Beyond Moonlight's Reach
Beyond Moonlight's Reach
Long ago, the planet Adulare was prosperous with magic, bathed in the light of five moons that seemed to grant its peoples, fauna and even the land itself with unusual gifts: animals grew to become highly adaptable to their environment, with most wildlife appearing as chimeras that adopted a variety of features from many different species; the elements themselves - fire, water, earth, air, wood, metal, and all phases in between - gained a level of sentience, and could adopt physical form and mass to better communicate with others; and those with high enough sapience could channel the power of the moons to shape reality as they saw fit.
However, among the world's inhabitants, none could compare to the dragons. Though they appeared like any other of Adulare's Beasts, they were highly intelligent, with plentiful life-spans and a connection to the moons unrivaled by any other. As such, they quickly set themselves up as one of the dominant species of the planet, ruling both the land and the sky, and spearheading the progress of civilization as a whole. Of course, that much power is anyone's hands - or in this case, claws - can be a problem, and it wasn't long before the dragons began to fight amongst themselves on how best to use their incredible abilities. Some saw it a gift that they were to use purely in service of those less fortunate, while others saw it as a simple tool to be used however its wielder saw fit. Others still believed it to be dangerous, and only something the most responsible should have a say. This difference is views grew and grew until, eventually, the seven Great Houses - Brynback, Kebros, Myndoth, Rothscar, Semscale, Tessith and Yeraktos - were formed, each representing a different belief on how magic should best be handled. While they were founded by dragons, many others quickly chose to align themselves with a House based on their philosophies, as the control and proper use of magic had become a genuine concern across many species.
It was not long after the formation of the Great Houses, when the division of Adulare was at its greatest, the Darkness began to manifest. It started small: a tension between friends, a sudden change in the weather or environment, magic not quite working the way it was supposed to. However, it quickly escalated beyond that. Whole areas of land began to distort into nightmarish versions of themselves, filled with strange monsters that thrived in such corrupted areas. Tensions between dragons got worse and worse, with the already heated debates between Houses becoming full-on brawls as they tried to decide what to do about this threat.
It was only once things were at their very worst, when House Yeraktos completely succumbed to corruption and turned on their own kind, that the remaining Houses were finally able to put aside their differences and accept that no one House could save dragonkind. They had all lost so much at this point, and if they were to preserve what they had left, they had to pool their resources and work together. So, they gathered all creatures that would follow them and took them to the last pieces of land untouched by the Darkness. With their combined magic, they were able to lift then up into the sky, far above the clouds to where shadows could no longer touch them. It wasn't a perfect solution, of course. The higher they rose, what had started as a sizeable land mass began to crumble, break up. Whole chunks of earth fell back down to the ground, even taking some of the evacuees down with them. By the end, what had planned to be a massive continent into a series of islands, which were dubbed the Moonlit Isles as its inhabitants were closer to the moons than they had ever been.
And that's where dragonkind and their allies have called home ever since.
The World
The Moonlit Isles are a series of islands kept aloft above the clouds by the combined magic and harmonious relations of its inhabitants. They are also said to be the last bastion of civilization after the Darkness overtook Adulare, though since no one who has dared to travel beneath the clouds since the Isles' ascension has returned to verify this claim, who can truly say?
The largest land mass sits near centre of the Isles, known as Yves. It is primarily home to dragons and is even said to be somewhat shaped like a dragon hovering. The dragon's 'head' is where the Capital City is located, with its 'eye' being the Council Headquarters. The Council of Elders was formed towards the end of the Age of Darkness, and became the main form of government when the Isles were raised into the sky. All dragons, regardless of House, join the Council once they become of Elder age.
Clutches are formal family groups that help dragons forge relationships which enable them to accomplish their goals, ranging from compassionate and eternally-bonded affinity clutches to pilgrimages of growth and discovery designed to uncover where the drakes belong in dragon society.
Dragons can only be in one clutch at a time and each clutch must be sponsored by an elder dragon; some clutches (like affinity clutches) are only sanctioned by an elder dragon once the members of the clutch have reached an appropriate age. Regardless of when a clutch is formed, drakes take their relationships with their clutchmates seriously. The pilgrimage clutch is dedicated to helping young drakes find their place in dragon society. Pilgrimage clutches fulfill missions sent to them by the Council and other older dragons, all the while exploring the Isles and reporting back on what they learn along the way. Some drakes will grow with their pilgrimage clutch and ask to be sanctioned as another clutch with many of the same members.
Some other clutches to come out of pilgrimages are:
- affinity clutches, dedicated to care and compassion between clutchmates (and essentially the dragon equivalent of marriage)
- ceremony clutches, dedicated to hosting events and festive celebrations great or small
- cultivation clutches; dedicated to caring for nature and managing wildlife
- trade clutches; dedicated to an artistry or gathering of talents that provide goods throughout the Isles
- wellness clutches; dedicated to physical and mental health of dragonkin
... and many more.
Dragons can only be in one clutch at a time and each clutch must be sponsored by an elder dragon; some clutches (like affinity clutches) are only sanctioned by an elder dragon once the members of the clutch have reached an appropriate age. Regardless of when a clutch is formed, drakes take their relationships with their clutchmates seriously. The pilgrimage clutch is dedicated to helping young drakes find their place in dragon society. Pilgrimage clutches fulfill missions sent to them by the Council and other older dragons, all the while exploring the Isles and reporting back on what they learn along the way. Some drakes will grow with their pilgrimage clutch and ask to be sanctioned as another clutch with many of the same members.
Some other clutches to come out of pilgrimages are:
- affinity clutches, dedicated to care and compassion between clutchmates (and essentially the dragon equivalent of marriage)
- ceremony clutches, dedicated to hosting events and festive celebrations great or small
- cultivation clutches; dedicated to caring for nature and managing wildlife
- trade clutches; dedicated to an artistry or gathering of talents that provide goods throughout the Isles
- wellness clutches; dedicated to physical and mental health of dragonkin
... and many more.
Age is everything to dragonkin. Dragon society is an explicit hierarchy based on age; dragons who are older, wiser, and stronger no longer have to take seriously silly young drakes who don’t know better. Every dragon knows their place, but drakes just setting off with their clutch for the first time are just discovering the role they will play in the Isles.
As drakes age, they also grow substantially larger. The Isles’ structures are not built for small drakes: dining slats, racing pylons, and mossy sunning stones are all built for dragons far larger than a small drake. It’s hard to be taken seriously when you can barely reach the perch for a meeting.
As dragons age, their magical connection to the five moons also changes and shifts, forcing them to dedicate themselves to one single moon and specialize in its magic. Older dragons are thus limited but powerful, focusing on one moon and losing their connection to the others.
There are five distinct stages of a dragon lifespan: Raw-Scaled Drake, Winged Drake, Long-Toothed Dragon, Bearded Dragon, and Elder Dragon.
A group of dragons (two or more) who are ready to bear offspring, must seek sponsorship from an elder dragon to form an affinity clutch. Affinity clutches are dedicated to caring for one another, and — if approved by
their sponsor — they are granted the privilege of yielding eggs. When the clutch is ready to produce a set of eggs, they head to the Hatchery, which is located on a small egg-shaped island close to Yves, and each member of the Clutch brings a rare or precious object that they carefully weave into the nest that will hold the eggs. It is said that the eggs are soothed and comforted by the clutch’s objects, allowing them to form a familial bond even when the affinity clutch is far away from the nest.
The eggs are placed in the care of special dryads called 'Guardians'. They are charged with tending to dragon eggs and hatchlings, a responsibility they are honored to embrace. These beings insure that the affinity clutch is not forced to neglect any of their draconic obligations or responsibilities to look after their young before the young drakes are able to care for themselves.
Once the eggs have hatched, the Guardians assign each drake to one of the houses to be brought up within its
values and traditions. To this day, it remains a mystery just how the guardians sort hatchlings. Do the Guardians know the hatchling’s destiny? Do they create a destiny through their selection? Or do they simply see something dragonkin cannot? Whatever their method, the guardians are trusted partners who maintain a crucial balance of hatchlings among the Great Houses.
Raw-Scaled Drake:
As a Raw-Scaled Drake, your scales are still soft, but your bite is fierce. Your wings are not yet tested, so you rely on gliding (and your paws and claws) to carry you on your journeys. Older dragons expect you to help them out and do what you are told. And for the most part, there isn’t a lot else to do but follow their instructions.
The Moonlit Isles will take some growing into; the towering structures of the Capital are not built for drakes of your siz, your neck may feel strained as you struggle to navigate your way around dragon strongholds, and even with the magical winds keeping you aloft, you still need an older dragon to supervise you if you wish to travel between islands. However, despite your small stature, a raw-scaled drake’s role in dragon society is full of potential. Dragons are never more connected to all of Adulare’s moons than when they are young. There are many older dragonkin who can do one thing as no other dragon can, but all dragons know that only a clutch of young dragons can do everything and anything.
Winged Drake:
As a Winged Drake, your scales harden and your wings become strong enough to carry you, although you still have to stop and rest frequently. The structure of dragon society still tower above you, but your increased size allows you to navigate them much faster. Older dragons can carry more and fly higher than you, but you can demand raw-scaled drakes help you in your tasks, evening the score a bit with the older generations.
Finding your path as a drake can be fun, but you have lost your connection with one of the moons. You are closer to knowing what it is that older dragons have sacrificed for their power and strength.
Long-Toothed Dragon:
As a Long-Toothed Dragon, your teeth are longer and sharper than ever; beasts and dragons may think twice before tangling with you. At the peak of your physical abilities, you are strong, energetic, and able fly great distances without needing to rest. The Isles’ towering structures are familiar flying grounds and no longer intimidating obstacles.
Younger dragons want to be you, and older dragons rely on your prowess. But you are not immune to the demands
of the moons. Your relationship to the moons continues to strengthen as you show your dedication to lunar powers by sacrificing your second moon. Many dragons look to you for guidance, but you can still remember what it was to be very, very young.
Bearded Dragon:
As a Bearded Dragon, your scales are scarred and hard. Larger than life, you tower over most other dragons, and you are as big as you will ever be. The mighty structures of the Isles were built for your massive frame. Your brawn and strength of mind reflect dragonkind’s own heartbeat: steady, stable, and strong. You have proven your dedication to the moons and have begun to master your lunar powers. You have given up three moons, but the connections you have left allow you to do amazing things. Most look up to you, and it is your job to show dragonkin the path forward in uncertain times. Upon advance to this age, dragons are allowed to take on a ritual of their house:
Brynback, the House of Steel, bestows upon you...
THE THUNDER OF THE ISLES: When you roar to the heavens with the primal force of House Brynback, any dragon within 100 miles knows where you are and what aid you need to protect dragonkind. If they are needed, they will rally to your side.
Kebros, the House of Ruby, bestows upon you...
THE VEIL OF IGNORANCE: When you draw a circle in the dirt and mark it with House Kebros’s sigil, your conversation is shrouded from the outside world. None outside the circle shall overhear your secret whispers, and nothing from the outside world will disturb your conversation.
Myndoth, the House of Oak, bestows upon you...
THE LIGHT OF TRUTH: When you light a candle bearing the mark of House Myndoth, the light from the candle pierces
all deceptions. No magic can stand against it, and any lie told in the presence of the flame will be instantly recognizable as falsehood.
Rothscar, the House of Gold, bestows upon you...
THE SOUND OF PERFECTION: When you create a new puzzle in silence, the rhythm of your heartbeat syncs with Adulare’s quiet drumming: you may ask the DM to reveal the true interworkings of something you find puzzling or interesting.
Semscale, the House of Jade, bestows upon you...
THE BREATH OF TIME: When you whisper the name of House Semscale into the ears of dead, you can reach a dragon who had already flown through the valley of death. You may ask them three questions; they will answer honestly.
Tessith, the House of Diamond, bestows upon you...
THE AVATAR OF NATURE: When you make an offering to the Wild in the name of House Tessith, the weather itself rises to protect you, creating a powerful avatar that will rise and serve you for one day.
Elder Dragon:
As an Elder Dragon, your body is mightier than any weapon ever forged. You channel the favor of your moon with the fury of a hurricane. Dragons that read the age of Elder join the Dragon Council, who serve as the main ruling body of the Moonlit Isles. The whole of the Isles is yours to command and influence, and little happens without some small drake reporting back to you on the events of the day. Some dragons never live to see this golden age of being. Your enormous body requires a massive amount of energy to wield, and you require more time to rest than you did even as a drake. Sometimes you feel like you spend more time dreaming of adventure than actually adventuring!
You have chosen your path and the wind has carried you here. You have much to teach and share with dragonkind, and they put you and your needs before all else. Yet you often think fondly of your younger days, when you had few responsibilities and so much freedom...
If a dragon lives long enough to retire as an Elder Dragon, they have the chance to arise and become an Ancient or a Mystic.
Dragons who arise to become Ancients give over their physical form to their moon to become avatars of lunar will. Ancients wander the earth unable to speak, intervening on behalf of their patron moon. These gigantic dragons wander through places that no dragon dares to enter—incorporeal and mute—leaving drakes to wonder at their motives and methods. For the great sacrifice an Ancient has made, the moons grant them a sacred nesting place. Most dragonkin say that an Ancient’s nesting place is a space that was significant to them in life before they arose. Any drake lucky enough to catch a glimpse of an Ancient could make a wish for them to fulfill.
Dragons who arise and choose to become Mystics turn into giant sleeping moonstone statues that — when asked — provide guidance to dragonkin. Mystics are usually placed inside important strongholds or on sites of power and importance. Each Mystic grips a rare stone that symbolizes their grasp on the extraordinary knowledge that they has dedicated themself to preserving. Clutches are often drawn to weatherworn ruins to seek out the wisdom of Mystics from sun cycles long past. Even in ancient ruins, Mystics who still clutch their gems are waiting to pass on their long-forgotten wisdom, in spite of any damage their physical form may have suffered in ages past.
As drakes age, they also grow substantially larger. The Isles’ structures are not built for small drakes: dining slats, racing pylons, and mossy sunning stones are all built for dragons far larger than a small drake. It’s hard to be taken seriously when you can barely reach the perch for a meeting.
As dragons age, their magical connection to the five moons also changes and shifts, forcing them to dedicate themselves to one single moon and specialize in its magic. Older dragons are thus limited but powerful, focusing on one moon and losing their connection to the others.
There are five distinct stages of a dragon lifespan: Raw-Scaled Drake, Winged Drake, Long-Toothed Dragon, Bearded Dragon, and Elder Dragon.
A group of dragons (two or more) who are ready to bear offspring, must seek sponsorship from an elder dragon to form an affinity clutch. Affinity clutches are dedicated to caring for one another, and — if approved by
their sponsor — they are granted the privilege of yielding eggs. When the clutch is ready to produce a set of eggs, they head to the Hatchery, which is located on a small egg-shaped island close to Yves, and each member of the Clutch brings a rare or precious object that they carefully weave into the nest that will hold the eggs. It is said that the eggs are soothed and comforted by the clutch’s objects, allowing them to form a familial bond even when the affinity clutch is far away from the nest.
The eggs are placed in the care of special dryads called 'Guardians'. They are charged with tending to dragon eggs and hatchlings, a responsibility they are honored to embrace. These beings insure that the affinity clutch is not forced to neglect any of their draconic obligations or responsibilities to look after their young before the young drakes are able to care for themselves.
Once the eggs have hatched, the Guardians assign each drake to one of the houses to be brought up within its
values and traditions. To this day, it remains a mystery just how the guardians sort hatchlings. Do the Guardians know the hatchling’s destiny? Do they create a destiny through their selection? Or do they simply see something dragonkin cannot? Whatever their method, the guardians are trusted partners who maintain a crucial balance of hatchlings among the Great Houses.
Raw-Scaled Drake:
As a Raw-Scaled Drake, your scales are still soft, but your bite is fierce. Your wings are not yet tested, so you rely on gliding (and your paws and claws) to carry you on your journeys. Older dragons expect you to help them out and do what you are told. And for the most part, there isn’t a lot else to do but follow their instructions.
The Moonlit Isles will take some growing into; the towering structures of the Capital are not built for drakes of your siz, your neck may feel strained as you struggle to navigate your way around dragon strongholds, and even with the magical winds keeping you aloft, you still need an older dragon to supervise you if you wish to travel between islands. However, despite your small stature, a raw-scaled drake’s role in dragon society is full of potential. Dragons are never more connected to all of Adulare’s moons than when they are young. There are many older dragonkin who can do one thing as no other dragon can, but all dragons know that only a clutch of young dragons can do everything and anything.
Winged Drake:
As a Winged Drake, your scales harden and your wings become strong enough to carry you, although you still have to stop and rest frequently. The structure of dragon society still tower above you, but your increased size allows you to navigate them much faster. Older dragons can carry more and fly higher than you, but you can demand raw-scaled drakes help you in your tasks, evening the score a bit with the older generations.
Finding your path as a drake can be fun, but you have lost your connection with one of the moons. You are closer to knowing what it is that older dragons have sacrificed for their power and strength.
Long-Toothed Dragon:
As a Long-Toothed Dragon, your teeth are longer and sharper than ever; beasts and dragons may think twice before tangling with you. At the peak of your physical abilities, you are strong, energetic, and able fly great distances without needing to rest. The Isles’ towering structures are familiar flying grounds and no longer intimidating obstacles.
Younger dragons want to be you, and older dragons rely on your prowess. But you are not immune to the demands
of the moons. Your relationship to the moons continues to strengthen as you show your dedication to lunar powers by sacrificing your second moon. Many dragons look to you for guidance, but you can still remember what it was to be very, very young.
Bearded Dragon:
As a Bearded Dragon, your scales are scarred and hard. Larger than life, you tower over most other dragons, and you are as big as you will ever be. The mighty structures of the Isles were built for your massive frame. Your brawn and strength of mind reflect dragonkind’s own heartbeat: steady, stable, and strong. You have proven your dedication to the moons and have begun to master your lunar powers. You have given up three moons, but the connections you have left allow you to do amazing things. Most look up to you, and it is your job to show dragonkin the path forward in uncertain times. Upon advance to this age, dragons are allowed to take on a ritual of their house:
Brynback, the House of Steel, bestows upon you...
THE THUNDER OF THE ISLES: When you roar to the heavens with the primal force of House Brynback, any dragon within 100 miles knows where you are and what aid you need to protect dragonkind. If they are needed, they will rally to your side.
Kebros, the House of Ruby, bestows upon you...
THE VEIL OF IGNORANCE: When you draw a circle in the dirt and mark it with House Kebros’s sigil, your conversation is shrouded from the outside world. None outside the circle shall overhear your secret whispers, and nothing from the outside world will disturb your conversation.
Myndoth, the House of Oak, bestows upon you...
THE LIGHT OF TRUTH: When you light a candle bearing the mark of House Myndoth, the light from the candle pierces
all deceptions. No magic can stand against it, and any lie told in the presence of the flame will be instantly recognizable as falsehood.
Rothscar, the House of Gold, bestows upon you...
THE SOUND OF PERFECTION: When you create a new puzzle in silence, the rhythm of your heartbeat syncs with Adulare’s quiet drumming: you may ask the DM to reveal the true interworkings of something you find puzzling or interesting.
Semscale, the House of Jade, bestows upon you...
THE BREATH OF TIME: When you whisper the name of House Semscale into the ears of dead, you can reach a dragon who had already flown through the valley of death. You may ask them three questions; they will answer honestly.
Tessith, the House of Diamond, bestows upon you...
THE AVATAR OF NATURE: When you make an offering to the Wild in the name of House Tessith, the weather itself rises to protect you, creating a powerful avatar that will rise and serve you for one day.
Elder Dragon:
As an Elder Dragon, your body is mightier than any weapon ever forged. You channel the favor of your moon with the fury of a hurricane. Dragons that read the age of Elder join the Dragon Council, who serve as the main ruling body of the Moonlit Isles. The whole of the Isles is yours to command and influence, and little happens without some small drake reporting back to you on the events of the day. Some dragons never live to see this golden age of being. Your enormous body requires a massive amount of energy to wield, and you require more time to rest than you did even as a drake. Sometimes you feel like you spend more time dreaming of adventure than actually adventuring!
You have chosen your path and the wind has carried you here. You have much to teach and share with dragonkind, and they put you and your needs before all else. Yet you often think fondly of your younger days, when you had few responsibilities and so much freedom...
If a dragon lives long enough to retire as an Elder Dragon, they have the chance to arise and become an Ancient or a Mystic.
Dragons who arise to become Ancients give over their physical form to their moon to become avatars of lunar will. Ancients wander the earth unable to speak, intervening on behalf of their patron moon. These gigantic dragons wander through places that no dragon dares to enter—incorporeal and mute—leaving drakes to wonder at their motives and methods. For the great sacrifice an Ancient has made, the moons grant them a sacred nesting place. Most dragonkin say that an Ancient’s nesting place is a space that was significant to them in life before they arose. Any drake lucky enough to catch a glimpse of an Ancient could make a wish for them to fulfill.
Dragons who arise and choose to become Mystics turn into giant sleeping moonstone statues that — when asked — provide guidance to dragonkin. Mystics are usually placed inside important strongholds or on sites of power and importance. Each Mystic grips a rare stone that symbolizes their grasp on the extraordinary knowledge that they has dedicated themself to preserving. Clutches are often drawn to weatherworn ruins to seek out the wisdom of Mystics from sun cycles long past. Even in ancient ruins, Mystics who still clutch their gems are waiting to pass on their long-forgotten wisdom, in spite of any damage their physical form may have suffered in ages past.
Brynback, the House of Steel:
The House of Steel is often referred to as “the noble house” because of its dedication to dragonkind’s traditions and current political structures. The House of Steel flies with their two-horned skull of honor emblem to symbolize that their commitment to dragonkin is not just scale deep; it cuts right to the bone.
Brynback was the first of the Great Houses to be formed, and was founded under the belief that magic should be used in the service of others, and not for one's own personal gain. It is because of this belief and an overall strong sense of duty that Brynbak was the House least corrupted by Darkness, and it was the Brynback hero Wroughtwing who lead the efforts of gathering and leading as many of Adulare's inhabitants as possible to what would eventually become the Moonlit Isles, so that they could commence the plan to evacuate the planet's surface. Wroughtwing has long since arisen as a Ancient, but on some nights when the Stone Moon is full, he can be found patrolling round the edge of the Capital, seemingly always alert for any who would threaten the dragons who reside within.
Brynback trains their own in the art of governing wisely and exercising leadership effectively. The House of Steel’s traditions have held strong for generations, and many of their champions continue to lead the charge for the betterment of the world. Tradition is everything to Brynback — it is what keeps them strong, allowing them to help dragonkin who have the least.
Their House motto is: “True honor is bone deep.”
Kebros, the House of Ruby
The House of Ruby is often referred to as “the fallen house” because of the role they played during the Corruption. The House of Ruby bears the sigil of a blade piercing a precious stone. This imagery represents their dedication to serving and protecting dragonkind, no matter the cost.
Kebros' beliefs are something of a dark mirror to House Brynback's: they felt that the magic of the moons was a burden that no mortal being should have to bear. However, as it became clear the magic was here to stay, they felt it was up to those responsible enough - namely, the members of House Kebros themselves - to take charge of such power, and to take responsibility of its usage so no one else would have to. One particular example of this attitude was when Keetsah the Chosen, one of the founders of House Kebros, called upon the moons to destroy a great hoard that had divided the dragon clutches in a time of crisis. Keetsah’s hatchright claim to the hoard was substantial, but they destroyed it completely rather than let dragons turn to war.
In days long gone, House Kebros was by a group of dragons who referred to themselves as The Order of Seers. They believed they received visions of the future from the Oracle of Ruby, a pool of burning red liquid stone that shared with its members visions of the future. Indeed, even to this day with the pool lost and the Order disbanded, most seers in dragon society herald from Kebros, and those who don't can often trace their ancestry back to the fallen House. Members of House Kebros see clearly what threatens dragon society, and are the first to move to keep dragonkind safe, even if it is to come at great cost to their House.
However, despite claims of their loyalty and good intentions, Kebros were among the Houses most effected by the corruption, second only to House Yeraktos. While they did eventually return to their brethren, unlike the Lost House, their actions have yet to truly be forgiven by society as a whole. This is not helped by some members' insistence that all actions taken during that time were all done in dragonkind's best interests. The hostility towards Kebros remains so bad that many Mystics who were alive during the corruption - Keetsah smong them - have been shrouded in silk (and in some extreme cases, vandalized or destroyed) so that they may not pass on their wisdom.
Their House motto is: “We are but blind until all is lost.”
Myndoth, the House of Oak
The House of Oak is often referred to as “the house of secrets” because of their traditions of preserving knowledge and trading in secret rituals. Myndoth’s emblem depicts an oaken tree and armament because, like growth rings of a tree, the most valuable of secrets guard themselves. The house has dedicated many magnificent strongholds to preserving artifacts and arcane knowledge for dragonkind, especially those from before the time of Darkness.
The House of Oak treats secrets as a garden that should be tended, nurtured, and respected. Secrets can be poisonous, beautiful, or medicinal; wisdom is knowing how to tend to each one in kind. Some members of Myndoth pledge themselves to tending one type of secret, mastering its signs and applications and employing their expertise for the betterment of the Isles. Others strive to collect and preserve seeds of mystery, secrets not yet tamed or understood, because, to the House of Oak, knowledge is power.
Their House motto is: “A secret known by many is no secret at all.”
Rothscar, the House of Gold
The House of Gold is often referred to as “the architect house” because of their dedication (both physical and mental) to producing breathtaking draconic structures across the Isles. Rothscar’s insignia depicts a crown that symbolizes dominance over excellence. The tradition of recognizing elder dragons for their achievements came from the House of Gold.
The House of Gold is the only house to have a “head founder” and thereafter “head-of-house.” This honorable title was first given to Riptide the Hungry for his leadership and in recognition of his perfectly attuned skills. Since Riptide the Hungry’s ascension to a Mystic, ambition and excellence have been rewarded in the House of Gold, the highest honor being the title of head-of-house.
Rothscar don't hold magic in the same reverence as other Houses, preferring see it as a tool, a means to an end to fulfill the task at hand. Like any tool, it can be misused, but one should not let the failing of others hold them back from such opportunity. The House supports dragons who perform amazing feats of architecture and engineering as well as those who work meticulously on finely detailed strategies involving puzzles and plans. Whatever their method, dragons of the House of Gold strive for perfection in all things. They leave greatness in their wake.
Their House motto is “Failure is temporary; excellence is eternal.”
Semscale, the House of Jade
The House of Jade is often referred to as “the house of many paths” because they encourage all dragonkin to pursue enlightenment, no matter their direction. The House of Jade features a symbol that depicts a sky compass full of bright stars, to illuminate that there is no right way to find one’s path in society.
While the other Houses all focus on one way of living — the right way, at least according to that House — House Semscale instead encourages young drakes to their own paths forward. They have a long-standing tradition of mentorships between elder dragons and drakes. They believe that there is much to be learned from cross-generational relationships and because of this, House Semscale has a high percentage of elder dragons who wait to ascend until their mentorships are complete and their drakes become their equals, both in age and in wisdom. The House of Jade knows that there are many paths to enlightenment and they offer many teachings to help young drakes find their path, place, and home in the Isles.
Their House motto is: “A path walked once is walked enough.”
Tessith, the House of Diamond
The House of Diamond is often referred to as “the house without a home” because of the loss of their holdings during the Corruption. Tessith humbly presents the symbol of a dragon nesting on a diamond, a constant reminder of that which can be forged from constant pressure and little resources. While the other houses sit on hoards of gold and gems, the dragons of House Tessith know how to make do with little but their wings and scales, seizing victory from the jaws of defeat on more than one occasion.
Tessith was truly tested during the Corruption, and while that event either brought out the worst in other Houses or merely strengthened their existing character, Tessith were profoundly change by the experience. Their magnificent holdings were destroyed, their treasure lost, their souls humbled... but that pressure has made them hard like diamonds. Most saw the loss of their holdings as an opportunity and led House Tessith to a nomadic existence, building wilderness outposts far away from the Capital and dedicating impermanent strongholds to their elders. They believe in living more simply, and this extended to their use of magic: they call to the moons far more sparingly than any other House, believing that dragonkind's over-dependence and fixation on magic is what brought the Darkness upon in the first place. While they don't deny the wonders such power can do, they feel dragonkind can do many wonderful things on their own terms as well, and they'll never know their true strength until they test themselves as House Tessith were tested.
Their House motto is: “Many confuse need with comfort.”
Yeraktos, the House of Fangs
The House of Fangs is often referred to as “the lost house”... for obvious reasons. A lot of records and information about them were lost along with the House itself. However, it is well-known that they were warriors before anything else, with a very militaristic structure and attitude. They saw the magic of the moons as a weapon that they had to seize control of and use against their enemies, before their enemies did the same to them. This mixture of paranoia and aggression was exploited by the Darkness, and used to turn them into little more than wild animals, striking out at everything and everyone they saw as a threat. While many dragons fell to corruption, most didn't lose their minds and sense of identity the way Yeraktos did, not even the members of House Kebros.
In the end, dragonkind was forced to inflict great harm upon their fallen brethren, and those who were not killed in battle were abandoned on Adulare's surface when the Moonlit Isles were raised into the heavens. No one knows exactly what became of them, or if they're even still alive, and even speaking of them these days is controversial. Many dragons feels they should be held up as cautionary tale to future generations, while others would rather have them erased from the history books entirely.
The House of Steel is often referred to as “the noble house” because of its dedication to dragonkind’s traditions and current political structures. The House of Steel flies with their two-horned skull of honor emblem to symbolize that their commitment to dragonkin is not just scale deep; it cuts right to the bone.
Brynback was the first of the Great Houses to be formed, and was founded under the belief that magic should be used in the service of others, and not for one's own personal gain. It is because of this belief and an overall strong sense of duty that Brynbak was the House least corrupted by Darkness, and it was the Brynback hero Wroughtwing who lead the efforts of gathering and leading as many of Adulare's inhabitants as possible to what would eventually become the Moonlit Isles, so that they could commence the plan to evacuate the planet's surface. Wroughtwing has long since arisen as a Ancient, but on some nights when the Stone Moon is full, he can be found patrolling round the edge of the Capital, seemingly always alert for any who would threaten the dragons who reside within.
Brynback trains their own in the art of governing wisely and exercising leadership effectively. The House of Steel’s traditions have held strong for generations, and many of their champions continue to lead the charge for the betterment of the world. Tradition is everything to Brynback — it is what keeps them strong, allowing them to help dragonkin who have the least.
Their House motto is: “True honor is bone deep.”
Kebros, the House of Ruby
The House of Ruby is often referred to as “the fallen house” because of the role they played during the Corruption. The House of Ruby bears the sigil of a blade piercing a precious stone. This imagery represents their dedication to serving and protecting dragonkind, no matter the cost.
Kebros' beliefs are something of a dark mirror to House Brynback's: they felt that the magic of the moons was a burden that no mortal being should have to bear. However, as it became clear the magic was here to stay, they felt it was up to those responsible enough - namely, the members of House Kebros themselves - to take charge of such power, and to take responsibility of its usage so no one else would have to. One particular example of this attitude was when Keetsah the Chosen, one of the founders of House Kebros, called upon the moons to destroy a great hoard that had divided the dragon clutches in a time of crisis. Keetsah’s hatchright claim to the hoard was substantial, but they destroyed it completely rather than let dragons turn to war.
In days long gone, House Kebros was by a group of dragons who referred to themselves as The Order of Seers. They believed they received visions of the future from the Oracle of Ruby, a pool of burning red liquid stone that shared with its members visions of the future. Indeed, even to this day with the pool lost and the Order disbanded, most seers in dragon society herald from Kebros, and those who don't can often trace their ancestry back to the fallen House. Members of House Kebros see clearly what threatens dragon society, and are the first to move to keep dragonkind safe, even if it is to come at great cost to their House.
However, despite claims of their loyalty and good intentions, Kebros were among the Houses most effected by the corruption, second only to House Yeraktos. While they did eventually return to their brethren, unlike the Lost House, their actions have yet to truly be forgiven by society as a whole. This is not helped by some members' insistence that all actions taken during that time were all done in dragonkind's best interests. The hostility towards Kebros remains so bad that many Mystics who were alive during the corruption - Keetsah smong them - have been shrouded in silk (and in some extreme cases, vandalized or destroyed) so that they may not pass on their wisdom.
Their House motto is: “We are but blind until all is lost.”
Myndoth, the House of Oak
The House of Oak is often referred to as “the house of secrets” because of their traditions of preserving knowledge and trading in secret rituals. Myndoth’s emblem depicts an oaken tree and armament because, like growth rings of a tree, the most valuable of secrets guard themselves. The house has dedicated many magnificent strongholds to preserving artifacts and arcane knowledge for dragonkind, especially those from before the time of Darkness.
The House of Oak treats secrets as a garden that should be tended, nurtured, and respected. Secrets can be poisonous, beautiful, or medicinal; wisdom is knowing how to tend to each one in kind. Some members of Myndoth pledge themselves to tending one type of secret, mastering its signs and applications and employing their expertise for the betterment of the Isles. Others strive to collect and preserve seeds of mystery, secrets not yet tamed or understood, because, to the House of Oak, knowledge is power.
Their House motto is: “A secret known by many is no secret at all.”
Rothscar, the House of Gold
The House of Gold is often referred to as “the architect house” because of their dedication (both physical and mental) to producing breathtaking draconic structures across the Isles. Rothscar’s insignia depicts a crown that symbolizes dominance over excellence. The tradition of recognizing elder dragons for their achievements came from the House of Gold.
The House of Gold is the only house to have a “head founder” and thereafter “head-of-house.” This honorable title was first given to Riptide the Hungry for his leadership and in recognition of his perfectly attuned skills. Since Riptide the Hungry’s ascension to a Mystic, ambition and excellence have been rewarded in the House of Gold, the highest honor being the title of head-of-house.
Rothscar don't hold magic in the same reverence as other Houses, preferring see it as a tool, a means to an end to fulfill the task at hand. Like any tool, it can be misused, but one should not let the failing of others hold them back from such opportunity. The House supports dragons who perform amazing feats of architecture and engineering as well as those who work meticulously on finely detailed strategies involving puzzles and plans. Whatever their method, dragons of the House of Gold strive for perfection in all things. They leave greatness in their wake.
Their House motto is “Failure is temporary; excellence is eternal.”
Semscale, the House of Jade
The House of Jade is often referred to as “the house of many paths” because they encourage all dragonkin to pursue enlightenment, no matter their direction. The House of Jade features a symbol that depicts a sky compass full of bright stars, to illuminate that there is no right way to find one’s path in society.
While the other Houses all focus on one way of living — the right way, at least according to that House — House Semscale instead encourages young drakes to their own paths forward. They have a long-standing tradition of mentorships between elder dragons and drakes. They believe that there is much to be learned from cross-generational relationships and because of this, House Semscale has a high percentage of elder dragons who wait to ascend until their mentorships are complete and their drakes become their equals, both in age and in wisdom. The House of Jade knows that there are many paths to enlightenment and they offer many teachings to help young drakes find their path, place, and home in the Isles.
Their House motto is: “A path walked once is walked enough.”
Tessith, the House of Diamond
The House of Diamond is often referred to as “the house without a home” because of the loss of their holdings during the Corruption. Tessith humbly presents the symbol of a dragon nesting on a diamond, a constant reminder of that which can be forged from constant pressure and little resources. While the other houses sit on hoards of gold and gems, the dragons of House Tessith know how to make do with little but their wings and scales, seizing victory from the jaws of defeat on more than one occasion.
Tessith was truly tested during the Corruption, and while that event either brought out the worst in other Houses or merely strengthened their existing character, Tessith were profoundly change by the experience. Their magnificent holdings were destroyed, their treasure lost, their souls humbled... but that pressure has made them hard like diamonds. Most saw the loss of their holdings as an opportunity and led House Tessith to a nomadic existence, building wilderness outposts far away from the Capital and dedicating impermanent strongholds to their elders. They believe in living more simply, and this extended to their use of magic: they call to the moons far more sparingly than any other House, believing that dragonkind's over-dependence and fixation on magic is what brought the Darkness upon in the first place. While they don't deny the wonders such power can do, they feel dragonkind can do many wonderful things on their own terms as well, and they'll never know their true strength until they test themselves as House Tessith were tested.
Their House motto is: “Many confuse need with comfort.”
Yeraktos, the House of Fangs
The House of Fangs is often referred to as “the lost house”... for obvious reasons. A lot of records and information about them were lost along with the House itself. However, it is well-known that they were warriors before anything else, with a very militaristic structure and attitude. They saw the magic of the moons as a weapon that they had to seize control of and use against their enemies, before their enemies did the same to them. This mixture of paranoia and aggression was exploited by the Darkness, and used to turn them into little more than wild animals, striking out at everything and everyone they saw as a threat. While many dragons fell to corruption, most didn't lose their minds and sense of identity the way Yeraktos did, not even the members of House Kebros.
In the end, dragonkind was forced to inflict great harm upon their fallen brethren, and those who were not killed in battle were abandoned on Adulare's surface when the Moonlit Isles were raised into the heavens. No one knows exactly what became of them, or if they're even still alive, and even speaking of them these days is controversial. Many dragons feels they should be held up as cautionary tale to future generations, while others would rather have them erased from the history books entirely.
Aside from dragons, the main forms of sapient life in the Isles are fairies and elementals. Fairies come in many forms - the tiny winged pixie, the tiny wingless brownie, the not so tiny wingless elf, the beastly trolls, to name a few - but they can all be identified by their bipedal forms, pointy ears and a much more relaxed stance to hierarchy and societal structure than that of dragons.
Elementals, on the other hand, are what they sound like: a physical embodiment of nature itself, often tied to a specific place or feature of the landscape, like a tree, mountain or river for example. The main forms of elementals are as followed:
- gnomes, the stone elementals
- salamanders, the fire elementals
- undines, the water elementals
- sylph, the air elementals
- dryads, the wood elementals
- colossi, the metal elementals
It is worth noting, though, that even though they are counted as a sapient life-form, their ways of communicating and thinking are drastically different than that of fairies and dragons. Indeed, elementals seem to have less a sense of individual identity, and are connected to each other through a sort of hivemind, likely channeled through the land itself.
Elementals, on the other hand, are what they sound like: a physical embodiment of nature itself, often tied to a specific place or feature of the landscape, like a tree, mountain or river for example. The main forms of elementals are as followed:
- gnomes, the stone elementals
- salamanders, the fire elementals
- undines, the water elementals
- sylph, the air elementals
- dryads, the wood elementals
- colossi, the metal elementals
It is worth noting, though, that even though they are counted as a sapient life-form, their ways of communicating and thinking are drastically different than that of fairies and dragons. Indeed, elementals seem to have less a sense of individual identity, and are connected to each other through a sort of hivemind, likely channeled through the land itself.
The wildlife in the Isles is diverse and exciting. The Beasts have aspects of many different animals that would be familiar in our world. For example, a monbaba, a winged beast with a prehensile tail and a ferocious attitude, displays characteristic of a monkey (mon-), bat (ba-), and badger (ba). These beasts of the wild are as magical and enchanting as any dragon, with displays of beautiful colors, odd desires, and mystical habits.
But as intriguing as beasts are, there are few dragons who understand them. Beastology is a field of draconic study that draws dragons to study the beasts of the land and their natures, but only a few can have a conversation with a beast like they would with other sapient being. Despite their mystical nature, beasts are unknowable to most of draconic society.
The wilderness holds other dangers—threats more frightening than an angry weredapuss—that might harm dragonkin when they travel the wilds. Creatures so foul, they display only one aspect of a Beast. A giant spider: no hooves, no wolf snout, no feathers...just a creepy and monstrous spider. A beast so frightening that most drakes would flee in fear when they encounter it!
Monsters have long haunted Adulare and they seem to thrive with every triumph made by the Darkness. These monsters are terrifying, vile, and extremely resilient. If one day the Darkness swallows the moons, these monsters will outlast the Darkness itself. Dragonkin generally avoid monsters and it is almost unheard of to see one in a city or near a bustling stronghold. Monsters tend to stay close to the wilderness: hunting, feeding, and growing ever stronger and more dangerous. Few dragons are brave enough to face a monster and monster stalkers are honored for the time they spend protecting dragon nesting grounds from such terrible creatures; these horrors are formidable opponents and the life of a monster stalker can be quite dangerous.
The wildlife in the Isles is diverse and exciting. The Beasts have aspects of many different animals that would be familiar in our world. For example, a monbaba, a winged beast with a prehensile tail and a ferocious attitude, displays characteristic of a monkey (mon-), bat (ba-), and badger (ba). These beasts of the wild are as magical and enchanting as any dragon, with displays of beautiful colors, odd desires, and mystical habits.
But as intriguing as beasts are, there are few dragons who understand them. Beastology is a field of draconic study that draws dragons to study the beasts of the land and their natures, but only a few can have a conversation with a beast like they would with other sapient being. Despite their mystical nature, beasts are unknowable to most of draconic society.
The wilderness holds other dangers—threats more frightening than an angry weredapuss—that might harm dragonkin when they travel the wilds. Creatures so foul, they display only one aspect of a Beast. A giant spider: no hooves, no wolf snout, no feathers...just a creepy and monstrous spider. A beast so frightening that most drakes would flee in fear when they encounter it!
Monsters have long haunted Adulare and they seem to thrive with every triumph made by the Darkness. These monsters are terrifying, vile, and extremely resilient. If one day the Darkness swallows the moons, these monsters will outlast the Darkness itself. Dragonkin generally avoid monsters and it is almost unheard of to see one in a city or near a bustling stronghold. Monsters tend to stay close to the wilderness: hunting, feeding, and growing ever stronger and more dangerous. Few dragons are brave enough to face a monster and monster stalkers are honored for the time they spend protecting dragon nesting grounds from such terrible creatures; these horrors are formidable opponents and the life of a monster stalker can be quite dangerous.
The fate of the rest of Adulare has been a much debated question since the Isles were first raised. Is there any form of life still down there? Does the darkness still have a hold over the land? No one is entirely sure, as any attempts to go beneath the clouds - or even travel above the clouds away from the Isles - has been thwarted by a creature dragonkind had dubbed 'the Cloudstalker', a colossal creature that lurks just beneath the surface of the clouds, ready to strike should any dragon, fairy, elemental or beast stay to far from the land. It is unknown whether this Cloudstalker is a beast or monster, whether it is a single entity of an entire species. No one who has survived an encounter with it has even gotten a proper look at it, often only glimpsing an eye staring up at them from below, or a tendril pulling an unsuspecting flier into the clouds, never to be seen again, though a common theme is that is bears features reminiscent of aquatic life. What such a being is doing all the way up in the sky is just one more of the many unanswered questions related to them.
[More lore and a map of the Isles to be added...]
The System
Epyllion uses the Powered by the Apocalypse system, in which all rolls are 2d6, and the only time you'll need to roll is when you're utilizing a Move.
Moves are similar to skill checks in D&D, in that each Move is tied to a specific stat and when you roll for a Move, you add that stat to your dice roll. If the result of your roll is a 10+, it is a hit and you succeed in what you were trying to do. If it's 7-9, it's a partial success, meaning you still achieve your goal but at a cost. If it's a 6 or lower, it's a miss. Whenever you miss, you mark XP. It's worth noting that in PbtA games, missing doesn't always mean you fail at what you're trying to accomplish. You might get exactly what asked for, but in a monkey's paw "be careful what you wish for" kind of way. It'll be up to me as the GM to interpret those missed rolls in a way that provides consequences while making sure the narrative doesn't grind to a halt.
Moves are split into the following categories:
- Basic Moves, which are available to everyone. This game has nine in total, and most actions will be covered under these.
- Playbook Moves. Playbooks are essentially your character class, and each playbook has its own unique moves. Every playbook starts with a signature move that can be advanced when you gain enough XP.
- Unique Moves. These were introduced in the Encyclopedia Dragonica supplement, and tend to be more situational. I've listed the ones that are most likely to crop up in this campaign, but if any other become relevant, I will add those as well. I might even end up making my own custom Moves if there is a significant event that is not covered by any existing rules.
- GM Moves. GMs don't actually roll at all in PbtA games, but they still have their own set of Moves. You don't have to worry about these... yet, at least.
- The End of Session Move. Since we're doing play-by-post, I'm going to split this game into chapters, and at the end of each chapter, we'll do this move which is when experience will be tallied out. I'll explain more about this at the end of our first chapter.
As well as your stats providing modifiers to your roll, there is also concepts of "Forward", "Ongoing" and "Hold". These special modifiers can be gained through certain Moves, usually Playbook moves, and can be added to later dice rolls:
- "Forward" is a modifier that applies to a character's next roll only.
- "Ongoing" is a modifier that applies to all or some of a character's rolls until the conditions are no longer relevant.
- "Hold" is any abstract resource that the player can obtain and spend at any time as long as it's relevant, e.g. a number of questions about a particular thing that the GM must answer truthfully.
ACT DESPITE DANGER: When you act despite danger, roll +Courage. On a 10+, you succeed despite the odds. On a 7-9, you fumble, stumble, or embarrass yourself. The DM will offer you a worse outcome, hard bargain, or ugly choice.
STAND UP TO A SUPERIOR: When you stand up to someone who is older, higher ranking or in any kind of position of power over you (NPC), roll +Courage. On a hit, they acknowledge your worth and address your concerns. Pick one from this list.
- You delight them; they give you a useful item or fancy gift.
- You impress them; they offer you a favor or accommodation.
- You intrigue them; they tell you something useful and interesting.
On a 7-9, also pick one from this list.
- You succumb to vanity. Mark a Shadow.
- You embarrass a friend. Return a friendship gem.
- You overstep social bounds. You incur an obligation.
STUDY SOMEONE: When you study someone, roll +Charm. On a 10+, ask 2. On a 7-9, ask 1.
- What is your character hoarding?
- Who are you holding a grudge against?
- What could I learn from you?
- What does your character wish I’d do for you?
- How could I get you to _____?
CONVINCE SOMEONE: When you convince someone, roll +Charm.
For NPCs:
On a hit, they will do it if you offer them a favor, gift, or useful information. On a 7-9, they don’t get it quite right or they don’t tell you everything you need to know. For
on a 10+, both. On a 7-9, pick one:
- if they do it, they mark experience.
- if they don’t do it, they mark a Shadow.
MISLEAD OR TRICK: When you try to mislead or trick someone, roll +Cunning. On a hit, they are fooled for a moment; you learn a valuable secret or create an opportunity. On a 10+, you either get both benefits or you confuse them for some time.
SURVEY AN AREA: When you spend a moment to survey an area, roll +Cunning. On a 10+, ask 2. On a 7–9, ask 1.
- What resources does this place offer?
- How can I gain access to this place’s secrets?
- What here harbors Darkness?
- Who else knows of this place?
- Are we alone?
HELP OR HINDER: When you help or hinder a clutchmate after they have rolled, roll +Friendship Gems (max +3). On a hit, you add +1 or -2 to their roll. On a 7-9, you expose yourself to cost, complication, or harm. You cannot help or hinder your clutchmates while they are calling upon the moons.
MOON MAGIC: When you call upon the magic of the moons, roll +Friendship Gems Returned. On a 10+, apply both. On a 7-9, pick 1.
- The magic is exceptionally powerful.
- The magic remains within your control.
On a miss, the moons act as they will, without your guidance.
SHADOW MAGIC: When you give in to the Darkness, mark a Shadow and roll +Shadows Marked. On a 10+, you harness the Darkness, casting powerful shadow magic. On a 7-9, you harness that same magic, but it’s powerful — almost too powerful.
On a miss, the Darkness chooses how the magic manifests, without your guidance.
STAND UP TO A SUPERIOR: When you stand up to someone who is older, higher ranking or in any kind of position of power over you (NPC), roll +Courage. On a hit, they acknowledge your worth and address your concerns. Pick one from this list.
- You delight them; they give you a useful item or fancy gift.
- You impress them; they offer you a favor or accommodation.
- You intrigue them; they tell you something useful and interesting.
On a 7-9, also pick one from this list.
- You succumb to vanity. Mark a Shadow.
- You embarrass a friend. Return a friendship gem.
- You overstep social bounds. You incur an obligation.
STUDY SOMEONE: When you study someone, roll +Charm. On a 10+, ask 2. On a 7-9, ask 1.
- What is your character hoarding?
- Who are you holding a grudge against?
- What could I learn from you?
- What does your character wish I’d do for you?
- How could I get you to _____?
CONVINCE SOMEONE: When you convince someone, roll +Charm.
For NPCs:
On a hit, they will do it if you offer them a favor, gift, or useful information. On a 7-9, they don’t get it quite right or they don’t tell you everything you need to know. For
on a 10+, both. On a 7-9, pick one:
- if they do it, they mark experience.
- if they don’t do it, they mark a Shadow.
MISLEAD OR TRICK: When you try to mislead or trick someone, roll +Cunning. On a hit, they are fooled for a moment; you learn a valuable secret or create an opportunity. On a 10+, you either get both benefits or you confuse them for some time.
SURVEY AN AREA: When you spend a moment to survey an area, roll +Cunning. On a 10+, ask 2. On a 7–9, ask 1.
- What resources does this place offer?
- How can I gain access to this place’s secrets?
- What here harbors Darkness?
- Who else knows of this place?
- Are we alone?
HELP OR HINDER: When you help or hinder a clutchmate after they have rolled, roll +Friendship Gems (max +3). On a hit, you add +1 or -2 to their roll. On a 7-9, you expose yourself to cost, complication, or harm. You cannot help or hinder your clutchmates while they are calling upon the moons.
MOON MAGIC: When you call upon the magic of the moons, roll +Friendship Gems Returned. On a 10+, apply both. On a 7-9, pick 1.
- The magic is exceptionally powerful.
- The magic remains within your control.
On a miss, the moons act as they will, without your guidance.
SHADOW MAGIC: When you give in to the Darkness, mark a Shadow and roll +Shadows Marked. On a 10+, you harness the Darkness, casting powerful shadow magic. On a 7-9, you harness that same magic, but it’s powerful — almost too powerful.
On a miss, the Darkness chooses how the magic manifests, without your guidance.
TRAVERSE THE WILDERNESS: When you traverse the wilderness, choose one person to be the leader. The leader states where they are trying to go, and rolls 2d6 which they add or subtract from based on the list of conditions below.
- If the leader has been their before, add 1.
- If the leader has no darkness marked, add 1.
- If no one in the group has been there before, subtract 1.
- If the leader has three or more darkness marked, subtract 1.
On a 10+, the party reaches their destination for without any hiccups, and the leader gets a +1 on their next roll. On a 7-9, they still reach their destination but encounter an obstacle on the way. The GM presents a list of obstacles for the leader to choose from. On a miss, the group ends up somewhere they're not supposed to be. The GM chooses an threat for them to encounter and the leader gets -1 on their first move against it. Once the threat has been dealt with, the leader can choose to course correct and get the group back to their original destination, or choose to delve deeper into the unknown.
LOOK TO OTHER CLUTCHES' EXAMPLE: When you look to the stories of other Clutches - either current or mythic - for comfort or guidance, roll +Charm. On a hit, describe a story that brings you comfort; the DM will tell you what lesson it teaches. Follow the lesson to clear a shadow. On a 10+, take a +1 ongoing to follow the lesson of the story. On a miss, you misremember the story and take away the wrong lesson; the DM will tell you what it is. Act despite danger to do anything but follow the lesson.
SEARCH FOR TRACES OF DARKNESS: When you check an object or creature for traces of the Darkness, roll +Cunning. On a 10+, ask 2. On a 7-9, ask 1.
- What help does this object or creature offer?
- What secrets are concealed here?
- Who else knows of this object or creature’s importance?
- Does the Darkness see us through it?
SET EYES UPON A BEING OF PURE DARKNESS: Roll -Shadow Marked. On a 10+, you see and hear the creature for what it truly is. On a 7-9, the creature looks vaguely like a dragon you know and has a distorted version of their voice, but something is very obviously wrong. On a miss, the creature looks and sound exactly like someone you know.
THE ECHOING STONE: When you use the echoing stone to contact Echo, roll. Add +1 for every true statement.
- The stone is being used by or in the presence of Stargaze.
- You are using the stone while in Southern Yves or one of the tail-bone islands.
- You have no Darkness marked.
On a 10+, the call goes through and Echo picks up immediately. On a 7-9, the call doesn't reach Echo immediately, and she'll get back to you at a later point. On a miss, you end up contacting another elemental by mistake.
BRYNBACK RITE OF AGING: If you are a Brynback dragon, when you age, you share stories of your greatest deeds since your last aging ceremony, and roll +Courage. On a hit, you are deemed worthy; the elders forge a piece of special armour for you. Choose what they make, and describe what the new steel piece looks like: it is unbreakable and is a perfect fit for you, even as you continue to grow. On a 10+, the steel piece is not brand new, but an heirloom or artifact of the Brynback traditions; say what time-honored story is tied to it. On a miss, your stories are treated as unworthy, and you are given a new obligation which you must fulfill before you will receive your armour.
KEBROS RITE OF AGING: If you are a Kebros dragon, when you age, name an object you choose to defend from several dragons who will attempt to steal or destroy it. Roll +Courage. At the end of the ceremony, the object your defended will be blessed with a permanent magical effect. On a hit, choose one of the following. On a 10+, choose two. On a miss, you still choose one, but you are permanently scarred from the ceremony and lose a part of yourself (such as the color of your scales, one of your horns, your ability to see in one eye):
[] the object is indestructible
[] the object gives off a faint aura of warmth and light
[] the object can summoned into your grasp just by thinking of it
[] the object can duplicate itself when a certain word is said (note: the duplicates do not possess any of the original's magical effects)
[] when someone else is holding the object, they can send telepathic messages to you
[] the object gains sentience and can now speak with you
ROTHSCAR RITE OF AGING: If you are a dragon of House Rothscar, when you age, you undertake a project to better Adulare. Say what you would like to change about the world and how, and roll:
- +1 if your project has a clearly limited scope
- +1 if you have personal expertise or experience that applies
- +1 if you return three gems to call upon the Moons for magic
On a hit, you complete your project as intended. On a 10+, you may add a second change to your description. On a miss, your project is still impressive enough to let you age, but its effects are not what you had expected; the DM will say what effects it brings about, instead.
MYNDOTH RITE OF AGING: If you are a dragon of House Myndoth, when you age, you are taken to the central codex of a Myndoth stronghold. When you stand before the book, it shows you secrets of yourself and the world around you. Roll +Cunning. On a hit, ask the DM any question you choose, about anything: the DM will answer honestly. On a 10+, ask two questions. On a miss, you don't get to ask anything, but the DM will choose what you learn.
SEMSCALE RITE OF AGING: If you are a dragon of House Semscale, when you age, you must bond with a dragon of greater age as your mentor, or a dragon of younger or equal age as a mentee. You are connected to them. Once per chapter, you can call to their heart; they appear before you to help as soon as they possibly can.
TESSITH RITE OF AGING: If you are a dragon of House Tessith, when you age, you must sacrifice five objects, each representing a connection of importance to you. Say which object you sacrifice to each moon, and what its significance is. For each object representing a connection to a clutchmate, give that clutchmate a Friendship Gem, and take a Friendship Gem from them. For each object you sacrifice representing a connection to someone else, mark experience.
AT THE MOONBEAM FESTIVAL: When you inspire other dragons to kindness during the Moonbeam Festival, roll +Charm. For NPCs: On a hit, they join you in your kind acts, even if it’s for someone they despise. On a 7-9, they don’t quite get it right; ask the DM how they make a mess of things. For Clutchmates: on a 10+, both. On a 7-9, pick one:
- if they do it, they mark experience.
- if they don’t do it, they mark a Shadow.
- If the leader has been their before, add 1.
- If the leader has no darkness marked, add 1.
- If no one in the group has been there before, subtract 1.
- If the leader has three or more darkness marked, subtract 1.
On a 10+, the party reaches their destination for without any hiccups, and the leader gets a +1 on their next roll. On a 7-9, they still reach their destination but encounter an obstacle on the way. The GM presents a list of obstacles for the leader to choose from. On a miss, the group ends up somewhere they're not supposed to be. The GM chooses an threat for them to encounter and the leader gets -1 on their first move against it. Once the threat has been dealt with, the leader can choose to course correct and get the group back to their original destination, or choose to delve deeper into the unknown.
LOOK TO OTHER CLUTCHES' EXAMPLE: When you look to the stories of other Clutches - either current or mythic - for comfort or guidance, roll +Charm. On a hit, describe a story that brings you comfort; the DM will tell you what lesson it teaches. Follow the lesson to clear a shadow. On a 10+, take a +1 ongoing to follow the lesson of the story. On a miss, you misremember the story and take away the wrong lesson; the DM will tell you what it is. Act despite danger to do anything but follow the lesson.
SEARCH FOR TRACES OF DARKNESS: When you check an object or creature for traces of the Darkness, roll +Cunning. On a 10+, ask 2. On a 7-9, ask 1.
- What help does this object or creature offer?
- What secrets are concealed here?
- Who else knows of this object or creature’s importance?
- Does the Darkness see us through it?
SET EYES UPON A BEING OF PURE DARKNESS: Roll -Shadow Marked. On a 10+, you see and hear the creature for what it truly is. On a 7-9, the creature looks vaguely like a dragon you know and has a distorted version of their voice, but something is very obviously wrong. On a miss, the creature looks and sound exactly like someone you know.
THE ECHOING STONE: When you use the echoing stone to contact Echo, roll. Add +1 for every true statement.
- The stone is being used by or in the presence of Stargaze.
- You are using the stone while in Southern Yves or one of the tail-bone islands.
- You have no Darkness marked.
On a 10+, the call goes through and Echo picks up immediately. On a 7-9, the call doesn't reach Echo immediately, and she'll get back to you at a later point. On a miss, you end up contacting another elemental by mistake.
BRYNBACK RITE OF AGING: If you are a Brynback dragon, when you age, you share stories of your greatest deeds since your last aging ceremony, and roll +Courage. On a hit, you are deemed worthy; the elders forge a piece of special armour for you. Choose what they make, and describe what the new steel piece looks like: it is unbreakable and is a perfect fit for you, even as you continue to grow. On a 10+, the steel piece is not brand new, but an heirloom or artifact of the Brynback traditions; say what time-honored story is tied to it. On a miss, your stories are treated as unworthy, and you are given a new obligation which you must fulfill before you will receive your armour.
KEBROS RITE OF AGING: If you are a Kebros dragon, when you age, name an object you choose to defend from several dragons who will attempt to steal or destroy it. Roll +Courage. At the end of the ceremony, the object your defended will be blessed with a permanent magical effect. On a hit, choose one of the following. On a 10+, choose two. On a miss, you still choose one, but you are permanently scarred from the ceremony and lose a part of yourself (such as the color of your scales, one of your horns, your ability to see in one eye):
[] the object is indestructible
[] the object gives off a faint aura of warmth and light
[] the object can summoned into your grasp just by thinking of it
[] the object can duplicate itself when a certain word is said (note: the duplicates do not possess any of the original's magical effects)
[] when someone else is holding the object, they can send telepathic messages to you
[] the object gains sentience and can now speak with you
ROTHSCAR RITE OF AGING: If you are a dragon of House Rothscar, when you age, you undertake a project to better Adulare. Say what you would like to change about the world and how, and roll:
- +1 if your project has a clearly limited scope
- +1 if you have personal expertise or experience that applies
- +1 if you return three gems to call upon the Moons for magic
On a hit, you complete your project as intended. On a 10+, you may add a second change to your description. On a miss, your project is still impressive enough to let you age, but its effects are not what you had expected; the DM will say what effects it brings about, instead.
MYNDOTH RITE OF AGING: If you are a dragon of House Myndoth, when you age, you are taken to the central codex of a Myndoth stronghold. When you stand before the book, it shows you secrets of yourself and the world around you. Roll +Cunning. On a hit, ask the DM any question you choose, about anything: the DM will answer honestly. On a 10+, ask two questions. On a miss, you don't get to ask anything, but the DM will choose what you learn.
SEMSCALE RITE OF AGING: If you are a dragon of House Semscale, when you age, you must bond with a dragon of greater age as your mentor, or a dragon of younger or equal age as a mentee. You are connected to them. Once per chapter, you can call to their heart; they appear before you to help as soon as they possibly can.
TESSITH RITE OF AGING: If you are a dragon of House Tessith, when you age, you must sacrifice five objects, each representing a connection of importance to you. Say which object you sacrifice to each moon, and what its significance is. For each object representing a connection to a clutchmate, give that clutchmate a Friendship Gem, and take a Friendship Gem from them. For each object you sacrifice representing a connection to someone else, mark experience.
AT THE MOONBEAM FESTIVAL: When you inspire other dragons to kindness during the Moonbeam Festival, roll +Charm. For NPCs: On a hit, they join you in your kind acts, even if it’s for someone they despise. On a 7-9, they don’t quite get it right; ask the DM how they make a mess of things. For Clutchmates: on a 10+, both. On a 7-9, pick one:
- if they do it, they mark experience.
- if they don’t do it, they mark a Shadow.
Epyllion has eleven playbooks. Six were available in the core rulebook (The Academic, The Crafter, The Daredevil, The Nature Adept, The Seer & The Warrior) while the other were in supplementary material. Because they all seem pretty interesting and I want to give you guys as much options for making your characters possible, these are all available. Once a playbook is taken by another player, it will be crossed off the list and cannot be played by another until that character is retired.
The Academic
"You work hard to learn as much as you can. Knowledge is power, and you fight to pursue and protect it. Sometimes it is hard to balance your passions for the past with living in the present, but you don’t want to miss out on any adventures...or friendships. After all, the heroes you read about had to put down their parchment and get their scales dirty eventually."
Starting Stats:
Charm: 0
Courage: -1
Cunning: +1
Choose one: Curiousity or Honesty
House & Obligation:
Choose one:
Myndoth, the House of Oak: Discover something important about an ancient mystery.
Semscale, the House of Jade: Defuse a tense situation between dragons from different houses.
Your signatue move is...
FIELD OF EXPERTISE: You carry one of the Great Tomes of Dragon Knowledge. Mark which one you keep with you always:
[] Dagon’s History of the War with Darkness
[] Lung-Kwan’s Famous Dragons and What They Did
[] Fafnir von Grimtooth’s Famous Moments in Dragon History
[] Dewlash De Golderin’s Guide to the Creatures of Adulare
[] Amelia Drakovich’s Geographical Primer on Adulare’s Rivers, Mountains,and Major Islands
When you consult the tomes you carry for information, tell the DM what you findand roll +tomes consulted. On a 10+, the information is accurate and complete; take +1 forward to act on the answers. On a 7–9, something is missing or mythic, useful but not everything you need. On a miss, you’ve got something terribly wrong; the DM will let you know what you got wrong when you need to know.
When you advance your signature move, mark a new tome of knowledge. Tell the DM who gave you this new source of wisdom.
And pick one more of the following...
OLD DEBTS: When you stand up to a superior by reminding them of debts and obligations long forgotten, roll +Cunning instead of +Courage.
AN EAR FOR THE ARCANE: When you listen closely to a magic ritual, roll +Cunning. On a 10+ ask 2. On a 7–9, ask 1. Take +1 forward to acting on the answers. On a miss, the ritual ensnares you, the DM will tell you how.
- What arcane effects does the ritual have?
- How can I disrupt the ritual?
- Who is the intended target?
- How could I reproduce this ritual?
PEER REVIEW: When you go to your friends for advice about a specific problem, give them a Friendship Gem and hear what they have to say. If you follow their advice, tell them to mark experience; you get a +1 ongoing to see it through. If you ignore their advice, mark a Shadow.
FAMILIAR WITH THE OLD WAYS: When you study a Bearded or Elder Dragon, add these questions to the move study another:
- What is whispered about you within your House?
- How are you vulnerable to the Darkness?
- Who opposes your goals and machinations?
You've held your tongue for too long. You have the best plans to move your Clutch forward and no one knows the history of Adulare better than you do. Make sure your clutch knows how smart you truly are. You are The Academic. Return from your Shadowself when a friend convinces you to admit that you don’t have all the answers.
___ guided your Clutch when you were lost in the capital. Explain how they exemplified your virtue and give them a Friendship Gem.
___ showed you the threat the Darkness posed by getting your snout out of a book. Give them a Friendship Gem.
___ doesn’t understand dragon history and the importance of the old ways; you will teach them all you can. Take a Friendship Gem from them.
"You work hard to learn as much as you can. Knowledge is power, and you fight to pursue and protect it. Sometimes it is hard to balance your passions for the past with living in the present, but you don’t want to miss out on any adventures...or friendships. After all, the heroes you read about had to put down their parchment and get their scales dirty eventually."
Starting Stats:
Charm: 0
Courage: -1
Cunning: +1
Choose one: Curiousity or Honesty
House & Obligation:
Choose one:
Myndoth, the House of Oak: Discover something important about an ancient mystery.
Semscale, the House of Jade: Defuse a tense situation between dragons from different houses.
Your signatue move is...
FIELD OF EXPERTISE: You carry one of the Great Tomes of Dragon Knowledge. Mark which one you keep with you always:
[] Dagon’s History of the War with Darkness
[] Lung-Kwan’s Famous Dragons and What They Did
[] Fafnir von Grimtooth’s Famous Moments in Dragon History
[] Dewlash De Golderin’s Guide to the Creatures of Adulare
[] Amelia Drakovich’s Geographical Primer on Adulare’s Rivers, Mountains,and Major Islands
When you consult the tomes you carry for information, tell the DM what you findand roll +tomes consulted. On a 10+, the information is accurate and complete; take +1 forward to act on the answers. On a 7–9, something is missing or mythic, useful but not everything you need. On a miss, you’ve got something terribly wrong; the DM will let you know what you got wrong when you need to know.
When you advance your signature move, mark a new tome of knowledge. Tell the DM who gave you this new source of wisdom.
And pick one more of the following...
OLD DEBTS: When you stand up to a superior by reminding them of debts and obligations long forgotten, roll +Cunning instead of +Courage.
AN EAR FOR THE ARCANE: When you listen closely to a magic ritual, roll +Cunning. On a 10+ ask 2. On a 7–9, ask 1. Take +1 forward to acting on the answers. On a miss, the ritual ensnares you, the DM will tell you how.
- What arcane effects does the ritual have?
- How can I disrupt the ritual?
- Who is the intended target?
- How could I reproduce this ritual?
PEER REVIEW: When you go to your friends for advice about a specific problem, give them a Friendship Gem and hear what they have to say. If you follow their advice, tell them to mark experience; you get a +1 ongoing to see it through. If you ignore their advice, mark a Shadow.
FAMILIAR WITH THE OLD WAYS: When you study a Bearded or Elder Dragon, add these questions to the move study another:
- What is whispered about you within your House?
- How are you vulnerable to the Darkness?
- Who opposes your goals and machinations?
You've held your tongue for too long. You have the best plans to move your Clutch forward and no one knows the history of Adulare better than you do. Make sure your clutch knows how smart you truly are. You are The Academic. Return from your Shadowself when a friend convinces you to admit that you don’t have all the answers.
___ guided your Clutch when you were lost in the capital. Explain how they exemplified your virtue and give them a Friendship Gem.
___ showed you the threat the Darkness posed by getting your snout out of a book. Give them a Friendship Gem.
___ doesn’t understand dragon history and the importance of the old ways; you will teach them all you can. Take a Friendship Gem from them.
The Crafter
"You understand that beauty goes beyond a flashy new look, and you know how much hard work and dedication it takes to make great art. But it is important for all great crafters to remember that your trade is a dangerous
practice: many like you have fallen to their obsessions. Your friendships will keep you grounded while you pursue perfection."
Charm: -1
Courage: 0
Cunning: +1
Choose one: Ambition or Tradition
House & Obligation:
Choose One:
Kebros, the House of Ruby: Put yourself in danger to obtain rare materials or treasures.
Rothscar, the House of Gold: Design something to help a friend solve a tricky problem.
Your signature move is...
DRAGON TRADE: You are known for your gifts in the draconic arts. Mark two mediums you have dedicated yourself to from the list below:
[] paints
[] wood
[] stone
[] pen and ink
[] mortar
[] glass
[] metal
[] tattoos
[] piercing
[] acting
[] directing
[] writing
[] gardening
[] cloth
[] paper
[] plastics
[] engraving
[] jewels
[] precious metals
[] ice
[] wax
[] clay
[] sand
[] beads
[] wire
[] sound
[] instruments
When you create something in your medium, roll +Cunning. On a 10+, pick 2. On a 7–9, pick one.
[] Your creation is durable
[] Your creation is functional
[] Your creation is attractive
On a miss the work is fundamentally flawed. The DM will reveal how at a later time.
When you advance this move, mark two new mediums. Tell the DM who helped you to master these new materials.
And pick one more of the following...
AN EYE FOR DETAIL: When you study someone after complimenting them on a unique feature or object they possess, roll +Cunning instead of +Charm.
CRAFTY CLAW: When you repair broken equipment or machinery, roll +Cunning. On a 10+, you do it, no problem. On a 7–9, it’s possible to get it moving again, but only at a cost. The DM will tell you what you have to do to fix it up. On a miss, something vital is missing or permanently broken.
MONUMENT TO THE MOONS: When you create (and describe) a work of art, you can call upon Moon Magic and store the effects inside your piece. Name an event that will activate the item, and the magic will be released when it is triggered.
SADDLEBAG OF POTENTIAL: You collect odds and ends, including bits of armament and ancient artifacts, just in case the inspiration strikes. When you search your saddlebag for something small enough to be carried with you, roll +Cunning. On a 10+, you have just the thing, or close enough. On a 7–9, you have something similar, but it’s incomplete or flawed. On a miss, you’ve used it recently, but you might be able to get it back.
More than an artist, you are a machinist. You see dragons as tools to be wielded, manipulated, and forced to see their true potential. Make sure your clutch sees your vision for Adulare. You are The Crafter. Return from your Shadowself when a friend convinces you to admit that you care more about dragons than objects.
___ asked you to craft something useful for your Clutch. Explain what it is, and take a Friendship Gem from them.
___ inspired you to leave your workshop to fight against the Darkness. Explain how they exemplified your virtue, and give them a Friendship Gem.
___ has your back when your tinkering gets you into trouble. Explain how they exemplified your virtue, and give them a Friendship Gem.
"You understand that beauty goes beyond a flashy new look, and you know how much hard work and dedication it takes to make great art. But it is important for all great crafters to remember that your trade is a dangerous
practice: many like you have fallen to their obsessions. Your friendships will keep you grounded while you pursue perfection."
Charm: -1
Courage: 0
Cunning: +1
Choose one: Ambition or Tradition
House & Obligation:
Choose One:
Kebros, the House of Ruby: Put yourself in danger to obtain rare materials or treasures.
Rothscar, the House of Gold: Design something to help a friend solve a tricky problem.
Your signature move is...
DRAGON TRADE: You are known for your gifts in the draconic arts. Mark two mediums you have dedicated yourself to from the list below:
[] paints
[] wood
[] stone
[] pen and ink
[] mortar
[] glass
[] metal
[] tattoos
[] piercing
[] acting
[] directing
[] writing
[] gardening
[] cloth
[] paper
[] plastics
[] engraving
[] jewels
[] precious metals
[] ice
[] wax
[] clay
[] sand
[] beads
[] wire
[] sound
[] instruments
When you create something in your medium, roll +Cunning. On a 10+, pick 2. On a 7–9, pick one.
[] Your creation is durable
[] Your creation is functional
[] Your creation is attractive
On a miss the work is fundamentally flawed. The DM will reveal how at a later time.
When you advance this move, mark two new mediums. Tell the DM who helped you to master these new materials.
And pick one more of the following...
AN EYE FOR DETAIL: When you study someone after complimenting them on a unique feature or object they possess, roll +Cunning instead of +Charm.
CRAFTY CLAW: When you repair broken equipment or machinery, roll +Cunning. On a 10+, you do it, no problem. On a 7–9, it’s possible to get it moving again, but only at a cost. The DM will tell you what you have to do to fix it up. On a miss, something vital is missing or permanently broken.
MONUMENT TO THE MOONS: When you create (and describe) a work of art, you can call upon Moon Magic and store the effects inside your piece. Name an event that will activate the item, and the magic will be released when it is triggered.
SADDLEBAG OF POTENTIAL: You collect odds and ends, including bits of armament and ancient artifacts, just in case the inspiration strikes. When you search your saddlebag for something small enough to be carried with you, roll +Cunning. On a 10+, you have just the thing, or close enough. On a 7–9, you have something similar, but it’s incomplete or flawed. On a miss, you’ve used it recently, but you might be able to get it back.
More than an artist, you are a machinist. You see dragons as tools to be wielded, manipulated, and forced to see their true potential. Make sure your clutch sees your vision for Adulare. You are The Crafter. Return from your Shadowself when a friend convinces you to admit that you care more about dragons than objects.
___ asked you to craft something useful for your Clutch. Explain what it is, and take a Friendship Gem from them.
___ inspired you to leave your workshop to fight against the Darkness. Explain how they exemplified your virtue, and give them a Friendship Gem.
___ has your back when your tinkering gets you into trouble. Explain how they exemplified your virtue, and give them a Friendship Gem.
The Daredevil
"The sky is no limit for you. When you shoot for the stars, you achieve great things you never thought possible. Sometimes the rush can make you lose your head; don’t fly so high that you forget about those who look up to you. Your friendships will give you reasons to fly and all you could ever need to
keep your wings and heart busy."
Starting Stats:
Charm: -1
Courage: +1
Cunning: 0
Choose one: Cooperation or Discretion
House & Obligation:
Choose one:
Brynback, the House of Steel: Convince a member of your Clutch to undertake a dangerous task.
Rothscar, the House of Gold: Put yourself in between danger and a Clutchmate.
Your signature move is...
BEAST COMPANION: You find yourself in precarious situations that most avoid, but your beast companion will follow you anywhere. Just like other wildlife in the Moonlight Isle, your beast companion has aspects of many different animals. Choose up to three. If you only circle one, others will view your companion as a monster, but somehow you two manage.
[] parrot
[] lion
[] wolf
[] salamander
[] frog
[] bat
[] rhino
[] turtle
[] horse
[] badger
[] ram
[] armadillo
[] rat
[] insect
[] alligator
[] bear
[] squid
[] urchin
[] ___
Choose one of the following abilities for your companion:
[] Large: your beast is large enough to ride long distances.
[] Tracking: your beast can track down a nearby creature.
[] Burrowing: your beast can dig through solid earth.
[] Messenger: your beast can carry messages far and wide.
[] Camouflage: your beast can blend in with its surroundings at will.
[] Perform: your beast can entertain dragonkin and other wildlife.
[] Labor: your beast can haul and move heavy objects.
When you advance your signature move, mark a new ability for your beast companion. Tell us how your beast companion discovered (or grew into) their newfound talents.
And pick one more of the following...
DANGER IS MY MIDDLE NAME: Take +1 ongoing to acting despite danger to overcome physical obstacles.
CLEAR HEADED: When you charge headfirst into a dangerous situation, roll +Courage. On a hit, ask the DM one or more questions from the following list. Take +1 forward to act on the answers. On a 10+, ask 2. On a 7–9, ask 1:
- Where’s my best escape route/way in/way past?
- What should I be on the lookout for?
- Who’s in control here?
On a miss, someone gets the jump on you before you can get your bearings, putting you in a tough spot and separating you from your friends.
SLIPPERY SCALES: When you attempt to escape any form of physical entrapment, roll +Courage. On a 10+, you escape. On a 7-9, you slip away, but you leave something important behind or attract unwanted attention; the DM will tell you which. On a miss, you still get away, but the costs are great: mark a Shadow.
SHARE THE LOAD: When a fellow dragon is about to mark a Shadow, you can mark off a Shadow on your Shadow Track instead. You don’t have to act on the Shadow, but it stays marked until you clear your Shadow Track.
You are fast, furious, and unstoppable. No danger is too great for you to face, and you don’t need a Clutch to slow you down. Make sure your clutch always sees you out in front. You are The Daredevil. Return from your Shadowself when a friend convinces you to admit that you need your Clutch.
___ made you feel welcome in the Clutch when your beast companion fell ill. Explain how they exemplified your virtue, and give them a Friendship Gem.
___ taught you not to underestimate the Darkness. Explain how they exemplified your virtue, and give them a Friendship Gem.
You saved ___ from a dangerous monster. Take a Friendship Gem from them.
"The sky is no limit for you. When you shoot for the stars, you achieve great things you never thought possible. Sometimes the rush can make you lose your head; don’t fly so high that you forget about those who look up to you. Your friendships will give you reasons to fly and all you could ever need to
keep your wings and heart busy."
Starting Stats:
Charm: -1
Courage: +1
Cunning: 0
Choose one: Cooperation or Discretion
House & Obligation:
Choose one:
Brynback, the House of Steel: Convince a member of your Clutch to undertake a dangerous task.
Rothscar, the House of Gold: Put yourself in between danger and a Clutchmate.
Your signature move is...
BEAST COMPANION: You find yourself in precarious situations that most avoid, but your beast companion will follow you anywhere. Just like other wildlife in the Moonlight Isle, your beast companion has aspects of many different animals. Choose up to three. If you only circle one, others will view your companion as a monster, but somehow you two manage.
[] parrot
[] lion
[] wolf
[] salamander
[] frog
[] bat
[] rhino
[] turtle
[] horse
[] badger
[] ram
[] armadillo
[] rat
[] insect
[] alligator
[] bear
[] squid
[] urchin
[] ___
Choose one of the following abilities for your companion:
[] Large: your beast is large enough to ride long distances.
[] Tracking: your beast can track down a nearby creature.
[] Burrowing: your beast can dig through solid earth.
[] Messenger: your beast can carry messages far and wide.
[] Camouflage: your beast can blend in with its surroundings at will.
[] Perform: your beast can entertain dragonkin and other wildlife.
[] Labor: your beast can haul and move heavy objects.
When you advance your signature move, mark a new ability for your beast companion. Tell us how your beast companion discovered (or grew into) their newfound talents.
And pick one more of the following...
DANGER IS MY MIDDLE NAME: Take +1 ongoing to acting despite danger to overcome physical obstacles.
CLEAR HEADED: When you charge headfirst into a dangerous situation, roll +Courage. On a hit, ask the DM one or more questions from the following list. Take +1 forward to act on the answers. On a 10+, ask 2. On a 7–9, ask 1:
- Where’s my best escape route/way in/way past?
- What should I be on the lookout for?
- Who’s in control here?
On a miss, someone gets the jump on you before you can get your bearings, putting you in a tough spot and separating you from your friends.
SLIPPERY SCALES: When you attempt to escape any form of physical entrapment, roll +Courage. On a 10+, you escape. On a 7-9, you slip away, but you leave something important behind or attract unwanted attention; the DM will tell you which. On a miss, you still get away, but the costs are great: mark a Shadow.
SHARE THE LOAD: When a fellow dragon is about to mark a Shadow, you can mark off a Shadow on your Shadow Track instead. You don’t have to act on the Shadow, but it stays marked until you clear your Shadow Track.
You are fast, furious, and unstoppable. No danger is too great for you to face, and you don’t need a Clutch to slow you down. Make sure your clutch always sees you out in front. You are The Daredevil. Return from your Shadowself when a friend convinces you to admit that you need your Clutch.
___ made you feel welcome in the Clutch when your beast companion fell ill. Explain how they exemplified your virtue, and give them a Friendship Gem.
___ taught you not to underestimate the Darkness. Explain how they exemplified your virtue, and give them a Friendship Gem.
You saved ___ from a dangerous monster. Take a Friendship Gem from them.
The Elementalist
"Powerful, mystical, stranger. The Elementalist draws power from an ancient dragonian tradition to tap into all of the fundamental elements embedded into the land at the time of its creation. You can wield the elements in your battle against the Darkness, shaping them into living, thinking constructs."
Starting Stats:
Charm: 0
Courage: -1
Cunning: +1
Choose one: Confidence or Loyalty
House & Obligation:
Choose one:
Myndoth, the House of Oak: Uncover or renew a place of elemental power.
Kebros, the House of Ruby: Solve a riddle or mystery about the elements.
Your signature move is...
FROM CHAOS, PURPOSE: When you channel the elements to create life, roll +Cunning. On a hit, you craft the elements into a useful assistant for your efforts; describe the form your construct takes and pick the gifts it offers (below). Once your construct has exhausted its gifts, it returns to the elements. You must make an
offering to the elements before you can summon another construct. On a 10+, pick 2 gifts. On a 7-9, pick 1 gift. On a miss, pick 1 gift, but the construct demands a great sacrifice for your offering before it departs.
- the construct provides protection; it can mark a Shadow for you or your friends.
- the construct conducts power; take +1 forward to act despite danger.
- the construct grants insight; take +1 forward to survey or study
- the construct pleases Adulare; take +1 forward to call upon the moons
- the construct unites your clutch; treat an attempt to help as if you rolled 10+
When you advance your signature move, you may choose an additional gift when you summon a construct. Tell the DM why the elements favor your clutch’s efforts.
And pick one more of the following...
ELEMENTAL SHIELD: When you call upon the elements to protect someone or something from danger, roll +Cunning. On a hit, the elements themselves rise up in defense, so long as you maintain your concentration. On a 7-9, the elements protect you, but they also reveal their wild and unstoppable nature in turn. On a miss, the elements find your request petty or unworthy; the DM will tell you what you must do to regain their trust.
STORY OF THE ELEMENTS: You have developed the ability to speak to land itself, and learn its secrets. When you survey an area, you may ask an additional question drawn from the following list, even on a miss:
- What elements are hidden here?
- How can the elements here can help me and my clutch?
On a miss, you awaken an ancient elemental spirit that was better left sleeping.
CHANNEL THE MOONS: When you stand up to a superior by making a display of elemental might, you may roll +Gems returned instead of +Courage.
CHANNEL ADULARE’S SPIRIT: When you spend time with your clutch soaking in an element — walking in the rain, bathing in fire, flying amongst the clouds — the elements will make a request. If you agree to fulfill it, you each return a Gem and remove a Shadow. If you fail to fulfill that request, the element will make its displeasure known. The DM will tell you what you must do to appease it.
You are not truly a dragon but a mere mouthpiece for the elements. You have no patience for petty matters; you are grand and eternal. Make sure your clutch knows how little the elements care for them. You are the Elementalist. Return from your Shadowself when a friend convinces you that dragonkind is significant, important, and valuable.
___ helped you connect with an element that was lost to the Darkness. Explain how they aided you, and give them a Friendship Gem.
You chose ___ to help you perform a sacred elemental duty. Tell them why you chose them, and take a Friendship Gem from them.
___ was injured by the elements that you summoned to fight the Darkness. Ask them how that experienced changed them, and give them a Friendship Gem.
"Powerful, mystical, stranger. The Elementalist draws power from an ancient dragonian tradition to tap into all of the fundamental elements embedded into the land at the time of its creation. You can wield the elements in your battle against the Darkness, shaping them into living, thinking constructs."
Starting Stats:
Charm: 0
Courage: -1
Cunning: +1
Choose one: Confidence or Loyalty
House & Obligation:
Choose one:
Myndoth, the House of Oak: Uncover or renew a place of elemental power.
Kebros, the House of Ruby: Solve a riddle or mystery about the elements.
Your signature move is...
FROM CHAOS, PURPOSE: When you channel the elements to create life, roll +Cunning. On a hit, you craft the elements into a useful assistant for your efforts; describe the form your construct takes and pick the gifts it offers (below). Once your construct has exhausted its gifts, it returns to the elements. You must make an
offering to the elements before you can summon another construct. On a 10+, pick 2 gifts. On a 7-9, pick 1 gift. On a miss, pick 1 gift, but the construct demands a great sacrifice for your offering before it departs.
- the construct provides protection; it can mark a Shadow for you or your friends.
- the construct conducts power; take +1 forward to act despite danger.
- the construct grants insight; take +1 forward to survey or study
- the construct pleases Adulare; take +1 forward to call upon the moons
- the construct unites your clutch; treat an attempt to help as if you rolled 10+
When you advance your signature move, you may choose an additional gift when you summon a construct. Tell the DM why the elements favor your clutch’s efforts.
And pick one more of the following...
ELEMENTAL SHIELD: When you call upon the elements to protect someone or something from danger, roll +Cunning. On a hit, the elements themselves rise up in defense, so long as you maintain your concentration. On a 7-9, the elements protect you, but they also reveal their wild and unstoppable nature in turn. On a miss, the elements find your request petty or unworthy; the DM will tell you what you must do to regain their trust.
STORY OF THE ELEMENTS: You have developed the ability to speak to land itself, and learn its secrets. When you survey an area, you may ask an additional question drawn from the following list, even on a miss:
- What elements are hidden here?
- How can the elements here can help me and my clutch?
On a miss, you awaken an ancient elemental spirit that was better left sleeping.
CHANNEL THE MOONS: When you stand up to a superior by making a display of elemental might, you may roll +Gems returned instead of +Courage.
CHANNEL ADULARE’S SPIRIT: When you spend time with your clutch soaking in an element — walking in the rain, bathing in fire, flying amongst the clouds — the elements will make a request. If you agree to fulfill it, you each return a Gem and remove a Shadow. If you fail to fulfill that request, the element will make its displeasure known. The DM will tell you what you must do to appease it.
You are not truly a dragon but a mere mouthpiece for the elements. You have no patience for petty matters; you are grand and eternal. Make sure your clutch knows how little the elements care for them. You are the Elementalist. Return from your Shadowself when a friend convinces you that dragonkind is significant, important, and valuable.
___ helped you connect with an element that was lost to the Darkness. Explain how they aided you, and give them a Friendship Gem.
You chose ___ to help you perform a sacred elemental duty. Tell them why you chose them, and take a Friendship Gem from them.
___ was injured by the elements that you summoned to fight the Darkness. Ask them how that experienced changed them, and give them a Friendship Gem.
The Envoy
"Diplomatic, social, friendly. The Envoy is devoted to making peace between the Houses, presenting a unified front against the Darkness. You play a noble role, one that navigates social waters to strengthen institutions and dragonkin as a whole for the betterment of all."
Starting Stats:
Charm: +1
Courage: -1
Cunning: 0
Choose one: Compromise or Justice
House & Obligation:
Choose one:
Semscale, the House of Jade: Get at least two dragons from different Houses to agree to a deal.
Brynback, the House of Steel: Convince a dragon not of your House that your plan is best.
Your signature move is...
FAMILIAR FACE: You frequently travel, speaking with all manner of dragonkind. Sometimes dragons remember you fondly from one of your previous encounters. Mark one social arena where your dragon is known:
[] Academic debates, where everyone is so well-read.
[] Diplomatic functions, where important political discussions happen.
[] High society parties, where the well-to-do chat and gossip.
[] Military committees, where strategies of battles are decided.
[] Occult circles, where arguments on arcane theory occur.
Once per session, when you meet a significant dragon (your call), roll +Charm. On a hit, you have met this dragon previously; tell the story of how the two of you met. On a 10+, the dragon owes you a small favor and is interested in repaying it. On a miss, you owe them a debt for a previous breach of etiquette.
When you advance your signature move, mark another social arena. Tell the DM which dragon introduced you to a new aspect of dragon society.
And pick one more of the following...
ABSORBING ASSESSMENT: When you assess a new opponent in a debate, roll +Charm. On a 7-9, you may ask the DM one question from the list below. On a 10+, ask 2 questions. Take a +1 ongoing while using the information in your strategy.
- What is my opponent’s objective?
- What oral strategy or arguments will my opponent use?
- What will my opponent do if I win (or lose) this debate?
CHARISMATIC CANDOR: When you speak honestly with a character, they can ask you one question from the list below. If you answer it truthfully, you may then ask them a question from the list. They must answer truthfully.
- Whom do you really serve?
- What do you most desire?
- Who is your worst enemy?
- What would cause you to stop fighting?
CHARMING COLLABORATION: When you arbitrate a conflict for two or more of your friends, give a Gem to each party and tell them how to solve their problem. If they agree to your solution, gain +1 ongoing to help them implement your idea, and tell them to mark experience when they bring it to fruition. If they reject your offer, mark a Shadow.
MAGNETIC MANIPULATION: When you help or hinder a Clutchmate by highlighting their personal qualities or failings, roll +Charm instead of +Gems. On a miss, your words strike at their insecurities or doubts; tell them to mark a Shadow.
You are a player in a game of words and ideas. You manipulate and twist others around your talons to make them dance to your purpose, and your purpose alone. Make sure your clutch knows how easily you can twist them with words. You are the Envoy. Return from your Shadowself when a friend convinces you that others are more than
tools for you to manipulate as you choose.
___ asked you to mediate a conflict between two Elder dragons within their House. Explain their disagreement, and take a Friendship Gem.
___ taught you a skill you’ve come to rely upon during your diplomatic efforts. Tell them how they instructed you, and give them a Friendship Gem.
___ insisted that you join the clutch when you were hesitant or nervous. Explain how they exemplified your virtue, and give them a Friendship Gem.
"Diplomatic, social, friendly. The Envoy is devoted to making peace between the Houses, presenting a unified front against the Darkness. You play a noble role, one that navigates social waters to strengthen institutions and dragonkin as a whole for the betterment of all."
Starting Stats:
Charm: +1
Courage: -1
Cunning: 0
Choose one: Compromise or Justice
House & Obligation:
Choose one:
Semscale, the House of Jade: Get at least two dragons from different Houses to agree to a deal.
Brynback, the House of Steel: Convince a dragon not of your House that your plan is best.
Your signature move is...
FAMILIAR FACE: You frequently travel, speaking with all manner of dragonkind. Sometimes dragons remember you fondly from one of your previous encounters. Mark one social arena where your dragon is known:
[] Academic debates, where everyone is so well-read.
[] Diplomatic functions, where important political discussions happen.
[] High society parties, where the well-to-do chat and gossip.
[] Military committees, where strategies of battles are decided.
[] Occult circles, where arguments on arcane theory occur.
Once per session, when you meet a significant dragon (your call), roll +Charm. On a hit, you have met this dragon previously; tell the story of how the two of you met. On a 10+, the dragon owes you a small favor and is interested in repaying it. On a miss, you owe them a debt for a previous breach of etiquette.
When you advance your signature move, mark another social arena. Tell the DM which dragon introduced you to a new aspect of dragon society.
And pick one more of the following...
ABSORBING ASSESSMENT: When you assess a new opponent in a debate, roll +Charm. On a 7-9, you may ask the DM one question from the list below. On a 10+, ask 2 questions. Take a +1 ongoing while using the information in your strategy.
- What is my opponent’s objective?
- What oral strategy or arguments will my opponent use?
- What will my opponent do if I win (or lose) this debate?
CHARISMATIC CANDOR: When you speak honestly with a character, they can ask you one question from the list below. If you answer it truthfully, you may then ask them a question from the list. They must answer truthfully.
- Whom do you really serve?
- What do you most desire?
- Who is your worst enemy?
- What would cause you to stop fighting?
CHARMING COLLABORATION: When you arbitrate a conflict for two or more of your friends, give a Gem to each party and tell them how to solve their problem. If they agree to your solution, gain +1 ongoing to help them implement your idea, and tell them to mark experience when they bring it to fruition. If they reject your offer, mark a Shadow.
MAGNETIC MANIPULATION: When you help or hinder a Clutchmate by highlighting their personal qualities or failings, roll +Charm instead of +Gems. On a miss, your words strike at their insecurities or doubts; tell them to mark a Shadow.
You are a player in a game of words and ideas. You manipulate and twist others around your talons to make them dance to your purpose, and your purpose alone. Make sure your clutch knows how easily you can twist them with words. You are the Envoy. Return from your Shadowself when a friend convinces you that others are more than
tools for you to manipulate as you choose.
___ asked you to mediate a conflict between two Elder dragons within their House. Explain their disagreement, and take a Friendship Gem.
___ taught you a skill you’ve come to rely upon during your diplomatic efforts. Tell them how they instructed you, and give them a Friendship Gem.
___ insisted that you join the clutch when you were hesitant or nervous. Explain how they exemplified your virtue, and give them a Friendship Gem.
The Nature Adept
"You know the true splendor of the wilds. Creatures of the land sing a familiar song that reminds you of home, and they hear your roar as they would hear one of their own. But what are the Moonlit Isles to you? Can it be your home as well? Only your friendships can help you see the value of dragon culture and realize the promise of living in two worlds."
Starting Stats:
Charm: +1
Courage: -1
Cunning: 0
Choose one: Honour or independence
House & Obligation:
Choose one:
Myndoth, the House of Oak: Avoid detection or infiltrate a location.
Tessith, the House of Diamond: Restore a symbol or sanctuary of the wild.
Your signature move is...
WILD SPEECH: You share this world with beasts and other creatures of the wild. The calls of these creatures are a second language to you. You can understand and communicate with animals in a basic tongue of the land, allowing you to study them, convince them, and mislead or trick them as if they were sapient beings.
When you advance your signature move, mark one of the following as an additional native tongue:
[] water
[] stone
[] fire
[] air
[] wood
[] metal
Tell the DM how you mastered a new language of the elements.
And pick one more of the following...
MASTER OF TWO WORLDS: When you act despite danger while traveling through the wild, roll +Charm instead of +Courage.
SPIRIT GUIDE: You have attracted the attention of the land itself. A small spirit guide follows you wherever you go, offering aid and counsel. When you ask your spirit guide for advice, roll +Charm. On a 10+, mark experience and take +1 forward if you follow its guidance. On a 7–9, take a +1 forward if you do as it says and mark
a Shadow if you don’t. On a miss, the spirit is insistent; if you ignore its advice, it leaves your side until you are able to make amends.
SMOKESCREEN: When you keep still in natural surroundings, you blend in and are nearly invisible. Enemies cannot spot you until you move or speak.
BEAST OF THE LAND: When you commune with the spirits native to the land, roll +Charm. On a 10+, they impart their wisdom upon you; ask two of the following questions. On a 7–9, ask 1. On a miss, the spirits are in trouble and need help with a ritual of their own.
- How can I nurture this place?
- What does this place want from us?
- What last visited this place?
- What spirits dance here?
You are pure and one with nature. Dragonkind is a distant memory, a false artifice obscuring the true destiny of the land. Make sure your clutch knows how much you value the wild over dragonkind. You are The Nature Adept. Return from your Shadowself when a friend convinces you to acknowledge the value of dragon culture.
___ was a voice of reason in your Clutch when dealing with older dragons. Explain how they exemplified your virtue, and give them a Gem.
___ helped you defend a sacred space against the Darkness. Explain how they exemplified your virtue, and give them a Gem.
You have taught ___ to listen to an animal of the wilds. Tell them which wild creature. Take a Gem from them.
"You know the true splendor of the wilds. Creatures of the land sing a familiar song that reminds you of home, and they hear your roar as they would hear one of their own. But what are the Moonlit Isles to you? Can it be your home as well? Only your friendships can help you see the value of dragon culture and realize the promise of living in two worlds."
Starting Stats:
Charm: +1
Courage: -1
Cunning: 0
Choose one: Honour or independence
House & Obligation:
Choose one:
Myndoth, the House of Oak: Avoid detection or infiltrate a location.
Tessith, the House of Diamond: Restore a symbol or sanctuary of the wild.
Your signature move is...
WILD SPEECH: You share this world with beasts and other creatures of the wild. The calls of these creatures are a second language to you. You can understand and communicate with animals in a basic tongue of the land, allowing you to study them, convince them, and mislead or trick them as if they were sapient beings.
When you advance your signature move, mark one of the following as an additional native tongue:
[] water
[] stone
[] fire
[] air
[] wood
[] metal
Tell the DM how you mastered a new language of the elements.
And pick one more of the following...
MASTER OF TWO WORLDS: When you act despite danger while traveling through the wild, roll +Charm instead of +Courage.
SPIRIT GUIDE: You have attracted the attention of the land itself. A small spirit guide follows you wherever you go, offering aid and counsel. When you ask your spirit guide for advice, roll +Charm. On a 10+, mark experience and take +1 forward if you follow its guidance. On a 7–9, take a +1 forward if you do as it says and mark
a Shadow if you don’t. On a miss, the spirit is insistent; if you ignore its advice, it leaves your side until you are able to make amends.
SMOKESCREEN: When you keep still in natural surroundings, you blend in and are nearly invisible. Enemies cannot spot you until you move or speak.
BEAST OF THE LAND: When you commune with the spirits native to the land, roll +Charm. On a 10+, they impart their wisdom upon you; ask two of the following questions. On a 7–9, ask 1. On a miss, the spirits are in trouble and need help with a ritual of their own.
- How can I nurture this place?
- What does this place want from us?
- What last visited this place?
- What spirits dance here?
You are pure and one with nature. Dragonkind is a distant memory, a false artifice obscuring the true destiny of the land. Make sure your clutch knows how much you value the wild over dragonkind. You are The Nature Adept. Return from your Shadowself when a friend convinces you to acknowledge the value of dragon culture.
___ was a voice of reason in your Clutch when dealing with older dragons. Explain how they exemplified your virtue, and give them a Gem.
___ helped you defend a sacred space against the Darkness. Explain how they exemplified your virtue, and give them a Gem.
You have taught ___ to listen to an animal of the wilds. Tell them which wild creature. Take a Gem from them.
The Orphan
"Destined, unique, solitary. You’re defined not by your upbringing, but by what you make of yourself. You have an important role to play in Adulare, even though you don’t know which House to call your own. Despite your fears, your future holds great things... and your friends stand by your side."
Starting Stats:
Charm: 0
Courage: +1
Cunning: -1
Choose one: Faith or Empathy
House & Obligation:
As an Orphan, you have no House and no obligation to one. Instead, choose how you will discover your true destiny:
Path of Omens: Discover an artifact or tome connected to your fate.
Path of Trials: Face danger to uncover more about your future.
Your signature move is...
THIS IS MY DESTINY: Your fate is intertwined with Adulare’s future, now and forever. Pick two portents the seers have revealed about what is to come:
[] you will defeat a great enemy in battle
[] you will discover a dark secret of the Moons
[] you will prevent a terrible, natural disaster
[] you will uncover a shadowy, dragon conspiracy
[] you will recover an important ritual, once lost
[] you will restore an ancient or sacred place
At the beginning of the session, roll +Courage. On a 7-9, hold 1. On a 10+, hold 2. Spend your hold, 1 for 1, to take a 10+ instead of rolling when acting despite danger to move closer to your destiny. On a miss, you still hold 1, but a dark omen comes to light that reveals more about your role in shaping Adulare’s fate.
When you advance your signature move, add another basic move to This is My Destiny. You can spend your hold to take a 10+ instead of rolling on that additional move. Tell the DM which dragon’s display of Housely virtue expanded your horizons.
[] Mislead or Trick
[] Study Another
[] Convince Another
[] Stand Up to Someone
[] Survey an Area
And pick one more of the following...
I SEE POTENTIAL HERE: Choose a House in which you have a loyal Elder ally who has mentored you in the past. When you stand up to an older dragon from that House, choose an extra option from the first list, even on a miss.
CHAMELEON: When you mislead or trick another dragon by pretending to be from their House, roll +Courage instead of +Cunning. On a miss, they demand that you fulfill an obligation for the House that’s clearly beyond your abilities.
DESTINY CALLS: When you visit somewhere important to your or your destiny (your call), roll +Courage. On a hit, ask 2 questions from the list below. On a 10+, you can also ask the GM a followup question not on the list.
- What role might this place play in my future?
- What’s important here that the others miss?
- How might my destiny awaken this place?
- Where should I go next to fulfill my destiny?
On a miss, the GM reveals a dark omen of your destiny that has been concealed.
SEEK THE PATH: When you consult an older dragon for advice, roll +Courage. On a hit, they reveal new information about your past or future that is useful to your current problems. On a 10+, your counselor devotes serious thought to the issue you’ve raised; ask a followup question. On a miss, the older dragon’s advice causes you to remember your own role in the problems you face; mark a Shadow.
Your loneliness is your strength. You can prove the doubters wrong without any help from your clutch. You will act alone to save Adulare. You are the Orphan. Return from your Shadowself when a friend convinces you that friendship can be as strong as any family tie, and that the family you chose is as important as the family that hatched you.
___ was a friend to you when you felt all alone in the face of your destiny. Explain how they exemplified your virtue and give them a Friendship
___ is consumed by the Isle’s immediate problems; you will show them why they must focus on the future. Take a Friendship Gem from them.
___ showed you that the Darkness lingers everywhere. Tell them what Darkness you see in them, and take a Friendship Gem from them.
"Destined, unique, solitary. You’re defined not by your upbringing, but by what you make of yourself. You have an important role to play in Adulare, even though you don’t know which House to call your own. Despite your fears, your future holds great things... and your friends stand by your side."
Starting Stats:
Charm: 0
Courage: +1
Cunning: -1
Choose one: Faith or Empathy
House & Obligation:
As an Orphan, you have no House and no obligation to one. Instead, choose how you will discover your true destiny:
Path of Omens: Discover an artifact or tome connected to your fate.
Path of Trials: Face danger to uncover more about your future.
Your signature move is...
THIS IS MY DESTINY: Your fate is intertwined with Adulare’s future, now and forever. Pick two portents the seers have revealed about what is to come:
[] you will defeat a great enemy in battle
[] you will discover a dark secret of the Moons
[] you will prevent a terrible, natural disaster
[] you will uncover a shadowy, dragon conspiracy
[] you will recover an important ritual, once lost
[] you will restore an ancient or sacred place
At the beginning of the session, roll +Courage. On a 7-9, hold 1. On a 10+, hold 2. Spend your hold, 1 for 1, to take a 10+ instead of rolling when acting despite danger to move closer to your destiny. On a miss, you still hold 1, but a dark omen comes to light that reveals more about your role in shaping Adulare’s fate.
When you advance your signature move, add another basic move to This is My Destiny. You can spend your hold to take a 10+ instead of rolling on that additional move. Tell the DM which dragon’s display of Housely virtue expanded your horizons.
[] Mislead or Trick
[] Study Another
[] Convince Another
[] Stand Up to Someone
[] Survey an Area
And pick one more of the following...
I SEE POTENTIAL HERE: Choose a House in which you have a loyal Elder ally who has mentored you in the past. When you stand up to an older dragon from that House, choose an extra option from the first list, even on a miss.
CHAMELEON: When you mislead or trick another dragon by pretending to be from their House, roll +Courage instead of +Cunning. On a miss, they demand that you fulfill an obligation for the House that’s clearly beyond your abilities.
DESTINY CALLS: When you visit somewhere important to your or your destiny (your call), roll +Courage. On a hit, ask 2 questions from the list below. On a 10+, you can also ask the GM a followup question not on the list.
- What role might this place play in my future?
- What’s important here that the others miss?
- How might my destiny awaken this place?
- Where should I go next to fulfill my destiny?
On a miss, the GM reveals a dark omen of your destiny that has been concealed.
SEEK THE PATH: When you consult an older dragon for advice, roll +Courage. On a hit, they reveal new information about your past or future that is useful to your current problems. On a 10+, your counselor devotes serious thought to the issue you’ve raised; ask a followup question. On a miss, the older dragon’s advice causes you to remember your own role in the problems you face; mark a Shadow.
Your loneliness is your strength. You can prove the doubters wrong without any help from your clutch. You will act alone to save Adulare. You are the Orphan. Return from your Shadowself when a friend convinces you that friendship can be as strong as any family tie, and that the family you chose is as important as the family that hatched you.
___ was a friend to you when you felt all alone in the face of your destiny. Explain how they exemplified your virtue and give them a Friendship
___ is consumed by the Isle’s immediate problems; you will show them why they must focus on the future. Take a Friendship Gem from them.
___ showed you that the Darkness lingers everywhere. Tell them what Darkness you see in them, and take a Friendship Gem from them.
The Rebel
"Fiery, bold, righteous. The Rebel stands within the Moonlit Isles sees its flaws, and aims at changing them, no matter who stands in their way. You are a necessary voice, though not always beloved by the powers that be."
Starting Stats:
Charm: -1
Courage: 0
Cunning: +1
Choose one: Audacity or Compassion
House & Obligation:
You have abandoned your house. Why did you leave? Choose one.
Banished by your Elders: Show mercy to someone in need.
Self-imposed Exile: Investigate the promises of someone in power.
Your signature move is...
READ THE FLOW: You are adept at understanding society. When you spend time amongst the members of a community, roll +Cunning. On a 10+, ask three questions from the list below. On a 7-9, ask two. On a miss, ask one question, but someone important from that community takes issue with you snooping around. The DM will always answer your questions honestly.
- what unique traditions do they hold dear?
- who in this community is being treated unfairly?
- who holds the real power here?
- in what way would change benefit this community?
- who here needs my help the most?
When you advance your signature move, mark a benefit you gain after reading the flow:
[] take +1 ongoing to convincing someone to help you within that community.
[] always ask at least one question when you study another, even on a miss, when studying someone of that community.
[] add “You make them nervous, they will take you seriously from now on” to your options when you stand up to a superior from that community.
[] take +1 forward to mislead or trick someone from that community.
And pick one more of the following...
KINDLING THE FIRE: When you give a speech to inspire a group of dragons to action, roll +Cunning. On a 10+ pick two, on a 7-9 pick one.
- they will each act in some small, personal way towards your goal
- one among them will make a stand, sacrifice something, or make a big change
- those your ideas threaten won’t punish you for what you’ve said
On a miss, you inspire them to take unpredictable or excessive action.
GETAWAY PLAN: When you make your escape, roll +Cunning. On a 10+ you’re able to get away from whatever’s threatening you, for now. On a 7-9, the same, but you have to make a sacrifice to get away; the DM will tell you what its costs you. On a miss, there’s no way out but through. You’ll have to face this one head-on.
STIR UP TROUBLE: When you spread rumors about a member of the community, roll +Cunning. On a 10+ pick two, on a 7-9, pick one:
- mostly everyone will believe what you’ve said, for now
- nobody will know it was you who started the rumors
- there’s no negative fallout for anyone you care about
On a miss, your clever machinations are exposed by other community members friendly to your target; expect to pay a cost for your words.
SACRIFICE FOR A FRIEND: When you help a clutchmate by putting yourself in danger, mark a Shadow to take a 10+ instead of rolling. If you use this move to mark the fourth Shadow, only the friend you helped can bring you back.
You know what the world needs, what must be done to fix Adulare and make it fair, just, and equal. You will make those changes yourself, whatever the cost. Make sure the rest of your clutch knows what needs to change and how righteous you are your quest for justice. You are the Rebel. Return from your Shadowself when a friend convinces you to see how your plans might make things worse for others.
___ convinced the clutch to take you in after you left your House. Explain how they exemplified your virtue, and give them a Friendship Gem.
___ worked with you to expose the treachery of an Elder dragon who had fallen to the Darkness. Give them a Friendship Gem.
You have helped ___ to question one flawed tradition of their House. Tell them what it was, and take a Friendship Gem from them.
"Fiery, bold, righteous. The Rebel stands within the Moonlit Isles sees its flaws, and aims at changing them, no matter who stands in their way. You are a necessary voice, though not always beloved by the powers that be."
Starting Stats:
Charm: -1
Courage: 0
Cunning: +1
Choose one: Audacity or Compassion
House & Obligation:
You have abandoned your house. Why did you leave? Choose one.
Banished by your Elders: Show mercy to someone in need.
Self-imposed Exile: Investigate the promises of someone in power.
Your signature move is...
READ THE FLOW: You are adept at understanding society. When you spend time amongst the members of a community, roll +Cunning. On a 10+, ask three questions from the list below. On a 7-9, ask two. On a miss, ask one question, but someone important from that community takes issue with you snooping around. The DM will always answer your questions honestly.
- what unique traditions do they hold dear?
- who in this community is being treated unfairly?
- who holds the real power here?
- in what way would change benefit this community?
- who here needs my help the most?
When you advance your signature move, mark a benefit you gain after reading the flow:
[] take +1 ongoing to convincing someone to help you within that community.
[] always ask at least one question when you study another, even on a miss, when studying someone of that community.
[] add “You make them nervous, they will take you seriously from now on” to your options when you stand up to a superior from that community.
[] take +1 forward to mislead or trick someone from that community.
And pick one more of the following...
KINDLING THE FIRE: When you give a speech to inspire a group of dragons to action, roll +Cunning. On a 10+ pick two, on a 7-9 pick one.
- they will each act in some small, personal way towards your goal
- one among them will make a stand, sacrifice something, or make a big change
- those your ideas threaten won’t punish you for what you’ve said
On a miss, you inspire them to take unpredictable or excessive action.
GETAWAY PLAN: When you make your escape, roll +Cunning. On a 10+ you’re able to get away from whatever’s threatening you, for now. On a 7-9, the same, but you have to make a sacrifice to get away; the DM will tell you what its costs you. On a miss, there’s no way out but through. You’ll have to face this one head-on.
STIR UP TROUBLE: When you spread rumors about a member of the community, roll +Cunning. On a 10+ pick two, on a 7-9, pick one:
- mostly everyone will believe what you’ve said, for now
- nobody will know it was you who started the rumors
- there’s no negative fallout for anyone you care about
On a miss, your clever machinations are exposed by other community members friendly to your target; expect to pay a cost for your words.
SACRIFICE FOR A FRIEND: When you help a clutchmate by putting yourself in danger, mark a Shadow to take a 10+ instead of rolling. If you use this move to mark the fourth Shadow, only the friend you helped can bring you back.
You know what the world needs, what must be done to fix Adulare and make it fair, just, and equal. You will make those changes yourself, whatever the cost. Make sure the rest of your clutch knows what needs to change and how righteous you are your quest for justice. You are the Rebel. Return from your Shadowself when a friend convinces you to see how your plans might make things worse for others.
___ convinced the clutch to take you in after you left your House. Explain how they exemplified your virtue, and give them a Friendship Gem.
___ worked with you to expose the treachery of an Elder dragon who had fallen to the Darkness. Give them a Friendship Gem.
You have helped ___ to question one flawed tradition of their House. Tell them what it was, and take a Friendship Gem from them.
The Seer
"The darkness spoke to you at an early age. You see the approaching horror and work to fight against it, yet others don’t always trust or believe you. You have grown close to the Darkness to learn its secrets, but do not forget your true allies. Your friendships are the light that keeps you from falling to the Darkness."
Starting Stats:
Charm: +1
Courage: 0
Cunning: -1
Choose one: Creativity or Empathy
House & Obligation:
Choose one.
Kebros, the House of Ruby: Mark a Shadow while engaging the Darkness.
Semscale, the House of Jade: Use secret knowledge of the Darkness to aid another.
Your signature move is...
HAUNTING VISIONS: You are haunted by visions of the darkness. At the start of the session, roll +Charm. On a hit, you’ve seen a vision of the Darkness that will aid your Clutch’s efforts; learn something useful and interesting about the tasks at hand. On a 10+, you’ve seen the true face of the Darkness; ask the DM a followup question as well. On a miss, your vision is too dark to aid you; the future it foretells is grim and painful.
When you advance this move, mark a new feature for your visions. When you roll Haunting Vision, you may:
- share your vision with a Clutchmate; take +1 forward to your Haunting Vision roll.
- prepare your mind; ask an additional question (even on a miss).
- guide your vision; tell the DM what aspect of Adulare your vision will concern.
- defy your future; offer a +1 forward to a Clutchmate to alter what you have seen.
Tell the DM which dragons helped you gain the strength to master your visions.
And pick one more of the following...
ONE OF THEM: When you mislead or trick someone corrupted by the Darkness, roll +Charm instead of +Cunning.
WYRMTONGUE: Return a Gem and ask the Darkness for something you need. The DM will tell you what it costs. If you pay the price, the Darkness will deliver it.
SECRET CATCHER: Add the following options to study another before they have seen you:
- What secrets is your character hiding?
- What has the Darkness offered to you in your moments of weakness?
- How do you think we are alike?
TOUCH THE DARKNESS: When you consume a piece of the Darkness, roll +Charm. On a hit, the Darkness gives you a vision and answers your questions. On a hit, choose one from the list below. On a 10+, choose two. The visions...
- ... are lucid and detailed; clear a Shadow.
- ... show you what you need to do; take +1 forward to do it.
- ... reveal the role a dragon will play in the events to come; give +1 forward to a Clutchmate.
On a 7-9, choose one from the list below as well. The visions...
- ... corrupt your soul; mark a Shadow.
- ... distance you from others; return a Gem.
- ... attack your weakened body, take -1 forward.
On a miss, you attract the attention of the Darkness itself.
You are magnetic and persuasive. You know dragonkin cannot be trusted any more than the Darkness can; you may have to traffic in lies and backroom deals to get things done. Make sure your clutch knows you are willing to sacrifice their feelings to get the job done. You are the Seer. Return from your Shadowself when a friend convinces you to trust a dragon you do not know.
___ ’s knowledge is unparalleled within the Clutch, but they do not see the danger ahead. Take a Gem from them.
___ helped save you from the Darkness. Explain how they exemplified your virtue. Give them a Gem.
You dreamed of ___ long before you two met. Tell them what the dream was about and take a Gem from them.
"The darkness spoke to you at an early age. You see the approaching horror and work to fight against it, yet others don’t always trust or believe you. You have grown close to the Darkness to learn its secrets, but do not forget your true allies. Your friendships are the light that keeps you from falling to the Darkness."
Starting Stats:
Charm: +1
Courage: 0
Cunning: -1
Choose one: Creativity or Empathy
House & Obligation:
Choose one.
Kebros, the House of Ruby: Mark a Shadow while engaging the Darkness.
Semscale, the House of Jade: Use secret knowledge of the Darkness to aid another.
Your signature move is...
HAUNTING VISIONS: You are haunted by visions of the darkness. At the start of the session, roll +Charm. On a hit, you’ve seen a vision of the Darkness that will aid your Clutch’s efforts; learn something useful and interesting about the tasks at hand. On a 10+, you’ve seen the true face of the Darkness; ask the DM a followup question as well. On a miss, your vision is too dark to aid you; the future it foretells is grim and painful.
When you advance this move, mark a new feature for your visions. When you roll Haunting Vision, you may:
- share your vision with a Clutchmate; take +1 forward to your Haunting Vision roll.
- prepare your mind; ask an additional question (even on a miss).
- guide your vision; tell the DM what aspect of Adulare your vision will concern.
- defy your future; offer a +1 forward to a Clutchmate to alter what you have seen.
Tell the DM which dragons helped you gain the strength to master your visions.
And pick one more of the following...
ONE OF THEM: When you mislead or trick someone corrupted by the Darkness, roll +Charm instead of +Cunning.
WYRMTONGUE: Return a Gem and ask the Darkness for something you need. The DM will tell you what it costs. If you pay the price, the Darkness will deliver it.
SECRET CATCHER: Add the following options to study another before they have seen you:
- What secrets is your character hiding?
- What has the Darkness offered to you in your moments of weakness?
- How do you think we are alike?
TOUCH THE DARKNESS: When you consume a piece of the Darkness, roll +Charm. On a hit, the Darkness gives you a vision and answers your questions. On a hit, choose one from the list below. On a 10+, choose two. The visions...
- ... are lucid and detailed; clear a Shadow.
- ... show you what you need to do; take +1 forward to do it.
- ... reveal the role a dragon will play in the events to come; give +1 forward to a Clutchmate.
On a 7-9, choose one from the list below as well. The visions...
- ... corrupt your soul; mark a Shadow.
- ... distance you from others; return a Gem.
- ... attack your weakened body, take -1 forward.
On a miss, you attract the attention of the Darkness itself.
You are magnetic and persuasive. You know dragonkin cannot be trusted any more than the Darkness can; you may have to traffic in lies and backroom deals to get things done. Make sure your clutch knows you are willing to sacrifice their feelings to get the job done. You are the Seer. Return from your Shadowself when a friend convinces you to trust a dragon you do not know.
___ ’s knowledge is unparalleled within the Clutch, but they do not see the danger ahead. Take a Gem from them.
___ helped save you from the Darkness. Explain how they exemplified your virtue. Give them a Gem.
You dreamed of ___ long before you two met. Tell them what the dream was about and take a Gem from them.
The Trickster
"Brash, convincing, sly. The Trickster knows that nothing in Adulare is truly what it seems. You love exposing the true nature of those around you, their joy and sorrow at your jokes and illusions a welcome sign that you’ve played your cards just right. After all, the Darkness will have won if everyone becomes nothing but hulking, grumpy spoilsports."
Starting Stats:
Charm: +1
Courage: 0
Cunning: -1
Choose one: Audacity or Wit
House & Obligation:
Choose one.
Tessith, the House of Diamond: Show kindness to a dragon who needs a friend.
Rothscar, the House of Gold: Trick someone into helping you build something.
Your signature move is...
THE LONG GAME: When you reveal how an earlier failure is part of your larger plan, describe your machinations and roll +Charm. On a 10+, pick 2. On a 7-9, pick 1.
- you’ve created an opportunity; the DM will tell you how you or an ally can claim it.
- you’ve seized a position or resource; take +1 ongoing when you make use of it.
- you’ve hidden something important; tell the DM why it might be revealed again.
On a miss, you’re the one who is blindsided by your own cleverness; your feint plays right into the hands of your opposition to disastrous and immediate effect.
When you advance your signature move, mark a new potential benefit to your increasingly complex schemes. When you roll The Long Game, you may also find that:
[] you’ve discovered a secret; ask the DM a question, and they will answer honestly.
[] you’ve rallied your friends; tell one clutchmate (your choice) to clear a Shadow.
[] you’ve secured your next move; take 10+ instead of rolling to act despite danger.
[] you’ve attracted a new ally; your opposition will have to deal with them first.
Tell the DM how one of your enemies taught you this new trick, intentionally or not.
And pick one more of the following...
A TONGUE OF SILVER: When you mislead or trick someone with fanciful stories or invented histories, roll +Charm instead of +Cunning. On a miss, your falsehoods cost you much more than the truth could have charged.
WOLF’S CLOTHING: When you pretend to ally yourself with a gullible enemy, roll +Charm. On a hit, they truly believe that you have switched sides, at least for now. On a 10+, take +1 ongoing to maintain the ruse. On a miss, they demand proof of your loyalties right now; give it to them, and they’ll welcome you with open arms.
MIRROR IMAGE : When you are trapped or injured, return a Friendship Gem and roll +Charm. On a hit, you reveal that your form was merely an illusion. On a 10+, your true location is still hidden from your enemies. Take +1 forward and tell the DM when you are ready to reveal yourself. On a 7-9, you are immediately discovered, but
the confusion gives you an opportunity; the DM will tell you how to seize it. On a miss, something interfered with your clever plans to escape; mark a Shadow!
VIEW FROM WITHIN : When you study another in their home or workplace, add the following options to the list:
- What habits do you keep up day-to-day?
- What do your friends truly think of you?
- What mistakes do you regularly make?
When you use the information you gleaned to impersonate someone you studied, you may take a 10+ instead of rolling the first time you need to mislead, distract, or trick someone about your false identity.
You see the truths that everyone else avoids. They are so gullible, misled by the sweet lies of those who knows better. And you do know better, enough to trick everyone into doing things your way. Make sure your clutch knows how they’ve been duped, how they dance like puppets on your strings. You are the Trickster. Return from your Shadowself when a friend convinces you that some dragons will stand with you of their own free will.
___ is a fellow prankster, a lover of tricks and jokes just like you. Explain how they once got one over on you, and give them a Friendship Gem.
You know ___ looks to you when they want to get into trouble. Ask them how you exemplify their virtue and take a Friendship Gem from them.
___ gave you their trust and confidence at a time when you knew you didn’t deserve it. Ask them why they believed in you, and give them a Friendship Gem.
"Brash, convincing, sly. The Trickster knows that nothing in Adulare is truly what it seems. You love exposing the true nature of those around you, their joy and sorrow at your jokes and illusions a welcome sign that you’ve played your cards just right. After all, the Darkness will have won if everyone becomes nothing but hulking, grumpy spoilsports."
Starting Stats:
Charm: +1
Courage: 0
Cunning: -1
Choose one: Audacity or Wit
House & Obligation:
Choose one.
Tessith, the House of Diamond: Show kindness to a dragon who needs a friend.
Rothscar, the House of Gold: Trick someone into helping you build something.
Your signature move is...
THE LONG GAME: When you reveal how an earlier failure is part of your larger plan, describe your machinations and roll +Charm. On a 10+, pick 2. On a 7-9, pick 1.
- you’ve created an opportunity; the DM will tell you how you or an ally can claim it.
- you’ve seized a position or resource; take +1 ongoing when you make use of it.
- you’ve hidden something important; tell the DM why it might be revealed again.
On a miss, you’re the one who is blindsided by your own cleverness; your feint plays right into the hands of your opposition to disastrous and immediate effect.
When you advance your signature move, mark a new potential benefit to your increasingly complex schemes. When you roll The Long Game, you may also find that:
[] you’ve discovered a secret; ask the DM a question, and they will answer honestly.
[] you’ve rallied your friends; tell one clutchmate (your choice) to clear a Shadow.
[] you’ve secured your next move; take 10+ instead of rolling to act despite danger.
[] you’ve attracted a new ally; your opposition will have to deal with them first.
Tell the DM how one of your enemies taught you this new trick, intentionally or not.
And pick one more of the following...
A TONGUE OF SILVER: When you mislead or trick someone with fanciful stories or invented histories, roll +Charm instead of +Cunning. On a miss, your falsehoods cost you much more than the truth could have charged.
WOLF’S CLOTHING: When you pretend to ally yourself with a gullible enemy, roll +Charm. On a hit, they truly believe that you have switched sides, at least for now. On a 10+, take +1 ongoing to maintain the ruse. On a miss, they demand proof of your loyalties right now; give it to them, and they’ll welcome you with open arms.
MIRROR IMAGE : When you are trapped or injured, return a Friendship Gem and roll +Charm. On a hit, you reveal that your form was merely an illusion. On a 10+, your true location is still hidden from your enemies. Take +1 forward and tell the DM when you are ready to reveal yourself. On a 7-9, you are immediately discovered, but
the confusion gives you an opportunity; the DM will tell you how to seize it. On a miss, something interfered with your clever plans to escape; mark a Shadow!
VIEW FROM WITHIN : When you study another in their home or workplace, add the following options to the list:
- What habits do you keep up day-to-day?
- What do your friends truly think of you?
- What mistakes do you regularly make?
When you use the information you gleaned to impersonate someone you studied, you may take a 10+ instead of rolling the first time you need to mislead, distract, or trick someone about your false identity.
You see the truths that everyone else avoids. They are so gullible, misled by the sweet lies of those who knows better. And you do know better, enough to trick everyone into doing things your way. Make sure your clutch knows how they’ve been duped, how they dance like puppets on your strings. You are the Trickster. Return from your Shadowself when a friend convinces you that some dragons will stand with you of their own free will.
___ is a fellow prankster, a lover of tricks and jokes just like you. Explain how they once got one over on you, and give them a Friendship Gem.
You know ___ looks to you when they want to get into trouble. Ask them how you exemplify their virtue and take a Friendship Gem from them.
___ gave you their trust and confidence at a time when you knew you didn’t deserve it. Ask them why they believed in you, and give them a Friendship Gem.
The Warrior
"You are noble and strong. The Moonlit Isles is your home and you fight to defend it. You are an inspiration to your fellow dragons, but don’t try to take on too much by yourself. Your friends are strong and capable; give them a chance and they will surprise you.
Starting Stats:
Charm: 0
Courage: +1
Cunning: -1
Choose one: Daring or Humour
House & Obligation:
Choose one:
Brynbak, the House of Steel: Destroy an unnatural menace born of Darkness.
Tessith, the House of Diamond: Defend someone weaker than you from the Darkness.
Your signature move is...
SCALES OF HONOUR: You have dedicated your life to the betterment of dragonkind. Choose one boon:
[] A mark of lunar authority; take +1 ongoing to call upon the Moons.
[] A voice that penetrates the Darkness; take +1 ongoing to act despite danger in the face of the Darkness.
[] A lineage that commands respect; take +1 Charm (max +3).
[] An heirloom from the War of Shadow; take +1 ongoing to stand up to a superior.
[] A large and valuable hoard; take +1 ongoing to give into the Darkness.
Mark a Shadow each time you conceal or hide one or more of your boons.
When you advance your signature move, mark a new boon. Tell the DM which of your adventures has earned you such an honor.
And pick one more of the following...
BATTLE PLAN: When you face an enemy in combat, roll +Courage. On a hit, you can ask the DM questions. Whenever you act on one of the DM’s answers, take +1.
On a 10+, ask 2. On a 7–9, ask 1:
- Which enemy is most vulnerable to me?
- Which enemy is the biggest threat?
- What’s my enemy’s true position?
- What’s my enemy’s mission or objective?
On a miss, they catch you off guard. Take a -1 ongoing until you can assert your dominance or rally your allies.
DRAGONHEART: You are a true friend to your Clutchmates; you may give Gems to characters that act according to your virtue.
ALL FIRED UP: Once per session, you can return a Friendship Gem to act despite danger with a 10+.
LIES DO NOT BECOME US: When you speak frankly with a character, you can ask their player a question from the list below. If they answer it truthfully, they may then ask you a question from the list. You must answer truthfully.
- Whom do you really serve?
- What do you most desire?
- What do you most regret?
- Who have you truly wronged?
You are unstoppable, a hurricane whose might will singlehandedly shatter the Darkness. Adulare must be protected and no one else is strong enough to help you. Make sure the clutch knows you are the only one who can save Adulare. You are The Warrior. Return from your Shadowself when a friend convinces you to ask your Clutch for help.
___ has recently joined your Clutch and you are training them in the art of capital politics. Take a Gem from them.
___ has stood by your side in a fight against a monster of the Darkness. Explain how they exemplified your virtue. Give them a Gem.
___ was there when you were most vulnerable. Give them a Gem.
"You are noble and strong. The Moonlit Isles is your home and you fight to defend it. You are an inspiration to your fellow dragons, but don’t try to take on too much by yourself. Your friends are strong and capable; give them a chance and they will surprise you.
Starting Stats:
Charm: 0
Courage: +1
Cunning: -1
Choose one: Daring or Humour
House & Obligation:
Choose one:
Brynbak, the House of Steel: Destroy an unnatural menace born of Darkness.
Tessith, the House of Diamond: Defend someone weaker than you from the Darkness.
Your signature move is...
SCALES OF HONOUR: You have dedicated your life to the betterment of dragonkind. Choose one boon:
[] A mark of lunar authority; take +1 ongoing to call upon the Moons.
[] A voice that penetrates the Darkness; take +1 ongoing to act despite danger in the face of the Darkness.
[] A lineage that commands respect; take +1 Charm (max +3).
[] An heirloom from the War of Shadow; take +1 ongoing to stand up to a superior.
[] A large and valuable hoard; take +1 ongoing to give into the Darkness.
Mark a Shadow each time you conceal or hide one or more of your boons.
When you advance your signature move, mark a new boon. Tell the DM which of your adventures has earned you such an honor.
And pick one more of the following...
BATTLE PLAN: When you face an enemy in combat, roll +Courage. On a hit, you can ask the DM questions. Whenever you act on one of the DM’s answers, take +1.
On a 10+, ask 2. On a 7–9, ask 1:
- Which enemy is most vulnerable to me?
- Which enemy is the biggest threat?
- What’s my enemy’s true position?
- What’s my enemy’s mission or objective?
On a miss, they catch you off guard. Take a -1 ongoing until you can assert your dominance or rally your allies.
DRAGONHEART: You are a true friend to your Clutchmates; you may give Gems to characters that act according to your virtue.
ALL FIRED UP: Once per session, you can return a Friendship Gem to act despite danger with a 10+.
LIES DO NOT BECOME US: When you speak frankly with a character, you can ask their player a question from the list below. If they answer it truthfully, they may then ask you a question from the list. You must answer truthfully.
- Whom do you really serve?
- What do you most desire?
- What do you most regret?
- Who have you truly wronged?
You are unstoppable, a hurricane whose might will singlehandedly shatter the Darkness. Adulare must be protected and no one else is strong enough to help you. Make sure the clutch knows you are the only one who can save Adulare. You are The Warrior. Return from your Shadowself when a friend convinces you to ask your Clutch for help.
___ has recently joined your Clutch and you are training them in the art of capital politics. Take a Gem from them.
___ has stood by your side in a fight against a monster of the Darkness. Explain how they exemplified your virtue. Give them a Gem.
___ was there when you were most vulnerable. Give them a Gem.
Friendship Gems:
In the Basic Moves section, you may have noticed that some moves require 'Friendship Gems'. These represent the bonds you have between you and your clutchmates. Each friendship gem represents a moment when another character exemplified your virtue (detailed in the CS section) and earned your trust. These are represented by physical tokens that you are meant to pass to another player when their character displays the virtue you hold, regardless of the physical distance between your characters. These can be used with the Help or Hinder move, and the number of gems you have from a specific dragon increase your ability to help or hinder them. You can also give gems back to the player who gave them to you to help them use their Moon Magic move.
Given that this is a play-by-post roleplay, this part is going to be a little tricky to implement. To simplify this and so you guys don't have to update your CS as frequently, I will be using the zeroth post to keep track of this for you, using ♦ symbols to represent gems. These will be colour-coded based on your dragon's colour (see CS) to show which dragons gave you which gems. If its a gem that's been returned to you, it will be represented by your colour. All you need to do is tell me when you are giving or returning a gem to another dragon, and I will update the post.
Note: while the Moon Magic move spends the Gems you use, Help or Hinder does not. You keep hold of those gems until the time comes to return to the dragon who gave them to you.
Moon Magic:
The world of Adulare has five moons. Each moon allows for a specific type of Moon Magic, though how this magic manifests can be pretty free form. As a raw-scale drake, you have access to all the moons' power, but every time you age up, you lose access to one moon of your choice. (See the CS for more information about growing up.)
The moons are:
- Liberty Moon whose power lies in the domain of purification and freedom. Examples use of this moon's magic would be to banish a curse on an artifact or person, or break a chain or seal keeping something or someone contained.
- Spirit Moon whose vigor lies in the domain of growth and healing. Example uses of this moon's magic would be to mend a broken bone, revitalize an dying plant or animal, or accelerate the growth of a tree.
- Stone Moon whose strength lies in the domain of protection and resilience. Example uses of this moon's magic would be to create some shield or barrier between you and an enemy, or to strengthen someone's ability to take hits.
- Storm Moon whose fortitude lies in the domain of force and chaos. Example uses of this moon's magic would be to call forth the elements to aid you in some way, or to push someone back telekinetically.
- Void Moon whose energy lies in the domain of negation and deflection. Example uses of this moon's magic would be to deflect someone's attack, or remove some magical obstacle in your way.
If you need help deciding which moon you want to call upon to achieve a certain affect, we can always discuss it in the OOC. In Epyllion, dragons don't have the ability to breathe fire or other elements on their own, but you can use Moon Magic to simulate this ability.
In the Basic Moves section, you may have noticed that some moves require 'Friendship Gems'. These represent the bonds you have between you and your clutchmates. Each friendship gem represents a moment when another character exemplified your virtue (detailed in the CS section) and earned your trust. These are represented by physical tokens that you are meant to pass to another player when their character displays the virtue you hold, regardless of the physical distance between your characters. These can be used with the Help or Hinder move, and the number of gems you have from a specific dragon increase your ability to help or hinder them. You can also give gems back to the player who gave them to you to help them use their Moon Magic move.
Given that this is a play-by-post roleplay, this part is going to be a little tricky to implement. To simplify this and so you guys don't have to update your CS as frequently, I will be using the zeroth post to keep track of this for you, using ♦ symbols to represent gems. These will be colour-coded based on your dragon's colour (see CS) to show which dragons gave you which gems. If its a gem that's been returned to you, it will be represented by your colour. All you need to do is tell me when you are giving or returning a gem to another dragon, and I will update the post.
Note: while the Moon Magic move spends the Gems you use, Help or Hinder does not. You keep hold of those gems until the time comes to return to the dragon who gave them to you.
Moon Magic:
The world of Adulare has five moons. Each moon allows for a specific type of Moon Magic, though how this magic manifests can be pretty free form. As a raw-scale drake, you have access to all the moons' power, but every time you age up, you lose access to one moon of your choice. (See the CS for more information about growing up.)
The moons are:
- Liberty Moon whose power lies in the domain of purification and freedom. Examples use of this moon's magic would be to banish a curse on an artifact or person, or break a chain or seal keeping something or someone contained.
- Spirit Moon whose vigor lies in the domain of growth and healing. Example uses of this moon's magic would be to mend a broken bone, revitalize an dying plant or animal, or accelerate the growth of a tree.
- Stone Moon whose strength lies in the domain of protection and resilience. Example uses of this moon's magic would be to create some shield or barrier between you and an enemy, or to strengthen someone's ability to take hits.
- Storm Moon whose fortitude lies in the domain of force and chaos. Example uses of this moon's magic would be to call forth the elements to aid you in some way, or to push someone back telekinetically.
- Void Moon whose energy lies in the domain of negation and deflection. Example uses of this moon's magic would be to deflect someone's attack, or remove some magical obstacle in your way.
If you need help deciding which moon you want to call upon to achieve a certain affect, we can always discuss it in the OOC. In Epyllion, dragons don't have the ability to breathe fire or other elements on their own, but you can use Moon Magic to simulate this ability.
As mentioned in multiple sections, the Darkness is the main antagonist force in Epyllion, being a corruption that twists all it touches, and brings the worst aspects of a thing or person to the surface. While dragons are strengthened by their friendships with each other, the Darkness is selfishness and greed that festers beneath the skin of all creatures. When a dragon gets wounded, physically or emotionally, the pain can cast a shadow in their heart where the Darkness can take hold.
There are many reasons dragons mark Shadows. You may have to mark a Shadow because you got physically hurt, or because you were corrupted by the Darkness, or because you refused to help a friend in need. Sometimes a move tells you to mark a Shadow; sometimes the DM tells you to mark one. When you mark a Shadow, check a box on the Shadow Track to represent that a part of you is temporarily corrupted by the Darkness and you must act in selfish or destructive ways.
Your Shadow Track represents how much hold the Darkness has on you. As you continue to fight the Darkness, you may find yourself drawn closer to a darker version of yourself. You can mark Shadows in any order. When you mark a Shadow, you must immediately take one of the actions associated with the Shadow you marked (as listed in your CS). Sometimes the DM tells you which Shadow to mark, but make sure you always mark a Shadow that best fits the situation. Let the DM know if you think it doesn’t make sense for your dragon to mark Fear or Shame in a particular situation.
You only need to take one action when you mark a Shadow, but when you fill in all of the Shadows on your Shadow Track you become your Shadowself: a dark reflection of your true self unfettered by morality or compassion. Your heart and mind have been corrupted by the Darkness and everything you experience is twisted through a dark lens of pain, anger, and anxiety. Each playbook has a unique Shadowself. You might be trapped as your Shadowself for one or more sessions, but until you escape, you cannot give or receive friendship gems. You may spend them to do moon magic as normal, but you cannot replace them once they are spent. Do not mark any further Shadows, even if a move asks you to do so. You can return from your Shadowself when a friend convinces you to humble yourself and acknowledge what you have become. Each playbook contains specific actions that your friends must take to help you return. When you come back from your Shadowself, clear your Shadow Track completely.
Shadow Magic:
Shadow magic is a dark parody of moon magic, capable of granting all the same powers the five moons can - though perhaps not as well. Many dragons may find themselves tempted to give into the Darkness as they get older and lose access to more of the moons. It can also do some things the moons can't do, and in particular seems to excel to distortion and illusion, obscuring and twisting truths to fit whatever narrative suit it best.
There is no need to rely on those around you to wield shadow magic, as it requires no friendship gems. Instead, make your roll and add however many Shadows you have marked on your playbook. How you use the power of the Darkness is still up to you, but the risk still remains that the shadow magic can be released without the dragon’s guidance. But if you give yourself over to the Darkness completely you can accomplish anything... at a price, of course. Using shadow magic may also cause you to more rapidly become the worst version of yourself, and incentivizes dragons to hold on to their Shadow and view it as an asset rather than a burden. Who needs friends when you have the Darkness?
There are many reasons dragons mark Shadows. You may have to mark a Shadow because you got physically hurt, or because you were corrupted by the Darkness, or because you refused to help a friend in need. Sometimes a move tells you to mark a Shadow; sometimes the DM tells you to mark one. When you mark a Shadow, check a box on the Shadow Track to represent that a part of you is temporarily corrupted by the Darkness and you must act in selfish or destructive ways.
Your Shadow Track represents how much hold the Darkness has on you. As you continue to fight the Darkness, you may find yourself drawn closer to a darker version of yourself. You can mark Shadows in any order. When you mark a Shadow, you must immediately take one of the actions associated with the Shadow you marked (as listed in your CS). Sometimes the DM tells you which Shadow to mark, but make sure you always mark a Shadow that best fits the situation. Let the DM know if you think it doesn’t make sense for your dragon to mark Fear or Shame in a particular situation.
You only need to take one action when you mark a Shadow, but when you fill in all of the Shadows on your Shadow Track you become your Shadowself: a dark reflection of your true self unfettered by morality or compassion. Your heart and mind have been corrupted by the Darkness and everything you experience is twisted through a dark lens of pain, anger, and anxiety. Each playbook has a unique Shadowself. You might be trapped as your Shadowself for one or more sessions, but until you escape, you cannot give or receive friendship gems. You may spend them to do moon magic as normal, but you cannot replace them once they are spent. Do not mark any further Shadows, even if a move asks you to do so. You can return from your Shadowself when a friend convinces you to humble yourself and acknowledge what you have become. Each playbook contains specific actions that your friends must take to help you return. When you come back from your Shadowself, clear your Shadow Track completely.
Shadow Magic:
Shadow magic is a dark parody of moon magic, capable of granting all the same powers the five moons can - though perhaps not as well. Many dragons may find themselves tempted to give into the Darkness as they get older and lose access to more of the moons. It can also do some things the moons can't do, and in particular seems to excel to distortion and illusion, obscuring and twisting truths to fit whatever narrative suit it best.
There is no need to rely on those around you to wield shadow magic, as it requires no friendship gems. Instead, make your roll and add however many Shadows you have marked on your playbook. How you use the power of the Darkness is still up to you, but the risk still remains that the shadow magic can be released without the dragon’s guidance. But if you give yourself over to the Darkness completely you can accomplish anything... at a price, of course. Using shadow magic may also cause you to more rapidly become the worst version of yourself, and incentivizes dragons to hold on to their Shadow and view it as an asset rather than a burden. Who needs friends when you have the Darkness?
Pronouns: (Dragons don't have a biological sex, and are simply referred to by whatever pronouns they feel most comfortable with.)
Playbook: (Your class. See the Playbook section above for more info.)
Colour: (Your dragon's main colour. This is used to represent your dragon, and is used to indicate what friendship gems you received from which dragon, as described in the Friendship Gems section.)
(Either describe how your dragon appears or put a picture.)
(There are three stats in the game. Your playbook lists what your starting stats are, which you can then add one point to any of the three stats of your choosing. Stats can be increased to a maximum of +3, and can be decreased to a maxinum of -2.)
Charm: (Allows you to figure out what makes others tick...and determines how likely you are to persuade them or get them to see things your way.)
Courage: (Helps you to go forward in the face of dangers great and small, as well as inspire others to do the same.)
Cunning: (Lets you notice details others overlook and employ tricks or lies to get your way.)
(The virtue you hold is a behavior that you admire and look for in your friends. You may not be very good at fulfilling that virtue yourself, but it is one that you like to see your clutchmates demonstrate. Each playbook comes with a choice of two virtues, but if there is another virtue you would like for your character, do tell me and I'll tell you whether it would be appropriate. Every time one of your clutchmates exemplifies your virtue, you can give them a friendship gem.)
House & Obligation:
(Each Dragon at an early age is assigned to one of the six Houses, which are detailed under The World section. Each playbook comes with a choice of two houses and an obligation which you should aim to fulfill once each chapter. However, if you wish for your character to be part of a House not specified for your Playbook, ask me. If I think it works, me and you can come up with an obligation together. For obvious reasons, however, House Yeraktos will be not available.
Also worth noting, if you picked either the Orphan or the Rebel playbook, you don't belong to a House and thus do not have an obligation. See the House & Obligation section of those playbooks for more information.)
(These are the moves you receive your playbook of choice. Each playbook starts with their signature move - which can be advanced to become stronger - and one other move of their choice.)
(There are five dragon age brackets, and these basically represent your in-game level. Every time you gain 5 XP, take a new advancement from your age bracket, and reset your XP to zero. Once you've taken all the advancement from your age bracket, you age up.)
Rawscale Drake (0 XP):
You start with a +0 bonus to calling upon the Moons.
[] take another move from your playbook
[] take +1 to any stat (maximum of +3)
[] advance your signature move
Winged Drake (0 XP):
You still have a +0 bonus to calling upon the Moons.
[] take another move from your playbook
[] take +1 to any stat (maximum of +3)
[] advance your signature move
Longtooth Dragon (0 XP):
You now have a +1 bonus to calling upon the Moons.
[] take another move from another playbook
[] take +1 to any stat (maximum of +3)
[] advance your signature move
Bearded Dragon:
You now have a +2 bonus to calling upon the Moons.
[] take a ritual of your House
[] advance your signature move
Elder Dragon:
You now have a +3 bonus to calling upon the Moons.
[] your house dedicates a stronghold to you
[] retire your character, arise as an Ancient or a Mystic
(Cross of one moon every time you age up.)
- Liberty Moon
- Spirit Moon
- Stone Moon
- Storm Moon
- Void Moon
Shadow Track:
(The shadow track represents how much hold the Darkness has on your dragon. You can mark Shadows in any order. When you mark a Shadow, you must take one action associated with that Shadow. When you mark the last Shadow, you lose yourself to the Darkness and become your Shadowself. While you are lost to the Darkness, do not mark
any further Shadows, even if a move asks you to do so. Once you return to normal, erase your shadow track.)
[] Anger
- Lash out at a friend.
- Break something valuable
- Escalate a delicate situation
[] Doubt
- Question a friend’s loyalty
- Steal something valuable
- Reject a tradition
[] Shame
- Blame a friend for your mistakes
- Mock or belittle someone vulnerable
- Seek isolation or solitude
[] Fear
- Hide something from your friends
- Avoid a difficult task
- Exaggerate the danger of the situation
(What you become when your shadow track fills. You can just copy this from your playbook of choice.)
(These questions represent your connections to the members of your clutch. They are listed under your playbook.)
Pronouns: (Dragons don't have a biological sex, and are simply referred to by whatever pronouns they feel most comfortable with.)
Playbook: (Your class. See the Playbook section above for more info.)
Colour: (Your dragon's main colour. This is used to represent your dragon, and is used to indicate what friendship gems you received from which dragon, as described in the Friendship Gems section.)
(Either describe how your dragon appears or put a picture.)
(There are three stats in the game. Your playbook lists what your starting stats are, which you can then add one point to any of the three stats of your choosing. Stats can be increased to a maximum of +3, and can be decreased to a maxinum of -2.)
Charm: (Allows you to figure out what makes others tick...and determines how likely you are to persuade them or get them to see things your way.)
Courage: (Helps you to go forward in the face of dangers great and small, as well as inspire others to do the same.)
Cunning: (Lets you notice details others overlook and employ tricks or lies to get your way.)
(The virtue you hold is a behavior that you admire and look for in your friends. You may not be very good at fulfilling that virtue yourself, but it is one that you like to see your clutchmates demonstrate. Each playbook comes with a choice of two virtues, but if there is another virtue you would like for your character, do tell me and I'll tell you whether it would be appropriate. Every time one of your clutchmates exemplifies your virtue, you can give them a friendship gem.)
House & Obligation:
(Each Dragon at an early age is assigned to one of the six Houses, which are detailed under The World section. Each playbook comes with a choice of two houses and an obligation which you should aim to fulfill once each chapter. However, if you wish for your character to be part of a House not specified for your Playbook, ask me. If I think it works, me and you can come up with an obligation together. For obvious reasons, however, House Yeraktos will be not available.
Also worth noting, if you picked either the Orphan or the Rebel playbook, you don't belong to a House and thus do not have an obligation. See the House & Obligation section of those playbooks for more information.)
(These are the moves you receive your playbook of choice. Each playbook starts with their signature move - which can be advanced to become stronger - and one other move of their choice.)
(There are five dragon age brackets, and these basically represent your in-game level. Every time you gain 5 XP, take a new advancement from your age bracket, and reset your XP to zero. Once you've taken all the advancement from your age bracket, you age up.)
Rawscale Drake (0 XP):
You start with a +0 bonus to calling upon the Moons.
[] take another move from your playbook
[] take +1 to any stat (maximum of +3)
[] advance your signature move
Winged Drake (0 XP):
You still have a +0 bonus to calling upon the Moons.
[] take another move from your playbook
[] take +1 to any stat (maximum of +3)
[] advance your signature move
Longtooth Dragon (0 XP):
You now have a +1 bonus to calling upon the Moons.
[] take another move from another playbook
[] take +1 to any stat (maximum of +3)
[] advance your signature move
Bearded Dragon:
You now have a +2 bonus to calling upon the Moons.
[] take a ritual of your House
[] advance your signature move
Elder Dragon:
You now have a +3 bonus to calling upon the Moons.
[] your house dedicates a stronghold to you
[] retire your character, arise as an Ancient or a Mystic
(Cross of one moon every time you age up.)
- Liberty Moon
- Spirit Moon
- Stone Moon
- Storm Moon
- Void Moon
Shadow Track:
(The shadow track represents how much hold the Darkness has on your dragon. You can mark Shadows in any order. When you mark a Shadow, you must take one action associated with that Shadow. When you mark the last Shadow, you lose yourself to the Darkness and become your Shadowself. While you are lost to the Darkness, do not mark
any further Shadows, even if a move asks you to do so. Once you return to normal, erase your shadow track.)
[] Anger
- Lash out at a friend.
- Break something valuable
- Escalate a delicate situation
[] Doubt
- Question a friend’s loyalty
- Steal something valuable
- Reject a tradition
[] Shame
- Blame a friend for your mistakes
- Mock or belittle someone vulnerable
- Seek isolation or solitude
[] Fear
- Hide something from your friends
- Avoid a difficult task
- Exaggerate the danger of the situation
(What you become when your shadow track fills. You can just copy this from your playbook of choice.)
(These questions represent your connections to the members of your clutch. They are listed under your playbook.)
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