Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


After a while of being able to do nothing, I smell something amazing, something spicy, and something I'd love to have. It turned out to be some sort of soup, or something, and I woke up from my fainting just to have some, only to feel energized, afterwards. I then jump up from my laying down position and manage to pull off a back-flip before hitting the ground "Woo! Thanks, whoever you are!" I shout to the mystery pokemon that gave me the soup, afterwards. The pokemon looked a little strange, as if he wasn't as he appeared, but I didn't have time for that, right now, I had to make this second chance at this fight count. With energy still coursing through my body, I void whip 'boss' twice before he could react with an acid attack... which still hurt, however, I managed to not react too much to it. "Come on, you're going to have to do better than that, this time." I say to 'boss', which prompted him to try to perform his combo attack again. This time, however, I attacked the koffing twice before he could get to his boss, and interrupted the attack, leaving him vulnerable. I then notice M, again, and say "Thanks, man!... I probably looked like an idiot out there, but that's pretty much exactly what Archie told me to do... I'll blame him, later," I then chuckle before taking a poison sting to the face from the zubat whose name I still didn't know. Whatever that soup was, I liked it... a lot. It was just perfect. Every detail of it was absolutely amazing, it was almost as if that was made specifically for me... well, me and whoever else might be able to tolerate the spiciness of the soup.

"Well... some of them have been turning 'wild', as you'd describe. Nate being a good example of that." I explain to William as we continue our search for Leo. Oddly enough, we quickly encounter two litleo, both of whom claimed to be Leo. I knew just the way to tell who was who, and shouted "LEEROY, your mother needs you!" The litleo on the left's ears perk up for a moment, and his face turns into one of anger, indicating that he didn't like that. "There you are, Leo," I then say as I head over to the one on the left. The one on the right then rubs off the dirt that covered up a scar on his left forepaw, and says "Gosh... I just wanted to be Leo for a day..." it was Leo's little brother, who 'earned' that scar in one of their many fights that decided who was in charge of whom... it was easy to tell that Leo's little bro Samson was on the bottom of their pecking order. Samson, who was previously posing as Leo walks away from us, saddened somewhat from this. I payed him no attention, however. I'd deal with Samson after all of this was over. I finally explain to Leo "I... well, we, kinda need you to locate a missing litleo. Apparently, a mother pyroar lost her son in this area, somewhere," Leo thinks for a moment, and eventually, he comes to a conclusion "Oh! Right, ya know, I kinda recall a newbie litleo running around these parts, maybe that's him," Leo then headed off in the direction of this missing cub, and I follow, knowing that my teammates would follow me. After all, it wasn't like we had any other leads, and there must have been hundreds, if not thousands of litleo in Sunswept Plains.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Shadowlight looked happily at Spruce, and then backs away, looking at the group of criminals. They were still up, ready to go fight.
"This is not over yet it seems.... " she then says, before rushing to the skuntank, and then using hidden power, actually hitting it hard and making it back away a good amount. Just then, the skuntank used poison gas, which hit Shadowlight, and made her a bit dizzy. She then goes to use swift, only to get hit hard by a feint attack, making her back away from the hit. She then regain her senses, feeling some poison. She then uses a pecha berry, and then uses hidden power again, striking the skuntank hard. On all of the poison types here, it was the only one that she could be super effective against. The skuntank then used feint attack again, making her back away. This was really getting her hard... She then had a idea... A dirty trick.. but a good trick. She then jumps on the wall, and climbs.
"Enough!" she says, faking running away, only to go to the other side. The skuntank laugh a bit.
"Seems your super hero left you to your fate!" he says, before getting hit by the back from the other window, hard. Shadowlight then jumps down and gets on the skuntank's back before using hidden power point blank, striking it hard, weakening it so much that it might faint soon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 1 day ago


Well this was troubling; Kamina couldn't find the rest of his team. He had been looking all over town, but had nothing to show for it. By now, he had accepted that they were most likely out on a quest, though why they didn't take him was beyond the little guy However he still needed to do some training. He couldn't afford to waste a day. So he decided to check out this 'dojo' thing he had heard about. "Greetings! I am the mighty Kamina! I am the one who shall one day be known as the strongest Magikarp, and the strongest Gyarados! That's why I have come to this place; to break the current limits of my body!" he announced as he entered the building


A lost child!? That sounded like a job for a defender of love, justices, truth, hope, peace, and delicious cookies. However he couldn't just ask them if he could come along, that was just plain rude and his old instructor Parfu had taught him better. No, because he didn't know them, he was supposed to follow them and jump out of hiding to save the day once they got in trouble, that's just how these things worked. So he followed the Bunneary, Treeko, and Kecleonas they made their way to this 'Sunswept Plains' place

...Or at least he would have, had he not spent so much time thinking about it, that they managed to get out of sight. Not wanting to miss out, Tini began to search the town for them, but to no avail. Feeling disappointed, Tini made his trademarked 'Sad Tini Face', complete with big sad eyes and quivering lips
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Normally I'd help.


Worded that wrong. I would've helped the hostage, but we were all little busy doing something. For instance, me shocking the Skuntank again and letting the lightning cascade to the Zubat. Spruce was down, the odd hero was reviving him, and in the end the hostage has to fend for herself. Kamina seemed to have disappeared too. Quite shocking in the middle of a fight. (No pun intended.) What was actually shocking was that Spruce was pretty energetic as he just bounced to his feet, looking like he just came back from Heaven to finish this mission. That soup... my God, I didn't want to know what was in there. Chances are that it would pop my eye.

So, still hanging behind the crates, I popped up and exclaimed "Surprise!" What was on the other side? A Koffing, who tried to spit in my face with what idiots call 'Acid.' That's a terrible misnomer. "Does it look like I'm pissed?" I said, close-up to the Koffing who was scared beyond his wits. That agility really does make me fast, if not a bit... whimsy. "I'll just answer that for you." Then, at point-blank, I let off my usual lightning, jamming my magnet into the Koffing as it magically slammed into a pillar, before falling onto the cold and concrete floor. "No. I'm elated." I softly answered. I rubbed off the 'Acid' off my face, ready to face the next thug as my eye tried to catch someone.

Meanwhile, my job was done, and so was the hero's. Everyone's dead (not literally), apart from the wheezing Zubat who still decided to hang around. "Put your wings up, and we won't have to cave your fangs in!"

I chuckled as the Zubat stupidly did that, falling onto a crate in a style similar to the Koffing's.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sumable
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Sumable Wel to Moon Come Side. Come Moon to Wel Side, Ness

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

((card, you're a little late to the party. We almost already found the kid. That, and we're the treasure town guild, plus im pretty sure tini was somewhere else... edit please?))
I walk with the litleo and ask Bonnie "So, how do you know that this kid isn't the one we're looking for? Or his brother. They could be the ones that that mom's looking for," and I begin sweating from the heat. "Ugh, it's so damn hot," I whine as the sun beats down on my skin. "Stop being a big baby," Samuel says, and I spit at him. I crack my knuckles as we come upon another caterpie, but this time it tries attacking us. I use confusion on it and it yelps as it runs off. "Eh... I think I'd rather go back to Treasure Town. Not as blazingly hot there," I moan as I wipe my forehead, and that 'Mike' guy hums a song. I glance at the litleo kid again and say "I wish some missions weren't so vague."

A dragon type with a scarf, a smug look on his face, and a golden badge on his chest slinks up to us. "Hey. What brings all of you here?" the salamence asks. "Um... we're just doing a mission from Wigglytuff's guild," I say and the salamence laughs. "You work for that big baby? Naw, I'm just kidding. My name's Richard, by the way. I'm off to the beach to cool down," Richard says as he walks past us. I sigh and pop my neck.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


"Well, that solves that, then," I say in response to the fact that the zubat, the only one left standing surrendered. I then head over towards the hostage, a keckleon apparently named Rosebud, and untie her, as well as take out her gag. "Th...thank you," she manages to say to me before I press the button on my badge to warp all of us, including Rosebud, back to Arnold's guild. Rosebud then says "Well... um... I didn't really prepare a reward for you guys, but I think this will do," she then hands me some sort of blue TM... or, no, it was an HM, and it had the word 'Dive' written on it, as if to remind the owner what kind of move this particular HM taught. Hms were made of sturdier stuff than TMs were, and rightfully so, as they were often important, or otherwise needed to access certain parts of this world. Oddly enough, TMs are actually made with old human tech... the kind that kinda looks like a mirror. We'd send that thing over to a group of porygon who do something with the disk, and then color it to represent what type of move the TM now held. It was weird thinking about how something as thin as this could hold anything, but any porygon would assure you that it does. Interestingly, unlike TMs, HMs could be used without having anyone learn the move... this was actually a somewhat new feature with HMs, as apparently, the old way led to injury or death as soon as the pokemon who learned that move fainted in battle. I continue looking at the small, thin, doughnut-shaped thing that was the HM for Dive, only seeing a blue-tinted reflection of myself. Maybe M knows how these things work... or how they even hold anything. I think as I simply continue to look into the thing. Rosebud already left, and I started to think about where I might be able to use this HM... the beach near Treasure Town immediately came to mind.

"Well... the mother just sent out that mission, right? These guys aren't new, at all," I explain to William. We continue through the plains until we come across some salamence named Richard. His voice sounded oddly familiar, though. Before he had a chance to leave, I blurted out "WAIT!" Richard turned his head, and asked "Yeah? What do you want?" I then continued with "...um... do you know about a persian that lives in a mansion off to the west of here?" My voice was weak at this point, but I just couldn't shake the feeling that I've heard him before... and worse, it was from after my mother was killed. "Yeah... the guy's a complete creep. I've been trying to put that guy away for years, but I can't find any evidence that he's doing anything illegal. You weren't thinking of visiting that kook, were you?" I shake my head, and he says "Good. You should stay away from him," Richard couldn't have been more right, though, eventually, I'd have to face my father... and I'd like to have some sort of support when I do. "HEY, Bonnie! We're gonna leave you behind if you don't start running!" I hear Leo shout from somewhat far ahead. I then run as fast as I could to catch up, and Leo starts looking around for any 'newbies' as he calls them. William and Samuel were right next to me now, and Richard was probably half way to the beach. I never minded the warmth of the area, and wondered why it was such a problem for William. Leo then came up with two different litleo, both of whom were shaking, and scared... odd. "These are the only two newbies here. One of 'em's gotta be the one you're looking for," I then ask the two if their mothers might be looking for them... but... well... it turns out that they're both orphans, meaning that it couldn't possibly be them.

Hex was in some sort of daze, and Terra couldn't get an answer from her, so she simply shrugged and said "Good enough, let's go," apparently, she was a little more than impatient as she started running right for the mountain. "Hey, wait up!" I shouted as I tried in vain to catch up to her. Of course, being some sort of slug thing made any kind of running difficult for me. I only had to assume that Matt and Josh were following closely behind me, and really hoped that Terra would wait for me at the foot of the mountain. I finally make it, only to see a scowling Terra who was tapping her foot impatiently. "It's not my fault I'm slow..." I say somewhat apologetically. "Fine, I'll try to slow down... it wouldn't be easy to tackle this mountain myself anyways," she says in response, making me wonder if she was even sorry for running off like that. I then looked back and noticed someone missing, or, really, two someones. "Shouldn't we at least wait for Matt and Josh?" I ask Terra, who sighs, and says "Fine, I'll wait," Blaze then shouts "Yay! We're not being jerks!" I laugh at that, and relax, tired from that attempt and failure at running. I then dig through my bag to see if I had any apples to help me get back that lost energy, and unfortunately, there really wasn't all that much in there... only a variety of status healing berries, as well as an oran... oh! There was apparently a reviver seed, and a sleep seed in there too. I could use a rest right about now, but Terra would probably kill me if I actually did that right now... that much was apparent just from the way she glared at me when I pulled the sleep seed out from my bag. I sheepishly put it back in and simply wait for the others, and Terra nods and looks over towards where the others were likely to come from.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 1 day ago

Terra seemed to be in a rush, since she took off before she even got an answer from Hex. Anthony seemed to be having trouble catching up, and so did Matt. It didn't take too long for Terra to disappear into the crowd, but Anthony seemed to know where he was going, so Matt followed behind him. That didn't last too long, though. A Gabite pushed his way between them, and as Matt tried to catch up, a Tyrantrum walked in front of him. Before long, Josh and Matt completely lost sight of both Anthony and Terra.
"You didn't just lose them, did you?" Josh asked. He couldn't really see anything, since he was still trying to hide in his bucket.
"It's not a problem. I can see the mountain from here." Matt said. "Let's hope they're waiting for us."

As they left the city, Josh finally didn't feel the need to hide. He was still glancing around, though. The other search team had either gone down the mountain last night, or were coming down at this moment. He had to be cautious.
Anthony and Terra were waiting for them at the base of the mountain. Terra seemed pretty impatient, as if Anthony made her wait for them.
"Oh! There you are." Matt said. "Sorry we took so long. There was an awfully large crowd back there."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

As Shadowlight looked as... she was teleported with the gang back at the guild, she stumbles a bit.
"What in the... Oh god..." she says.
"Anyway my work here is done!" she quickly says before rushing out of the door and going to hide. She needed to remove her costume quickly. Spruce would probably wonder where she was now... and this was really embarrassing. If he were to discover who she was.... she was scared of what he might actually do if he found out her secret identity. Soon after getting out and rushing from building to building, she got out of the city, and headed to the back of a tree. She looked around. No one was there. She breath deeply, before removing her costume, and thinking. Spruce would probably ask where she gone while they were away once she gets back so... She breath deeply, and puts the costume in her bag, before going to a pile of fine dirt and then spreading it on her, aiming to make her look dirty. Might as well get a excuse that she been training... She continue to put the dirt a bit, not too much to over do it. She then breath deeply and used her badge, teleporting back at the guild. She then head to where Spruce was.
"Oh Spruce! Welcome back!" she then says, a bit faking her surprise right now. She needed to make it seem plausible.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Eh. I assumed Rosebud (a name which would've fit a Pokemon such as a Roserade, which I would know since I was assaulted by one) would be able to inform others of the Pokemon in the warehouse. Something like the police and such. Otherwise, they could possibly wake up and get away, but... in the end, our mission was to secure a hostage. We weren't a police force or anything, but the fact we had to rescue people around the continent probably made the guild a 'pretty big thing.'

I kept looking at the hero running off on his fours. As he disappeared out of my sight, I turned back to Spruce examining the little disc. Chances are, they're beyond repair, since they're so old. Maybe that was an excuse Davis thought of when it came to sticking that into his back, or he was pretty traumatised from the constant testing he told stories about. Apparently those humans worked on everything in disc form, just to prepare him for war. Initially, I thought he was just joking, but stories popping up of Pokemon going crazy - claiming they were stuck in a steel room or something - debunked my opinion. I feared they may have possessed the worst bits of Davis' memories... those were from the old models. Small caches of discs discovered in some ruins nearby apparently don't do that, since they're the more stable versions of TMs and HMs. As an added bonus, they also don't require you to swipe your memories for the HMs, mind you. "Spruce, I think you just apply it to someone's head to make them know that move. Well, for the older models you do. That, and the older models have a chance to make the Pokemon crazy, so..."

Not dwelling of a possible theory that they may have inherited Davis' memories, suddenly Celes; she came at the nick of time. "Uh... Celes, you're really sweaty, dirty and tired. Where have you been?" Another theory: Celes is as mysterious as me now. In a good way.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sumable
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Sumable Wel to Moon Come Side. Come Moon to Wel Side, Ness

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Oh, then who else is a... er... 'newbie?'" I ask Leo as I spit on the ground again and began wishing an ice pokemon was here. "Damn sun! It feels like it's boiling my blood!" I yell as I pull off a few flakes of dead skin, meaning I was baking, or it was moulting season again. I look at Leo and ask "How do we know that the mother wasn't looking around for days in Treasure or Allure town and then scribbled this in hopes that someone could save her kid?" I then look at Leo and say "Did you run away from your momma?" as I whip around and grab him by the cheeks. "Ow! Get off of me!" Leo yells and he paws at my hands. "Did you run away from your mother?! I'm not spending all day baking just to know which one of the handful of litleos is some damn mother's kid! I don't even think they wrote down any damn reward!" I yell, letting go of the kid and grabbing my forehead.

Meanwhile, at the 'Conkeldurr Mansion'...
"Yeah yeah, sniff 'em out. That one was a cutie, and I ain't letting him get away from the likes of me. I'm sure you can find him. Smell those blood trails and find that damn kecleon. Don't care what you do with his buddies, I just need him, and I need him alive!" a gallade yells at the Conkeldurr. Both of them were best friends, and Conkeldurr, albeit slightly dumb, still did whatever bidding gallade wanted him to do. Neither of them were wilds, actually, and the atmosphere saves them from being wilds, but their insanity limits them from being normal people. The conkeldurr runs into the main hall, and sticks his nose right in the semi-dried blood left from my foot and takes a whiff. He smiles as he runs through the hole in the wall he made a little bit ago, and begins trekking around in search for William.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


I was a little too involved with the HM to notice that mystery pokemon actually teleport with us for some reason. I do, however, snap out of that as soon as Celes bursts through the doors, looking sweaty and tired for some reason. "Sheesh, what happened to you?" I ask Celes. I then add "Well, either way, I think we should take on a dungeon, today... um, I got this new HM, and I think I might be able to find a way to use it," at that, I started to head out of the guild, HM in hand. I then stop, as I notice nobody else coming with me. "So... is the rest of my team ready to take on a mystery dungeon? It's a water-type area, so we should be fine," I then say as I wait for the rest of my team... wait... where was Kamina? Normally, he'd be the first pokemon to run, or, rather splash the heck out of the guild to get to this new dungeon. Maybe he's already there? After all, he IS a water type, and probably just capable of living there. I think as I somewhat impatiently await responses from the rest of my team, that is, excluding Kamina. My thoughts raced as I remembered the dungeon, itself. According to Vine, manaphy actually existed, and he, or it, lived right at the bottom of that trench... the very same one that I was going to head down. Oh, there was also a group of phione that apparently watched over manaphy when he was an egg, or something... but... I wasn't all too excited to see one of those. Of course... the fact that it's a dungeon means that we might just have to fight manaphy... I really hoped we didn't have to, but, let's be honest, we're pretty well prepared for a fight with manaphy.

I watch and jump back as William picks up Leo by the cheeks, and starts asking Leo a bunch of questions. Leo answers with "Well, um, I had ta! My ma's the worst. She says that I can't have that awesome flamethrower Tm, and makes me do chores when I run off... er.... like this..." I then shake my head, and say "Trust me, she's not the worst. She's not even close to the worst. I should know be-" I catch myself mid-sentence and shut up before I reveal anything about myself. Samson, who was apparently following us, asks, somewhat quietly "Uh... does this mean I can go back home?" Leo backs up a bit, and out of nowhere, a bunch of wild pokemon, at least two natu, three mareep, and two litleo jump out of the bushes and surround our little group. "We've got you now, traitor!" One of the natu shouts at me... odd that some of the wild pokemon can speak, and some can't, but I was more worried about what he said... this, of course, means that they were all going to attack us. I decide to get the first attack in, and try to use Pound, however, I end up using some other move, one that was fulled by my hatred for my father... I used frustration. Somehow, and this is another thing that surprised me, the move actually seemed to deal even more damage than I was expecting... as if it wasn't a normal-type move... but what would super-effect a natu, and make sense for frustration's type? Either way, I ended up taking a couple thundershocks, and a peck before Leo used ember on the natu who attacked me, Samson decided to use work up, and Mike used thundershock on the natu that supposedly started this whole ambush, finishing it off.

Matt explained how there was a large crowd, and, of course, I believed him, given that we were leaving Scale City. Terra, however, said "What an excuse... well, at least you didn't take all day. Let's get going, alright?" I nodded, and the two of us started heading up the mountain, only to almost instantly run into a wild dratini who used twister on me... only to not really do that much, thanks in part to my new helmet. I then retaliate with tackle, my only semi-effective move in this case. Yeah, I was good with the whole 'defense' thing here, but I can't really attack the enemies very well. Terra then took Blaze out of her bag for a moment, and attacked the dratini with some weird move apparently called 'Play Rough', finishing off the snakelike dragon pokemon. "Well... that was quick," I comment before we move on, with Blaze jumping back into Terra's backpack. Terra didn't say a word and continued up the mountain, with me following. Soon enough, we encountered a cliff, or, really just a big hole separating us from our next possible destination. Oddly enough, there appeared to be withered and useless vines connecting the two sides, as if someone has already been here... but, given the condition of the vines, it would have to have been years since they've been here, that is, whoever it was. Obviously, whoever it was was a grass type, else they wouldn't have access to vine whip, which is what the makeshift and now broken bridge appeared to be made out of. Of course, I didn't need to use the bridge because I could stick to the walls. I simply walked across the wall to the other side, and then wondered how I was going to get the others over here.... every single one of them was taller and heavier than I was, even Blaze.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celes looked at both of them, and breath deeply Need to get a excuse out... she though, before looking at her teammates.
"I went to train at sunswept plains and trained there all day, cause Spruce had left....I guess I over did it, fell a couple of times and got all... dirty..." she then says, breathing deeply, before hearing what Spruce said. She smiles. A HM for dive might be good in this situation to clean up after getting that excuse. Just then though... she saw something at the guild entrance. Someone passing by... a jolteon.... She stepped back a bit, and stood near Spruce, hoping the jolteon would not see her, cause she recognized him...Her brother.... One that actually was nice to her, even if he did say that his form could be the fastest thing that you could get for their race... though she was not much for speed.... and electric attacks did not really make her feel like it was her style. She stood there as the jolteon pass by, looking around, before Celes notices something. A guild badge of Allure town? Her brother joined the guild??? Well that will be complicated... that might end up bad for her... She stood close to Spruce as her brother walks away. She lets out a sighed of relief, happy her brother did not see her.
"Can we go? I kinda want to get out of here." she says.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 1 day ago


"Ah, yet another warrior looking to stoke the fires of their youth" Lee the Hitmonlee said "your kind are always welcome in my dojo" he added, giving Kamina a thumbs up.. "Now, in which way can I help you?" he asked while pointing to a sign that listed all the different services, along with their price

"...Wait...it cost money to use this facility?" Kamina asked shocked

That took the wind out of Lee's no existent sails "I...take it you have no money. Then I am sorry...but-"

"No! Say no more, I understand. While my life style doesn't require money, that is not true for everyone. If you were to make an exception for me, then it would call into question the very integrity of this noble establishment, and that is something I can not allow. I shall return when I have enough money to afford your services. Until then, I wish you luck in your training. For no matter how good you get, you could always be better" and with that, Kamina left the dojo

Lee was moved to tears by Kamina's speech "to think...I would find a kindred spirit inside the body of such a frail race"


Tini eventually got tired of making the Sad Tini Face (Trademarked), and decided to explore the town, that's when he found the dojo. "Ohhhhh...I remember mater Parfu talk about these places" so he went in, and was greeted by a Marowak

"Greetings young one, have you come here for training?" Martin asked him

Tini nodded "yes, I...Oh! Woops, I forgot. Let me try again" He cleared out his throat and began to speak again, only this time his words didn't match up to his lips, and his voice sounded...off "Greetings to you honored dojo master. I have traveled from very far to become an ally of justice. However, I currently lack the power to be that. So I have come here to your dojo to test my might against that of your students, in order to better myself"

Martin blinked a few times as he took in what Tini said "uh...kid, were you dropped on your head a lot?"

"No, but master..." he returned to his odd manner of speech "Parfu sensei did throw me at a lot of rocks headfirst, in order to build up my tolerance for pain and physical endurance. He is also the one who taught me the proper manner in which to speak when a guest in another's dojo. While I find his methods strange, I can not deny the results"

"That explains far too much" Martin mumbled. "Well kid, I'm not sure if you know, but it cost money to-" he was interrupted when Tini pulled out just enough to challenge his students "...alright then, looks like we're good to go. Hey you three, over here, we have a challenger!" he called over to some of his students. The three that answered the call were an Axew, a Poochyena, and a Ghastly "Alright then, which one of you wants to go first?"

"I will" the Axew said
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sumable
Avatar of Sumable

Sumable Wel to Moon Come Side. Come Moon to Wel Side, Ness

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Well don't run away from your ma! There are kids out there who are worked like slaves out there, somewhere. Just a few chores... GAH! My boss used to throw heavy things at me, just for asking if he could stop doing something! No compensation if I nearly died, and he always yelled at me," I scold the litleo. I then hear Bonnie start to say something but cut herself off, and before I could say anything I hear a voice behind us. "AH!" I scream as I hear the voice, startling me, and soon a crowd jumps up at us, yelling something about traitors and that they've got us.

Almost instantly they begin fighting and Bonnie uses... Frustration? What?! And it nearly fainted the natu, as well. She then gets hit by a couple of Thunderbolts and Leo uses Ember on another Natu, the sneaky guy used work up and Mike used Thundershock on that poor natu. It faints it and I whip around, using Confusion on a Litleo. Not much damage done, but it did switch my type again. The litleos combine their moves on Samuel... Samuel dodges it, barely, and it skims his tail setting it alight. "AUUGH!" he shrieks in pain before I get hit in the back by a mareep, using Thunder Bolt. It paralyzes me. This was certainly not an easy fight, that's for sure. Suddenly, Samuel seems to gather a bunch of twigs, grass, and leaves, spreads them out and charges up a Thundershock, uses it on the pile which was spread out everywhere around us, and it burns brightly. This was dumb in my opinion, since not only did his vicious gathering hurt me a tiny bit, but the sparks from his move and the heat hurt my badly too. I felt light headed, and I was having troubles breathing. "S-someone... catch me," I sputter before I fall over into darkness. I hear the skittering of feet and wings flapping before I go unconscious.

After I do something brilliant to hurt all the meanies, I see my partner faint. I run towards him and slap him in the face a few times, saying "Wake up! Wake up! We still gotta fight!" as the Natu that was still awake flutters off and the Mareep speed off faster than a gabite on a full fermented Sitrus and Heal seed blend. The litleos stay though and my tail burns. "Ow!" I squeak as I try to pat it out, then using my spinning as momentum for Pound, which hits a litleo square in the snout, causing him to whimper and get a nosebleed. The other litleo tackles me and I look behind him and say "Uh-oh..." as the fire spreads to the other large patches of dry grass. He looks behind him and scoffs. "Wow! You're in deep trouble!" the wild litleo says as he jumps up and trots off. "Ugh... well, how 'bout it team?" I ask as I take my badge and mash the button a few times, individually teleporting Leo, Will, Mike, some other random guy that I didn't know all that well, that wild litleo I hit in the nose, and myself back to the guild and crack my fingers and legs.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Celes, you're acting strange lately. For instance, I definitely did see you leave with Kamina to follow Spruce around, since I ended up stalking the both of you. That, and it's near-suicide to go train out there by yourself. With Dementia around, at least."

Speaking of which, I knew this would happen: either follow with attempting to stop her as soon as we can, or gathering more experience to fight her off later. Oh man, I've been talking a lot lately. "Speaking of Desia (since not everyone will agree with my pun), I was attacked once or twice by her minions, depending if uncorrupted Pokemon count as her goons. We really should try to stop her operations as soon as we can, which brings up this problem: we strike now, or we gather ourselves before facing her at a later stage." I pretty much laid out our options. "By the former, I mean we immediately try to find her. I have a contact (or had one) that probably knows/knew of her location. We just need to find him/his remains now. By the latter, I mean not only do we go dungeon-busting again, but we also have to find Kamina. Who's up for hunting for possibly deceased Pokemon either way?"

And then, I looked where Celes looked (behind myself), wondering why she was acting up again as she requested to leave. This time, I knew what was up. It's not like everyday you see Pokemon that afraid. A Jolteon seemed to just swaggered by, scaring the living daylights out of Celes. I personally just took a glance at him, turning my eye and head around just to find Celes hanging by Spruce's shoulder. As if seeing a neon-blue Porygon entering the same room behind them was disturbing enough. "...you know, I really don't stand by my earlier statement of turning in friends-" I had to clear my voice. "-teammates, now that I've actually the experience. Are you seriously that disturbed by your... electric counterpart?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 1 day ago

Terra was in a rush to get to the top of the mountain. Josh didn't know why. He had no idea what their goal was, but it didn't seem time-sensitive. If it was, then they probably wouldn't have waited in Scale City for a day before coming here.
They were attacked by a Dratini soon after they started their ascent. It didn't cause them too much trouble, as Terra finished it off quickly, but up ahead was a much bigger problem. There was a hole in the path that hindered their progress. Anthony could stick to the walls, Matt could float, and Josh and Blaze were light enough to be carried by Matt, but they had no way of getting Terra across. There were vines connecting the two sides, but they were old and withered. There was no way they would support anyone's weight.
"Well, this is a problem." Matt said. "Might as well do what I can." He carried Josh over to the other side of the pit, placing him beside Anthony. "You two stay here. I'll go back with the other two and hopefully we'll find a way to get Terra over here."
He floated over to the other side, leaving Josh and Anthony alone.
"So, I guess you're wondering what happened yesterday, huh?" Josh said. "I think I owe you an explanation."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celes sighed, shaking her head at this. She breath deeply.
"First off, yes I did fallow Spruce at first, but I went back to town after doing some shopping. Did not find much of what I wanted. Second of all, that jolteon there... is my brother... and seeing how he is now in the guild, he might actually take the job to bring me back home and then things will get bad for me. I do not want to be forced back home when I already feel like I am getting stronger. Also when you said it was dangerous to go there.... I usually am able to manage on my own. If I would have seen Desia, I would have ran full speed and stealtly. I know how to do that with..." she says, before stopping. She think a bit.
"With how I planned my escape from my parents home." she then lied. She just hoped M will not get too curious about all this. She breath deeply, and looks at Spruce.
"I kinda just want to go and use that Dive HM." she then says calmly. She smiles slightly at him, calmer now, but in the back of her head she knows she will see her brother sooner or later. She looks at M, and breath deeply.
"And I know full well I will see him again sooner or later... though I just have to become stronger to possibly maybe have to beat him to prove that I am becoming stronger as I am." she then says.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Well..." I had a bit of a hard time absorbing Celes' words. Mostly because I was distracted by Pokemon looking at me, possibly even disgusted at me. As much as I wished to ignore them all, I wasn't exactly taught how to. I felt in the dark, ignoring the metaphorical light cast over me. "Let's just go then. I've got my own problems, and by the looks of things there's not much I can comment on here. You seem strong enough to handle yourself."

There was change in the air. It would come sooner or later. I just knew something wasn't right, seeing through the whims of Pokemon pacing around the guild with their badges and partially-healed wounds. I felt no longer prejudiced in just the community I came from - I felt prejudiced everywhere I went from this point forwards. Davis, you idiot... you died and left me here. "Spruce, lead the way. We're waiting on you now, well at least most of us; Kamina's not around. You think he got nabbed or something?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


"Well, she doesn't seem to be lying to me, so let's go," I say to my team as a continue heading out towards Treasure Town's beach. I made sure to walk slowly enough to let my team catch up, and I also hid my badge for a moment just to make sure that they didn't know that I was from Allure. Thankfully, I wasn't famous enough yet to be recognized on my own, though, I did pass by Rosebud on the way there. She was in charge of the stand, though, unfortunately, it didn't seem like anyone was there, and Rosebud looked bored as a result. She waved to me and I waved back, but neither of us said anything. I make it to the beach, where a bunch of krabby were apparently sleeping at the moment, wait for the rest of my team to catch up to me, and then a little longer just to see if Kamina might join in, and then hold up the HM, which quickly created some sort of weird bubble around my team. This was nice due to the fact that otherwise, M might either rust or electrocute everything in the ocean... probably both. I then went right in to the ocean, which looked both similar and wildly different to the surface, with many strange pokemon floating around the place, and odd plants growing in the water. This place was pretty awe-inspiring, and I immediately started to wander around, getting myself lost, and unfortunately possibly leaving my teammates (who each got their own bubble, instead of it just being one big bubble) behind. Is this another planet, or just another place? I think as I continue wandering around, and looking at the strange plants and pokemon that lived here.

After my attack, Samuel decides that this place wasn't burned down enough and encircles us in fire, which, if he wanted to make me cough and hurt my eyes, he did a great job. I didn't even really notice most of our enemies running away due to how much my eyes were damaged by the smoke. I also couldn't really say anything either, as I was coughing constantly, which was probably not good for my health or immediate survival. Thankfully, someone teleported us all back to Wally's guild, along with Samson and Leo, both of whom looked a little guilty. Once there, we meet up with the mother, who was apparently Leo's mother, as she instantly recognized her children, and gave them a good scolding on why they shouldn't run off on their own. She then hands us a bag of money, which is, as per what I assume usual, snatched away by the bird, who then gives us only a small amount... of five hundred poke. That... actually wasn't half bad as a reward, and I was unfortunately very tired, not to mention covered in soot from that fight, so I started to head down stairs, only to bump into that Richard guy from earlier. He dropped a paper when I accidentally bumped into him, and, after apologizing, he completely forgot to pick it up. It was a mission involving... well... me. The paper had a picture of me obviously from before I managed to escape, and had a mission statement of...
'While I'm not the kid's father or anything, I'm seriously worried about her. This kid lives with a very possibly murderous parent, and should be taken to a guild as an adopted child as soon as possible... of course, she may be dead by now, and if that is the case, then bring in the father. A reward of twenty thousand poke will be given in either case.
~Richard' I quickly put the paper away, and run off to the bed in order to hide the paper under my pillows, where I hoped nobody else would check. I then try to go to sleep, however, images of what might have happened to me had I not escaped kept me awake, if only just enough to not get any rest.

Matt does just as I've expected to, that is, he levitated himself, and Josh over the withered and useless bridge... which left a somewhat miffed Terra on the other side. Matt levitated back to the other side, and seemed to be contemplating on a way to get Terra and Blaze over on the other side. I then heard Josh say something about me wondering what yesterday was all about, and I say "Yeah, I kinda would like an explanation. Don't worry, I won't judge... well, unless you're a murderer or something," I honestly hoped he wasn't a murderer, as I'd have to get through Matt to get Josh at this point, even if Matt was on the other side of the bridge... it wouldn't take too long for him to get to where we all were. I then just wait for Matt to come up with something as I watch Terra starting to grind her teeth... no, not the ones in her actual head, but the ones that were in her giant, possibly false, jaws. "Are you absolutely sure that I'm too heavy for you to psychicly lift? I can't be THAT heavy, CAN I?" One thing you should never tell a girl... that she's too heavy for anything. Another thing you should never tell her is that she's old... but that was irrelevant at this point. Blaze seemed bored, but was eventually alerted to Terra's mood, and attempted to calm her down with "Don't worry Tewwa, we'll get to the place before I die as an egg. Being mad won't speed things up, so please, don't be a jerk," this, unfortunately, didn't seem to work until about ten minutes later, when she just seemed to calm down, saying "I guess... I just really wish we could speed things up,"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celes moved forwards, fallowing Spruce and went towards the ocean, going and getting underwater, using the Dive HM bubble to breath. She looked around as her dirt was removed from the slight contact with water she had. She shook herself after that, and then looked around in awestruck, looking at everything. It was so beautiful around here... So calm and so nice. She looked as Spruce was going around, making himself get lost. She quickly rush to him, and then shakes her head.
"Spruce, don't wander off like that. We need to stay together, or else we will wander off and not find ourselves again..." she then says, worried. She breath deeply, and looks around. The view was really something to behold. She did think once or twice to become a vaporeon... but each time she decided not to. She did not exactly like the idea of being like her brother and sister, and 3 vaporeon in a family.... is kinda a lot. She breath deeply. She still was not sure about what to evolve into anyway. She continued on, hoping that Spruce would not make them get completely lost with how side-tracked he was sometime. Might be side-tracked.... but his heart was at the right place... his beautiful... ca... What the heck was she thinking. Was she blushing right now? She shook herself. Seriously, this was embarrassing.
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