Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by DELETEDUSER007


Banned Seen 5 mos ago

A rocky, sand strewn expanse was all that could be seen for miles on end. Featureless and brown, the desert's maddening uniformity was broken only by a single dusty old road which stretched off into the heat-hazed horizon, a handful of powerlines teetering dangerously on the verge of falling over, and one very rundown looking diner. So rundown, in fact, as to be completely abandoned - at least to the mortal eye. But masked behind the empty parking lot, cracked asphalt, and ruined facadé lay a world unseen. A nexus of sorts for beings of myth and legend, one that a certain being in particular had meandered his way to...

Agthalan, King of the Dark Below. Lord of Discordia and hijacker extraordinaire!

As for why he had come... to get away from it all? Perhaps.

But most likely to get the owner of the RV he'd... acquired off of his tail (though the guy had it coming the moment he'd left his doors unlocked, that was just common sense). Who knew that Interuniversal Reclamation Service would have been not only an omnipresent fixture of every reality in some way, but really damn good at their jobs as well? Then again they were staffed by eldritch gods beyond mortal comprehension, ones whose track records were rated a consistent five stars at that, so he supposed they would have to be, the bastards. At least this universe's branch managers were too hyperfixated on taxing the inhabitants of one specific country of all their hard earned revenue to pay much mind to him, thank the void for small mercies.

Regardless of the reasons why however, it was here that Agthalan had come, sipping on souls as black as the night sky while his husk of a form sparwled disconcertingly across the booth in which he was sitting. No one knew he was here besides the other patrons (those who didn't look half-dead anyway), but that would change the moment he signalled his... well not friends exactly, more so passing acquaintances. It also meant that the IRS would be on his ass as well, so once the signal was given they'd have to move relatively fast. Thankfully speed and time both are relatives where gods are concerned. Where mortals might see a lengthy and drawn out reconnection of long lost friends, most gods would see a rather hasty rush out the nearest exit.

Smiling - a crackling, fetid thing - the King raised his hand. One of them anyway. Flicking a finger towards the window, he sent a bolt of scarlet arcing through it and out into the deep blue beyond where it burst to create a mark of sorts. A clawing sigil that those who had eyes to see would likely notice.

With that taken care of, however, he sat back and continued to wait. Or perhaps he did not. Who was he of all people to say that anything was certain?
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 15 min ago

Arterius was snoozing quietly in one of the large trees in their domain, their rainbow hair simply glistening in the sunlight that shone through. Pertius was in his full form, curled up around the bottom of the tree watching everything happen around the two of them before he spotted Agthalans' Sigil appear in the sky.
The large blue dragon moved to stretch out from around the tree before they made their way up to get Arterius' attention.

Arterius gave a grumble before they opened their eyes, they looked around for a moment before they saw the sigil. It took a moment for Arti to realize what they had seen, "Oh!" They said excitedly, moving to leap off the branch and down to Partius' back. "Onward!" They said with a smile on their face. The blue dragon seemed to roll his eyes before he started to move, sluggish at first before speeding up and taking into the air before Arterius summoned a portal to where the run down diner was.

Travelling through a portal always made the both of them nauseous, which to a god of anything; was always something strange to feel.
Arterius slipped off Partius' back and glanced around; Strange, why was there a mortal vehicle here? They headed over towards the RV for a moment, giving it a look over before looking towards the Diner. There was a moment of stillness from the usually excitable goddex before they seemed to spot someone in the diner.

Arti gave a gasp and ran towards the entrance, sliding through the door as if slipping on wet floor; before they leapt over the back of the booth to land across the table from Agthalan. "Ags!" They said excitedly, tapping at the table with their hands in a soft rhythm. "It's been too long! How are you? What have you been doing?"
They sat up to motion over someone to get them any sort of food, sure they didn't have to eat, but they wanted something sweet currently.

Partius slowly wandered into the Diner after sniffing around the RV, having shifted into more of a Komodo Dragon size as he slowly clambered over to his companion and pulled himself up to the seat beside them. "I hope you don't mind that I brought Parts with me? You know he doesn't like being alone."
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by SouffleGirl123
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SouffleGirl123 Guild's Sweetheart

Member Seen 3 mos ago

A collab with @Dark Cloud

“Oh, come along, Aryion!” Ki’ryah calls to her brother, pulling him along by the cloak as she jogs across the seemingly endless orange sands. The light shining from her hands danced against the wisps of Aryion’s shadows, each diminishing the other yet accentuating them all the same, never truly touching yet seeming so close it may appear so to the untrained eye. Why Aryion accepted this trip Ki’ryah did not know but she took the opportunity with vigour, endlessly recounting all the places they may go or things they may see. All it took was some convincing, as she would call it. Sure she could be a nuisance, even she was willing to admit that, but maybe this could conjure some sort of feeling that wasn’t irritability in the god of the shadows. For now, she just had to get him there before he could decide he had changed his mind.

A sigh emanated from beneath the hood of Aryion's billowing cloak, echoing like a concordant chime blowing in the wind "Must you drag me so?" sounding moreover annoyed than bothered by his sibling pulling him along by the hem of his cloak.

The god of shadows crossed his arms, or rather the arms of his cloak and slouched mumbling about how unnecessary a vacation was when they were gods. It was bad enough he would have to spend more time with his sister, hopefully he didn't have to spend time with the other gods.

"Would you at least tell me where we're going instead of where we might go?" he knew full well where they were headed the god of shadows simply wanted his sibling to stop chattering endlessly. Really it was more than enough to be excited to go somewhere, did she have to talk on and on about it? I mean they both saw the sigil didn't they?

“And must you always be so sullen?” Ki’ryah asks at his first question, seemingly unbothered by his irritability. One may think she was simply naive to it but truly she was just too used to it. “Besides, one must ensure you get there… safely. Yes, safely.” In all honesty, Ki’ryah didn’t want to leave her brother the chance to completely slip away into the shadows, not that he wouldn’t know this but it made Ki’ryah feel better to beat around the bush with that information.

As the arms of Aryion’s cloak pulled together Ki’ryah reluctantly dropped the part she was holding. “Would it kill you to actually enjoy yourself for once? You could learn so much more from being part of this world that watching or reading a book ever could. If it helps, think of it less of a vacation but doing your valuable role as a god of connecting to what you rule over,”

At the request of where they were going she rolled her eyes, surely he too had seen the sigil. Her eyes squinted against the sun, less of her needed to for her sight but she saw the humans do it a few times and thought it was cute, picking up the habit herself. In the distance was a building too far to make out what it actually was so far. It seemed an odd placement, an oasis in near desolate lands, she points a glowing finger in its direction, “I suppose over there,”

"Ki’ryah, must you always act so?" the hood of the gods cloak shook slightly and almost imperceptibly as he sighed once more, he did not approve of her silliness when it came to the way she tried to emulate mortals to him it was hardly necessary. Though he too found the way mortals acted fascinating, he did not go about acting like one.

"Of course it would be, but this is likely less a vacation and more another one of Agthalan's frivolous schemes." the wisps of darkness within Aryion's cloak puffed out as the grumbling god of shadows crossed the folds of his cloak once more, he and the god of Discordia didn't see eye to eye usually as his nonsense was nigh impossible to anticipate. The King was the only god who could surprise Aryion, his motives so chaotic and moods constantly changing "Oh do not look at me so," usually monotonous the voice of the god of shadows shook with irritation as his sister gave him that same childish look he hated "Fine! I shall try to see the 'bright' side of this 'vacation' now stop your pouting."

A large smile crept across the face of the goddess. "Very good!" She replies melodically, taking grip of the shadow's robe once more. "Not much longer now!" Ki'ryah calls, leading Aryion toward the diner. Once again, she had won. Ki'ryah liked winning though she did wish Aryion wouldn't give her such a fight some days. She knew he thought more pragmatically than Ki'ryah but did he truly need to distance himself from the mortals?

As they reached the diner Ki'ryah noted a RV but for now paid it little mind, there was a place to be and people to see. Perhaps she was also somewhat desensitized to mortal objects with the time she spends among them. She let go of Aryion's cloak to throw open the doors, Agthalan and Arterius already at a booth. "Greetings Agthalan and Arterius! And of course, greetings to you also, Partius!" She sings out, giving Partius a scratch under his chin, oh how she would like a dragon friend. She turns to Aryion and gestures at the deities at the booth, an indication for him also to give his greetings
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by DX3214
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DX3214 God-like Cyborg

Member Seen 1 day ago

The sunshine of the noon was great in the blue sky, a star seemed to shine through the sky faint to the eye before seemingly falling of the sky. After a moment of silence a bang, echoed through the region as something seemed to collide in the far distance as sand and dust seemed to start, steering a bit higher than usual as the weather, seemed a bit more rough and dense. Emerging from the dust seemed like a dark shadow but emerging off the small sandy winds was Qhiuleri, dusting off a cloak Qhiuleri shook sand off her white hair and clothes saying “I sure hope this cursed call at least has something good on it… or else somebody is losing his head.” cleaning she marched on covering her head.

While walking she looked around the outside of the diner as sand finally began to settle, She then said “ye… should have arrived in a less chaotic way in a desert but not practical knowing my situation…” walking down the paved sidewalk before stopping and saying “wait…” she grabbed a metal collar in her neck breaking it with her hands and throwing to the side as it seemingly evaporated she then said “okay… let us go…” she walked forward passing the RV. Entering the dinner turned to see Arterius, Agthalan and the twins Ki’ryah and Aryion.

She seemed to stare at the four before groaning with a sigh she then closed the door angrily saying “Right the entire family is here and i can't wait to see what will catch fire first… now i don't care about the call but it was rather inconvenient since i was…” she stopped to thinking as she sat down, before sighing saying. “Eh, it doesn't matter… what are we doing?”
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Chris488
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Chris488 Doesn't write anymore

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Anath Homura

A single ruby-red eye reflected the scarlet sigil of discord in the sky, so she had thus seen the summoning symbol...

With a sigh, she stepped into the decrepit diner and approached the one called Agthalan - the King of the Dark Below - whom was currently surrounded with other otherworldly wanderers; a diverse cast of characters all capable of calling upon cosmic power. All of them were here, and Anath Homura sighed again as anger burned bright and hot, akin to the fiery ferocity of a volcano, beneath the maidenly mien she showed; that virtuous visage of an angelic and richly-red attired magical girl.

She bowed before her brethren, sistren, and kindred spirits, as she greet them with grim words: "My... friends - I am surprised to see all of you here accompanying Agthalan. I wished others would be wiser rather than embracing this recklessness I see now."

Anath Homura arose from bowing and stared at each of the other deities with hints of disdain. She still spoke with courteous tones that deeply contrasted with her demeanor, then decidedly turned curtly towards the conclusion of her speech as she returned her attention to the god-king seated at the booth. "I am here to persuade you to halt whatever mayhem and havoc you shall surely cause, Agthalan. Please return the RV to its rightful owner."

When the words left her lips, she knew that she would be enduring a very extensive migraine for an ephemeral, yet eternal, period of time. She had always known she would have a headache whenever it was a god like Agthalan whom was involved.

She would have to harry him, should he swiftly flee from her now. She faintly hoped he would be reasonable.

Almost certainly - the IRS would be far from pleased.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by DELETEDUSER007


Banned Seen 5 mos ago

Agthalan practically giggled at the amount of chaos the arrival of his acquaintances had caused, to say nothing of the manner in which they had decided to greet one another. Why they hadn't even gone anywhere and already things were falling solidly into his domain. That aside, he addressed Anath first, turning his smile upon her as he tapped his claws against the table between them. Once, twice, thrice. Only then did he speak a word of greeting in return.


And with that he was off again, shifting his attention over to Arterius in the blink of an eye.

"And of course not! Your pet is always welcome. As for what I've been doing, well it's rather close to what we are going to be doing by the time we leave here. Unfortunately-"

He glared at Anath from out the corner of his eye. His only eye for the moment, that hideous crimson gash running down the middle of his face.

"Someone decided to ruin the surprise."

Shaking his head, he was on a new train of thought once again. Or perhaps it was an old one made new for the present circumstance. Who could say?

"As for what we're going to be doing dearest Qhiuleri, we'll be going on a little road trip, just the lot of us! I mean, we need to get away from the IRS somehow, and after all that time I spent locked up in that blasted tower I could really do with a vacation. So I thought we'd kill two birds with one stone! Besides, you love fire and war. There will definitely be a lot of it happening in my wake, that much I know for certain!"

Falling silent for a moment, he gave little more than a nod of acknowledgement to the god of shadows. Though their domains could be considered adjacent by many, the two of them shared very little in common in actual practice. His sister, however, he welcomed bombastically before finally settling down. Well, settling down in the sense that he elected to fiddle with a nearby salt shaker rather than the threads of fate. At least for the time being anyway.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 15 min ago

Pertius gave a happy huff when it was mentioned that he was able to join, and with the entrance of the twins, he gave a happy huff as he was gently scratched. He moved and eyed the food that was placed on the table that Arterius ordered, the Goddex of nature moving to offer him a bit of bacon; which he scarfed happily.

Arterius grinned happily at the twins, "It's a pleasure to see you two!" They said happily before they shuffled across slowly, pulling Pertius with them. "Sit down, come have some food!" They grinned happily as they spread out the plates of food they ordered. They started to eat as more 'people' appeared.
"Qhiuleri!" They said with a wide grin as they addressed the group as a family, "Are you hungry? Please help yourself, there's enough for all of us, as long as Pert doesn't try and eat everything!" Their attention was drawn to Agthalan again as he spoke about where they were going.

They were about to exclaim excitement before they glanced towards Homura with a smile, moving to turn around in the booth and extended their hands out for her to shake. "I don't believe I've properly met you!" Arterius said with a wide grin, "I'm Arterius, and this is Pertius! You can call me Arti if you want to!" They grinned before they paused and tilted their head for a moment.
"...Agth?" They looked back to the one who orchestrated everything, "What's the 'IRS'?" They asked with a bit of a quizzical look on their face.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by DX3214
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DX3214 God-like Cyborg

Member Seen 1 day ago

Hearing Agthalan talk about a road trip made her shiver a moment she wasnt much for interacting with her "family" as some liked to talk about their relationships, while it was good expending time she didn't imagine good things of long exposure. But the proposition of conflict and fire was tempting but she kenw Agathan probably planed on tempting her with that with a shrug she then sighed saying "Fine..." she gave a shrug without thinking much.

Looking at the food, Qhiuleri stared at the hot meals for a good moment it was good, yes but now her mood at the moment, was a bit feeling awakard and it was noticeble to anyone on the table she soon said "Do you have coal instead?" she made a awkward smile he probably never heard of her odd eating habits especialy since she was more akin to a oven. Sighing turnign to Homura saying "So orphan Homura... i know you joined this par-" she soon stopped hearing Pertius ask what was the IRS made, her groan with a bit of pain as she thought before sighing and saying "THE IRS IS, ARE..." she put her hands together to think she then said "Picture the police for mortals... but for gods instead?" she clapsed her hands, thinking before sighing leting someone ekse take charge of explaining that, she then turned to Homura saying "So... i know you made clear you want to stop this train but you do know that this mans thrives in mayhem right? its like asking someone addicted to stop."
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by SouffleGirl123
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SouffleGirl123 Guild's Sweetheart

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Ki'ryah greeted all her friends with vigour, would many of the deities in front of her consider friend a stretch? Absolutely. Yet, in her opinion, they were all her friends with varying degrees of 'friendness'. She slipped into the table and thanked Arterius for the food. Sure, nothing beat the sweet taste of Ambrosia, but there was something weirdly warm and comforting about the edible grease-covered creations of the mortals.

She popped what some mortals called a fry into her mouth as the IRS were brought up, causing a gentle chuckle to escape her lips. "Oh, yes, the IRS. I know them well, they truly are dear to me. Good times, good times," truly they were not good times. Most of her run-ins with the IRS were in the form of Get out of there or Stop hiding from us or her least favourite PUT THAT THING BACK WHERE YOU FOUND IT!!!. Over the years the trinkets and knick knacks Ki'ryah was able to stash in her little pocket dimension of light had dwindled as the IRS held a harder grip over her. At some point they started a form of checkpoint wherever she'd cross from the mortal realm and confiscate almost everything she had brought back. She's manage to slip some precious objects past them yet those were few and far in between. She just rolled her eyes at the thought and turned her attention to Arterius. "Truly, they are the last group you would wish to encounter. Killjoys, every last one."

With that she turns to the god of chaos, who's sigil had been shown through the celestial plain. "Oh, how I do enjoy roadtrips. I suppose that is what the van out front is for? Where are we going?" She enquires, continuing to snack on a handful of fries. "Oh, and may I drive? I do love driving, I am not horrible at it myself," Ki'ryah was, in fact, a horrible driver, it was less so that she couldn't drive and more that she was careless, putting the fun ahead of the safety but either in blind confidence or straight up ignorance she didn't recognise so. Pfft, who needed safety anyway, she was immortal.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Settling between his sister and the dreadful lizard she even deigned to touch, the god of shadows simply sat quietly and listened to their conversation with much disinterest til the IRS was brought up by Anath to which the lord of shadows made a whispery sound neath his cloak like an exasperated sigh.

"Of course." grumbling quietly Aryion's hood shook from side to side at the news, not that he was surprised Agathan was wanted by the IRS. The IRS never had much of a problem with Aryion, other than bothering him when ever they blundered into his alone time mistaking him for his troublesome cousin. Of course he was the one to return whatever his annoying sibling decided to take when she had the childish whimsy to go 'Ooh shiny' how many times had he needed to deal with her nonsense? Too many, but it wasn't like he could do much to avoid it.

"Ki'ryah," his sister was getting caught up in her usual rambling once again which irritated the god of shadows to no end "Ki'ryah!" the shadows picked up a bit, as he spoke a bit less mumbly then he did around the other gods "Ki'ryah would you stop your antics! This is nothing more than a scheme our cousin is roping us into!" Aryion huffed sounding uncharacteristically irritated, however his sister would know him all too well to often get annoyed by her somewhat single-minded and can-do attitude when it came to making decisions "Must you act before you think sister?" the god of shadows grumbled, crossing the arms of his cloak and once more shaking his head.

"Besides we are gods, what need of we to drive a mortal vehicle. What utter nonsense." Aryion muttered to himself.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Chris488
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Chris488 Doesn't write anymore

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Anath Homura

No - He had answered her with the wrong word - She had received refusal regardless of the fact that rejection fell under the subject of unfeasible.

The Red Goddess readily shook hands with the welcoming Arterius, and officially introduced herself as well - her soft-silken speech accompanied by graceful gesticulation, bowing before all of the Divine aside from Agthalan. She refrained from showing respect towards the crazed currently crime-committing King on... vacation.

Then the furnace deity, Qhiuleri, had turned to Anath Homura and said to her: "So... I know you made clear you want to stop this train, but you do know that this man thrives in mayhem right? It's like asking someone addicted to stop."

So she sighed, and afterwards spoke with a sustained dignified tone - she spurned all attempts at spoiling her sanity - and replied to her supposed sister. Anath Homura was resentful regarding the term used to describe their relationship, since she had forsaken the thought of perceiving the people present as kindred spirits.

"Should simply asking another to halt allowing their addiction to afflict them be considered an arduous challenge to you, then I struggle to imagine why any mortal would seek to worship you."

The Serene & Exalted Emperor was the eminent embodiment of ethereal tranquility - she was the sacred stillness within the savage storm - never shall she yield to weakness, nor weariness, and be buried beneath the weight of the world. She stood thus, firm and formal...

Wait - why was he wielding the salt shaker in such a stupid manner!?!
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by DELETEDUSER007


Banned Seen 5 mos ago

Agthalan smiled at Ki'ryah's enthusiasm and question alike as he shook the shaker, sending the salt crystals right back into their container oddly enough. Regarding her from beneath his hood, he shrugged.

"We go wherever the road takes us really. And yes, of course you can drive. As a matter of fact, I'd be honored!"

A glance cast at the god of shadow and goddess of ephemeral order both. One that told them he knew exactly what he was doing by making that call, and that he would enjoy every single second of the chaos that inevitably followed. But, of course, he fell silent yet again. Doing something with another pair of hands quickly passed a small chunk of coal he'd gotten from... somewhere, to Qhiuleri. They'd be leaving soon. At least as soon as their conversation was done, but until then he was content to sit back and make small-talk with the others. Especially if said small-talk continued to get under Anath's skin.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 15 min ago

Arterius listened to the explanation of what the IRS was carefully, they seemed confused at first before it seemed to slowly tick over in their head before they shuddered.
"I don't like the sound of that." They said softly, before they frowned when asked for a bit of coal. "No, I don't think I-" They paused as Agthalan pulled out a bit of coal for the Furnace goddess with a bit of a smile.

Arterius looked out the window to the RV for a moment, "It will... Work, right?" They asked hesitantly, "It looks a bit... Run down?"
Pertius gave a grunt as he moved himself to get more food from the table, Arterius moving to pull the plates closer to their companion so he didn't have to strain himself.
"I am glad I'm not driving." Arterius said with a small smile after a moment, "The last time I managed to get behind the 'wheel' of a mortal vehicle didn't end up too well." They laughed slightly. "Let's just say human farm equipment isn't as bulky and slow as it looks."
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by DX3214
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DX3214 God-like Cyborg

Member Seen 1 day ago

Qhiuleri sat seeing the coal she smiled keeping attention to Homura. Grabing it she then heard Homura say "Should simply asking another to halt allowing their addiction to afflict them is considered an arduous challenge to you, then I struggle to imagine why any mortal would seek to worship you." Qhiuleri soon seemed to glow red with anger grabing the coal it catched fire on her hand as she chewed on it and swaloed she exaled a flare of fire and soon smoke filled the table she then said. "they..." she talked with a bit of condescending tone "...worship me, sister for a different reason then yours but i guess you dont understand having to rely on a concept instead of something phisical that will never end i might have my own concept but unlike yours born due to the necessity of words and vows i am the harshness of reality that all one day will embrace!" She was now angry her veins popped like vulcanic rivers.
She soon lifted up walking away her footsteps leaving scorch marks in the dinner she then opening the dinner door "I will be waiting in the van!" She soon closed the dinner shop causing its glass to crack.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by SouffleGirl123
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SouffleGirl123 Guild's Sweetheart

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Ki'ryah ignored her twin's interrupting pleas, she was far to used to his irritation at her speaking. At his question she gave a sweet light chuckle. "Oh, but I have thought it through, brother. And I've decided this woll be fun! What wrong can our cousin do? Little with you there to put him in his place," she responds. "Beside, human vehicles can be fun! You wish to understand, no? You cannot unless you experience,"

At this point Agthalan has approved Ki'ryah's request to drive. She beamed at him as the light surrounding her seemed to glow a little brighter for but a moment. "And I'd be honoured to drive!" She replies, taking another chip from the spread in front of her.

At Arterius' claim Ki'ryah couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of the pastel-haired goddex accidentally plowing through a field in a rapidly moving plough. "I can teach you if you want? You can be my co-driver?"

At Qhiuleri's storming out Ki'ryah gave a sigh. The goddess' temper was known to many, yet Ki'ryah couldn't help but feel bad for her. In her singlemindedness she couldn't imagine the constant swarm of thoughts swimming in her head. Even her brother's irritability was a much different, and probably safer, ball game. "We can discuss it later, we should probably go soon. I might just go check on her," Ki'ryah say softly before quietly exiting the building after the fiery goddess.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Chris488
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Chris488 Doesn't write anymore

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Anath Homura

The one-eyed goddess slowly blinked with bemusement upon being struck by a barrage of senseless behavior; she cared little for the prattle of an easily angered Qhiuleri, and there was little work she was willing to do in order to rewrite time so that she could prevent whatever ensuing calamity Arterius had created when they most certainly committed their crimes of theft and vandalism. Indeed, why bother with such tedious tasks that were beneath her blessed jurisdiction?

She contemplated the situation, and chose to concentrate on the most immediately concerning statements: Anath Homura stared at Ki'ryah with apprehension while the other goddess walked out of the diner, then turned her attention to Agthalan again, acting cautious of the chaos he sought to sow. She held up her hand, and revealed a certificate for commercial vehicles written in the common lexicon of letters that the cosmos - specifically the surrounding country - they currently occupied utilized for reading and legislature.

"Now whom among you has an actual license for driving the vehicle outside? Anyone?" Anath Homura of Honor simply inquired, and readied herself in advance for an array of fabricated documentation and false authorization from the various demented deities here. She had begun to consider whether she should buy some coffee for the definitely difficult and confounding path ahead of her. She peered at the others, and silently pondered...

She didn't even enjoy the taste of coffee.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by DELETEDUSER007


Banned Seen 5 mos ago

Agthalan let out a good-natured scoff as he turned his attention to Arterius.

"Of course it works! I drove it here after all, through several dimensional barriers at that. Trust me, that RV is tougher than it looks."

Tossing the shaker at a nearby wall, the king in scarlet began rummaging around in the pockets of his robes, looking for something. A moment later he pulled out what looked to be a genuine license and waved it in front of Anath. Some might think it strange, but what could be more chaotic than a kleptomaniac god having an actual driver's license that they earned through entirely legal means?

"I do as a matter of fact. A perfectly legal class A license as you can clearly see. I just don't want to drive."
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 15 min ago

Arterius listened to everyone before they glanced towards Ki'ryah as she asked if they wanted to be her co-driver; their eyes opened slowly with a bigger grin.
"That sounds amazing!" They said with a nod, "I would love to do that! I'm sure it'll be much different to the farming equipment." They said with a bit of a laugh.

They glanced to Pertius for a moment and gently rubbed his head happily as he continued to chomp on some of the food that they had ordered. They zoned back into the argument between the Order and Chaos gods as they tilted their head, They were glad to hear that the RV worked.
"Oh good!" They said with a wider grin, "I didn't want to have to figure out how to fix anything if it breaks down." They laughed a little bit before their eyes widened at the sight of the Drivers License being pulled out of Agth's robes. "Oh wow! Look at you go!"
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"Would you-" Aryion collecting himself, began in a a calm but still annoyed tone that however was cut short by everyone but himself getting up from the booth and heading for the exit.

"Anath, you can't seriously be considering joining Agathan's little charade?" typically he didn't speak much to the Goddess of Order, though their domains didn't conflict it didn't mean they were particularly chummy rather distant relatives "Ugh," the dark god disappeared, following his sibling completely ignoring that she was off to console the fiery and quite emotional Goddess "Ki'ryah I do not want to have to deal with this nonsense!" for him maybe, he'd have dumped the chaos god in a heart beat if he could but his sister certainly wouldn't allow that, she never liked his way of things.

"You think too much with 'emotion', give me one reason why I have to go on this silly trip." Aryion called after her as he floated behind.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Chris488
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Chris488 Doesn't write anymore

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Anath Homura

"You cannot flee from the duties of tomorrow by evading the duties of today. I cannot be concerned with my wishes; I must contend with whatever convoluted machinations Agathalan conjures."

Anath Homura said with a somber tone to the Seneschal of Shadows, wondering whether he would see how she suffered a similar ancient weird with the King of the Dark Below as he had with his bright and shining sister, their twisted tales wrought and woven into the weave together before any of them had been born. She simply watched while the grim god followed his sibling towards the folly of a fickle-flaming goddess, and stayed silent as she pondered future scenarios...

"I am bound by Honor, and cannot begin a battle of blades lest you strike first, Hungering-Roiling-Amorphous Agathalan... However I must minimize harm. I shall convince our companions; Arterius, Aryion, Ki'ryah, and Qhiuleri of your crimes, and we will cleanse the world of your corruption. This I promise you, Foul-Fiendish Demon of Discordia!"

Her proclamation became a pother, and another patron in the diner shouted at her suddenly: "Shut up, you stupid brat! I'm trying to sleep here!" And then with those words, Anath Homura wilted slightly like a solitary rose realizing winter was coming soon. She had stood with such stalwart pride prior to the complaints of others in the diner, and her dignity as a divine being demanded she still stay strong and serene afterwards.
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