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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Ah, crap. Get back!" The large thing came unusually fast, forcing everyone off-shore while some unlucky Krabby's got squashed. Sure enough, their pincers annoyed the Wailord's belly, since he kept rolling around.

Meanwhile, Celes had quickly skipped back while letting out an attack. It wasn't a good idea to attack the thing, but at the same time it was instinct. I myself had to move back quite a bit, not really a fan of water if anything. "Okay, nobody mention HSOWA unless you want to get squashed." I said to the others, turning my eye from the Wailord to my teammates and back. My Arceus, why the Hell was there a beached Wailord? Surely they're not dumb as whales. (Don't ask. I prefer to squash all memories of that Pokemon now.) I still floated backwards for a few seconds, unsure whether if the damn thing was hostile or just confused. Either way, I really didn't want to know and kept my distance, preferring to save my energy when the time of fighting was to come. "Well, everyone's alright. Except for those crabs and the whale."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


"Hey, what do you think you're doing? You know you can't live on land for very long," I shout to the wailord, who responds with "I had to get outta there as fast as I could! Something crazy's happening in the deep ocean. Everything's turning all... um... inside-out, upside-down, and purple or grey! Oh, and that void crystal that we keep around got stolen," What!? But... we STOPPED Desia from stealing the crystal. Who could have possibly taken it? Who WOULD take it, and why? If... if it wasn't Desia... is she maybe not responsible for the missing void crystals? I think as I look towards my teammates, one of whom was inching away from the gigantic water pokemon. Celes, however, seemed to be standing her ground. Should we continue this vacation, or should we try to figure out what just happened? Hm... "Hey, team, do you think we should continue our break, or do you think we should check out the issue with the deep ocean?" I decide to ask my team, with myself completely lost on the matter. Maybe we'll figure out who is actually evil enough to do something like this... or... find out their motivation, as in, why they'd do something like this. It seemed unlikely that any other wild pokemon would bother us at this time because most of them would be like this wailord, fleeing from the scene. A good portion of them would be faster, too, and if he's already here, then the rest of them would probably be long gone.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celes looked at the wailord, and breath deeply after this. She looked back at Spruce, and then shook her head a bit after this.
"More work it seems. Well... best we go check it out Spruce.... We all know that if we don't do anything, the world might just end... and that we do not want to happen." she then says, before moving close to the water, and staring at it. She looks back at the stone from before, and then looked at the water again.
"But I feel like we should maybe take a small break from all this. What clue would we even find down there anyway? I mean.... I would be surprised to find fur or anything.And what we could probably find would be the world going upside down..." she says thinking. Someone was taking the void crystals, but only way to stop them would be....
"Unless... Spruce... what if we actually try to find out where the next void crystal is and guard it.... Maybe that we could do.... after bringing this rock thing back home to be examined probably...." she says, moving to the rock, feeling strange about it... She used her tail to brush off some sand from it, and then... curled up around to look at it a bit, wondering, inspecting it.
"Just so strange..." she says, looking at it intensely.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 2 days ago

Josh and Matt went down the stairs, along with the rest of the team. Josh couldn't shake off the feeling that something was watching him. The others seemed uneasy as well. There was definitely something down here, waiting for an opportunity to strike.

They kept moving until Anthony noticed a blue eye in the darkness. Whatever it was tried to use Hypnosis on him, but missed. At that point, the team started launching attacks at the mystery Pokemon, but unfortunately most of them missed. Terra managed to hit it, though, and seemed to do a large amount of damage. Josh tried to use Confusion, and he could tell that it hit, but it didn't do anything.

"Must be a Dark-type." Matt said, putting up a Light Screen in front of the team. "It knows Hypnosis, so that must mean...hold on, let me think."
Matt seemed to be trying to figure out what exactly they were fighting. He seemed to be stumped, though.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 3 mos ago

My eye turned from the Wailord to my team mates, who were now ahead of me, thanks to me moving back considerably. "Alright. Spruce, as much as I want to continue on this holiday and finally recover from my wounds..." I sighed. It was only yesterday I felt betrayal and destruction. Today, it was empathy. But, I knew I wouldn't feel empathy for much longer as I continued into this adventure. "Shouldn't we try to help the weak and feeble get out of there? I mean, if our friend the Wailord knows what's going down there, then we ought to set up a rescue mission. Maybe we'll get a few rewards." I said, floating forwards and slowing the orbit of Pokes a bit. I stretched a bit, when suddenly the word 'recover' came to mind again. Well, pain in my body did that. "Spruce, mind getting a berry for me? I‘m not at the peak of my health at the moment." I asked him, while everyone was idle and thinking about their current decisions. The Wailord seemed stuck, but hopefully a few Treasure Town Pokemon were annoyed enough to take some action. Everything kinda went silent as I awaited for Spruce's response and item being being over, hearing regular waves which didn't seem to indicate something destructive was going on down there.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 1 day ago


"I am always ready for adventure!" Kamina answered. "Clearly some great evil is at work here. As such, it is our sworn duty to go forth an combat it." Then he started to tear up a little "it...it does my heart good to see you all agree to go through with this without hesitation. Truly I am blessed to be a part of this team." Then he turned to address the Wailord "fear not! For my allies and I shall journey to your home to find the source of this darkness that has covered it!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Noire

Noire Exposition Extraordinaire

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

As they continued down the steps, the quality of the basement began to degrade more and more. The steps seemed to squeak as they were stepped on, and mold seemed to be growing in various corners. When they entered the basement, it almost seemed pitch black. She could luckily still see her teammates as long as they were close to her, but she didn't know if she could tell left from right in this kind of darkness. Hex heard Anthony say something, and she swung around.

A blue eye was floating in the darkness. A multicolored, vibrant ray of rings emerged from the eye, heading toward Anthony. He managed to dodge it, and it disappeared upon hitting the ground. Wherever it was. Hex launched a gust at it, a rolling ball of tightly packed musky wind. Each member of the team launched attacks at it, but all of them seemed to miss except for a Terra. Her attack looked like it did a lot of damage to it. The thing murmured something, but she had no idea where it was.

Hex tried another strategy, and opened her mouth, trying out a move she hadn't used in a while. She felt something tingle in her mouth, and she gnashed wildly into the air, trying to bite.. something. Unfortunately, she didn't land anything, and she closed her mouth, disappointed that she didn't get to use Bug Bite. Hex heard Josh say something about a dark type, and Matt raised a flat pane of light. It didn't help much to see, but it felt more comfortable having a source of light near.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


My team seemed intent on trying to figure out exactly what was causing all of this, and M apparently needed healing of some sort. "Er... right, I think I might have one... hold on," I say to M as I start to dig around in my bag. Surely enough, there was one oran berry, and no more than that. I hand him the berry, and head off, using Dive, which covered everyone on my team, save for Kamina, in a familiar bubble. I assumed that it didn't cover Kamina due to the fact that he can breathe underwater. Once I was underwater, I instantly noticed the complete lack of any of those strange, small, creatures that looked like water-types, and noticed several pokemon trying their hardest to swim away from something... one of them, a buizel, just sort of stopped, apparently tired. A nearby floatzel, who might just have been the kid's parents continued onwards, as if nothing was happening. This doesn't look good... I think as I head towards the buizel, and use my badge to teleport him out of this mess. I then look behind me to make sure that my team was still following, and continue on... towards the source of all of this chaos. Every now and then, I'd notice a dark shape pass by, and a bubble to accompany that shape, meaning that he or she was probably not native to this area... someone like that was either helping them like we were, or was the one who caused this. I tried to keep my eye on that mysterious shape, but... it didn't work. Whoever it was, they were too quick for me to follow, though, I figured that I'd meet them as soon as we got to the source.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gavin
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

((Wrong RP! Sorry!))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

As Celes stared at Spruce was going ,she put the strange rock in her bag. It might end up being important anyway, and she did not want to leave it behind. As she fallowed him, she saw some pokemons trying to get away from whatever was happening. She moved close to Spruce, staring at a distance.
"I have a feeling that this will really not be easy..." she says, continuing to move, thinking a bit now.
"I feel as if there is gonna be hell happening when we get there, like back in that forest.." she says worried a bit, as she saw him teleport a buizel back to the guild. She moved forwards, looking in front of the place, thinking.
"And who would be stupid or crazy enough to take the void gem except for Desia.... I just don't see why someoen would even do that." she says breathing deeply, shaking her head. They would know who one day, but for now they needed to help and inspect what was happening. If things got rough they could always use their badges to get back.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 1 day ago


Kamina's eyes narrowed "whoever it is will pay dearly, we must not let this continue!" He took in the sight of all the Water types fleeing to safety "this is...too much. To drive so many people from their homes like this...it's too horrible. This has to stop. We have to stop this. Right now, we're the only ones that can. Far too many lives are depending on us to succeed...we can't let them down. Onward to battle my comrades!" he finished with a mighty shout as he began to swim even faster towards the source of the disturbance.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sumable
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Sumable Wel to Moon Come Side. Come Moon to Wel Side, Ness

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I was walking along, when suddenly Bonnie ran off. I chase after her, and so does our new teammate. Samuel can't catch up as fast, though, and he also gets lost along the way. I finally catch up to Bonnie and Tini, and see an Oddish. I walk over, pick it up, and sort of just toss it wherever. I look at Bonnie, and then Tini, and then Bonnie again, and I ask "Bonnie, are you alright?" as I poke her. I look at her. Yup, she was asleep. I pick her up, shake her for a second, and then carry her over my shoulder, back to the town. I didn't see Samuel anywhere, which was odd. 'Hopefully he didn't start to burn down the forest...' I think. I walk into the guild and go down to our crew rooms and set her on her bed. "I guess that means the mission's off until--... oh, no one's here," I say, sitting down on my bed.

I was running as fast as I could, through Birchwood Forest, trying to catch up with my buddies, but I had gone off-course, and I was losing breath. I eventually fell on my knees, and had to stop to take a breath. I look around, not knowing where the hell I was. I was alone, ditched by my friends. There was a sparkly, clear lake. It looked shallow, but probably wasn't. There was also two fallen trees, and a cave. I went into the cave, but it didn't actually go that far. It was more like a hole that led partially underground. I sat at the mouth of the cave, looking around. There were a couple oran-berry bushes around, and a cliff at the other side of the lake. I didn't dare go anywhere else, because it could be dangerous. I could get even more lost. No, this was definitely the best place to be lost at. I gather some twigs and branches and make a make-shift bed, and also get some rocks and clear out a space for a possible contained fire. I sat down, not knowing what else to do now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Before I could do anything more, the mystery pokemon uses Hypnosis again, this time on Terra, and unlike me, she didn't dodge, and fell asleep almost instantly. One look at her told me that her rest wasn't very restful, as she seemed to be in pain, somehow, and appeared to be fighting something in her sleep. Sure, that MIGHT be normal for someone like Terra, but she'd probably be winning that fight if it was a normal dream, but here, she appeared to be losing. The mystery pokemon didn't celebrate, instead, coughed a few times. It was a very dry cough that sounded like it hurt the throat coming out... but... why was this thing so unhealthy? Shaking off that question, I simply await an attack from the pokemon, standing in front of Terra, and preparing to use Counter... but... no attack seemed to come my way. No, instead the thing opted to attack Matt, with an admittedly feeble-looking Feint Attack, completely bypassing the light screen that he just put up. Another look at Terra revealed that she was going through yet more terrors in her sleep, but, the creature didn't use nightmare, did it? "Please... let me... free..." the thing pleaded. For something that just wanted to be set free, it sure was putting up a fight... same for something so apparently feeble and broken. Things weren't looking so great, at first it seemed as though Terra had this handled with her fairy typing and wind, which, this being a dark-type according to Matt, should make her once again simply make a path of destruction for us to follow... but, unfortunately, she ended up falling asleep... AND possibly taking damage from that, as well, even without nightmare. What worried me was the fact that hypnosis didn't take too much energy to use, and we might all end up asleep and tortured from said sleep... I almost remember something horrible, something vile that was capable of doing such a powerful and evil thing... but what?

I eventually wake up to see myself back in the guild, and the mission apparently not completed yet. William looked down at me, so, I had to assume that he was the one that brought me here, and I end up saying "So, you just completely ditched that mission, huh? I mean, you could have just waited for me to wake up in the forest so we could continue to do the mission, but instead you dragged me back here, well... thanks, I guess, but next time, could you please finish the mission first?" I was annoyed that I didn't get to finish the mission, so I get up and start heading back to Birchwood Forest to try to finish it with whomever might follow me. "Okay, William, I'm off to finish the mission we were supposed to finish. You can join me if you want," I say as I walk instead of hop to make sure that everyone can catch up to and follow me to the mission... I just hope I don't find any more cats along the way, else we'd have another one of these scenarios. So... I've got a pyromaniac, and some guy who has to abandon the mission whenever someone on the team gets a status ailment... I'll just have to make sure we're away from fire, and I'll have to tell pokemon to not do that... as if they'd listen. I think as I continue onwards, still somewhat annoyed that the mission was just completely aborted for something so minor, I mean, sure, I get it, he was trying to keep me safe, but he could have done that without running all the way back to the guild and making us start back from square one on this mission... I mean, it's not like the pokemon in Birchwood are all that strong, right?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Noire

Noire Exposition Extraordinaire

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hex looked around, looking for anything to attack. Maybe an eye, maybe a stray limb in the darkness. She began fluttering her wings, preparing up another gust, feeling the musky wind rolling around, a whirlwind of dust and old air. Another ray of technicolor beams seemed to emerge from no where, hitting Terra. She slumped to the floor immediately. There went their fairy type, and with it, most of her confidence over fighting the dark type. Hex blew her gust into the darkness, but she was pretty sure she hit nothing.

After the hypnosis of Terra, the monster let out a couple of raspy, dry coughs. It sounded dangerously unhealthy or sick. She glanced over at Matt, and a quick, dark limb suddenly struck him out of nowhere, shattering the Light Screen he had up with ease, with surprised her. Usually Matt's light screen held against some pretty strong attacks, but the pokemon had shattered it with a single strike. Nearby, Terra was struggling in her sleep, probably having a nightmare.

Hex could've sworn that Terra was getting damaged in her sleep. The monster hadn't even used nightmare on her. It must've been pretty powerful to be able to do something like that to her. They would have to make sure not to get hit by that hypnosis, or else they'd all be lying on the floor, incapacitated and having nightmares. If it had been able to knock her out with a single beam, then it'd probably be able to get them all with a single beam.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 1 day ago


Having never gone on an adventure before, Tini wasn't quite sure what to expect. However, walking back to town with a sleeping Bonnie without having done anything was definitely not something he saw coming "so...was that the adventure? It...it was a lot shorter then I thought it would be. Also, I'm not really sure what we actually did. Are all adventures like that?" The was a small part of Tini that was terrified that these adventures he had trained so hard for were nothing but walking to one place and then back. If that was all he was going to be doing, then what was the point of all his hard work?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 2 days ago

After the thing used Hypnosis on Terra, she entered a deep sleep that appeared to damage her. Matt looked at her for a moment. "Hmm...it might be...no, that's not right. It wouldn't be in an old man's basement. What am I thinking?"
Matt seemed to have figured out what they were fighting, but then denied it. Almost immediately afterwards, he got hit by a Faint Attack. Despite the Pokemon appearing pretty weak, it did a decent amount of damage.
"So he has physical moves, then? Well, that shouldn't be a problem." Matt said, using Reflect to create a second barrier around them.
Josh fired a Water Gun at the spot where the attacks came from, but apparently he moved, because it didn't hit anything.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sumable
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Sumable Wel to Moon Come Side. Come Moon to Wel Side, Ness

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

After building my tiny in-the-cave shelter, I eat some oran berries and walk around the mini-beach. I look about, and splash my face with water, and then walk back to my cave. I took a sharper rock, and then hit one of the fallen trees with it. The inside wood was as good as paper. I begin writing on it with the same sharp rock and carve it into a disc shape. I throw the wooden disc. It glided alright. I go back up, and chuck it as far as I could in some direction that I hoped was Allure town, but I just hear it fall into some trees nearby instead. I make another one, and on my third attempt to write a rescue note, I throw it, and... it went in the lake. I was too far out to get any rescue message to Allure or Treasure town. "Might as well try to find that scrafty somewhere. But I don't really want to get even more lost..." I say, walking around. I get the glorious idea to start a fire, but that would result in a burnt down forest, most likely. I take out my badge. Flashing red. Would I rather keep all my money but be lost, or possibly find this guy, beat him somehow, and get back to get even more money, or lose all of it, but not be lost? Uh... I think finding this dude sounds better. Come nightfall, I'll use the badge if I hadn't found him, though. I walk around and look at a possible place to scale the cliff. I found a good place that didn't go too high, and I climb up it and walk to the top of the cliff, and look around, above the trees. I could see... well, forest. A lot of it. No towns. As I looked closer, though, in the distance I saw an odd color in the forest. Orange-ish. Sorta ant-like from the height. I climb down the cliff, and then walk off in the direction I saw the orange spot in.

"I don't want you snoozing out there in the forest alone with that big conkeldurr somewhere in it, I was just keeping you out of harm's way," I say, walking with her. I look around. "So... where's Samuel? I didn't see him back at the guild," I say, entering Birchwood again. I get focused on the mission, and say "Well, at least he'll stand out. The scrafty, that is."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Damn evil. You're too unpredictable. We can't even tell who's actually messing up the world, aside from you and your goons.

After Spruce handed me his Oran berry, I somehow ate it. Maybe I squashed it against my eye, maybe I had a hidden orifice. I wouldn't like to say.

Anyway, the Wailord eyed us as we began to go into the ocean for the second time. At least I felt more confident than usual, already taking in lots of pain and getting stronger. That, and most of my injuries had subsided, with headaches gone and fatigue disappearing. I still had that scar and unusual growth from behind. The Wailord whimpered, but I just told it that "we'd be alright." I didn't know for sure if we wouldn't get mauled again. Despite this, I felt obliged to follow Spruce underwater, now that I had a bubble and Kamina probably followed eagerly.

"Right, we're gonna rescue some Pokemon. Spruce knows what he' doing." Spruce probably expected to share a badge, although I wasn't too sure that would always work. Anyway, I noted how stale the air was getting again, probably because either: the air was recycled somehow, or the air was subjected to the pressure of the ocean. I kinda yawned against the beautiful landscape, since I had already witnessed it the last time we were here. But, I stopped upon seeing a clear juxtaposition underwater.

"Spruce, what in Arceus' name is THAT?!"

...I'm serious. There was a fucking... well, non-Newtonian water was around, and there were buildings in the sea. Not just any buildings, but they were like Escher-style architecture. It was fucked up down there, what with paradoxes, Möbius strips, unlucky Pokemon repeating their movements with slight variation, etc. And above all, there were trees. And, everything was grey. Like Spruce here. I forget he was grey for a bit. I was getting a headache again just by looking at the phenomenon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


After about half an hour of running around and rescuing whatever stragglers I came across, I was suddenly brought back into reality when I heard M shout "Spruce, what in Arceus' name is THAT?!" I turn to see where he was looking, and all I could describe it as was... well... imagine if suddenly, in some random area, gravity just said 'Yeah, I quit' and everything just sort of started spiraling from some sort of center... in this case, the center appeared to be where the void crystal used to be, and worse, there appeared to be some unfortunate pokemon caught up in the mess... a carvanha, a few magikarp, and a buizel were all victims to this mess, and none of them looked as though they would last too much longer in there. "I... have no clue..." I admit to M, answering his question. I then see that shape again and that bubble that went with it, as well. I could vaguely make out a sort of lizardlike shape, but before I could give any warning, they were right there, a purple charmeleon, and his similarly-colored vulpix assistant, in front of us, with a void crystal in hand. I didn't know what to do, except, possibly, attack. I did so with my void whip, but, that seemed to just bounce off of the charmeleon's scales. He smiled at that, and, without saying a word, just decides to attack back, using flamethrower. Thankfully, the water around me weakened the attack, but, it still hurt quite a bit. I look towards my team, and say "Um... just... attack? Please? I mean, it's obvious they're the culprits," I had no battle plan, no way of dealing any significant damage, and worse... they both had a way of nearly KOing me in one hit... this wasn't going to end well for me.

I tried and failed to hit the thing with a tackle, and it turned towards Terra, and used some sort of weird move that seemed to somehow make her sleep even more painful. "We have to find a way to turn on the lights! If we don't do something soon, Terra will just slip into... *gulp* the big sleep... so to speak," I inform my team. Considering how much she struggled against her own dreams and sleep, it didn't seem like we had very long. Daniel tried to hit the thing with his shadow rush, and somehow managed to hit him. A scream of pain from the enemy told me, as well as the rest of the team that someone finally hit the thing, and, thankfully, with another shadow move. I then hear Daniel say something "I... remember an old saying that my mom used to tell me... as black as night, a creature made of naught but fright. Be careful where you rest your head, else you may wake up dead. The one piercing blue eye, be wary of he who calls himself Darkrai... but this thing can't be what she was talking about, right?" With what I've seen with Terra thus far, something told me that this creature, apparently called 'Darkrai' might just be our mystery pokemon. If that was the case, and such a thought sent a chill down my spine, then this might be our last adventure... and it would also explain why the victini didn't want to go down here. Odd, though, that a dark type would pass down a story about avoiding some other dark type... but, maybe this thing was evil and dark even by their standards. I tried again, this time with absorb, but, like my past attempts, the pitch-blackness of the area, which our enemy blended into made me miss. The creature launched another attack, this time in the form of some sort of ghostly wind, which didn't hurt as much as I thought it would, and, heck, Daniel seemed to shrug the move off somehow.

"Well, thanks, but it's not like I was really in that much danger... these forest pokemon don't seem all that tough, though, I haven't seen Samuel around... shouldn't he be with you?" I say to William as I continue through the forest. Tini seemed oddly quiet, but, knowing him, he was overdue for a random outburst, or something. I notice that same oddish that put me to sleep earlier, and run up to him, using frustration as soon as I get close enough. The oddish falls down instantly, and I turn to say "See? No problem. Next time, just let me wake up in the forest, alright?" I then start hopping along the path, only to find myself in some completely random area with a waterfall nearby. There was some sort of old, moldy, and probably stinky tree house nearby. From the look of the thing, I was just amazed that it was still standing, and heck, I could just barely make out a family name on the place... 'The Birches'. Why anyone, let alone an entire family would live in a place like this was beyond me, but... maybe they left something behind before they died or moved. I kinda hoped they did, 'cause I didn't know what kind of supplies we had at this point. "Hey, William, wanna check this place out?" I ask William as I already start climbing up the vines in order to reach the place. The vines seemed much newer than the house, and looked healthier than the tree that the house stood on, so, I only had to assume that they weren't there when the family was, and must have grown over the tree during the time that they were gone. I don't know why but I almost felt as though I knew someone from this family... of course, that feeling didn't last long, and wasn't enough to keep me away from any possible treasure that they might have stored in their house and forgot about.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

As Celes looked at the culprit, she had a slight onze of anger after seeing what was happening to these poor pokemons. She growled at them before suddenly feeling the same energy as when she was against Vine. She looked at them and chains of light started to form around her, as she suddenly lets out the attack at the culprits.
"You are hurting innocent pokemons! You are making everything go to chaos! I will not let you continue this and ruin our world!" she says in anger, before attacking the charmeleon with the chains, hoping that it would actually do some damage to them. She was unsure what those will do.... She was not sure how the heck she was even able to use those. It was so weird and strange.... It felt natural for her, but also felt wrong... It was a feeling that could not be described. She felt slightly pure, but at the same time slightly unsure. She continued to let out her attack, hoping that this would actually hurt those pokemons so much that they would drop the gem and be able to retreave it to make everything go back to normal.
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