Character Sheet
Name: Emmet ‘Butcher’ Dukes

Alias: Markeith Singh
Age: 27
Gender: male
Description: (Height, weight, skin/hair/eye colour, build, special features, etc.)
Height: 5' 11"
Skin: Terra Cotta
Hair: Dark Caramel Brown
Eyes: Hazel
Special features: strong cheekbones, mild scar tissue across chest
Role: Knight
Specialty: close quarters fighting, both with and without weapons. He is nimble and quick, dodging almost any strike before using one fell swoop to take out his competition.
Personality: Emmet is a well-groomed and happy go lucky man in his free time, well known for his boisterous laugh and his perfect shave. He talks often about his beauty routines and loves to make pleasant conversation. In combat though, Dukes becomes another man. He gets into a deep focus and his face goes blank. He dances around his competition with great grace, but no joy, and he does not stop until all ki has left their body. Once he finishes fighting, he returns to his normal self, as if nothing had ever happened.
The Butcher was born under the name Markeith Singh to a noble family in Belisio. At his birthday a rapier was made for him, one that he would be raised to use. It was named rasselbock and forged of the best metal money could buy. During his upbringing Singh was raised for war, his education surrounding the use of his rapier in dueling and modern sidearms in close quarters combat. He learned of how to command those below him and how to defend himself should he enter hand-to-hand combat. Upon his eighteenth birthday he was presented with the blade that was his birthright, yet something did not feel right. Throughout all his education he had learned how to lead others and how to defend himself, yet with this he had been taught how to tell other men to kill for him.
That year he snuck out of the house one evening and found his way to a place he had heard about, known simply as the dome. Deep under the streets he put on his powered chest plate and took his blade. It was supposed to be a light duel, first to draw blood won. He danced around his opponent, leaping to and fro as he played with his food. The crowd watched and laughed, seeing the large brute that Singh faced take swing after swing to no avail. Finally, with the crowd at the climax of entertainment and with his foe tired he lunged into to strike with force. He suddenly felt an odd power flowing through his veins, and as he went in his vision blurred and he felt his arms move beyond what he ever believed his could do. Silence surrounded him followed by a large thud, and suddenly his full vision returned to him. On his rapier was blood, and he turned to the crowd in victory as they watched in horror. Suddenly he realized what had happened and seeing the gurgling corpse on the floor he realized he had gone too far.
He quickly fled, realizing that he had murdered a man. For the next week he went into the depths of his home city, seeing and living amongst the wretches of society. He was unsure how to react to the sights he saw, and he came to realize that not much had changed from his family’s previous actions. After all, what was the difference between the man he had stabbed and the wretched and starving poor whom his family had not helped despite their great wealth? He did not ponder the question for long, because he was more focused on his own monetary situation, as he had nothing beside his blade and his armor to provide for him.
By some divine providence though he was saved by an unfamiliar face who had tracked him down. The man, wearing a long trench coat with a high collar had seen his crimes that fateful night, and he knew that Singh had nowhere else to go. He took the boy in and helped him rebrand himself. A new set of clothes and fake papers later Singh was now Dukes, and he had a job offer from the man. And so Emmet ‘the Butcher’ Dukes was born, and he began his work in a place known as the Pit, an illegal underground operation that saw nightly performances of duels and fights that only stopped when one man lay dead. Dukes quickly became a prized fighter, slaying many in the pit. He lost all love for the game he was in though over time, and it simply became a monotonous dance for an uncaring and criminal crowd.
After nine years of his career, Dukes was finally found by city authorities. He was brought to trial on account of murder and some other petty crimes he purportedly committed during his career in the Pit. He was found guilty on all accounts, but on death row he was given one last chance by the government - after some intervention from his family who were delighted at the news of their living son. All he had to do was give his skills to the military and he would be spared from execution. What else was a boy to do in a situation like this?
Equipment: a rapier, a power armor chest plate, a small locket with a family crest, laz revolver, energy buckler, laz dagger, automatic plasma caster, stick grenades, and spiked boots that can be used for climbing surfaces.
Abilities: powerful use of ki for unnaturally fast movement and reflexes, dancing and feats of gymnastics, strong lunges, and the ability to disarm opponents in close combat. He also uses his ki to heal himself from terrible wounds at an incredibly fast rate. Finally, through his primary weapon, rasselbock, he is able to concentrate his ki in order to empower his weapon, in which the guard of the weapon grows into his flesh and he becomes one with it. In this state he is wounded, but he gains almost complete connection with his weapon which glows with the spirit of the fight, during this time his sheer willpower can allow his blade to pierce through armor and plates that no blade this old should be able to pierce through. After using this he is quite tired and requires rest, this process is also extremely painful.