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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celes looked at Spruce and shook her head, and breath deeply.
"Spruce, here what happen, and I will explain it once. The reason why these guys needed the void crystals is to stop Giratina from taking over this world." she says before explaining each and every single detail of what she learned and how she actually got a meowstic to read their mind about this to be sure that they were actually telling the truth. She goes on and on about each small detail, hoping Spruce would understand what she was saying. She breath deeply after all the explanation.
"So basically they aren't the real enemies here, they are trying to fix what Desia did. That why I untied them.... and also if I would not have that vulpix would have broken our ears out with her screaming...." she then says shaking her head. She just hoped Spruce would understand all this and actually accept the explanation. Last thing she needed would be him to actually dislike her or something for what she did.
"And who knew Vulpix could use uproar..." she then says looking at the vulpix
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 2 days ago

For some reason, they didn't try to find a hotel like Josh had suggested. They just ended up falling asleep on the ground. After Josh woke up, he looked around to see if the rest of the team was awake. Anthony was awake, Matt had just woken up, and Terra and Blaze seemed to have left.
"What happened last night?" Josh asked.
Anthony had a letter of some sort, as well as a box. Josh and Matt went up to him, and began reading the letter.

Team Scarab:
thank you all for helping Blaze and I out of this situation.
if I have any more problems in the future, I'll be sure to
ask you guys first! In the package is something that may
help out Josh... as well as a couple items for the rest of you.
Consider them your reward, oh, and, the 1000 poke as
well... that was from Blaze.

Josh looked over at the package.
"I wonder what they sent us." Matt said.
"Only one way to find out." Josh said. He opened the box, eager to see what was inside.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sumable
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Sumable Wel to Moon Come Side. Come Moon to Wel Side, Ness

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I see Bonnie. For a second, she appeared big and purple, but then went right back to normal. "Ugh... must be my brain," I say. The whispering stopped. "Hi, Bonnie. I see you've found my journal, otherwise you'd probably call me a fraud," I say. "Samuel's not so keen on believing me, though," I mutter, wiping my nose. A salamence, in fact, the one we met in Sunswept Plains, greets me. "Hey! Welcome to the guild. Are you okay? You look like someone who made Martin a little angry," he says cheerily. I say "Actually, we've met once before. Um... I'm William. The guy with the team that you met? Yeah." "That guy was a kecleon, though. You aren't a kecleon, I'm sure of that," he says. I sigh, and he leaves. "See? No one thinks I'm not who I am," I grumble.

"Might as well try and see if I can still fight... what mission should we take?" I ask, looking at the mission boards. There was one where someone claims that they found a new dungeon. "A new dungeon, huh?" I say to myself, taking it. They compared it to a 'sludgy swamp', so I decided that's what I would call it. "Found somethin'," I say, taking it and climbing up the ladder, finding the wooper that put up the mission, and charging off towards whatever direction the paper demanded. "Let's go exploring! Exploring exploring exploring!" the wooper chanted. When we got to 'Sludgy Swamp', we began walking around. The first few steps I took got my feet and ankles wet, and then my shins, and eventually it became a little hard to walk. I see a ditto... uh... sliding, sort of, across the ground, and I threw some mud at it to provoke it. It looks at me, and uses Transform, and changes into a smeargle. I get an idea, and use Sketch after he used Transform, and I get Transform. Wooper jumps out, uses Ice Punch, and hurts the little beast, and then makes him faint using Water Gun.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 3 mos ago

I groaned as I swept the blanket off my eye. I felt decent today, though I still felt an ache somewhere. I had only gotten up because Spruce was trying to figure out (loudly) why the pair were free. "Trust me Spruce, I already made them shit themselves last night." I said, though with a considerably weak and annoyed voice. As I got up, I felt a lot better, yawning. "Celes, as you know, thinks they aren't evil." I continued, slightly pissed. "YOU go explain to her intentions don't mean morals, 'cause I didn't even bother last night." Being a Magnemite, gesturing and making facial expression was quite hard. All I could do was squint my eye and wave my magnets around, though my voice said it all. I still personally wanted to kill them or at least make them go away. "Aye... it is a good idea to keep former enemies bound and gagged, since we don't know what they'll do in the dead of night." I spoke, not trying to upset anyone at this point and keeping my voice at an acceptable level.

"So, anyway, our break was yesterday, right? Let's work today, then."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


"Great, they've got Celes around their little claw, then," I say as I hear what Celes and M had to say. I didn't even trust these two as far as I could throw them at this point... but... they weren't attacking me even now, when I revealed their little plan to everyone on my team. Instead, I hear the charmeleon say "Look... just check that void crystal you returned. If we're lying, then the place should be back to normal, but if we're telling the truth... well... you three may have made their problem ten times worse," before I could add anything to that, he adds "I know where I'm unwelcome, and I've got a lot of work to do," they then summon up some sort of dimensional hole and jump through it, with the hole closing immediately afterwards. I was speechless, I've never seen anything quite like that, let alone hear them so casually put their own trust (which, might I add, I still have none of in them) on the line. Eventually, I bring myself to say something, after nodding to M who said that we should work today. "Um... so... to the Deep Ocean, then? Just to make sure it's back to normal?" I sounded a little unsure of myself, but, if that was some way of checking their honesty, and, to be honest, I wouldn't mind knocking them out a second time, then, that should be our next destination... right? Thankfully, I still had the Dive HM, and there shouldn't be too much trouble with wild pokemon given the issues the place had not even a day ago. I remember M's talk about their intentions... what exactly DID they intend to do with those void crystals? I look around for Kamina, making sure that the entire party is together before we head off.

"Right," I respond to Josh on the subject of opening the box. I then immediately open it as if it was a birthday present from my friends, and, once I was done, I reveal a very bright, white armband... apparently for Matt, a strange purple orb, apparently for Josh, some giant yellow flower apparently meant for Hex, a very comfortable-looking hat that appeared to be for Daniel, and finally some sort of weird, red bracer that looked like it was for me... oh, and the money, as well, of which, I gave 500 poke to Josh, and 500 to the delivery bird, whispering "Please give this to my mother... um... she lives at 313 Sunridge. Yeah, I know it's a bad part of town, but, that's why she needs the money, so we can actually live somewhere where we don't have to dodge a sucker punch every time we head out of our door," I hoped that nobody else heard that, and thanked the fact that the only member of our team who actually had large ears, Blaze, was not here at the moment. The delibird shrugs, and flies off with the poke in... er... wing? It didn't matter too much, that is, as long as he can make it out of there without getting knocked out and mugged. After handing everyone their stuff, and keeping the red bracer, which was kinda heavy, I say "So... to... um..." I start to say, with Static adding "That northern mountain place?" I nod, and say "Yeah, there..." I then turn towards the village we were just at, and say "This way should be north, so, follow me...?" I was still fuzzy on the whole Darkrai thing, and couldn't remember for the life of me what he said with such enthusiasm, but, thankfully, Static remembered the direction north, so that's where I headed... somehow slower than usual.

William takes a mission involving Sludgy Swamp, and talks about it as if it was a new place. I mutter "I knew about this place before the mission... I would have sent us here anyways..." as we head towards the swamp and are followed by a wooper, who was way too excited to go there. Almost the instant we arrive at the swamp, a ditto tries to attack us, and copies William... only to get knocked out by out client before I could even do anything about it. William, himself seemed to be working on some sort of painting while the two fought, and I wondered if that was his Sketch move in action. "So... what did you sketch?" I ask William, walking up to him and also walking into knee-deep swamp water. It seemed as though he sketched himself, which was weird... can you even sketch the move Sketch? And if so, what would happen? Nothing? The smell of the place got to me, and I look to my left to try to puke, but notice that someone else already did... or, more accurately, I notice that a grimer was there, stalking us for some reason. I hold my nose, and say "Um... William? Whatever you just sketched, would you mind using it? This thing smells too horrible for me to get close to it, let alone attack it!" I sounded funny with my nose plugged, but it was the only thing I could do to keep my breakfast where it belonged. Thankfully, our wooper friend didn't have much of a nose, and had no problem using ice punch on the purple pile of putrid that decided to attack me with sludge. I wasn't able to dodge the attack, being preoccupied with not puking, and it landed right on my face, grossing me out even further. That gunk smelled just as bad as the sludge monster that was in front of me, but, it was closer, and probably literally destroying my nose at this point, and I couldn't really do anything about it, either, mainly because the 'water' was almost as bad. I made a 'help me... please!' expression on my face while I look back at William, and still remain unable to attack this thing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celes looked sadly at Spruce, looking down, felling either she made a mistake, or that she was fooled by both that gang and that meowstic that did not do his job properly. She walks near Spruce, and breath deeply.
"I just hope I did not make a mistake with this.... I got a psychic person to be able to say it was the truth they were saying, just to make sure, and it seemed like it was...." she says sadly, looking down a bit. She just could not face looking at Spruce after what she probably did. She should have waited for him to get up before even releasing those guys.... Why did she act so stupid there? Why did she not think it through more. She just stayed there, silent, feeling bad about what she probably did. It was a mistake of doing that... she should have asked Spruce before releasing them, and she did not know they could use portals like those.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 2 days ago

Josh picked up the purple orb, levitating it in front of him. He could feel his psychic powers getting stronger, which he assumed was because of the orb.
"I think this might make my Psychic-type attacks more powerful." Josh said. "This could be useful."
"Mine doesn't seem to be doing much, at the moment." Matt said. "Maybe later on we'll see it's effect."

They began to head north, towards the mountain that Darkrai mentioned. After a while, Josh noticed that Anthony was going a little slower than usual.
"You all right, Anthony?" He asked. "You're lagging behind a bit."
The bracer that he'd gotten from Terra looked like it was pretty heavy. That could have been what was slowing him down.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 2 days ago


After he had fully rested, Kamina was raring to go "once more into the breach my friends!" He cried out as he followed Spruce and the others. Truth be told, he wasn't quite sure why they were going back to where they had fought those two evil fire types who had tried (and failed!) to steal that void crystal thingy. However, he trusted his friends. So if they were telling him that there was adventure to be had there, then he would believe them (or at the very least, believe that they thought there was). One thing he noticed was that Celes was looking depressed for some reason 'oh well' he thought to himself 'a good adventure will perk her right back up'


There was so much stinky all around...there was only one possible solution; "Fairy Wind!" Tini shot a mint breeze right past Bonnie. Grazing her nose and scraping the icky gunk off of her. It might have hurt her a little bit, but it was the only way he could think of to save her from that stinky fate "Fairy Wind! Fairy Wind!" he fired off a few more sweet smelling shots between Bonnie and the icky monster. Replacing the nasty smell in front of her with that of sweet mint. "I; Tini the Minty, shall never allow my friends to su...su...suc......get stinkafied!" His epic speech was ruined by his inability to pronounce the word 'succumb'. "By the power minty, we shall prevail!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sumable
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Sumable Wel to Moon Come Side. Come Moon to Wel Side, Ness

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I climb out of the sinkhole I was in, and transform into a... well, a grimer, because Bonnie told me to, and I sorta looked like the grimer, but the shape wasn't exactly right and the face wasn't, either. I use Sludge on the enemy grimer. Not too much happened... in fact, it almost looked like I healed it, almost. I look at Wooper and try to use Transform, and then I become him, letting me gain the moves Ice Punch, Water Gun, Mud Bomb, and Slam. I use Ice Punch on the grimer, which was my taking any heat on the top of my head away from it, and sort of 'punching' the grimer with my forehead, and then Water gun, and it looks nearly fainted. The actual Wooper uses slam on the grimer, making it faint. "Well, that was fun, wasn't it?" I ask, transforming back into a smeargle. "Um... let's continue," I say, walking carefully around sludge pools and sinkholes and things like that. I continue walking deeper into Sludgy Swamp, the smell getting worse and the amount of sludge pools increasing. I eventually throw up, and transform back into a ditto, just so I could fit in, and also so that I wouldn't have a nose. Because dittos were common, I blended in a bit and didn't get attacked... as much.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Celes, promise us you won't do that again. They could've been conditioned spies for goodness sake." I said, still rather cautious and in fact a little ignorant of the fact they were still here. Well, that wasn't true anymore once they kinda just disappeared. "Something I said?" I asked, not expecting a response. After tidying up my bed (which hadn't been made in 3 days or so), I did my usual 'hovering and listening', which involved just hovering and hearing Spruce. So far, it would look like we'd be going to the ocean again. There's gotta be more variety of dungeons in this world - have we run out of places to go already?

"Just like Hoenn then." I sighed, making a sarcastic expression on my scarred, rather featureless face. "Let's go then. We need to check if they'll keep their word, and therefore MAYBE we can trust them." Emphasis on maybe - they could easily literally backstab us through portals again. Aside from paranoia, they obviously didn't seem THAT suspicious. I had a ring of Pokes floating around me again, but I willing to get some more out of my bank account or so.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


"Right," I say to the group before hearing M mention some strange place called 'Hoenn'... "Wait, where the heck is Hoenn?" I then ask as I head out the door, making sure that the rest of my party would follow me. I continue to wait for a response as I continue towards the beach, with everyone in Treasure Town still in some sort of uproar about something, which was a little suspicious. I overhear things about the ocean getting swallowed into some sort of evil abyss, and how that's causing several thousands of water-type pokemon to lose their home... odd... didn't we just fix the ocean? I finally make it to what used to be a beach, and notice a distinct lack of water... somehow, that portal, that anomaly, made it all the way to Treasure Town's shores. The unfortunate pokemon that didn't make it out appeared to be falling into the nothingness, and possibly endlessly, as well. Well... this was unexpected. I didn't think that the portal would reach all the way here, ESPECIALLY given that we should have fixed the thing yesterday. I think as I stare into the void. Something about that place seemed familiar, somehow, and then I recall my dream. This was that place! This was the weird, grey dimension that I saw in my dreams! I think as I continue staring, this time with a look of fear on my face. Sure, it was familiar, but that didn't make it any less dangerous. I take a step towards the portal, and notice that I've stepped on something. I look down to see some sort of strange charm, and a note.

'If your more normal friend wishes to follow you...
he'll need this. It protects him from the
corrupting powers of the void.

I then look at my team, and show them the charm, eventually handing it to Kamina, knowing that M was immune to at least some type of corruption... I wasn't exactly normal, and neither was Celes at this point.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I assure Josh as I continue my sluggish pace, occasionally stopping to take a breath, something I never did up until now... though, even with that, I almost felt as though I could hit harder than I used to, or, I at least felt as though this thing will help me hit harder in some way. A long trip to the mountain was made even longer from my lowered agility, and the first thing I noticed once we got to the mountain was an opened door, and a few totems which appeared to be broken, that, of course was actually a good thing given that there were also a few broken darts lying on the ground, presumably tipped with some sort of poison. "Well, someone certainly was here before..." I comment, looking around to see if there were any traps that were still going to trigger. Thankfully, it didn't seem as though that was the case, so I continued onwards, noticing a stone floor that sunk a little bit when I stepped on it. I could hear some air coming out of one of the two places where the totems used to be, but nothing else came of it. Switches, though? Just to get in? These orbs really must be valuable if they'd trap the entrance to the place where it's being held. I almost expected the door to close, yet, it never did, allowing me to continue through it, hitting a few more of those switches as I do so. "Well? What are you waiting for? This trap's already been triggered, so, nothing to fear, right?" I say to the rest of my team with Daniel saying "Sure... I'd still rather just fly over these, you know, just in case," he then flies over to me, and I look forwards to see a machop blocking the path up the mountain, though, he probably didn't even know, given that he was fast asleep at this point.

"YOWCH!" I shout as Tini's weird move hits me in the face. The good news was the fact that the move removed the sludge on my face, and made the place smell better... but the bad news was that it felt like a ton of tiny skarmory blades were flying across my face. Tini used the move a few more times, which only added to the pain, and by the end... I was feeling really weak "Ugh... thanks for caring, but please, no more... it hurts..." I say to Tini as I trudge onwards in the swamp, nearly losing William as I notice him transform into a ditto. Our wooper friend didn't seem too fazed by the attack, and seemed to be enjoying the smell, as I would if I wasn't brought to the brink. As I continue to follow William, I notice fewer pokemon attacking us... maybe they were all fooled by William's disguise, and thought that we, by extension, were residents of the swamp. Yuck... I could never imagine myself living in a place like this. I am glad, though, that nothing's attacking me anymore, Tini included. I think as I continue. I see some strange object shining in the muck, off in the distance, and was instantly drawn to it. I'm sure someone would have stopped me earlier, but our wooper friend seemed more occupied with humming some weird song. As I go to pick up the orb, I hear a weird gurgling sound from deeper in the swamp. I turn towards my teammates, and smell something just... horrible, again. "Sheesh, what's with the horrible smells in this place? I mean, I know it's a swamp, but it didn't have to go overboard!" I comment, noting the smell, but not noticing the trio of muk that appeared behind me as I was saying that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sumable
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Sumable Wel to Moon Come Side. Come Moon to Wel Side, Ness

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I see three muk loom over Bonnie. "Watch out!" I say. Oddly, I hear "Let them kill her! She's no use to you anyways!" and I look behind me. "What?" I ask. I turn back, and run in front of Bonnie, pushing her out of the way, but the muks had already made a triangle around us. I say "Stop!" as I stretch into one of the muks. I use Sludge, and then push down the muk that was about to use Sludge Wave on Bonnie. I suddenly get hit by Gunk Shot, and I say "Eugh!" as I change into Wooper, and use Ice Punch on the biggest muk. I feel much stronger as I hit him, but he didn't look too hurt. The real Wooper comes in and we gang up on one of the smaller muks, using Ice Punch as it uses Mud Bomb on us. Samuel was helping distract the big muk so that Bonnie didn't instantly get knocked out. He was actually helping out with both of them, to be honest. Pretty soon, I get way too tired to continue my Wooper facade, and I see Samuel getting tired as well. Wooper was still attacking the muk, and he was looking sharp and ready to continue, whilst the muk was quite the opposite. It actually begins running, and Wooper just begins beating up the other one. I rest and regain some energy as Samuel was running in a panic with the big muk right behind him. I grab a stone, and throw it at the big muk, and it lands near Samuel, whilst the muk turns back and charges at me. For a while, we both continue throwing rocks at it and diverting its attention. "May be the brawniest, but he sure isn't the brightest," I mutter.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

As Celes approched the portal and the weirdness that was now the ocean, she stared at the void for a long period of time, absorbing the information of what just happened. SHe then looked at Spruce and readed the message that he was holding. She looked at him and then at the portal.
"I guess we will need to get in and get that crystal back or something.... I ... I guess maybe those guys were telling the truth.... but if it's the case, we need to hope for the sake of everyone that their dang plan works or else removing all those crystals would just mean the end of the world." she says sadly, looking down at the now weird void that was bellow them. Why would some people be so cruel to do things like that... All because of Desia. Desia... one day she will pay for what she did. One day he ribbons will hold on her neck and squease the life out of that puny evil nothing good body of hers. One day...
She then shook her head. She needed to control her anger for Desia. She knew full well that there was no use to go and hunt her down right now, cause they did not know where she was anyway and she might beat them up like last time.
"Shall we move on after we take care that one of us dosen't get corrupted? One charm... lets just hope I am not affected by that thing." she says.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 2 days ago

Anthony insisted that he was fine, but he was still moving at a snail's pace. This made their trip to the mountain take even longer. They did eventually get there, though, and thankfully the entrance to the temple was right there. It seemed as though someone else had already been there, since most of the traps looked like they'd been activated already. Anthony deemed it safe, and went inside, setting off several pressure plates as he did so.
"Well? What are you waiting for? This trap's already been triggered, so, nothing to fear, right?"
"You don't know that, Anthony." Josh said. "Whoever was here might not have set off every trap. A few of them could still be armed."

Thankfully, all of the traps that Anthony triggered so far had been disabled. Everyone else on the team could either fly or float, so they didn't have to worry about any of the pressure plates.
"It's odd how they didn't put any traps for flying Pokemon." Matt said. "There may be some up ahead. Keep an eye out for anything that might be a trigger."
Up ahead, a sleeping Machop blocked the path. Matt simply went over it, trying not to wake it up. Still, even if it did wake up, it wouldn't be too much of a problem.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 2 days ago


So apparently the Fire Types that they fought before underwater (even Kamina had trouble comprehending why a Fire Type would willingly go underwater, and that's saying something. Okay, so he was a Fire Type too. However, he was a Water Type first, so unlike every other Fire Type in existence, he didn't find the water scary. Sure, he lost a lot of power underwater, but he sure as hell made up for it with the mobility he got) weren't evil, they were just stupid for trying to save the world by doing something that could be interpreted as an act of terrorism without letting the local authorities know what was going on. Alright fine, so Hanlon's Razor was in effect, Kamina could understand that. However they weren't completely sure that those two had been telling the truth, so they were now going to go through this portal to...somewhere, to confirm their story. Although there was a problem; mainly that wherever this portal led, was a place that could harm someone there without the proper protection, kind of like a Fire Type underwater. But this charm thing was supposed to offer some measure of protection, and apparently Kamina was the one who needed it the most. Sounds simple enough. "Onwards to adventure!" Taking the charm, Kamina Splashed his way into the portal

He expected that he was going to hurt Bonnie with his attempt to save her, and while he didn't like that, he could live with it. After all; you can't cauterize a wound or but a bone back into it's proper socket without causing some pain. What he couldn't live with was that his attempt to save her seemed to cause more harm the good. When he saw the pain his minty breezes caused her (despite the fact that he only aimed one of them at her, and that one only grazed her), his little Dratini heart broke. His eyes started to tremble and water as tears fell down his face. It was a sight that could give even the most cold hearted monster sympathy feels. At that point, poor Tini felt utterly disgusted with himself. Even taking into account the part of his life where he was living on borrowed time, it was easily the lowest point of his entire life, at least to him. Low enough to cause the little minty hero of coo-I mean justice to question whether or not he was really worthy of the life that lord Xerneas gave him.

...So it's a damn good thing that he has the attention span of a newborn baby. Once the Muk started to attack, he completely forgot the last minute of existential crises that he had just gone through because hey; there were big meany heads that needed to be fought "Fairy Wind!" he cried as yet another sweet smelling gale was launched from his tiny body, this time at an enemy
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 3 mos ago

I rolled my eyes as nobody got my reference, following Spruce rather slowly. Why? Everywhere I looked, I felt some sort of evil presence. I had been through a lot, so it would be pretty stupid to think of Davis staring at me from a crowd of shoppers. This world was full of crap, so I didn't know what to think actually. Bad thoughts, maybe. If that wasn't enough, I thought I had also seen a shadow Pokemon trying to infect several unfortunate Pokemon, though really it was just a damn Grimer apologising for bumping into someone. Of course, I quickly dismissed my hallucinations and just followed Spruce, preferring to get this done and over with rather than dealing with my imagination. "Nothing. Just an inside joke." I said. I was supposed to add a supposed grin, but that didn't come easily for some reason.

That was probably because we failed to save the ocean. It wasn't climate change and that definitely won't happen in this day and age. Rather, we were witnessing something similar to corruption overgrowing the ocean and sand. We could see the corruption right through the water, with no blurring as if the image was on top of the water. It was quite a sight to behold, helpless against the many Pokemon who've lost their homes and possibly their lives. Quite a few Pokemon were just staring, even crying over apparent wraith of the Gods. Dark clouds gathered above us, as if the corruption had also affected the weather. How screwed would we be if that did actually happen? But, we had this problem right now to deal with... somehow.

"Spruce... I'm not sure what we can do anymore." I tried to speak without sounding defeated, though I couldn't hide my feelings. "For Arceus' sake, this is beyond our capabilities. What do we do, just jump in and hope for the fucking best?" I knew it wasn't a good idea to let the pair go, but for some reason, I agreed to it last night. What was I think-

"...don't you dare do that." I suddenly realised my mistake, pointing at Spruce as he gave Kamina some half-rainbow, half-grey ribbon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Kamina just flopped up to me and took the charm, all the while heading right into the portal... all before I could even react. Obviously, he'd get lost if I wasn't there to help... oh, wait, no, I'd get lost without HIS help... or maybe both? Either way, given that it didn't seem like Kamina was going to leave that place any time soon, I didn't really have a choice. I didn't want to abandon a teammate, so, I jumped in after him. Once on the other side of the portal, everything looked upside-down for some reason. Even looking back, Celes, the beach, and M were all upside-down. There didn't seem to be much here, save for one buizel who seemed to blend into the floating landmass we were standing on. "TRAITOR!" The buizel shouted at me angrily. "Our lord and master wants a new home to replace his old one, and you're here to take the crystal, aren't you?" I figured that saying anything would only make him angrier at me, and was proven right when I muttered "Um..." only to get some sort of weird, grey, watery attack sent right at me, though, for some reason, it didn't hurt that much. I tried a void whip, but it didn't seem to do too much to him. What? But... the only other time this has failed... is he somehow similar to those fire types we fought earlier? I ask myself as the buizel uses swift, aiming to hit both Kamina and I... of course, given swift's habit of never missing, I somehow doubted that Kamina would avoid the attack, just as I've failed, well, really, I didn't even try to avoid the attack, figuring it a waste of energy to even try to evade that particular attack.

Matt just floated over the traps and over the machop. I, however, didn't have the luxury of flight, so, I had to try to get past the thing without alerting it, somehow... which was a lot harder than I thought it would be. Yup, the second I got within two feet from the thing, it jumped awake, and hit me with a karate chop, managing to actually hit me on a somewhat soft(er) spot. Worse was the fact that I wasn't ready to counter anything, so I couldn't even do that. I settled on using absorb in some sort of attempt at getting back some that damage he dealt to me, however, I didn't really get back that much, and the thing was still going strong, ready for action somehow. "I'm... no, I'm not done yet... I can still take you" I say to the machop, knowing full well that both Matt and Josh were able to use psychic powers... help, however, didn't come in the form of either of them, but instead, Daniel, who used wing attack on the thing just after that, knocking out the machop, and getting it to fall off of the path, clearing my way up the mountain. "Thanks," I then say to Daniel, who responds with "Well, you asked, right? I'd like to think that I'm a part of this team, too, and that means helping you out," I smile at this and continue up the mountain keeping an eye out for any traps. Not too far up the mountain, I nearly run right into another door, this door seemed to lead right into a cave... stranger, still was the fact that, looking at the mountain, there didn't seem to be anywhere for a flying or floating pokemon to rest. I also notice a somewhat poorly-written, only barely legible, note.
If you're reading this, that means that
you're finally joining me in taking over
this oversized, overhyped boulder!
While that's certainly good news, you're
probably wondering about this door, well...
Ya have to find a pokemon that
represents what this thing calls
"The three key values", '
The note didn't say anything else, so I assumed that I had to turn it around, thankfully, that worked out, and some more of the message was found.

'Courage, Loyalty, and Wisdom.
Now, since I'm only one pokemon,
I had to find a couple pokemon from
the mountain to help me with this one.
Apparently... some random Riolu
worked for Wisdom. Weird, 'eh?'

I then showed the note to Matt, and, through Matt, Josh, wondering if they'd have anything to say on the subject. Of course, I figured that they'd volunteer me for courage, given that I kinda just ran through those traps earlier. Though, the note seemed pretty vague as to what we were supposed to do with these individuals once we found them.

My first thought was When did Samuel get here? Followed shortly by We're done for! When I finally noticed the trio of muk looming over our group. The wooper was really pulling his weight, heck, at one point, there seemed to be two of him, and Tini's fairy wind, while helpful in keeping their stench at bay seemed to be resisted by the sludge monsters. I decided to try to pull MY own weight this time and used frustration on the biggest muk in the group, remembering some deep, dark, horrible places I've been, and some horrible things that happened in my life. The move seemed to actually almost intimidate the thing, and that gave me some hope. "Tini, try using that nice-smelling move, just without the damage... there's gotta be some way you can do that," I say to Tini, thinking that he might still be useful, and even more so than I thought he would be. The muk, apparently not wanting to attack me at the moment, slid over to one of the two wooper that were helping us, and used sludge... almost as if he didn't want to actually attack, or something. I knew, apparently better than he did, that a poison-type move like that wouldn't do much to the ground-type wooper. With the smell gone, I somehow felt ready to attack again. I used this to my advantage and attacked with frustration on the same muk, who actually flinched this time... though, not enough to give me yet another attacking opportunity, and he did, in fact, use mud bomb on the other wooper after that, but still... kinda strange.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

As Celes fallowed Spruce in the weird place that he just entered, she could hear a voice about someone calling Spruce a traitor or something. She then turns and sees the buizel who said something about their master wanting a new home to replace the old one. She grinded her teeth a bit at this, her body glowing slightly in a white light as chains form around her. She remembered what those void pokemons said before... how Desia tricked Giratina into thinking that. So everyone thought that it was true and their world was ending when in truth it was the other way around. It was them trying to take over the world that did not belong to them when their world was still surviving.
"Do you really think your old one would be destroyed, or is it someone behind all this that lied for that!" she then yells, before sending the chains towards the buizel, hoping to hit him hard with them. She stayed near Spruce, ready to fight along side him, hoping that she could do quite some damage to that void pokemon. But then something hit her slightly. They called Spruce a traitor. Then he would be a void pokemon also... that would explain a lot.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 2 days ago

Anthony tried to get past the Machop without waking it up, to no avail. It used Karate Chop on him immediately after it opened its eyes. He used Absorb, but didn't seem to do much. Josh was about to use Confusion, but Daniel used Wing Attack before he got a chance. That was all it took to knock it out.
"Well, let's continue on, then." Josh said.
They didn't get far before they ran into another door. This one appeared to lead to some sort of cave. There was a note lying nearby, which Anthony read, then handed to Matt.

If you're reading this, that means that
you're finally joining me in taking over
this oversized, overhyped boulder!
While that's certainly good news, you're
probably wondering about this door, well...
Ya have to find a pokemon that
represents what this thing calls
"The three key values",
Courage, Loyalty, and Wisdom.
Now, since I'm only one pokemon,
I had to find a couple pokemon from
the mountain to help me with this one.
Apparently... some random Riolu
worked for Wisdom. Weird, 'eh?

"Courage, Loyalty, and Wisdom." Matt said. "Well, let's take a look at Anthony for a moment. I'd say that after he fearlessly went through those traps, he's definitely more courageous than the rest of us."
"Ok, so we've got Anthony for Courage." Josh said. "Matt, you're one of the smartest guys I know, so you'd work for Wisdom. And for Loyalty, we've got...um..."
Josh and Daniel were the only two left. He hadn't known Daniel for very long, so he couldn't really tell how loyal he was. Matt could tell that Josh was having trouble deciding, so he spoke up.
"That would be you, Josh." He said. "Think about it. You'd be safe in a heavily populated area such as Allure Town. Zane wouldn't be able to touch you there. You have your badge, so you could teleport back at any moment. And yet, you're out here with us. You never left us behind."
Matt had a point. He could've easily abandoned them at any moment, but he didn't. The thought never even crossed his mind.
"I guess you're right." Josh said. "So, it looks like we've got all three, so now what?"
The note didn't really explain what they were supposed to do next. Matt began looking around, trying to figure it out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 2 days ago


While Swift somehow never missed, it also wasn't very powerful. So while it did hit Kamina, it wasn't enough to make him even cringe. After all; he had spent most of his life getting beaten up just because he couldn't fight back. So his pain tolerance was far higher then it should have been. "If you think such a weak attack it going to keep me out, then you are gravely mistaken!" Shaking off the attack, he fired a round of Ember at the Buizel. "You are also gravely mistaken if you think that we'll just sit back while you take over our world!"

Use Fairy Wind...but not as an attack.

While some could argue that Tini was...mentally handicapped, that wasn't the case. Rather he had a child like mind. While this did make him extremely naive and gave him an attention span so short, that if it could physically manifest itself, it would be too small to see with the naked eye. However this did come with one really good thing; a child's imagination. While most adults were bogged down by 'logic' and 'common sense' most children were free of such things. Because of this, they were often willing to try things that their elder's deemed 'impossible' due to some sort of limitation that they believed made it so...only sometimes a child got lucky and discovered that said limitation was all in the heads of their elders

So while most people would hear Bonnie's request and think 'that's impossible', Tini thought '...that's so cool! I wonder why I didn't think of it before?'

As said before; Tini isn't stupid, just naive and unable to pay attention to anything boring for too long. After all, he was able to learn two move that his species can't naturally learn (while he did get some help from his new Type, all it really contributed was making such a feat possible). So unlike other Pokemon who knew Fairy Wind and Aromatic Mist, he understood how those moves worked on a fundamental level. Because of this, he was less a 'retard' and more of a 'quirky genius'...maybe more 'quirky' then 'genius'.

'Now lets see...make Fairy Wind hurt less...but still smell good. Wait...Fairy Wind doesn't naturally smell like that. It's just carrying my minty scent. Now Aromatic Mist on the other hand...no, wait a minute, that's not right. My Aromatic Mist isn't the quite the same as an Aromatisse's Aromatic Mist. Their's uses a lot of different scents that their body can make at will. Mine on the other hand just uses my somewhat natural minty smell. So it doesn't work quite the same. Although...maybe I can work with this.' An idea in mind, Tini got to work "Fairy Wind" he cried out as he let out a gust of mint wind...however this time it didn't fly straight at it's target, rather it began to circle the little Fairy Dragon 'okay, that's step one. Now for step two.' "Aromatic Mist!" he cried out as his body let out a minty smelling mist. While this would normally spread out over a given area, that was't the case this time. What happened was that the mist was caught by the gale surrounding Tini. 'Yesssss. The mintyness is strong here. Now wrap it up for delivery!' "Fairy Wind!" he called out again, adding to the cyclone that engulfed him while also regaining control over the winds. With the mini storm back under his command, he began to compress it. Making the area the winds occupied smaller and smaller, until it was just a small orb just small enough to fit into his mouth. Visible only because of the mist that it contained. With his new move ready, he need only give it a name "Minty Mist!" he spat it out at Bonnie like it was a watermelon seed, breaking on impact and saturating both her and the air around her in a strong, but not overwhelming, minty scent. However, there was an unforeseen side effect; normally, Aromatic Mist bolsters the Special Defense of all who inhale it. This wasn't a normal Aromatic Mist though, It had been super compressed. What should have been enough mist to be lightly spread throughout a small house had been forced into the size of a small ball. At that high level of compression, things start to change; like what effect it has on the target. What should have just boosted her Special Defense had done something else; it had applied Light Screen to her, and not just Light Screen, but Reflect as well. Although as he was unfamiliar with both moves, Tini failed to notice this at the time
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