"To complete my mission and protect my men. Having to do both at once is what makes being a capo so tough. Are you ready for this? I know I am."
Name: Bruno Bucciarati
Nicknames/Titles: Passione Capo, Team Mom (from the fanbase)
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Anti-Hero/Hero.
Personality: Bucciarati's most important character traits are his righteousness and his natural kindness, and he is dedicated to taking the most honorable course of action, even if he puts his life at risk. Bucciarati is loyal to those he considers to be under his protection, being considerate with them, accepting their requests for help, and is generally nice to the people he meets.
Bucciarati respects and upholds several values such as having resolve, selflessness, and family loyalty. He believes that resolve involves risking one's own life for a just cause, a standard he constantly holds up to by putting himself in danger and betting on the enemy's lesser resolve to prevail, until his climactic self-sacrifice against Diavolo. He also readily admires this same resolve whenever it shows up in an opponent. Bucciarati believes in individual freedoms, and that people are free to die however they wish.
However, Bucciarati also particularly despises the drug trade, which caused his father's death and hurts the population on a large scale, especially children, thus any mention of it unnerves him. He doesn't hold the gangster life in high regard, and he also looks down on spiteful violence.
In contrast to his righteousness, Bucciarati has a violent and ruthless side. At the age of twelve, Bruno murdered his father's would-be aggressors in cold blood, and as a gangster, kept his tendency toward violence. Having worked for a gang for years, he is an experienced fighter, being able to discern whenever killing intent is genuine, is unfazed by empty threats, and is able to keep calm even during a desperate looking fight. Likewise, Bucciarati will often use lethal force against his enemies as demonstrated when he had some be run over by a train and dismembered, as well as deafened another with a popped car tire.
During a fight, Bucciarati is both brave and cautious. While he is ready to sacrifice himself in order to win, he will try tactical retreats and sneak attacks regularly; even when pitted against a weaker opponent, Bruno takes precautions. Nonetheless, when push comes to shove, he will recklessly risk his life if it enables him to win following his philosophy of resolve.
Biography: Growing up in an Italy threatened by the predations of a super-powered mob of gangsters called Passione, Bruno learned of the harshness of the world when his father was hospitalized for witnessing a drug trade. When two gangsters went to the hospital to finish the job, 12 year old Bruno killed both of them and afterwards joined Passione, knowing it was the only organization powerful enough to protect his father from retaliation. Bruno rose in the ranks and made a name for himself, only for his father's heart surgery to be sabotaged to lethal effect by the gang in a effort to sever his remaining outside ties. With his trust betrayed, it was around this time that he discovered the gang's secret drug trade and became infuriated, unable to do anything for the time being.
Putting together a personal team of trustworthy Stand Users, Bruno continued to rise in the ranks and made himself the most trusted subordinate of the local Capo while simultaneously turning the gang territory he managed into something of a safe haven compared to the others. After meeting and recruiting Giorno Giovanna and being convinced of the young man's plan to take over the gang and destroy the drug trade, Bruno helped him assassinate the local Capo, taking the position for himself. Giorno's plans were bigger than their little slice of Italy, however, and so he eventually helped convince the rest of his personal team to join them in betraying and defeating the leader of all Passione, a mysterious figure known only as "The Boss".
After an arduous and violent journey, filled with twists and turns and bloody duels with enemy gangsters -both loyalists and fellow traitors alike, Bruno's team eventually succeeded in killing the Boss and installing a new righteous order to the gang underworld, led by the man who'd given them the courage to move forward with that dream in the first place, Giorno. Unfortunately, the tight-knit team suffered several tragic casualties along the way, one of whom was Bruno himself, sacrificing himself at the final stretch and never seeing their better world become reality.
- Lie Detection: Bruno can apparently identify a liar by the taste of someone's sweat, claiming it tastes sweeter than normal. It's unclear if this ability is a full-on power or merely sheer skill and him reading the target's body language when he does this. He also claims to be able to tell when someone is lying just by looking at them, claiming he can see when their skin glistens due to sweat.
- Inhuman Pain Tolerance/Willpower: Bucciarati has demonstrated the ability to consistently continue fighting even while suffering the most grievous wounds possible, able to continue to move even after being impaled twice with a large fist, along with having his heart partially severed in the same fight. After being only partially successfully healed, the man literally spends half his series afterwards as a slowly deteriorating corpse who continues to live by sheer willpower before finally sacrificing himself one last time in the final battle.
- Intellect: Bruno is a tactical and quick-witted individual, capable of using the highly versatile power of Sticky Fingers to manipulate the environment to his advantage, restrain his enemies, swiftly evade incoming attacks, and attack from blind spots. His natural selflessness means that survival is not among his priorities, thus his actions will easily surprise his opponents. Bucciarati is also a perceptive fighter, having been able to quickly deduce the weaknesses of King Crimson despite being fatally injured and proceed to take advantage of them. He is able to analyze his opponents' fighting styles and perceive their strengths and weaknesses.
- Athleticism: Those muscles aren't just for show. Bruno is a highly athletic and agile individual, far more so than one might expect.
- Empathic Communication/Soul Reading: During his time in a deteriorating body, he learned to compensate for his failing sight and hearing and became able to observe and feel what other souls thought. This ability isn't perfect at identification, as he is capable of mistaking someone for a relative of theirs due to the similarity between familial souls.
- Stand: A spiritual construct (usually but not always a humanoid) and extension of one's soul, a Stand cannot be seen or otherwise perceived by anyone without one, nor can the direct effects of its powers. A Stand that creates fire will only have onlookers detect the heat and feel the pain of being burned alive, for example. Stands cannot be harmed by anything but another Stand except in extremely rare circumstances with Stands with a very specific weakness/downside. Each Stand is completely unique to the User and typically exemplifies attributes of their User's character in either appearance or ability. Stands also exhibit a number of universal abilities, typically limited by the precision of the individual Stand, including: shrinking down to up to microscopic sizes, selective tangibility, and physically overlaying and enhancing/shielding the User.
In this strange space station, however, Bruno finds himself in the awkward position of having his Stand visable to all and sundry... even if its immutability to attacks and other non-Stand effects remains. - Sticky Fingers: Bruno's unique close-range Stand, which can only move up to 2 meters away from him. It has the ability to summon zippers upon any surface with a touch and can open or close them at will once created, dispelling only once he manually releases them or is incapacitated. The zippers can be created on literally anything that Sticky Fingers touches, even other Stands and metaphysical objects. Being that touch is the limit, it can only reasonably fail to open a zipper on something like the air. It can make them large enough to completely sever a target once opened (which can be lethal or not at Bruno's discretion), and Bruno can store objects inside voluminous targets he opens, using basically anything like a makeshift dimensional pocket. To some degree, the gap opened by his zippers actually seems to make a space that is bigger on the inside, as Bruno has been able to hide himself inside the body of another living person. Zippers can also be used to connect two objects together, allowing severed body parts and the like to be reattached and healed.
Aside from its unique ability, Sticky Fingers is very physically imposing, strong enough to easily rip apart and punch through living beings even without its zippers. Its speed is absolutely monstrous, and it has demonstrated the ability to fight on equal terms with and surprise a Stand that has itself demonstrated both lightspeed capabilities and literal precognition.
Other: My favorite power is without question stopping/controlling time. Never gets less freaking awesome to me.