Interest Check Thread
The world of Pokémon is an always changing and evolving place - one filled with innumerable experiences that one could only dream to see in totality. While many different kinds of people explore the world of Pokémon, for many different kinds of reasons, one thing always remains true: the adventure always begins somewhere.
Over the past few years, the leading faculties in various cartography and exploration fields have discovered a number of landmasses never seen before - stirring excitement within the citizens of neighboring regions and prompting a number of trips to and from the nearest islands of the group.
The largest of the small cluster has been deemed Panmia Island - and it is from where a whole host of adventures will stem.
And where do you fit into all this? Well, that's easy: You're one of the lucky few who was selected through various promotional programs to help map out this new region. Whether you won the trip from the back of a cereal box, a newspaper clipping, a television program, or any of the many offers flying throughout the Pokémon regions, you've been chosen for this great opportunity amongst only a hundred or so other individuals.
Are you ready to be a Pokémon Pioneer? Are you ready to...make history?

Our adventure begins at the end of a short cruise, where our vessel has spent the past six or so days orbiting the southern-most half of the newfound region. Everyone on the crew has found themselves absolutely enthralled by the shores of their soon-to-be playground of sorts. And soon-to-be it very much is, as today is the day our vessel ports at Panmia Island and we will finally be released to do our due diligence in discovering a new world. And who are we? Well, let's see:
Over the past few years, the leading faculties in various cartography and exploration fields have discovered a number of landmasses never seen before - stirring excitement within the citizens of neighboring regions and prompting a number of trips to and from the nearest islands of the group.
The largest of the small cluster has been deemed Panmia Island - and it is from where a whole host of adventures will stem.
And where do you fit into all this? Well, that's easy: You're one of the lucky few who was selected through various promotional programs to help map out this new region. Whether you won the trip from the back of a cereal box, a newspaper clipping, a television program, or any of the many offers flying throughout the Pokémon regions, you've been chosen for this great opportunity amongst only a hundred or so other individuals.
Are you ready to be a Pokémon Pioneer? Are you ready to...make history?

Our adventure begins at the end of a short cruise, where our vessel has spent the past six or so days orbiting the southern-most half of the newfound region. Everyone on the crew has found themselves absolutely enthralled by the shores of their soon-to-be playground of sorts. And soon-to-be it very much is, as today is the day our vessel ports at Panmia Island and we will finally be released to do our due diligence in discovering a new world. And who are we? Well, let's see: