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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 1 day ago


M sure was in a bad mood...maybe he just wasn't a morning person. Oh well. Kamina was sure that a good old adventure would get his blood pumping and put him in better spirits. Splashing his way out to ask around about where his team was "Hey! Anyone know where the rest of my team went!?"...in his own special way

"Gah! You crazy fish. I heard the Snivy say he was going to the shopping district, and the Eevee went with him" someone answered

"Awesome!" he replied as he made his way to the shopping district in search of them. He managed to catch up the them rather quickly...quick enough to see them kiss "It's...so beautiful!" he said as he began to weep. Splashing over to them, he continued "It fills me with such warmth to see the two of you consumed in the great fires of love together. It's almost as if it was me in the relationship. E-excuse my great manly tears of joy" he ended, trying to wipe his eyes with his two little fins

"-eeeeeeeeeee" Tini continued to drone as he watched the Bunnery. Suddenly, a couple of Mightyena started being jerks "meany sense...tingling..." slithering up to the two of them, he began to chew them out (which, to be honest, looked far more adorable them threatening), he was so dead set on his mission, that he missed the Wigglytuff beating him to the punch "hey! You two jerks, stop being jerks. If you won't, then I, Tini; defender of love, justices, truth, hope, peace, and delicious cookies will...smack you really hard" he paused before the end to come up with a suitable threat...as you can see, he should have thought longer
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"What are you lookin' at?" The nurse looked away from me, obviously rather disturbed. I felt really down lately, and this wasn't who I was. But, it wasn't like I could expect anyone else to give a damn in this world. When everyone left, I came out last, the odd jingle of orbiting Pokes settling down... I just felt like running away, throwing everything out the windows or even just cause an explosion. But, I really didn't anything to be mad at. Sure enough, Davis would be a good enough candidate for exploiting me. Years of companionship thrown away as if I was better off dead and lonely. Apparently a 'clone' meant I had no pain, emotions... all that other shit.

The only hope I had was Spruce's team. I had nowhere to go. First the community tries to kill me, then Davis abandons me... and I already have a world-dominating villain to fight. Within three days. That, and I was horribly scarred and injured. Despite this, a good break could settle the mood for the next week or so. "Come on, let's go then. I hope shopping cheers everyone up." I had a fair bit of experience with shopping, buying a few potted plants and some berries for myself. The plants kinda just sat there while the berries were mashed in my eye, but otherwise I was alright when it came to buying things. "Well, even me."

If only. As soon as we all went outside, everyone had already lost it's tone and harmony. Everything just seemed... boring and dull. Even bright colours and contrasting objects didn't help. I just stared at it all, catching up with my friends as they went shopping for the day. Kamina had followed us after shouting for our locations, while I was floating by a tree. Then, love was in the air as Celes decided to finally make her move to Spruce, while Kamina was breaking into tears and several Pokemon glanced at the pair. I, though also happy, couldn't really express myself. I simply stared as I reminisced about my own life, figuring if I really had a meaning I wouldn't have been created. "Congratulations." That was all I said. I couldn't add more. Everything was lost in my memories. Even Celes' act of love couldn't break my sorrow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 2 days ago

"I don't know about you guys, but she scares me." Josh said, making sure he was quiet enough to not be heard by Terra. Unfortunately Blaze had turned into an egg once again, so now there was nothing to calm her down. All they could do now was try to keep Terra's temper under control while they finished the rest of the mission. "So, what are we doing up here, anyway? There must've been a reason for us to climb all the way to the top of Mt. Dragoncoil."
"It would be best to wait for a moment before we continue." Matt said. "Not everyone is fully awake yet. Besides, I would like to know who these two are."
"You know what? Matt's right." Josh said. "What exactly happened here? That Kadabra seemed to know you, Anthony."
The Kadabra's identity would most likely remain a mystery for now, though, because Anthony seemed just as confused as everyone else.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Noire

Noire Exposition Extraordinaire

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The Kadabra went down with ease, as expected. Not to say that he didn't try, but he fainted quickly with the whole team, including Terra and Daniel. Before fainting. He managed to grunt out some short sentences, mainly about Anthony. It would seem that he knew Anthony, but the Goomy had seemingly no idea who the Kadabra was. Maybe Anthony had hit his head a couple more times than he should have without his helment on. Or maybe the Kadabra was the one going crazy.

Either way, the Kadabra fell in a frail heap on the ground. They weren't exactly known for their physical prowess, more known for their mental power. With a dark type, however, he would be completely powerless. "Yeah, she's pretty terrifying." She whispered, watching Terra. She seemed to be absolutely furious, to the point were her eyes seemed to actually be red. Blaze seemed to have turned back into an egg, so along with him went their chance of calming her down.

This mission really had spiraled out of control. Originally, it was just a quick investigation of the ravine, and perhaps a quick battle, and then they would head back to the guild to get a new mission. But they had went from the ravine to meeting one of the old members of the best exploration team out there, and then going to a completely new and different city, and then beginning the climb up Mt. Dragoncoil, and meeting all of Josh's friends. It had really gone crazy.

"So, I suppose we'll have to do something with Blaze up here, right?" Hex asked, looking at Terra. "Figure out a way to prevent him from constantly turning into an egg?" She blinked the sleep from her eyes, trying to get herself awake. She still felt drowsy from all that exploring they had been doing. This mission had lasted what, three days? She thought it was three days, at least. She wondered how many missions had been completed since they had left. Maybe that team they did the beach cave mission with had beaten some super evil villain, and were throwing a party to celebrate.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sumable
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Sumable Wel to Moon Come Side. Come Moon to Wel Side, Ness

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

After a little bit of waiting, I walk back to the guild by myself, and become visible again, then I climb back down the ladder. I see the gang and get anxious. I look back and see Wigglytuff scolding them, and I grin a little bit as they eventually walk away. "So, I found a mission, and I think Samuel will like it. It's from that Kirlia that was with the Scrafty," I say, and I show Samuel the mission. He grins widely and I ask "So, you guys ready?" and Samuel says "Well, I need to buy some things from the Kecleon Stall," as he leaves us. "So, Bonnie, what was that mission about? Why did you freak out so badly?" I ask, staring at you.

-Samuel, pre-william's return-
I see William run off, and I yell "What are you doing?!" and then I get attacked by the mightyenas. One nips me in the back, and I slap it in the face about twenty times in three seconds, and I hear Wigglytuff climbing the ladder. When he gets up, he looks at us, and begins talking about how we shouldn't fight. They then talk about how the board was theirs, and blah blah blah. I nod, and eventually, William gets back and shows me the mission. "Alright! Heheh, payback time..." I say, smirking smugly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Celes finally caught up to me, and, after thanking me for letting her join the team and taking those attacks for her, she kissed me. I was stunned by the act (but, of course, didn't reject her or anything), and was nearly unable to stand up for a while. "I.. uh... um...thanks..." I mumble as I try to form words. I wasn't really used to this kind of thing yet, being more used to other pokemon simply asking me if I knew where Vine was, and then walking away angrily when I told them I had no idea. Sure, to everyone else this kind of thing seemed obvious from a mile away, but a running joke with my family was the fact that they were always 'more oblivious to love than a bidoof'... well, until something like this happened, anyways. M and Kamina seemed to have found their way to us, and thank goodness too, I was starting to worry about Kamina. I walk over to the... er... crying fish and exclaim "Kamina!" as if to change the subject, I then add "So, how's it been? I haven't seen you in a while," of course, I did like her... I just didn't know what to say next... that is, until I found Kamina. I just hoped that Celes wouldn't think that this was cold of me to do, but, really, what was I supposed to say at this point? I then looked back at Celes, who seemed to look more... well... attractive than she used to, for some reason. M was also nearby, congratulating Celes and I for the kiss, I guess... which seemed odd to me, but, then again, M was odd.

"Thanks Wally," I say to Wally before he leaves, with the Mightyena moving out of my way so I can head back to my team... before I do, however, I notice one odd, pink dratini who was also fighting for my side, albeit late. "What's your name, little guy?" I ask the small snake, later adding "I'm Bonnie, newest member of Team Green," I then waited for the dratini to introduce him...? Her...? itself? The color of the dratini kinda threw me off, and the voice wasn't doing much to convince me either way. Of course, no matter which gender he or she was, I was certain that this dratini would make a good team member... especially with most of the team being normal types, and the fact that he or she would evolve into a flying type, which resists fighting type moves... of course, were a fighting type to learn a decent rock type move, as well as a good fighting type move, we'd all be done for... of course, we'd probably find some way around that. We'd find some way to overcome our weakness... I mean, we did that last time with the conkeldurr, right? I was going to return to my team, but this new guy or girl was more important to me at this moment... and even though I could tell the mightyena were starting to get irritated with me staying here and not leaving, I couldn't leave until I got the identity of this newcomer.

Matt decided that we should stay here, but something told me that Terra wouldn't take too well to that. He then asked me if I knew that kadabra, and I answer "No... I have no clue who that is. I don't think I've met anyone like him before in my life. The things he said confused me as much as I'm sure they confused you," I then start to move, but notice Terra somehow fell asleep again. Just as well, as the pichu seemed to have something to say "I can't thank you enough for saving me... you see, that kadabra, he, well, he wanted to use me to guide him to the four orbs of balance so that he could destroy them... of course, with a name like that, I don't have to tell you that destroying the orbs is a bad thing, right?" He then goes on to introduce himself "I'm Static, the last in a line of pokemon who protect, or in my case, are a map to these orbs... the fact that I exist means that something horrible's happening to them," he just kind of dumped a lot of information on us, and really created more questions than he answered. Whatever he was talking about, I was certain that it would come into play sooner or later... perhaps sooner, but, it didn't seem like we were going to be able to ditch Terra on this mission. I then, still confused, walked over to the edge of the mountain, and see a town in the distance... though, for some reason, it seemed to flicker in and out of existence. I could almost see a victini or two in the town, but with how far up we were, they really could have been anything... maybe that was our next destination.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

As Celes looked Spruce walk to Kamina and try to change the conversation, she was a bit annoyed though she stopped and breath deeply. He probably just really did not know what to say about all this.... It was probably rather new for him and... She shook her head. At least it did not seem like Spruce hated her for this. She hoped that he would maybe tell his real feelings later on.... if he wanted only to be friends or more then that.... She just did not know... Just then, the jolteon closed his mouth and stared at Celes, before moving towards her. Celes, seeing the jolteon come, stares in shock a bit (No not jolteon shock).
"I see someone decided to join the guild..." the jolteon then said. Celes looked at him and growled.
"No I am not going to come back home William." she then says. The jolteon chuckles a bit.
"But I was not planning to... I understood that you needed to find your own way of life..." William then said. Celes stares at him.
"You did?" she said a bit surprised. William then showed his guild badge.
"Ya.... some of us decided to fallow and work also in different places, try to see more then just the home." he says. Celes just stared at him longly, unsure if it was a trap or if he was saying the truth.
"I just wanted you to know that our parents were really worried about you...." he then says. Celes looked down a bit.
"I know.... though I do not want to come until I found what to evolve into..." she then says. William looked at her and sighed.
"I will at least inform our family that you are alright..." he says. Celes stares at him.
"Wait... so your not gonna force me back?" she says. William shakes his head.
"No, cause I know that would be unfair." he then says.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 1 day ago


"Heh, just a little annoyed that I got left behind yesterday. However! That alone is not enough to deter me!" from what, you may ask? This is Kamina, such questions are invalid "I'm still itching for an adventure like the last one we all went on together...you know, the one with that large Dragon Type and that white creature with the weird horn blade thing on her head. My blood lusts for such excitement. Much in the same way you and Celes now lust after each other. However, like the lust you two share, mine is also tempered with a deep love; a love of adventure"


Puffing out his chest...region, Tini tried to look and sound dramatic as he declared "my name is Tini; defender of love, justices, truth, hope, peace, and delicious cookies. I have journeyed long and hard to...this place" he had to make a brief pause when he suddenly realized that he had no idea where he was "in order to become a hero! Just like master Xerneas said he wanted me to, right after he healed my body that had been crippled with illness my whole life" Bowing his head and putting the tip of his tail over his heart, he continued "I have engraved the words he said to me on that day deep in my heart. For it was him who not only gave me a future, but showed me the path to my destiny"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 2 days ago

"Hold up." Josh said. "Orbs of Balance? What are those? And how does the fact that you exist mean something's happening to them?"
Josh was confused. It was clear that Static was trying to explain everything to them, but he would have to explain a bit more. At this point, none of what he said really made sense.
Anthony was looking at something in the distance. As Matt and Josh went over to see what it was, they saw a town of some sort. It was strange how it seemed to blink out of existence every once in a while, but it was hard to tell because they were so high up.
"I do believe that's where we're headed." Matt said.
"Good." Josh said. "Doesn't look too far. We could probably get there by the end of the day and get this mission over with."
He looked over at Terra, who was still asleep. He wasn't sure if they should wake her up and risk getting the egg thrown at them, or let her sleep and risk getting yelled at for not waking her up earlier. Then again, she would probably get mad no matter what they did.
"Ah, screw it. I'll take one for the team here. I suggest you all get as far away from this as possible." He fired a small stream of water at Terra's face. "It's morning. Time to wake up." He then prepared for Terra's rage, immediately regretting the decision he just made.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Noire

Noire Exposition Extraordinaire

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Hm." Hex said, watching the Pichu ramble on. He seemed surprisingly energetic for such a small creature. "Orbs of Balance?" She frowned, trying to think of anything that could've been the orbs of balance. Over the years, she got countless lessons about pokemon history, from the various accounts of veteran adventurers. She could list off most popular, old pokemon teams and how some had even defeated world busters. But she drew nothing about whatever the orbs were.

Hex looked off in the distance, following the gazes of Anthony, Josh, and Matt. A thick haze of clouds bunched up around the bottom of the mountain, stretching far out. Stone jut put in jagged, angular protrusions. A town seemed to flicker in and out in the far distance. Around the town, she saw two small, glowing orange figures. The town seemed to disappear and reappear very quickly, like it was fading out of existence. She quickly shrugged it off as a hallucination, perhaps from the Psy-Waves of the Kadabra.

Apparently, that town was their next destination, so that they could apparently start to regather all of the orbs of balance.. or whatever. She frowned, watching as it flickered out and back in again. Hopefully she could hold her mind together long enough to go there.. the Psy-Waves seemed to be really messing with her, or she was just starting to go crazy. Might've been fatigue.. she shook her head out of it, getting back to reality. She felt like she was drifting in and out of her thoughts, like the town.

Hex watched as Josh decided that he'd be waking up Terra. The moment he shot a blast of water into her face, she knew he had made a mistake, and immediately backed away. Hopefully Terra didn't freak out on the rest of them. Terra, more or less, seemed to have a bit of an anger problem. It might've stemmed form the fact that every dragon type in Scale City appeared to bow down to her, or the fact that she was raised under one of the best, strongest teams of the guild.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 3 mos ago

A flicker of happiness was better, far better than a serious bout of depression.

"Aye. At least someone's happy." I'd never experience love, or even compassion. Here I was, badly scarred and emotionally broken. Who could I turn to for support, when everyone I knew was gone for good? "We can't always expect something bad to happen then not have something good afterwards." Which is called karma, at least the dynamic version I stick to. Celes and Spruce together and a strengthening of bonds could defeat anything. Kamina's enthusiasm even sounded morale-boosting. I felt like I belonged again...

For a brief second. I stuck to my head, where everything I knew was bitter and sad within one day. It was as if someone had returned from some amazing party, realising at the end of the day he still has nowhere to live. My fake smile hid my true emotions, how I would eventually snap one day and unfortunately lash out at my friends... it was inevitable that my frustrations would grow to breaking point.

It certainly didn't mean I couldn't try to raise the bar. I'd reach the point where I would have a breakdown, but I could always try to keep the bar as high as possible. For the sake of my current friends.

"Well... let's get going. Love's not that powerful." I was supposed to chuckle as I finished the sentence, but... I kinda realised how realistic it was.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


The rest of the team kept talking about love, and as they were, one of Celes' brothers, a jolteon in this case, came towards us and admitted that he will not take her back home... something about him understanding a reason why she'd want to keep adventuring, or whatever. I finally snapped out of my daze, and ask "So... Celes, is there anything you'd like from the store?" I then check my bag to see if I have any money, only to remember that all of our team's money is flying around M... I have no clue how I keep forgetting that little detail about him, mainly because it wasn't such a small detail at all, but a very large detail. I head over to Ed, the head that sells TMs, and nearly get bitten. I didn't even say anything, and the guy's already attacking me. "What's your problem!?" I ask Ed, who answers "You're from Arnold's right? Well, there you go, there's my problem," not wanting to get attacked a second time, I add "I... guess we won't be getting any TMs this time around..." I then head over to Bob, who sells more common items, such as berries and seeds. Sure, they weren't as flashy as TMs, but, it was pretty much all that I could get without the threat of a bite. "Um... so, what do you have in stock, Bob?" I then ask, inching away from Ed as the body turns so Bob can take a look at his inventory. He then shows me one of each of the items that he has on sale right now, including a reviver seed, a stun seed, and an oran berry... hm... any one of these could come in handy during the inevitable tough fight once we start exploring again.

"Oh, right, you don't know what those are, yet..." Static says, later adding "Right! Well, one decent explanation would be that they're orbs, I mean, you probably already know that, but they also control the power of these things called 'sub-types'... everyone has one of them, and it looks like almost all of us here have the 'normal' sub-type, but there's also the 'void' sub-type, the 'light' sub-type, and last but certainly not least, the 'shadow' sub-type, like your bird friend over there. Anyways, each orb has a guardian of that sub-type, and they're SUPPOSED to make sure that the orbs don't get broken, depowered, or some other bad thing... my family has always been kind of a guardian, but we don't guard an orb... no, we have something somewhat more important, the map. Whenever something bad's happening to the orbs, someone in my family, in this case, me, has their powers manifest, as in, we can suddenly tell where all of the orbs are, and what needs to be done to save the world," that explanation took way too long, and I would have stopped Josh from spraying Terra with water, however, I listened to Static's whole speech, instead. Terra woke up angry, just like I expected her to, but, before she could shout anything, I say "Look, I can see the village! Um... that's good, right?" Terra then joins me on the ledge, and looks out towards the area, saying "Yeah... just don't wake me up like that again, okay?" I nod, and look over to Josh before adding "So... let's continue onwards, right?" I then, for the first time in forever, lead the way, though, Static catches up with me, and jumps into my bag, apparently, he was too lazy to just keep walking like he was.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

As Celes sees Ed go and try to bite Spruce. She grumbles at how that shop keeper reacted. Seriously.... they just wanted to see for a tm and that how he reacted.... She walked to his stall, as Ed grumbles, showing his teeths. Just then Celes looked at him, using baby doll eyes, and act very sad.
"Please... I know we might be from that guild.... but we only want to buy some tm for our own protection.... can we please buy some?" she says, keeping the baby doll eyes up. The shopkeeper just stares at her and then felt bad about how he reacted... How could he go and try to bite her when she looked like that. William just looked at her from the back, observing what she was doing. He lets out a small smirk. Same old Celes. Using her cute charm to get what she wanted... that is if there were no battles involved. Ed just looked and then felt sarrow for how he reacted.
"Alright alright.... you can buy one." the shop keeper says. Celes smiles as she then looked at the selection, giving a sign to Spruce to look also. She still had the cute eyes up, looking at the ware, making it extremely hard for Ed to even say something about this. He felt slightly torn apart at the moment with how he was letting that Arnold guild member go buy some stuff at him, but also by the fact that she looked so cute and innocent by looking at the wares. He just did not say anything. No one... no one will need to know that he let that girl buy something from his shop.... No one....
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 2 days ago

As Josh expected, Terra seemed pretty angry at first. Her anger seemed to die down quickly once Anthony showed her the village, though. Josh let out a sigh of relief. "Thank Arceus that turned out as well as it did." He said.
Based on Static's description of them, the Orbs of Balance seemed important. "What happens if they're destroyed?" Josh asked. He knew that it would end badly if someone managed to destroy them. Who in their right mind would want to do such a thing?
They all began heading for the town. Thankfully, it seemed like this mission was almost over. They already had a new one, though, and Josh had a feeling that this one would take more than a few days to complete.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Everybody plucked some Pokes off my ring before heading off to their respective stores. Celes' brother didn't seem to notice everyone around here, while I was busy thinking of scenarios involving my magnets and that bias shop keeper. Spruce went off to buy different supplies and Celes decided to try her luck with the shop keeper, somehow turning his bias into success. Kamina was probably still celebrating love. The sun was up high on a slight angle, and the weather seemed optimal for a little picnic outside.

Meanwhile, getting sick and tired, I decided to go slightly further ahead than anyone else. There was got to be something better to do in Allure Town, other than buying equipment and food. I thought about my Pokes for a second, trying to figure out a way in which my Pokes wouldn't get stolen. There was strange building up ahead, with Pokemon going in with sacks then leaving without anything in their hands.

After navigating some rather still Pokemon, I managed to enter the dark building lit by blue flames. Surprisingly, it was quite bright despite the light being blue. I could then tell this place was a bank... yes, there was a sign outside, but I couldn't see very well thanks to spilling hot chilli into my eye. Hopefully a berry or two would help my vision considerably. Anyway, there were numerous Pokemon around, most of them handling several bags of Pokes and also being some sort of candle Pokemon. Surprisingly, no bags were burnt, at least currently - there were some ashes scattered around the floors.

I will admit I shuddered slightly as a Pokemon approached me from the side. By the looks of things, she was the boss - the biggest Chandelure around. That, and she was made out of platinum. Made me feel a bit jealous, if not envious of her. "Hello." She said, as if recently deceased. "My name is Candace. Can I help you?" Candace had some sort of creepy hiss to her words. As unplanned as this was (seriously, this whole paragraph was improvised), I began to feel a different emotion... did I just experience what Spruce experienced?

"Uh, er... well, as you can see, I'm supporting a ring of Pokes around me, possibly defying physics..." She simply stared, while I looked around nervously and scratching my eye with my hand. She still stared, hovering in the air at the same height. "Yeah, I'd like to deposit about half my ring into an account. Preferably under the name 'Yixin.'" I didn't know why that name came up in my head, and pronounced it in a strange way. I didn't know what was more creepy - her, the name the narrator is desperate to hide YES I KNOW WHAT YOUR BLOODY MIDDLE-, or just me.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 1 day ago


To see his friends denied business simply because of their guild affiliation filled the not at all scary fishy with righteous indignation. He was so ready to give those shop owners a stern talking to and/or beat them up...most likely 'and' though. However, Celes seemed to have things under control, and he didn't want to mess up...whatever it was she was doing 'what sort of strange technique is that?' he wondered, now fascinated by the Eevee 'her eyes...they look so different, and her voice sounds strange. Just what is she doing? such a bizarre technique. I had no idea that Eevee's were this powerful.'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Thanks to Celes, a few more options were presented to me... I couldn't decide between the necessary oran berries and reviver seeds, or the flashy and helpful TMs and HMs. We didn't have much in the way of money, either, so that only helped complicate things. I then noticed a sentence in smaller text on the bottom of the sign saying 'Let me and this girl have some private time, or you're lunch!'...that wasn't good, this sentence also looked as though it was clawed into the sign rather than painted onto it. I quickly show Celes the sign, and point out the last sentence on it, and finally make my decision. "I... think I'll just take that reviver seed..." I say as I inch towards Bob, and trade the money that I had at the time for one reviver seed. I then whisper to Celes "We should probably get out of here," I would have fought Ed if I didn't know he was much stronger than I was at this time... and he also had resistances to almost all of our attacks, that is, even assuming M will join us again. I tried to not say anything to Kamina, who I knew would jump into the fight (literally) and almost instantly be launched somewhere where we won't be able to find him. Besides... there were other things to do while everyone else was probably off on some adventure or something. Besides, this was supposed to be a break, and it really wouldn't be much of a break if we ended up fighting something that could easily take all of us down in a fight... you know... like the first time we ever adventured as a full party... when we encountered Desia, and she completely destroyed all of us without so much as breaking a sweat.

I try and fail to hold in my laughter, and eventually say "Well, we can certainly use someone with your attitude on this team. Welcome to Team Green, Tini," I then hand him/her a badge, and ask "Um... I just need to know... now, don't get mad at me for asking, but, are you a boy or a girl?" Again, the voice and appearance had me stumped as far as this went, and I'd rather know the gender of all of my teammates... at least, all of those who had genders... for all I knew, we could end up recruiting a voltorb or something. After handing Tini the badge, I decide to join the rest of the group, making sure that Tini followed me there, as well. Once I caught up to them, I looked back, and made sure Tini was with me. "William, Samuel, I'd like you both to welcome our newest member... Tini!" I say to the rest of the team, gesturing towards the pink dratini, who seemed to have a smile simply painted onto his/her face, and who seemed to have an odd smell about him/her, which made the gender thing even more confusing until he/she finally told me what gender he/she was. The two seemed to be holding onto that same outlaw mission that almost got Tini and I KO'd, and it even looks as though Samuel barely made it out of there. Dang it, William... between your disappearing act and Samuel's 'burn all the things!' strategy, you're going to be the end of me... I think as I recall the incident that was started by William taking that mission and then ditching the rest of the team, leaving us to deal with the crazed mightyena. If it weren't for Wally, I don't know if I would have made it back...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 1 day ago


"I'm a boy" Tini answered, not offended at all "you know, it's strange; a lot of people ask me that...I wonder why" he mused to himself as he thought over it. Looking in a nearby reflective surface, he took in the sight of his pink (IT'S NOT PINK, IT'S VIOLET!) and sparkly body. Overclocking his adorable little brain to puzzle out the solution to this riddle. Then all of a sudden; he had an epiphany "ohhhhhh...I get it; it's because my fins are kind of small isn't it? That's actually a common misconception; fin size doesn't have anything to do with gender." It was then that he notice the other two that nearby Pokemon "oh hai other people" he waved to them with the tip of his little tail.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celes, seeing the sign, growls a bit as she looks at Ed, giving him a stink eye now. She turns around and goes to walk away with Spruce. Some nerve.... Deep down though she knew that one day that shop keeper will learn to keep his grubby.... mouth to himself. Just then though, her senses started to react as suddenly she turns around to look at Ed... who quickly got hit hard by something that looked like a white shadow. As Celes gasp at what she saw, the shadow thing rushes away. Ed just stood there, staring, before looking at Celes, and looking.... scared.... Celes just looked and then turned around, smirking a bit. That same ribbon thing that helped her last night... she did not know what it was.... but she knew it was not going to hurt her at least. Ed then stared to mumble some kind of gibbering, not understanding what just happen as Celes started to walk away, a slight smile in her face. Well, at least he might be careful with what he tries to do next time.... Bob just stared at Ed and looked at the quick white shadow that passed by them, and was just as confused as Ed... Celes then looked at Spruce, and shook her head.
"I think Ed just got a little.... spooky experience there." she then says calmly, continuing to walk.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 1 day ago


Kamina had only taken his eyes off of the shopkeeper for a short time, so he was naturally surprised when he saw the once mean...whatever he was (having spent most of his life underwater, he wasn't familiar with too many species of Pokemon) practically shaking. For Kamina, there was only one logical conclusion 'clearly I underestimated the power of that strange technique Celes used. To be able to strike such fear directly into another's soul. I had no idea she had such power.'
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