Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 1 day ago

"No, I never killed anyone. You don't need to worry about that." Josh said. "You might have already figured this out, but I'm not from Allure Town. I came from a reef out in the middle of the ocean. Zane - that's the Clawitzer we ran into yesterday - is the most powerful Pokemon on the reef, and everyone's scared of him, so he's the one that controls everything. He chooses a few Pokemon to watch over everyone else, and keep them in line, while the rest of us are forced to work on the farms for our entire lives. He barely feeds us, too. I had to steal food from the farms to survive. I never got caught, but if I did, Zane probably would've killed me. Eventually, I just got tired of it and left. I thought I was the only one, but apparently other Pokemon followed me."

Terra seemed pretty angry about Matt being unable to lift her across. Both Blaze and Matt were trying to calm her down, to no avail. Josh tried to think of something. They could always go look for something up ahead, but Terra probably wouldn't like that. They were out of options, though. If nobody else could think of something, then that's what they'd have to do. By now, Terra seemed to have calmed down. Maybe she would be more
"I'll go talk to Josh and Anthony, OK? They might have thought of something." Matt said. He floated over to them, with a worried look on his face. "I hope you two have thought of something. Terra may have calmed down, but that most likely won't last long."
"Maybe we could look for something up ahead." Josh suggested. "It's the only thing I can think of. Terra probably won't be too thrilled about it, though."
"No, I'm sure she won't" He looked over at Anthony. "Please tell me you've thought of something better."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sumable
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Sumable Wel to Moon Come Side. Come Moon to Wel Side, Ness

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

After another fifteen minutes, someone drags my limp body into my room and drops me on my bed so I could rest and feel better when I woke up and left quickly. After a bit, I wake up and cough. "DAMMIT, SAMUEL!" I yell as I look down at myself. I was smoked and dirty from his dumb idea, and I stand up. "Ugh..." I groan as I walk out of the room, stretching my back and arms. I then climb up the ladders, and walk down towards the beach so I could wash off really quickly, and maybe enjoy the water. "Damn idiots, 'she made me do chores'... little brat...." I mutter under my breath as I walk down towards the beach. When I get there, I see some group was already there, so I quickly go invisible since I didn't know what to do, or if they were wild pokemon. The ash, sadly, doesn't go invisible with me, so I slowly creep into the water. Cold, no doubt, but right now I didn't mind the cold. I go deeper in, to the point where I have to swim to stay up in the water, and I dive under. I feel something hard snap against my tail, and I try screaming, but bubbles came out instead, and I begin thrashing around in the water and drag myself back up to land and pry the krabby off of my tail.

I stand up and grab my tail. "Ow..." I groan as I look at the smashed tip of my tail and I sigh and I look at the group. Wait, wasn't there more people? Where did they go? I think to myself as I begin walking over. I notice there was something around each person. "Um, excuse me, but wasn't there about three people here?" I ask.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 1 day ago


"Alright, begin!" Martin declared

The Axew was the one to make the first move, rushing at Tini with a Double Chop 'heh, this is going to be too easy.' A Dragon type at Tini's level would be severely hurt by that move. His stubby little hand rose up and crashed into Tini with a mighty...squeak. "The hell?" He tried again only to get the same result "h-how is this even possible!?"

"Fairy Wind!" Tini cried out

"GAHHHH!" Caught by surprise, the Axew stumbled back in pain "how is he doing this!?"

"Fairy Wind!"

"Gah! Is...is he part Fairy!? That shouldn't even be possible!"

"Fairy Wind!"

"Gah!!!! I give, I give!" the Axew surrendered

"Yay! I win" Tini cheered

"I can't believe you just gave up like that man" the Ghastly said

"Get off my back man, that guy is part Fairy...somehow. The only move I have that could damage him is Assurance, which is Dark type so it wouldn't do much"

"Yeah whatever, wimp"

"Alright then, you take him on!"

"I will...right after Jasper"

"Yeah" the Poochyena agreed "right after...me!?"

"Alright then, Jasper is next" Martin said

As Jasper walked over to fight with Tini (looking like someone just told him that his mother died), The Axew looked at the Ghastly with a sneer on his face "why do you keep doing these things to us?"

"Because I enjoy your pain"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Josh tells me how he got here, and who, exactly, Zane is. It worried me that there were still pokemon like that in this world, and in response, I say "Wow... well, I'm just glad I said what I said earlier. I can't believe that guy just gets whatever he wants, and it sickens me how poorly he seems to treat everyone under him... I'll make absolute sure that once I grow strong enough, I will make him my target," I said this mainly to let him know that I was on his side, no matter what Zane might say. I then hear Matt ask if we can find some other way to get Terra across... and worst of all, they both turned to me! "Uh... um... no... let's just go with your plan, Josh," I manage to say, though, I really didn't like being the guy everyone turned to for ideas 'cause I really didn't have any. I then continued on, and hoped that Blaze would keep Terra in check so she doesn't explode right there on the other side of the cliff and complicate things even further. I kinda wondered what was up with Hex, who was following us, but not saying so much as a word, but I decided to ignore it for now, and just keep going ahead to possibly find something that might help us get Terra across to this side. After all, things were much easier when we had a fairy type on our team... though, it was a bit odd that Matt couldn't lift the mere 25 pounds that Terra weighed, even with Blaze's extra 9ish pounds, it didn't seem like that much... well, either way, Terra was just too much for Matt to hold, somehow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 1 day ago

"Alright, let's see if we can find something." Matt said. "Hopefully we can do it quickly."
They continued up the mountain, looking closely for something they could use. Unfortunately, there wasn't really anything to look for. Josh hoped they would run into an abandoned camp or something, but it didn't seem like anybody had been here for a while. He heard the sound of rushing water up ahead, but that was probably just a waterfall. He didn't think there would be anything there, but surprisingly he heard a voice up ahead.
"What do you mean 'it's stuck'? Try moving it around a little. I don't want to be hanging here all day."
Josh recognized this voice. He couldn't quite tell who it was, but it was familiar. As they went around the corner, he saw an Octillery being pulled up the waterfall by a bunch of ropes. "Wait! Someone's coming. I think they saw me." The Octillery looked at them. "Who are you? I swear, you'd better not be working for Zane, or I'll-" He stopped as he noticed Josh in the bucket. "No friggin' way. Ray, look who finally decided to show up!"
A Mantine peeked over the edge of the waterfall. "Who is it?"
"Hey guys." Josh said. "It's been a while." He turned to the others. "That's Eddie and Ray. They're from the reef."
"We're setting up a camp just at the top of this waterfall here." Eddie said. "You and your friends are welcome to stay if you like."
"Well, you see, we can't stay for too long. We have a job to do here." Josh said.
"That's too bad." Eddie said. "Still, if everyone else knew you were okay, it would lift their spirits a little. They'll need it, the way things are now. And, also, we could help out with this job of yours, if you like."
"Actually, we do need a little help." Josh said. "We have someone who's stranded back there. Do you have any more of those ropes?"
"Yeah, we have more up in the camp. You and your friends can borrow some of them, if you like." Eddie said.
"Thanks." Josh said. He turned to the others. "Come on, let's go."
Matt carried Josh up to the top of the waterfall, hoping the others would follow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 3 mos ago

I rolled my eyes as Kamina wasn't mentioned by Spruce at all. Despite this, I continued onwards with Spruce and Celes, not saying anything as we passed Pokemon that were seemingly unaware of us. Eventually, we made it to the beach, which made me wonder why we didn't have such a feature instead. Regardless, I got to see an HM in action, wincing at the sudden bubbles forming around us. I remember my last experience with water: not only was I lucky enough to avoid oxidation, but also the possible death of everyone around me. Something feels odd about my previous sentence.

Anyway, floating around with a bubble around me was pretty confusing, as if having some Pokes floating around me in a ring wasn't dizzying enough. I followed the others into the water so I wouldn't catch someone's attention. However, this whole place got my attention - this was admittedly one of the most beautiful things I had seen. Ever. "I don't know about you, but I really don't think Spruce should lead the way most of the time..." I was supposed to comment about the beauty of this place, how you could pretty much everything even from a distance. But, instead I was replying to Celes' comment about how Spruce shouldn't lead.

Let's save that for later.

"Hm?" There was an unfamiliar voice around. My Pokes jiggled slightly as I turned in a rather odd fashion, still having a bubble around me as I saw a... Keckleon, bathed in saltwater. We presumably clipped our eyes towards the badges on our chests. "Yes?" I was aware of a rivalry between Allure and Treasure Town's respective guilds. I didn't feel inclined to follow, since that was none of my business and I (or rather we) had more important business to attend to. "There were some others, yes." I gave a proper response to the Keckleon as I took my eye off him and stared down into the ocean. "What do you want? They're underwater, and they're probably waiting for me."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sumable
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Sumable Wel to Moon Come Side. Come Moon to Wel Side, Ness

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I look towards his badge and notice he's from Allure. "Oh, okay. I was just a little concerned, because uh... well, they were there a second ago and now they're gone. I'm actually from Allure, too, I was just forced to join the Treasure Town guild," I say as I wave and walk off. I feel like something's wrong. Not with that earlier group, but something else. Probably just paranoia. I should get back to my team, I think as I walk back to Treasure Town, not covered in ash anymore.

I walk by the kecleon's stall and the kecleon behind the counter waves at me. "Hey! I didn't know you'd come out today, and boy, my back is aching. So, George, mind taking my shift for me?" the kecleon says, and I look at him. Would it technically be stealing if I took any percentage of money I got from working in the stall? I mean, fifty percent couldn't hurt... I think to myself as I nod and walk down to the stall. He looks at me closely through squinted eyes and asks "Say, you look a little different... are you not George?" as I walk around and into the stall. "Uh..." I say. "You don't sound like George. Are you wanting to apply?" he asks. "Wel-" I say and he looks at my badge. "You already got a job... wait... you're... A ZOROARK! THIEF!" he yells and I walk back and out of the stall as he tackles me. It knocked the wind out of me and he kicks me. He was pretty damn strong to say the least, since I felt like I was about to faint after he tackled me. "S-" "QUIET THIEF!" he yells as he kicks me in the nose, and some blood dribbles out. "Ow!" I say as he jumps on me. The pain was so unbearable that my body just quit trying at that moment. He gets off me and says "Watch! He'll turn black and red any second now! Any... second... AHA! See, black and red! No, wait, that's bruises and blood..." he says.

I get dragged to a healer and I'm put on a bed. Pretty comfy, if I was still awake. He plugs my nose and puts smashed oran berry juice on my bruises. The kecleon that beat me up was explaining everything to the authorities outside, and when I wake up, the kecleon walks in and says "I'm sorry, but you startled me. Er... have this, as a bigger sorry," as he hands me a present. I open it up and it's a pin that says "Employee of the Kecleon Stop N' Shop store! My name is:" and I sigh. "Gee. Thanks. Just what I wanted," I say and when he's gone, I snap the pin in half and throw it on the ground. I stand up and walk back towards the guild, now with newer blemishes like a red-stained upper lip and a black eye. I walk down to our crew rooms and see Bonnie. "Hey Bonnie. Hows it going?" I ask.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Just gonna... hang on.


I followed the others into the water so I wouldn't catch someone's attention. However, this whole place got my attention - this was admittedly one of the most beautiful things I had seen. Ever. "I don't know about you, but I really don't think Spruce should lead the way most of the time..." I was supposed to comment about the beauty of this place, how you could pretty much everything even from a distance. But, instead I was replying to Celes' comment about how Spruce shouldn't lead.

Bah. I can't just do that. Damn Dialga and your one-way lane of time.

"I don't know about you, but I really don't think Spruce should be leading the way in general..." Well. I had witnessed Spruce's running gag. And this time, I couldn't add to Celes' comment. I think that Keckleon was really just a time traveler, and ended up messing with the continuum... or something- the point is I lost my train of thought.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


I continued wandering around, and somehow ending up behind M, who seems to have just recently joined us in this underwater adventure. I have no clue HOW i ended up behind him, but I overheard the two talking about how I shouldn't be leading everyone around... so... I guess I just sort of ended up where I deserve to be. I was about to say something, however, a group of wild pokemon consisting of a buizel, a wailmer, and a remoraid swam right up to us, and one of them, the buizel, started attacking with quick attack, hitting me right in the eye. Closing my hurt eye, I then attack the buizel back with vine whip, managing to hit him... er... her on the back as she was swimming back to her spot with the rest of the group, flinging her towards her teammates, but unfortunately, not getting her to slam into anyone. The wailmer went next, aiming for Celes while it attacked with rollout. I knew that Celes could easily take that attack and then some so I didn't really bother to guard her this time. The remoraid then decided to attack M with water gun... though, that wasn't the easiest move to see while you were underwater. I then attack that buizel with another vine whip as she approached me, hitting her in the gut, however, this time, she wasn't flung back, and instead countered with sonic boom. I failed to evade the attack, and unfortunately, it was devastatingly powerful, at least it was against rookies like me. I was now hanging on by a thread thanks to that noisy, powerful attack.

I finally awaken from my nightmare-riddled rest, and manage to roll out of bed just in time to see William... though, it looked like he was beaten up pretty badly by someone. He asked me how I was, and I simply answered with "Not good... I just had the worst nightmare, and now I still feel tired even though I just slept for I don't know how long," I sounded tired when I spoke, and, of course, that was because I was tired. That nightmare was the worst... I mean, you can't get much worse than the nightmare ending with you seeing your own head being eaten by some monster, can you? I then walk over to him, and ask "So... how are you doing?" I didn't exactly feel like going anywhere else today, not after Samuel nearly burned myself, William, himself, and all of Sunswept Plains to death. [i]That was a stupid move... I guess I'll have to slap Samuel in the face for that once he wakes up. Wally and his chatot assistant then head out of the room, and notice us. "What in the world happened!?" The chatot exclaims, looking at William as he asks that. I shrug, and the rest of the guild seems to start gathering around us... for some reason, that included Mike, Leo, and Samson, who was somewhere. I lost track of Samson, and wondered why they were all wearing badges. They weren't members of our team, or we would have been told about them by either Wally or that chatot, neither of whom seemed to say anything about this. "So, are those new recruits our new teammates?" I eventually ask both the guildmaster and the assistant. "No, they're just new here in the guild," the chatot answers us quickly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sumable
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Sumable Wel to Moon Come Side. Come Moon to Wel Side, Ness

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Oh, what was it about?" I ask Bonnie once she says she had a nightmare, but I guess she didn't notice or something. "I'm feeling like crap. I'm okay though," I say in response to her question, and I walk out with Bonnie, only to hear Chatot squawking. "Oh, er... I kinda got beat up. Not mugged or anything, but those shopkeepers, yeesh... He called me over, and upon realizing I wasn't someone else, he thought I was a zoroark and kicked the crap out of me. No compensation either, other than me not going to jail, and some crappy dumb pin he gave me, which I threw away," I say to him, and I see people crowd around. "Uh, what's happening?" I ask as I see everyone's faces. I wipe off my upper lip and try to make the color of the black eye as close to my normal color as possible, but alas, it didn't work. It did change to a dark green, though. I get freaked out enough that I just decide to go invisible, which surprise surprise, didn't affect my badge, my black eye, the two small corks in my nostrils, or any blood. Everyone looks at me as if I was weird, and I sigh and change back. "Sorry, I'm just a little shy," I say, blushing from embarrassment.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Noire

Noire Exposition Extraordinaire

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hex unwaveringly followed the group up the mountainside, lost in thought, ignoring Terra's question. She payed no attention to any of the hazards that stood before here, and the rest of the team took them out quickly. She was in deep thought, and only sometimes making some basic reactions and following the group. She aided them sometimes, maybe with a slight gust, but it rarely did anything to the attacker. It would just slide off. She had a bit of a hard time finding herself here.

For once, Hex didn't really feel all that up to something, which she found strange. Before, when she had first joined the guild, she had been rearing up for a challenge, ready to face anything and hoping for some big monster pokemon to capture and bring in to justice. But right now, she was hoping to maybe get a chance to head to head back to the hive, kick back, and eat some honey. Hopefully this mission was just the one to kick start her excitement and hopefulness.

Really, Hex was just feeling a bit homesick herself, and didn't really feel all up to many of the challenges. She had barely gotten through anything, too! She felt pretty sluggish, not feeling the energy to continue on, but she had to. It seemed really important for Josh to do.. whatever, so she had to at the very least try. But for the most part, she had pretty much been a zombie, just blindly following the group around, bogging them down. Maybe she'd think about coming home. Maybe..

Hex was snapped out of her deep thought train by the realization that Josh had met up with some pokemon. Two water types were hanging about the top of the water fall, staring down at the team. Josh briefly talked to them, before beginning his fly up, aided by Matt. Hex shook her head, trying to get the thoughts out of her head. "Yeah, I could really use a camp right about now." She commented, fluttering upward and trying to avoid the thick mist of the waterfall.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celes, who was busy trying to find the right way, did not see the wailmer arrive and hit her. In quick counter, she used swift attack, damaging the wailmer a bit before seeing the thing going and getting in for another rollout attack. Celes, in a quick movement, used a rock from bellow and propulsed herself up and above the wailmer, landing on him. She then used hidden power, striking the thing hard before it turned around and used water gun on her, making her get pushed back into the air a couple of feets. She then saw the thing going for a rollout attack again, before she uses confuse ray and then spins to the side, dodgng the attack as the wailmer keeps going up towards the surface, confused. Celes breath deeply, befroe letting out a hidden power attack,striking the poor wailmer hard with a critical strike, not fainting ir but close to it. Celes bresth deeply, before opening her bag and going and getting a slight drink of her soup, shaking her head quickly, regaining her senses, only to see a slight part of black and white of her costume showing. She quickly hides it, and then sees the wailmer do one more rollout attack at her, striking her back, before she uses shift attack, finishing the thing off, but making her feel slightly damaged. That fight took a bit out of her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


I was about to say something about the duo of pokemon who showed up, and offered us a camp to stay in, however, Hex surprised me by somehow saying it first. "Whoa! Oh, uh, sorry, I almost forgot you were here... heh," I say to Hex before I climb up the waterfall, my natural stickiness coming in handy again. Since I had no clue where this place was, I had to follow behind Matt and Josh, who were following behind their friends, possibly other servants that this 'Zane' character had under him. Others from the reef... so, then, Zane's after more than one of these guys. It's a good thing that I led them over to Beach Cave, somehow I feel as though they're still searching through that place, frustrated beyond belief. I think as I continue up the waterfall, or, actually, up the wall next to the waterfall. If I were to try to simply go up it, the water would be enough to remove me from the wall, and have me fall down to... er... wherever this waterfall ended at, which probably wasn't going to be good for progress or health. Hex flew up before I started climbing and seemed to be more closely following Matt and Josh. This waterfall was kinda big, at the very least, it seemed to take forever to get up the dang thing... well, that or my own natural slowness strikes again, and this time in an annoying way rather than in a painful way. I continued to climb, however, I decided to check my bag just to see if I had any money, as I was suddenly reminded of my own mother, though, there wasn't any in there, unfortunately. I suppose I'll just have to look around if I'm going to find some dropped cash in these dungeons.

"I... don't want to talk about it," I say to William once he questioned me about my dream. I then remember something, and head back to my room. I look under my pillow, however, there was no paper. Oh no... now I've got the guild searching for me. I think as I frantically run out of my room, and look in every guild member's hands, or, at least, whatever they used as hands, I even checked the chef, the guildmaster, his assistant, and the random team who showed up near the mission board. None of them seemed to have the paper that showed a mission about my father and myself. Something that I'm sure my father would kill me over if it ever went public... and worse, he'd actually know where I was after this. I eventually run into a bidoof, who had the paper in his teeth. I try to take the paper from him, however, he looks in the opposite direction before I could. I then try to reason with him, saying "Um... sir? Would you mind giving me that mission? I kind of need the money from it," he then shakes his head, and says "I dunno anyone named 'sir', but you can call me Barry. I was just visiting here, and I found this thing under a pillow," I try to not let my temper get the best of me, after all, he REALLY shouldn't have been in my room, but I knew anger would get me nowhere, so I tried calm words again. "Well, that mission's too tough for you, and that guy, er, in that mission, he's dangerous! I mean really dangerous. I don't want to see you die," Barry laughs, and says "That's what they say about all of the outlaws, even the ones that I can take down," having already had enough of this conversation, I use Switcheroo on Barry, taking his mission paper from him... not that he even noticed, as he still wandered out of the guild, as happy as ever.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sumable
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Sumable Wel to Moon Come Side. Come Moon to Wel Side, Ness

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I walk past the group as well after Bonnie leaves and the ring of people semi-disperses, and I climb up the ladder. I crack my knuckles and look at the missions board and the first mission that caught my eye said, "Please help me, my daughter lost her doll in Birchwood Forest when we went on a picnic. She won't stop crying and screaming and we can't find it, hopefully someone else can. Whoever accepts this mission, please contact me by going to my house in Allure Town, the mission board over there was crowded. 2000 Poke for each person, but don't have some big giant group of like seven people find it, I don't have that much money to spend. ~ Mark the Meowstic" and I smile. I knew mark and his family, they were my neighbors, in fact. I pop my back and one of those corks fall out of my nostril. Some drips of blood fell on the floor, and I turn my head to see a Bidoof and Bonnie. Bonnie swiped a paper from him, and he left anyways. I walk over and say "Oh, don't worry about fighting over some mission, I have one right here!" as I show her the mission. "Just gonna go and tell Samuel," I say as I climb down the ladder.
I wake up from my nap and wipe the soot off of me and I begin having a coughing fit from all the ash, and I begin choking. "Gghck--" I cough, grabbing my neck. I walk up and try to walk out of our room, but before I can get into any of the main parts of the guild, I fall down inside of the hallway of the crew rooms from not getting enough oxygen, and I see William. Just at the right time, too, and he sees me choking, and calls for help, but no one came. Well, after a minute he left for a second and I fainted, but he came back with a few different types. Two of them push down on my chest, making me cough up some ash involuntarily, and they do it until they hear breathing again, and then the water type he brought sprayed me down. I wake up soon again, in the local healer's, and yell "WHO THE HELL'S BEEN BEATING ON MY CHEST?!" as I sit up and hop off the bed. I cough again and breathe. I see William waiting outside, and he says "Heh, I was actually in here not too long ago, maybe a half hour ago. Got a mission for us," showing me the mission and I wave him away. "No. I'm too tired, and we already did one today," I groan as I walk away, towards Sharpedo Bluff. When I get there, I sit down next to the bush and look up towards the sky. There was a Dugtrio at the edge of it. "Ain't it b-yooootiful?" he asks and I look past the edge, out into sea. I nod and go back to the bush and rest for a bit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 1 day ago

"I almost forgot you were here, Hex." Josh said. "You're awful quiet today."
As they made it to the top of the waterfall, they came across a small underground pond. Ray was at the top of the waterfall, pulling Eddie up with a rope. It was strange how long he was taking, though. Josh knew that if he was actually trying, Eddie would have been at the top by now. Something was troubling him, obviously. It would be best to leave him alone for now.
Josh turned to everyone else. "So, I suppose I should introduce you to all of the Pokemon staying at the camp." He said. "Remember those pictures Zane showed us? All of those Pokemon should be up here."
Matt emptied the bucket into the pond, which was rather shallow. There were several tents partially submerged in the water, and one of them was occupied. Besides Eddie and Ray, only one other Pokemon was outside of the tents - A Mantyke "That's...either Wyatt or Niko. They're twin brothers, so I can't really tell them apart. Ray is their father." Josh said. Wyatt was staring at the cave wall, and seemed just as troubled as his dad. Josh couldn't help but wonder what happened.

"Umm..." Josh was mentally debating whether or not he should talk to Wyatt. He had almost forgotten about Matt, Anthony, and Hex. "Oh! Let's just continue on, shall we?" He led them into one of the tents, and found an Inkay and a Milotic inside. The Milotic was pretty old, and seemed tired. "Guys, this is Pinky and Grace."
Upon hearing his voice, Pinky turned around, and her eyes widened. "Josh?" She swam up to him. "I can't believe it. I was starting to think one of Zane's search teams found you."
Grace looked at Josh, and smiled. She didn't say anything, but it seemed like seeing that Josh was alright lifted her spirits.
Pinky looked towards Grace, then back at them. "Look, Josh, I don't mean to be rude, but Grace needs rest. Getting up here wasn't an easy task for her."
"I understand." Josh said. He went back outside, and looked around the campsite. From what he could tell, there wasn't anyone else there. One of the twins was missing, and Keira was nowhere to be found, either.

"Oh, look who came crawling back."
That voice sent a chill down Josh's spine. He turned around to see a Carvanha glaring at him. "So, tell me, how long will you be staying before you abandon us again?"
Josh looked over at Eddie, who had just made it to the top of the waterfall. "Are you kidding me?" He said, swimming towards him. "You brought him with you?"
Eddie started backing away. "Ok, look, I know you're a little angry about this, but I can explain."
"Do you honestly trust him?"
"I trust him just as much as you do, Josh, but he's been helpful. He knows how the search team leaders think, and it's because of him that we've been able to avoid most of them."
Josh turned to the rest of his team. "I'm sorry, you're probably confused. That's Brace. His dad, Marty, is one of Zane's guards."
Brace smiled. "So, you trust these 'friends' of yours? I certainly don't. They'll probably tell Zane exactly where we're all hiding if we're not careful."
"I trust them a lot more than I trust you. Hell, we just ran into Zane in Scale City and they didn't tell him a thing."
"Yes, but Zane probably didn't threaten them at all, did he? I'd be willing to bet they'd spill the beans if they thought their life was in danger."
"You know what? I've been near you for two minutes and I'm already tired of you being a cynical jerk!"
"You're no better, bringing random Pokemon into our camp!"
Eddie tried to break them up. "Come on, guys. We can't turn on each other now."
Eddie's attempts to stop the fight weren't working. Someone else would have to help, because Josh and Brace looked like they were ready to rip each other apart.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 1 day ago


Jasper cringed as he looked at the fierce look in Tini's eyes (which really looked more adorable on him then anything else) "this...this is going to hurt...isn't it?"

"Fairy Wind!"

"Gah!!! It burns!" Not willing to take another hit like that, Jasper rushed Tini, ready to hit him with Bite. It was then that Tini came up with a plan so insane...it just might work; he used Wrap...on his muzzle. "Urk!" Jasper managed to squeak out, now that his mouth was closed shut. Panicking, he tried to shake Tini off, but that completely failed. Next, getting desperate, he came up with a plan so insane...that it was bound to completely fail; he charged at the dojo wall to smash Tini. However, he forgot to take into account the fact that his nose would hit it first. He did eventualy remember though, 0.0000000000000005 seconds before impact. Because of his speed, the impact knocked him out, and caused a little minor damage to his head (nothing that would heal though, so he would be fine).

After his opponent knocked himself out, Tini declared triumphantly "I have won again!"

"Alright then" Martin said "Gasper is last"

"Heh, watch me destroy this little freak" the now named Gasper said

"...Hey Gasper-" the Axew began

"No! For the millionth time, I have never wondered why Jasper and I have nearly identical names, nor have it ever made me question the existence of the world!"

"...I was just wondering..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"What the-"

You know, I was almost hypnotised by simply looking around. Then, reality struck us with its damn wild Pokemon. If anything can get worse, well... I'm a battery in the ocean. What happens if I were to get into direct contact with water?

I would electrocute the hell out of my surroundings. "You fool! You've doomed us all!" I just had to say that as soon as the Remoraid's attack briefly penetrated my bubble, causing a rather devastating cascade of electricity around the water. In other words, the Remoraid was paralysed pretty badly, sinking while electrical arcs could be seen. I didn't know if my team mates suffered the same fate, though...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


The electricity thankfully didn't actually go into any of the other bubbles, and seemed to do a number on the water-type enemies, paralyzing the wailmer and the buizel and even managing to one-shot the remoraid that M was fighting. I smirked as I pulled out another vine whip, sure, I was a little beat up, but at least I could still move. I took advantage of the biuzel's paralysis and manage to attack her twice with the attack, fainting her in the process, leaving the wailmer as the only one left... or maybe not, as the thing didn't seem to move... um... well, we won, I guess. I think as I decide to ignore the fact that the wailmer looked a little bit more than just fainted, unfortunately. I then ask "Hey, um... does anyone else need some rest? That fight kinda took a lot out of me," remembering the previous attack from the buizel which left me just at the brink of fainting... and that wouldn't be good if we happened to run into some other enemies on our exploration, which was very possible. After that, I sat down, and simply looked off in the distance, taking in the sights that the deep sea had to offer at this time. It was still incredibly beautiful, with strange things that looked like water-type pokemon, but were far too small, and didn't look like any pokemon that I knew floating around, only to quickly get either ensnared by the local plantlife, or eaten by actual water types. Whatever they were, they were colorful, but probably not too smart.

I nearly jumped in surprise as soon as I heard William from behind me. Apparently he didn't hear enough, or, at the very least, I didn't reveal enough for him to get suspicious, which was good. I then say "Right, well, I got the mission anyways... um... maybe we could do this one next," that, right there, what I just said, was probably my biggest mistake since opening the door to Mom and Dad's room that one fateful day... memories of that day were almost enough for me to break down in tears again, but I managed to hold them back this time, and even put on a fake smile. Samuel and William then passed by, and left the guild, and obviously I had to follow. I thought that we were heading to our mission, but apparently, Samuel had other ideas. He started heading off towards the ocean, and I ended up following him all the way to some cliff where a dugtrio was seen commenting on how beautiful the sea was. I probably surprised everyone, but I just had to say something. I ended up adding "You know, I think it might be even more beautiful from the inside... I wonder if I'll ever see what this 'sea' looks like from under the surface... nah, that's probably impossible, huh?" I then realized that I started to ramble and decided to just shut up for a moment, and let the others talk. Sure, it didn't seem like we were going on a mission today, but the view of the sun on the sea's waves was almost enough to justify that... well, what made it completely justified was more or less the fact that the entire team was in the middle of a fire, earlier, but this view was nice.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celes nods and sits down, before going into her bag, and getting a rather tall wooden container out. She breath deeply as she pours just a bit of soup into some bowls and give one to Spruce.
"Here.... I know I am almost out of it though.... I will need to go get some berries after this to make a new batch on a fire or something. I think the guild will be good to do that when we get back." she says, drinking a bit of her soup slowly. It was a bit cold at the moment though, not having been warmed up lately. As she goes to rumage in her bag, a slight part of white and black fabric sticks out of it, as she quickly puts it back inside, hoping no one saw it and would ask questions about it. She does not know what her teamates would think of her if they knew of her secret identity. It might end up with M being surprised by this maybe.... or asking her why the heck she was wearing that ridiculous costume. She knew though that one day she would have to tell Spruce if he asks too many questions about Shadowlight fallowing him when she was not suppose to be there. She breath deeply as she sits down and finishes her soup, the kick of the spiciness being in her mount. She looked at Spruce and M, waiting for everyone to rest up so they could continue
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sumable
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Sumable Wel to Moon Come Side. Come Moon to Wel Side, Ness

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Well... I mean, we could just jump in and go under for a few minutes, but then we wouldn't get a good view... I think I saw a few people using the HM Dive... maybe we could ask them if we could borrow it? But we're complete strangers..." I say. I sit up, and put the mission in my backpack. "So, do we wanna go over to Birchwood Forest to find that doll for that guy?" I ask. I did want to stay, though. I sigh, and stare at it, resting on the bush, and I smile. No pain, no suffering or stress. Just resting. This was nice... I sit down and stare into the sea. It slowly mesmerizes me, and I start changing colors without me even knowing, mainly blues and greens and aquas. I rub my eyes. "Wow..." I say and the Dugtrio says "I know. It's hypnotizing... The hardest thing to do every day... is pull myself away from this spot," and Samuel starts snoring. So this was peace. I pop my neck and eventually get up, feeling refreshed from the salt water-ey air and the sight. "So, you think we're gonna do this mission, or should we just rest back at the guild? I kinda liked my bed last night. I'm just worried that it's more than 'just finding a doll', and more like getting ambushed by some weird group," I say, really wanting to go back and not have to endure any more pain.
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