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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Tristan Glory

Tristan felt pleased to see King initiating his orders, albeit a bit slow and clumsily at the beginning. Something to work on in the near future, but for now it was fine as the featherdance as he hoped and gave a small pump of his fist as he prepared himself for his next plan of action. Only to be thrown off-guard by Riolu's unexpected actions of using a quick attack to boost to boost itself along the trees as a platform to jump its way up to King." T-that's cheating...uh..right! King, dodge it!" He stammered out the order due to being thrown off.

The stammered order both confused the murkrow a tad and came a bit too late as the bird frantically flapped its wings to move out of the way but was too slow to dodge completely leaving King staggered and lost altitude though was still hovering while wincing a bit. Tristan was gritting his teeth trying to figure out what to do next only to come up blank; thankful for the featherdance hindering the attack power or King might have been knocked to the ground." Tch, screw it. Shake it off King and fly around the tree so Riolu can't see where you're coming from before it lands and hit it with an astonish!" He called out the commands while clenching his fists and gulped, hoping this was the right call and would work as King gave a sharp flap of its wing to brush off the pain with a loud cry then quickly flew around to the left of the tree then dipped down as it went aiming to appear below Riolu and upon reaching the pokemon were it to make it would let out a sudden loud shriek near point blank for an astonish.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Sanguine Rose
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Sanguine Rose The Author: Alexia Wynd

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Faye Wrexlyn

There were a few rare occasions she'd gotten to show a curious wild pokemon the picture she took of it, but it was always fun watching them react to their picture. Some understood it - like this one - others were amazed by the thing. Of course, it was rather rare she was up close and personal with a wild pokemon she was photographing. But then, it turned out her original hunch was right and this wasn't a wild pokemon.

She smiled as she stood back up, letting her camera rest on her stomach as she sized up the guy approaching them. I wonder how many he's actually got. She didn't take long to assess him and her smile never faltered. "He wasn't bothering me at all. I had a feeling he belonged to someone. You've got yourself one photogenic Yamper." She glanced down at Sage then back at the guy. "Yeah, just got my gear from Kapoc and Adriane. How about you? Only have your starter and the Yamper, or are you not so new?"
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Spatula

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Stella Lumite

She'd been anticipating this. The phone interview had really set in that things were happening, but it also gave her certain impressions. About the champion, specifically. She seemed like an easy-going woman who didn't like getting caught up on bureaucracy or formalities.

That was the nice way of putting it, at least. Having her sit around with nothing to do was a good way to get her to describe things more colorfully, but she'd anticipated this and brought a book. It was a book with technical illustrations and dense paragraphs, on Pokemon anatomy, and it was something she made do with when she didn't have live subjects to study.

Hmm. Somehow, that phrasing sat strangely. Most of her "subjects" were pets, perhaps that was why?

Eventually, they were rescued by someone that confirmed her suspicion. The champion was supposed to have met them here. So, "carefree" really did mean "unreliable"? Hmm... She could see the correlation, but there had to be outliers, right?

At any rate, their rescue whisked them away to the local professor's lab. Quite the grumpy guy, but there were multiple reasons she could think of for that. He must be very busy.

And when dealing with a champion like this, that was understandable! She couldn't imagine this woman lifting a pen. She was likely a nightmare in paperwork, and if you ever have a meeting, you know she'll only show up on time when someone else is late.

But... She's strong.

A sobering thought to glance over at the champion with, despite her earlier scorn. All interrupted by someone's grandstanding. And what an attitude it was! Enough to get him kicked out by a large dragon Pokemon. Well... Maybe that's a small dragon Pokemon, after all.

The others opened their pokeballs and found a surprising variety of Pokemon within. Not the usual starters she'd heard of, but it was an interesting change. Eevees were always interesting, and she'd never met a Litwic. She looked at the PokeBall she'd been given, turning it over for a moment before opening it.


A Tyrunt? She'd heard of them, but they were supposed to have lived eons ago. Her starter was something so amazing as an extinct pokemon?! She got a dinosaur! "What an impressive jaw you have! How's all that jaw fit in a PokeBall, ah? I'll call you... Kaebe." She went to pet the creature, but snatched her hand away when Kaebe turned his head. To play? Hmm... That was a big jaw to just play with. Could take her hand off. She wanted to see that Kaebe had enough control to... Not do that... Before he did that.

"Well, Kaebe, let's go to the park. We can play and get to know each other a little, maybe eat before we leave town. I think there are wild Pokemon in this park, too." She had to take some time to learn about his diet, as well. Her guess is... Raw meat.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 6 days ago

Stephanie Irwin

As Steph stepped outside, she felt a shiver down her spine as a shadow flew overhead. Danger! Her senses were screaming at her, every instinct and fibre of her being telling her to move out of the way of an incoming threat. Commando rolling to the side, just moments a fresh heaping pile of Pidove shit hit the pavement where she had been just mere seconds ago. Looking up, it wasn't difficult to find the culprit. She could almost see the smug, shit-eating grin on this Pidoves face fade away as she ruined its shitting on streak.

"Oi yah fuckin drawngao, geh' daown heah and foigh'!" Shouting up at the heavens like an old man telling kids to get off his lawn, she shook her fist before a light bulb seemed to go off in her head. Of course, she had a Pokemon now! "C'mawn mite, laeh''s taych thiies sheettah a laessawn!"

Grabbing Dusk off her shoulder, she wound back her arm before launching the Litwick up into the air at the flying pidove without any warning. One could almost hear it screaming as it hurtled towards the pidove at break-neck pace.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 35 min ago


Well, shit.

The kid was good enough to get his bearings and move quickly onto the offensive.

Yeah, there was the old faithful strat of abusing double team. Unlucky for Jason, the Double Team was unable to fool the Rufflet and the Ralts got hit by a Peck in the face though not before suffering a critical hit by Slayer. The bird cried out in pain, but it still held in there.

"Peck its eyes out!" The poacher yelled out, the Rufflet followed his command and flew at the Ralts with a very angry beak.

As for Murus vs. Litleo...

Now here's the thing. Mudslap is a 20 Power move being used by a Golett, which has a pretty pitiful special attack stat. Was it super effective? Yes, but by damage alone Litleo would have won out if it were not for one very important factor. Mudslap typically gets in the targets' face and blinds them, lowering the accuracy of their attacks and this time was no different.

The Litleo let out a cry as it was blinded by the attack and in a panic, it used Ember and the sparks of flame were shot indiscriminately. They were flying towards the poacher, the Rufflet, Murus, Slayer, and even Jason. Small amounts of damage were dealt to all Pokemon on the field, but nothing severe as they lacked any focus on a single target.

@Sanguine Rose
Huh, so she was one of the kids that Adriane picked. It was almost nostalgic to see a fresh-faced trainer take on the nigh impossible task of becoming the best of the best in their region though if the Champ of all people chose her among the hundreds of thousands of applicants, then maybe she had something special. Or maybe she did what his region's professor did with him and picked her because she liked an underdog story though he doubted it. This girl had confidence; he noticed that she was sizing him up with this line of questioning. It was actually pretty funny.

The man smiled and said, "No, I've been a trainer for a few years now, but I'm relatively new to the Evig Region. I recently just got a job in Nexus, but it won't start for a while so I'm just exploring the region until then. If you're taking the league on, then you'll probably see me around. Oh, my name is Basil Rivens by the way."

"Yip!" The Yamper made sure that it wasn't forgotten, and Basil just chuckled.

"And this is Vex. I caught him recently." said Basil, motioning towards the pup. "Evig is a very odd region. I've heard that you could find every Pokemon in the world here, even Pokemon that have been extinct for hundreds of years in their respective regions. It's a very exciting prospect to find Pokemon that I can't find back home." He mused out loud to himself.

His attention was brought back to the girl once he realized that he got too caught up with the idea of finding Pokemon he's never seen before. "So what's your plan of action? You've got a long journey ahead of you if you want to take on the gym leaders."

Now it wasn't a bad idea to try and confuse the Riolu by making it unsure of where the bird would come from, but here lies the rub. It would have worked on any other Pokemon except Rilou. Why? Because it was the one Pokemon that could sense and detect Aura. All living things have it. It was how the Rilou was able to detect Tristan and find him in the first place. The Riolu was able to see King flying around the tree due the Murkrow's inherent Aura so when it flew from below to strike, the Rilou was ready for it.

It shifted its weight while in the air, turning to bring down a Feint, which in this case came in the form a straight jab at the same exact moment that King used Astonish. It was a trade of blows and by some incredible odds, it was a double crit. King was sent flying down to the ground though it had less than half of its HP while the Riolu skidded upon the ground. It too also had around half HP.

It used Quick Attack, dashing straight towards the Murkrow. How does Tristan react?

And so begins the adventures of Stella and one very bitey boi! They decided to go to the park in the Trainer's School so they would have to wander around the city. There were definitely some stares from people who were looking at the shiny Tyrunt, a literal dinosaur dragon, just casually walking by this adorable girl. The streets were bustling with people going on about their daily lives, the construction of buildings, and various stores and other businesses serving a wide cliental. Besides that, there were also wild Pokemon around the city.

There were two different kinds of bird Pokemon in competition for a sandwich that had fallen on the ground. It proved to be a tense stare down.

Pokedex Entry #016- Pidgey, the Tiny Bird Pokémon. They are docile Pokémon that avoid fighting, kicking up sand in an enemy’s face or using Whirlwind to avoid battles. They have sharp senses of direction, capable of finding their nest or destination from very large distances. They inhabit tall grass where they search and prey on small bugs.

Pokedex Entry #519-Pidove, the Tiny Pidgeon Pokemon. Where people go, these Pokémon follow. If you're scattering food for them, be careful— several hundred of them can gather at once. It's forgetful and not very bright, but many Trainers love it anyway for its friendliness and sincerity.

Besides the birds, there were also some felines just lazing about that took advantage of the food offerings that humans gave them and otherwise would just be looting.

Pokédex Entry #052 – Meowth, the Scratch Cat Pokémon. During the night Meowth are known to sneak around stealthily in search of prey and shiny objects which it adores with a passion. During the day, Meowth is known to laze around all day. In the dark, its eyes glow.

Then there were scurrying rat Pokemon that seemed to be the prey of the Meowth when they felt like hunting.

Pokédex Entry #019 – Rattata, the Mouse Pokémon. This Pokémon is common but hazardous. Its sharp incisors can easily cut right through hard wood. Its incisors grow continuously throughout its life. If its incisors get too long, this Pokémon becomes unable to eat, and it starves to death.

Jesus fucking Christ.

Dusk got yeeted at Mach fucking three. Have you ever seen those pilots who fly jets and how their faces get all pushed back by the G-Forces they experience? Yeah, now image that with this poor Litwick.

Meanwhile, Evelyn was walking back to her office from the lab and noticed a white and blue blur with sparkles flew by a window followed by a scream. She stopped for a moment in a moment of pure confusion. What was in Kapoc's coffee?

The Pidove, meanwhile, was flying away laughing its head off. It then noticed a strange noise getting close, not paying much mind to it until it got louder. Confused, it turned its head to the direction where that noise was coming from until it saw that unfortunate Litwick flying at it. The Pidove's eyes bulged out of its skull and was unable to react to what could only be described as a weapon that violated whatever the Pokemon equivalent of the Geneva Convention was.

Dusk hit the bird with what could technically be described as the typeless move Struggle and it was a crit! The Litwick received a great amount of recoil damage.

The Pidove was knocked out of the air, still barely hanging as it some fluttered down on the ground and began to cuss up a storm that sounded like a whole bunch of coos. Meanwhile, Dusk was falling down. If it fell from that height, it was going to be even less okay than it was already.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Sanguine Rose
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Sanguine Rose The Author: Alexia Wynd

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Faye Wrexlyn

Things hadn't clicked, not just yet. Faye nodded initially, when he said he'd just gotten a job in Nexus and was new to Evig. She wasn't surprised. This wasn't exactly a region for established Pokémon trainers until recently. But when he mentioned the league, she lost some of her smile and looked him up and down once more. Then the smile vanished and her eyes widened slightly upon the introduction. Basil Rivens? The Basil Rivens? And he was standing here just chatting with her like it was no big deal to hear of it. Of all the chance encounters in this entire region and she ended up meeting the Basil Rivens because his Yamper liked to be photographed?! If it wasn't for Vex (as it turned out) yipping, she might not have broken out of her momentary daze.

The smile that spread back on her face was far more than the polite generic smile she had before. It was the only thing to keep a squeal of excitement from escaping her. It was one thing to see Adriane at Kapoc's lab, especially since she'd managed to get over being awestruck talking to the Champ on the phone for the interview. It was another to have such a random meeting like this. She knew it was best to play it chill, and not gush, but it was so damned hard to.

This was something Sage must have noticed. A gentle nudge from his head and a yipped, "Eev." He'd said something, asked questions. Shit, I need to say something. A few blinks, and she found her voice again.

"Yeah, I grew up here and remember how hard it used to be to find Pokémon in the wild, so I'm excited to really be getting out there and seeing how the new populations are thriving. There's actually quite a few places that are paying good money for pictures of wild Pokémon, so I'm looking forward to getting some great shots while I'm working my way to the top." She let out a half-laugh before letting it die behind a beaming grin.

"I'm Faye Wrexlyn, and this is Sage. I'm still trying to decide exactly what my plan of action really is beyond just picking a direction and starting on it. I know what happened here and what I want to do for this region, but with all of it, my brain's kinda tugging me in all directions at once. The first step to walking a mile is picking a direction, but while I'm trying to do that, I figure might as well bond a bit better with Sage and get familiar with Grand Glory while I'm at it. I don't want to rush into catching Pokémon and heading out without being sure of where I want to head first and what route is best to take in order to shape my starting team the way I need to. Do you - "

She paused for a moment before exhaling a heavy breath. "I'm sorry...Basil - is it cool if I call you Basil? - but I can't believe I didn't place you before now. It's really awesome to meet you when it's not, ya know...business...and - I hope you don't mind me asking, but - would you be okay with Sage and I taking a picture with you and Vex? I can share it with you, if you wouldn't mind exchanging information, and I can also send you the picture I took of Vex. If you have any other Pokémon you would like photographed or think might want their pictures taken, I can take them too and send them to you. I don't mean that to sound weird or anything - I'm kinda a professional Pokemon photographer, too - at least local to King's Cross and a handful of regional magazines right now."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Tristan Glory

Taken aback at seeing the result of his attempt at a plan ending with both pokemon getting hit though King seemed to get the worse of it out of the two. His body tensed up upon seeing the murkrow fall to the ground, the shiny bird shakily getting to its feet with small flaps of his wings to shake off bits of grass.* Damn it! Can't believe that didn't work...maybe I should have just had him go straight for the Riolu.* Chiding himself in his head as he could feel the frustration and pressure starting to get to him which made trying to think more difficult for the inexperienced teen.

Struggling to think of what to do; worried that his orders might just lead to King getting himself hurt again, but he was already running out of time with Riolu gearing up for what seemed to be a quick attack.* Ugh...fresh out the door and already I'm going to lose? N-no! I can't....I can't waste an opportunity to get a rare pokemon like Riolu.* His mind flashing back to the Riolu hugging his leg and how nice and comforting it felt to receive actual affection for once. Tristan frantically wracked his mind while looking over King who was panting and still reeling from the blow, figuring the bird was too injured still to take flight properly and dodge. It was then that his eyes caught sight of the few scattered feathers left from the featherdance from earlier and dirt causing a stupidly reckless idea to come to mind though nothing else came to mind." Tch, this is a desperate move but.... King! Flap your wings to stir up the feathers and dirt up in front of you then blast with an Astonish!"

Tristan called out the order which as expected King found strange but wanting to trust his trainer had flapped its wings to kick up a small cloud mixed of dirt and feathers. This was an action that would likely cause no damage; instead aimed to momentarily halt and distract the rushing Riolu in the midst of a quick attack that Tristan hoped to not be skilled enough to alter its path to avoid the dust cloud and whether it succeded or not, King would let out another shrieking Astonish.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Jason Connor

Slayer's cry of pain made Jason wince as he avoided the Ember, but he knew there wasn't a lot he could do. Murus tanked the ember that hit him and then moved to continue battling. Jason knew his partners were up for this and he continued giving his battle orders. "Slayer, avoid that Peck and find an opening to hit with Confusion again! Murus, hit that Litleo with Mud Slap one more time and then Defense Curl again!" He needed to end this quickly, but Golett didn't have the power needed to hit Litleo hard enough to finish him in one move, but this was still anyone's win.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 6 days ago

Stephanie Irwin


She hit that smug flying feathered rattata right out of the air with one clean strike with Dusk. Seems like the games her and her cousins set up to deal with boredom at times paid off for this moment. That poor Pidove just didn't stand as it fluttered slowly back down to the ground, she suddenly realised one thing. How was Dusk getting back down?


Blankly she looked up for a moment before bolting towards where the Litwick had begun to fall, diving outstretched at full length to catch the poor candle pokemon before it hit the ground. Sure it was a ghost type, but considering she could touch it that meant it had a physical form! And rather than have it become a splatter on the ground only five minutes after she had received it, she figured she could instead catch Dusk. Did she think about the consequences of diving on concrete? No, of course not. She did at least have the presence of mind to bring her arms back in after catching Dusk and roll before hitting the pavement. Was it a pleasant experience? Not at all.

First of all the jarring impact of hitting something that solid wasn't fun. Secondly, the burning sensation it left after sliding along it for a couple of meters was even less fun. Thirdly, the blood that dripped from her scraped elbow? Well that part was actually the least painful and concerning. It wasn't anything major but she would have to patch it up later. Once she dealt with that feathered shithead.

"Sohry beow' daht bud, buh' bloody oath yah diied a gem of a jawb. Oy'll tyke ih' frawm heah." Walking over to where she heard the exceptionally loud and excessive cooing, she took a moment to put Dusk, who's eyes seemed to be swirling around in its head, back atop her shoulder and lightly pet its side before tossing a Pokeball at the Pidove.

And yes, it was with the same intent and power as she had thrown Dusk just moments earlier.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 35 min ago

@Sanguine Rose

There was a bit of a long silence on this girl's end for some reason, as well as a big smile that replaced the polite one that she had previously. For some reason, she looked like she was in a sort of star struck gaze much to his own confusion. It did not really occur to Basil that she would actually know who he was, which was really his own fault, but from her reaction he was starting to piece together that this may had been the case. Wait, now it just seemed like he was flexing his status and accomplishments when he was just trying to be polite and introduce himself.

Her Eevee seemed to have picked up on this and brought her back down to reality.

"Oh, you're from Evig. Speaking from experience, it is an experience to see what very little of what the rest of the region sees. If you're working for Kapoc, then you'll probably be the among the first to see Pokemon back in their natural habitat."

So, her name was Faye. She reminded him of when he first went on his journey; aimless, not very certain what to do, but the world was his to explore. It was all so nostalgic, but he could not get lost in his thoughts as it seemed like she wanted to ask him something. Faye seemed to need to build up some courage for something, well to ask him something.

"Basil is fine, Faye. Believe me, I'm really not that special." He smiled warmly at her. "I would be happy to. If you post your pictures somewhere, do you have an account I could follow? I'd love to see what you find on your journey." There were basically Pokemon equivalents of things like Instagram, Snapchat, Tiktok, and so on. Considering that she was a photographer, she probably posted them somewhere for people to see and get her name out there.

"Where would you like to take the photo?" asked Basil.


Now here's the thing about Aura. While the Riolu could still sense and detect where King was, it offered no protection for debris getting in its eyes. The fighting-type stopped in its tracks and winced as getting things in one's eyes typically stings like all hell. Then the Murkrow used Astonish and dealt enough damage that the two were about equal in terms in how much more damage they could take.

Riolu was now in catching range. What does Tristan do?


The Confusion had caused the Rufflet to become confused! It flew around aimlessly with swirls in its eyes.

"God dammit fly over to the Ralts and Peck!" The poacher yelled out in frustration though to even more of his annoyance, the Rufflet flew over to the Litleo and began to Peck at it instead of Slayer. It was made worse that the blind Litleo panicked even more and used Ember on the Rufflet. In a manner most stupid, the two Pokemon knocked each other out.

Slayer grew to level 7!
Murus grew to level 6!
Jason earned 500P!

The poacher returned his Pokemon into their balls. Ugh, this job was not worth it! Damn that wretched woman! He turned his glare to Jason. "I'll remember this, kid." Without warning, he grabbed what seemed like a pelt from his pocket and threw it against the ground, releasing a cloud of smoke. When it cleared, he was gone, but that Totodile was still there. It was most likely the case that the Pokemon was extra weight and would've made it harder to get away from the police.

Speaking of the police, they showed up eventually. Whether Jason told them what happened or not was up to him. They luckily were able to help the Totodile out of the net and for some reason, it was very much stuck to Jason's side. Maybe he only noticed now after the whole ordeal, but the Totodile's coloring did not match that with the Pokedex's image. Also, it sparkled.


That Pokeball flew far faster than that Pidove could react. In fact, it was faster than what any normal Pokemon could react to. The Pidove didn't even realize what was flying towards it until its skull was caved in by the Pokeball before it was absorbed into the ball in a beam of white light.

It rolled once... it rolled twice...it rolled thrice!

What does Steph do now?

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Tristan Glory

Everything looked to have slowed down immediately after the whole thing went down as in that instant Tristan had the expression of utter disbelief at what he just witnessed." That actually worked?" He blinked stupidly then quickly recomposed himself while clearing his throat." I-I mean of course it worked. My brilliance as a trainer finally got the chance to shine." Said with a forced toothy smile, the corner of his mouth twitching thankful that no one witnessed the crapshoot result of a plan he didn't think would actually work out as he had no way to know how skilled Riolu was at maneuvering with quick attack.

And for King's sake he kept up a confidant front not wanting the bird to think he basically left him out to dry with a dumb strategy. Well, regardless of how things went, it all turned out fine as he could see the riolu was weaken enough to attempt capture.

Now the only problem was the fact he only had five pokeballs; five chances to catch such a rare pokemon. As you can imagine the tension was high to the rich boy teen who was gulping nervously. With how the day was going, there was high chance all his luck just went into that last move of his, but no point wasting any time as he grabbed a pokeball which enlarged to normal size then wind back and threw the ball. A truly pathetic throw that had the ball land only a few inches in front of Tristan as he had the arm strength of an undeveloped toddler.

The ball flew at the injured riolu which got pulled within and now all Tristan could do was wait anxiously to see the result.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Jason Connor

Jason, Murus, and Slayer remained on their toes even after the puff of smoke, preferring to wait until the police showed up to return his partners to their Pokeballs. Jason complied with all of the officers requests and questions, even providing his Pokedex ID to confirm he was who he told them and that he was one of the new trainers that Adriane had recruited, relayed to them why he was there and what had transpired and saying all the guy did was make mention of a woman who had hired him to get her a Totodile. Speaking of, the thing was practically attached to his leg as it stayed close to him after a pair of officers had free'd it from the net.

After the questioning was finished, the young man knelt down and patted the Totodile on the head gently, looking over it for injuries. "Easy there buddy, you're safe now. That guy won't risk showing up here again. Though...I'd feel better if you came with me. You'd be safer and have friends. How's that sound?" While negotiating with a Wild Pokemon was less than common, but he wasn't sure Slayer or Murus was up to another fight right now and he was fairly sure this Totodile wasn't in the mood to fight after nearly being abducted.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Spatula

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Stella Lumite

The park was a good idea. There were plenty of ways Kaebe could let out some of that bitey energy. There were some Meowth around, and some birds squabbling. She considered approaching one of the Meowth, but instead caught sight of that buffoon from the lab, battling a Riolu. "Well, that's quite the find you've found there."

Kaebe looked briefly at the battle but lost interest quickly. This world felt so strange to him, like something was out of place. That did, however, make exploring all the more exciting! He climbed around Stella and wandered away a bit, and Stella followed after him, half-watching the battle but more interested in what Kaebe was doing. He sniffed around and ran up to the Meowth, but they hissed and chased him away. The birds banded together against him, and the Rattata just fled.

Stella frowned. Was he trying to make friends? Not very successfully, he was kind of intimidating. She watched him run around a little more, and for distracted when she heard a PokeBall being thrown. She looked over to at the Riolu disappear into a PokeBall, and when she turned back around,


The academic looked down to see Kaebe standing in front of her, his tail wagging slowly like a dog while he presented her with a Blipbug on his nose!

"Whu-" she took a step back, surprised, "Kaebe, have you found a friend? Hey there, little guy. Hope my Tyrunt didn't scare you... Say, you look smart. He eats raw meat, right? I don't have a lot of information on him, but that would be my guess."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 6 days ago

Stephanie Irwin

Walking over and flicking the Pokeball up into the air with her foot, she snatched it out of the air and stared intently at the red and white orb before glancing down into her other hand where her pokedex was making a racket. Oh right right, money for a catch, the recording of said pokemon and all that jazz. Even though she had only been told just minutes ago she had already almost forgotten it all. Though suppose that's what happens when you zone out whatever you're being told. At any rate, as she glanced at Dusk, who seemed rather unhappy for some reason, on her shoulder and down at the pokedex in her hand she seemed to mull over something before sighing.

"C'mawn nao nayd t' sulk, ih' ooll ended up waell in the end roigh'? And we gawt oursaelves a new mate as well! Cawnsoiderin haow much of a maenyce thiies sheettah was, Oy'm theenkin Dennis buh' whahtcha theenk Dusk?" The Litwick continued to give her the cold shoulder, causing the girl to sigh again. Suppose she should've at least given the little bud a warning first huh. In her excitement she had might've gotten a little...overzealous. She would have to make it up to her partner later, but for now, she should head on down to the Pokecenter and get these two back in tip-top shape before going anywhere else. So she did just that, unless something of particular note cropped up along the way. She would try to explain to the nurse joy on hand what had happened when she handed over her pokemon, but upon receiving what was no doubt a blank look she just shrugged and went to sit down while she waited. Maybe start up a conversation if anyone seemed interesting enough.

Of note as well was that she had forgotten to deal with her scraped arms though, nor did she seem bothered by it. Though something did seem to be stinging....
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Sanguine Rose
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Sanguine Rose The Author: Alexia Wynd

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Faye Wrexlyn

He wanted to follow her! Faye managed to not squeal with delight, but only just. Thankfully, she managed to keep her composure roughly as well as she had been up until this point. She laughed softly. "You may think you're nothing special, but you do realize you're kinda an inspirational story for new trainers, right?" She shrugged lightly, but never lost her smile. "I'll try not to make a big deal about it for you though."

After a quick assessment of the area, she shrugged again. "As for where to do the shoot, just getting a selfie with you and Vex can happen anywhere. Actually, hmm....Sage, go right there - " she pointed to a spot, and her Eevee moved to the spot indicated. "Vex, if you stand right next to Sage, then - Basil, you can stay right where you are and I'll get on my tip toes." She did just that and flipped her phone's camera to verify she'd gotten them all into the right position, then took the picture. "Perfect!" She grinned to herself again as she sent the picture to her parents with the caption Crazy who you might run into in Grand Glory.

She wasted no time at posting it on her Twitter equivalent at Basil with a note Thanks for letting me snap a picture with you and Vex. When she turned her attention back to Basil, she was still grinning. "It will definitely be an experience to really confidently go out and get some good shots of Pokémon returning to their native habitats, for sure. I'll be posting some of it to my social, for sure, but only ones that are thriving. If you're curious about any Pokémon in particular, I can send you info directly if and when I find them if you want." She pulled a metal case from the inner pocket of her jacket and pulled a card out. She offered it to Basil. "This has my website, and social media info."

She returned the card case back to its pocket. "Did you want a picture with Vex and or any of your other Pokémon? I could take a professional picture and send it your way when I sit to upload the pictures from my camera before I set out from Grand Glory." If he did, she'd direct him where to stand and suggested poses to snap the pictures for him.

"Anyways, I was going to ask you - before the impromptu photo session - do you happen to have any advice you wouldn't mind passing on to a new trainer?"
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 35 min ago


The police thanked Jason for what he had done and for his efforts, they healed his Pokemon and was rewarded a small sum of money. Jason did not have to help the Totodile out, but because he did, he was rewarded for it.

Jason earned 1000P!

It appears the dice haved favored Jason yet again.

Now back to the Totodile. The poor blight felt completely at unease knowing that someone came after it and escaped. Who knows where it would've taken it and what would've happened! And this guy was tough and moving from place to place meant less chances to be poached. He also seemed like a good enough guy.

"Toto!" It agreed to accompany Jason on its journey.

It rolled once... it rolled twice...it rolled thrice!

What does Jason do now?


What the fuck did this girl say?

Nurse Joy looked at the fledgling trainer with a smile, but behind that she was as perplexed as anyone would give the situation though perhaps that was a good thing considering what Steph just did to Dusk and Dennis. "I-I see... Please take a seat. We will heal your Pokemon shortly."

So, Steph sat down and waited for her Pokemon to come out. She should've probably stopped by a pharmacy, or a general store get something to patch her scrapes up. It's a shame, but Pokemon Centers do not give people treatment unless there is a dire situation because let's face it, they were basically government funded veterinarians.

While she did not seem to notice her own scrapes, stinging as they were, someone else did.

"Excuse me, do you need some help?" Steph was approached by a girl that was around her own age. She had wavy black hair and gentle crimson eyes that sparkled in the light. She wore a white, sleeveless blouse, a lavender skirt that reached slightly past her knees, and black closed toe sandles. This girl was remarkably pretty, but also tall as hell, like God damn she could make a killing back in Unova as a basketball player.

"Let me help. That looks like it hurts a bit." She didn't wait for an answer and honestly, even if Steph did give an answer, the girl wouldn't have been able to understand a word that she said. The girl rummaged through her bag and pulled out a bottle of antibiotic ointment and a pack of bandages that had cute little stylized Panchams on them. "It's going to sting a bit." The girl applied previously said ointment and placed the bandages on her.

"Ta da! All fixed up!" She said with a bright smile.


Tristan threw the Pokeball as hard as his weak, feeble noodly excuse of arms could muster! The Pokeball bonked on the stunned Riolue's head and was absorbed in a stream of white light before it fell on the ground. It started to shake.

It rolled once... it rolled twice...it rolled thrice!

Astrid clapped for Tristan seeing as this was probably his first ever catch. "Good job, but I won't lie, that was definitely one of the shakier first times that I have seen. If I had to grade it, I'd give it a C." She said with a giggle, partly saying this in jest. It was not necessarily fair to say that he did a bad job, but dear lord was he a panicky, clumsy mess. But, you did catch it, so congratulations are in order.

Well, they would've been, but there was a girl and her shiny Tyrunt that was making a poor Blipbug's soul ascend from its body from pure agonizing fear. Tristan probably recognized her from the lab. Maybe. I don't know. He was pretty so self-absorbed he may have not noticed her.

"Oh for the love of... Miss!" And there went Astrid, running towards that girl. It looked like she was a receiving a lecture.

What does he do now?


The poor little Blipbug was scared out of its fucking mind. It was shaking like a leaf in the wind and looked at Stella as if she had Krabby's crawling out of her ears. Blipbug was minding its own business when this big-jawed thing grabbed it with its mouth, was tossed onto the creature's head, and now here it was.

It was far too scared to even run off. Also, what the fuck is a Tyrunt? Stella was forgetting for as smart as a Blipbug it is, it does not have knowledge of Pokemon that should have been extinct and not walking the modern world with flesh and scales around its bones for it was an absolute defiance of the laws of nature. Essentially, the Blipbug was repeatedly asking itself 'what the fuck is that' in its head. It was not like this Bug Pokemon had the ability to go to a library and read a book about ancient Pokemon.

Wait, these things eat meat?

The Blipbug was now sweating bullets and looked like it was going to faint from pure fear. Thankfully, there was someone who saw this disaster and approached the green trainer and her ancient Pokemon.

"Miss, could you please put the Blipbug down?" A woman approached the duo with the understandably concerned expression on her face. She had long, straight brown hair and round glasses that had soft blue eyes behind them. She was dressed in brown slacks, black dress shoes, and a powder blue button up shirt. She had the air of a teacher and definitely had the stern tone of one.

"While you can catch the Pokemon here. I will not permit you to terrorize them." While it would be sort of excusable for a new trainer to not be able to control their new starter, she did not think Stella was one. Why? Because who in the fresh hell would be mad enough to give a new trainer a Tyrunt?

Meanwhile, Kapoc sneezed in his lab.

@Sanguine Rose

An inspiration? Was that how people saw him?

Basil smiled awkwardly, saying "I'd appreciate that."

He watched Faye survey the area for the perfect spot to take the photo, which she did of course. She had Basil and Vex move around and pose the way she told him to and brought his best, handsome smile that he had. Faye wanted a picture of him so badly, he couldn't let her down with a sheepish smile.

She certainly looked happy with how the photo came out, much to his relief. He also received a link to her social media accounts and her website, as well as received a notification sound from his Pokedex, which was very likely her tagging him. Basil would of course look at it later because it was absolutely rude to pull out what is pretty much a phone when someone is speaking to you. Tristan.

When asked about her taking photos of the rest of his team, Basil appeared very physically unsure with that idea and really, it really wasn't a good idea at the moment. "It's probably not a good idea to do it here... Most of them are a bit too big and well, have you ever tried to photograph a Hawlucha? You'd run out of space on your camera before he finishes." Those Luchador Pokemon are known for their vanity and their excessive need for posing, even in battle.

The photos were squared away, but now she had something very much different to ask him.

Advice? Was there really anything that he could tell her that she didn't already know. He rubbed his chin in thought as he pondered on what to tell her. Just about everything about Pokemon Battling and building up a team was really common knowledge. Even a little kid had that much knowledge... Though there was something else.

"I'll tell you the one thing that I wish someone told me when I started; you will face challenges, challenges so great that you may think they are impossible to overcome, but the ones, the ones where you can't see are the ones that define who you are. Not only as a trainer, but the person that you hope to be. Doubt, self-loathing, fear, pride, temptation... What you do in the face of your own hell will show who you really are. You are the master of your fate, no matter who tells you."

After saying something like that, there was a brief moment of silence. Basil had a really awkward silence as he realized just how damn cheesy he sounded. Dear god, someone release him from his mortal coil.

"I'm sorry, it's been a long time since I said something that cliche, but it's the truth of the matter. Fate is not set in stone; it is yours to craft and with that comes a crushing responsibility from yourself and the world. However, you aren't alone. For every setback, for every detractor, you will meet those who will stay by your side and support you, even when it feels like the world closes in on you."

It was sort of nostalgic, this situation. There was something funny how history seems to find a way to repeat itself. Perhaps that's why he was compelled to do what he was about to do.

"Hold on a second..." Basil told her as he slid his bag down his shoulder and began to search through it. "Not that, not that...not that. Ah, there it is!" From his oversized, patched up corpse of a bag, he pulled out glass case with what appeared to be an egg in there. It was a strange one; mainly covered in white with grey and yellow streaks.

He stood up and held it out to her. "This was a gift from a friend when I was accepted into the Elite 4. It was generous, but I would feel more comfortable if it explored with a trainer who it can grow along side with. If Adriane picked you, then I have enough confidence to trust you with it."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Sanguine Rose
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Sanguine Rose The Author: Alexia Wynd

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Faye Wrexlyn

Faye laughed softly at the comment about the Hawlucha. She hadn't had the pleasure of photographing one before - she hadn't met anyone in King's Cross that had one, and she certainly hadn't come across one in the wild in her travels thus far - but now she kind of wanted to. She hadn't considered trying to get one for herself, but maybe she could schedule a shoot for his at some point? Surely they were just as photogenic as the Yamper. Though it also made her curious what others he had with him. She doubted they'd be the same ones he would use in the league, but she supposed there was a chance. Maybe some other time. Taking another picture of him with Vex was fine.

She supposed when she asked for advice, it might be tricky. Not giving some basic platitude and common sense advice was hard at this point. She had been looking forward to becoming a trainer since she was young, but that meant she started learning a lot about being a trainer too. Surely there was something he could impart that she didn't know already though.

The smile faded as she listened. It wasn't a matter of being more intense. More like, a renewed sense of determination settled in again. His words were a reminder to not give up despite the challenges. She always sought to overcome them, but between what her mother told her yesterday and what Basil said today - she was determined more than ever to ensure she pressed on as much as she could. Was it cliche advice? Yes, but sometimes hearing cliched advice was good. It reaffirmed that it was true and not just something people said. She preferred to take everything with a grain of salt and not just take an idol's word as gospel, but at least he was saying something everyone always said.

She smiled and laughed softly at the apology. "It's okay to give cliched advice. It just means it's true and not just an overused platitude." She was about to say thanks and take her leave - surely she had taken up enough of his time and the others must have gotten so much more of a head start than she did with her sightseeing - when he told her to hold on. And started digging around in his bag?

Curiosity overtook the excitement of the meeting, followed by awe at seeing the egg in the container he removed from a bag she wasn't sure could survive any more adventures. She'd never seen an egg like that - not that she'd seen many Pokémon eggs as it stood. When he held it out to her, she blinked. Several times. Surely he wasn't...

Faye's brain stopped working for a long moment. She just stood there, staring in disbelief.

"I, you - seriously?" She didn't wait for the answer before nodding, though. "Yeah, I mean, yes. I would be honored to raise it. This is - it's really cool you trust me to raise a Pokémon you were given. I definitely don't intend to do anything to ruin it. We'll take good care of it, right Sage?" She looked at Sage, who seemed excited as well. "Ee vee eev." He practically beamed with confidence at the prospect.

She took the egg case and carefully turned it this way and that - a little worried she might break it since this was her first time actually handling an egg case - to get a better look at the egg. Then looked back at Basil. "Do you know what kind of Pokémon this is? I haven't seen an egg like this before."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Jason Connor

Thanking the officers for the heal for his Pokemon when they left, Jason returned his attention to the Totodile using him as a shield and waited and produced the ball when she, as it turned out, decided to join him. Spinning it, he brought out all three of his new team and smiled before he realized that the Totodile wasn't just a female, which was already decently hard to come by, but it was an alternate colored version of the Big-Jaw Pokemon. Smiling, he kneels down again and rubs his new team member's head as he hums thoughtfully. "Need a name for you, little sister. Hmmmmm..." Murus and Slayer both seemed to be thoughtful as well, though it didn't escape the young man's notice that the Golett was looking around as they stood there, likely watching for the poacher.

"Ral ralts." Jason glanced at his partner and nodded in agreement, but stayed kneeled down.

"You're right, we should head back to camp, but that guy is in no shape to come back and pick another fight with us. You two got a free heal from law enforcement an-Ah ha! How about Sable?" He looked back at the Totodile as he asked the question and after a moment, the little crocodile nodded.

"Totodile." Jason smiled and nodded in return as he stood up and stretched.

"Excellent, I'll go with Sable then. Welcome to the team. Now then, we should all definitely get some rest and set out for the nearby forest tomorrow." His team all nodded and he returned them to their balls before heading back to his camp in the ruins. However, he wasn't above the possibility of something happening on the way there as he kept his head on a swivel.

Head to the fishing shop tomorrow to get a rod, then head out for Starbor Forest. Dad gave me a cave to head into out there, plus maybe something new as well. Should be a full day all the same.

(Heading to sleep at camp, wait for morning.)
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 6 days ago

Stephanie Irwin

God she was bored. How long was this gonna take? Did it normally take this long? She thought it was like, just a bit of music and a few seconds in a machine and bam done. Suppose that sounded too much like the convenience of a game huh? Maybe there was someone she could-

Drawn out of her thoughts upong hearing someone talk to her, she turned to face the voice and found herself having to look up. Like a fair bit up to see their face. Now Steph wasn't short, but damn this girl was tall. And pretty as well. Maybe she was some kind of supermodel? She was going to assume she was some sort of model, but man would she make a decent basketball player if she added a bit more muscle. And man she seemed pretty kind offering to help a stranger out, all in all she would probably make a great missus to a bloke one day.

"Oh thighnks mite, fohgawt abeow' thaht!" Gladly accepting the help, she just held out her arms to give the girl an easier time. Steph had had enough scrapes and knocks from rough-housing with her cousins, so she was used to the stinging sensation that accompanied any form of disinfectant cream or ointment. She had even experienced a spray before, which honestly was the worst of the trio. She didn't even really know, it just felt the worst. So she was no stranger to the stinging sensation that followed the application of the ointment the girl had pulled out, not that it didn't stop a slight grimace from Steph even though she toughed it out for the most part.

After the ointment and bandages were applied, Steph brought her arms back and admired the design of the bandages for a moment. They were pretty cutesy, honestly matching the girl that had approached her so far from what little she had learned of her. Oh yeah, speaking of which she didn't catch her name yet.

"Thighnks aguyn mite, Oy'm Steph whaht's yoah nuyme?" Was she also a fellow trainer? It was hard to tell seeing as nothing immediately stood out, but considering she was at a pokecenter there was every chance she was.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Spatula

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Stella Lumite

As Stella observed the small bug Pokemon, it became clear to her that the poor thing was not having a good time. Just in time for a voice to address her from aside. She looked over her shoulder at the woman approaching, smiling weakly, "y-yeah."

She turned back to her Pokemon and his... new friend... Taking a careful breath before, "Kaebe."


"Did you accost this poor thing? Look, it's trembling." She sighed and carefully scooped the bug into her hands. She held a hand over it to protect it from the sky, and quickly found a bush to deposit the poor creature into. "Sorry about that, darling. Go on, now, we won't-"

She was interrupted by a grunting "runt runt runt runt" as Kaebe shoved his nose into the bush.

Stella sighed heavily and rubbed her face. This guy probably weighed... Half her weight? She had to strategize. With Meowth, you could push on their wishers to manipulate them a little. Kaebe didn't have sensitive antennae or wiskers, though... Maybe she'd just try commands first? "Kaebe."

"Tyrunt?" He turned to face her, leaves on his nose.

The trainer sighed as she looked at him, smiling just a bit. That was cute. But! "Cm'ere." She had a seat on the grass and motioned him over, grunting a little as her suspicions about his weight were confirmed. "You can't just go bother whoever you want, sweety. You're really big and scary to that little guy, right? You've got big teeth and your mouth is huge, you could swallow him whole! Did you take him from his bush in the first place?"
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