Since time immemorial, the Paragons of Eltar have extended a helping hand across the known universe, empowering warriors of light and justice to push back evil wherever it may rear its ugly head. One such team of fighters - led by the legendary and wise Zordon - found themselves flung across the stars to the distant world of Earth, a result of a malfunctioning Quantum Drive.
Doing what they did best, these visitors sought to provide aid to the peoples of this new world, but darkness had taken root from within. Betrayed by one of their own, these warriors watched in horror and despair as their former ally became the Blood Witch, enthralling entire legions of humans and monsters to conquer the planet in her name.
After a bitter, desperate struggle that dragged on for years, the heroes mounted a final stand, luring the evil sorceress to an active volcano rigged with explosives. The moment before the caldera was set to blow, they triggered a killswitch that deactivated their protective Nano suits and teleported the armor back to Zordon, leaving them exposed to the impending blast - The Blood Witch included.
Such a momentous sacrifice was a cost they were all willing to pay, given that the re-summoning of the power was an all-or-nothing ordeal that could not be individualized. They gave their lives to see an end to the Blood Witch’s reign, trapped on that exploding volcano. Memorialized as great heroes by the Earthlings who survived, stories of the Power Rangers were passed down for generations.
Zordon, infinite in his wisdom yet overcome with grief, activated the cloaking device on his ship one final time, hiding it away deep underground below what would one day become Angel Grove. Centuries later, a new team of warriors would stumble upon it and claim the power for themselves, but in doing so, expose their world once more to the Blood Witch’s dark grasp…
Doing what they did best, these visitors sought to provide aid to the peoples of this new world, but darkness had taken root from within. Betrayed by one of their own, these warriors watched in horror and despair as their former ally became the Blood Witch, enthralling entire legions of humans and monsters to conquer the planet in her name.
After a bitter, desperate struggle that dragged on for years, the heroes mounted a final stand, luring the evil sorceress to an active volcano rigged with explosives. The moment before the caldera was set to blow, they triggered a killswitch that deactivated their protective Nano suits and teleported the armor back to Zordon, leaving them exposed to the impending blast - The Blood Witch included.
Such a momentous sacrifice was a cost they were all willing to pay, given that the re-summoning of the power was an all-or-nothing ordeal that could not be individualized. They gave their lives to see an end to the Blood Witch’s reign, trapped on that exploding volcano. Memorialized as great heroes by the Earthlings who survived, stories of the Power Rangers were passed down for generations.
Zordon, infinite in his wisdom yet overcome with grief, activated the cloaking device on his ship one final time, hiding it away deep underground below what would one day become Angel Grove. Centuries later, a new team of warriors would stumble upon it and claim the power for themselves, but in doing so, expose their world once more to the Blood Witch’s dark grasp…