After the tour was over, it was finally time for Finn to start selling the baked goods he had worked so hard to prepare. He had made special dinosaur themed treats for the occasion. He made dinosaur shaped cookies obviously, but there were also cupcakes with dino heads made from frosting, and brownies covered in powdered sugar, with the imprint of a dino on them. All proceeds from the sale would go to the cause of keeping the museum open. Once everything was set up, Finn put a sign on the table that said open on it. “Alright, Finn’s Yummy Nummies is open for business!” He exclaimed while throwing a fist in the air.
Sa’Cha browsed around the area before they would have to go back to help with putting up the tent and displays for the fundraiser. He’d finally gotten an opportunity to sneak away from the group and contact Udonna.
“I felt something strange when we drove onto the property, but since it has been silent. If you’d tell me what I was looking for, I could be of better help, Grandma.”
“Just look for anything strange my little one.”
“Grandma I’m not little anymore.”
“You’ll always be my little one. Keep a low profile and don’t do anything crazy unless you have to.”
Their mental connection ended and Sa’Cha had returned to help get everything up and running. As he helped, he couldn’t seem to take his eyes off of Finn. He nearly broke his finger, but thankfully Andrew had caught it just in time.
“If you don’t go over there and talk to him,” Andrew said, putting emphasis on the words “talk” and “him” with his hands.
“Okay okay I will.”
Sa’Cha cleared his throat as he moved towards Finn who exclaimed that his stand was open for business. Slowly he approached until he was standing in front of Finn. For a moment, he couldn’t find words, but he cleared his throat and smiled warmly.
“Hi Finn,” Sa’Cha began, “can I get a cupcake, a cookie.”
He tried desperately to maintain his nerves, but if Finn could read his mind he would know just how nervous he was.
Finn’s blue eyes lit up, and a wide grin appeared on his face. “Oh goody! My first customer!” He immediately placed a cupcake and a cookie onto a paper plate, and was about to hand it to him, but then stopped and thought for a second. “Hold on, in my excitement I forgot to set a price for these. Um… I can’t give these to you for free. This is a bake sale after all, and the proceeds are going to a good cause! Um… is two dollars fair?”
Sa’Cha smiled as Finn’s silliness. He’d forgotten to price the baked goods for the bake sale. It was very much something that Finn would do and it made him even more adorable in Sa’Cha’s eyes. Sa’Cha pulled out a $100 bill and handed it to Finn, his courage rising up slightly.
“This should cover it,” Sa’Cha said as he took the baked goods in his hand and placed the $100 bill into Finn’s hand. “Thank you,” Sa’Cha said, as he turned to leave, he turned back to face Finn and sighed. “I…” he paused and thought it over in his head before continuing, “I would really like to take you out for dinner and a movie…” he paused again, his nerves getting the better of him, “that is if you aren’t busy, but I mean you’re the captain of the cheerleading squad, you’re always busy. This probably isn’t the best time either, I’m sorry,” he blurted out without taking a single breath.
Finn put his hands over his mouth and gasped. This was a lot of money for a cookie and a cupcake. “Wow! Um…thank you! I’m sure the museum appreciates your generous donation.” He was surprised again, by the next thing to come out of Sa’cha’s mouth, and Finn giggled. It was a sweet gesture for sure. “Hehe, aw dude. I’d be happy to go out with you, you don’t have to pay me $100 for that. Um… would Saturday work? I’m free for the weekend.”
Sa’Cha shook his head to make sure he’d heard correctly. Did Finn just agree to go on a date with him? He stood for a brief moment, shocked by Finn's response, but when reality hit him that Finn was waiting on a response, he scratched the back of his head and smiled.
“Saturday works for me too, say 7? I’ll pick you up?”
Sa’Cha was holding back all of the excitement that was flooding his body. Finn had accepted and now he had the chance to get to know Finn on a more personal level.
“Of course I’ll need your number,” Sa’Cha added as he retrieved his phone from his pocket and handed it to Finn.
Finn entered his phone number, and then handed the phone back. “Send me a text message so I can have your number too.”
Sa’Cha sent a quick text with a wink emoji and smiled as he slid his phone into his back pocket.
“I’ll see you on Saturday, and if you need any help I’ll be lingering around “