Reference the OOC for announcements!
Long ago when the world was young, it was the year 2025. Kids did the majority of fighting in the world, using spinning tops called Beyblades to have battles. As was customary, they would unleash these spinning tops. Having your spinning top damaged would inflict real damage onto you through means unknown, and the victor would often kill the loser by stomping on them afterwards. This was considered legal and socially acceptable. Adults were incompetent at the game unless evil, in which case they are moderately decent at best. Life isn't fair sometimes, and your ability to drop a spinning top onto the ground decayed as you aged significantly. Such was life.
The lay of the land is simple. You know Earth. Who doesn't?

In the land of Zurkenjark, which is the one to the left kinda shaped like a boot I believe, as we all know, was a small suburb town called Suburb Town. Your adventure, my adventure -- our adventure begins there, comrade.
Action! Enter the town as either a 13 year old child or an evil adult, and do battle with your fellow Beyblader to the death!
Drama! Your Beyblade means everything. If it gets damaged in some fashion, this confers an unspecified but surely devastating penalty to it. I dunno how, maybe it affects air resistance. I dunno.
Romance! Actually. You know on second thought given this roleplay predominantly involves 13 year olds, please don't? I've uh, I've never really reported someone on this site before.

Zack McStreetsmart just finished murdering his neighbor in a legal and fair game of Beyblade, as oft an aspiring warrior would in this day and age.
And here was his signature Beyblade.

Bhra....Mr....dra.... Bahamut Zero. Bahamut Zero was the strongest Beyblade, in Zack's house. As to be expected as both of his parents were evil and attempted to do battle with him and are now dead. The fools.
Wiping the blood off his hands, Zack picks up Bahamut Zero, and takes a step outside. The sunlight was terrifying. It burned his eyes and baked his skin. It was as though some comically malicious god had erected a Beyblade in the sky that constantly did damage to all of Earth's inhabitants. One day, Zack reasoned he would find this entity and kill the Sun. A reasonable goal your average 13 year old had, did I mention public education had been abolished due to most instructors being murdered by Beyblades? I feel I should've specified that earlier. Well now I have. Keep that in mind.