Hello and welcome to the Dungeon Delver's Guild.
This game is made with the intention of emulating a rogue-like style game.
This is NOT intended to be played like a traditional RP within the guild, as so, long and detailed posts other than scene description is not necessary.
The game is simple: Each player starts the game with one character. This character will always start at level one. This character will be added to "The Hall of Delvers", a roster of all current members. Once created, members are ready to start delving. Remember Delvers, you have one true purpose, and that is to delve, kill and bring back loot!
Character Creation is dead simple with the character sheet posted below. Follow the steps to making your Delver and post them straight into the character section, they will be added to the Hall of Delver's list alongside lvl, company and stats.
Steps to Creation:
~ Basic Info: Pretty straight forward, just input the Delver's Name, Species, Gender and Age. All three have no significant effect on the game, it is just for personal flavor.
~ Primary Stats: These are your main skills used for most encounters. On character creation, choose one stat to get a d6, the rest gets a d4.
~ Equipment Stats: Each new member starts either:
a) Shortsword: Cheap, Weapon, One-Handed, 1d4 might
b) Dagger: Cheap, Weapon, One-Handed, 1d4 Finesse
c) Universal Wand: Cheap, Weapon, One-Handed, 1d4 Magic
All starter kits start with: Cloth Armor: Cheap, Armor, Light, +1d2 Armor Pool
~ Traits: If a player is replacing a fallen Delver, they can transfer one trait from their last Delver. They may transfer an additional trait per twenty floors that delver had delved.
~ Backpack: Delver starts with an empty pack.
~ Spellbook: Starts with nothing, all wands can do a basic magic bolt in combat, but a spellbook will add spells which can be used for other uses, some with a limited amount of uses.
Steps to Creation:
~ Basic Info: Pretty straight forward, just input the Delver's Name, Species, Gender and Age. All three have no significant effect on the game, it is just for personal flavor.
~ Primary Stats: These are your main skills used for most encounters. On character creation, choose one stat to get a d6, the rest gets a d4.
~ Equipment Stats: Each new member starts either:
a) Shortsword: Cheap, Weapon, One-Handed, 1d4 might
b) Dagger: Cheap, Weapon, One-Handed, 1d4 Finesse
c) Universal Wand: Cheap, Weapon, One-Handed, 1d4 Magic
All starter kits start with: Cloth Armor: Cheap, Armor, Light, +1d2 Armor Pool
~ Traits: If a player is replacing a fallen Delver, they can transfer one trait from their last Delver. They may transfer an additional trait per twenty floors that delver had delved.
~ Backpack: Delver starts with an empty pack.
~ Spellbook: Starts with nothing, all wands can do a basic magic bolt in combat, but a spellbook will add spells which can be used for other uses, some with a limited amount of uses.
(All parentheses can be removed if wished)
~Basic info~
HP: 10/10
~Primary Stats~ (These are your main skills used for most encounters)(One skill gets 1d6, other four gets 1d4)
Might: x
Finesse: x
Knowledge: x
Charm: x
Magic: x
~Equipment Stats~ (These can add a die certain situations. These can be weapons, armor and jewelry)
~Traits~ (As the player adventure, they may gain new traits given by the dm which can help with certain rolls)
~Backpack~ (The inventory of each player)
~Spellbooks~ (Current Spellbooks and spells)
~Basic info~
Experience Needed: 0/100
(x= the highest point of a skill)
Might: 0/x
Finesse: 0/x
Knowledge: 0/x
Charm: 0/x
Magic: 0/x
(x= the highest point of a skill)
Might: 0/x
Finesse: 0/x
Knowledge: 0/x
Charm: 0/x
Magic: 0/x
HP: 10/10
(Finesse Die+Armor Die+Shield Die= Total Armor Pool)
Finesse Die= x
Armor Die= 1d2
Finesse Die= x
Armor Die= 1d2
~Primary Stats~ (These are your main skills used for most encounters)(One skill gets 1d6, other four gets 1d4)
Might: x
Finesse: x
Knowledge: x
Charm: x
Magic: x
~Equipment Stats~ (These can add a die certain situations. These can be weapons, armor and jewelry)
~Traits~ (As the player adventure, they may gain new traits given by the dm which can help with certain rolls)
~Backpack~ (The inventory of each player)
~Spellbooks~ (Current Spellbooks and spells)
Once in the dungeon, there are only two ways out, Take a Way Point back to the guild, these are located every five levels. The second way is death. Each crawler will be teleported into an ever changing dungeon, ever changing, ever growing. Each level will have some theme, this'll hint to loot, encounters and traps. Once entering a room, the crawlers will be given the scene, this'll describe the layout, encounters, NPC, visible loot and number of hallways. Once the crawlers have reached the end of the fifth level, they have the choice to move on to the next, or return back to the guild. Once the crawler's have completed a run, they are required to rest for the day.
Encounters~ An encounter can be two things: A monster, or trap. When the crawler encounters a monster or trap, the Dungeon Master will call for a skill check. These will mostly be Might, Finess or Magic roll. If passed, the Crawler will earn experience and possibly loot.
Loot~ This is the lifeblood of our guild, where we make the most of our profit oddly enough. As Crawlers bring back loot, they are given a choice to keep or sell it. REMEBER: You have limited inventory space! At the beginning of a run, the loot is of low quality, but as the Crawler progresses down the levels, the loot grows in stats and quality.
The gear a crawler can use will meet these classifications, but also use gear placements with a sub category.
Weapons (One-Handed, Two-Handed, Shields, Wands, Spellbooks)
Armor (Light, Medium, Heavy, Robes)
Jewlery (Rings, Amulets, Bracelets)
Expendables (Scrolls, potions, tools)
Gear will apply a boost to a skill, depending on their use. Some equipment will apply more than one. Armor and Shields apply an armor die pool check to the Delver. Light armor has a low die but allows full Finesse die to the pool. Medium has average die rolls with Finess at half round down min one. Heavy has a high die with no Finesse. Shields adds to the pool but takes up one hand.
Forming a Company: More than one crawler can form up a company, a group of crawlers teamed up to crawl together. By crawling together, members can add rolls into a dice pool to increase their chance of survival. By crawling in a company, the challenge rating of the crawl will increase per member, which means harder the encounters, yet better the loot.
Encounters~ An encounter can be two things: A monster, or trap. When the crawler encounters a monster or trap, the Dungeon Master will call for a skill check. These will mostly be Might, Finess or Magic roll. If passed, the Crawler will earn experience and possibly loot.
Loot~ This is the lifeblood of our guild, where we make the most of our profit oddly enough. As Crawlers bring back loot, they are given a choice to keep or sell it. REMEBER: You have limited inventory space! At the beginning of a run, the loot is of low quality, but as the Crawler progresses down the levels, the loot grows in stats and quality.
The gear a crawler can use will meet these classifications, but also use gear placements with a sub category.
Weapons (One-Handed, Two-Handed, Shields, Wands, Spellbooks)
Armor (Light, Medium, Heavy, Robes)
Jewlery (Rings, Amulets, Bracelets)
Expendables (Scrolls, potions, tools)
Gear will apply a boost to a skill, depending on their use. Some equipment will apply more than one. Armor and Shields apply an armor die pool check to the Delver. Light armor has a low die but allows full Finesse die to the pool. Medium has average die rolls with Finess at half round down min one. Heavy has a high die with no Finesse. Shields adds to the pool but takes up one hand.
Magic ring
Moderate, Jewllery
adds 1d6 Magic, 1d4 Charm to cast spell or charm/barter check
Moderate, Weapon, one-handed
adds 1d6 Finesse, 1d4 Might to combat check
Thieves tools
Moderate, Tools (uses 3/3)
adds 1d6 Finesse to open locks check
Moderate, Jewllery
adds 1d6 Magic, 1d4 Charm to cast spell or charm/barter check
Moderate, Weapon, one-handed
adds 1d6 Finesse, 1d4 Might to combat check
Thieves tools
Moderate, Tools (uses 3/3)
adds 1d6 Finesse to open locks check
Forming a Company: More than one crawler can form up a company, a group of crawlers teamed up to crawl together. By crawling together, members can add rolls into a dice pool to increase their chance of survival. By crawling in a company, the challenge rating of the crawl will increase per member, which means harder the encounters, yet better the loot.
As the Delvers overcome any encounter, each participating member will earn experience. Once a Delver gains a level, they gain a number of things:
HP: 5+Might roll
Primary Skill point: +1
As levels go up, so does the experience needed. The next level requires +100xp the needed experience.
Once a Primary Skill reaches its point limit, it goes up one die category.
HP: 5+Might roll
Primary Skill point: +1
As levels go up, so does the experience needed. The next level requires +100xp the needed experience.
Raven gains a level, moving from level one to level two: Raven's Might equals 1d6 so for HP, they roll a 1d6 which equals 4, add 5, their HP goes up by +9 equaling 19. Raven chooses to add their Primary Skill point to Might, putting it at 1/6. Raven now requires 200 xp to level up to 3.
Once a Primary Skill reaches its point limit, it goes up one die category.
Raven gains a new level from level 5 to level 6. Raven adds their 6th Primary Skill Point to Might, raising it from 1d6 to 1d8. The new requirement to raise Might further is 8 points.
If a character is killed, do not fret, this is a rogue like after all! That player simply makes a new character and starts from the start. The level is reset to 1, all gear and spells are gone and HP plus skill progression is reset. If the previous Delver reached the 10th floor and every 10 floors from there, they can pass one trait off onto the next Delver. The new delver then gets to start with the selected trait, giving them an edge from the start.
Once a Delver chooses to return to the guild, the guild takes a 5% cut, rounded down, of loot gathered DURING the delve. Afterwards, the guild offers to buy out any unwanted loot, do remember, Delvers have limited inventory space. From here, Delvers can do one of the following:
a) Visit the Clinic: Heals all wounds 5 gp/ hp recovered. (Some wounds may be permanent like limb loss)
b) Visit the Smith: Improves equipment by one category.
Note: Masterwork can't be improved further to Artifact.
c) Visit the Enchanter: Improve equipment by adding a die to a second Primary. Enchanter can improve an enchantment further as well.
d) Mage Shop: Purchase spells to add to spellbooks.
e) Guild Shop: Purchase equipment that has been sold to the guild by other Delvers.
a) Visit the Clinic: Heals all wounds 5 gp/ hp recovered. (Some wounds may be permanent like limb loss)
b) Visit the Smith: Improves equipment by one category.
Note: Masterwork can't be improved further to Artifact.
c) Visit the Enchanter: Improve equipment by adding a die to a second Primary. Enchanter can improve an enchantment further as well.
d) Mage Shop: Purchase spells to add to spellbooks.
e) Guild Shop: Purchase equipment that has been sold to the guild by other Delvers.
Over all, remember Delvers, this is meant to be easy and most importantly, FUN!
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