Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Lewascan2
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Lewascan2 "You've yee'd y'er last haw."

Member Seen 3 mos ago

@Lewascan2 Ooh! Look what I just found! XD

I know this is Puss in Boots, The Last Wish, but I can see this happening between Malcer and Bartholomew

Oh 100%. Malcer is probably going to spend a fair amount of time menacing this man once he picks up on how much of a piece of hot garbage he is... if that wasn't perfectly clear already. Malcer was a bit of a self-absorbed loner in his first life, so he might have just assumed she drifted away like some people naturally do, but upon meeting her and Barthalomew at the theme park? Ciel must have come across rather different. But Malcer is rather aggressively protective of those he does consider friends, so Bartholomew is not likely to endear himself to him.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Lewascan2@Guardian Angel Haruki, would you guys appreciate the presence of a 16-year-old kid who is, well, a kid who is enjoying his 'adventure', or would you prefer an 18-year-old Eldritch Knight, or both?

@CaptainManbeard, wait, multiple OCs are permitted?
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Lewascan2
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Lewascan2 "You've yee'd y'er last haw."

Member Seen 3 mos ago

@Lewascan2@Guardian Angel Haruki, would you guys appreciate the presence of a 16-year-old kid who is, well, a kid who is enjoying his 'adventure', or would you prefer an 18-year-old Eldritch Knight, or both?

Either one is fine. I don't have a preference. Play what you want.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 20 min ago

@Lewascan2@Guardian Angel Haruki, would you guys appreciate the presence of a 16-year-old kid who is, well, a kid who is enjoying his 'adventure', or would you prefer an 18-year-old Eldritch Knight, or both?

@CaptainManbeard, wait, multiple OCs are permitted?

<Snipped quote by Letter Bee>

Either one is fine. I don't have a preference. Play what you want.

I don't mind either one. Feel free to go whichever you'd like to play. ^_^

As for the multiple OCs, so far Captain Manbeard and I have a Hero character and their Arch Nemesis.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Guardian Angel Haruki, So, multiple OCs are permitted only on opposite factions/teams?
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 20 min ago

<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

Oh 100%. Malcer is probably going to spend a fair amount of time menacing this man once he picks up on how much of a piece of hot garbage he is... if that wasn't perfectly clear already. Malcer was a bit of a self-absorbed loner in his first life, so he might have just assumed she drifted away like some people naturally do, but upon meeting her and Barthalomew at the theme park? Ciel must have come across rather different. But Malcer is rather aggressively protective of those he does consider friends, so Bartholomew is not likely to endear himself to him.

Oh yeah, Ciel would have come off as drastically different. Before Bartholomew, Ciel was much more cheerful and a little more outgoing. She wouldn't have been the type to just drift away when it came to her friends and family. At the theme park, she would have been quiet, self-deprecating, and apologetic to Malcer. She probably have apologized to him for a normal conversations they had in the past, with her thinking that she insulted him somehow, while Malcer clearly remembers it as a normal conversation.

As for Bartholomew, it might have been obvious that he was a piece of hot garbage from the start. I imagine he tries to endear himself to her friends at first, while subtly undercutting them with backhanded compliments. When he sees that the friends see him for who he truly is, he stops trying to make them like him and simply focuses on Ciel.

Now that I think more about it..I imagine Bartholomew went behind Ciel's back and sent a message from Ciel's phone/email to all of her friends. While pretending to be her, he basically tried to tell everyone that Ciel doesn't need them anymore and that she was never going to speak to them again.

The potential giveaways that it wasn't Ciel writing those messages?

1. Bartholomew tried to make Ciel sound flippant and uncaring so that her friends and family would be angry and not want to speak with her anymore.

2. He used emojis in the message when Ciel doesn't use emojis for serious messages like that.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 20 min ago

@Guardian Angel Haruki, So, multiple OCs are permitted only on opposite factions/teams?

That, I can't say definitively. That is for @CaptainManbeard to answer. ^^" Sorry.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by Letter Bee>

That, I can't say definitively. That is for @CaptainManbeard to answer. ^^" Sorry.

It's fine.
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Lewascan2
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Lewascan2 "You've yee'd y'er last haw."

Member Seen 3 mos ago

<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

Oh yeah, Ciel would have come off as drastically different. Before Bartholomew, Ciel was much more cheerful and a little more outgoing. She wouldn't have been the type to just drift away when it came to her friends and family. At the theme park, she would have been quiet, self-deprecating, and apologetic to Malcer. She probably have apologized to him for a normal conversations they had in the past, with her thinking that she insulted him somehow, while Malcer clearly remembers it as a normal conversation.

As for Bartholomew, it might have been obvious that he was a piece of hot garbage from the start. I imagine he tries to endear himself to her friends at first, while subtly undercutting them with backhanded compliments. When he sees that the friends see him for who he truly is, he stops trying to make them like him and simply focuses on Ciel.

I'm sure Ciel's new attitude would spark some measure of confusion in Malcer at first, which begins to transition into concern the more he is exposed to the new her and how she acts around Bartholomew. Being nonconfrontational, Malcer wouldn't have been the first to make accusations or anything, but he would perhaps have asked her "if she was alright" if he ever got her relatively alone. And I'm sure her response would be less than encouraging.

Owing to the fact that Malcer wasn't generally the most "in-person socialized" and kinda lived in his own head a lot of the time, he's the kind of person that when receiving one of these backhanded compliments would either humbly shrug it off, miss the compliment part entirely, or directly ask for clarification if he's confused on the intent. Which, naturally, Bartholomew wouldn't really be able to do without digging his hole deeper. Malcer's lack of socialism in some respects leads him to be blunter at times and cut through social shenanigans. A short "I'm sorry?" or "in what way?" and so on might start to see Bartholomew's facade unravel in Malcer's eyes.

Now that I think more about it..I imagine Bartholomew went behind Ciel's back and sent a message from Ciel's phone/email to all of her friends. While pretending to be her, he basically tried to tell everyone that Ciel doesn't need them anymore and that she was never going to speak to them again.

The potential giveaways that it wasn't Ciel writing those messages?

1. Bartholomew tried to make Ciel sound flippant and uncaring so that her friends and family would be angry and not want to speak with her anymore.

2. He used emojis in the message when Ciel doesn't use emojis for serious messages like that.

You bet the first thing Malcer would think is to ask "Did you get hacked?/What's this about?" on some alternative social media connection if he received such a weird message, complete with screenshot. Although, if Bartholomew was already that deep, it's certainly questionable if that inquiry would ever have reached Ciel.
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Daniel Akakios (Calls himself Daniel Palaiologos)

Originally David Garcia Martinez from Lalin’s Curse, a Webcomic by Isaky on Webtoons. Used with her consent.

Age: 16
Birthday: January 1.
Height: 5'5
Body Type: Athletic.
Eyes: Gold
Hair: Light Brown.
Pronouns: He/Him.
Orientation: Bisexual.


David's Voice in this Fandub:

Musical Theme


Daniel is brave, to the point of recklessness, kind, to the point of foolishness, and confident in his own 'genius' and 'intelligence' to the point of arrogance. However, he is fully aware that he had burnt himself before, that barging into other people's matters only earned him rejection and anger. And one of the flaws he realized about himself was that he did not take rejection, by people he wanted to be friends with, well - This is also something he planned to address before his untimely death.

His death at the tender age of sixteen was a blow to his psyche; he had hurt his parents one more time, he had hurt his friends, both online and offline. And now, he cannot fix the bridges he can barely admit he had burned out of pride and entitlement. So, all he can do was throw himself into his new adventure, help his friends in any way he could, and eventually find his place in this new world - He knows enough Isekai tropes that there is a way to rise up high if he wanted to...

Powers & Abilities

Human (Variant) - Daniel wants nothing more than to be a human, at least in appearance, so he looks like a human and registers as one to Supernatural senses, various magic spells, psionics, and other powers. However, he has traits that distinguish him from Humans on Earth, namely an improved memory and physical endurance to the point where he can take several wounds that can bring down an adult. The improved memory allows him access to knowledge he only looked up on the Internet a few times, including technological blueprints he was not able to comprehend and understand before his death.

Daniel also gets another Skill from this but can upgrade only two stats.

Variant Human Feat: Prodigy - Daniel gets one extra skill, makes one of one's skills a super skill, another language, and a tool proficiency.

Daniel's Stats (Array):

10 Strength
12 Dexterity
14 (Originally 13) Constitution
16 (Originally 15) Intelligence
8 Wisdom
14 Charisma (he can be very persuasive when he wants something)

Fighter (Eldritch Knight when he reaches Level 3) - Daniel can, in addition to using plate armor, swords, and shields, cast a limited number of Abjuration and Evocation spells as well as a few cantrips from the Wizard spell list. He does not need a spellbook to cast the spells as they are committed to his enhanced memory.
  • Protection Style: When Daniel has a shield, he can cover a nearby ally who is being attacked, 'disadvantaging' the attacker.
  • Second Wind: Daniel can tap into his reserves of stamina to act as though his wounds and injuries do not matter; for all intents and purposes, he has 'recovered hit points'. This ability cannot be used again without a short or long rest.
  • Action Surge (Will be getting at Level 2): By tapping into more of his reserves of will, stamina, and 'eager kid energy', Daniel makes himself able to multi-task even in implausible circumstances. And by that, he gets an extra action.
  • Martial Archetype (Will be getting at Level 3): As an Eldritch Knight, Daniel knows two cantrips and three 1st-level Wizard Spells from the Abjuration and Evocation spell lists. This will increase over time.


Cantrips (When Daniel reaches Level 3):


Spells (When Daniel reaches Level 3):

-Protection from Evil and Good
-Burning Hands

Talents & Skills

Skills: Athletics, History, Persuasion, Insight (Expertise Skill), Perception, Arcana.
Weapon Proficiencies: All Simple and Martial Weapons.
Armor Proficiencies: All.
Tool Proficiencies: One type of gaming set (Dragonchess), Tinker Tools.
Languages: Common, Elvish, Dwarvish.


- Sword and Shield.
- A set of fine clothes.
- Signet Ring.
- Scroll of Pedigree.
- 1 pouch with 25gp.


Daniel was a rich, but not too rich, kid. Raised by loving parents, given the best education, and allowed to train in fencing as long as he kept up his studies, Daniel yearned for more but kept it under control due to wanting to be a kind person. A loving, eager ball of energy, Daniel was quick to make friends and approach people, even strangers, to ask if they needed any help. He also hunted down bullies, not just because it helped his self-image, but also because he can't stand it when people are hurting. And so he grew up a kind lad, albeit one with a darker side that festered in him, helped by him denying its existence.

One day, he failed to keep a friend. That day, he blew it out of proportion. And he saw that even he had his own dark side, and hated himself deeply, for he had thought of himself as perfectly formed, with no need to change. And after that, fear followed, fear that he might be exposed as a fraud before his remaining friends.

But what if he was?

Days once spent in confident happiness were consumed by fear and rage and attempts to hide it. He only confided in his very closest connections, both online and offline. Maybe he could have found a way past it, through it, and become a happier and more mature person.

But Death cared not for one's potential growth.

He died, and the faith he had vaguely held was simulteanously proven and disproven; there was an afterlife, but beyond it was just another, still-mundane world. A world that promised more suffering and heartache. What he had wanted to do was run around like an innocent puppy, helping people, listening to their problems, and seeing them smile and pat his head and listen to his own problems.

Life - His new one - had taught him a lesson; he cannot have that. The Multiverse was not fair, nor should it be; it was not created or evolved to be fair. Every bit of goodness had to be fought for, and was worth it because it was earned through blood, sweat, and tears.

The boy was still a boy, given a second chance. And this time, he would not waste it - He will work hard to earn his position in life and new friendships.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Guardian Angel Haruki, can you comment on my sheet to see if I did anything wrong?
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 20 min ago

@Guardian Angel Haruki, can you comment on my sheet to see if I did anything wrong?

Sure thing!

Your character sheet looks great! You've got everything that @Lewascan2 and I put into our sheets.

I do have a question: From what I'm reading of the Enhanced Human, it sounds like mechanically Daniel would be a Variant Human with the Keen Mind feat. Do I have that right?

The only other question that comes to mind would be how would he be friends with the rest of the party? Chances are Daniel would probably be the youngest member of the party. We can establish connections for this character. Maybe he's related to one of the party members as a relative?
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 20 min ago

<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

I'm sure Ciel's new attitude would spark some measure of confusion in Malcer at first, which begins to transition into concern the more he is exposed to the new her and how she acts around Bartholomew. Being nonconfrontational, Malcer wouldn't have been the first to make accusations or anything, but he would perhaps have asked her "if she was alright" if he ever got her relatively alone. And I'm sure her response would be less than encouraging.

Owing to the fact that Malcer wasn't generally the most "in-person socialized" and kinda lived in his own head a lot of the time, he's the kind of person that when receiving one of these backhanded compliments would either humbly shrug it off, miss the compliment part entirely, or directly ask for clarification if he's confused on the intent. Which, naturally, Bartholomew wouldn't really be able to do without digging his hole deeper. Malcer's lack of socialism in some respects leads him to be blunter at times and cut through social shenanigans. A short "I'm sorry?" or "in what way?" and so on might start to see Bartholomew's facade unravel in Malcer's eyes.

Yup. She would have said "I'm fine,", but Malcer would easily be able to tell that she wasn't.

Bartholomew would probably notice that Malcer isn't generally the most "in-person socialized", and would use that to his advantage. He probably would have answered his clarification questions in a way that would have seemed like a save to others, but would have been a deliberate diss that only Malcer would pick up on.

<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

You bet the first thing Malcer would think is to ask "Did you get hacked?/What's this about?" on some alternative social media connection if he received such a weird message, complete with screenshot. Although, if Bartholomew was already that deep, it's certainly questionable if that inquiry would ever have reached Ciel.

Yeah, I would say at that point, Bartholomew was already in deep, so he would have been able to make sure that Ciel didn't see that message. He probably would have answered Malcer's inquiry with "No. Leave me alone," and a prompt block of Malcer and the other friends' accounts on Ciel's alternative social media accounts.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by Letter Bee>

Sure thing!

Your character sheet looks great! You've got everything that @Lewascan2 and I put into our sheets.

I do have a question: From what I'm reading of the Enhanced Human, it sounds like mechanically Daniel would be a Variant Human with the Keen Mind feat. Do I have that right?

The only other question that comes to mind would be how would he be friends with the rest of the party? Chances are Daniel would probably be the youngest member of the party. We can establish connections for this character. Maybe he's related to one of the party members as a relative?

Mechanically, Daniel is just a RAW Human; the 'Enhanced' part is merely an attempt to translate D&D Mechanics like Hit Points into the RP.

I like that last part; I was also thinking that he might have been friends with Ciel at some point and took her 'rejection' badly. As in, 'Daniel is also screwed up a little' badly.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 20 min ago

<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

Mechanically, Daniel is just a RAW Human; the 'Enhanced' part is merely an attempt to translate D&D Mechanics like Hit Points into the RP.

I like that last part; I was also thinking that he might have been friends with Ciel at some point and took her 'rejection' badly. As in, 'Daniel is also screwed up a little' badly.

Ahhh! I see. XD Thank you!

Also...Oof! Yeah, hearing Daniel say that he messed up and that Ciel rejected him would definitely snap her out of the funk Bartholomew put her in, if not at the theme park than in the new world.

She definitely would have told Daniel that it wasn't his fault if they got a chance to talk it out before their untimely death.

As for how Ciel and Daniel became friends...

Since there's an eight year difference between them, would it be okay with you if the two of them became friends because Ciel babysat Daniel a few times when she was in High School and he was in Elementary/Middle School?
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by Letter Bee>

Ahhh! I see. XD Thank you!

Also...Oof! Yeah, hearing Daniel say that he messed up and that Ciel rejected him would definitely snap her out of the funk Bartholomew put her in, if not at the theme park than in the new world.

She definitely would have told Daniel that it wasn't his fault if they got a chance to talk it out before their untimely death.

As for how Ciel and Daniel became friends...

Since there's an eight year difference between them, would it be okay with you if the two of them became friends because Ciel babysat Daniel a few times when she was in High School and he was in Elementary/Middle School?

That'd be perfect.

Also, by screwed-up, if Daniel found out that it was Bartholomew who had been abusing and isolating Ciel, Daniel would be plotting murder and counting on America's criminal justice system to give him an easier sentence as he's still a minor.
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 20 min ago

<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

That'd be perfect.

Also, by screwed-up, if Daniel found out that it was Bartholomew who had been abusing and isolating Ciel, Daniel would be plotting murder and counting on America's criminal justice system to give him an easier sentence as he's still a minor.

I think it's safe to say that the first time Ciel's friends meet Bartholomew is at the Amusement Park. I'll leave how quick Daniel picks up on the fact that Bartholomew is a hot landfill full pile of garbage, up to you. ^_^
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by Letter Bee>

I think it's safe to say that the first time Ciel's friends meet Bartholomew is at the Amusement Park. I'll leave how quick Daniel picks up on the fact that Bartholomew is a hot landfill full pile of garbage, up to you. ^_^

Honestly, Daniel might have tried to buy metallic wire from Amazon to try and replicate the murder technique in Detective Conan/Case Closed's first episode in the rollercoaster but the freak accident interrupted him.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Lewascan2
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Lewascan2 "You've yee'd y'er last haw."

Member Seen 3 mos ago

<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

Yup. She would have said "I'm fine,", but Malcer would easily be able to tell that she wasn't.

Bartholomew would probably notice that Malcer isn't generally the most "in-person socialized", and would use that to his advantage. He probably would have answered his clarification questions in a way that would have seemed like a save to others, but would have been a deliberate diss that only Malcer would pick up on.

When I say Malcer isn't "socialized", it's a bit of an odd thing. See, he's a role-player, right? He uses voice-chat. He does actually talk to people and understand socialization, engages with people and understands social nuance. He just doesn't like doing it in person. He gets uncomfortable, does that thing where he doesn't look people in the face and talks to them with them in the corner of his vision. Before the isekai, he had a bad habit of not paying attention to the body language of other people (or, in fact, sometimes looking like he's not paying attention to them at all), which is why he comes across as "living in his own head" at times.

But he does pay attention to tone of voice, to the actual words coming out of someone's mouth, the context. He's an overthinker, a hyperfixater. The reason he doesn't pay attention to body language is often because he subconsciously considers it "unnecessary", because he's learned how to do with reading people without it via his preferred online interaction. So, when he does actually pay attention to body language, when he actually starts trying, he's very keen eyed. It's just that most of the time, he doesn't bother. It all comes back to that lack of empathy in him. He normally doesn't care what other people are feeling, what they're trying to convey...

But when he does-
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I made Daniel a Variant Human instead of a RAW one.
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