❶ P R E M I S E

❷ O O C M E S S A G E
Welcome to this Anime-style RP about the everyday lives of office workers... if those lives are suddenly upended by weird, supernatural shenanigans that is! The tone I'm going for is an offbeat action comedy type of deal; so if that works for you: welcome aboard! There is an underlying mystery here regarding the shadowy entity that purchased the company that our characters work for. Our goal will be to basically dig deep to find out what happened, and kick lots of our former co-workers' asses along the way. It's cool: they basically got corrupted by the evil stuff going around or whatever justifies it for you! Among the enemy ranks are also plenty of supernatural beasts and monsters abound.
Of course, plain old normal people can't beat the paranormal, but you're ✨🎉 S P E C I A L ! 🎉✨ After ingesting some questionably stale coffee a coworker brought in, you find yourself with the runs. BUT, after that, you're quick to develop some supernatural/psychic powers of your own, and so the lot of you decide to band together and form the Salaryman's Alliance to dole out some righteous punishment (or pent-up rage). While the main building looks normal from the outside, the interior is constantly shifting and morphing as if it's limboed in some other dimension. And every day at 10 PM on the dot, you find yourself teleported out of the building and onto the street with no way to get back inside until 8 AM the next morning.
Stranger yet: you're apparently still getting paid to do your work even while you take down middle management and beyond. Is this some kind of otherworldly social experiment? Regardless, it's time for the regular working stiff to be the hero!
❸ R U L E S
1. All Roleplayer Guild Rules apply.
2. Use general RP etiquette (no godmod, powerplay, etc.).
3. Be respectful of other players and keep personal drama out of the RP.
4. As the Host/GM, I have final say on all decisions relating to the RP.
5. One character per player. You can create unlimited NPCs.
6. One post per week (minimum). Please let us know when you can't post. Communication is important!
7. All face claims are required to be in the Anime art style.
8. Color coding your dialogue is required. Please pick a color that is distinct from other players.
2. Use general RP etiquette (no godmod, powerplay, etc.).
3. Be respectful of other players and keep personal drama out of the RP.
4. As the Host/GM, I have final say on all decisions relating to the RP.
5. One character per player. You can create unlimited NPCs.
6. One post per week (minimum). Please let us know when you can't post. Communication is important!
7. All face claims are required to be in the Anime art style.
8. Color coding your dialogue is required. Please pick a color that is distinct from other players.
❹ C H A R A C T E R S H E E T
❺ I N S P I R A T I O N
One day, the visual of an office worker with a rocket launcher popped into my brain. And then I thought about what if an entire office of people were fighting in some great brawl? I was highly inspired by the concept of 'karoshi': the Japanese term for death due to being overworked/work-related stress. It's commentary on how brutally taxing—both physically and mentally—the work culture is like for the common salaryman. So the idea is to have a way for them to cut loose and release their frustrations by fighting back against that oppressing force. I added in the paranormal slant to create a tangible 'monster' and to allow weird/unexplainable/offbeat things to justifiably happen that mirrors the lack of control the average Joe would feel. It facilitates the transition of passive characters to active ones. The idea of the setting is derived from dungeon crawling wherein our 'dungeon' is an ever-changing office building. So I hope this gives you more understanding of the themes at play and will help your approach to character creation.