Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DrewVonAwesome
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DrewVonAwesome I once got busy in a Burger King bathroom.

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Justice League HQ
Washington DC
July 4th, 2014
1:39 pm

As the holiday had already brought out a massive crowd to the capital city, a large contingent of them had brought them all out to the front of the majestic Justice League headquarters. Today marked a big day for the league as they were opening their doors to some of the world’s top young heroes.

For Garth, this was another culmination in what has been successes in his life. From being a young man in Florida unsure of his destiny, to helping bring a revolution to his real home, and becoming prince of the underwater utopia with his newly adopted father Orin also known as Aquaman. Garth had worked alongside his adopted father for years, making sure he also gave his land adopted parents his love and attention as well. Today though was a culmination of everything, to be able to join Aquaman as a proud member of the Justice League.

Garth was ecstatic as he stayed around the corner of the front entrance, leaning against the concrete wall as he looked over at Red Arrow and Batgirl. Two fellow young heroes who were also joining the hallowed halls that were good friends he had met over the years. “Ah isn’t this exciting?” Garth asked, the beam in his smile practically radiating off of him. “We finally get our own recognition!”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Archer Arrow

Archer Arrow

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

It had just been almost a month since his 18th Roy had left the name Speedy behind. Finally he was going to join Ollie, Green Arrow as a member of the Justice League. As an equal at last.

“It’s not just going to be the three of us is it?” Red Arrow said. Making sure the mask was on his face properly as he saw the people with cameras. For the first time in weeks he smiled. Since striking out on his own Roy had almost forgotten what it was like. He breathed deeply, looking over at their mentors who were just talking to each other.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Konica
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Konica (ง •̀_•́)ง

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Middle of the day, sunlight aplenty, and in plain sight of crowds of tourists and fans. Batgirl didn't like it one bit. As a member of the Bat-Family, she preferred the dismal embrace of the night. She only had comfort when engulfed by shadows and---

"Hey Batgirl, can I get a picture?" a young fan shouted.

"Of course!" she jovially replied, striking a cute pose and blowing the fan a kiss. Ok, so she was having fun. But still, she found teams to be rather vexatious. As a member of the Bat-Family, she was a lone wolf. Better not to have any teammates slow her down. Unless it was her bff Supergirl. Or Wondergirl, or Red Arrow, or Aqualad... ok so she wasn't such a lone wolf after all. But people had expectations from someone donning the cowl. She had to maintain the image, she had to be dark, mysterious, and---

"Batgirl, Batgirl over here!" This time she stretched her arms out, extending the her cape out to create the bat silhouette as dozens of cameras snapped pictures. So much for dark and mysterious.

"I'm sure more will show up. Well, I hope more will show up. Can't have a party with only three" she said in response to Red Arrow. "You guys think Beast Boy will show up? How about Zatanna? I love her outfit!" In her excitement Batgirl almost went into full fan-girl mode, but quickly recomposed herself into her "cool" Dark Knight mode.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sixsmith
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Sixsmith Left half of Lancelot (It's the better half)

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

James Buchanan Barnes
Ice Cold Culture Shock

This was all too much.

From the subway ride to the city lights—it was daytime for God's sake, why the hell was there still so much brightness. Brooklyn wasn't as bad as this. And finally, to the giant crowd of people in front of an equally giant head quarters. Sure, superheroes saved lives and all that, but the amount of publicity they were currently getting was just overkill. It was an obscene amount that made James give an internal cringe. He'd have to try harder today to maintain his stoicism and nonchalant attitude, if only to keep from completely succumbing to the carnal urges raging inside. If there was anything he currently wanted to do the most, it was to slap each and every damn one of those flashing devices out of the hands of every civilian currently gawking at the costumed heroes and heroines about to get initiated into some kind of... team, or something. It was nauseating and not because he was an antisocial, sociopathic bore—Bucky didn't mind people in a moderate amount—it was because there were so many people and so many things happening at once. He really did feel like releasing the contents of his stomach all over the sidewalk.

It seemed Steve caught the twisted look on Bucky's features and a large hand caught the kid's attention as he looked up at the Captain. Arching a brow, his eyes fell on the hand then back to Steve's blue eyes in bewilderment.

"Are you okay, Bucky? Nervous?" Steve bent down to his height as he spoke, smiling reassuringly at Bucky.

Nodding, he shifted his gaze to the side, "I'm fine."

"Are you su—"

"Yes, Steve," Bucky snapped, "I'm perfectly fine."

The Captain paused, looking at his charge for any shift in expression, almost wondering how to respond to such a blatant disregard to his authority. Of course, being dutiful didn't mean being a complete stickler, especially not in regards to an old friend. Steve simply smiled and planted his hand on Bucky's back as he pushed him forward slightly.

"Alright," he started, gesturing in a different direction with his head, "I guess you're fine enough to get to know some of your new friends, right?"

Inhaling sharply, Bucky looked up in protest, but made no move to stop. He did, however, vocalize his disagreement, "They aren't my... friends."

"Not yet, they aren't."

"Sure," Bucky mumbled, leaving his Captain to converse with his fellow teammates as he lumbered off to find his own.

Planting himself far enough away from what seemed like a trio, Bucky shoved his hands into his pockets and looked off into the distance. He'd work with them for now, but getting chummy with them would take time. People tended to forget that the boy was still acclimating to his surroundings. The initial culture shock had warn off, but that didn't mean Bucky knew what the hell a damn iPhone was for or how to grasp the nature and complexity of just how far technology had come since the 40s. The people were as much alien to him as the current century's society was, so making friends with strangers was kind of a big deal for Bucky and kind of a hard one, at that. So, he made do with seeming like he was just unbelievably cold, almost too good for conversing with his teammates, though that was far from it. Better they think of him that way, than of someone needing to be babied, though. If he wanted to get used to society on his own, then he'd have to figure this out for himself.
William "Billy" Kaplan
Fangirling All Over the Place

Was that Batman?

Holy crap.

And... and Captain America?

Tony Stark?!

If only he could just touch one of them, just once—

Oh God, Thor and Superman.

Was it even possible to have that kind of muscle mass and still be able to wear that tight of spandex? Or was it latex? Or what even was that fabric? God, he wanted to know so badly. He wanted to touch it, to feel it, to.. .to...

"Who're you?"

Billy's head snapped to the side, having been taken out of his own ruminations and daydreaming by what seemed to be a rather gangly looking adult apparently sizing him up. Arching a brow, he turned toward the man to better respond to him and to peel his attention completely away from the various men in overly tight outfits. Ahem. He opened his mouth to talk, but was immediately cut off by the man's second comment. Comment because it was obvious the question was rhetorical.

"And what kind of outfit is that? The hell are you supposed to be? Some weird variation of Thor?"

Well, of course he wouldn't have been noticed, not like he tried to stand out anyways—that was furthest from what he wanted to do. But, this kind seemed to be blatantly insulting him. What kind of outfit? He thought it was obvious that it wasn't some cheap knock off or something; the fabric and material was legit and the design was more intricate than most costumes of the same variation, even. And Thor? Really? He looked nothing like the guy. Of course, what was he going to say? It wasn't like anyone had heard of him or anything and he obviously hadn't done much to accomplish anything. In fact, he had no damn idea how he was currently standing where he was, about to become a part of a team of superheroes who were probably leagues more accomplished than he was.

Oh, there it was again.

It wasn't the man's comment that seemed to get to him, but it certainly looked that way—or maybe it was the man's fault. Billy had turned his sights away from the guy, knitted his brow and was almost frowning as he began fiddling with his own hands. How wonderful. He was beginning to doubt why he was even there in the first place, beginning to worry about things that shouldn't have even been accounted for in preparing for something like this. Billy had gotten asked to join and that was that; there was no ifs, ands, or buts about it. But, here he was, letting a man's comment further slice into any shred of confidence he had in himself and let him plummet and fall into a sea of doubt.

Finally, however, Billy came to his senses, gave the man a glare and proceeded to walk to where a small group of what looked to be people around his age forming. It was most likely the people he'd be further working with. Arriving, he could finally put names to faces... or rather, masks and one face.

"Batgirl?" Billy asked, tapping the girl's shoulders with a wide grin on his face. It seemed any thoughts prior to seeing one of the famed Dark Knights, aside from Batman himself, had completely vanished in a flurry of fanboy glee.

"Oh wow," he could barely breath, "Hi, hi! Billy Kaplan. Uh. Yeah. Hi! Wow. Is that outfit the real deal? Did you make this? Or did Batman? Or was it someone else? If forgot. Just... oh my God. Oh, is that a real utility belt? What's all on it... is that where you keep all those things with bat nomenclature? Can I see a batarang? Or... or..."

He was projecting way too hard. He had to tone it down a lot. Like, a lot, a lot. Be the actual Billy Kaplan instead of the overly nerdy, super touchy, apparently, Billy that he was currently being. He'd effectively manhandled Batgirl, of all people, and intruded on her personal space way too hard, especially as a damn stranger.

"I'm really sorry," he stepped back a bit, cheeks a deep, deep crimson, "I'm William Kaplan, and I'm a part of the crew, if that wasn't obvious enough—I guess I gave off the maniac vibe a little too hard, there. Sorry, again." This time, he distanced himself from the female and held out his hand for her to shake, giving his best smile to ward off the anxiety creeping at the back of his mind.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Archer Arrow

Archer Arrow

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Half an hour earlier.
A New York apartment.

Kate groaned as her alarm buzzed loudly. She struggling to open her eyes, her eyelids felt very heavy. She felt something jab her in the gut.
“Rise and shine sleeping beauty.” Clint said, poking her in ribs with the end of his bow. “You don’t want to be late…” He said. Kate groaned, straining to get her eyes open she looked at the clock. 1:09 PM came into focus.
“What day is it today…?” She moaned.
“The 4th.” Clint answered emphatically. As Kate’s vision focused, she saw Clint was in his Hawkeye getup. “Of July.” He added. Kate bolted upright.
“AW CRAP!” She shouted and leapt out of bed. Clint just put down the fresh mug of coffee down on the counter and walked out. Kate rushed around the room in a panic. Her bed hair made her look like the bride of Frankenstein. She grabbed her Hawkeye costume and pulled it on.
“I told you not to stay up too late.” Clint mused outside her door. Kate ignored him as she emerged from her room, strode across to the bathroom and stuck her head under the shower. The water was cold, but Kate just made sure just her hair was wet before turning the tap off and dried it with a towel.
“Where’s the nearest Zeta Beam?” She said as she walked into the hall, attacking her long black hair with a brush.
“I thought you didn’t like…” Clint said.
“I’ll marry whichever one gets us to DC.” She said moving past him. She threw the brush into the bedroom and grabbed a thin purple scrunchie and did her hair into a ponytail. “Well come on!” She shouted. Clint sighed and looked at the mug of coffee on the bedside table.
Present time.
Justice League HQ
Washington DC.

Roy was taken back; he had never seen Batgirl acting so… giddy as she posed for photos. He felt something heavy drop in his stomach as he looked around. Many of the adults had crowds of people wanting photos and autographs, even Green Arrow. He still had a long why to go it seemed. He turned his attention back to Batgirl, realising too late she had apparently answered him.
“Err yeah… sure.” He said. Just nod Harper… He thought. Thankfully some Thor fanboy tapped her on the shoulder. The boy had to be sixteen or something.
"Hi, hi! Billy Kaplan. Uh. Yeah. Hi! Wow. Is that outfit the real deal? Did you make this? Or did Batman? Or was it someone else? If forgot. Just... oh my God…” Rambled the boy, who was talking so fast Roy was amazed he could even breathe. Roy thought for a moment, he had heard that name before. Then his jaw dropped. The kid was Wiccan, from what Roy knew he was easily one of the most powerful people in the whole building. Possibly even the entire planet. He took a deep breath. At least he was on their side. He turned to look for Garth, hoping he wasn’t busy talking to somebody when he saw a scowling individual in the corner. He was wearing a mask and had what appeared to be bionic arm. Roy couldn’t believe it, he thought Ollie had been joking, but there he was. Bucky, the same Bucky who had thought alongside Captain America during the war. Roy met his guise. Roy couldn’t help but feel like he was staring down a growling German Shepard. He walked closer and found his voice.
“Hello there.” Roy said as he walked over. “Roy Arrow… Err Red Arrow.” He said nervously, hating himself for mixing his names up, only to realise the hand he had extended would mean Bucky would have to use his bionic hand to shake his.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DrewVonAwesome
Avatar of DrewVonAwesome

DrewVonAwesome I once got busy in a Burger King bathroom.

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Garth sighed a little, watching on as Batgirl was getting inundated with fans, both of the normal and fellow young hero variety in Wiccan. Someone who Garth had heard of, young magic using guy out of New York. Lot of heroes were coming out of that area weirdly. Roy was over with another semi-familiar face. Bucky Barnes, a WWII hero alongside Captain America, though with his looks and actions he hardly seemed to share his mentor’s charm and non-frightening aura. Leaving Garth by himself, some of the people there, girls mostly, were calling for him to sign things. Which he eventually went over and did, though one of them said he looked like someone from Avatar: The Last Airbender, causing Garth to sigh. He’s had this haircut for years, long before that stupid show came along. Why couldn’t people say everyone in that show look like him instead of vice versa.

...Well Garth did still like the show but the point stood.

Glancing around bored Garth decided to just see how much longer they would be until they’d be able to go in. Garth wandered up to the adult heroes, who were gathered around but seemed to be in a pretty serious conversation. Leaving Garth too curious to not listen in…

“Captain with all due respect, we can’t just deal with whatever petty issues Wolverine has.” Batman told Captain America, body tucked away in the cape as he still had his intimidating demeanor, even in broad daylight. “Perhaps but if what Logan says is true, we can’t discount any of it.” Iron Man noted from behind Batman with a finger raised. “Either way, we need to keep a very close eye on this 'Weapon X’ program until we know for sure what they have planned.” Professor X had chimed in. “Err, hold on a second.” Aquaman finally had glanced over, seeing Garth standing there.

“Yes Garth? Did you need something?” Aquaman asked, leaning over a little to Garth’s height. “Well how much longer until we can get in?” Garth asked, shrugging his shoulders. “Well…” Aquaman sighed looking around. “We’re just waiting for the other heroes, both young and old…” “Hawkeye…” Iron Man nearby had coughed spurting out the hero who was amongst those missing currently. “Yes… him included.” Aquaman noted aloud. “But when everyone’s here we’ll let all of you in for the first time.” Aquaman had turned back to the others, all clearly hesitant of saying much more of this ‘Weapon X’ ordeal with Garth right there. Garth took his cue from it, leaving the group and returning over to the fellow young heroes.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kablamicus


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Peter lay in his bed entombed in sleep. The sudden abrasive tones of the alarm clock forced him awake. Rising from bed he slung on the closest T-shirt whistling to himself. Peter could hear his aunt downstairs, ever since Uncle Ben had died she'd started waking up extra early to ensure Peter had a productive day, there were few people who cared for him more than Aunt May did. Fortunately for Peter school was out at the moment which meant all the more time as Spider-Man. Aunt May was still blissfully unaware of Peter's secret identity and he intended to keep it that way, he had to for her own safety; If aunt may ever found out she'd go all 'it's too dangerous' and 'I've already lost your uncle' and the last thing Peter wanted to do was incur May's wrath.

Tossing his backpack containing 'science project stuff' over his shoulder Peter strode downstairs eating his food with zeal the likes of which the Parker house-hold had never seen. Immediately heading for the door Peter turned to his Aunt and with a goofy grin on his face yelled. "I'm off to meet friends, I'll be back for dinner." May smiled in her own knowing maternal way and responded. "Peter, don't forget to buy milk!" Peter simply nodded and took to the streets.

Ducking into an alleyway mild-mannered Peter Parker changed into Spider-Man. Today was a very important day for Peter, he was finally being accepted into the greater superhero community; after years of being slandered by 'The Daily Bugle' as a menace it was about time Spider-Man got the respect he deserved. Swinging through the streets with several whoops and hollers several civilians stopped to film the young hero on their cell phones.

Seeing the crowd gathered outside the headquarters a smile crept across Peter's face beneath the mask that hid his identity. A few bright lenses flashed at Peter but these weren't enough to throw him off his stride as he landed with a somersault in front of the headquarters. "Sorry I'm late folks, I had important Spider-Man only business to attend to." Peter flimsily bluffed.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Archer Arrow

Archer Arrow

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

The few seconds that past felt hours as Roy stood there. Roy felt his hand start to shake, the longer he held his arm out the sorer it begun to feel. Roy refused to lower his hand all the same as he looked into Bucky's piercing gaze.
"I said my name's Red Arrow... I'm honored to meet you."
The closest Zeta beam station had been a phone booth a few blocks away. Kate growled as she hurried across the street. At least once she granted inside she would be allowed to use the zeta beams directly to and from the HQ. She was panting as she forced her way through the crowd.
"Excuse me..." She said. "Pardon me..." She forced her way through the crowd. Only for said crowd to imminently part as Hawkeye strode up.
"Yes thank you." Clint said. He smiled for a few photos, only to grit his teeth when someone called him "Purple Arrow". Kate rushed up the steps and reached the door. Looking through the glass, she could see everyone. Among them Aqualad, Wiccan, Batgirl and some of the adult heroes inside. She wiped her brow.
"Whoo... made it!" She said with a smile. She went to go in but slammed into the door. "What the?" She grunted. "Who the... LOCKS THE...! GAH!" She said while frantically trying to open the door. Clint joined her and just reached over her shoulder, grabbed the handle and pulled.
"Push, not pull." Clint said. Kate pouted as she moved inside, only to bump into Peter.
"Oh sorry!" She said before looking at him properly. "Oh great. I'm later than Spider-Man!" She shouted. "Tell me you Zeta Beamed here!" She asked. Clint sighed as he walked past them, joining the adults.
"About time you showed up Hawkeye." Green Arrow said. Clint just glared at Oliver for a second.
"I would have been here sooner... But someone didn't want to get out of bed this morning." Clint said looking back at Kate. Who had her head in her hands, as it dawned on her that Spidey beat her here by Web Swinging. Clint sighed. "She didn't have her coffee this morning..." He said looking back at the others. "So! Who else are we waiting for?" He said rubbing his hands together.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Konica
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Konica (ง •̀_•́)ง

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Batgirl was startled when the Wiccan peppered her with questions. Usually her fans comprised of young girls because she wasn't as intimidating as Batman and her outfit lacked Supergirl's miniskirt or Black Canary's fishnets. In other words if she was a movie she'd be rated PG. But still she was glad to meet a fan and fellow cape.

She couldn't help but smile when she saw him blush, and shook his hand firmly when offered. "Nice to meet you Billy. Just a piece of advice, I wouldn't give away your identity so easily, not even to other heroes. Nobody here knows my real name except Batman, who by the way did not make my costume since you asked." Despite their similarities, Batgirl didn't tag along with Batman all that often, not as much as any of the Robins. "The suit's bullet proof and stab proof... mostly. And the belt, well I can't give too much away can I? But I gotta say, I dunno who started calling it the batarang. It doesn't even look like a boomerang, it's a ninja star!" she said, showing Wiccan the simple device.

As they waited some others showed up, none of whom Batgirl really recognized. "I hope things get going soon, the wait is killing me."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Scallop
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hank was at home on his computer looking up the Justice League after he had heard about the announcement. He was interested about this group and was certainly up for going....but he would need to make a good first impression if he was going to join a super hero group. Of course it would all be teenagers, nobody saw them as equals to adults they were in their own little league of powers, and Hank was just one of them. He grinned at his computer as he decided it was time to head out. He put on his suit and grabbed his bag.

He stepped out of his hotel room invisible to most since he was as small as a fly and quickly moved through the streets of Washington unnoticed as to not attract attention. Finally he made it to the HQ where everything was going down. Suddenly his face turned pale underneath his mask as he realised that he was actually scared. Today was the first time he had actaually been scared this much...it would have to go in his autobiography. he checked his suit was fine before taking a deep breath and changed his size back to normal.

As he did so another teen landed just in front of him, Spider Man he presumed. This Spider got a lot more attention than Hank did, but Hank liked to be under the radar anyways, he liked a low profile/ Hank put on a kind, friendly smile as was expected and held out his hand to the SPider Man. "Nice to meet you Spider-man" he said hoping this would be a good impression as flashed of cameras hit him. "I'm Ant-Man."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by zombiechum


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

23 hours ago
La Brea Tar Pits, Los Angeles, California

Molly's eyes fluttered opened and she quickly sat up, her hair frazzled so like always she grabbed her hat and shoved it on to her head, she looked around not seeing anyone "Nico? victor?...chase?" Getting up from the couch she fell asleep on she rubbed her eyes walking around not finding anyone which was very odd Nico always left someone to keep an eye on her when she was asleep.

All of a sudden she felt like she someone was watching her "if this is a prank guys, I'm going to punch you....hard" Molly felt very uneasy as she walked alone inside the base they set up "is there anyone here?" She asked only hearing an echo then when she turned around she came face to face with a man dressed in swat gear. "AHHHH!" without thinking she swung punching the guy across the room knocking him into the front end of the leapfrog and without any more notice an entire group of on her "detain the runaway" one of the men told the others.

Molly got ready punching any who came near her knocking them with force "get away from me! Someone help" soon there was more then she could keep off herself that is when the leapfrog started to move "I knew someone would save me" she smiled punching another guy in the face, but the frog leaped at her like it intended to crush her "noooo!" She winced and held the frog over her head panting "I'm getting really sleep...." Her eyes closed as she held the frog.

It was all a simulation Molly was safe for now, but was kept inside this never-ending loop to keep her docile, a doctor placed a hand on the now sleeping Molly's shoulder "incredible who would have thought such a small girl could be so powerful....keep her in the simulation I don't want her or any others to escape" the doctor ordered walking past others like Molly. Molly's eyes fluttered opened and she quickly sat up, her hair frazzled so like always she grabbed her hat and shoved it on to her head, she looked around not seeing anyone "Nico? victor?...chase?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ErsatzEmperor
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ErsatzEmperor Polemically Sent

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Washington DC
July 4th

"Whoa... Is that all for us?"

The voice, emanating from beside the hulking mass of bulletproof sweetness that is the Batmobile, crept up and peaked as the roof slammed shut, a mere whistle when compared with the vacuous din that the crowd a way away from him was producing. Tim drops the iPod he had just been wrapping up as he slowly walks forward. Admiring the chaos, he looks out from his vantage point with curious, white-lenses eyes. Deafening, he thinks to himself as a smile creeps out and devours him. This was big. Really big. League big. Checking his surrounding and readjusting his mask he makes to walk.

Now was the time. Strolling up there wouldn't cut it. He reaches a hand to his utility belt...
That will hold... he assures himself as he inspects the ledge infront of him, not looking down. The rooftop air was swirling around him and messing his hair up - something he had come to expect after his time on the job - but it didn't matter. This was going to be impressive. He reels back before charging. Jump! he soars for a second before deploying his cape.

People's screams pick up as the colourful figure passes over them. This move usually warranted slightly different screams but these were welcome all the same. For once he could show off. To day walkers. The Riddler wouldn't appreciate a move like this.

Angling down, he aims for the centre of the grouped heroes. A blank landing pad. The air picks up suddenly, knocking him off kilter however. Landing in a self-cushioning heap, it takes a moment for him to stand. The crowd shoots a variety of emotions before settling on laughter. Robin walks away slightly, finding a familiar face.

"Some party, huh..."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kablamicus


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Peter took a minute to catch his breath and embrace the overall atmosphere of the event. This was it, he would finally be seen as a hero, not as an inconvenience. Peter wistfully daydreamed about walking down the street with Spider-Man posters everywhere and a copy of the Daily Bugle with the headline 'Spider-Man saves the day again' . The young adult was pulled back into the harshness of reality at the sight of a news helicopter above, no doubt broadcasting the momentous occasion all around the world. As Kate walked in Peter smiled, he had met Hawkeye a few times and they had developed a slight rivalry. As he walked past Kate he whispered into her ear. "Late night was it?" The mocking tone could be heard in his voice as he merrily strode past her. As far as Peter was aware he didn't have a mentor, he wasn't exactly picking up the mantle of a great hero and his powers were pretty unique.

Spider-Man felt a light tingling at the base of his skull alerting him to the arrival of another of the heroes. Spinning around on one leg in a fluid motion Peter prepared for what he was going to see both fists raised. Gazing down he saw a boy of around his age in a strange suit increasing in size from a minuscule point on the ground. "Woah, trippy..." As Hank grew to regular size Peter shook the mans hand, he was obviously meant to be here or the other heroes would have done something buy now. As they shook hands Peter ensured a photo was taken to capture the event. "Great to meet you too Ant Man. Us Arthropod Allies gotta stick together"

Peter's spider-sense blared again as he dived out of the way narrowly avoiding a falling caped boy, that must be Robin the Boy-Wonder. Peter waved to him but continued to talk to Antman about what the antennae on his costume were actually for.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Archer Arrow

Archer Arrow

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Kate rose her hand to say something, fuming as she pointed at Spider Man. She pouted before lowering her finger.
"You win this round." She muttered to herself. "Nerd." She snapped before turning away to look around at everyone. Clint was talking to the other heroes. Batgirl was talking Wiccan. "Oh good... people I know." She said with a smile.

A loud THUD made her spin around. Robin the boy wonder had apparently made some sort of entrance. And she missed it. The crowd started laughing. Kate frowned. "Sure sure..." She said to one obnoxious teenager who seemed to be in the process of uploading the moment to Youtube. "Yes make fun of the Boy Wonder. I'm sure he'll keep it in mind if you're ever in trouble." The kid clicked cancel and walked off. Not noticing who said it. Kate smiled. She felt better.

She looked around and someone in the corner caught her eye. "Oh..." She said as she walked over to get a better look at him. "Just as cute in person..." She said as she looked at Bucky. Taking a moment before she noticed another archer. Whose hand was extended, and his face had a stubborn look on it. Kate crossed her arms. Did they even have handshakes back in World War II? She thought.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Scallop
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hank looked around as Spider-Man started talking to him. He just avoided the flying boy, well falling boy before he could've been drop kicked. He smirked at Spider-Man as he heard him use the right terms for both of them. "I suppose you could say that," he said letting out a little laugh. "oh the attena? It's just there to increase my senses so I don't get drop kicked by red and green blurs."

After saying that he looked around again and saw who he presumed was Kate who he had heard about in the news. He always wondered if people had seen him on the news, probably because the flashes if cameras were peeing him off. He tried to find someone he knew, but the only one he knew had just got approached by Kate.

He noticed the teenager recording this 'legendary' moment and somebody shouted to him to show off his sze changing ability. Hank really didn't like to show off but he might as well. Suddenly he grew in size until he was at least ten foot tall and stopped. "Happy now," he said his voice now deeper and more intimidating.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by NubianLegend
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NubianLegend Creative Rebel

Member Seen 23 days ago

Gotham University
Gotham City
July 4th, 2014
2:00 p.m.

T'challa or rather Luke Charles as he was more formally known on campus had been present for though not particularly attention invested in the middle of a mandatory student body council meeting or something. They said it would only take a few minutes of my time, they said. Unconcerned patches of violet peered up from the confines of the composition notebook, deviating to the wall-mounted clock arranged behind the view of the podium. Had he really just sat through a 2-hour lecture? He felt that there were more productive ways to manage his time than observing mundane student trials . By the way, wasn't there something he was suppose to prepare? It almost slipped his mind until all the eyes in that room fell onto him for some unknown reason. Why were they staring at him like that? "Excuse me?" chiming Charles inquisitively. His brow furrowed with a sort of confused deer in the headlights look.

It was then he made eye contact with a girl who sat across from him he recognized from some classes they shared. She was 2 years his senior, a nice Israeli girl, very bookish, he kinda got the impression that she was interested in more than just group work, though he was the unavailable type which made her like him even more for some reason.

"I believe you have the chair Mr. Charles." Shoshana giggled.

"Nah, it's cool, I have nothing to report." He continued scribbling something into his notebook unassumingly. After some uncomfortable brow encouragement. He eventually did deliver his report to the room. Not as intended, but a well-crafted critique of the task he didn't bother to prepare.

After the meeting adjourned, he was approached by this Shoshana who seemed to be interested in using his speech to spark a more personal minded conversation. "Hey, what you did back there was kinda cool. You know I've met a lot of guys who were smart but they're not quite like you.You're smart but you also seem wordly, it's never enough for you is it?...most guys just want to get rich and party all the time but not you...you're like solomon of the old testament."

Upon reflecting on Shoshana's assertion. He added "I only wish I were like Solomon...Say, Shoshana...what are you doing tonight?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kablamicus


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Peter smiled as Ant-Man laughed at his joke, Peter had found that his best asset to get close to others was his goofy humor and this guy definitely seemed like the sort of person he'd be friends with. Spider-Man was still hesitant about the idea of working on this team, throughout his short career as a hero he hadn't exactly had perfect luck. Several Villains had devoted their efforts to ending the boy's days permanently and every second Peter spent with this team was a second he spent endangering these people. Peter was pulled out of his train of thought by the sudden growth of Ant-Man. As he grew Peter applauded excitedly.

Swinging up onto Hanks shoulder he shouted into the side of the now colossal helmet. "Last I checked that's not very ant like!" Peter smiled tapping on the sides of the antennae and jumping back as they twitched slightly. Diving off Hank's shoulder Peter came to a reasonably graceful landing before making his way over to the crowd to sign a few autographs. Gazing through the crowd Peter's mouth dropped open beneath his mask when he saw Mary Jane, they had been friends for quite a few years now and Peter had a colossal crush on her but he had never acted on it out of fear of ruining their friendship, but now he was more worried about getting her killed.

Walking through the crowd he reached her and signed the note-pad she held out. Then there was the event Peter had wanted since he was in middle school but not how he expected. 'MJ' Handed Peter a piece of paper with her phone number written down on it, he stood stunned admiring her handwriting for a moment and then without a word MJ left making the 'call-me' hand sign on her way. Returning to the other heroes Spider-Man walked with a goofy spring in his step as if all was well in the world.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Necrosis


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Jubilee The Vampire

Why did all the exciting stuff have to happen during the day time? Sure all the parties were during the night but all the other exciting stuff happened during the day. Still it didn't matter as long as she wore clothes that cover her entire body, some sunglasses and a big enough hat she would be fine as long as she didn't stay out for to long. She was going to see several new heroes become Justice League members. Yet these weren't normal heroes, they were sidekicks, the ones who covered a hero back and help a heroes overcome challenges they usually couldn't. Yet that wasn't the best part, the best part was that there was a chance Robin was going to be there. Sure it wasn't confirmed but everyone had been talking about it. News outlets were speculating who would be making it to the team and one of the highest profiles was the first sidekick himself, Robin. Jubilee had been a robin fan-girl ever since the first day she had heard of him and saw him on TV. She got dressed up and then exited her hotel room.

- - - - - - - - - -

As Jubilee arrived to the scene there was already a large crowd and some news van with reporters and camera man talking about the event. Jubilee made her way through the crowd to the small metal fence that separated the crowd from the heroes. Here she had an excellent view of everything happening. She saw several of the heroes arriving, including a member of the bat-family, Batgirl. Wolverine and the professor were also here along with several other heroes, including Batman and Captain America. Superman was also there but instead of admiring him, Jubilee was afraid of him. Then again so was every other vampire out there since Superman got his powers from the sun making him the perfect Vampire Slayer. If Jubilee drank superman blood she would probably combust into flames. Then suddenly the crowd screamed as they saw the boy wonder jump down into the centre of all the heroes. During the entire commotion Jubilee hat almost fell off, she quickly place her hand to ensure it would not fall and made sure it was well place on her head.

Jubilee began waving at Robin in hopes of getting his attention. “Robin can I get an autograph?” yelled Jubilee as she continued waving and started to jump. If she still had her mutant powers she could have gotten his attention much easier but then the professor would have not approved and Logan would probably give her a stern talking. Instead she would just keep on waving, jumping and shouting his name for an autograph.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sixsmith
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Sixsmith Left half of Lancelot (It's the better half)

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

James Buchanan Barnes
Boy's Got Guts

Out of all of the people in the general vicinity, the kid had to accost him. Was it not obvious that Bucky wasn't the sociable type, or did his intimidating, aloof stance come off as amiable? Regardless, despite the obvious glare he threw the kid's way, he was persistent. Of course, Bucky didn't give him the benefit of shaking his hand and simply turned to better address him. His gaze never faltered as he looked down at the person who introduced himself, a Red Arrow.

Well, he was going to work with him for quite a while, it seemed, so insulting him may be unwarranted, as would brushing him off. A coworker with a vendetta was just as bad, if not more so, than a vindictive villain, though Bucky couldn't attest to that... just yet. He was edging awfully close, though, and his new 'coworkers' per se, may not appreciate his aloof, cold demeanor. But, Bucky wasn't above warming up to a few people, it just took time, especially after what had recently happened to him. And Steve did his best to accommodate his needs, as well as his space—he knew him best, after alll; and thus, knew how best to handle him.

So, Bucky, despite not taking the offered hand gave Red Arrow a quick nod.

"James Buchanan Barnes," he finally responded, "Or Bucky. Whatever suits you best."

With that, he gave a sigh and turned around to, once again, find the Captain.
William "Billy" Kaplan
Best Day Ever

"Oh, I'm technically a mutant," he responded with a grin, "Can't really hide from that, superhero or not. People treat me differently than you all, so a secret identity isn't a commodity I can quite have. A name like Wiccan just serves as a title attesting to my specialty!"

Billy did his best to restrain himself when she previously explained what all her gadgets did, but he was still having a hard time not going totally crazy in the midst of legends. The day, so far, was going gloriously and he had his powers to thank for it. Oh, if not for his damn genes, he'd probably be back home probably doing the same thing he was now, just up close and personal with the TV, and not the actual things. What more, he was going to get to work with people just as acclaimed—well, maybe a tad less. Batgirl's raging fans seemed to disprove that the kids behind the masks weren't as good as their adult counterparts.

Youth sells.

Of course, Billy didn't quite think so highly of himself. From where he was standing, Billy was not better than the girls that cried for autographs and pictures in comparison to the beings standing before him. There was something inside him, he knew, that could be great, but Billy saw it more as a hazard to be tamed and pushed back, rather than a gift to be shared and used. Sure, teenagers, especially those instilled with powers of various kinds, had all the reason to doubt themselves, as they were still inexperienced, but most tended to grow out of that, in order to flourish in the real world. Billy was just on the extreme side of that spectrum.

However, more people were corralling in the area, particularly future colleagues and heroes and all that weight that had hit him prior to coming here, had once again settled with a great strength in the pit of his stomach and the back of his throat. Billy gave a deep breath, smiled at Batgirl, and waved himself away.

"Guess they're about to call us up, or something," he mumbled, now attempting to survey a spot behind everyone where he'd cause the least trouble, even if he wasn't the troublemaking type—precaustions, simply.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Scallop
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Hank laughed in a deep ground shaking laugh at Spider-man's....remarks. Hank usually didn't have time for this sort of humour, but he needed allies and friends to make a good image on the media so this guy was a good place to start. He admired his skills with the web swinging and slinging, He let a slight smirk break as Peter touched his attenae and as Spider-man jumped off he decreased in size to meet other people. "Signing autographs isn't very Spider-like either?"

He smirked and walked off when he saw a guy with a bandana try to hide behind him and Spider-man. "You must be Wiccan?" Hank said holding out a gloved hand enthusiastically just like what he did with Spider-man. "I've heard so much about you from mutant criminals I've taken down. Oh! pardon my manners, I'm Ant-man, pleasure to meet you."
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