Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Feyblue
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Feyblue Lord of Floof

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Local Floof Back At It Again With The Trashy Romance RPs

Yuuuuuuuup. It's that time again, folks. Fey's been reading too much manga again. Villainesses, saintesses, princes, knights, arranged marriages, dark secrets, knowledge of past lives or getting stuck in a groundhog day loop of bad ends -- dig up all your favorite corny tropes, because that, my friends, is why we're all here.

Basically, just looking for a fun bit of casual slapdash melodrama since most of my other RPs are sorta stalled out at the moment, and wanted to have some fun with some guilty pleasures of mine. Last time I tried something like this, it got too overcomplicated and out of hand, so for this time around, I'd like to keep things simpler -- just 2-4 people (myself included) would be ideal, though I guess I could be talked up to as many as six if there's a lot of interest. And, while I would like to revisit some of my old concepts at some point, I think for this time around I'd rather do a simpler plot setup than the one I tried before.

That being said, I've come up with a few possible ideas for plots and premises, some more suited to small group RP and some more suited for 1x1s. I'll list them below, so if you're interested, please let me know which ideas appeal to you!

  • To Become a Knight: The most lighthearted and comedic of my concepts, inspired by a mix of RPG-mechanics novels and wacky, Twelfth Night-esque crossdressing hijinks. This story would be set in a JRPG-esque setting with elemental magic, roaming monsters and demons, and maybe even a full-on "Demon King" style plot with our unlikely heroes having to take up their swords to save the world! Not sure if there would be actual hard and fast levels or stats as an in-universe mechanic, or if it would be more like a martial arts novel with more vaguely defined "powerlevels" and shit, but basically it would be a comedy first, a romance second, and occasionally remember that it's supposed to be an action adventure once every now and again.

    The "unlikely heroes" in question would start as a various collection of kid heroes, all in training to become knights for their own reasons. Could be nobles expected to take up the sword by their families, or commoners whose skills have given them the opportunity to climb the social ladder, or any number of other things. The only problem is... Well, one or more of these "boys" is anything but, disguising herself/themselves for whatever reason and trying to become a knight. Needless to say, regardless of whether this secret is kept under wraps or discovered by the other characters, hijinks ensue.

    Ideally, this would mostly be a story of a bunch of goofy kid heroes growing up, coming to terms with each other and themselves, probably having a bunch of misunderstandings as they try and fail to keep their secrets hidden, and maybe having a few awkward crushes along the way. Maybe there'd be a timeskip after this first part and we could deal with them actually doing knightly things as young adults too, but honestly, I feel like it's pointless to plan that far ahead right now, so I won't!

    I'd be favoring playing a disguised girl in this plot, and it could probably work equally well as either a 1x1 or a small group, whether that small group ends up with multiple crossdressers or as a one girl, three guys reverse harem setup, or, heck, just as a bunch of friends palling around without knowing or without caring about the whole gender reveal.

  • The Bastard Saintess: A more serious plot setup, better lending itself to more of a dramatic or angsty angle. This one's in a setting more inspired by Otome games and novels/manga about Otome games, with some kind of miasma or other existential threat that can only be purified/remedied by the powers of a chosen Saint/Saintess, who can influence the weather, heal the sick, bestow blessings, the whole shebang. And, in many cases, those chosen as "Saints" come from specific lineages favored by the gods, entrusted with the responsibility of protecting their countries.

    A child is born into one such family out of wedlock, and has the misfortune of inheriting divine power. As such, she must be taken in by a family that really doesn't want her, and probably suffers a miserable childhood as a result. Ultimately, the story could go a lot of different ways from here, whether it's about her trying to escape from her abusive family and expose that the "Saints" really aren't all that saintly, or her getting forcibly engaged, banished, sold off, or otherwise thrown away and taken in elsewhere. Basically, a sympathetic heroine with a tragic life climbing her way slowly out of her miserable past and finding a new home.

    I could go either way on characters for this one -- whether it's playing as the Saintess herself, or as whatever prince or love interest comes along to help her, or even as a side character -- an adoptive family member who helps take her in or whatever. Like with the first idea, this'd work just fine as a 1x1, and though it's slightly less well-suited for a group RP, it could still work for one. Regardless, the goal would be to have dark parts that are dark and depressing, as well as plenty of warm fuzzies to counterbalance them.

  • The Fake: This one's also on the darker side, and a bit more somber than just dark and angsty. It's also much better suited for a 1x1 than a group setup, so it's basically here in case interest is very minimal. The basic setup is as follows.

    The daughter of an upper class noble meets a young knight of no significant estate or standing through coincidence, and the two of them fall in love, keeping their courtship a secret, and knowing that theirs is a love that can never be. The flower of high society, married off to a commoner in all but name? It is an unthinkable and unattainable dream -- one that slips even farther out of reach when the young man is sent off to war. He undergoes numerous trials and tribulations, surviving in the face of certain death, and earns himself a name as a hero and the favor of the the empire. Returning in glory to his homeland, he asks for but one thing as his reward: the right to marry the woman of his dreams. This wish is granted, and the two lovers are reunited...

    ...Except that's nothing but a lie. While he was off at war, his beloved died -- and has since been quietly replaced by a body double by a desperate, controlling father who has no other successors, and to whom the prospect of a marriage alliance is the only means of securing his ambitions. Now, the girl forced to play the role of his dead daughter is stuck in a marriage with a man who went through hell for the sake of the woman she claims to be, and he finds himself grieving for a person who is, in the eyes of the world, still alive and well. Whether they hate each other, or ultimately find comfort in this quiet tragedy? Well, that's all up to you.

Those are all the concepts I have write-ups for right now, but if none of them draws significant interest, I've got a few more things I can add later. Anyway, that's all for now, so thanks for reading, and, of course, let me know if any of these seem fun!
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Sniblet
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Sniblet drinking problem

Member Seen 4 mos ago

If To Become a Knight gets played, I will be gravely disappointed if less than the entire main cast is actually female
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Oh boy I haven't actually RP'd for a looooong time now and I really want to get back into it and these sounds like fun pitches...

I can't promise anything but tentative interest at least and we'll see how things go I guess.

If To Become a Knight gets played, I will be gravely disappointed if less than the entire main cast is actually female

Also seconding this. XD
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Crowvette
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Crowvette Shock Unlocker

Member Seen 3 days ago

To Become a Knight sounds pretty fun to me. Regardless of gender ratios!
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Slypheed
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Slypheed Idiotic and Degenerated

Member Seen 1 day ago

Bastard Saintess has my interest.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Knights are my brainrot, but I've flatout written a story for a uni course with a general premise about otome saints too...so I guess my strike range is broad for your fistful of ideas, Fey.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Hammerman
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

The Bastard Saintess sounds fun. I'm a sucker at playing sad and miserable nice girl characters.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Feyblue
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Feyblue Lord of Floof

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Wow! I must say, this got a lot more responses a lot more quickly than I had expected -- especially considering most of you are people I haven't actually RP'd with before and/or other such friends I dragged kicking and screaming into my madness. :P

At any rate, seems we've got almost equal preference for both of the two group-oriented ideas and about the maximum number of people I'd be confident running this sort of thing for anyway, so... hm.

To be honest, I didn't expect this even a split between ideas, so I'm not actually sure what to do here. XD It does seem like more people have specifically said they want to do Saintess than the the Knight RP, but on the other hand it seems like more people overall have some fun ideas for Knights, too, so I'm not sure if I want to commit to the other one right off the bat.

That being said, maybe we should start off by saying really briefly what sort of character setup we'd want to play for each idea? Give us a better idea of what sort of dynamics we could make, and help settle on which one seems like we'd have more fun with.

I guess maybe that sort of clarifies what I mean? Like, certain things I, at least, want to do would require the existence of other sorts of characters, so I guess having a general idea what people are going for could help us settle on which plot would give us the most interesting interactions. I dunno. I just figure that's probably a safer bet than just saying "Alright, we're doing this one" and leaving half the people who've so kindly expressed interest high and dry.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Izurich
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Izurich 7/8 Weeb

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Hmmmmmmmmmm… so another vote would be the tiebreaker, huh?

Reading To Become A Knight gave me a fun character idea, one that I’m more interested to play than the other plots so my vote goes to that one, if that helps to shatter the indecisive anxiety. :P

Also, conveniently, that’s the plot that works as a Group RP the best out of three.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Hammerman
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Feyblue
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Feyblue Lord of Floof

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Oh man, I LOVE both of these concepts. Feels like they'd have really interesting potential dynamics with what I was going for, regardless of what option we went with. If I went plucky girl kouhai, she could potentially end up poking at your prince dude and giving him somebody who thinks he's cool, maybe giving him encouragement to believe in himself by proxy. And, if I went with a doofus prodigy, we'd be natural foils -- both demanded to be knights without any real say in the matter, but one of whom discarded that and decided to do his own thing, and the other of whom doesn't really know how to do anything else -- a socially skilled lazy type and a tryhard with absolutely no experience interacting with others. Would definitely get on each other's nerves, and/or somehow end up as best friends without even realizing it.

And for the Saintess one, your dude isn't tied down by political bullshit or "The good of the many," and could call my character out on basically all his insecurities. Would be hella dramatic.

Looking over the others now...

Hammer's Saintess ideas seem really fun too. If she's super cheerful to hide how much she's struggling, it'd throw my guy for a loop since she'd be different from what he expected, but also he wouldn't realize the truth just looking in from outside. Whereas if she's just, like, completely hopeless and emotionally repressed, he'd almost immediately realize something was wrong, but have no idea how to help or what have you.

Izu's noble also seems neat, and could be an interesting contrast to other characters doing the same thing in spite of gender norms, whereas he's doing it precisely because of those norms and wanting to be more masculine.

...Though, I guess my main worry with the Knights concept is that, even if the meme of "everybody's actually in disguise and thinks they're the only one" is pretty funny, there might be a bit too much character overlap for comfort. Gotta have some people who are entirely out of the loop and are just doing normal stuff to have a baseline for contrast's sake, and all. Even so, it does seem like a lotta people are on board with it, so I'm definitely not opposed to the idea!
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

...Though, I guess my main worry with the Knights concept is that, even if the meme of "everybody's actually in disguise and thinks they're the only one" is pretty funny, there might be a bit too much character overlap for comfort.

Eh, as fun as I'd find it I decided to try and figure out a rough concept for an actual male character. Bare in mind it's like 5:15am right now so there's a chance I'll change things later and this is very rough but still.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Hahah, imagine though.

Everyone but one player for the Knight idea is a female in disguise...and the RP instantly becomes a standard shounen harem instead.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Feyblue
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Feyblue Lord of Floof

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by Feyblue>

Eh, as fun as I'd find it I decided to try and figure out a rough concept for an actual male character. Bare in mind it's like 5:15am right now so there's a chance I'll change things later and this is very rough but still.

I can already see the other squire kids making fun of him for his girly appearance, and the actual girls joining in too because it takes the heat off of them. XD Definitely brings some fun to the table, though, with the focus more on magic than physical prowess. Rounded party composition is always good.

Hahah, imagine though.

Everyone but one player for the Knight idea is a female in disguise...and the RP instantly becomes a standard shounen harem instead.

*confused stonks*
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Izurich
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Izurich 7/8 Weeb

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Eh, as fun as I'd find it I decided to try and figure out a rough concept for an actual male character. Bare in mind it's like 5:15am right now so there's a chance I'll change things later and this is very rough but still.

Heeeey, we can be great foils if the rp ends up taking off. Basically Girly Boy x Boyish Girl, nice.

Hahah, imagine though.

Everyone but one player for the Knight idea is a female in disguise...and the RP instantly becomes a standard shounen harem instead.

I unironically don't mind playing as a harem member PC to a harem master/mistress character, and vice versa.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Maybe interested, but there's a lot of interest so I'm not sure there's room. ^^;
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Hammerman
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Hammer's Saintess ideas seem really fun too. If she's super cheerful to hide how much she's struggling, it'd throw my guy for a loop since she'd be different from what he expected, but also he wouldn't realize the truth just looking in from outside. Whereas if she's just, like, completely hopeless and emotionally repressed, he'd almost immediately realize something was wrong, but have no idea how to help or what have you.

She wouldn't be overly cheerful. She would be quiet, only giving a forced smile whenever she has to converse with someone. And she has basically given up resisting against her terrible fate.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Crowvette
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Crowvette Shock Unlocker

Member Seen 3 days ago

I was actually thinking of just playing a conventional character idea for the Knights RP, though I'm not exactly sure what kind of knightsey guy would fit well with the others. My first thought was a mage-turned-knight due to outside pressures, but that might overlap with Rin's so I'll try and feel out other ideas. Unless two magic-oriented knights would be fun? Perhaps a more conventional "protector" type of knight would fit best with everyone else. Someone tall, strong, and ready to put themselves between their comrades and danger.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Feyblue
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Feyblue Lord of Floof

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

I was actually thinking of just playing a conventional character idea for the Knights RP, though I'm not exactly sure what kind of knightsey guy would fit well with the others. My first thought was a mage-turned-knight due to outside pressures, but that might overlap with Rin's so I'll try and feel out other ideas. Unless two magic-oriented knights would be fun? Perhaps a more conventional "protector" type of knight would fit best with everyone else. Someone tall, strong, and ready to put themselves between their comrades and danger.

Well, since it seems like most of our knights so far are aristocrats, prodigies, or otherwise important people, somebody more grounded and mundane could be nice as a balance to round out the rest.

At any rate, I'll think it over, but it looks like we're leaning towards doing Knights first, and I guess I'll put Saintess on the list of future things to run, for those who were particularly interested in that. Maybe could start running two threads in parallel once Knights gets off the ground, but for now I don't wanna push my luck. :P

Also, Vita, long time no see! By all means, feel free to apply for stuff, and I'll see what I can do. I may open up additional slots because everybody seems super friendly and fun and I don't really wanna toss anybody out.
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