So I dumped the cumulative weight of all my PoW posts ever into WordCounter and here's some stats:
Words: 103,200
Unique words: 11,240
Characters: 571,622
Characters (no spaces): 770870
Sentences: 6,988
Avg. Sentence (words): 15
Avg. Sentence (chars): 82
Paragraphs: 2,655
Reading level: 11th-12th grade
reading time: 376 mins
Words: 103,200
Unique words: 11,240
Characters: 571,622
Characters (no spaces): 770870
Sentences: 6,988
Avg. Sentence (words): 15
Avg. Sentence (chars): 82
Paragraphs: 2,655
Reading level: 11th-12th grade
reading time: 376 mins