Ahoy ground farers, welcome to the MILOV and a life among the clouds! You all can call me Capt. Olivia. Now that you have been recruited, you can be proud to be part of the finest delivery ship to sail the skies. Yes, it's true, some say that being in this business is reckless, financially unstable, and exhausting. Nay, I say! Do not let these rumors discourage you, crewmate! Not only will you share a place among tough souls as yourselves, but you'll also be treated with sights unlike any other and a proper way to earn yourself a living. I will now let our most ambitious comrade take over the introductions.
Hello, greenhorns. My name is Miriat, watch leader of the MILOV. You can go ahead and disregard most of what the captain said, if you fly long enough on the MILOV, you develop a nasty kind of tunnel vision. In reality, your life on this ship will be grueling, your payment will be slightly below average and you'll risk your life for most of the time on deck. You'll all be placed on cleaning or cooking duties during the beginning of your employment, in which you are expected to learn the basics of living on the MILOV. Oh and try to claim a good bunk from the get-go, trust me on this. Now, get a move on, we have a tight schedule to keep!
The premise
This is an RP inspired by the amazing Drifting Dragons manga. As such, a lot of common themes with it will be expressed here.
The premise of this story is that you all are the newest rookies onboard of the trading and delivery airship, the MILOV. The world that you live in will be full of the usual dragons, pirates, legendary heroes and gargantuan monsters as would be normal in a fantastical world such as Vilari. You however will not be saving any princesses or defeating evil rulers anytime soon. You're a greenhorn on the MILOV, better get to scrubbing and waxing the deck!
This RP and the story itself will build upon fluid worldbuilding. That means the world will not fully be explained by me but will gradually form as we play together. There will however be guidelines for the world so it doesn't spin too far from the fantasy genre. Another important thing to note is that character interaction and development are instrumental to this experience. You should all try to discover and form a bond with each other's characters as this will incentivize you to further expand the world through an organic and fluid pace. Its also kind of the point with RP's :)
Vilaria is the home of many fantastical, horrifying, and mysterious creatures and places. The world itself is split into different regions which resemble continents. Each of them is unique and packed full of cultures, mysteries, and monsters. The technological advances of this world are mostly above the average medieval age, but not by a lot. There are exceptions to this rule within larger cities where industry and technological advances have boomed. Meanwhile, people are still riding in caravans and fighting with swords and pikes in lesser parts of the world. Therefore, while expanding the world build, try to imagine a fantasy world taking its first steps into becoming a more industrialized steampunk and victorian-esque world.
The MILOV will not have its own port or a kind of hub. The ship will live on requests and submissions from farmers, merchants, the common city folk, and maybe even royalty! Your job is to make sure the MILOV gets to its location on time and in one piece. In the beginning, you'll be bottom-of-the-barrel crewmates. From dawn to dusk you'll help out around the ship in various ways, but who knows? If you work hard enough or find your hidden talent, maybe you'll be put on a particular duty.

I want to again emphasize that this story will center around the crew and MILOV as a whole and interaction with each other is the key to this. That doesn't mean you can't make your character its own individual, just that it has to be able and know when interacting with others is needed! That means no stone-cold, drawn-back, lone-wolfs. Try and find your own gimmick, dynamic, and style, you should even try to contrast your character with the others! That has, from my own experience, been a good way of creating meaningful and fun roleplay scenarios.
The crew
As with any large airship, a crew is the heart of its operation. The MILOVs crew is surprisingly small with just enough people to run it. That's where you come in! You'll be responsible for several different posts on the ship, including but not limited to: day and night watch, floor scrubbing, merchandise hauling, and assisting the different crewmen and their part of the ship. Now for a small disclaimer before the crew is introduced: These small character sheets that I've cooked up are more of a guide to their personality at the start of this adventure rather than something set in stone. We'll all be in charge of using them to drive the narrative forward so don't be afraid to play with their personalities too! However, try to keep it within reason. Radical changes in these characters need to be explained through some kind of event or situation with significance, just as with your personal characters. I'll also include reference sheets in their bios so that you get an idea of their looks.
The rules and character sheets
For the fun part, rules^^" The rules will be placed into columns with specifications and will probably change and adapt to our playstyle.
1. Be polite and cooperative with each other-
I'm sure this rule is obvious to you all, but I still thought I should include it. As people working on a story together, you need to be cooperative when playing as our characters will be closely linked. That means being able to handle different opinions (OOC) and adapting to each other's requests (at a reasonable amount of course). This is OUR story, no one has any more rights than another in this.
2. Co-op worldbuilding-
As this is an RP, we will all be responsible to drive the story forward. Build upon each other plot points and conflicts in a plausible way. If you're not sure if you're taking too much liberty or don't know how to proceed with worldbuilding, ask the rest of us in the OOC thread!
3. Using NPC-
As mentioned above in the crew section, you'll all most probably have to play as the NPCs sometimes who have been created. And please do! They are made to assist you in driving the RP forward. Do play as them in a way that would fit their bio, however. New NPCs will inevitably be created, they will also be characters everyone can use (if not for a specific reason relating to the backstory of a character).
4. Using PC-
You will all have one PC, aka player character, to play as. They will be yours only and thereby your own responsibility. More about character creation will be mentioned down below in the Character Sheet section. When playing your characters, be inclusive and interact with each other. Do get into conflicts (in character), do develop your character's motives and personality, and definitely make your characters form bonds! That is what will carry this RP besides the worldbuilding.
5. Color coding-
When speaking as your character, you will be using colored text. The color of this text will be consistent and unique to your character. It will need to be readable and not strain on the eye too much. When it comes to actions and inner thoughts, use the default color white, please!
6. Length of your posts-
Your posts should be a paragraph or two, maybe three if you're really feeling it! I know from my own experience that that writing can be tough at times so I suggest asking each other for advice in the OOC chat when this happens. If you're not comfortable with that, or you have potential secrets you could PM someone for help that you trust from this RP or someone completely unrelated!
7. GM'ing-
As I'm not too familiar with RPs, outside of DnD, you can imagine I'm not too well-versed in the actual playing. I'm imagining us all as the GM's of this game, despite me being the author. I realize that is a lot of responsibility, which is why cooperation between us is so important! I also acknowledge that I, as the creator of this RP, have a certain responsibility which is why I will step in if rules aren't followed or conflict between players is getting out of hand (which I'm sure won't even be necessary!).
8. More rules are pending-
As stated above, these rules will be updated and guidelines will be added and adapted as we go along with the story.
Character sheets will be formatted like this:
Appearance: (Describe your character's appearance here, and send a picture if you find any that resemble them!)
Relevant Abilities: (This can be everything from being proficient at fishing or knowing some lesser magic)
Personality: (This is rather self-explanatory. Do write more than one word regarding their personality. There should be a clear idea of how they act in certain situations.)
Bio and background: (This can be anything from their past that is relevant or explain who they are as a person. There should also be their reason for joining the MILOV here.)
Other: (Got music that would be your character's theme? Put it here! And along with some misc stuff if you'd like to flesh out your character further.)
Important things to note regarding character creation-
1. Keep your characters as nobodies. They are not part of a legendary bloodline of heroes, they aren't important nobles or royalty. The fun part about these characters is that they'll develop from these nobodies in proper underdog fashion. Beginning as an already important figure defeats the purpose. If you still feel like you NEED to include something that makes them have a special past, send a PM to me and we'll figure something out. But as a guideline, they'll be kin to a normal nobody at the start.
2. Magic in this world is not the norm for most places and therefore your character needs to have a good reason for being able to use it. If they know how to use it it'll be in very minor ways like being able to create a very small spark or making paper levitate. This may be a fantasy RP but it's also a slice of life. And people tend to get VERY creative when magic is at their disposal. If you include this in your sheet, make it VERY specific with a lot of limitations. Magic ability will be cosmetic at best.
3. What kind of creature you are and your appearance will be entirely up to you! However, there are some necessary guidelines that need to be set. For one, you will need to be able to go through humanoid-sized doors, so no giants or other gigantic creatures. They should be at around 6.5 at most, (which means they'll have to bend in a few parts of the ship to fit. You'll also be required to be able to communicate with each other as well as do physical work as a human. The races will also be ones that can be found in typical fantasy media. I suggest looking at DnDs races and picking something from there to use. Other than that, go wild! I love to see people get creative with character creation and I'm looking forward to what you have in store.
4. All characters will need to be approved by me as to make sure they are aligned with these rules and guidelines.
The starting location and subsequently the start of the IC thread will be specified later. All you need to know now is that you'll be picked up by the MILOV in the port town of Kallokian. I'm sure you are all eager to create your own character (as am I!) so go ahead and send your draft in the Character thread and I'll take a look at it so we can start as soon as possible :) - Do not stress too much with creating your character since you'll be playing them for a while, but try to at least send in the first draft within a couple of days.
For those stumbling upon this post; no more people are going to be accepted unless anyone wants or needs to drop out of this one. This is my second time playing an RP and the first time creating one so I want to keep the number of players to a minimum! Sorry for any inconvenience. Do PM me an interest check to place you on the watch list for potential new recruits if you feel inclined to!
@KaliW @Expendable @PerfectThought @Conscripts (and me obviously :])