Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 6 days ago

Batman was a thing of the past.

After the mysterious death of Bruce Wayne nearly a decade prior, Gotham City only began to get worse. Several of Batman’s allies kept the fight alive but in time they all moved on. Barbara Gordon was the only one who remained and after serving on the GCPD for several years she became the new Commissioner. The city was on the edge of chaos until hope came in the form of a new street gang. The Robins fought back against the Jokerz gang and were more help than the police would ever dare to admit. While she didn’t condone putting children in the line of fire, after several arrests took place following a gang war Gordon discovered a couple of the Robins were metahumans.

Gordon knew she had a better shot at protecting Gotham with a team of metahumans, and after disbanding the Robins she took the pair of super-powered teens and began recruiting for a new team. The Titans of Gotham would come into existence with the aid of Oracle, whose identity was only known by the two former Robins gang members. The team would be comprised of metahuman teens from in and around Gotham and its neighboring cities. Gordon gave the team access to an underground bunker that was built for Batman and his allies years prior to his death. The bunker itself was practically a miniature Bat-Cave complete with a 3D printer and costuming device. It appeared as if one of the Robins, Spoiler, and Batgirl had used the secret HQ last; however everything was covered with dust.

Gotham itself was something of a sight. While it wasn’t quite the Neo Gotham some envisioned for the future, it was well on its way there. Industrial Park had already begun to embrace the future technologies of the world, as did the GCPD and other emergency services. The police, fire department, and EMS crews all had access to hover cars and vehicles. The Bat-signal that used to sit on the old GCPD building was still on the roof of the new building, and the coup de grass for any tours of the department. The criminal element of the city had also adapted. Bane’s daughter had taken over his Venom operation, pushing new patches called slappers on everyone from athletes, to gym junkies, and even law enforcement. After the disbanding of the Robins, the Jokerz gang decided it had nothing better to do than go to war with itself and now there were two factions fighting for criminal supremacy. A vigilante known as Peace Keeper 01 was also wreaking havoc executing criminals for the pettiest of crimes, as well as a couple crooked cops he didn’t even bother exposing before murdering in a public area. He gained favor with the citizens of Gotham after taking down Poison Ivy and Black Mask, however more recently after firing on and killing several citizens for speeding he’s went off the deep end.


1.) No back-to-back posting.


3.) Make sense. If we can't make heads or tails of your posts they're likely to get skipped over.

4.) Get permission before using another player's character in your posts if it involves changing the scene or making actions. Everybody will take beatings in this game in battle however, so don't get pissed if you get punched or blasted into a wall by the bad guys! Namely me controlling the badguys...

5.) Problems with the game or players should be sent directly to me through PM's. I don't want a bunch of bickering in the OOC.

6.) Abandoned characters will be used as NPC's or killed off within the context of the story.

7.) “I was waiting for [insert player/character] to make a move” is not how this game is played.

8.) There is no rule #8.

9.) My word is law.

10.) Obey the law.

11.) In the event that I'm offline for any period of time, the Co-GM [none atm] will take control and HIS/HER word will then be law.


Two weeks ago….

Gemini ran across the rooftops of midtown just as he did with the Robins. It was different, being his own hero rather than trying to adopt another hero’s symbol or look. He enjoyed his time with the Robins, and he had a good friend in Bolt. The two of them were recruited around the same time, and Bolt was the one to figure out that Gemini wasn’t actually a pair of twins. As he ran across the rooftops and jumped and rolled he activated his power and duplicated himself. Now he ran as a dynamic duo. But he was being watched.

“The woman in the GCPD… Oracle she wants to be called… gave us that slick place to live and use as an HQ. I used some of the tech to make this new suit…” the boys thought together as one as they continued their patrol.

“New target acquired.” said an armored up vigilante on the other end of a sniper scope.

“Can’t wait to see who else other than Bolt and me are recruited…” Gemini began to think before a loud BANG came out of seemingly nowhere and his duplicate dissipated from a headshot.

“YOU DON’T HAVE TO PLAY GAMES! SHOW YOURSELF!” Gemini screamed as Peace Keeper 01 stepped out from behind his cover.

“You’re the guy who took down Ivy and Black Mask. Why’d you take a shot at me?” Gemini asked puzzled, not knowing how dangerous this man truly was.

The man with bionic implants leaped from building to building, taking his eyes off of the rookie hero only momentarily until he dropped to the rooftop the teen hero occupied. After staring the young man down for what seemed like an eternity he finally spoke in a grizzled voice from behind his helmet/mask thing.

“Kids shouldn’t wear costumes.” He stated pulling out a giant bladed weapon from his back body armor weapons harness.

“Yeah yeah… and you shouldn’t tell people what to do!” Gemini replied back as his duplicate caught the vigilante off guard from behind with a futuristic satellite dish type of rooftop device to the back of the head. The young hero fought hard for several minutes but the man in the armor with his mechanical limbs was just too much. Even with the numbers advantage Peace Keeper 01 knew where to hit Gemini. The young hero had made him drop his blade earlier. He stepped back and picked it up while he had the kid and his duplicate on the ropes.

“You think you’re any kind of threat to me, punk? You think I can’t tell the difference between you and your dupe?” PK01 continued to taunt, taking out a small firearm and shooting the duplicate in the head once again and making him dissipate.

“Why are you doing this, the city needs more than just one hero?!” Gemini pleaded as Peace Keeper 01 threw him with one arm through a skylight in an old warehouse style apartment building that was rundown.

“Because I can.” Peace Keeper replied.

Present day, 2036….

The team was gathered at the bunker. Some of them were training, some were in civilian clothes, and then Oracle came over the monitors. It was around four in the evening. Nobody had seen or heard from Gemini in nearly two weeks.

“I’m so sorry team, but GCPD just found Gemini’s body in an old abandoned warehouse in midtown. The crime scene suggests it was Peace Keeper 01. Stay at HQ until I get more info. Oracle out.” She didn’t even wait for a response. Almost like the message was recorded rather than some kind of live transmission.

Bolt pulled his hood over his head and walked slowly towards his personal quarters. Gemini was the closest thing to a brother he had ever had. Maybe he wasn’t cut out for this hero thing. Maybe none of them were.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Lady Mischief
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Lady Mischief Daughter of Updog

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Two weeks ago...

"I'm... what?"

Tiara blinked as she sat in the darkened office, the only light in the room coming from Sargent Isabella's desk lamp that illuminated her grim face. The news had hit the poor girl like a freight train, that much the older woman could see very clear. This strange girl that sat before her, this child whom she had come to think of as her own, could no longer be held within the prison. Her presence had been requested in Gotham by someone with connections far greater than her own, there was nothing she could do and no way she could turn them down. Isabella had dragged her feet for as long as she could but today was the last day she could afford to keep Tiara here, she had to send her out into the world now whether she was ready or not.

"Tiara, this isn't easy but arrangements have been made by those higher up than me. I... I have no say in this matter. They allowed me to take you as far as the Gotham city limits but that is as far as I can take you. It's all I can do for you. I'm sorry, I truly wish I could do-"

Tiara cut her off, sighing as she smiled despite the sharp aching pain within her chest.

"Please... please don't apologize. There's truly no need, I know you did all you could Isabella. I... I'll miss you terribly though. Everyone... can I at least come visit?"

The silence was deafening within the room as Isabella wished desperately to agree, but she knew that her team would be in more danger if they got involved with her from here on out. She was to become a hero, to join a team of some sort in Gotham where she would be with those who could understand her. But her own parents were prime examples of how associating with a hero or villain could get you killed, her mother had killed so many people heroes knew that Isabella wondered just how her father had fallen for her. Perhaps they both had a screw loose... but it didn't seem like that was passed down to their daughter if that was the case.

"I understand... when do we leave?"

Isabella snapped out of her thoughts and cleared her throat, her hands folded together as she stared at Tiara who seemed even more within the shadows than ever before.

"I need you packed up in thirty minutes and I'll brief you on the way."

Tiara merely nodded and the shadows within the room seemed to warp, shrouding her in complete darkness before she vanished altogether. Isabella sighed as her face plopped into her hands, a long pained sigh escaping her lips as she wondered how she had gotten through that. She could only imagine how Tiara felt, being upended from her home for the second time in her life, now to be thrust into a completely different world even she couldn't comprehend. She just prayed that she would be kept safe and would return after each mission safe and sound.

Present day...

Tiara froze as she heard the news, her heart beat echoing within her ears as she nearly dropped her lace parasol. Gemini... was dead? Perhaps it hadn't hit her that they would be in mortal danger, that lives would be on the line, that her team mates could die just like that. But now that it was right before her eyes she couldn't help but see her mother and fathers faces flash before her very eyes, their deaths tied to their previous work as hero and villain, and the grisly fate they met. Did... did Gemini meet such a fate too? What happened to him? What was the state of his body when he was found? When had he passed? Why had it happened? So many questions raced through her mind, her breath quickening as she felt her powers taking over. They overwhelmed her, the fear of losing control merely fueling the emotional fire that grew the intensity of her ability. Within a moment the darkness surrounded her and she found herself underneath the table of the kitchen, hyperventilating as tears streamed down from her Ruby eyes.


The words slipped past her lips as she curled up into a ball, her face planted in her knees as she hugged her legs tightly to her chest. So many questions that she knew would forever remain unanswered whilst the pain of loss ate away at her core bit by bit.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Two weeks ago

Natalie stared at the handwritten letter demanding rent. She just got fired today. She'd never been courteous around rude customers but one of them hd kicked up enough of a stink that she finally got axed this time. She stretched, and groaned, turned back to her laptop, and continued brownsing through the seven tabs she had open. Looking for other job openings. Other apartments. Any personal connection she had left. Any bridge that wasn't burned yet. She wasn't going to let having nothing left stop her or get her down. If it came down to it, she could sell her bike for scrap and get an extra week of food, shelter and internet.

Just then, a dialogue box opened up on her screen, and text began to appear. Somebody had just hacked into her laptop. Natalie sword and sat upright, suddenly paying very close attention as she read the message.


That night, she was driving down the highway on her bike, a single backpack on her back carrying everything she owned. She had traded in all the clothes and possessions she couldn't carry which amounted to just enough cash for fuel and dinner and no more. What she was doing was a gamble. It might even possibly be a trap. But why would anyone send that message unless it was legitimate? Somebody calling themselves Oracle, possibly even THE Oracle, has offered her food and board in exchange for her using her powers to fight crime? Natalie had never given much thought to fighting crime. Like most people, she considered that the work of Heroes, and did not consider herself a hero. She had enough to deal with. But she would be lying if she said she wasn't excited at the prospect. It also meant that instead of needing to hide her powers, she could actually flex them.

Present Day

Natalie had always known, since hearing of his dissapearence before she even arrived here and no word since, that Gemini was dead. But hearing confirmation made it real. She was silent for a long time, staring at the monitor long after Bolt had left the room. Suddenly she picked up her empty soda can and threw it as hard as she could at the screen. It bounced off and fell to the floor with a clatter that cut through the tense silence.

"Is she really going to tell us that and leave it? No explaination? Are we not owed an explaination?! Somebody just fucking DIED! This is so fucked!" she suddenly screamed out, before getting up and storming off to her own room, though not before everyone who remained could hear her start to sob just before she was out of sight.

In her own room, she crawled onto her bed, boots still on, and drew her knees up to her chest. She hugged her legs to herself, curling into a ball. The few seconds of sobbing she'd choked back on the way here were all she had. Now she felt too numb to cry. What the hell was she even doing here? She didn't belong in gotham. She wasn't a vigilante. She wasn't hero material the way the Bat family were heroes. Was she only recruited because of a power she didn't know how to really use yet? Would she ever figure out how it works, or why she has it?
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

“I’m so sorry team, but GCPD just found Gemini’s body in an old abandoned warehouse in midtown."

The crime scene suggests it was Peace Keeper 01."

The words hit Oscar like cold water. Standing statue still with his arms crossed, the titanic metahuman released a labored sigh of displeasure. Nothing would bring Gemini back, but letting Peace Keeper go unpunished would only let this happen more. He had faced the vigilante more times than he could count, and could attribute plenty of scars to their paths crossing. One of his new teammates stormed off in tears, and another disappeared. He could hear what sounded like crying from the kitchen. Oscar couldn't blame either of them. Natalie struck him as the type who needed that solitude, and staying here meant he could console someone else.

Natalie wasn't wrong, though. That little information wasn't productive.

He walked in and found her under a kitchen counter. She looked terrified. Of course she was, Gemini was dead and they were all very, very mortal. Oscar knelt down under the countertop and very gentle rested a hand on Tiara's shoulder. Everything was fragile to his hands.

"It's scary, knowing your life is in danger. I've stood in Peace Keeper's way enough times to know it could happen to any of us, and he knows me well enough he'll have something in mind for me if we meet again. It's okay to be scared. You can't be brave if you're not." Oscar talked like he was 30 years old, consoling someone who was scared of the world ending tomorrow. That's just how he was. "We'll find him. We'll make him face the consequences of every person he's ever killed, and Gemini will rest easier because of it."
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by FalloutJack
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FalloutJack The Long Dark Nuka-Break of the Soul

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Two Weeks Ago...

Metropolis wasn't his target city, but considering the distance he had covered in the night, and the fact that daylight was not far off, he had requirements that needed to be met before that time, and in order to prepare for proper insertion. This was a clandestine effort on his part, and so secrecy to some extent was required. His efforts had been quick, efficient, and within reasonable tolerances to remain unknown. The only problem was that he was unaware that he had been discovered and was being followed. But then, given the situation that unfolded, it was of no real surprise, given his location. Thus, after obtaining a disguise and locating a small hotel complex in the lower east side of town, the concealed form of Zen entered his newly-acquired room. That was when the figure in the dark turned on the lamp next to his chair and smiled.

"Now, I'm not angry, but would you mind explaining just what you're doing here?"

To the onlooker, he only looked minorly suspicious, nothing seriously worth being concerned about. This man, however, could see past that, at least through the clothing layer. Taking off the trenchcoat, the Hawaiian t-shirt, and the shorts that he had acquired from a display window, it seemed like it might be better to explain, in this situation.

"Nothing technically illegal, I assure you."

That got him an eyebrow raise from the man.

"Nothing illegal, huh? So, the broken window and the clothing you removed from the store aren't an issue?"

"Not if they are swiftly reimbursed via currency gathered from the net by picking up the small percent of credit flow rounded off during various transactions. It is the equivalent of picking old currency pennies from the ground, done many times."

"That's shaving it rather thin. I honestly considered taking you down, but I was curious when I saw you'd casually broken up a mugging from the building you initially landed on."

There had been one. He scared off the muggers with a hail of gunfire, and nobody was ever the wiser, only safer. It was his programming, his ultimate goal, after all.

"As I said, I'm not angry, but I would like to know what a military-grade robot is up to in MY city."

Zen looked him over, then took a seat nearby. If anybody would understand, it'd be him...

"Can you keep a secret for me?"


Present Day...

The news about Gemini rattled the other human members of the team. For their robotic compatriot, the reaction was different. They had seen that he was 100% machine, an artificial being that only any material like food as an alternative energy form in emergencies, and that was generally through an openable slot under his armpit. Everything about him was going to be different, and yet his drive and goals were the same here. He wan't to do some good and make a difference. At this time, Zen had finished a tune-up of his parts to make sure they were at peak efficiency, and he was practicing his martial arts. Without hitting any of the gym equipment, mind you. That stuff could break under enough pressure.

When he saw the reactions of the others, with some defeated and depressed reactions, the android remained motionless and thinking. Oracle had informed them, and then ordered them not to move on Peace Keeper. This may have been to protect them, or it may have been to keep them from doing anything 'half-cocked', as it were. This was undestandable from a tactical standpoint, which he saw some of the merit in. However, it did not sit well for him - a combat machine with almost nothing to do if he remained here - to just lounge around, waiting for information. The death of his creator and the chance to realize his dream brought him here to Gotham, and he would not simply stand idle.

He would stand and do something else. So, as Oscar went to console Tiara, Zen would be heard walking up to the nearest computer console.

"Correct. We will begin by gathering our own intel, right from here."

The blue-black android would attach a cord from his belt to the system and begin interacting with it, as he'd done on a regular basis. He could move rather quickly online, and usually not ruffle a feather when finding necessary details. Tracking the movements of people - potential targets - was already a part of his programming. This was no different, as he sought to follow the traceable portions of the movements of Gemini from his last known position, as well as Peace Keeper. This was not even disobeying Oracle, really, so she shouldn't even object.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Skwint
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Travis emerged from the bathroom wondering what Natalie was screaming about. He made his towards the common area, passing a sulking Bolt and a crying Natalie on the way. The mood in the room definitely seemed rather dark. Oscar had been saying something or other as Travis entered the room, but he hadn't paid attention to what it was. After retrieving a soda from the fridge, he took stock of the situation. The room was silent besides Tiara's quiet sobs from under the table. Why was she under the table, anyway?

"What's going on here," he asked as he cracked open the soda can. "Ya'll are acting like somebody died or something."
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 6 days ago

Four weeks ago….

JD was playing with a stolen smart phone one of the Robins had acquired. They fought the Jokerz on the regular but that didn’t mean that they didn’t have to steal something once in a while. He’d had it for a couple days. Somebody had dropped it after a gang war or something, and the police gave it back to him after they released everyone from custody. He was playing with the camera on the roof of a building in Old Gotham when a strange 3D animated head appeared on the screen. He thought it was some kind of filter, but he couldn’t get it off the screen.

“My name is Oracle. I used to be a friend of the Batman..” the head spoke to JD and he dropped the phone momentarily.

“Is this some sort of joke, did I click on something?” JD asked out loud picking up the phone.

“I know about your metahuman power. I’m putting a team together to take back Gotham from the likes of Bane and the Jokerz, and anything else in between.” Oracle explained. “I can give you a permanent place to live, food, purpose.”

“You have to take my friend too. He’s got a power too, he…” JD began before Oracle stopped him.

“If you’re talking about the kid who can become two people it’s not really what I’m looking for. He’s too much of a hot-head…” Oracle stated.

“He’s survived living in the streets for years. I’ve only been on them for a few months. He’s the best hand to hand fighter I’ve ever seen, even on tv...” JD continued to press this Oracle person.

“He’s too much of a risk.” Oracle said sternly.

“You’re asking me a favor to join this team, I’m asking for one in return. It’s either both of us or nobody. And you can keep this hacked phone…” JD said as he tossed it below towards a dumpster. As he made his way down the fire escape, a small drone flew down next to him.

“You and your friend meet another drone of mine at this location…” the drone said with the same voice as Oracle on the smartphone. The drone handed a folded piece of paper with an address on it to the young man. “Come at midnight, and don’t tell anyone.”


Five minutes ago Oracle came over the comms and said the police found Gemini’s body. People were crying, only a couple of them had even met Gemini as the team hadn’t been fully formed. JD put his hood on and passed Ghost in the hallway towards the personal living quarters of the heroes. Basically it was ten small one room apartments within the bunker.

“Bro… if they don’t get eight more people for this team I’m giving a dupe a room of his own and seeing how long he can stick around.” Gemini said, as Bolt thought back on their first reactions to the bunker.

The young hero didn’t make it into his personal quarters. The door slid up. And then it slid down after a few moments. It did this for around a minute or so before Bolt lost his cool and punched the door as hard as he could. He waved his hand and the manhole cover he’d recently acquired smashed through the part of the door that could no longer slide into the automated door device on its way out of his room. He stepped onto it and gritted his teeth. JD rolled up the sleeves on his super suit and hovered back towards the lounge area.

“I don’t care what the Wizard of Oz says. Gemini was my brother. I’m going after this armored nutjob. Who’s coming with me?” Bolt asked the group.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Lady Mischief
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Lady Mischief Daughter of Updog

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Tia was surprised when Oscar had found her beneath the table, his touch comforting in a way she hadn't really felt before. No one from the precinct had ever gotten close to her physically, not since the incident. There had been an accident when one of the officers went rogue. She couldn't blame him, he had gone up against her mother and was one of a select few who had survived. He was angry, furious that the woman who had stolen so many lives had been happy, had lived with love and had brought a soul into this world. So of course he would lash out against her daughter whom she had left behind in this world, Tiara could still feel the lingering sensation of her ribs bruishing as he kicked her over and over.

It was when he had grabbed her hair and had pulled her to her knees she had felt the world growing dimmer, the shadows around them swirling as her powers had activated. Fortunately she had been teleported safely onto the ground outside of her cell, but the officer... he had let go mid teleportion and had ended up falling to his death a few blocks away. They had not charged her for his death as they deemed it self defense given how severely she had been beaten, but after that no one had touched her for fear of the same happening to them. She couldn't remember how long it had been since she last felt someone's warmth, but in that moment she craved even more. But she was terrified by that longing as well, so she merely held back and nodded in response to his words. The words that gave her courage in the face of death.

As Travis entered the kitchen though Tiara froze up, his question hanging heavy in the air as she realized he might have been the only one who didn't know what had happened. Was it alright to be the one to tell him?

"Gemini... they found his body. He... he's dead." She managed to get out, her head drooping as she wondered if he was in a good place. She hoped there was something, anything after this.

As JD entered though and proclaimed that he was going to go find Peacekeeper and bring him to justice for his actions Tiara couldn't help but lift her head. He body trembled as she climbed out from under the table. The light burned her skin but thanks to the exo-skin on top of her own it was merely as if she was taking a very hot shower. But she didn't let that stop her, grasping onto JD though she knew he could very well shake her off at any moment. She wasn't strong, she wasn't anything like the others. But she knew this was dangerous, it was suicide even!

"Don't go! I know Peacekeeper is to blame, he deserves to pay for killing Gemini! But we're not ready! Even as a group we may not be enough! If one of us dies because we tried to avenge him do you think he'd be happy? We must think about this rationally! We will bring him justice, we will bring Gemini peace, but we must be smart about this!" Tiara insisted, her eyes pleading to JD just as much as her words were.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Birdboy
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Birdboy Feathered freakshow

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Two weeks ago...

Jeremy adjusted the watch attached to his wrist until it snuggly fit around his dark skin. Nervously he kept his eyes fixated on it and away from the team of heroes and STAR labs scientist staring him down. They all seemed to be awaiting some sort of response for their heroics, something he knew they deserved but dreaded saying. With a heavy sigh he finally put his hands back at his side and looked up to them.

"Thank you. I don't know what would have happened if-" He began, but was cut off by one of the metahumans surrounding him.
"We all struggle with our powers in one way or another. We're just glad no one was hurt"

Jeremy let out a nervous chuckle in response. sure, he hadn't caused any physical damage to anyone but he had heard the screams and he knew exactly what he had done to his fellow citizens of Bludhaven. They would need therapy for years, and he might too, the panic in their voices and the gagging and coughing, it was all seemingly too much for him to bare. nevertheless he kept a brave face, giving the crowd a cheeky grin.
"So now what? I don't think I'm going back to that powerplant. Do I just start searching for a new job?" He added snarkily.

The group around him pondered in a painful silence. The scientist began to leave to let the metahumans work out their own issues. Finally, after a staggeringly long moment of thought one of the heroes spoke up, softly at first but quickly gaining some level of confidence in their idea.
"you know, I heard that a friend in Gotham was looking for some metahuman protectors. You've got a very powerful ability, you should use it for good!" She said with an optimistic gleam in her eyes. The other heroes eyed him with more scrutiny. He knew what they wanted to say: 'It's the least you can do to make up for the pain you've caused'. Worse yet, he couldn't deny it either. This was his turning point, the time when he decides whether he goes villainous or heroic, as he had long since cast aside any chance of living a normal life in Bludhaven. His face was plastered over the news, and he didn't have the drive or the money to start anew. Especially knowing a watch was all that stood between him and another outbreak.

"Well..." Jeremy begrudgingly spoke up.

Present day

Oracle's words caught Jeremy off guard. He had been fiddling with the watch on his hand idly, a nervous tick he had procured over the past few weeks. Having never met this 'Gemini' character he merely grimaced at the loss. Another hero was swallowed up and tossed aside by this dreaded town. Since he had gotten here all he could think was that Gotham was a truly hellish town. How people still managed to live here baffled him. He kept a brave face, but he couldn't help but frown as the others in the HQ broke down. Some went to sulk in their rooms and others openly wept. A pang of guilt hit him when he realized how little he was reacting. The hero-to-be procured a cigarette from his pocket, flicked a match across one of his combat boots, and lit it. Oracle had advised him not to smoke here, but given the circumstances he felt he could make an exception this one time. A small puff of smoke filled the common room and quickly dissipated as the ventilation sucked it up.

"What's going on here," Travis asked as he cracked open the soda can. "Ya'll are acting like somebody died or something"

A half-hearted scoff came deep within Jeremy at Travis' reaction. He replied to the young man, hoping to keep anyone from being in the dark. He didn't need them going around making people feel worse with his ignorance. Luckily Tiara answered for him.

Hearing it said out loud. Again made the young hero feel the harsh truth first hand. He choked him up just saying it. It could have been any one of them, even himself.
"I think it's worth giving him a moment of silence. He had a good heart, from what I've heard" He added solemnly. The moment of silence did not last long though, as another hero emerged from the quarters with a rage in his heart and a burning passion in his eyes. He clearly hadn't taken the news well.
“I don’t care what the Wizard of Oz says. Gemini was my brother. I’m going after this armored nutjob. Who’s coming with me?” Bolt asked the group.

Jeremy raised his fist, ready to show his allegiance to the reckless plan. Ever the bombastic daredevil he was eager to risk it all. Fortunayely, Tiara was quick to interject. The young man sighed as he listened to her try to reason. Shaking his head he harshly disagreed.
"We've got numbers and some gnarly powers. We can't just sit on our asses and wait, what's the point of a metahuman super squad if we don't deal with troublemakers like him" he interjected with a wavering smile.
"Besides, electricity powers to zap the cyborg, me to fill his lungs with toxins, we only need a few more guys and a sick plan to take him out, right Bolt" he asked with his best attempt at rationalizing his plans.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Natalie had been listening to everybody's words from outside the room, having got tired of moping rather quickly. Stewing in silence was just making everything worse. She needed to get out of her own head, and talk to her team. She walked back into the room and folded her arms.

"I'm not sure if we're ready, and I know going after him is a terrible idea, but I don't feel safe going out there and fighting small fry as long as he's still out there. He killed one of us for doing this, he could attack any of the rest of us, at any time. I'm not going to wait to be picked off. We need to make a plan, and we need to take him out together. We can't just ignore him anymore."

Natlie walked over to the sofas, and cleared some space on the coffee table just in case they needed to use it for planning. Natalie didn't know how planning worked. She didn't know the first thing about how to be part of a Hero team. Still, she spoke as she cleared magazines and dirty dishes. "As strong as he is, I don't think he can power his way out of steel rope. I could restrain him if his hands are kept busy. Let's brainstorm. Between all of us, I know we can beat this guy."
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by FalloutJack
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FalloutJack The Long Dark Nuka-Break of the Soul

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

While the others were somewhere in the order or desiring to go or not being certain of their readiness, Zen was cycling through rampant amounts of data, which flashed several images on the screen at once for less than a fraction of a second each while a mental analysis determined the usefulness of the images, in regards to tracking down Peacekeeper 01. Once he had found what he was looking for, and the team had confirmed who was going to find the man, he would suit up in his Trask armor to maintain anonymity.

Sub-Query: If the Peacekeeper gives himself the '01' designation, does that imply that there are more, or that he is the rated number one Peacekeeper?

Information regarding possibility of another Peacekeeper is sparse, as true motivations are unknown. However, it would be possible for another person to take up the mantle, regardless of intentions.

He continued... Camera evidence of some of Peacekeeper's movements, claims of his passing began to correlate and confirm these movements, locking off others that - while confirmed, did not lead anywhere.

No. Negative. This is another false lead. Witness Account 33-A paints this as deception. Target has doubled back in order to lead pursuers down the wrong path. Eliminating branches 3, 6, and 8. Pursuing branch 11 now.

He had narrowed the field to Old Gotham, with an increased difficulty in establishing a location, until he had three branching paths where it was possible that taken a severe left turn towards the waterfront, ducked into old Gotham law offices, or...

Pathing indicates greater desire for stealth in alleys now. Negative on left field movement, secondary and tertiary targets still-

Target seen exiting roof to enter tertiary location at extreme range of surveillance.

Confirmed. Target location acquired.

Zen would disconnect, and even as Natalie cleared a space on the table, they would all hear him approach.

"I have located Peacekeeper 01 at a disused police blimp station located in Old Gotham. There is a greater than 90% probability that this is a base of operations, temporary or otherwise. In either case, it is likely occupied at this present moment, so we must plan quickly."

He put down several printed sheets of paper. One was the photo evidence of Peacekeeper's presense. One was an old photo of the Gotham PD blimp station when it was originally in use. The third was an old design of the location in question. All of this was obtainable on the net if you knew where to look. It wasn't even illegal to have them.

"All evidence points to Peackeeper operating in keeping with some of my original designs. That is, being a well-armed combatant who acts decisively in the heat of any conflict. Because he is human, he will be well-trained in combat, but limited to what he can carry and store on his person, which is less than my own capacity, but still lethally-capable, as we all know. If we assume his style of combat to be soldier-like, he will not leave things to chance while in battle. We must watch out for each other in this, as he will make certain to confirm the kill if we do not."

He looked at them all, his triplet of red eyes panning around.

"Peacekeeper is a combatant without mercy. He should be considered lucky that we are willing to do better."
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Skwint
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Travis barely had time to process the news of Gemini's death before everyone started talking at once. Bolt burst into the room announcing his intention to go after Peace Keeper followed by the other team members voicing their opinions on the matter. Even the robot was on-board with hunting him down.

"Woah, woah, woah, woah," Travis interjected. "We can't fight that guy. Gemini was a better fighter than any of us. If PK killed him, there's no way we would stand a chance. Only one of us is bulletproof."

Unfortunately, the odds didn't seem to be in his favor. Bolt, Jeremy, and the robot were ready to fight. Natalie seemed less confident, but still agreed with them. Tiara was the only other naysayer besides Travis. He couldn't help but get the feeling that Monolith would agree to fight as well, so he and Tia would be out-voted.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Lady Mischief
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Lady Mischief Daughter of Updog

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

It was all happening so fast; first JD, then Jeremy, followed by Natalie, and now even Zen joined in agreement to fight Peacekeeper. It seemed the only one who saw her side of the coin was Travis, but even then they were outnumbered. Even if Oscar was also on their side they'd be outvoted. There seemed to be no other choice than to go through it with them... she just prayed that should Peacekeeper recognize her mothers features within her that he'd keep it to himself. Tia had joined this time thanks to Oracles invitation but she had no idea if the others knew where she had been all these years... or if they knew of her parentage.

Tia sighed as she released Bolt, her pale fingers wiping the tears still caught in her ivory lashes before she stood next to the table, her arms wrapping around herself as she stared down at all the evidence Zen collected. There were so many twists and turns, so many different paths that could lead to their doom. They'd be like rats in a maze, and Peacekeeper had the advantage when it came to shooting them down. She closed her eyes tight, the corners of her ruby lips turning down in a frown as she thought even more about their odds.

"Even if we do this... what's to say he doesn't have this place completely teaming with traps? We're going into this blind with no knowledge of the trial ahead of us, and that's even before we get to Peacekeeper! We'd have to figure out the odds of where in that building he might be and break in to that specific location! But how on earth would we do that without alerting hi-"

Tia's eyes shot open as she realized that she was the only one that could possibly get them in there uninjured, she was their best option for survival when it came to getting them in and out of this without having to pass through all the obstacles they might face otherwise. If they had a photo of where they needed to go specifically within the building she could easily get them in. But her heart raced as she though back on the last time she teleported with someone, remembering how the officers had forced her to view his body in the morgue to show her of how much of a monster she was.


The shadows from the room seemed to warp and sway as she began to panic.

"No! I... I can't do this! The last time anyone teleported with me they let go and they died! I... I cannot be the reason you all die!"

Clearly Tia had been affected by the event of using her powers, her confidence in them gone after the death of the officer who had beat her. These people had been nice to her, they hadn't judged her even once... they had never called her a freak who shouldn't have been born. She didn't wish to risk their lives, but she was their best option to live when it came to Peacekeeper. The irony caused the shadows beneath her feet to swirl and sway, her unsteady emotions causing her powers to ready themselves for use.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Having followed Tia back into the main room and listened to… Everything, Oscar couldn’t help but be taken aback by just how much it was. Most of them wanted to go after Peacekeeper. Trask had even pinned down a location, but some of them were still scared. It was an overwhelming majority that had taken initiative already. Taking into account from the literal robot among them, and the two people who who could turn into much tougher, less damageable things, Monolith was the sturdiest. A tank could be pointed at him and ordered to fire, and Oscar would only be jarred where he stood. They weren’t so fortunate in their abilities to take brute force attacks like they were nothing. Their anger was justified. They were supposed to be the second coming of the Robins and Batman. They couldn’t just stand around, but they were all so vulnerable. As far as Oscar was aware, few of them had experience like him in combat. But what was he supposed to do? He knew Gemini.

”Everyone, slow down,” He said, suddenly and sternly. ”I don’t know what you all have seen before, but Peacekeeper and I have faced each other a few times by now. I know he expects people to look for him, especially the teammates of the hero he killed. He will be armed and his “supervillain lair” will be riddled with traps meant to take out multiple types of metahumans. He’s out of his mind, but he isn’t stupid. He’s unpredictable when he wants to be. I think it’s a bad idea to go after him him, but I’m not letting you do it alone. He knows me better than he knows all of you, but that works both ways.”

Monolith felt an obligation to be the rock in this situation. The anchor, the voice of reason, the thing that keeps people from doing stupid things.

”But I refuse to let any of you get yourselves killed for no reason. You need a strategy. If this blimp is his HQ like Trask says, I can’t join you on it without sinking the whole thing to the ground like a damaged jet,” He warned. ”Poisoning him or electrocuting him is too easy, he’ll expect that. Before we set foot outside this room, we need a cohesive, solid, bulletproof plan. If you all go charging in without one, I’m going to do the uncool thing and tell Oracle that I’m leaving to drag all of you back here, by any means necessary.” Oscar didn’t consider himself the team leader by any stretch of the imagination, but Avalon had burned the absolutely paramount nature of strategy into him for the better part of a decade. If these people wound up hating him for pulling them away from that blimp by force, Oscar could live with that so long as they didn’t get themselves killed by acting stupid.

He wondered what the chances were that Oracle didn’t stop listening to their conversation this whole time.

”Start planning.”
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by FalloutJack
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FalloutJack The Long Dark Nuka-Break of the Soul

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

There was, understandably, some pushback on the idea of taking on Peacekeeper. The funny thing was that Zen did not regard any of this as reckless. They knew him will enough that her operated under a calculable level of certainty, that this was his area of expertise, and if he could fathom a means to take down an opponent with the resources at hand, that he would execute it. It was the reason that he was here, and he would not shirk that duty. The only thing of it was that people weren't resources, and so their cooperation had to be convinced, their relative safety assured. Zen would not have it any other way. It is what his creator intended...

Still, there were two things of importance brought up, right now, apart from the general level of inexperience: First, that Monolith was mentioning the use of traps - which were a likelyhood - and second, that Tiara could transport more than herself. The second point was far more important because of how it was emotionally locking her up. Tia couldn't see a way around this, to catch Peacekeeper by surprise, unless they all teleported in. She expected it to be a suicidal shooting gallery, otherwise. They were just entering the planning stage now, and Zen would have addressed how likely it was that they'd need a stealthy approach himself, but it was pre-empted by the others. As Monolith said 'Start planning', Zen spoke up again.

"I intended to. A good plan will help with our confidence, and I would never leave home without one."

Planning and execution were pretty much his bread-and-butter. So, as the android began pointing at the building blueprints...

"It is true that Peacekeeper will have traps and armaments set in place if this is his base of operations. The doors into the building could be boobytrapped with gun turrets placed behind them, or they could be simply rigged to explode. The windows of the building could have weapons trained to cover the normal approaches, and the roof section where the blimps would normally dock may contain anti-aircraft weapons."

Yes. He thinks about thesr things all the time.

"The only safe places in situations such as these would be out of the field of fire, the arc by which normal weapon placements cannot extend and require his personal touch to repel attackers. Further, any approach from beneath his location - as there would be some form of access that way - will be laden with traps to make it completely impassable. That is why an assault is unlikely to succeed, as some of you are concerned about. That is why I suggest one of three attack plans, or a reasonable variation thereof."

He held up an index finger.

"One - a stealth maneuver. If Travis is covered in an insulating fabric, his powers will render him invisible to even thermal scanners, and thus be able to approach the building. The main concern would be heat build-up, since it is assumed that if he leaves a heat trace, he builds up heat. However, while in this state, he could operate with near-impunity to open a path or disable power. Since Peacemaker is likely not on a dedicated powergrid, he must be using his own source, so that is a potential weakness and an opening for the rest of us to come in. This puts alot of pressure on one person, but if you are not detected, you are not suspected, and once done you can get out of there to regroup with us. Even if it isn't possible to disable his base, you could still bring back useful information to us."

He held up his second finger.

"Two - disablement and sabotage. As stated, Peacekeeper's hideout is very likely well-defended. However, as this is Old Gotham, there is nothing prohibiting us from using our abilities to lean on these armaments until they break. We don't even need to risk ourselves, just determine the limitations of what he is using to defend himself and systematically break them down from a distance until the only useful defense he has is himself. That is something that Bolt and I will be effective in, in this case. Someone would also have to watch underground approaches - which again, sounds like a decent job for you, Travis - to make sure he is not making his escape. To make his base into his prison is a more protracted sort of action, though. It may gain attention, so while this has potential for success, It may not be wisse for the consequences that follow."

Zen looked around at the others, lowering his hand now.

"That just leaves the third, and I apologize Tiara, as this one is because you spoke up on your abilities. The third idea is a diversionary tactic. He expects an attack, so we launch one with several of acting to disable his defenses and keep him occupied. This will allow another team to get inside to open the path for the rest and to begin the attack in earnest."

He turn turned to Tiara directly now.

"You are concerned that you will lose one of us if you transport us all inside. What about one or two? Any number of us with even a few seconds unobserved on the inside could make life difficult or impossible for him if he does not see it coming, but if you are still worried about losing someone, I will be the one. I will not let go. Not ever."
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 6 days ago

After Bolt went back to the rest of the group, everyone spoke their mind. Monolith was like the big brother everyone didn’t know they needed. Tia had let go of JD a few minutes ago, however when Zen began disclosing the information he’d gathered Bolt was out like he was Batman. One minute he was there, and then he wasn’t. He was familiar enough with Old Gotham he knew the quickest way to the Gotham Airship Station, less than a ten minute flight at his top speed from the midtown bunker HQ of the Titans.

“That bastard is gonna pay for what he did to Gemini…” he thought speeding through the skies above normal traffic.

Bolt was almost in sight of the Airship Station and began absorbing all of the electricity in the area causing a blackout for several blocks. Not only did he damage the power grid, it was getting dark out and the Station was in a very poorly lit area of Old Gotham. It was barely even in city limits. It didn’t matter that the Station had its own backup generator; Bolt fried everything as soon as he got to the building.

Peacekeeper 01 was using the toilet when the lights went out. Bolt hovered through the hangar around the flattened GCPD blimp and was almost glowing with electricity. He didn’t trip the mines hidden under the floor on the way in. PK01 snuck through his living space and grabbed his enchanted blade as well as a pump action assault blaster. He’d make too much noise if he finished getting dressed, so he grabbed his face mask and went outside into the open hangar bare chested wielding the blaster. His robotic arm and leg gave him the advantage over most adversaries. Bolt damned himself the minute he hampered his own vision. He wondered if the armored nutjob was even at home.

“I’ve been watching your team, you know?” PK01 stated before blasting Bolt three times in the chest and taking the teen down. He walked towards the teen and continued to taunt him. “At least your friend was decent at hand to hand and tried a sneak attack with his dupe…”

He stood over the wounded teen on the ground, who tried to use his power to grab the manhole cover he flew in on for one last attack. Peacekeeper 01 side-stepped away and it missed him completely.

“Who are you, any one of you, without your super friends?” PK01 asked as he pumped the blaster for a killshot.


Back at the Bunker...

Zen’s words had given her a confidence that she had never known. These were all Tiara’s friends, something else she had never really known. And now one of them had ran off to avenge someone that he thought of as a brother. Could they be a family? Tia absorbed all of the shadows from the room, and her eyes changed from red to solid black. The room changed, it went dark… and cold. An instant later the group was outside of the condemned Blimp Station. The sun was setting, and they were in the large shadow of the hangar.

Only half of them were even prepared for a fight. What were they supposed to do? The rollercoaster of emotions and thoughts would begin to overtake the sixteen year old metahuman, not to mention the sudden power upgrade. And then three gunshots rang out. Her darkened eyes grew big, and she tried to let out a scream but there was nothing. Tia fell into the arms of Zen, her heart was still beating… but her body was pushed too hard.

The rest of the team went into action.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

This wasn’t the most ideal plan- Going in without most of their gear and without Bolt. Tia couldn’t go on and Zen was taking care of her, so Monolith quickly started to take stock of the situation. Bolt must’ve blacked the place out, because it was damn near pitch black out. Not a single light but the stars and the moon. They were right in front of Peacekeeper 01’s lair, the very place he warned about. He was going to give Bolt a piece of his mind for running off ahead of the when this was all-

Bang. Bang. Bang. Three gunshots. Loud enough that they were nearby, and likely aimed right at Bolt. Monolith’s fingers balled into fists and his face scrunched up with fury. He took a breath and knew what he had to do. ”Keep her safe. I’m going in, do not follow me yet. Wait here for a few minutes, until I spring as many traps as I can and have him distracted.” Without so much as a moment to wait for their approval or acknowledgement, Monolith punched the entrance open, shattering it like a window and charged. The ground rumbled like a packed stadium as Monolith stormed down halls and through doors. Landmines exploded beneath his feet and wracked the place, but the worst they did was scorch the clothes he was wearing and singe his hair. His skin and even the rest of his body were virtually untouched.

Mines, shrapnel in a can, razor tripwires. One after another, they triggered but were ineffective against him. Stealth was not a consideration anymore.

”PEACEKEEPER! Monolith shouted at the top of his lungs, full of rage. It was a far cry from the gentle personality the rest of the team had gotten to know lately. His voice rang out like thunder, and the halls shook. There was another booming noise, which signaled Monolith blowing open a hole through a wall, which Peacekeeper was standing on the other side of. He recognized the arm and the leg, and the metahuman bleeding out on the ground. Something inside of Monolith snapped, and he blitzed Peacekeeper. Bits of concrete and detritus were flung outwards with every forceful step, as the young hero swung a fist straight for his chest.

He didn’t even notice the strange sword that Peacekeeper had. He was seeing red far too much to process that.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

While listening intently to Zen talk, Natalie noticed that Bolt had left less than a minute after the fact, and stood up before anybody else could add to what Zen was saying. They still didn't have a plan of attack once they actually came face to face with PK but none of that mattered.

"Bolt just left!" she suddenly shouted, panic clear in her voice. "While we were talking, he...what is he thinking?!"

The moment the others noticed, Tia must have panicked too and had a change of heart. Teleporting them could have caused one of them to get hurt before but now not teleporting them will definutely condemn Bolt to death. And she must have dug deep because they all got teleported no matter where they were in the room. Natalie saw Tia collapse in Zen's arms but thought that she must have passed out from over-exertion. It didn't matter. She had done more than enough. She stepped up in the moment when it counted to show them all what a real damn Hero was. Natalie was not afraid to admit she was terrified, but she was equally as fired up.

Then she heard the gunshots. No doubt aimed at Bolt. Whether they had actually hit him or not, it didn't matter. He was in danger. Natalie turned her attention back to the building and gritted her teeth. Monolith spoke up, thinking on the fly to storm in and tank all the traps so the rest of them could enter safely. Natalie merely nodded at his statement, then watched him go as he broke doen the door and the explosions started. His last sentence stuck out to her, and his emphasis on the word 'distracted'. So, he had been listening to her after all. The little remnants of some sembelance of a brainsrtormed plan were all they had, even having to give up their element of surprise to stop Bolt from dying. But maybe, just maybe, it will be enough. She'd have preferred a less intense first field mission but now was the time to prove to everyone, and herself, that she belonged in this team.

"Screw waiting. Never been very good at it," Wireframe spoke out loud, before heading into the building herself and following Monolith's trail of destruction. She could still hear the explosions and sounds of traps being set off ahead of her, and smoke was making it hard to see and harder to get good breaths of clean air, slowing her down slightly. As she walked, she turned her pinkie into wire and wrapped it around her right hand, creating a makeshift knuckleduster. Natalie wasn't a trained fighter. If it came to blows, she would need every edge she could get.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Birdboy
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Birdboy Feathered freakshow

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Jeremy had been engrossed in the planning before he realized Bolt was gone, by the time he had figured it out the others had begun panicking. He couldn't help but understand Bolt's eagerness to get things started, but he was apprehensive about going in alone. Even as reckless and ballsy as he was, even Jeremy had the common sense to rely on his team. Jeremy's pained expression showed his fear of what might happen next plainly. If two members of the team were to die in such a short time frame it likely meant the end of things. Without this small squad and with the Robins disbanded, what hope did Gotham even have? Jeremy's brooding thoughts were cut off when the shadows of the room began to dance and swirl, hastily engulfing them. Not fully comprehending everyone's abilities a twinge of concern filled his already growing anxiousness but in a sudden blink of an eye, he found himself hit by the cool breeze of the night and the distant sounds of cars alerting him to the change in scenery. It was pitch black here, and as Jeremy's eyes began to adjust, even with his poor night vision he could vaguely make out the blimp Station, or at least that was what he assumed it to be. Looking to his side he saw that Tia had fallen, likely from an exertion of her powers. He had never seen her do anything like this before, it was news to him at all that she could even attempt to teleport this many people. It was a miracle at all that she was still breathing which he faintly saw her doing in Zen's hands.

Monolith was quick to seize the opportunity, and if the frenzied Bolt or their sudden appearance at the station didn't already tip off the cyborg of their presence then the rapid explosions and yelling from the powerhouse certainly did. Wireframe came in after him, a foolhardy decision but even with Monolith's impressive strength he would need all the help he could get in a straight-up fight. Unfortunately, Jeremy had not been given the time to grab his bat, and with a gun in play, he wasn't going to go charging in himself.
"Guns blazing, not my first choice but always more exciting" He chided as the two of them rushed in.

Looking around he spotted his own entrance: an air vent on the side of the roof. With the power off, the fans would not be controlling his movements and so Jeremy, wordlessly, began to form into a purple mist and slowly made his way to these vents, hoping he could find an exit into the room where the battle would take place.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Skwint
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Member Seen 2 days ago

No sooner had the started formulating a plan of attack, did Natalie announced that Bolt was gone. Since Zen had revealed the most likely location of Peace Keeper's hideout, they all knew exactly where he had gone. Suddenly, shadows began to coalesce and swirl around them until they were engulfed by darkness, and then they were at the hangar. Tiara had managed to teleport them all, but the act of doing so had taxed her greatly and caused her to fall unconscious into Zen's arms. Not long after their arrival they heard a trio of gunshots from inside the hangar.

Monolith wasted no time charging in, setting off every mine and booby trap along the way. Natalie wasn't far behind him, and then Jeremy followed suit. Unfortunately due to the suddenness of their departure, none of them had any of their gear. Travis knew he wouldn't be of much help in a straight-up fight, so he turned to Zen and held out his arms.
"Give her to me," he told the android. "I'll look after her. They need you more than they need me."
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