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Member Seen 11 mos ago

Name: Vidarr Alcyorr
Age: Unknown
Gender/pronouns: Male(he/him)
Species: Force-sensitive Jawa
Looks: Vidarr is about a meter tall, and his appearance is hidden between hand-made brown robes. His eyes, which seem to glow, are bright orange.
Known Languages: Human, Jawa
Personality: Vidarr is kind, but if spooked he becomes slightly volatile.
Other: Vidarr was separated from the other Jawas by Storm Troopers, as he was found Force-sensitive. But he managed to escape, but ended up on an unknown planet that even his translator droid, C3-NT, could not identify. His ship was nowhere to be found,and C3-NT was badly damaged.

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Member Seen 7 mos ago

Basic Information
Name: Bartz Klauser
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Species: Unknown Humanoid
Orientation: Bi (Male Lean)
Fandom They’re From: Final Fantasy
Canon or OC: Canon
Appearance: Bartz appears to be a 20 year old young man with short brown hair and one brown eye and one grey eye, and a slim and muscular build. He is around 5’7” in terms of height and weighs about 127.8 lbs. He tends to wear an outfit that appears as if he had come straight out of a fantasy game.

Personality, Powers, Abilities and Weapons
Personality: While he’s normally an easygoing and friendly individual, Bartz is so much more than just a cheerful young man all the time. While he does enjoy being around other people, there are times where he would prefer to be left alone such as when he starts becoming overwhelmed by his emotions. At this point, he will excuse himself from any social interactions in a polite manner while he tries to process his emotions. He is also overly trusting which tends to make him more susceptible to being captured by an enemy. This is the reason why those who are on the same team as him receive a recommendation to keep an eye on him so that he won’t end up being captured. Aside from being overly trusting, he has trouble verbalizing difficult emotions and has a fear of heights (Acrophobia). He is also rather innocent and doesn’t understand some concepts of the world.

In addition, there are things that he likes and dislikes. He likes the color green and dislikes the color black while at the same time, liking sweet and sour food while disliking spicy food. He has a slight dislike of overly bitter flavors, though. He also dislikes Gilgamesh although he is fond of being around chocobos.

•Immortality - An inability to age or die from biological causes
•Spellcasting - Basically Magic. It has various weaknesses depending on the kind of magic and different elements are effective against one another. For example, Fire magic is rather effective on ice magic but it is overtaken by Water Magic. Similarly, light magic and dark magic are weak to one another. Also, not casting a spell correctly can lead to some disastrous consequences.
•Weapon Summoning
•Multi Weapon Combat/Mastery
Weapons: (If they have weapons available)

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Cat22
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Member Seen 7 mos ago

Basic Information
Name: Tidus
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Species: Merman (Lives on the planet of Mer)
Fandom They’re From: Final Fantasy (AU)
Canon or OC: Canon
Height: 5’9”

Human Form: Shown in the image. As shown in the image, Tidus is a blonde haired boy with blue eyes that stands at around 5’9” in terms of height. He often wears the clothing shown in the images above although he does take on a slightly different appearance in his merfolk form.
Merfolk Form: His merfolk form is almost the same as his human form with the exception of the cerulean colored tail that glows in the dark that replaces the lower body of a human. The tail fin itself is that of a halfmoon betta fish. Also, he doesn’t wear a shirt in his merfolk form.

Personality, Powers, Abilities and Weapons
Personality: Tidus tends to be on the energetic side when it comes to his personality. While this can make him rather hard to handle at times, he can be calm although moments where he is completely calm are somewhat uncommon compared to the moments where his energetic nature shines through. He is also somewhat childish although he can also be serious when the situation calls for it. He is also rather friendly which has been witnessed by many people who interact with him. Oh and he does not like his dad whatsoever.
•Immortality - Due to being a merman (Merfolk in his world do not age past a certain point.), Tidus cannot age past 18 years of age and for some odd reason, is also immune to dying via poison and disease. However, this ability doesn’t protect him from getting injured.
•Shapeshifting - From human form to merfolk form. Tidus is able to switch between a human form meant for land and his merfolk form which is meant for the water.
• Spellcasting (Magic) - Basically Magic. It has various weaknesses depending on the kind of magic and different elements are effective against one another. For example, Fire magic is rather effective on ice magic but it is beaten by Water Magic. Similarly, light magic and dark magic are weak to one another. Also, not casting a spell correctly can lead to some disastrous consequences.
• The ability to breathe underwater (PASSIVE ABILITY)
•Weapon Summoning - The user is able to summon weapons from a pocket dimension that acts as a storage space for them. Currently, the only weapon type that Tidus is able to summon from that are swords. (Sealed away by the residents of Ravenwood)
•Tsunami - The user summons a massive wave of water to attack their foes with. This ability is most often used by sea dragons and Leviathan herself although Tidus is able to use it as well.
•Energy Rain: This attack requires for Tidus to jump off of an enemy or an object into the air where he then charges mystical energy into his sword before throwing down said energy to explode on his foes (ACTIVE ABILITY) (Only usable in human form)
• Blitz Ace - Probably his most notable ability, this ability also requires the use of mobility since Tidus slices at his enemy eight times before using the hilt of his sword to leap into the air before he kicks a Blitzball into his target which… explodes on impact. This ability isn’t powerful enough to destroy a mountain but it can cause a lot of damage. (ACTIVE ABILITY) (Usable in both forms although in his merfolk form, he swims upwards instead of using the hilt of his sword to leap into the air and smacks the exploding blitzball into his opponent by using his tail.)

Weapons: (If they have weapons available)

Backstory and Other Info
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Cat22
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Member Seen 7 mos ago

Basic Information
Name: Marth
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Species: Unknown Humanoid
Fandom They’re From: Fire Emblem
Canon or OC: Canon
Role: Prince of Altea

Personality, Powers, Abilities and Weapons
Personality: Marth is rather shy and aloof when it comes to meeting someone for the first time. This can cause him to somewhat stutter when speaking to a new person although he tries to keep this under control which can sometimes end up backfiring for him. He is also extremely humble to the point where he may get somewhat bashful when complimented by other people. He tends to be rather caring and overly trusting at times which has led to his allies having to keep a close eye on him so that he doesn’t end up falling into a trap just to save an ally and to make sure that he doesn’t fall into the wrong hands.
•Immortality - Cannot age or die from most causes.
•Skilled Swordsman
•Skilled Mage
•Exalted Falchion

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