Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by OddnessApproved
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OddnessApproved I'm passionate about hating people.

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Event Post

The Beginning. Randomly, people began to wake from their hypersleep chambers. Specialty or not. The electricity on the ship will continue to short circuits in the hallways and rooms that were not important to have backup generators and battery pack supplies on hand. Constant buzzing could be heard from certain parts of the ship, especially the hallways that stressed to light themselves, flickering off and on.
Other than that static noise from the constant buzzing, the ship appeared to be eerily silent. Main doors were powered down from the decrease in energy supply meaning people would have to find other ways to get to different parts of the ship. One way to get anywhere was crawling through the engineer ducks, but you could easily get lost without a map or prior knowledge. There was a good chance one could slip and fall to their death if they were not careful in the tunnels.

Places that would be fully powered in times like this are the med bays, pilot decks, and laboratory rooms that are adjacent to species bunks. This is to keep the species on board alive and healthy.

Currently, the ship's power grid is running at 55% when it should be running in a range of 90% - 100%. The main powerline has been damaged in the lower levels of the ship, and two more are considered in critical condition in the mid and upper levels.

Status of who should be out of the hypersleep chambers at this moment: Fourth shift.

Some groups work in shifts together; each wakes up the next shift before being put into hypersleep again. If your character is a specialized person from shifts 1-10, excluding 4, they will be confused about why they're waking to no one and what is happening. Shift four characters have been out of their pods for 1-month doing their duties. Normal shift lengths are 3-months.

Report There were twelve people on the fourth shift, and now there are only five. If you are one of those five, you have seen some things happening. You might have seen another member (NPC) of the fourth shift perish from unknown creatures, or you have been alone for a whole month.
Anyways all living specialized members that have been released from hypersleep need to work together to overcome the current obstacles in their way.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by OddnessApproved
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OddnessApproved I'm passionate about hating people.

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Kiran Carter

§ Interactions/Mentions - None
§ Time/Location - Medical Bay 4th level, south. Unknown time and date.

The decompressing sound of the chamber began to seep into his unconscious brain. A soft groan escaped his lungs while his eyes slowly opened, exposing those sap-green orbs. Dark eyelashes fluttered a few times before the instantaneous shock overruled his body. It felt like electricity was running through him and his body began to set into full panic. Sucking in the air through the mask on his face while grabbing at himself. The gel-like substance on his skin began to make it hard to grab anything, but he was ripping the I.V.s out of his skin and tearing the mask off his face. All of his muscles began to tremble and after the last I.V. was pulled from his flesh – SHuuT!
Falling onto his hands and knees, he felt the freezing metal floor beneath him. Plummeting into the hard material caused his joints and palms to ache from the impact. He barely noticed. The shaking of his body was more than enough distraction from anything around him. It’s cold… he was looking around and beginning to focus on the reality around him. The blinking lights in distant rooms were not helping his eyes to adjust after being asleep for at least 27 months. Gasping for air, his body was still figuring out what was truly happening at this moment.

Struggling to focus on anything around him, he could only remember that he was on the 4th level of the ship near the end: the reactor, power grid, and other major life-line components. “Wha-ugh.” he whined while grabbing his chest. His heart felt like it was racing out of his chest. Slowly crawling over to one of the stationary pieces of furniture nearby, he hoisted himself up, and he had to keep himself in the same area for a little bit. His muscles felt extremely weak, and his whole body felt like it couldn’t handle anything. Closing his eyes and focusing on his breathing, he was trying his best to calm his body from leaving the safe environment in the hypersleep chamber.

Kiran began to scrape the gel-like substance off his skin on the floor, the air around him was causing it to be cold, and it did not help that he was only in boxers. Looking around the chamber room, his vision began to focus on the medical bay adjacent to the room. His vision was still fuzzy, and his brain was running in circles, but he was beginning to come to it, “Wh-” putting a hand quickly to the side of his head, a searing headache came on all of a sudden “-Whe-ere is everyone?" he asked himself out loud as he was able to function better. He could feel his body begin to come down from the shock.

Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Unkown58
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Unkown58 A Real Mystery

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Jack Daniels

¶ Interactions/Mentions - None
¶ Time/Location - Medical Bay 4th level, east. Unknown time and date.

Waking up was nothing short of jarring. One moment everything was peaceful and Jack was still happily immersed in the embrace of his dreams, then he was literally shocked out of it. Feeling as if a thousand hand-buzzers were pressing in on him, Jack fought his way out of the sleep chamber. He doesn't know how long he was clawing at the gel-covered mask and I.V's inserted into him, trying to escape, but when he finally got the last one out and he was allowed to fall forward onto the metal floor and breath in the fresh air the relief was beyond words. His body shaking, he spent a good few minutes just laying on the floor and taking deep breaths until the chill slowly seeping into his bones forced him to return to reality.

“W-worst wa-wakeup ever…”

Not even bothering to leave his spot on the floor, Jack simply pulled himself into a slightly more comfortable sitting position, his arms crossed in front of his chest to try and preserve some heat. His dark brown eyes moved across the room taking in his surroundings as it became clear that he was alone. Where was everyone? Why was he waking up alone? Did something go wrong? Did his sleep pod malfunction? If so, why just his? Was it just his? Did the lights just flicker? The protocol for this was so not covered during the six months of training from hell. Running a hand through his light-brown hair, he scrunched his nose up at the feeling of the drying gel covering him and a heavy sigh escaped him. This situation was definitely not ideal…what he wouldn’t give right now for a boiling hot bath and a good book.

First things first, though, he needs to find somebody from the current shift – find out what the heck is happening, what the problem is and how to fix it. Then he can go back to sleep in his pod until he has a – hopefully better – awakening for the seventh shift. As well as pants…he’s not about to search the entire ship in just his boxers. Standing up on slightly shaky legs, Jack leaned against the nearest wall for support.

“Right. Pants and people. Let’s go find some…”

Preferably in that order…
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