ramiel himself intervened and supported said minority's secession from the Orthodox Church.

But enough history. Either way, Daniel and Deborah met, fell in love, and Daniel began getting interested in Religion again, finally converting into the Church of St. Photius. In time, Daniel also began learning Magic from his wife, and, while he was never as good as her or their future son, he was still pretty adept. Finally, however, the two people had Eden, and Daniel found himself coping with the fears and hopes that accompanied being a parent...


**If anyone's offended by this, remember, it's an alternate history where the OTL rumors regarding St. Photius/Photios and the Occult were true; in our world, these were mere lies and slanders spread by the superstitious. In this Alternate Universe, however, most myths are true.

Quote: "I have a family; I have a community that affirms me. I have possessions in moderation, and I have magic and people who won't judge me for it. I am truly blessed."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

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Middle-earth: The Dominion of Men - An Open World RP by Letter Bee

It is the end of the Third Age, and much wonder has left the world. With the departure of Frodo Baggins at the Grey Havens, an epic tale has ended, in both triumph and tragedy. But despite the budding power of the Reunited Kingdom, the scars of war still tear through the landscape, as well as the minds of many. For Evil has not been vanquished forever, merely stilled for a time. And though foresight tells of the 'Dominion of Men', the road to said dominion has many pitfalls...

As the Reunited Kingdom mends its strength, turmoil is brewing in the ruins of Mordor, as the Human slaves of Nurn rise up against their captors, who in the meantime have their own plans for reuniting the dominion of Sauron and crowning themselves the next Dark Lord. While it is nigh-impossible that they would succeed, as the forces of the West themselves have proven, the nigh-impossible has been accomplished before.

To the East and the South, the kingdoms of the Easterlings and Haradrim are embroiled in turmoil, as those that worship Sauron are faced with those who remember the true creator of the Race of Men, the One Above All Thrones Forever. Coup, rebellion, intrigue and strife are their wont, but there still remain those strong enough to look to the still-recovering Reunited Kingdom...and see easy prey. If they ally with whatever Orc Warlord manages to gain preemeinence in Mordor, then the deeds of the Fellowship would be all for nothing...

And to the North, the Kingdom of East Lorien and the Kingdom of Thranduil live in coexistence alongside the Lonely Mountain and Dale, ruled now by Thorin III Stonehelm and Bard II of Dale, but face the remaining Orcs of the Misty Mountains, as well as the remnants of Moria, where despite the death of the Balrog, the Goblins still live in large enough number to pose a threat, a threat that is magnified by the fact that Lothlorien itself no longer has its magical protection.

Evil still lurks, Good is still vigilant, and all face this very fact: The world of Middle-Earth is now their oyster, but it is true for everyone else, and safely exploting it would not be always possible...


So, basically, this is a bookverse Lord of the Rings RP set after the events of the last book. This is an open world RP where you can play as anyone you like from the Books, or an Original Character, as long as it's not someone uber-powerful like Aragorn or the Two Blue Wizards, who are my NPCs.

The RP's 'plot', instead of being advanced through a specific storyline, will instead be furthered through 'General Events', spreading across Middle-earth, which everyone would then react to...or not, if they choose. Not merely that, but the goal for this RP is 'Group GMing', where most of the activity is driven by the players.

Character Sheet:

Race (Elf, Human, Dwarf, Hobbit, etc):
Short bio:


1.) No Godmoding or Powergaming, aka no controlling other players' actions, no defeating your enemy in one shot, and no shrugging of all hits without an energy shield (which is impossible unless you're a Wizard), or really good armor.
2.) Be polite to others.
3.) No Movieverse stuff! No references to things that happened only in the Movies, like Faramir wanting to take the Ring!
4.) Stuff from Shadow of Mordor is only allowed if severely modified; aka if Celebrindimor is not evil, Gondor does not act like an evil Empire, and, well, things like that.
5.) Aragorn and the Two Blue Wizards are my GMPCs, as they are too powerful. Radagast is, however, open, as well as King Thranduil (don't portray him like in the Movies!), Celeborn, and others.
6.) Only Wizards can do Fireballs! Men, Elves, and Dwarves can create Enchanted Items, and Wraiths from Shadow of Mordor can do mind control and illusions, but only Wizards can do Fireballs and over-overt Magic!
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

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Name: Gavin Prince
Nickname: Horizon Cartesius
Age: 24
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Dark blonde.

Country of Origin: United States of America
Condition: Adept

Personality-wise, Gavin is a person who craves interaction with others, with a natural kindness and generosity, sometimes verging on softness, that the young man tries to use to aid in said interaction. On the reverse, Gavin hates being left alone outside of combat situations, and he clearly doesn't like being isolated socially. So his impulse is to surround himself with friends and companions, although one should note that if said friends and companions do something harmful, Gavin would fight them, even though it would hurt him to do so. Thus, Gavin greatly values being around people who are humane and have understandable moral codes.

Born in San Francisco, Gavin was a boy obsessed with astronomy in his youth, but shifted to history later on, while maintaining love for the stars. Born to a family that valued solidarity among family, no matter who they may be inside, Gavin found out that there were people willing to stand by him even when his sexual orientation (he is bisexual) and status as an Adept were discovered. Eventually, he joined the Army, and at the young age of eighteen, made the cut for a Navy SEAL, even without using his Septima. Of course, he managed to succeed in that career only with the help of friends, friends who told him 'terrorists are terrorists; you can wonder about their motives after you shoot them', as well as 'there are things on this world worth killing for, and dying for'.

In time, Gavin would become good at what he did, his skills in mobility enabling him to take out targets from afar, from mid-range, or even in a straight fight. He can appear anywhere, surprise the enemy, and, with his team, take them out without casualties on their side. But in time, Gavin knew that their luck might run out, and that when that happened, he was going to need more friends...


Jump (25 Points)
Flip (25 Points)
Wall Jump [Bounce off walls by jumping.] (25 Points)
Wall Slide [Grip walls to slow your descent.] (25 Points)
Dash [The ability to reach full speed in an instant] (50 Points)
Phase [Temporarily leave an area or travel through a wall. Gear or Septima Fueled] (150 Points.)

Techno Boot [A boot infused with technology, such as a thruster.] (25 Points)
Weapon Training- Firearm [Small] (15 Points)
Weapon Training- Firearm [Medium] (40 Points)

Special Weapon (40 Points)
Combat Suit (60 Points)


Name: Wormhole
Element: Space - Reality Manipulating Power (500 Points)
Color: Blue
Powers: Susbspace Hole (Wormhole).
Element Generation: Blast [Fire a single projectile of your element. Stacks] (20 Points)
Gavin can fire a small wormhole at enemies that does damage by distorting space-time around them.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

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Intrigues of Venedig - Fantasy RP

I. Intro

II. Interesting Countries that Trade with Venedig

III. The Factions inside Venedig

IV. Magic System

V. What if I don't want to play a Mage?

V. Rules

VI. Character Sheet Skeleton

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Red: Empire of Japan (Sumeragi-Controlled)

Green: Legitimate Government of the Empire of Japan (Anti-Sumeragi)
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Basically, here is where we plan a Digimon RP that avoids a complicated setup or cheap gimmicks while maintaining depth and room for imagination. An RP that will hopefully be enjoyed by multiple people and attract more players to this subforum. This RP has yet to be fully planned out, but that is so that suggestions by potential players can be taken into account or even added to the setting and storyline.

Here are the Themes:

The Good Die Young - You were a kid. Ordinary, extraordinary, genius or idiot, you were a kid who wanted things to be fair and make people hurt less. And you died for it. Perhaps it was an accident, maybe someone killed you because of your 'meddling', but the fact remains: You are dead.

But Death Isn't The End - Then you wake up in a clean, grassy field, wildflowers blooming all around. Strange creatures, creatures you may have seen on Television, roam peacefully, and one of them walks up to you...and talks. You have a Digimon Partner now, a being bonded to you, your friend and defender.

You Have A Second Chance - As it turns out, you were called here by the Idea of Good, a AI created to embody the best traits of Humanity as its creators saw it: Courage, Friendship, Love, Knowledge, Sincerity, Reliability, Hope, Light, and Kindness. This entity has brought you back from death in order to give you a task: Fight against a corruption so great, the living and the dead are endangered.

To Gain A New Future, One Must Earn It - You must fight in the Digital World, a realm of both wonder and danger, to root out this sickness. Encountering mysteries, battles, and tests, one must persevere against all odds, for they know this: If the Digital and Real Worlds can be saved...they can get back what they lost, and more.

So, what do you think? You die, you wake up in the Digital World, and a friendly AI gives you a quest. Not too complicated, right?
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

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Dawn of The Coming Storm - The Reimagining

I. Intro


Note; this RP was originally made by Flamelord (as Dawn of a New Age), but he gave me permission as long as no one, and I repeat no one @mentions him.

II. Magic

III. What if I don't want to play a Mage?

IV. Rules

V. Character Sheet Skeleton

Hidden 7 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

List of Mage the Ascension Spheres (Adapted to BCG)

House Rule: You cannot buy specializations on a Sphere/Miracle Skill; you can only buy them with Generalist Mastery. However, in order to preserve the Mage-y feeling, you get three free Spheres; anything more has to be bought for 20 Character Points.

Correspondence: Correspondence combines the Phasing (BCG) and Portal (BCG - Z) Miracle Skills, and along with Time, allows you some applications of Sight (BCG), namely being able to see long distances or scry on an enemy. You are also allowed to teleport to a place you know well. And lastly, you can ward a place against scrying, as well as create a dimensional pocket for items.

Difficulty Numbers: 5 for basic communications and scrying, 10 for hiding yourself in a dimensional pocket or equivalent, and 15 for anything that lasts an entire Episode Arc (Portals and Wards) or anything that extends across continents.

Entropy: Entropy, being the magic of fate and death, comprises the Fortune Miracle Skill (BCG), as well as a few Custom Effects, such as being able to raise the dead as ghosts to ask for information from. And finally, you can inflict direct Plot Armor damage on the enemy with this Sphere.

Note: Entropy can also allow you to 'buy' corporeal undead, such as zombies, powerful wraiths who can act in the physical world, revenants, and even a Lich, with the 'Comrade' trait. You spend Character Points per normal to get said ally; the only difference is that Entropy is a pre-requisite to get these new 'special' comrades.

Note 2: Comrades bought through Entropy can be built as Grunts as well as Rivals, and there is an advantage to doing the former; the latter will not be automatically subversivent to the person to raised them, especially if their previous personality prohibits such. Also, dead Rivals cannot be turned into Grunts when raised as undead; they must always be the Power Level they were in life, for story and plot purposes.

Note 3: Entropy can be split into Fate and Death if you want to play Mage: The Awakening instead of Mage: The Ascension. Use common sense when deciding what miracles belong to what.

Difficulty Numbers: 5 for raising Grunt Enemies from the Dead as Zombies for a scene and raising Rival Enemies as Ghosts to ask for information from, 10 for raising Grunts as Zombies for an entire episode, and raising Boss enemies as Ghosts to ask information from, and 15 for raising Grunts as Zombies for an Episode Arc, as well as breaking Complex Machines or Structures (But only Proxies, not Grunt Mecha).

5, 10, and 15 DN for adding Advantages to Resources tests as with the Fortune Skill.

Forces: Forces is the easiest Sphere to translate to BCG rules, as it comprises Force, Electricity, and Temperature (BCG). Basically, it is the ability to control the various natural energies of the Physical world, Heat, Light, Gravity, and Magnetism, and is both powerful, blantant, and versatile. It can be used to burn things, to make things glow, to remotely move objects, and even to call forth storms and earthquakes.

Difficulty Numbers: 5 for featherfall, ball lightning, or redirecting fire that already exists. 10 for flying at full force at normal speed and making people uncomfortably hot or cold, and 15 for melting a steel door.

Attacking someone with heat, force, or electricity is an Offensive Test with the Target's Defense as their DN.

Life: Life is the ability to sense and control life, giving it the power of the Life (BCG - Z) Miracle Skill, Somatics (BCG), and some applications of Sight (BCG). It can also grant the benefits of the Animal Person Trait for a limited period of time, as well as gives one the ability to control the local flora. Basically, if it affects still-living organic matter, it can be affected by Life.

Difficulty Numbers: 5 for detecting humans, animals, and plants in a 100 meter radius. 10 for widening the range to 1 kilometer.

Attacks and attempts to aid are conducted as Offensive Tests, Help Tests, and Healing Tests, although as part of a break from the original lore, you cannot heal yourself using Life. Again, this breaks with the original Lore.

Matter: Matter is identical to the Matter Miracle Skill from BCG...only you can transmute lead to gold for 1 extra Plot Armor damage.

Difficulty Numbers: 5 for granting any one item an Advantage to all tests made with it for a Scene, 10 for transmutation for extra Plot Armor Damage. 15 for breaking down reinforced steel. Anything that you could use Craftsmanship for.

Mind: Mind is the equivalent of the Probing, Phantasm, and Sight Miracle Skills from the BCG rules, and is the easiest Sphere to explain. Mind Control? It's Mind versus Willpower. Mind Reading? Mind versus Willpower. Illusions? Mind versus Defense.

Difficulty Numbers: DN versus Defense for illusions, Special Maneuver Tests (as per Phantasm) for decoys, and DN Contested Willpower for mental attacks and mind control.

Prime: Prime is basically how to control Raw Mana, make Magic Permanent, affecting people's 'magical circuits', and adding the effects of other Spheres into objects. Aka enchanted items and Magitech. Prime can create bolts of silvery-white fire that inflict damage that give Medicine Tests to heal them a Disadvantage, manufacture Ether Drives, and see all Magic and Magical effects. You can also use it defensively against Magic and Magic alone, this way you take a Maneuver Action (using Willpower) that inflicts an additional Disadvantage to anyone who attacks you for each multiple of 5 met with the result. Again, this only affects Magical attacks.

Difficulty Numbers: 5 for seeing Magic in a 100m area, 10 for making an Ether Drive for an Episode.

Magical attacks have the Target's Defense as their DN, and protecting against magic is a Special Maneuver Test as said above.

Spirit: Spirit is the ability to see and commune with Nature Spirits, Angels (if they exist), Demons (if they exist), and other extradimensional entities. There are few to no BCG miracle skills that are analogous to it, so I will explain this myself; in various games, there is an otherworld where the beings of nature and higher concepts live, and said otherworld sometimes crosses over with our world. The beings who live there can be communicated with because of that, and one can travel to said otherworld as well (Alternative Phasing or Portals), although this is not recommended.

Difficulty Numbers: 5 for seeing Nature Spirits, Angels, and Demons, as well as gates to other worlds. 10 for compelling a Nature Spirit to do a single action. 15 for summoning an Archangel, Archdemon, or a Major Nature Spirit into this world for information only; you cannot control them without a literal plot device or devices.

Time: Time is the ability to slow down or speed up time, as well as predict the future or see the past. It has been nerfed for this reason as BCG rules themselves limit time manipulation. Time now only adds 2 Advantages to Investigation and Fitness, and increases the Disadvantages enemies get from Maneuver by 2.

Difficulty Numbers: As Investigation and Offensive Tests.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The Great Multiverse War - Saga of Battle!


There were three beings that have governed the Multiverse since time immemorial.

The first was Happiness, they who embodied all that was noble and bright in the worlds, who gave heroes something to fight for, and brought hope to those downtrodden. The second was Suffering, they who existed only to bring pain and madness into existence, delighting in breaking people and finding disappointment when they instead strengthened and hardened them. The third was Interest, who desired only to make things 'entertaining', for they alone realized this truth; that the Multiverse generated supernatural energy through conflict and tension, and without said energy, the various worlds will cease to exist, lost to oblivion. So Interest kept the fight between Happiness and Suffering going for as long as he could, ensuring that both sides were in balance.

But it could not last forever. For one day, Interest miscalculated and allowed Suffering to win a battle that they should not have won, and Happiness died as a result. And thus the grimmer, darker worlds of the Multiverse awoke to the fact that they were part of a much larger whole, a vast network of universes that they can take over at will. The result of this was the birth of an organization, the Imperium of Suffering, whose desire was to spread suffering all over existence.

Countless worlds and timelines burned, thrown into fates worse than death, and the dark laughter of thirsting 'Gods' were heard in places where they should not be. However, the being called Interest realized that a universe of perpetual suffering where everyone was equally abborhent was just as lacking in meaningful conflict as a universe ruled by Happiness.

And so Interest manifested a human form, going to various worlds to inform their champions of the existence of the Multiverse and asking them for their aid. He wished to form a movement that would weaken Suffering's hold upon the many universes of existence, and eventually, devise ways of generating conflict and supernatural energy without excess suffering. And so the New Multiverse Union Government was formed, a groupiing of beings whose goal was to fight back against the Imperium of Suffering.

Thus began the Great Multiverse War.


Basically, this is an RP where you can play almost any character from almost any universe (restrictions are listed in The Rules); it is recommended that you join either the Imperium of Suffering or the New Multiverse Government, but you can make up your own faction if it is reasonable and not as strong as either Imperium or New Multiverse Government. Note that if you play a Custom Faction, you can eventually make it as powerful as the two 'Major Factions', but it will take a lot of hard work.

Power Levels

First up, original and canon characters are allowed, but ultra-powerful, ultra-perfect characters are restricted. My limits for what is allowed are:

- Able to carry entire cities on their backs for days on end.
- Move as fast as the speed of light on Earth.
- Travel interstellar distances by yourself and survive in space.
- Survive a nuclear explosion.
- Affect a city the size of New York with a single superscience/magical effect.
- Transporting large armies across universes by yourself

Characters more powerful than this are not allowed unless massively nerfed. As for characters who are just as powerful as this, only four PCs are allowed for the New Multiverse Government and Imperium of Suffering each, and four more are allowed in the game in general, as leaders of four seperate Custom Factions. New custom factions beyond those four will just have to go without exceptionally powerful characters if they are made.


1.) No godmodding, powerplaying, metagaming, etc. etc.
2.) Any mature scenes, aka anything above nudity, must be taken to PMs..
3.) No OOC feuding! If you must argue, be respectful. IC, meanwhile, you can hate each other as much as you like as long as it doesn't seep over to OOC.
4.) Characters who are at the limit of what is acceptable will receive extra scrutiny, aka they are more likely to be rejected. Beware.
5.) Please notify me if you will be gone longer than a few days, I myself will let you guys know if I will be gone.
6.) Warhammer 40k characters are restricted; Warhammer 40k tech and magic is immensely powerful (according to fans) and might - might - outpower the majority of universes and make them impotent.
7.) Dragon Ball Z is restricted; Super Saiyans, Frieza's people, Kai's people, Buus, and Super Nameks are too overpowered for even this game. Everything else is allowed.
8.) The Tone of the RP is 'Dark, but Optimistic'. Things are grim at first, but your characters are not supposed to be hopeless jerks about it, nor would basket cases be accepted. This world can be made fairer and its suffering will be reduced if the PCs do things right. So, do things right.



Character Sheet

[b]Faction (Imperium of Suffering/New Multiverse Government/Custom):[/b]

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

1254 AD: Purgatory of Europe

It has been fifty years after the Fourth Crusade, where the armies of the West turned against the greatest Christian City in the world, Constantinople, committing acts of bloodshed, rape, looting, and indiscriminate murder that were appalling even in such a brutal era. With the heart of Eastern Christendom ripped out, the legal heirs of the Imperium of Rome were driven out of their capital, onto Western Anatolia, where, holding back Turks and Westerners, they managed to build a stable, prosperous state.

In the West, the Seventh Crusade against Egypt has failed, and King Louis IX of France has taken revenge by expelling all that country's Jews, while Henry III of England is unwillingly forced to let elected representatives from shires and parliaments sit on the King's Council. In Portugal, similar things happen, with Alfonso III of that country holding the first session of the Portugese Cortes, an assembly of Nobles, Merchants, and more elected representatives.

And in the hallowed halls of the Vatican, the Papacy has clarified and named the doctrine of Purgatory, a state between Heaven and Hell in which sinners are purged of their sins before being allowed to Paradise. And Purgatory is what Europe is going through.

For death, fire, swords and blood are the laws of that time, the laws of the world. While people dream of a better world, they can do little to bring it about, and few even try that little. But there is always hope even in the darkness of the time...one just has to grab it.


So there you have it, a Historical NRP based on the Middle Ages. I know, I know, people are generally uninterested in the era, but I hope to make it accessible for non-history nerds, as well as give people a great time while fighting/politicking/looting. Anyway...


I'll add an Etherpad Link if necessary.


Rules and Guidelines (Partly Copied from Gilded Throne with Gowi's Permission)

I. The most important thing is to respect and follow the rules of our host site, which is no question. If there’s sexual content there is always “fade to black”, if it is a particularly dark and questionable scene it can be referenced or hinted at instead of shown. Basically, nudity is fine, but no 'horizontal tango'!

II. Respect fellow role-players. This is a collaborative project in nature so we shan’t dismiss or patronize those we should be working together with—lighthearted humor is fine but remember not to insult outright or start flame-wars; generally you know the drill so don’t be a dick and things should be kosher.

III. No meta-gaming—in Game of Thrones Robb Stark wasn’t prepared for the Red Wedding, so by good logic you shouldn’t be as well. The characters can’t know things outside of their timeframe, knowledge, and so on.

IV. This is important—Your Nation must always be next to another Player Nation. And by that, I mean that during nation creation, you should not start at far-flung geographic regions; one nation in Scandinavia and another in North Africa.

V. Characters can and will die in this role-play. Battles can and will be lost. This means if five armed swords surround an unarmed individual there will be certainly a terrible end. Although, this is not to say GM’s or other players can kill others outright and without consultation—you have a say in plot progression but do remember this is a game of collaboration.

VI. Post length should fit the scene progression.

VII. Also a major rule...HAVE FUN!!! (or else...:p)

VIII. In the case of players who drop, grow completely inactive, and other situations that hold up the RP the GM's will take exclusive control of these nations so the RP can continue to progress.

IX. If you have any questions, comments, concerns or need to contact a GM for any reason, we ask that you add all three to your pm or we will rewrite your pm to fit this format. To reiterate, all pm threads to the gms for gm reasons MUST include me or anyone I list as Co-GM in the thread. This will normally include late additions to the lore, or concerns involving other players.

X. No Magic! 'Miraculous Cures' are permitted if they're obviously the placebo effect, though, and you can develop new technology if you can convince me that it'd be viable through PM.


Total Military Numbers (between 5000 - 50,000 for most countries, while big empires such as the Golden Horde and Ilkhanate can have 100,000):
History (You are allowed to use Wikipedia for now):
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The Mercenary Leader

Candido Dizon walked the deck of the giant flat-topped barge that carried the motely assortment of armed men and women coming to defend Greek Socialist Hegemony over Cyprus. These men and women were from different ideologies and causes, but all were gathered and armed by him for one cause: The undermining of the Ottoman 'Caliphate' and defense of the Greeks, despite their 'de-conversion' into dirty atheism. Not that he'd reveal his distaste, Candido thought as he straightened his red beret and the Priscilline Conciliarist eight-pointed red-star. He, like his mother, Aurelia, was willing to adopt any guise that would allow him to gain and retain power.

Enough time being lost in thought; time to rally the troops. Turning to his men and women, Candido said, "All right, Maggots! Form orderly lines on the decks; radio the other barges to do so as well; as for the leaders of each sub-group of the Filipino Volunteer Coalition - they are to come forward and answer my questions!"

Candido paused as his orders were followed to the letter, with three men and two women, all in military fatigues and carrying their bootleg Russian guns, coming forward ahead of their troops, ready to follow the orders of their commander. Yes, Candido liked that, the title of commander. He would find the five individuals arrayed in a semi-circle in front of him as their troops looked on, and turn to the leftmost one before saying, "All right, Capitan!" he used the Spanish-Filipino word. "Why did you come here to fight?"

The dark-brown-skinned man with a pronounced peasant nose said, "To promote the Philosophy of Comrade Hou, in a pure form that is not tainted by womens' weakness!"

A barb aimed at the Lady President, as well as his mother, the Opposition Leader. Candido can tolerate it. How strange that the person to his physical left was also the most politically leftist. Turning towards the next, a Filipino Chinese man who sported an array of knives on his belt, the commander would ask, "You! What is your reason for coming to fight the Ottomans?!"

The Filipino Chinese would sharply grin. "To get rid of Religion, and unshackle humanity from the fetters of faith!"

Candido tried to hide the darkness in his mood; it was Religion that drove opposition to Spanish Imperialism - Native Clergy (first Catholic, then dissidents from the Philippine Independent Church) fought the Spanish Friars because said Friars had turned against what Christ actually said! Not that he agreed with the Son of God in most things, but even so. But nevertheless, he turned towards the third person, a brown-skinned woman who was nevertheless fit and well-muscled. "And you, Lady Soldier?! Why do you fight beside men?!"

The female soldier smiled, "To uphold the legacy of Priscilline Conciliarism, and to create a world of peace and happiness!" The smile grew fainter. "Using the barrel of a gun, of course."

Candido liked the Priscilline already. "What is your name?!" He already knew her from prior interactions, but this would be her formal introduction.

"Lydia, sir! Lydia Vidal!" the female soldier, evidently in her late twenties, said, catching Candido's sudden flare of interest. She watched as Candido turned towards another woman, one wearing a red headscarf and a Sulu Kalis sword in addition to her arms and fatigues. "Your name and cause, young lady?!"

The red-headscarved woman grinned with bloodlust. "I am Asma Misuari of Sulu, and unlike everyone else here, I came here to uphold the Sharif of Makkah's claims to the Caliphate! The Ottomans have lost their lustre, the Hashemites' hour has come!"

Another person to like. Now, to the last one, a young man barely nineteen years old, but already a leader of a force of 400 men. With androdgynous looks that were slightly more masculine than feminine, Candido felt a bit of warmth as he spoke, "And you, youngster! Why is someone like you leading mercenaries to Cyrpus?!"

The young man, his snub nose being the only evidence of nonwhite blood, said in a tone that made Candido shiver: "Because sodomy isn't sinful or illegal if you do it to an Ottoman, sir."

A shudder from everyone else at that.
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