Hidden 1 mo ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 9 hrs ago


When Dean grabbed her hand, Lexi couldn't help but softly chuckled as he pulled her along and down the hallway. She felt like a kid with him who was sneaking off away from their parents and she loved every second of it. It made her feel alive in a way she hadn't felt in a long time. She just had to keep reminding herself that Dean was still learning it's okay to be happy again.

When he pushed her against the wall near the boiler room, she bit her bottom lip, smiling, wondering where this was coming from but she wasn't going to complain. She let him place her hands on his chest, keeping her hands in his, as she watched him lean forward and kiss her desperately, forcing her to close her eyes and kiss him back. The desperation in his kiss, yet force behind it and his actions made her feel she had to be submissive to him, gripping his shirt as he let go of her hands.

His hand lifting to the back of her neck, thumb on her chin made her desperately try to not let out a little soft moan into the kiss, which she failed at. This kiss felt like none of the previous ones she had shared with Dean. It was raw, deep and dare Lexi say, passionate. If they weren't in the hallway, she didn't think she'd be able to just keep it at a kiss.

Dean pulling away from her, made her slightly chase his lips before she just accepted his forehead onto her own. Trying to calm down her own flustered state. "right...bedding" she replied softly, trying to catch her breath. Lexi kissed him back quickly as he stole another from her, pushing herself off the wall, stepping behind Dean and into the laundry room. She could see he was just as flustered as she was as she tucked hair behind her ear, still desperate to try and calm herself down. "Okay so....bedding, bedding...." She whispered to herself, before locking eyes on what they needed.

Walking over to it, she pulled some sheets down off the shelf, placing them into Dean's arms. "here, you carry them" she instructed as she looked for clean pillows, soon finding them and pulling them down, keeping ahold on them. "Okay, think we got everything" she smiled.


Sam didn't see the point in being coy and sweet after they shared quite the flustered and heated moment in the kitchen before Dean called him on the phone.in his eyes, they were a little beyond being shy and sweet now, so what harm could a little flirting do? He watched her glance down at his lips before looking back to her phone to type a message on it after Dean and Lexi had left the room. He listened to it when she hit play and he couldn't help but laugh at how quick and flirtatious she was with her wit.

"Oh? Are you implying I'm loud?" He asked teasingly, nudging her shoulder with his own gently. He knew that was exactly what she was implying but he could t help but tease her anyway. If she was going to be quick witted with him, then he was going to give as good as he got. "I guess we should clean up and find you something to sleep in" he then changed the subject, deciding that he had to change the subject or he would have just kissed her all over again right there and then.

Forcing himself to get up off his chair, he grabbed his plate and walked to the sink. 'Sam, keep it together man' he thought to himself as she cleaned up. 'just think about anything other than wanting to make out with Anya...she's here for our help' he kept thinking over and over, but he just couldn't listen to his own thoughts. He didn't want keep being the good brother out of himself and Dean.

If the recent events in their lives showed him anything, it was that he couldn't keep holding back the little luxuries or normal human things. He knew if Mika was still around she would have been his cheerleader and convincing him to go for it with Anya. So that's what he was going to do. Whilst also keeping somewhat professional when it needed it.
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by JustAnna
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JustAnna Hunter / Maybe Soldier Boy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Dean could hear Lexi’s voice reacting to his touch just rattling around in his brain as he huffed, buzzing around the laundry room. He grabbed a couple of large blankets, draping them over his arm, before wiping a flustered hand down his face as he turned and Lexi tossed some sheets over his arm. He quickly brought his hand down to catch the top of them, smirking as he saw how flustered she was.

The temptation to lock them in this room and just continue their little meeting in the hallway was high, but Dean shook his head slightly, shaking the feelings down. He had to keep it together, keep his
on straight, and stop being so desperate. Just looking at the way Lexi stood and smiled at him drove him crazy and honestly frustrated the hell out of him.

“Great. Lets
lets go make a bed. I feel like we’ve adopted a child.” Dean quipped, turning toward the door. He balanced the blankets and sheets on one arm, and then pressed the cracked door open, stepping back into the hallway. It felt like a year, walking all the way back up to the door adjacent to Sam’s. Dean figured he would set her up rather close to Sam, because for the time being
he was making her Sam’s problem, if something went wrong.

He reached out and turned the doorknob, shoving the warded door open to reveal a simple desk, a dresser and a bed, like all the other rooms. He flipped the light switch and stepped in, quickly sitting all the blankets and sheets on the dresser to his right.

“It’s bare, but it’s home for the time being
” Dean spoke up randomly, grabbing the fitted sheet from the top of the stack. He unfolded it, and as if he was dressing a bed in military barracks, he had the sheet placed and flattened on the bed within seconds. He stood straight and turned, grabbing the regular sheet and blanket from the dresser, tossing them to the foot of the bed with a clap. “And there. If she’s gonna be a hunter, she can spread her own sheet.”

Dean turned to Lexi, and immediately, the sound of her voice rang out in his head, and his throat went dry. Here they were, standing in a room. It was as easy as closing the door. All he had to do was close that door and they could get this out of their system, but no. This wasn’t his room. This wasn’t the place.

He stepped up to Lexi and gently took the pillows from her, turning and tossing them onto of the blanket at the foot of the bed with a smile, “There. I gave her a place to sleep. Whether she stays in here
well that’s a whole other issue Sam can deal with.”

Dean chuckled, and swallowed down the hammering in his chest as he glanced to the door and then down at Lexi’s lips. He couldn’t hear Sam and Anya. Anya’s quietness was going to be a pain, as she was hard to keep up with, and Sam seemed to be so gentle with her, he was practically mute, too. But not hearing anything except the faucet turn on as he listened carefully, Dean lost that little sliver of control he was holding in. He took a wide step forward, covering Lexi’s lips with his, one hand tangling tight in the hair on the back of her head and the other coming down to grip her hip. He walked her back quickly, bumping her against the desk in the corner, the old wood banging against the wall as he pressed her against the edge of the desk.

It was his turn to make little noises as a soft moan rumbled out of his throat, straight into the kiss. His fingers searched for skin against her hip, trailing soft touches under the hem of her shirt as he deepened the kiss even more, making his intentions very clear.


Anya laughed with Sam and she tilted her head, teasing him with a look that said ‘You didn’t say you’re not’ in response to him being loud in bed. The fact that their tension was mutual, and still light hearted was even more exciting than the kiss they had shared earlier in the night. This was what she wanted, with him. She barely knew him. She wanted to be light hearted. She wanted to be sensual, since he seemed completely on board with it. She wanted to possibly be the one person who passed through his life that he remembered, after she inevitably left
after the case.

As he stood, Anya stayed for a split second to type a message that she could play. After pressing play, she stood and walked her own plate over to the sink, handing it over to Sam as she went to cover the food and put away the leftovers.

“I was implying that you don’t seem like a good whisperer. Let’s just say that. With all this tension, breakfast is going to be nice and awkward.”

As the message finished playing, Anya giggled, her giggle coming out as a breathy laugh behind Sam as she pulled down some aluminum foil from the shelf above the stove. She wrapped both pans in aluminum foil and, being careful to barely touch Sam as she passed through the narrow space behind him, she walked it to the fridge and placed it on the shelf, right next to the beer for Dean.

The kitchen was relatively quiet, and the wind outside rattled the metal upstairs of the bunker as Anya realized that now would be a great time to have a voice, and to be able to break some of the tension and silence with small talk. She turned and wiped what little liquid was on the counter top, and then wiped her hands on the towel and walked back over to the table, picking up her phone and leaning on the edge of the table.

“Your room?” She typed, pressing play and turning her eyes down to her boots as she waited for him to finish up at the sink.
Hidden 30 days ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 9 hrs ago


Seeing how flustered Dean was and that she truly wasn't the only one feeling the way she was made her feel slightly better in some ways. She couldn't explain what it was about Dean Winchester that made her so damn crazy, but he did. She was beginning to wonder if Sam would regret ever introducing them to each other or not, but even if he did, it was too late now. Her and Dean couldn't stay away from each other for too long before they both like they were going crazy.

His remark about feeling like they've adopted a kid made her laugh, but now that it was put into her head, it did kind of feel like that. "you're not wrong" she pointed out as she followed him out the laundry room and down the hall to the spare room opposite Sam's. It wasn't surprising that where he decided to put Anya. Walking into the room, she saw it didn't look really any different to her temporary room. It was all pretty much laid out the exact same way and it just brought back the reality that this was a glorified supernatural bachelor pad for snotty men way back in the day.

Lexi was ready to help Dean with the sheets but when he made it to absolute precision and quickly, she couldn't help but be impressed. Not even her ex fiancée was that efficient in making a clean bed. "Not just a handsome face" she muttered under her breath to herself as she continued to watch him. She smirked at his remarks about letting Anya doing her own blankets and such when she was ready to get in the room. As he walked over to her to get the pillows, she unconsciously shifted from one leg to the other then handed the pillows over to him, her fingertips brushing against his.

She chuckled when he was done and said it was now up to Anya and Sam if she actually stayed in the room or not. Like Dean, Lexi couldn't hear the other two, not that she would be able to hear Anya anyway. The girl was a fantastic sleuth. She noticed Dean was looking between her and the door, making her glance behind her at the door herself then back at Dean. If he was thinking the same thing as she was, they weren't about to leave this room.

She was right as she looked up at Dean as he got closer to her and just pressed his lips against her own. Closing her eyes instantly, she kissed him back, a tiny moan escaping her lips as he gripped the back of her hair tightly and her hip, she just about managing to close the door behind them in time. Her feet complying to his silent commands as he walked her backwards to the desk, soon feeling it in the back of her legs. The little shiver that went up her spine when he found his way under her shirt and onto her bare skin was evident, she knew what he was wanting and she wanted it as well.

She did a little jump up onto the desk to sit on it, pushing anything that was on it off, wrapping her legs around his waist, her arms raising up and round his back, her fingers trailing down to find the bottom of his own shirt. She needed him as much as he clearly needed her. Her kiss matching his own as her hands finally found their way under his shirt and up his back.


Sam couldn't help but chuckle when she gave him a look he understood the translation all too well. He gladly took her plate before washing it up after she handed it to him, listening to what her phone was saying to him. With an amused nod and smirk, he couldn't disagree with her statement, at least the breakfast part. "I can be...if I need to be" he teased back, but truth was, he was only good at being quiet when it came hunting. "and yeah...whatever goes on, breakfast is going to be awkward and interesting" he added.

He leaned against the edge of the sink as she leaned over and behind him to wrap the left over food and put it in the fridge. The silence in the kitchen that befallen it wasn't all that unusual for Sam, he was used to be being incredibly quiet as for a while it was just him in the kitchen on his own. He never really did catch Dean coming in to get another beer or other sort of alcohol or even food. He was even barely aware of the wind rattling the fixtures above them, having now gotten used to all the sounds of the bunker.

Sam's mind just kept thinking back to how much more pleasant this evening was, having a cheerful group and conversation around the kitchen table. Having Dean just be Dean was such a huge relief and weight off his shoulders and he truly had the girls to be thankful for for it. He snapped out of his thoughts when she suggested going back to his room which made him smile and nod.

"Yeah" he replied in agreement, pushing himself off the sink and walking her back to his room, which was when he heard something in another room. 'they're not...are they?' he thought to himself, guiding Anya into his room before he stopped, slowly turned to the room opposite and cautiously stepped up to the closed door. Pressing his ear against it, he eavesdropped then quickly stood up straight. He knew what was happening and he toyed between being a decent brother and being an asshole brother....he chose the latter with a smirk.

Lifting his fist up, he rapped on the door with the back of his knuckles, "guys, everything alright in there?" He asked but smirked to himself, hearing clambering inside the room. "Y..yeah, everything is good Sam!" Lexi called out, clearly flustered and hot and bothered. Sam laughed, composed himself and called back out, "then take it to one your rooms yeah?" He teased before swiftly entering his own room and closing the door before either of them could come after him.

A look of amusement still plastered onto his face.
Hidden 29 days ago Post by JustAnna
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JustAnna Hunter / Maybe Soldier Boy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Dean gasped into Lexi’s mouth as he felt her fingers trailing down his back, and finally making skin contact beneath his shirt. That tiny bit of skin contact was enough to spur him on even more, and he removed the hand from her hip, reaching back between his shoulder blades, where he began to bunch his shirt between his fingers. He finally had enough of a grip and broke the kiss, removing his hand from her hair, just long enough to whisk his shirt off over his head and toss it on the floor beside his feet. He reached down, fully confident and feeling in control, and gathered the bottom of her top with both hands, whisking it up and over her head and arms, tossing it with his.

Dean came back to Lexi, craving the feeling of her skin against his, as he tangled his hand in her hair once again, tugging gently to pull her head back, and began kissing and nibbling over her chin, down to her collar bone. He had just rolled his hips forward, urging her to work on his jeans when Sam’s fist banging on the door stopped him in his tracks and he panted against the side of Lexi’s neck with a soft growl. Of course

Of course Sam had snuck up on them and ruined the moment. Wait
they were in Anya’s room. Dammit. Dean stepped back, his skin flushed and his muscles tight as he reluctantly released Lexi and placed his hands on his hips. “Room’s ready!”, he called out, his voice raspy and frustrated as he heard Sam’s door close. He threw his hand up in frustration, and then turned to Lexi with a laugh.

He stooped to pick up their shirts, and then stood with a shrug, “At least it’s expected at this point, right? My room or yours?”


Anya walked with Sam back to his room, careful again not to touch him too much, or she was afraid the tension would burst way before they made it down the hall. From the sounds that were coming out of the room across from his, at least some of that tension had already come to a head. She stepped into Sam’s room, her hand on the door frame as she peeked around and watched him mess with his brother. Sure enough, the awkward response rang out and she could hear it in Lexi’s voice. They had been at it, probably the entire time they had been down this hall, and Sam had interrupted them.

Anya blushed and looked down at the floor with a bright smile as Sam directed them to one of their rooms, like a typical brother. Dean seemed the type to be legitimately upset that Sam had interrupted him, and when his voice called through the door, Anya laughed, the silent laugh coming out with a wide open mouth as she slipped back to make room for Sam to push through the door way and close the door behind him.

“What a mess
” She signed without thinking, walking over to sit on the edge of Sam’s bed. She pulled her phone and typed a message, turning the volume down on her phone as she heard Dean open the other door with a huff, banging his fist on Sam’s bedroom door on his way by, as if he was going to return the favor. But she and Sam hadn’t even touched each other. The action made her laugh again. “I would say that Dean was hoping to have a head start on his good night. We are mean.”

As her phone played, a little quieter, Anya typed another message instantly and pushed play, with a mischievous almost challenging smirk on her face, “They broke before us, which means
at least that tension is broken and they can just be bunnies. Who knew you were the wholesome brother?”
Hidden 29 days ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 9 hrs ago


Lexi couldn't believe it when Sam totally interrupted them. She was so close to unbuckling his belt and just giving in to her temptations with Dean, and then Sam completely ruined it. By the sound of his voice, he enjoyed it as well which just felt an utter knife in the heart. "dammit Sam .." she gasped before laughing at the situation they found themselves in. She felt like she was in some kind of teen romcom moment and it just made her find the amusement in a very awkward situation.

However she still was desperate to grab Dean and not stop what they were about to do. They were grown consenting adults with needs and she wasn't going to let Sam put a stop to it. Looking up at Dean, she could see he was just hot and flustered as she was whilst they looked at each other and both chuckled. She took in how his skin was flushed like her own, glad she wasn't the only one.

She watched as he then knelt down to grab their shirts and keep ahold of them. At his next question to her, she smirked, "mine..further away from annoying brothers." She grinned, hopping off the desk to stand on her own two feet, not even caring that they were both still very much topless. She was never a shy woman really and right now, it the last thing on her mind to be. So she stepped up to the door, opening it. Grabbing his free hand, she pulled him out Anya's room and down the hallway to her room where she opened the door and pulled him inside, closing the door behind them and leaning straight up to kiss him deeply.

"So, where were we?" She coyly asked, letting go of his hand and grabbing at his jeans.


Sam caught the silent laugh and amusement on Anya's face and lips which made him feel all the more smug about what he did. He knew he shouldn't have, but he just couldn't resist the temptation, especially as it was clearly going to be the room they chose for Anya to sleep in during her stay here. They could at least have some kind dignity if they were going to finally give in to their attractions with each other.

He rose an eyebrow at her signing without thinking, and although his sign was very spotty, more so than Lexi's was, he took a guess that it was something to do about the situation he just put his brother in. He stepped over and perched next to her on his bed, listening to the comments come through her phone after Dean made him look to his door at the weak comeback of a thud on his door. "oh he's definitely having a head start" he laughed. "Ever since Lexi arrived, they've fancied each other. It's been like a day and a half, just about two days" He told her, still highly entertained by the whole thing.

"So although it is kinda mean, I'm not sorry in the slightest. Guy deserves a good night" he added as she typed another message as well as turning the volume down on her phone. He saw the mischievous smirk creep onto her lips as she pressed play, making him listen to what she wanted to say before he started laughing, his head nodding as he did so.

"If you had spent years knowing us, you'd know I was the wholesome one out of us two. But imagining those two as bunnies now is highly hilarious" he giggled. He did t want to think about his brother and Lexi getting it on, but he also could t help but mentally picture their heads on rampant bunnies and it just made everything ten times funnier. "so.. if we're being the wholesome ones right now, what did you wanna do? Ya know...to prove our wholesome...Ness" he asked her, waving a hand between the two of them.
Hidden 29 days ago Post by JustAnna
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JustAnna Hunter / Maybe Soldier Boy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Dean chuckled at Lexi’s comment about ‘annoying brothers’ and he didn’t even try to argue with her that her room would be a lot more private compared to his. He and Sam had picked rooms relatively close to each other, just in case something happened in the middle of the night, while they got used to being in the giant building on their own. Sam would hear every word
or lack thereof, the entire night if they went to his room.

The sad thought hit him for a moment that he used to share that room with Mika, but Lexi grabbing his hand and tugging him into the hallway broke him from the potentially night ruining memories, and he happily followed her, his body almost limp as he let her tug him along.

As soon as they were alone in her room, the door shut securely behind him, he let his shoulders fall, tossing their shirts onto the desk beside him casually. Without skipping a beat, Lexi’s hands were on his jeans and he smiled widely, tilting his hips forward to let her unbuckle his belt.

she’s not missing a single beat.” He chuckled, his smile lazy as he glanced down at her hands and then back up to her face. He found his ability to use his hands after a brief moment, wrapping his right hand around her neck. His stomach dropped and his heart fluttered watching the way his fingers touched the back of her neck, and his thumb sat so nicely against her throat, like the two of them just
fit. He used his thumb, tilting her head up with a soft growl, before covering her lips with his again, picking up where they left off. He turned and backed her against the door, trailing both his hands over her chest, down her stomach with a feather light touch as he reached for the band of her jeans. Once there, he slipped the tips of his fingers in, just tracing her waist band all the way to her hips, before they came back to the center and he flicked the button open with one hand. He shoved roughly at the fabric, pushing them down her hips before breaking the kiss briefly, with a breathless smirk against her lips. He nipped at her lip, tugging it between his teeth, “No regrets


Anya raised her eyebrows at how fast it seemed that Dean had moved with Lexi. Watching the two of them, you would have thought they had known each other for years and just
built up some tension over time. Then again, Dean did seem like the type to fall fast for people, at least when it came to sex. She shook her head, a little surprise on her face as she scoffed and mouthed ‘wow’.

Anya agreed. Just judging by the tired look on Dean’s face the first time she had met him, he needed a break. He needed a win, and if sealing the deal with Lexi was that win, she was happy for him. He seemed to have been through so much, and her heart broke for him, even if he didn’t seem to like her much at first. Sam’s voice broke her from her thoughts, the mischievous smirk never leaving her lips as he laughed at her joke. The mental image of Dean as a bunny flooded her brain as well and she laughed, tilting her head down for a moment.

But then Sam’s voice seemed a little different as he echoed her mischief and brought her back to the fact that she was on his bed, in his room, and they were not only alone
but expected to stay in this room all night. Dean wasn’t throwing a fit about them anymore. She stood from the bed, placing a finger on her chin in a joking manner, before stepping over to his dresser.

She turned to him, and pointed to the dresser, happy that the first drawer she reached for was where his t-shirts were. Maybe she read him too well already. As she pulled the drawer open, she saw a gray one that just seemed right. She pulled it and turned around, letting it unfold in front of her, and shook it a bit in a way that said “we were coming for clothes, remember? Wholesome.”

She tossed it on the bed beside him, and then walked to stand in front of him, reaching both her hands down to grab the hem of her own shirt, pulling it up and whisking it over her head, tossing it on his other side. She kicked her boots off, never moving from her place in front of him, and unbuttoned her jeans, shoving them down her legs, stepping out of them and kicking them to the side.

She stepped up to him, standing between his knees, and reached across his leg without touching him, just grabbing the t-shirt from the bed, and pulled it over her head, straightening her hair over it as it covered her body again.

It was only then that she touched him, bringing both her hands down to brush the sides of his hair back, playing with his ears a bit as she stood almost eye level with him. She didn’t bother picking up her phone, just staring at his eyes with a smirk, as she mouthed, “Mission complete.”
Hidden 29 days ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 9 hrs ago


Securely in her room, she couldn't help herself. There really was something about him that drove her crazy and she didn't take him for someone who would suddenly get cold feet now they really were in a private room. "Something you'll learn about me, I never miss a single beat" she smiled back at him, easily undoing his jeans and pulling them down his legs before coming back to his level in time for him to wrap his hand around to back of her neck. As he pulled her face closer to his, she gladly kissed him back deeply, passionately. She smirked into the kiss as he backed her against the door.

A soft groan escaped her lips as he trailed his fingers down her chest and to her jeans. She let him undo them as she then stepped out of them, kicking them across the room and out of their way before he broke the kiss just enough to verbally let her know he was totally okay with this. With a smile on her lips, she kissed him back, wrapping her arms around him like they were always meant to fit together......


She didn't know when they found themselves on her bed, but she wasn't complaining about laying flat out on it beside Dean. Turning her head to face e him, she couldn't stop smiling through the attempts to slow her breathing and get it back to a regular pace. she wanted to speak but didn't know what to say exactly, so she rolled onto her side and beside him, resting her head on his shoulder, arm over his chest. "you do not disappoint Dean Winchester" she chuckled whilst internally cringing at what she said to him. 'really Lexi? That's the best best you can come up with?' she thought to herself.


Seeing Anya be surprised at how fast things moved between Dean and Lexi, he chuckled and nodded. "Oh I agree. I had a feeling they'd hit it off, but even I'm surprised how quickly. I thought it'd take her days to get him out of his room, not get in his pants" he laughed. "but I'm not gonna complain as it's a lot better than him sulking in his room" he added. He didn't even want to use the word grieving anymore as he felt like the moment the word left his lips, he got brought down mentally and he did not want to be a downer right now.

So when Anya spoke the other two being bunnies, he was really glad he had such an amusing thought in his mind so far from the sad thoughts. He watched her stand up and tap her finger on her chin in a faux thoughtful manner, making him rise an eyebrow in curiosity at what she was thinking and about to do. he watched her as she began to then walk to his drawer and pull out his gray shirt and shook it in a manner that said so much.

"Right...finding you a shirt to sleep in!" He remarked with a smirk, letting her know he got what she was practically miming. She certainly knew how to make everything dramatic and almost show like as she threw his shirt on his bed beside him and walked over before removing her own shirt. He could t stop himself from briefly biting his bottom lip whilst he couldn't take his eyes off of her, even though he truly did try. This girl was purposely driving him crazy and yet he loved every minute of it.

By the time she had his shirt on, standing in front of him, between his legs, he gave in to the urge to place his hands on the backs of her thighs. "you are one hell of a tease, you know that right?" He told her when she was done. The shirt really did look good on her, Dean was right, it was long enough to be considered a nightdress on her tiny frame but he did not mind in the slightest. She made it work somehow and he made sure the sight was burned into his memory.
Hidden 28 days ago Post by JustAnna
Avatar of JustAnna

JustAnna Hunter / Maybe Soldier Boy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Dean brushed his fingers through his sweaty hair as he lay still, catching his breath. Lexi’s bed suddenly felt more comfortable than his ever had as she lay on his chest, perfectly fitting right there, as if they had known each other forever. The images and sounds from the last hour would be seared into his brain for life, he figured, as he shook himself from his thoughts with the sound of her voice.

Her comment made him laugh breathlessly, a bright and relaxed smile on his face as he tilted his head to press a kiss to her forehead, his hand wrapping around to brush some stray sweaty hair away from her face, “Well, that’s good to know. But I could say the same about you. Jesus

Dean chuckled again, using humor to hide the serious feelings that were bubbling into his mind. He glanced down at the top of Lexi’s head, and flashes from their time together flooded his mind again, the sounds echoing through his brain causing his heart to flutter. He couldn’t tell if that flutter was anxiety, excitement, or a rush of something else. Either way, he wasn’t going to ruin it
not now.

“I’ve been thinking about this since the first time we touched, as pathetic as that sounds.” Dean grumbled, covering his eyes with his free arm. Then he laughed out of nowhere, “We should meet like this more often, darlin’.”


Anya chewed at her bottom lip when she felt Sam’s hands on her thighs. It seemed her teasing had worked, and when he voiced it out loud, she raised her eyebrows and shrugged as if to say ‘guilty as charged, I guess’ and then she laughed silently. She waited for a moment, toying with his hair as she stared into his eyes. There were a million things she wished she could say, if she had a voice. But she could use her touch.

She tightened her grip on the sides of Sam’s hair, tangling her fingers in the strands before pressing her forehead against him, moving her hips a bit to remind herself that he was touching her. She brushed his nose with hers, breathing against his lips as she pressed her chest against his, feeling his warmth there.

Anya brought one hand down, trailing it over his ear and down the side of his neck, feather soft touch that she knew would bring goosebumps to his skin. She let that hand trail over his shoulder and onto his back, tightening her grip to climb onto his lap, pressing her hips tightly to his. She slowly tilted her head and kissed him deeply, slow and gentle as if teasing his obvious urges, now that they were alone.

They had nothing but time
and each other, and all she could think about as the goosebumps formed under his fingers was ‘who is Sam Winchester behind closed doors?’ And ‘what version of him will be reserved only for me?’ As if she never planned to leave this place

Hidden 28 days ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 9 hrs ago


Dean wasn't the only one who thought it just felt right laying there on the bed together. She felt like the two of them were destined to meet and click together, even if it was through something incredibly sad to join them as one. Hearing him breathlessly laugh at her remark, made her feel like she really did say something so corny and awkward. She wished she could have taken her words back, then he said something that made her smirk and laugh too. "what can I say? I'm proud of the tricks I know" she laughed, figuring if she was going to be awkward she may as well own that awkwardness as he wiped a few sweaty strands of her hair off her face.

Like him, she was really starting to feel quite a lot for Dean, it was way more than just a simple crush for her now. Yet how could she tell him that? She didn't want to rush him into anything more than a romp in the sheets every now and then if he wasn't ready for it, but how long could she honestly wait? But then he said something that made her just adjust her head, just enough to be able to look up at him without removing her head off his shoulder.

Smiling, she didn't think it was pathetic sounding at all. "It doesn't sound pathetic" she told him before chuckling warmly at his next little remark. The way he called her darling gave her butterflies, like a school girl. She knew she wouldn't ever tire of hearing him say such things or hearing his accent really shine through the gruffness of his voice. It was like a drug she never wanted to come down from.

"Yes we should" she replied with a chuckle, lifting her hand up just high enough to trace her fingertips around his anti possession tattoo. Laying like this with him made her feel a sense of feeling at home. She wouldn't ever stop loving her fiancée who she lost, but she could most certainly find a part of her heart open to falling in love with Dean, even if they had barely known each other. He was the new start she needed in her life to give her a sense of purpose, she just never knew it until now.


Sam couldn't pinpoint what it was about this moment with Anya, but somehow her being mute just made this situation all the more intoxicating. Not for any negative reason, but because it meant they really had to use touch and looks to convey everything to each other. Her tightening her grip on his hair made him bite his lip as he had his forehead pressed hers. He pulled her closer to him as she moved her hips and brushed her nose against his own. She was making it so difficult to keep some kind of control.

He found himself gulping down saliva in his throat as she moved her hand down his ear to throat and chest. Goosebumps instantly raising on his skin, just as she planned. Seeing her climb onto his lap, he lifted her up slightly to help her, pulling her legs round his waist before lifting his hands to her waist to keep her supported on his lap.

As she tilted her head and leaned down, he leaned his head upward and kissed her back deeply. He knew she was teasing him, testing how much it would take before he gave I to their urges and just let go of that control he was holding onto. It didn't take long for him before his kiss went deeper and more passionate, his hands ran up and under the shirt she was wearing, holding her firmly in place so she didn't fall.

This girl was going to be the death of him and right now he was completely okay with it.
Hidden 28 days ago Post by JustAnna
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JustAnna Hunter / Maybe Soldier Boy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Lexi matching his wit was enough to make Dean punch drunk. He felt almost giggly, as she didn’t miss any beats and seemed to genuinely enjoy his company. He didn’t know what the feeling was supposed to be called, but whatever it was, he didn’t mind it all that much. New romance? Budding love? Ew. Love. But Love?

As Dean’s thoughts rattled around in his buzzed brain, Lexi agreed with his joke about falling into bed together more often. He removed his arm from his face and looked down at her, raising his eyebrows before his face fell into a proud smile. So, she was going to be around. Nice. As she began tracing circles on his chest, Dean brought his own hand down to draw tiny little figure eights between her bare shoulder blades.

He couldn’t help but feel loss already, at the thought of her leaving. Even though she had shown no sign of wanting to, or needing to. He knew how hunters were. As soon as her car was fixed up, she would be gone, and he would
miss her? He had only known her a few days but they clicked in a way he couldn’t quite place. He gulped down the sad thought and pulled her a little closer, “You know, I was thinking
you could just stay here, you know. We have plenty of room and I don’t think Sam would mind. I wouldn’t mind picking your brain a bit

Dean snarled his nose at how cheesy it all sounded, like he was begging her to stay. He took a deep breath, “Not that I’m trying to, you know, convince you of anything. I was just thinking if you wanted to


Anya gasped, her mouth opening into the kiss as Sam’s kiss became a bit more rough, and his large hands slid up her torso. There was the touch she was looking for. She lowered her hips against him, pressing her knees forward to press their hips as tightly together as possible, and followed his lead, kissing him rough and deep.

After a few moments, Anya shuddered and broke the kiss, only long enough to reach for the hem of the large shirt keeping her from feeling him on her skin. She pulled it up and over her head, tossing it to the foot of the bed and then instantly reached for the hem of Sam’s shirt, struggling but eventually pulling it over his head with a giggle at how his long hair ruffled out around his face.

She brushed the hair away with her finger tips and a wide, but hazy smile, the action feeling way too intimate and loving. She gently pushed his hair back behind his ears, her smile dropping slowly as she just breathed him in, an unfamiliar flutter in her stomach causing her mouth to drop open. It wasn’t a feeling she had ever felt under the gaze of anyone, and she could stay there forever, just watching his face.

But she knew he wouldn’t allow that. Not after all the teasing. So, she crashed her lips roughly into his, tugging at his bottom lip with his teeth, as she pressed their bare chests together, just long enough to lean to her side. She released him, and laid back on the bed, reaching her arms out for Sam.

Sam might be more of a gentleman than his brother, but he was dangerous. She could feel that after tonight, she could easily become addicted
and that could be a problem.
Hidden 28 days ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 9 hrs ago


If someone told Lexi to put a tag on what was happening between her and Dean, she couldn't. She didn't know what it was but it was something new and she was welcoming it with open arms. She was done being lonely and alone. Dean was bringing her out of herself and she wanted to stay so much as she had nowhere else to really go if she did leave. It was hard to explain, but there was just something about the bunker and Dean that made her feel at home.

As he mimicked her tracing by drawing a figure of eight on her shoulder, she smiled warmly at the action. It was so comforting and relaxing to feel, considering how small of an action it was. It also reminded her just how much she missed sweet little moments like this, they felt just as important as the big actions and the sex. As he pulled her closer, if that was even possible, she snuggled into him more as he suggested she did stay.

The moment he tried to make it sound less corny, she continued to smile as she looked up at him once more. "I'd love to stay. I wasn't sure if you two would want me to stay if I'm honest, I didn't want to overstay my welcome but I really like it here. The company is good also" she lightly chuckled before continuing, lifting her free hand up and stroking his cheek as she looked at him. "but I'm serious, even after I get my car back, I'd like to stick around for as long as you'll have me" she told him, her thumb running up and down his cheek.

She meant every single word of what she said as well. Just because she would eventually get her car back, it wouldn't be the clue that she would scarper away and leave the boys high and dry. At any rate, she had to train Anya with them for a start. She didn't have all the answers but she knew the answer to his request of her staying and it was a solid yes. Pushing herself upward, she kissed him once more before she lowered back down and being comfortable in her original position. "Ya know, I actually believe Sam bringing me here was the single best thing he ever did." She smiled.


As Anya's hips pressed against his, he could stop the little growl escaping his lips into the kiss. The way she could hold her own against him whilst also being slightly dominant was enticing. He had never met anyone like her before and he wanted more. As she broke the kiss, he slightly chased after it before letting it break so she could remove the shirt of his, she had only just put on. Smirking he watched her, studied every curve on her body as he took in the sight before him before he let her remove his own shirt.

As his hair fell in front of his face, he smiled, feeling amused as she brushed his hair out of his face and behind his ears. A moment of sweetness amidst the savage hunger for each other. He gladly kissed her back, just as hungrily as she smashed her lips onto his, letting little growls and moans as he nibbled on his bottom lip before rolling off of him and onto the bed. Without a word being said, he followed her lead and turned over on top of her, leaning down to kiss her again, his hands pressed into his mattress to steady himself above her small frame.

Pulling away just enough, he balanced himself with one hand as he used the other to expertly undo his jeans and belt, kicking them down his legs once undone and then focusing back on her once more. "sure about this?" He asked, still wanting to put her comfort into consideration, despite his need and want to sleep with her.
Hidden 28 days ago Post by JustAnna
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JustAnna Hunter / Maybe Soldier Boy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Dean raised his eyebrows, and caught Lexi’s eyes as she looked up at him. He wasn’t sure how she was going to react to him asking if she wanted to stay, until she explained that she would love to. She would love to. He didn’t even think about Sam’s opinion of the decision in that moment. Just hearing her say it, and feeling her touch on his cheek was enough for him. He wouldn’t be able to let her leave if she tried, without practically begging her to stay. He was hooked.

“O-okay. Well, I guess it’s good that you got your own room.” Dean joked lightly, as her thumb continued stroking his cheek. It was a motion that felt almost too intimate and under normal circumstances, he would have reached up and removed her hand from his face, placing it on his chest to keep any awkward attachment from forming in his stomach. But he didn’t. He just let her, letting a smile tease at the corners of his mouth.

As she pulled herself up and kissed him, he sighed happily into the kiss, kissing her back. The temptation to hold her there and just kiss her all night crossed his mind, but he relaxed his shoulders and just tightened his arm around her as she laid back down in her original position.

“Oh yeah?” Dean asked in response to her comment about Sam bringing her home. He chuckled lightly, and smiled up at the ceiling. Then he tilted his head and sighed happily, “I think you might be right.”


Anya shuddered as the little noises Sam made echoed through her brain. As soon as her back hit the mattress, she smiled brightly as Sam instantly appeared above her. If their body language with each other was this easy, she could imagine herself becoming a bit clingy. It was something she would have to remind herself
not to do, later on. In this moment, clingy was good, and there was no way she was pulling away from him, now.

As his lips met hers again, Anya’s hands raked up his bare back, and into his hair, pressing their lips together so tightly she was afraid that she might hurt his teeth. As he pulled away, though, she was afraid he had changed his mind, only to glance down and watch as Sam quickly worked through the buckle of his belt and the button of his jeans. The quickness of it all made her chuckle softly. Experienced and eager
it made her heart flutter.

His words brought her out of her thoughts and she came back to his eyes, her hands still in his hair as he double checked to make sure they weren’t making some sort of mistake. A smile covered her lips, and she nodded, pulling roughly against the back of his head to bring his lips back to hers. As she did, she wrapped a leg around his waist, pulling his hips down.

Of course she was sure.


A little while later

Anya smiled as she lay there, staring at the ceiling. One arm was raised above her head, twirling her own hair against the pillow and the other was draped over her torso as she let out a sigh through her labored breathing. As she unraveled her hair from her finger, she trailed her fingers down the side of her face, over her neck where she felt the growing bruises there and the thought just made her smile brighter with a giggle that moved her body.

She didn’t know how many bruises and scrapes they both had on their bodies at this point, as everything had kind of blurred together. She did know, however, that if there was anything visible, Dean would never shut up about it.

Either way, it was a good sore. She could handle a little teasing from Dean. She had a passing feeling that she wasn’t going anywhere any time soon. Glancing over, she smiled at Sam with sleepy eyes and then brought both her hands up lazily to sign a simple: “Fire
Hidden 27 days ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 9 hrs ago


Feeling him tighten his arm around her when she laid back down made her feel so secure. Lexi suddenly got reminded just how much she had missed this kind of affection and intimate moment with someone. She didn't want to mess anything up that would take this moment away from her. She had to keep a hold of it with both hands, no matter what.

Hearing him chuckle at her remark about Sam doing good bringing her back here, she was glad that he agreed with her. Life felt pretty good right now, better than it had been for a while if she ever let herself think about it. She knew it wasn't love at this moment, but it was a strong enough feeling that she was content in feeling for a long time to come. Lexi didn't want to move from her spot as she stared off to nothing in particular, just letting the moment completely swallow her whole and keep her happy. "It's been a long time since I've felt so at home somewhere." she admitted openly to him, wanting to admit it to him, to show him how happy he made her. She just hoped she made him equally happy.


After a while she soon fell asleep beside him on the bed late into the night and slept peacefully. Life was good, she ached and felt safe in the arms of Dean. This truly felt like a new chapter in her life that she couldn't wait to experience.


A while later as they laid down on his bed, Sam stared up at the ceiling, a firm smile on his face as he caught his breath finally, one hand on his chest, another by his side. It had felt like eternity since he last gelled and connected with. He could feel his whole body aching and knew for sure that he had bruises down his back if the feeling was anything to go by as he laid on it. He lifted the hand that was by his side up and ran it through his hair, brushing it back and away from his face beyond content with his current situation and didn't even care if they were caught or not. It had to be late and thinking back to how Dean and Lexi were, chances were they either were in the same position as himself and Anya, or asleep.

As Anya's hands came up and lazily signed the word fire, he couldn't help but chuckle understanding that word. "One word for it" he replied to her, raising his other arm and wrapping it round her, pulling her into his side, kissing the top of her head sweetly. Never in his wildest ideas did he think that the girl he just tried to help and calm down in the tech shop would end up being laid out on his bed naked beside him after having absolutely rocked his world. She was like this piece of dynamite that came into his life and nothing he could have done would have got him far enough away from him, but he wasn't complaining.

He willingly jumped over and took the explosion, glad that for once, he let go of his inhibitions and just let himself be happy and let off steam. "Best trip to the tech shop I ever did." he chuckled, nuzzling into her hair and stroking her arm. Tomorrow morning would be quite the scene he came to assume, knowing that both he and Dean had done the exact same thing tonight with two absolutely incredible women.
Hidden 27 days ago Post by JustAnna
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JustAnna Hunter / Maybe Soldier Boy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


The next morning
Dean woke with a start from a nightmare, gasping as he flinched and his eyes opened wide to stare at the ceiling. He blinked a few times, trying to blink away the images of Mika’s death from the back of his mind. The nightmares were still there, every time he closed his eyes without fail. It seemed, however, as if he had slept quite a while, because his head was groggy and his eyes were sore, as if he had been there a while.

He reached over with his free hand, and picked up his phone, frowning at the time. This was the latest he had slept in a while. It was seven in the morning. He tossed his phone back on the night stand and turned his attention to the weight on his chest. He smiled, pulling himself closer to Lexi who at some point in the night had ended up turned away from him, curled up on his arm. He rolled to press his face into her hair and breathed her in, as he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her tight against his chest.

“Good morning.” He murmured in a sleepy raspy voice, into her hair. He tilted his head up and nuzzled his nose against her ear with a soft smile, “We should probably get up before the banging on the door starts


Anya smiled as Sam brought her into his side, slinging her arm over his sweaty chest. She snuggled up to him and sighed, just feeling the difference in his gentle touches from the roughness of those same touches over the last hour. She was comfortable. She was safe. It was an odd feeling of safety, being so close to Sam, as if she had known him forever, and knew that he would protect her with his life.

She hummed silently at the feeling of him brushing his fingers over the skin of her arms, goosebumps forming at the light touch. And with his comment, Anya was reminded of exactly how new their connection was
and how innocent it had started. She laughed, her body shaking a bit against his side as the simplicity of the whole thing washed over her
again, like they were meant to end up

“Definitely.” She signed, only able to sign half the word with her hand, using his chest as the base with another soft laugh. Moving herself up on the bed, she brought that hand to rest against his cheek, catching his eyes with her own for a second before pressing a loving and deep kiss to his lips. If this is how Sam was with someone he had barely met, her heart swelled with the thought of how he would treat someone he loved. How lucky that person would be. She broke the kiss, and a mischievous smirk crossed her face before she brought that same hand out in front of his face, signing just the number ‘2’. She raised her eyebrows, wondering if he would take the hint that she was proposing a ‘round two’ and then giggled, kissing him again.


The next morning

Anya barely stirred as her body alerted her that it was morning, and she had basically slept like the dead. She tensed her muscles against Sam’s side, made aware immediately that not only was she very sore, but Sam was still in bed. With a soft smile, she moved herself up on the bed with a little effort, wanting to be closer to his face. She then buried her face in the side of his neck, kissing him just behind his ear with his hair tickling her nose. She brought her hand up and buried it in his hair on the other side of his head, tempted to just watch him sleep.

There was no sound in the bunker, other than the slight rattling of the old metal upstairs, clanging and echoing through the halls. So, she had to assume that Dean and Lexi were still asleep, or if they were up, they were being very quiet. Everything echoed in the bunker. The thought brought her back to the teasing she had lobbed at Sam the night before about how ‘loud’ he seemed. Hopefully, Lexi and Dean had been too busy to notice.

The thought made her chuckle against his ear, her breath moving a bit of his hair in a way that made her smile wider. Today was going to be awkward. She just knew it. But at least the dam was broken. She would never look at Sam the same, and she was honestly
okay with it.
Hidden 26 days ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 9 hrs ago


Lexi didn't have any nightmares, she didn't even really dream too much. She just found herself in an incredibly deep sleep the whole night. It was quite the change for her as, like Dean, she would at least have one nightmare in a night or a sad dream about her ex visiting her. But not this time. Being with Dean had completely calmed her mind.

As he pulled her closer to him after throwing his phone onto her nightstand, she began to stir awake but she didn't want to quite open her eyes just yet. So she decided to pretend she was still asleep just for a moment more, making the most of feeling Dean holding her close. But her breathing would have given her away to the fa t she was waking, and she found herself starting to smile as she felt him in her hair and then ear.

"Mornin'" she sleepily replied, slowly opening her eyes as he spoke once more about getting up. She let out a little yawn as she continued to mentally wake up, then turned her head just enough to be able to look at him. "You're probably right" she replied with a sigh. She then fully turned round in his grip to face him properly, smiling as she finally got a proper look at his face. No sign of him having woken up due to a nightmarish memory, just a look of peace and happiness as he looked down at her and held her.

"Wouldn't want the kids to come banging on the door demanding breakfast and answers of what we did last night" she smirked, a soft sleepy chuckle escaping her lips at the very mental image of what she just described. Stretching her head up, she placed a kiss on his lips, feeling like she could truly get used to this kind of wake up. Forcing herself to pull right back from him, she pulled at one of the sheets on the bed to wrap around her body as she sat up, then made herself stand up.

The sheet draping down her back, showing off her shoulder blades and part of her back as she stood. It had been so long since she woke up and got up like this, but she knew she could get used to it. Her bare feet patting across the floorboards as she walked over to grab a towel in preparation for going to take a shower, chucking it on the desk once she found it. She then walked back over to Dean, the temptation to just climb onto the bed and hover him great, but she had to behave herself. "so...you gonna get up or just lay there in bed looking incredibly tempting and like a good excuse for me to come back to bed" she smirked.


By the morning, Sam was well and truly worn and sore. Anya's kiss behind his ear stirring him awake in a soft way he hadn't felt in a long time, or if ever. Yet he didn't actually open his eyes, instead he continued to lay there 'asleep' for a little while. If he could just pretend for a little while longer, to hold onto this moment for just that much longer before waking up and accepting it was a new day, he'd be a happy man.

He was aware of how silent the rest of the bunker seemed to be and just assumed that Dean and Lexi were still asleep, which if true would have been quite something as he knew Dean had a habit of waking up in the night a lot. He'd almost lost count of the amount of times he had gotten up stairs a normal time, only to find that Dean had been up and awake at a stupid time in the early hours. A small sigh escaped him, giving away that he was in fact awake, making him open his eyes slowly as he tilted his head and kissed the top of Anya's head.

Everything from the night before came flooding back into his head as he remembered how much Anya had completely worn him out. She had some serious stamina that he had to admire as they went on for a second round, a smirk appearing in his lips. "thought you was going to break me last night" he teased, pulling her closer to him so he could wrap both arms around her to keep her close for just that bit longer. He didn't want to let go of her in the slightest even though he knew they couldn't stay like this all day.

"I guess we should get up..." He finally sighed, his thumb rubbing her shoulder as he made no effort to take action on his words. He ached all over, was certain they both had bruises in places that not even he could hide from Dean and Lexi and it made him realize that the moment they all were up, there was going to be a lot of questions asked and teasing.
Hidden 26 days ago Post by JustAnna
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JustAnna Hunter / Maybe Soldier Boy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Dean honestly didn’t figure they would hear from Sam and Anya for a while. They had been all over each other with their eyes
way before any of them ended up in a bedroom. Dean flinched when Lexi suddenly rolled over and her hand came to his face. Pretty quickly, a soft smile covered his face, and he watched her eyes for a moment. Then came the joke that brought memories flooding back through his body in a hot wave and he laughed with a wide smile, but the temptation to just melt back into the bed was intense. Her lips on his didn’t help that feeling
at all.

And just like that, she was wrapped in the sheet and off the bed. Dean sighed, pulling himself up to sit against the headboard as he watched her walk across the floor to prepare for a shower. He didn’t even realize that he was holding his tongue between his teeth, astounded that she had not only got out of his bed, but that she was staying close enough to touch
likely as long as he asked her to.

He needed this.

“I mean
it’s not like I couldn’t use the workout.” Dean teased back, raising an eyebrow as he raised a hand and ruffled his already bed messy hair. A thought came to his mind, and he smirked. It was a flirty smirk that usually could get him his way, no matter who he was talking to. “Or
my shower is pretty big. I’m pretty sure we could both fit in and uh
make the kids wait a little longer.”


As Sam stirred awake, Anya smiled even wider against the side of his neck, until his lips pressed against the top of her head. She pulled her head back from his neck, just enough to see him smirk. He seemed so happy and relaxed, even though she wondered if he was as sore as she was, after
that. He confirmed, teasing her about the night before and she giggled softly, allowing him to pull her as close as he wanted to. She could handle being this close to him for the entire day, if she thought that the other two would even begin to allow it.

Smiling, Anya reached a hand up, and pressed it to his forehead, using his body to sign a simple, “You’re welcome.”, with a silent giggle against his jaw. She nipped at the stubble against his jawbone, feeling oddly playful in her good mood. But she knew they would be disturbed soon. If anything, Dean would burst through the door like an animal, with lots of questions and judgement any time, now
just like last night, when Anya first gathered enough courage to kiss Sam.

She nodded at his assertion that they should get up, but even she knew that he would never leave this bed, if he wasn’t forced to. So after a few moments, she buried her fingers in his hair, trailing her nose up to the place where his jaw met his ear, and placed a soft kiss there. She then rolled out of his arms, forcing his hand, even if she didn’t want to. She stood from the bed, fluffing her hair out around her bare shoulders and looked around the floor for the t-shirt she had been wearing the night before.

After a moment, she found it, turning back toward the bed to slip it over her head with a soft smile at Sam. She then made a movement with her hands, simply gesturing that she needed a drink and stepped over to the door. She turned around and hoped he would understand her sign language, when she signed, “Hurry.”, with a smirk.

As she stepped out of the room, she had only walked a few steps, when she heard another door open down the way, echoing in the empty hall. She slowed her steps, her bare feet barely making any noise against the floor as she turned the tiny curve and Dean was standing there, coming out of Lexi’s room. His hair was wet and he sighed, a soft smile on his face. Anya matched his smile, until he turned and narrowed his eyes at her.

“Well good morning!” Dean beamed, not really getting a good look at her, other than the disheveled hair on her head, and Sam’s massive t-shirt hanging close to her knees. She signed a simple ‘morning’ at him, even though she knew he would have to assume what she said. If she was sticking around, she really needed to teach him sign language. She passed him, and as she did, she heard him turn and crack open his door, muttering something to Lexi about ‘they’re awake

Anya made a mental note to check herself out in the mirror later on. If Dean was complaining, she could only assume what he had seen on her way by. She glanced down at her wrists and smirked, as there were a few clearly defined large fingerprints still shining there. Today would be interesting
and she had a feeling she and Lexi would destroy both men with their teasing.
Hidden 25 days ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 9 hrs ago


Dean's reply about needing the exercise made her half smirk and half chuckle, whilst shaking her head lightly, her still damp messy red hair falling in front of her face on one side. Lifting one hand up, she tucked it behind her ear to try and keep it under control if it was even possible right now. She noticed the way he began to smirk at her and she felt like she could go weak at the knees. He really did get right under her skin in all the best ways and she wouldn't have it any other way. The next words that came out of his mouth made her raise an eyebrow, but smirk back. "Well...Dean Winchester, that's quite the proposition you've made me" she replied, stepping around the bed to his side of it and perching on the edge.

"I guess I should give you an answer" she flirtatiously smirked back, looking down at how close their fingers were to each other's. Suddenly a solo shower seemed completely out of the question and not an option. Deliberately looking up to his face slowly, she smiled more. "I say lead the way" she replied, unable to get the smile off of her face.

Getting back up, she went back to grab something to wear that wasn't a bed sheet. She wasn't expecting to bump into the other two on their way to Dean's shower, but she also didn't want to take that risk either. So she found a loose fitting strap top and mini shorts, pulling them on as Dean headed toward the door first, opening it and stepping out waiting for her. As she turned to head to the door, she saw Dean leaning back in over the threshold muttering to her about what he just saw which made her raise an eyebrow. "Oh really?" she whispered, highly entertained by the news that Anya and Sam got rough in the night. She stepped up to Dean, taking his hand once Anya had walked past Dean. "After the shower, we're questioning those two. Make it as awkward for them as possible" she told him with a wicked smile on her lips. It was just too tempting of a situation to put Sam and Anya in, she couldn't pass it up.


As Anya pressed her hand against his forehead and used him to sign, he smiled widely and let out a little mini chuckle as she showed what a playful mood she had woken up in. It was intoxicating and he had to really implement self control or he truly would just stay in bed all day and not move unless it was to get a drink and nothing else. It seemed Anya was getting that from him as she made the first move to get up off the bed and look for the shirt she had found last night to borrow. He couldn't help himself but watch her the entire time, taking in the way her body moved. She was rapidly becoming a drug he never wanted to come down from.

He snapped out of his thoughts about how much he hoped she would stay for a while and how much he just felt the need to be near her the entire time. He wished he could figure out why he felt like that so quickly when he barely knew her or what it was about her that drove him crazy, but either way he wasn't complaining. He gave her a nod of understanding at the universal sign for 'drink' as she pushed himself up to sit up a bit more, rather than letting himself remain laid down. He was convinced if he stayed flat on the bed, he would just easily go back to sleep for a bit.

Matching her smirk at her next sign, he forced himself to get up and off the bed, where he leaned down and grabbed a pair of sweats to pull on so he was somewhat decent for walking through the bunker. He couldn't be bothered to find a shirt, knowing eventually he would find his way to the shower but only when he was certain that Dean or Lexi wasn't in it. From his room, he heard another door open and that was when he figured either or both Dean and Lexi had got up and about to be wandering through the halls. This made him look in his mirror and try desperately to smooth out out his matted hair like some school girl trying to hide her morning walk of shame signs.

It was proving useless, some strands of hair just refused to flatten and it made him sigh before he just took a deep breath, exhaled once more and stepped out of his room.
Hidden 25 days ago Post by JustAnna
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JustAnna Hunter / Maybe Soldier Boy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Dean turned, watching as Lexi made her way back around the bed and perched beside him. She was right there. He was pretty sure that if he touched her, they would never leave this room. So, he restrained himself. Instead, he lazily stood when she did, a goofy smile on his face as he retrieved his boxers from the floor and pulled them on. He walked to the door, ruffling his hair again, to try and make it look a little less sweat stuck to his head, and then cracked the door open to look around.

Just as he stepped out into the hallway, to go warm up his shower, Anya showed up and Dean raised his eyebrows at her. He then narrowed his eyes, “Well good morning!”

Her sighing back to him caused him to frown again, and he hoped that it was something friendly like ‘good morning’ and not some sort of insult. As she kept walking, he glanced down her back, not able to ignore the dark purple finger prints that adorned the backs of her thighs, what little skin was showing. Dean stepped back toward the door and he hissed at Lexi with a frown, “Well, the kids are awake and the little one? Bruises
everywhere. Her thighs look like she went ten rounds with a boxer.”

He raised his eyebrows, as if he was judging them, when in reality, it wasn’t like his ‘usual’ wasn’t just as fiery
depending on the woman. Lexi’s hand in his and how calm she was about the situation caused him to sigh and he couldn’t help the turn in the corners of his lips as Lexi gave him a wicked smile that melted his chest into nothing.

it’ll be awkward alright. I wonder what my brother looks like.” Dean teased back, pulling her into the hallway. Dean was barely finished with the sentence when they turned the small curve between the rooms, and Sam stepped out into the hallway, looking disheveled. Dean raised his eyebrows again at Sam just standing there shirtless, visible scratches and darker skin in random places. Sam never walked around the bunker shirtless
but Sam also never brought anyone home.

“Wow, Sam
” Dean called out in a judgmental tone, ignoring the fact that he was also just standing in the hallway in his underwear.


Anya stepped into the kitchen with a yawn, and instantly went for the coffee pot. She pressed the button, happy that the brothers had a coffee of refilling it the night before. She could only assume it was for Dean, who seemed like a grump when he woke up, just judging by his attitude.

She waited, her fingers tapping on the counter, as the pot filled up and she finally could grab a mug and pour herself some. She held the mug in both hands, climbing up on the counter, making sure that Sam’s shirt was covering her bare thighs from the cold metal as she swung her legs and drank her coffee, like she was at home.

Maybe she was at home. The thought of just working through the day with Sam, curling up with him at night, things getting steamy when he needed to destress, riding around in their old car, all of it
it was all lovely. It’s not like she really had a home to go to, anyway, other than the same dusty motels at every stop, on her way to look for clues about her father’s death.

She realized around that time that she didn’t have her phone. It was still in Sam’s room. She wouldn’t be able to communicate with anyone, other than maybe Lexi and a tiny bit with Sam. Maybe it would make the morning less awkward. She smirked at the thought, knowing that Dean was going to thoroughly try to embarrass Sam
not that last night was anything to be embarrassed by.
Hidden 25 days ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 9 hrs ago


Lexi's calmness came from the fact that unlike Dean, she just saw Anya and Sam as adults. That and she knew if she got judgemental and disappointed in the two of them, she would instantly become a hypocrite. She was also far too amused by the idea Sam and Anya getting so freaky with each other that they left bruises on each other, Sam seemed like the last person to be like that in bed to her. Dean seemed exactly the type, but not Sam.

She could stop the chuckle escaping her lips when Dean mentioned about being curious on Sam's state and she had to nod to agree. "it'll be a sight that's for sure!" She replied, letting Dean just pull her down the hallway. She didn't even get to pick up her towel that she had previously laid out, so it seemed this incoming shower was going to be highly interesting. She continued to walk with him when they caught sight of Sam leaving his room and she had to lift her free hand up to her mouth to hide the amused smile on it. The man really looked like he had an action packed night and if they didn't know he was in the bedroom all night, she could have sworn he suffered those injuries on a hunt.

"Quite the uhh...collection you got going on there Sam" she added to Dean's words, trying her hardest to stifle the laughter that was itching to come out of her mouth. The only times she had only known him to go around shirtless was if he had come out of a shower and still to find a clean shirt out of his bag. It was rare as they didn't usually share a motel room, but there were times they did have to share, or his room had a broken shower so he popped into her room to use her shower.


Sam really hoped he could get through the halls before bumping into Dean and Lexi, but the moment he stepped outside he heard his brother's voice call his name and he knew instantly why. He closed his eyes briefly to centre his mind so he didn't get snarky with him and Lexi's words that followed made it extremely difficult.

Turning his head to briefly look at them both and saw that neither had a right to be judging him. Dean was in what felt to him, less than he himself was and Lexi was just in the bare minimum herself. Not to mention they still looked a mess despite having slept at some point in the night. Or so he assumed. "Like you're one to talk Dean!" He called back, turning his back to them both yet again and hurried to the kitchen where he found Anya sitting on the worktop and having a coffee.

"You probably know, but they're up and already making things awkward for me. So be prepared" he warned her, walking up to her and leaning over her to get a mug so he could get some coffee himself. He was going to need it if he was to be able to cope with Dean's teasing. With the coffee poured into his mug, he lifted it up to his lips and took a sip. "Though those two seem still really close. Walking toward the shower I think, hand in hand and barely dressed. So if we need it, we got our own verbal weapons to use against them back" he smirked to her.
Hidden 24 days ago Post by JustAnna
Avatar of JustAnna

JustAnna Hunter / Maybe Soldier Boy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Dean raised his eyebrows at Lexi’s teasing of Sam, expecting but also not expecting it from her. He almost felt proud that he had someone else to bounce teasing off of, as typically, Sam was quick with his remarks and could shut Dean up pretty fast. When Sam turned around and looked them both up and down, Dean looked down at his own torso awkwardly and he wiped a hand down his chest with a frown. He was about to tell Sam not to say a word, when Sam turned away from them and called back.

“Yeah well
” Dean awkwardly stuttered out, before waving a hand at his brother’s back, brushing off the fact that Sam was right. He would find other ways to make Sam uncomfortable, later on. Right now, he needed a shower or rather, he needed a shower
with Lexi.

Grabbing Lexi’s hand with a huff, Dean pulled her toward his room.


A little bit later

Dean was dressed, reluctantly, and he stepped out of his room, leaving the door cracked open for Lexi to follow him out. He could stay wrapped up in her all day, but then they wouldn’t get any work done, and it was already late
for him. He padded down the corridor, stopping at one of the turns to wait for Lexi to catch up. As she did, he reached out and placed a hand on her opposite hip, pulling her close to him while they were still out of eye sight of Sam and Anya.

He leaned in and pressed his lips to her ear with a smile, as he flirted with her, “So, I’m assuming I’ll see you after work? Massages are kinda my specialty.”


Anya was happily sipping her coffee on the counter when Sam stepped in. She raised an eyebrow at the fact that he was walking around in sweats and no shirt. It seemed very relaxed for Sam, who seemed pretty tightly wound. She didn’t even try to get his attention as he stepped in, but she did catch his eyes briefly and she gave him a sweet smile. There was no way he dodged Dean on his way in.

As he spoke up, she pressed her lips tightly together, raising her eyebrows with an exaggerated nod, taking a sip of her coffee in a way that let him know “I’ve already dealt with him this morning
trust me I know.”

She couldn’t help the smirk that graced her lips as he described the state HE had found them in. They seemed much more disheveled when she found them, and it didn’t surprise her a bit that they were headed to the showers, clearly not finished with each other. She tilted her head to the side as if she was thinking, and then gave him a wicked smirk briefly. She was excited to get her phone and tear Dean down a few pegs, if he tried to act as if she and Sam were sneaky teenagers, or something.

Her facial expression fell into a smile of admiration, as she took in how much lower his shoulders looked, and how much more relaxed and happy he seemed
less high strung. She sat her mug beside her, snapped her fingers at him to get his attention, and then signed as slow as she could, to help him understand her.

“You look pretty happy
” She signed, her hands moving slow and fluid as she watched his face with a soft smile. “It’s nice.”
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