Someone has already posted a app as Brazil, so no.
Rare said
Could I join as Brazil?
The Nexerus said
So that would be a 'no', then.
Vilageidiotx said
If you can make it make sense, then it is OK. Historically, the possibility of war hasn't discouraged every rebellion ever possibly, after all. Kazak nationalists probably aren't too fond of the Chinese infringing on their sovereignty.But it isn't going to be too simple. If the Kazaks are democratic, I would suspect their elections are rigged heavily in favor of the Chinese parties, so it would take a military coup or a large scale civilian revolt to change the government. You won't have the current government meeting up and saying "You know what? Let us be anti-communist now." That just doesn't happen.
The Nexerus said
How much can we diverge from established canon in regards to what our nation does once we start roleplaying them? I was thinking of taking Kazakhstan and realigning against the Communists.
Vilageidiotx said
The Chinese aren't know for respecting the sovereignty of their sphere in this RP, so communist aligned comes with as much baggage as being communist, at least from the perspective of . I think the results are the same. Unless the current government is faces with a noticeable change in their relationship, it will retain its stance unless pressured enough by the military or civilian population.
The Nexerus said
Kazakhstan isn't in the Cominterm, or whatever that red shading on the map is called. If they're not an open slate, their summary should be changed to reflect that.
Dinh AaronMk said
They are open but they've had prior dealings with the Chinese state.
The Nexerus said
Which does not necessarily mean that they're both communist and a Chinese vassal-state.
Dinh AaronMk said
The demographic changes you're probably looking at are a reflection of Stalinist policies to moving massive groups of people they don't like - either ethnically of politically - to somewhere out of the way.
Dinh AaronMk said
From what I've been reading the Uzbek population never went above the single-digits.