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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 1 day ago

Josh didn't get an answer from the Pokemon in the shadows. Then again, he didn't expect one. They wanted to stay hidden, for some reason. Josh couldn't tell why, but since they were clearly on the same side, he didn't really mind. The mystery Pokemon used Peck on one of the Dratini. Josh was able to see an orange beak for a moment before the Pokemon disappeared back into the shadows. A bird Pokemon that knows Peck and Pursuit...could it have been the Murkrow they saw earlier? It made sense.
Anthony managed to knock out the Goomy, leaving only the two Dratini. They both aimed for Hex, giving Josh the opportunity to use Acid on one of them. Matt used Light Screen, creating a second barrier around the team.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Noire

Noire Exposition Extraordinaire

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The pokemon neither responded to Hex's nor Josh's call, seemingly preferring to stay in the shadows. She wasn't surprised. The cave pokemon seemed to have relative distaste toward the torch light, so it might've been sensitive to it. Or it just preferred to stay unseen. Nearby, the two Dratini decided to launch two twisters at her. Two spiraling gusts of wind were blasted out at her, and she felt herself becoming disoriented. Hex shot a gust out, trying to redirect the twisters.

One of the twisters was interrupted, and Hex redirected it into a cave wall, forcing the winds to a halt. The other twister, however, spun her right round, disorienting her. It took her a moment to get back to her senses, only to see one of the Dratini wincing as an orange beak momentarily came in to attack it, before disappearing once again in the darkness. Meanwhile, Anthony was having a battle with a Goomy. It wasn't much of a good battle. It was pretty once sided, as Anthony damaged it with ease.

Whoever the pokemon hiding in the shadows was, it was being helpful, which was pretty good. The other Dratini, that hadn't been pecked, was covered in Josh's acid. The liquid hit it's skin with a long hissing sound, and the Dratini squirmed under the heavy goop. From the Pursuit, and the beak, she presumed it was a Murkrow, probably. There wasn't much else in the cave that might've had both dark type and a beak. Matt set up another flat, glass wall of light, that seemed to reflecting off of the torch light.

The mystery pokemon seemed to already be doing more than Terra, having already damaged two of their attackers. At least Terra seemed to be completely invincible from the dragons, so she didn't have to do much beside sit down and watch like a spectator at a Gladiator's arena. Hex gusted one of the Dratini into a cave wall, trying to keep it pinned there with a wall of constant, strong winds. The Dratini attempted to slither away a couple of times, but she was just smack it back into the wall. Her gusts seemed to have gotten stronger since she had begun.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


With no other options, and with M coming back without any berries that might help, I pushed the button on my badge, and teleported my entire team back to the guild, where I noticed everyone else shuffling tiredly off to bed, as if dinner had already happened. I could already hear the loud, and annoying snores from Arnold, and for some reason, I could hear Archie talking in his sleep... but.. from somewhere above us? Weird... I don't think there are any beds up on the top floor... are there? I think as I realize just how tired we are, and also just how hurt Celes is. I then turn back towards M, and say "Um... I'm going to go get the nurse, alright?" Afterwards, I run off, concerned for her health, though, I could have sworn she said something before I teleported... weird, I know, but, I just couldn't shake the feeling that she whispered something just before I forced us all to leave the area. I tried to shake that feeling as I ran to the nurse's room, taking the ladder down, and using the door right next to the guildmaster's office, it wasn't a long trip or anything thanks to the fact that we actually have a nurse's room in the guild, unlike the guild back at Treasure Town... or, at least, that's what I've been told. I open the door and am greeted to an Audino that looks a lot like the guildmaster, yet, was female... odd. "Oh, hello there! What's the problem?" She asked me in a much higher voice compared to the guildmaster's deep baritone. I simply answered "Um... just, um... follow me, okay?" She nods, and, apparently having nothing else to do, she followed me back up the ladder, where Celes still lied. "Oh my... she seems horribly exhausted. Don't worry, though, I'll make sure she's up and ready to go by tomorrow!" The nurse then picked up Celes and took her down to the nurse's room, and I followed. I ended up staying the night there, worried that she might not wake up, and only fell asleep once I got too tired to stay awake.

The dratini that was subject to Hex's flurry of gust attacks fainted right there, on the spot, meaning that there was now only one enemy left... one who tried to escape, again, but, much like the noibat from earlier, was hit with a pursuit attack from our mystery helper... which may or may not have been a murkrow. The attack was almost enough to faint the last dratini, and I suppose the 'honor' went to me, as one more tackle from me was enough to finish the dratini off. I then inched towards our helper, and saw a bit of him. "It's alright, now, you can come into the light," I say to the bird, who does just that, revealing himself as a murkrow, just as I had already suspected. "Um... hi... I'm, um, Daniel. I kinda got lost on my way back home, um... mind helping me out of this cave?" He asks us, shaking as if he was afraid of something, possibly the light. Terra let out a yawn, apparently somewhere along the line, she fell asleep. She then looked at Daniel, and started to use fairy wind, though, thankfully, she was stopped by Blaze, who shouted at her "No! Don't! He's one of us!" Terra grumbled a bit, and said a few things like 'Oh, so now we're just trusting anyone, now?' and 'Yeah, the dark type ISN'T going to try to steal you while we sleep,' but after a little debate with Blaze, who must have been learning the language quickly just from these debates, she eventually, and begrudgingly said "Fine, we'll help you out, but we're only doing this because we're going the same way," I then turned to the rest of my team before heading off, with Daniel following directly behind me.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

As Celes was brought down to the nurse office and started to be treated, she just stood there, breathing deeply, before going and falling asleep, too exausted to continue now. Hours after hours passed before in the middle of the night, she slowly started to wake up, feeling something weird.... She looked and saw Spruce there asleep near her. She smiled a bit at him, but still felt too weak to move. She stood there, before seeing the same thing as before... this time in the room... She stares at the thing, scared a bit now, before it started to speak.
"Shhh.... it's alright.... I am not gonna hurt you..." the voice said... soundlng... female.... and soothing. The ghost like thing moved towards her. As Celes looked more, it seemed like it had a eevee look to it... it was so strange... Some small bands of light were moving around... The ghost started to move closer, as Celes started to feel healed slowly. Celes did not know what to do, and she felt tired.
"Sleep well.... tomorrow will be a new day...." the ghost said as Celes closed her eyes, too tired. Who was she... why did she get close to her... after all this time... So many questions.... so little answers.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 1 day ago

All of the wild Pokemon were down, and the Murkrow decided to reveal himself. He said his name was Daniel, and that he had gotten lost in the cave. Terra was about to attack him, but thankfully was stopped by Blaze.
"You do realize he was just helping us, right?" Josh said. "The least we could do is help him get out of here."

Terra seemed to be tired, but then again they all were. It was starting to get late, and Josh wanted to get out of this tunnel as soon as possible. Hopefully the exit would be close enough to the top that they could finish this mission and get back to the guild. He didn't really think about it until now, but this mission had taken them three days, and if they didn't finish this now it would take them an even longer amount of time. Josh had to admit, this mission was much more difficult than the one they did with that other team back in Beach Cave.

After moving for a while, there was a light at the end of the tunnel. This was the moment Josh had been waiting for. They would finally find out if Eddie's shortcut was worth it. If they were lucky, they could be done with this mission tonight.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Suddenly, I found myself in a familiar room. We were back in Arnold's Guild, but it didn't feel the same... nothing did.

"Alright. Go... go get the nurse. I'll wait for you in our room."

The corridor seemed longer as usual, with Pokemon glancing at me in disgust as they closed their doors or mumbled to themselves. What did I do in three days? Get a horrible scar, start growing a red and black, clawed hand, a concussion, and now an emotional breakdown. As I settled in the air in our room, I slammed the door and began feeling water run down my face.

It was tears. A whole load of pain and nothing to gain from it. I continuously tried wiping my face away of the tears, but it wouldn't work when using magnets. Instead, I was calmed using my hand, reaching up from underneath and properly drying my face. I sniffed and snorted, laying on some blankets as I continued letting out a stream down my eye. I didn't what to do now - continue onwards with my friends? Try to get revenge on Desia and Davis? What could I do? I had no further purpose being a clone, really. I slid down onto my back, hearing laughter erupt from a room beside ours. I kept rubbing my face and eye with my hand, so damn... emotional. I didn't know what to do.

As Spruce came in to our room, I rolled the blanket on myself. I was cold and defeated. I couldn't sleep that night. I didn't exactly want another one of those cliche nightmares.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Noire

Noire Exposition Extraordinaire

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The Dratini fainted before her, easily crumpling under the flurry of harsh gusts and winds. She turned to the last Dratini, only to see it slithering away from them, trying to escape the fate of his companion. However, another hard, quick blow from an invisible ally brought it to the ground with ease. Nearby, she heard a plop, and the second Dratini was flung upon the ground, hitting it hard. She could hear it squeal as it faded into unconsciousness.

She heard a flutter of wings, and watched as a Murkrow slowly revealed himself from the shadows. He let on that his name was Daniel, and he was trying to escape the caves too. He seemed pretty powerful, enough to take on the wild pokemon here, at least. Almost immediately after, a sweet, pink breeze began to swirl around Terra, picking up any of the cave debris. It flowed through the air with ease, and right before she released it, Blaze stopped her, thankfully not knocking Daniel out.

"Thanks for the help back there." She said to Daniel, glancing at the Murkrow. She still felt a bit of unease around him, but she always found a way find unease with dark types. After the little scuffle with the wild pokemon, Josh decided it was time to continue forward and through the cave so that they could finally finish the dungeon. She blinked her eyes, feeling the adrenaline from the not-quite-exciting fight beginning to wear off. They had been going at it for 3 days. 3 days?

To think, that the team had so far only gone through a couple of missions so far. It seemed like they had spent months together as a team, but apparently it had only been maybe a short week, maybe less. She had been away from the hive for at least week. That was probably the longest she had ever been away from it all. Surprisingly, the only incident that had happened so far with the Beedrill was the captain and his assistant harassing Archie and Arnold, but that had only been once. What else could they do?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


We all start following Josh through the cave, including Daniel, and either Terra, Daniel, or the rest of us easily handle whatever wild pokemon were thrown our way until we finally make it to the end... or, at least, it seems like the end. I couldn't really tell due to the fact that it was late, and dark out. Once outside, I notice an altar of sorts, and a wall with an engraving of some sort of giant, flying snake... it seemed like a 'top of the mountain' kind of place. Terra yawned again, and said "I hope you all know, we're not done with our mission yet. We still have to head down the mountain, and head north," Terra then adds "This looks like a good place to set up camp, though," unfortunately, however, we didn't have any supplies for a camp. I guess that meant that we'd have to just find a way to sleep on the ground, which would be a HUGE difference from the hotel that we were just in. Terra seemed to notice this too, and eventually sighed, saying "So... none of you thought to bring any camping supplies? Fine, I guess we're sleeping on the ground," she then, hesitantly, lays down on the ground and falls asleep. I join her soon enough, though, I didn't have to lay down, I just needed to shut my eyes. For some reason, Daniel, who seemed grateful for us leading him out of the cave, didn't fall asleep... weird, isn't it, how he was the only one who didn't seem sleepy at all... I'm certain that nothing will come of this, and he'll prove himself to be a loyal ally.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 1 day ago

"Are you kidding me, Terra?" Josh said. "You could've told us that sooner. We could've stayed at the camp with the reef Pokemon."
It was too late to turn back now. After he was so eager to get this mission over with, now it was going to take another day, or possibly even longer. Needless to say, he was pissed at the moment. His exhaustion wasn't helping much, either.
Who would've thought that the simple mission that Leeroy gave them would turn into this? He thought it would just be a simple, one-day mission where they investigate something in Crystal Chasm, but now, three days later, they were at the top of Mt. Dragoncoil, sleeping on the ground because they didn't expect the mission to take this long. If he'd known that they'd be out here for this long, he would've just chosen a different mission. It was too late to turn back now, though. They'd already gone too far.
Josh slowly drifted off to sleep. It would be a long day tomorrow, and he needed to get some rest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Noire

Noire Exposition Extraordinaire

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Is this the top?" Hex asked, as they reached the end to the cave. As she emerged, she felt a definite drop in temperature. It was slight, but it certainly dropped. She felt the air becoming thinner, but that didn't stop the winds. The airspace felt completely messed up, with some winds blowing in one direction, and other winds blowing in another direction. She found that she actually had a difficult time preventing herself from completely being blown off of the mountain.

Hex sighed, hearing they had no supplies. "We're going to sleep on the ground, aren't we?" She asked, sighing. "Yup, we're going to sleep on the ground." She wasn't surprised. Being explorers, they'd have to do this at least once or twice. But, still. She had never slept on the ground before. Much less on on top of a mountain. Everyone looked a little pissed off, probably from trekking up a mountain for a whole day, and having to fight off a bunch of wild pokemon.

Hex felt another strong gust, and almost fell to the ground. It was probably from the fact that she was one of the lightest teammates, and, maybe one of the weakest, because she had a difficult time actually flying over the wall. Once she had reached the engraved monolith, she had to nestle into it in order to prevent herself from rolling off. She threw the satchel onto the ground, to use as a makeshift blanket, and curled up under it, feeling the wind blowing. It didn't seem to bother anyone else, but it was starting to get annoying for her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sumable
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Sumable Wel to Moon Come Side. Come Moon to Wel Side, Ness

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

-Post skip-
I wake up to the noise of Loudred yelling at us to get up. I sit up, and plug my ears. I stand up, wake Samuel up, and walk out of the crew rooms, and I saw everyone standing in some formation. Samuel waves to the group, smiling, and Chatot moves us over to the side. I wait and listen to everyone do the cheer, and then Wigglytuff introduces us to the guild, and the group greets themselves one by one. It takes a little while for all of them to pass by, say their name, etc etc. One of the groups looked rougher, and when they introduced themselves to me, they whispered "The outlaw board is ours. We'll leave you to the A-Ranks, rookies," and I look at them. One of their badges was a shiny silver, another a golden badge. They look at me and asked where mine was. "Uh... well, I sorta... um... last mission we got ambushed and my badge got broken in the process," I say, and they laugh. "Who ambushes rookies? Seriously! Tell us where you saw him last and we'll take care of him," they say. "Oh nononono, you don't wanna do that. I'm sure you're tough and all, but seriously, he's gargantuan. We were lucky to make it back," I say. After everyone is introduced, everyone gets going with the day. "Hey, bonnie, you choose the mission today. How about that one you got yesterday?" I ask, popping my fingers.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


I finally wake up from my weird dream that had me stealing the void crystal, for some weird reason, which, of course, led to the general area in my dream becoming the distortion world that I've heard about in stories, and notice that I somehow ended up in my room when I fell asleep in the nurse's room. I blame that little bit of weirdness on sleepwalking and continue on, though, something was off... somehow, I was the first pokemon on my team to actually wake up... I mean, usually, I'd be the last one to wake up, and yet... here I was waking up before everyone else. I still slept in, as it seems like I've missed the morning greeting, or whatever it was called, and headed off to the nurse's room before getting a mission. Celes was there, and, as expected, asleep. She looked a lot better, though, and the nurse was asleep for some reason. I walk over to her, and think I really hope she's okay... I hope she's well enough to go on a mission with me. I don't want to leave her behind. I then take a seat near her, and wait for her to get up, hoping that she'd be ready to go, or at least somewhat ready to go, once she does. I was waiting patiently, mainly due to the fact that M wasn't even awake at this point, and, something seemed a little off about him anyways. I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but, ever since last night, something's just been different about him... maybe it was emotionally, but, it could have been physically, heck, maybe it was both.

I yawn and reform as the sun rises, and notice that everyone else, including Terra and Daniel, were fast asleep. Oh yeah, I almost forgot that I'm an early riser. I think as I look around the area. The altar that Hex was hiding behind seemed to have some sort of weird, grey crystal on it, but, it didn't seem all that amazing, and what might have been weirder was the scream I heard from inside the cave. I made my way to the entrance of the cave, and notice a pichu running from a kadabra, who seemed angry at the little guy, and was shooting psywave, or some other psychic-beam move at the innocent victim. While I couldn't tell what he was angry about, I knew that something was wrong here... but, I couldn't bring myself to side with someone who was beating up on someone else who was clearly under their level, and obviously much younger than they were. "Hey! Stop picking on that little guy!" I shouted at the kadabra, who turned his attention towards me after that, and he shot another one of those beams at me, however, Daniel, who, I assume woke up from my shouting, got in the way of the attack, with it just getting absorbed into him without leaving so much as a mark. "Um... I'm not going to let you do that, mister kadabra," Daniel then says as the pichu takes his spot, hiding behind me. I didn't really expect much else from the little rodent pokemon, and I attacked the kadabra with a tackle. I had to leave my spot to do that, and that make the pichu freak out for a moment.

I mumbled and grumbled a bit for being woken up and basically dragged to the morning greeting, and I answered as such until I heard William mention the mission that I had in my bag. My eyes widen just from him bringing that mission up, and I say "NO! nonononono. Not today, not ever, this mission's just too much, alright? We'll get killed in there, um, I'm just making sure that no other rookies like us take that mission and run off to their death," I then run away from William, and look around for another spot to hide the mission. I decide on hiding the mission in the middle of someone's diary. This diary had a picture of a sunflower on it, so it kinda looked like a book that nobody on the team would ever want to read... that, and I made sure to hide it in the middle, not the start or the end, where they could just open it up from either side and find it... no, they'd have to dig deep in that diary to find that mission. I then ran back to William and add "Also, I think I actually lost it, um, see, I ran off to go find it so I could show you just how outmatched we are this time, but I couldn't find it," I then head off to the mission board, and say "But, hey, no big deal, right? We can just pick a mission off of this board," I then look around at the available missions, however, unfortunately, none of them seemed to catch my eye... none of them promised any sort of exciting adventure in some far off land... but, I suppose that was just the order of the day for this rookie team.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celes had been dreaming all night about a strange fire that was burning a village.... It was so weird for her. She felt as if everything around her was burning, seeing people run left and right as she saw some strange shadow like pokemons walking towards each building, breathing fire and burning them down.She then saw a strange creature that seemed like a eevee running away at full speed, something in her bag, running away from the chaos... She tried to fallow it, only to see the fire rising up and stopping her. Then... the dream went dark.... blank.... with nothing happening...

Soon she woke up slowly, before looking up and seeing Spruce, waiting. She smiles a bit.
"Spruce...." she says. starting to wake up and getting up. She smiles at him.
"I.... why do I feel... so much better.... I... I though my injuries were...." she says, before remembering last night, and then staring down... who was that eevee like thing.... It was so strange.... A guardian angel... or something else? And that energy she was radiating... it made her think of.... her energy.... She shook her head. What the heck was going on and what was all this power.... who was she? Did some people keep secrets from her? She just did not know what happened.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 1 day ago


After a day a Splash training (which was really uneventful) Kamina had gone to sleep exhausted, before the rest of his team returned from their mission. When he awoke the next day, he saw that M was currently in his bed, which meant that the others had returned. Yay! "M!" Kamina Splashed onto the sleeping Magnamite "Wake up! Sleeping in is for the weak, and there is still so much day for us to seize! Together, we shall grab hold of it tightly with whatever appendage we can use!"


After his training at the dojo, Tini briefly forgot what he was even doing before. As such, he wandered around aimlessly until he got tired and fell asleep in a patch of grass. When he awoke the next morning, he suddenly remembered; he was supposed to join a guild and become a hero for great justice. Filled with new found viger, he slithered with all of his might to the Treasure Town Guild. However, he was quickly distracted (once again) by a familiar face; the Bunnery he saw yesterday. "Stareeeeeeeee" he droned as he stared at her, once more forgetting what he was there to do
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Buzz off."

And with those words came aggression. Whether that be freshly broken, a lack of sleep, or just 'screw you life'... the point was, I got out of bed just to tell Kamina to go away. I usually never found Kamina annoying, what with his enthusiastic attitude and all, but I wasn't myself lately. "I'm serious. Go away, or I'll swat you away." I said with a rather serious and dark tone, sighing as I floated upwards and left the room. The corridor was getting busy again, what with all the jobs around and such. Some Pokemon caught my eye, but otherwise I didn't mind them too much as I decided to go check on Celes.

"Watch it-" Glad that Ninetails knew where to position herself. She flinched upon seeing me, with all these scars and... other horrible stuff.

"Move out of the damn way." I brushed her tails aside, getting a pair of Pokemon whisper and gossip in their cabin about me. I simply floated eerily and entered the room on my right, silently staring at all. "Morning everyone. I see someone's happy." That was a bit of irony, since I couldn't see anyone smiling. Robert (Damn multi-universe theory) Spruce seemed to express concern but kept his mouth shut. "Should we take the day off? We've been through a lot. And... I prefer to hunt Desia when we don't get a visit from Death/Yveltal in the last day or so." My voice seemed more monotone than usual, but I didn't care. How else would I react? Angrily? Bitterly? Sadly? I think I was better off just speaking 'normally.'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 1 day ago

Josh's eyes opened somewhat when he heard Anthony's shouting. "Who's there?" He looked around for a moment, until he finally saw Anthony and Daniel fighting a Kadabra. With Daniel on their side, it shouldn't take too long. Still, it was kind of annoying to have someone attacking them this early in the morning. "Let's get this over with." Josh said, firing a Water Gun at the Kadabra. At this point, Matt had woken up as well. He used Light Screen, forming a protective barrier around them. Josh hoped that Hex and Terra would wake up soon. This would be over a whole lot faster with them helping.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sumable
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Sumable Wel to Moon Come Side. Come Moon to Wel Side, Ness

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Bonnie, what's wrong? You... uh... seem kinda spooked about it. I'm sure we can handle it, we handled that big conkeldurr," I say, and Samuel says "Well, who knows? It could be a mission with someone even bigger than him, maybe. Like a... a legendary!" and I shake my head. "No way a legendary mission would be posted on the mission board," I say, looking at Samuel. "Well, I guess we don't have to do that one. How about this one?" I ask, still suspicious of Bonnie. I grab a level C mission and those mightyenas that said the outlaw board was theirs nip at me. "Ouch! Hey, you can't do that!" I say, kicking one of them in the jaw. They all rise and I abruptly turn invisible and zoom up the ladder, and down into town. I take a look at the mission, and it was, guess who, a scrafty. The mission was handed in by... you guessed it, a kirlia. I continue reading about it and wait outside the Kecleon Stall for my group.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Noire

Noire Exposition Extraordinaire

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Mmph?" Hex's eyes slowly opened, hearing the sound of battling. Her vision felt blurry, and the sounds and commotion around her seemed to be far away. Her vision splintered and blurred, focusing on some very minimal parts. A flash of bright, yellow fur. A hard, grey surface. A white, almost translucent chunk of slime. She blinked her eyes a couple more times, each time getting clearer and clearer, until eventually the full force of the battle dawned on her. She let out a hazy, bitter-tasting breath.

A Kadabra was battling Anthony, Josh, Matt, and Daniel. For some reason, a Pichu also seemed to be in the battle, despite not contributing and mostly trying to hide behind someone. She slowly raised herself, leaning the blunt of her weight against the engraved stone wall. Her satchel felt heavy and she still felt drowsy from the sudden awakening, but she supposed she might as well help. Hex began beating her wings, slowly gaining in speed and strength, until a strong began forming under them. Her gusts had certainly become stronger since she had begun.

Hex let loose the gust upon the Kadabra, releasing it with it's full force. The Kadabra was visibly pushed backward, but no tripping over itself, which she was hoping for. She began another wave, feeling the wind compressing and tightening to form a good gust. She doubted that they would lose, and she even more highly doubted that the Kadabra would survive, with Daniel as an ally. He could probably take on the Kadabra alone, even with general ease.

Hex released a short series of small, strong gusts. She found that she was beginning to actually get control of her moves now, far more than the simple fanning that she did before.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


I was going to suggest that we do a mission or something, but, M had a point. We couldn't just keep wearing ourselves out like this, else we'd all end up like Celes, or, most likely, worse. "Yeah... I think a break would be best. We've been doing nothing but fight in ridiculous, one-sided fights where we're usually grossly outmatched... yeah, we could use a break," I say to the team. Celes mumbled something, and I asked the nurse for an oran berry, which she was happy to supply. I place the berry near Celes, thinking that she'd have enough energy to at least eat the thing. If not energy, then maybe some motivation, after all, she had to be hungry by now, with how she skipped dinner and everything. "Come on, Celes, if you think you can get up, then we're heading out into the town. We'll wait for you at the shop, or something... er... that is, if you think you can get up," I also kinda wanted to stay by the beach, but, I figured that the shop would work more as some sort of Celes magnet... if there was one thing she liked, it was shopping... well, that and the spicy soup, which I also liked. I sigh in relief from not having to go somewhere, and fight someone, today, and just head out of the guild, without a mission or a plan to go anywhere hostile for the first time in what seems like months. I then recall that first day, that first mission that I took... I was so excited to finally be out on an adventure, and had already grown bored of the non-events that tended to happen around Allure and Treasure Town, and now here I was, with the opposite mindset. I suppose physical damage and exertion can do that to someone.

I look back and watch as my friends wake up one by one to help out against the kadabra. Hex used gust almost too many times, and Josh sprayed the thing with water, causing the kadabra to stumble a bit, and ask me "Do you even know? Anthony... why are you protecting him?" That was weird. I have never met that kadabra before in my life, let alone one who would attack an innocent pichu. "Hey, guy, answer me this... if I was someone that you knew, apparently on good enough terms for you to use my first name, why did you attack me?" I ask him, with the kadabra not answering, he tried to surprise me with another psywave, though, as per usual, Daniel blocked it, but this time, he added his own question "Who the heck are you? Anthony, do you know this nut?" I shook my, well, I guess it could be considered my head, and attacked the kadabra with tackle, making him hit a wall in the process. "You... are not Anthony... at least... not the one I remember," the kadabra said with some obvious difficulty. I still had no idea what he was talking about, and almost out of nowhere, an egg that looked just like the one Blaze was in was thrown at the kadabra from... somewhere... "Hey, nerd, BE QUIET! I'm trying to sleep!" I hear Terra's voice shout from the behind me. Her eyes were red, either from anger, annoyance, or being woken up too early, and none of those possibilities were desirable. The kadabra, obviously provoked by Terra's attack, launched a shadow ball in her direction. Terra just stood there, taking the attack, and, in response, she ran up to the kadabra and bit him... this, apparently, was too much for the usually frail psychic-type to handle, and he passed out right then and there. Terra picked up the egg that apparently used to be Blaze, and put it back in her bag... without Blaze, who's going to calm Terra down when she has one of her famous anger explosions? This day was already heading downhill.

"Dang it, William!" I shout as William goes invisible to escape the mightyena, and run off with an outlaw-based mission, leaving me to deal with them, well, me and Samuel, but he's been a little... out of it for some reason, lately. All three of them try to attack me, but, I jump out of the way, and onto their heads... not doing any damage, but simply as a way to try to make sure that they don't actually attack. I try to head for the ladder, however, one of them ran over to block it, and made it there before I could. The other two were looking at me as if I was some sort of criminal, and they looked as though they wanted to kill me. Thankfully, before they could actually attack again, Wally came up the ladder, and broke up the fight with "Why are my friends fighting? Friends shouldn't fight," the duo of mightyena that weren't blocking the exit answered with "They took a mission off of the outlaw board, and that board's OURS!" Wally answered with "No... the board's for everyone. There's no need to fight over missions... is this the reason why my guild hasn't been bringing in outlaws lately?" The two look at each other, and quickly say "Um, no. Uh, you see, they're just bad at that, okay? Um... yeah... that's the reason," one of them chuckles, but Wally wasn't amused. "You three... either let everyone use the outlaw board, or you're going to be kicked out of the guild, and I'm sure that'll look bad when you try to make your own, join a different guild, or try to get a job," he said it calmly, but I could tell it was a threat, and not an empty one... to me, it sounded as if these jerks always caused trouble whenever they weren't out on a mission, and this might have been the final straw for Wally, 'cause he didn't act or sound as happy, playful, and downright weird as he usually did.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celes, who heard Spruce go and say that today they would just go and relax instead of going fighting. She sighed a bit in relief, feeling better about having some time off now. It felt like it been so long that she had not relaxed. After Spruce said that he would go to the shops. She took a bit of time to get up, and eat the oran berry. She then breath deeply before going and leaving the guild, not noticing that a certain Jolteon saw her, and stared. She walked out and moved toward the shop area, the jolteon fallowing, staring a bit at Celes, trying to figure out if it was really her. Celes was thinking at the moment... Spruce had stayed with her all this time.... he had taken care that nothing happened to her.... he had defended her when it was needed. When she told him to stay back in the fight, he threw himself in front to take hits.... He had done everything he could for her... She felt... as if there was more then just him being a team leader... It felt as if.... as if he loved her. And did she love him? She had taken hits for him, tried the most that she could to protect him, taking a secret identity to take care that nothing would happen to him. It was much more then the job of a team mate that she was doing.... Indeed.... it had been.... love.... She moved forwards, going to the shop area, feeling better, her heart beating right now. The jolteon looked at her from a distance. He was pretty sure it was Celes, but she was a guild member like him now... That would explain why she did not come back home. She wanted adventure, even if she was not evolved. He stared at her as she moved towards Spruce. She breath deeply, and gets next to Spruce.
"Spruce.... I .... I wanted to thank you for staying with me all night.... I saw that you stayed near where I was resting. I.... also wanted to thank you for taking all those hits for me. I... I just don;t know what to say..... It feels as if we are more then just simple team mates.... More then just friends... I... I...." she says, before blushing, and then... it came.... She moved forwards, turned her head and.... kissed Spruce on the mouth. Just then, the jolteon fell down from surprise, his whole body having gotten a shock from that, ironic for a electric type. Celes.... had just kissed that Snivy.... That might explain a bit why she was not wanting to come back also. She was in love! He stared, eyes blank and mouth open, not moving.
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