Fort Gobbo
Based on this older RP, I'm looking for players to take command of a brave band of gobbos who have just gotten themselves a chunk of land to finally call home and try to make something out of it. Unfortunately everyone else has some level of issue against them having said land. Build a home, attract more people, fight off bandits and wanna-be heroes, die horrifically in a cat, alcohol and dragon related tragedy!
The basic background is that this is a generic fantasy world of humans, elves, goblins, dwarves, orcs, etc and the generic Dark Lord of All Evils has almost won. He hold enough territory and power to declare victory at least and now he's giving out land to all those who followed him which included goblins. Now not everyone was a part of the Dark Lord's army, but no one is going to turn down a chance of land and loot.
Details are still to be determined but I'm aiming for a similar set up of a main character for each PC and then three or so NPCs that make up their "gang" with people having skills and such.
If you are interest, interested in goblins or are a goblin irl yourself do join! The world might think you're incredibly stupid little green bastards but with strength, cunning and a little luck you can show everyone that you are actually incredibly stupid little green bastards with gumption and ambition!