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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Noire

Noire Exposition Extraordinaire

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"..Sub-Types?" She looked around. All of her teammates seemed to be digesting the sudden barrage of new information well. She was still having trouble processing the whole sub-type thing. Everyone had a sub-type? She had normal sub-type? Since when? For an apparently "very expensive" education, she had no idea about that. And apparently, they held an important role in the world or whatever, and that they were controlled by orbs that were guarded by a certain family.

"I, uh.. yeah, we can do that." Hex said, still unsure of what this Pichu was rambling about. Maybe he was crazy, like that Scyther she had seen outside the hive once. Some grey Scyther had just come in, screaming, chopping up all of the forest green before he was detained and thrown out by the guards. Maybe he was just crazy, and after provoking a Kadabra, ran away and made up some story do that he could push them all off the cave. Probably not. She was getting paranoid from all this adventuring.

"So, off to the village then." Hex said, and began to follow the team. She could probably just really easily flutter off down the mountainside, but she had to be careful. There were harsh winds on the mountain, and one sharp gust could easily send her flying into the rocks. Plus, she felt more comfortable traveling alongside the team. At least if they got ambushed by wild pokemon, the entire team could fight them off, or at least all faint together. Hex glanced off back at the flickering village.

According to the Pichu, the Orbs of Balance were guarded to ensure that no one would try to break them or de power them, so they must've been pretty important. She assumed that flickering town over there was probably a result of a broken or de powered Orb of Balance. She wondered who'd want to break something that was seemingly so important to the balance of the world. Maybe some crazy old villain was trying to create some anarchy. That'd be fun to fight.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Static looks out of my bag, and, noticing Daniel fly by, he ends up adding "Hm... well, okay, here's a good way of explaining it. You see, your friend here is a shadow pokemon. That means, in addition to his normal abilities, he can use shadow moves, and isn't very effected by them, himself. This also, however, means that he is vulnerable to attacks that are of the light sub type," He then adds "Also, normal pokemon, like yourself, are vulnerable to his shadow attacks... Anthony, I'll have you and Daniel demonstrate," the rest of the group and I were still heading down the mountain, and surprisingly not running into any wild pokemon... normally, this would mean that we wouldn't have to use up any oran berries, but, no, I had to give this demonstration. "A... are you sure?" I ask, almost knowing what he means. Static nods, and holds out one oran berry as if tempting me to take damage so I can eat it. I took a deep breath, and said "okay... I'm ready..." Daniel then nods, and lands nearby. After that, some sort of weird, shadowy aura appears just as he performs some sort of tackle on me, which nearly knocked me out. "YOWCH!" I shout in pain from the attack. Daniel looks at me with a sympathetic face, but, thankfully, Static provided me with the oran berry, and I was back, and ready to fight another day. "See? Shadow pokemon often show off their shadowy aura before they attack, so, you can easily tell one from a normal pokemon." Static then explains. After digging around in my bag for a bit, and apparently not finding anything, he continues, adding "Void pokemon are usually a grey or a purple color... they're kinda weird 'cause they're immune to shadow attacks, and have attacks that basically ignore type matchups. Light pokemon, on the other hand, might look completely normal until they start using light moves, after which, they might become a sort of faded, or lighter color compared to a normal pokemon of their species," by the time Static finished his little speech, we were already on the other side of the mountain, and Terra, said "UGH, finally. Does this mean that I don't have to listen to that rodent ramble on about grey and dark pokemon or whatever?" She seemed annoyed, but not angry yet... which was an improvement...? Maybe...?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Hm... it appears I had taken things too dramatically. I'll be honest with you - NO ONE can be this broken forever. Davis was gone, Desia was going to give the world her iron fist/destruction sequence, we were too weak on our own to take on her... and, well, lying down and being literally broken doesn't really help as I narrate my tale. As everyone gathered around, I wish I knew what was after life...

Anyway, I had a bit of difficulty separating the Pokes away from myself. Candace was nearly attracted (I dunno which one, and I don't want to know) as well, but just managed to pull away. Tired of getting just one Poke a time, he signaled for an assistant of hers (or one of the accountants around here), who wore glasses and stood erect. He just stared at me and explained to Candace that he was a Bisharp, so nothing could be done there.

After two more metal Pokemon commenting on how I was a 'tricky customer', and an incident leading to someone trying to whack my Pokes away with a stick, they finally got one of the customers (who wasn't metal-based) to get over and help pull out my Pokes. It was embarrassing, but I did feel like home with all these other steel types... maybe, if I were to somehow become normal and stay alive at the end of all of this, I would work here without as much as a fuss. It was a nice place, with everything I wanted here.

Alas, I can't guarantee my safety. Maybe if someone stopped pleading for me to stay awake, I would actually try to get up rather than fading out from the noise. Eh, we can always blame Arceus in the end.

"Yeah, sorry about that." I tried to say without looking too bad. "I didn't expect that. I'll just leave now." Thankfully, as I rotated towards the exit and moved towards the light, I didn't attract Pokes from other people as I wandered into the daylight. "Urgh. Damn sun." I muttered, heading towards my team mates who seemed to have created a... well, lusty shop keeper, before somehow assaulting him without getting his attention. This world was certainly strange.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 2 days ago

As they headed back down the mountain, Static explained to them what sub-types were. His explanation seemed to make sense, but Josh's question remained unanswered. "What happens when one of the Orbs of Balance is destroyed?" He asked again, hoping Static would answer this time. He was having a lot of questions thrown at him, so it was understandable that he forgot about one of the questions Josh asked.

Daniel's attack seemed to damage Anthony a lot. After eating the oran berry that Static gave him, he was fine, but what if they were attacked by a shadow Pokemon? That could mean trouble, since Daniel was the only one in their group who wasn't weak to their attacks. Thankfully, Josh had never seen one before now, so they were probably pretty rare. The odds of them running into one were pretty slim.

"Is this town up ahead the last stop?" Josh asked. "I kind of want to get this mission done as soon as possible so we can go back home."
Terra seemed to be calming down a little now that Blaze was back in the egg. Usually he was the one who calmed her down, so this was a little odd. Now that Josh really thought about it, she didn't really get angry when they were back at Crater's house, either. She must have been in a rush to get Blaze here before he became an egg again. That was the only explanation Josh could think of.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Noire

Noire Exposition Extraordinaire

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hex listened intently. She always enjoyed some new information. Apparently, everyone had sub-types, which was interesting. She might've known some pokemon that had them, considering his description of the types. After his brief description, Static told Daniel to attack Anthony, to demonstrate how shadow types had effectiveness over normal types. The small Murkrow came rushing forward, wings spread out flat, and butted into him.

Anthony's gel body seemed to contort from the attack, and it was evident that it did a lot of damage. Anthony audibly yelped from it, wincing from the pain, and his body seemed to kind of lose it's consistency and become more liquidized. Good thing Daniel was on their side, or he probably could've swept the floor with most of them. After quickly eating an Oran Berry, Anthony regained his composure and looked spry and ready to attack again.

As they continued down the mountainside, she thought about the hive. She had been gone for a while now, and apart from that one time they had come to the guild to interrogate Arnold, she hadn't seen another one yet. It might've been from all this time they were spending on this one mission. She wouldn't be the least bit surprised to see a squadron of Beedrill waiting in the guild bedroom to pick her up and bring her home to get yelled at and grounded. Would be fun.

At least Terra seemed to be less angry, and more annoyed. They all seemed a bit worn and tired and annoyed from the long journey, but Terra still seemed to still have energy to go along with her annoyances. Hex almost let out a sigh of relief thinking of the next town to be their last stop. Finally, they'd be able to get this mission over with and complete a new one. She was originally hoping that their last stop would be the mountaintop, but the town seemed close, so she supposed that they could travel just a little bit further to finally get to their destination.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sumable
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Sumable Wel to Moon Come Side. Come Moon to Wel Side, Ness

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I look and see Bonnie and this 'Tini' person. I wave, and say "Hello!" and look at Bonnie. She seemed to be staring at my with fiery eyes, and I shift a little bit away, and say "Uh... what's wrong?" and Samuel coughs. "Oh, yeah... um... sorry," I say, looking down at the ground awkwardly. "Uh... so, welcome to the team, ma'am," I say, looking at 'Tini'. I smile, and Samuel gives Bonnie the mission. "How did you guys make it out of that mess?" I ask, scratching the back of my head. I also was blushing from the embarrassment of ditching the team and then getting caught. I sit down, my vision getting blurry for a second, and I rub my eyes. "Must not be getting enough sleep, I guess," I say, yawning.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


The others seemed to look at the shopkeeper as if he just grew a tail, or something, but I had my back turned to him, so I didn't see anything strange happen to the guy. I do, however, notice M head out of the bank, with far fewer pokecoins floating around him. Celes then says something about the shopkeeper getting a 'spooky experience'... which was weird... I decide to ignore that, and eventually make it over to the beach, where a few wild, yet somehow not hostile krabby can be seen... they weren't doing anything, as apparently, they only use bubble during sunset or some stupid thing, but the view was still nice, and the beach itself was calming. I then recall that time I ran through Beach Cave five or six or however many times just to find someone who wasn't there, and wasn't in need of any help. I wonder... is that maybe the reason why these pokemon aren't attacking us? 'Cause they're afraid of me now? Odd... I think as I look out towards the ocean... sure, we just came from there, but this time, we won't get attacked from every possible angle. There seemed to be a weird, blue rock in the waves, and coming closer to the shore for some reason... the only way I could see it was the giant red dot in the middle of the rock, which was accompanied by a 'halo' of yellow dots just above that... what a weird rock, but, wouldn't a rock sink?

"Oh... right, sorry, I forgot to answer your question, um..." Static starts to say, with me finishing with "Josh... he's Josh, I'm Anthony, and she's Hex. The pokemon holding Josh's bucket is Matt... he's just kinda here for support," Static then says "Right, well, anyways, should anyone break one of the Orbs of Balance, all pokemon with that sub-type will weaken and eventually wither until they are nothing but lifeless husks... it's... not a pretty sight," something told me he wasn't telling us the whole story, but, nonetheless, by the end of that short description, we somehow found our way into the village... a village where every single pokemon was the same species... a victini, just like Blaze. "Welcome, travelers!" One of the two victini right next to the entrance shouts at our group, surprising me with just the volume at which he said that. Terra then, still sounding annoyed, says "Look, don't give us any shtick, we're here for one reason, and one reason ONLY. See this egg? Well, for some weird reason, he keeps hatching and unhatching, and I figured someone over at Victory Village would know what to do," the other victini then mumbles "We had a whole bit planned out, though..." the first one then says "Fine... we'll take you to the elder... you're no fun at all," they then lead us over to one of the many oddly lookalike houses in this area, and inside, was... well, he certainly looked the part of 'elder', given that his fur was mostly white, some of it covered his eyes, and somehow he grew what I think used to be referred to as a 'beard'... "GAH! Get that horrible thing OUT of here!" The elder shouts pretty much as soon as we enter his house... well, seems like someone doesn't have a lot of good manners for an elder. None of us move, of course, with none of us having any idea what he was talking about, until he added "That horrible, shadowy creature... IT has no place here!" This got on Terra's nerves, somehow, though, I doubt it was because of the prejudice against Daniel, but more so that he was stalling. She ended up shouting "'IT' has as much a right to be here as YOU do, you old fool! Besides, don't you want to help a poor victini, one from YOUR village, unless I'm mistaken, recover from his rare, and crippling condition!? I'm sure that, just because he happened to make friends with this, as you call him, 'horrible, shadowy creature', you'll let him DIE from, well, staying as an egg for too long, and becoming ROTTEN! Some leader YOU are, huh? Just letting the young of your village, who happened to have a horrible condition ROT AND DIE from it instead of helping them when they NEED HELP!? All because, what, some pokemon that happens to be a shadow pokemon helped him out when you just tossed him out of the village without so much as a PROPER EXPLANATION AS TO WHY!?" Wow... I've never seen her explode quite like that, but, oddly enough, in her anger, she seemed to bring up at least a few good points. The elder seemed absolutely shocked at Terra's famous among our team temper, and just stood there, with his mouth and eyes (that is, if you could tell) wide open... heck, he almost looked as though he was killed from her fit... that can't be true, though, right?

"By the way, Tini's a boy," I correct William, calming down somewhat, and adding "Well, we might as well be off on our next mission, right? I mean, whatever outlaw you ditched your team over has got to be worth it," sure, it might have been another jab at William, but you can't just go invisible to ditch your teammates, no matter how new they might be... I mean, if I didn't trust William, I'd think that he was trying to kill me... but, of course, he was still our leader, I guess, by default. William then asks how we got out of the mess, and I quickly explain "I dodged a couple of their attacks, and then Wally came in to stop them from hurting us... they shouldn't give us any trouble anymore," I then take my place somewhere near the back of the group, and wonder what kind of mission William almost killed us over. Sure, I guess the mightyena shouldn't have had ownership of one of the two boards, but it's not like we had to get into a fight to get them to stop, we could have just told Wally about that, but, no, William had to provoke them into attacking us... I then spot Spruce out in the distance, walking away from the shopkeeper, and towards the beach, for some reason. He was with that eevee girl that knocked me out a few days ago in some sort of blind fury, so maybe those two were a thing... which just meant that I was someone intruding on their relationship, or whatever... of course, that doesn't give her an excuse to lash out on me like she did.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

As Celes fallowed Spruce, she looked at the beach and the calm wave. She breath deeply, relaxing, before sitting down. No one was attacking them... so it felt really good to be able to relax now. As she looked at the waves, she saw the strange rock floating. She stared at it for a long time.
"What the heck is that?" she asks, before getting up. She then actually drops her back and then gets in the water, looking down under the waves to see if anything was holding the thing. Nothing.... it did not seem like a trap. She started to swim to it, before getting to it and then pushing it towards the shore. When she got on the sandy beach, she shook her fur a bit before looking at the strange rock.
"What is this.... it... does not seem like a rock... its much lighter then a rock.. and it;s shape...." she says, looking at it. She felt strange about it... like it was really different then anything.they ever seen before.
"Anyone got any idea what it could be?" she asks, confused by the thing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 2 days ago

Up until now, Josh's only goal was to defeat Zane, but now that goal had changed. Whoever was trying to destroy the orbs had to be stopped before they kill innocent Pokemon. He could take care of Zane later. This was much more serious.
"I don't understand why anyone would want to destroy them." Josh said. "Whoever it is, I'll do whatever it takes to stop them. You can count on me."

At that point, they had reached the village. It was a strange place, to say the least. Every house looked almost exactly the same, to the point where Josh wondered how they could find their way around without getting lost. As they entered what appeared to be the elder's house, a rather old Victini started shouting at them.
"GAH! Get that horrible thing OUT of here!"
At first, Josh had no idea what the elder was talking about, but then he made himself more clear.
"That horrible, shadowy creature... IT has no place here!"
At this point, it was obvious that he was talking about Daniel.

Terra then entered a fit of rage that made a lot of people, Josh included, stare wide-eyed at her. He'd never seen her get this angry at anybody, and that was saying something. The elder seemed shocked by her outburst, and just stood there in silence.
"Wow." Josh said. That was the only word that he could think of at the moment.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Noire

Noire Exposition Extraordinaire

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Kill them all? Hm." That didn't seem good, at all. If someone happened to find even one of them, it could kill countless pokemon by simply breaking it. That was on top of their priority list, without a doubt. Maybe next came Zane, and then that Kadabra that recognized Anthony. Hopefully her hive wouldn't do anything dumb enough to get onto their priority list, but knowing how sheerly stupid some of her people were, she wouldn't be surprised if they managed to end up accidentally staring an apocalypse or something.

After a short while of waking, and surprisingly no wild-life encounters, the team finally arrived at the town. The base of the town was made up of mostly, plain, shoddy houses, similar to the architecture of Allure Town. There was one key difference, however: the town seemed to be completely inhabited by Victini. Countless cream furred little legendaries were walking around, with the bright orange v symbol on their foreheads, and large blue eyes.

It was amazing how many Victini there were. She'd only seen one before, and that was Blaze. Of course, she'd seen some very awful sketches, considering that Combee didn't have hands, but they were right in front of them, real. Several orange embers flickered around one, fading in and out of existence. Terra seemed unamused. She was stomping right forward, and Hex could only wish that Arceus had mercy on the ones that got in her way.

The Victini standing guard quickly lead Terra to the elder of Victory Village, clearly intimidated by her. While Terra wasn't the best battling companion, maybe, she was handy to have around. When she gave the word, everyone around her would probably bow. After they entered the odd, plain house, just like all of the rest in Victory Village, they encountered a small, shaggy old Victini. A long white growth hung from it's chin, but it didn't 't seem to much of a wise elder. It quickly yelled at Daniel, insulting him and telling him to get out.

Terra released probably the most rage Hex'd seen her do so far. The Elder seemed to be almost shocked from the brutal yelling that Terra released on him. "Wow." Josh murmured. Hex hadn't even seen her mother that angry, and her mother sometimes got angry enough to have people executed. Well, maybe Terra wasn't that angry.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sumable
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Sumable Wel to Moon Come Side. Come Moon to Wel Side, Ness

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I nod when she says the idea of us getting to our next mission. "Sorry, Tini. We're going to be up against a scrafty that's apparently hurt his girlfriend, and also hurt Sam," I say, smirking as I look closer at the mission. "Well, let's head off, then," I say, walking in the direction of Birchwood Forest. I hadn't looked at my map in a while, but might as well go towards the place that I knew well-ish. I continue walking, and then wait for the rest of the team. Samuel catches up, and places a hand on my shoulder and spins me in the direction of the actual dungeon we were going to. "It's... that way..." he sputters, gasping for air as it took him a while just to catch up to me with him running. I say "Oh! Yeah, that way. Yeah, I just... er... yeah," as I walk in that direction.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 1 day ago

Unless some cosmic being wills it to happen, the chances of any two particular people meeting are slim. Because of this, there are rarely any attempts made to keep two specific people from crossing paths...clearly this is a mistake. Of it was in that moment, that a violet Dratini and an extremely red Magikarp locked eyes, and in that moment they both knew

'He's like me'

Their eye met for just a second, but the impact of that event would last; Tini and Kamina now knew of each other's existence.

After a second that felt like a small eternity (the jury's still out on what a 'small eternity' is, but whatever) both of them returned to what they were doing before

"Yay! We're going on an adventure!" Tini cheered as he followed his two new teammates, having quickly forgotten what just happened

"Ah, a kindred spirit. It is good to know that one like me lives in this town. I have no doubt that I can leave this place's welfare in his...tail?" Seeing as Dratini's didn't have any sort of limb, it took Kamina a few seconds to think of a way to finish that sentience. "Anyway, now I leave to rejoin my companions!" He cried out before Splashing after Spruce and Celes
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


After a while of just staring at Terra, the elder finally speaks up... "Well... I suppose... I could... um... aid you," Terra instantly calms down from this, and says "Great, now, how long until you fix him up?" The elder looks away, and mumbles something, prompting Terra to ask "Well?" Eventually, he turns back around, and says "We... well... look, the only way to cure your victini friend is the Victory Gem," Terra, interestingly enough, didn't seem too angered by this, and simply asked "So... where is it?" The elder hesitated, once more, and sheepishly replied "I lost it," this might just be it, the big one, the final final straw, the one that broke the camerupt's back just after the thing healed itself back up. I could almost tell that someone, miles away, could hear what Terra was about to say. "You... WHAT!? How in the flying F*** did you even become an elder while also being so D*** INCOMPETENT as to LOSE an important item that could cure a DEADLY DISEASE that JUST SO HAPPENS to be capable of infecting your F***ING species!? I mean, if YOU'RE supposed to be the wise one, I'd HATE to see what the rest of you INBRED, RACIST MORONS are like!..." I kinda tuned out after that, well, either that, of I've gone deaf, but Terra's berating, and above all, loud speech went on for a full hour before she asked "...and where the F*** did you even lose this 'oh so IMPORTANT' item, huh!?" To which, the elder finally replied, his voice and body both visibly shaking "...it might be in my basement, but, there's an evil monster that lives down there, one who has lived down there for generations," Terra then just mumbles "I've had it with these jerks..." and heads off to the basement, where I had pretty much no choice but to follow. Terra, at that point, seemed to be giving off as much heat as the average fire type, and if I wasn't worried about getting battered, bitten, and obliterated by her, I'd have said that I was worried about her blood pressure... sure, she didn't seem to have that type of problem coming in to this, but, this much stress and anger can do that to a pokemon.

As I was following William who was following Samuel, I notice Tini stop for a second, and observe an odd magikarp, who seemed to notice him, and observe him in the exact same way... it was... strange, but Tini seemed to completely forget in favor of remembering that we were a team on a mission, as the next words out of his mouth, instead of something regarding the strangely, almost eerily alike magikarp, were "Yay! We're going on an adventure!" Tini's only been on the team for a few minutes, and already, he's proven himself just as strange as the others... myself included. As we continue to walk towards Birchwood Forest, I catch a glimpse of something absolutely terrifying... it was horrible, and it reminded me of my own father... sure, it was just a meowth at this point, but give the thing enough time, an it, too will grow into another hideous, vile creature just like my father. I figured that attacking someone in town wasn't the best idea, so I fled. Yes, I ran right past the group, screaming, and most likely confusing the meowth who seems to have stopped dead in its tracks just to see me run. I had to get away. I knew that I couldn't attack the thing in town, but it wouldn't have any problem possibly killing me right in front of everyone... and I wouldn't be able to fight back. After wasting almost all of my energy running, I make it to some strange forest... well, okay, it was probably just Birchwood Forest, but I had no idea where I was IN Birchwood Forest. Off to my right were some unrecognizable trees, and off to my left was a path that seemed to lead nowhere. Straight ahead, there was an oddish blocking my way. I manage to nearly one-shot the thing by using frustration on it... but... it was still there. The thing managed to get me to pass out with sleep powder. I tried to stay awake, but, to no avail... the powder was too strong, and I was already tired from all that running.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 3 mos ago

So, heading out into the sunlight, I was positive that the world was odd. Full of pain, full of happiness... something like a rotten Sitrus Berry. One half's rotten, the other half's as fresh as an iceberg.

Regardless, I had a lot to think about as I floated down the plaza. Should I side with Desia for revenge and evil? Davis for heroism and eternal sadness? I didn't have an answer by the time I managed to catch up with the others, avoiding the eye of the perverted shopkeeper while trying to solve a conundrum. Then, a third thought entered my head. I would side with my friends for heroism AND revenge.

Ridiculous. It would be a long road of pain and lost time. But, I would have to do something. Maybe kill Desia, then try to get back at Davis. It would take years and possibly a return from the dead, but hey, who's to say it wouldn't be worth it?

I still felt crushed and sad. Some aspects of the world had begun returning colour, but it didn't help too much. "What are you guys gazing at?" I asked, mid-way of getting to my teammates. Some Krabbys tried to annoy me, but they got zapped easily and ran. Meanwhile, we were sitting ducks as some giant submarine-type thing gathered pace towards shore. "Uh... I'm pretty sure it would be a good idea now to retreat from shore."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


"Yeah... what is this thing?" I ask Celes as I examine the strange thing that she brought back. It kinda reminded me of some old story my mom used to tell me about a pokemon called 'Manaphy', but, I doubted this thing had anything to do with it... either way, M, as soon as he rejoined the group, alerted us to something more important... some sort of giant thing was coming out of the water, and heading right towards us. I quickly picked up the strange thing that Celes got from the waves, and ran off, seeing a wailord just about to hit land and possibly crush someone. "CELES! Get out of there!" I shout to Celes, hoping that she'd hear me... and of course, if she didn't, I was prepared to tackle her out of the way, and let the thing crush me, instead... wait, why would I do that, again? Hm... I mean, I knew I was going to do that if she didn't notice in time, but... why? Sure, she was a valuable teammate, but maybe there was something more than that which would make me sacrifice myself for her safety. Funny how this break might just end up killing someone, huh? I mean, that is, if Celes doesn't notice in time and doesn't have enough time to get away from the wailord that was still heading towards us, and about to beach itself. The thing didn't look as though it had control over where it was going, with the waves taking it right to the shore, and right on top of someone if they don't get out of the way in time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celes, who had looke at the thing, suddenly hears Spruce and then quickly turns, seeing the thing. She suddenly jumps back and then actually uses a swift attack while jumping, scared, actually sending her a couple of feets back while doing this move. She then landed and started to run back, going near Spruce, breathing deeply. She then looks at Spruce, while breathing.
"Thanks...." she says, looking at the large wailord. She breath deeply and looks at the strange thing.
"Whatever it is... maybe we should bring it back... I feel like it might be important...." she then says unsure. She looked at the large whale and shivers at what would have happen if Spruce was not there... A squashed eevee would have been in the pokemon news probably.... Seriously, that would have been bad... and when you think about it... wailord can learn body slam and bounce. Bounce for crying out loud! What are they, made of foam, able to bounce up and land with all their weight easy? It was ridiculous
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 2 days ago

Terra seemed to calm down for a moment once the elder agreed to help them. That moment was short lived, though. When the elder admitted that he'd lost the gym that was supposed to cure Blaze, she completely lost it. For at least an hour, she ranted about how incompetent both him and his entire species was. Josh glanced towards Anthony and Hex for a moment. "I think Terra's lost her mind." Josh said to them, quiet enough that Terra couldn't hear them.

After Terra's rant had finally ended, the elder told them that the gem might be down in the basement. He also warned them about a monster that lived down there. Terra didn't seem to care about that, though. She just marched right in, and everyone else followed.
"How'd he manage to lose it down here, anyway?" Josh said. "You'd think he'd avoid the basement if there was a monster living down here the whole time."
Whatever was down here, Josh was ready to help fight it off. The elder didn't seem too strong, though, so it might be an easy fight, if they were lucky.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 1 day ago


Tini was having the time of his life...walking(?) through a the town with with a couple of people he had just met...let it never be said that Tini is a hard guy to please, but nevertheless. In the midst of their travels, Bonnie suddenly broke out into a scream and ran away. Not seeing anything nearby that could cause such a reaction, Tini had the following thought; 'that looks fun!' Breaking out into a scream as well and chased after the hysteric Bunneary by following the sound of her panicked cries. One thing Tini learned from this; she had far bigger lungs then him. After awhile, he had reached a forest, not long after that, he screaming stopped. When he found her, he saw Bonnie starting to fall asleep as well as an Oddish nearby. Now while Tini might not be the sharpest spoon in the knife drawer, he wasn't completely stuipd; he knew what was going on "hey! You stay away from my friend! Fairy Wind!" The little Dragon blasted the Grass Type with his attack.


Having noticed the rather strange...whatever you would call what just happened. Kamina rushed to his friends side "I'm glad to see you both safe" he told them" That could have ended horribly. I'm proud of you Spruce; protecting your lover like that! The sight of such love and concern for another living being...it fills me with such wonderful emotions!" he began to weep great manly tears. It was then that he noticed the strange object "huh, I wonder what this could be."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Noire

Noire Exposition Extraordinaire

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

After Terra's rant, the elder seemed shaken enough to respond to their plea, or more to Terra's demand, and he really seemed meek about it. Hex wondered how long it would be until Terra broke or something, and she just started killing everything. At the rate they were going on now, probably wouldn't be long before someone did something stupid enough as to provoke Terra into attacking them. Especially the way things were going on now with her.

Then, of course, the elder seemed to just have to push her limits on a little bit further, and see how much she could be strained, by telling her that they had lost the only cure to Blaze's "disease." That brought Terra into another frustrated yelling match. Hex kind of tried to tune it out, like Anthony seemed to be doing so far, but Terra was way too loud not to hear. She learned that Terra knew a lot of words, apparently. She had never of some of them.

After Terra was done, the elder seemed like he was about to have a heart attack. Josh whispered about Terra probably losing her mind. Hex shrugged, not ready to take the risk of whispering back. Terra would probably grab her up and throw her out the window if she realized that they were talking about her behind her back. The elder talked about how he lost it. Apparently, a monster lived down in the basement, and he was too scared to go down there himself.

Terra just shrugged off his warnings and decided to go down there herself, forcing the team to follow her. Hex didn't suppose that the monster would do any good with Terra around them. Knowing Terra, if the monster snuck up and tried to eat them, she probably eat it first, so Hex was pretty confident with their chances. Hex continued forward, following down the basement steps after Terra, and hoping that the Elder wouldn't lock the door after them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


As I followed, I hear Josh whisper something about Terra losing her mind, and then asking me how he lost the thing. I thought about it for a moment as we continued through this dark basement, and eventually came up with the answer of "Maybe they forgot about the monster, and dropped the gem as they ran away... but... that only brings up the question... why would forget about a horrible monster?" Unfortunately, the 'answer' came up in the form of another question. As I continued to head forwards in the basement, I start to feel a chill... as if something evil is watching me. Daniel seemed rather quiet at this point, and was flying above me... I don't think it was him, though. I knew Daniel, and if he was quiet, it was most likely because of Terra, and her hour-long yelling marathon. I was kinda surprised that she didn't lose her voice from all that yelling, but, that wasn't important. What was important was that strange feeling... we continued forwards, and, looking at Daniel, I could confirm that I wasn't the only one feeling this, as I'd occasionally see him look behind us. Somehow, the basement grew even darker, and looking behind finally revealed a single blue eye from the shadows. "Uh... Terra... I think I found the monster," I say to Terra, poking her shoulder in another effort to get her attention. She turns around, as angry as ever, and says "Yeah, great, here I was thinking that those morons made this thing up, and now we have to fight it," she spoke calmly, but I can still tell she was mad. The thing, whatever it was, started off by trying to use hypnosis on me... thankfully, I managed to dodge the attack, and I tried to counter with absorb... but... I couldn't tell what it was, or where to aim, so, I ended up missing, completely. Daniel tried to use shadow rush, but had the same problem with not knowing where to aim his attack. He ended up flying right past the thing, causing Terra to try fairy wind, which seemed to hit the thing, and even damage it pretty well. "Escape... I must... escape..." I hear the thing say in a raspy voice that said it was either old, thirsty, tired, or all three. It was obviously a trick to get us to let our guard down, and I wasn't one to give in to tricks so easily, so I simply ignored the unknown monster's plea.
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