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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sumable
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Sumable Wel to Moon Come Side. Come Moon to Wel Side, Ness

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

It was quite the fight. Without Wooper, we probably would have been dead, some corpses to be dissolved by the putrid silt that has been contaminated by the toxic pokemon that claim Sludgy Swamp as a home. After... maybe, thirty seconds of tossing a pebble at a muk, my nose began to smell what was around me, taking in the semi-noxious fumes. I was about to morph back into Wooper, when there was a sudden minty smell. The muks dreaded it, as they were beings of odor and sewage manifested into a living, breathing pokemon, and they tried to attack the person who made the smell; Tini. I rushed in front of Tini, so that he possibly wouldn't get hurt as much when they unleashed their sea of poison on us. Right as they did so, I morphed into one of them, so that I wouldn't immediately faint as well, and I take in more of the sludge, eventually getting larger than the huge muk, and I force them to the ground and let everyone lay waste unto them. I also used a few other moves on them as they were down as they struggled to push my 'arms' off of themselves. I then kick the big muk away as I grab the small one and hurl him at a surprising amount of sinkholes. As he charged back at us, he lost his balance and tumbled into one of the sinkholes. I smile, and then suddenly get hit right in the face by the larger muk, knocking me out and forcing me to change back. I woke up in less than a minute, though, but I felt dizzy from the blow, and I couldn't change into anyone. I grab some more rocks and toss them at him as he chases me, the little pebbles affecting him slightly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"How the hell is that fish still alive after four days?!" Despite his attitude and ballsy enthusiasm towards adventure, I was more focused on how he'd die from adventure. It didn't help knowing both Spruce and Kamina went against my advice, jumping into the... inverse dimension and flipping upside-down. Light didn't really work well, hence the appearance of large monolithic structures looking like randomly-growing crystals. Everyone else was running back and in shock, still unaware we were about to save their asses... maybe.

Letting go of previous thoughts, I decided to jump through as well. It wasn't easy actually jumping since I was hovering, so I lowered myself into the void - it was oddly a little disorientating, but I had managed to get the right way-up. So far, all good: floating islands made of... well, I had no idea. It looked like things you would throw away. The same went for the monolithic structures, becoming frames and husks of their former selves. Glass shards were floating everywhere, while a foggy cloud of depressing orange surrounded us all. Objects appearing as... boxes with wheels were flying, all broken and dented. Everything was frozen in time. It was definitely familiar. Maybe Davis could shed some light onto this, though that was out of the question.

"...what?" Snapping out of awe, I had quickly turned around to see a furious Buizel yelling at Spruce for being a traitor... why? Things got more clear once it was apparent that Spruce's attacks were near-useless against the Buizel, instead giving him a red mark on his face. I was however annoyed he just decided to attack us out of nowhere... therefore, we would have to act in the same manner. "Let's show that son-of-a-bitch some actual reasoning!" I cried out, joining the others as a group and letting off a Sonic Boom. Which manifested as a literal grey wave you could see. It was noticeably slow, but it would hit the Buizel with considerable force. If only physics was like this in the real world, otherwise I wouldn't be laying on the ground.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Thankfully, Celes' chains, M's sonicboom, and Kamina's ember were enough to take down the buizel... the only problem now was the fact that this landmass didn't seem to connect to any of the others in any way, shape, or form. Now what? How the heck do we get to these other platforms? I think as I start walking around the place, trying to find some sort of way around or some sort of switch that might somehow do something. I accidentally walk off the edge, but, instead of falling into the endless abyss dotted with strange, things, and odd crates that seemed to surround this place, I fall onto a different landmass, this time, one that was connected to another one, apparently closer to our goal. I look behind me, hoping that the rest of my team followed, and am surprised to see a grey colored eevee, staring at me with some sort of blank stare. "Giratina will make you pay for your crimes, traitor," he said to me with a creepy voice. He then attacked me with take down, trying to knock me off of this somewhat skinny landmass, but thankfully failing... and even then, only just. I attacked back with a vine whip, already knowing that void whip wouldn't do much. My attack didn't do as much as I hoped it would, and gave the eevee another chance to try to knock me into that strange void, however, just as he was running to pick up speed for his next take down, a crate flies in between us. The eevee hits the crate, and a bunch of strange metal cylinders fly out of it and distract the eevee long enough for me to use vine whip, and get farther away from the edge of this landmass.

I start wandering around, leaving a trail behind me, though, what I didn't notice was that apparently, I was revealing some more stone plates underneath the dirt as I walked. One of them, represented by the color orange, and a fire symbol lit up once I stepped on it. The orange light surrounded a square with sides roughly three feet in length, but, once I stepped off that vague area, the light stopped, and I looked back. "What was that?" I ask my team as I look at the trail, some of which was mud, and some of which was stone now. There appeared to be a thick layer of dirt over what looked like those pressure plate traps from earlier, save for the part that I already walked over. I go back to the plate, and it glows again, prompting me to reveal the rest of it. While I stood on it, there was a brightly glowing orange fire symbol in the middle that seemed to be etched into the stonework, and was difficult to see when the plate wasn't glowing. "So... do you think the other pressure plates are hidden under dirt, too?" I ask Matt, Josh, and Daniel. Daniel shrugs, and says "Buried by time, I guess... wow, how old is this place?" it must have been my turn to shrug, because I had no clue, but the place really did seem old... and if this place is that old, then... what of Darkrai and his friend? Obviously, being a legendary, Darkrai could survive, even in the toughest of conditions, but, it might be safe to assume that Darkrai's friend wasn't a legendary. He might not still be alive, due to either this very dungeon, or old age, and honestly, I hoped it was the latter, if that were the case.

Tini seems to have taken my advice, and used some sort of newly-concocted move he called 'Minty Mist', and he used said move on me. For some reason, I felt much stronger afterwards, and there appeared to be two barriers of some sort surrounding me, as well as a nice smell rather than the vomit-inducing stench of the swamp. William seemed to be doing a number on two of the muk, leaving me with one, particularly the one that I made cower earlier. I didn't let up, and used frustration on the thing once more, and it started running right for the hills. "Ha! And here I was, thinking that we'd get slaughtered by these guys," I say as the muk escapes the fight. The ground then starts to shake and the other two muk melt into the ground in some attempt to escape us. "Who dares to take the orb of light!?" I hear a voice shout from somewhere. I hear something approach. I try to tell the newcomer "We're not trying to steal anything...", I assumed it was going to be another slimy, stinky creature, but instead, a nidoqueen appeared in front of our group, and one that seemed a little different than most. "Um... who are-" I start to say before I'm cut off with her shouting "I am the protector of the light orb, one of the four orbs of balance! Now, intruders, tell me why you're trying to steal it, and I MAY let you go," I then answer, somewhat mad, "I'M NOT TRYING TO STEAL THAT THING! I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT IT IS!" I then add "...sorry..." in a tiny voice. "Oh... well... in that case, I suppose you can leave, sorry about that," she then answers, sounding much more calm than before. What in the world is an orb of balance, though?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sumable
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Sumable Wel to Moon Come Side. Come Moon to Wel Side, Ness

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

As we beat up the muk, one runs off and the other two sink into the ground, and I transform back into a smeargle again. Suddenly, I hear a shrill shriek, and by the sound of it, someone was trying to protect something. Suddenly, a nidoqueen approaches. "I am the protector of the light orb, one of the four orbs of balance! Now, intruders, tell me why you're trying to steal it and I MAY let you go," she says. Suddenly, Bonnie screams at the nidoqueen, and I look at both of them with wide eyes, thinking that Bonnie just doomed us. I tap my fingers together as I say "Um... w-we're just adventurers, our friend Wooper--" and then Wooper cuts in. "My name's John." "Oh, um... our friend John here said he found this place and he wanted to go as deep as possible into it, so we came here and that 'orb' thing caught our eyes. It's really hard not to miss, if you are protecting it, you should conceal it rather than having it in plain view," I say. John says "We're sorry, we weren't trying to take it," and Samuel was nowhere to be seen. "Where'd he go?" I ask, and John asks "Who?" as I look around. The Nidoqueen, not paying attention to John and I, says "Oh... well... in that case, I suppose you can leave, sorry about that." I look at her and ask "What is the orb, and what does it do?" Nidoqueen doesn't answer as she stares at us. "Go, or I shall hurt you," she growls, and I take out my badge. "I've seen enough," John says and I press the button as it turns green, sending all of us back to the guild.

"Whew! What a trip, huh?" he says. "Uh... so, I have six Oran Berries and three gummis, so shall I split them up between the three of you?" he asks, and I nod, taking my two berries and one gummi, and eating the gummi. "Mmm..." I say, the white gummi being bland... but, strangely, I liked it that way. The boring, normal flavor danced on my tongue. I get a few looks from the other guild members, and I sniff the air. We still smelled like Sludgy Swamp... at least, I did, since I was a muk right before we left pretty much. Tini's move didn't work after he used it, and after I had saved him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

As Celes looked around the place, she was getting confused by all this, by all that happened. She then saw Spruce fall down onto a land mass of some kind in the void. SHe rushes and looked down, and breath deeply when she saw that he was alright. Just then, a eevee went and attacked Spruce, trying to go and knock down from the weird platform that formed. All this place was too weird. She then jumped down and rushes at the eevee and uses her chains, grabbing the eevee and then holding it straight at her face.
"Now hold it right there...." she says before looking carefully.
'Mister. You think he is a traitor, but who is the real traitor here! Your master doesn't see he has been tricked by a absol named Desia. It is all a trick by her! Your world is not ending, it is she that want's my own world to fall in the void."
"Thousands, even several thousands of pokemons will suffer because of Giratina that does not see the truth! We only want to have a place to live and what do you do? You go and attempt to take the only place that we live in! So what you think? You can just go and take my own home when you think your home getting destroyed? What are you, insane?" she says, looking at him straight in the eyes, making her message vibrate in it's ears.
"And even if it was going to be destroyed, don't you think you could maybe survive in our world instead! Don't you think that maybe you would still be acceped! Look at me, I am different then the others, but does that mean I am not accepted! Of course not!" she says before shaking the eevee, looking at it straight in the eyes more, her message going and getting in more. She stares at it more.
"You are being blinded by fake excuses, please just wake up and see the truth!" she says, before feeling something in her. She then brought the eevee closer and.... used draining kiss, placing the kiss on it's forehead. She then moves back and stares at the eevee, dropping it on the ground. She stares at it, towering high compare to it, looking down at it. She wipes her mouth a bit. That felt strange.... she felt as if she took away some energy from that eevee there. She shivers a bit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 2 days ago


Following Spruce of the edge of the landmass they started on (wrongly assuming that he knew he was doing), he witnessed a horrifying sight; Celes using her lips to sap the energy out of that other Eevee. Or at least that's what it looked like to him. Since the Eevee was looking like the action was weakening him, and Celes seemed to be...sucking...something out of him. "Clearly I've gravely underestimated females. To think that they could be capable of something so...so...I don't even know what to call this." turning his body so that he was facing Spruce "it's clear to me now that I also underestimated your courage; I know that I lack the bravery to be in a romantic relationship with someone capable of both mind control, and sucking the life force out of others." At this point, his eyes started to water up with great manly tears "noble Spruce...your courage is truly an inspiration"

So they won the fight; yay! But then that Nidoqueen appeared out of nowhere (like a ninja), and started talking about some orb thingy. That confused him, since he had no idea what she was talking about. However, neither did any of his teammates, so it wasn't just him. "Yay! That was a fun adventure!" Tini cheered "although I forgot why we went there in the first place...oh well. We had fun, and no one died a horribly painful death...or any death. That's always good news" With yet another adventure under his non existent belt (only those with waists are allowed belts), Tini was feeling pretty good. "So, what's our next adventure?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 2 days ago

Anthony's slime trail revealed a switch that emitted an orange glow as he stood on it.
"Well, I guess that explains it." Josh said. He began spraying the ground with water, clearing the dirt off of the other two stone plates.
His teammates seemed concerned about how much dirt covered the switches. It was clear that they'd been untouched for a while.
"Did Darkrai ever mention how long he's been trapped in the basement?" Josh asked.
"No, but the elder did." Matt said. "It's been several generations, according to him. I doubt he'd still be alive at this point, unless he was a legendary as well."
"Only one way to find out."
Matt placed Josh down on one of the switches, and stood on one himself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaBling
Avatar of KaBling

KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Without much to add, the bastard Buizel fainted hard. While most Pokemon would just fall flat (even from a Hyper Beam attack), this one had been forced off the ground and slammed on its back. "Let's continue. The more we hang around here, the less secure I feel." I said, not familiar with this world and fearing corruption on the same levels as in the normal world. Being a Magnemite, I couldn't 'fall' - rather, I had hovered down slowly with the others, onto another land mass much lower. "Try not to trip. You don't want to fall forever." I said, forgetting to add a sense of danger to my sentence. Though, we had bigger problems. We weren't faced with a monolith in our face or anything. Rather, we had an Eevee in our faces.

Naturally, I listened and tried to fight at the same time. However, I stopped short of another Sonic Boom until Celes... well, she went up to the Eevee, and murdered it with a kiss. I was speechless. "Well, first monologue, second kiss of death. Let's get on with our adventure." I couldn't really say anything else. Too much shock. I did remember what the Eevee said earlier, laying catatonic by a broken crate full of...? "Spruce, what the fuck are they all trying to say?" I asked with suspicion and a questionable tone, as every one of those Pokemon kept referring Spruce as some sort of 'traitor.' Maybe it was common tactic shared around to basically tell us to kill our leader. But, I wasn't paranoid.

Not really expecting a useful response, I decided to get over to the crate and pick up one of the cans. I was surprised I couldn't pick it up with magnetism. Instead, I had to float down and nearly touch the complex and mesmerising ground, pretty much hugging the heavy damn can. "Class-0A-66 Emergency... Canned... Rations." I read out, dropping it from the immense weight. The big bold letters definitely made reading harder. I could only recognise this from Davis, who showed me images of the Dead World. "My, my..." I was a step closer to knowing what this place was... or rather, what this place was inspired from. "Whatever or rather whoever created this world... well, something's very off."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Kamina, Celes and M all followed me down to the next area, and after the eevee's run-in with the crate, Celes started shaking him and giving him some sort of monologue, she then kissed him afterwards. What the!? Who, when, why!? I think as I notice the eevee looking visibly, well, shaken and somewhat drained. Kamina then comments on how I have so much courage to stay in a relationship with her, but, more importantly, M asked me a question about these other pokemon. They kept saying things about me being a traitor... and kept saying something about Giratina, or 'our lord and savior'. "I... have no idea what they're talking about, honestly," I answer M, who seemed to be fiddling around with that strange metal cylinder from earlier. There appeared to be some writing on it, but it seemed like gibberish... emergency something or another with random letters and numbers after that. I decided to move on forwards, not even realizing when I suddenly fall, or am brought to, one of those strange pillars that was originally off in the distance. I start trying to walk into the 'door' of the place, but somehow end up on the wall, instead. Walking on a wall of some strange pillar... I never thought I'd ever end up doing that during an adventure, and yet, here I was. I hear someone behind me, and spot a trio of void pokemon, a sneasel, a numel, and a pidgeotto were all behind me, and looking mad as heck. "You're trying to ruin the great Giratina's plans, aren't you?" The pidgeotto asks, with the numel adding "All void pokemon are Giratina's creation... you are no exception. Why would you ruin your creator's plans?" The sneasel looked like she was going to say something, but instead, used ice shard on me, assuming that I was some sort of traitor... I guess? I then attacked the sneasel, that is, after taking some decent damage from ice shard, with a vine whip, that being my only real attacking option at this point. Odd, though, was the fact that I could still hear someone else nearby, but I couldn't see them...

The other two plates seemed to light up, as well, with Matt's glowing blue, and Josh's glowing red. Three symbols then appeared in front of the three of us, one of a fist, which was in front of Josh, one of an eye, which was in front of Matt, and the final one, the one in front of me, which was a fire-looking symbol. Said symbols then flew into the door, lighting it up for a moment before opening the door. The pressure plates under us then stopped glowing, to which, Daniel responded "Well? It's obviously not going to stay open forever. Let's keep going, we don't have any time to lose," I nod and head towards the door... of course, I was still slowed by Terra's gift, but I eventually made it. I then waited for the rest, and I assumed that once the others made it here, the door would slam shut once more. Ahead of me seemed like a relatively simple cave, even if it was very dark. I noticed a torch, or, rather what was once a lit torch in front of me... but it wasn't lit. Something seemed a bit off about it, though, as it seemed to be covered in some sort of weird, white material instead of the usual charcoal that would go on the tip of a torch. Another note was on the floor, but it was unreadable due to the darkness. It seemed to have the same handwriting as the last note, that is, very poor and almost unreadable. Whatever was written on the letter must have been some way of lighting our way forwards... though, it didn't SEEM like there were any tricks this time...

The wooper, apparently named John this whole time, teleported us out as soon as the nidoqueen started to get difficult. Sure, I wanted to know more about the orbs, myself, but I wasn't suicidal! She looked a lot tougher than those muk, and she was willing to just let us leave, either way, our mission was over, and our reward was two oran berries each, and our pick from three gummies. William took the white one before I could, though, I'll be honest, even though my mother always told me that I was supposed to love these gummies, I never really liked them all too much. Instead, I went for the black gummi that John had. Thankfully, he managed to keep it from smelling like the swamp we were just in, and it tasted incredible. It was indescribable, and amazing. It was almost, but not quite minty, with a hint of a somewhat bitter flavor, as well as the usual sweetness that all gummies had. I wonder, though, why was it that I liked these black gummies over the white ones? I was still a normal-type, right? All buneary are normal-types, and gummi preference is decided based on type, which would explain why William loved his gummi so much. I tried to hide my love for the sweet, but... well... it was still obvious, even to me that I was trying and failing to do this. After I finish, I finally say something "Hey, William, with your new 'transform' move, you can finally get the others to know who you are... I mean, you could turn into your old self, give them your diary, and then change back to your new self. Heck, you could probably visit your parents like that, and they wouldn't know the difference," that, of course, would have been the reason why I would have told him to visit the place, but, well, we went there anyways, and even got these gummies and berries in return. A win-win situation overall.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

As Celes moved forwards, staying near Spruce, she felt that they were fallowed. She looked back, seeing the eevee from earlier, saddened, tears in it's eyes. Celes looked at it and sighed. It moved forwards.
"I... I just don't know anymore... I... I am sorry. I just don't understand what is happening now..." he then says, before Celes let out a slight sight.
"Just let us go on in our way and go back with your parents." she then says, before seeing the eevee cry a bit more at the mention of parents.
"I... I don't have any parents... I was left alone all this time...." it then said. Celes looked at it saddened a bit. All alone.... no wonder he would be affected easily by a lie like that. She though about it more. Her parent had some explanations to give her, that she knew about the whole powers she have, but this little guy would not be able to survive if he went on for too long. She lean down next to it.
"I think I could ask my parents to take care of you if you want.... if you come to my world." she then says to him. The eevee looked at her, a slight spark in his eyes.
"Really?!" he says. Celes nod's.
"After we get what we were going to get here, I will bring you to my parents.... I need to visit them anyway and I could try to get them to adopt you." she says. The eevee smiles and then yip a bit.
"Thank you!" he says before Celes turns around, seeing Spruce had move forwards without her. Well... that was quick.... no waiting... She sighed as she sees the sneazle, the numel and the pidgeotto. She quickly rushed forwards and then used swift towards the bird, hitting him straight on.
"Hey! Instead of calling him a traitor maybe you should think a bit by yourselves of the situation! Giratina was tricked, but it seemed you guys are too blind to see it!" she then says, a new anger in her eyes as she stand tall, full of energy, only wanting to strike those guys down now. She had her chains formed right now, ready to strike those that came to close.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sumable
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Sumable Wel to Moon Come Side. Come Moon to Wel Side, Ness

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Hey, good idea," I say, not paying attention to her choosing the black gummi. I run in and grab my journal and climb up the ladder, saying "You guys can stay here," as I go out into Treasure Town, and cross the limits and go into Allure Town. I walk to my parent's house, and transform into a Kecleon. I walk in, and look around. "Mum? Dad?" I ask, peeking around a corner. They were just barely about to eat lunch. My parents were old now. Near the unfortunate and unstoppable force of death. My vision goes blurry for a second as I see some black mist flood into the room, but my parent's didn't seem to notice. Are they truly that senile? I thought as I see the black mist engulf them. My vision goes blurry again and I sit down, taking a few breaths and looking back up. My mother stood up to get me the soup she had made, her body shaking and quivering from her old and weakened state. I stand up and say "Oh, uh, mom, I can get it, just relax and enjoy my company," as I walk in and grab a bowl and pour some of the soup into said bowl. I go back to the table and begin eating, smiling at my parents. My dad, as usual, was crotchety and grumpy. He smiled for a second before continuing to grumble about his body. "So, I have some news..." I say. "Um... I got a new job," I say, first. "Oh, how'd you get fired from your old one?" my dad asks. I cough, and say "My boss fired me for asking him not to yell at me and publicly embarrass me," and then mom says "I never liked that old zoroark. Money hog, he is..." and I say "It's at the guild. I rescue people and help them find lost things. It's great, I got this whole team of people helping me with the job and they're all friendly." As I took a few sips of the soup, my dad asks "So, have you found a girl yet?" and I shake my head. He has a mighty sigh and says "So I guess I'll die before I get to see any of my grandchildren," and I was offended by this. "There aren't that many kecleon gals out there," I say, and then he soon gets in a fight with me about children and such. I put my bowl away, and change back into a smeargle. "Imposter! You're not my son!!" my father exclaims. I toss the book towards him, and pissed off, I leave, stubbing my toe on the way out and making it worse.

"Just forget them and let them die! They don't care about you, they care about themselves, the selfish arses!" a mysterious voice says. "Yeah..." I grumble, and someone bumps into me. "Watch it!" the pokemon says. "You watch where you're going!" I yell, and then the blaziken turns around. "What did you just say to me you punk?" he asks. I get up in his face and say "I said watch where you're going!" and he pushes me. I push him back and he says "I'll give you a five minute head-start, start running," and I see him make flames kick up from his arms. I realize what I had just done and bolt away, taking five minutes to get back to treasure town. In less than one he's already caught up to me and grabbed me by the scruff of my neck. I kick around and try to get him to release me. "I'm not letting you go until you say sorry," he says. I say "Sorry!" many times before he suddenly drops me, making me fall on my face. I stand up and run off again, going into the guild. I go down the ladder and sit down. "Ugh... what a day," I grumble.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 2 days ago

Three symbols appeared in front of them - a red fist, a blue eye, and an orange flame. The symbols flew into the door, opening it. Anthony went in, and found a note, as well as a torch.
"What does it say, Anthony?" Josh asked.
The moment he and Matt entered the cave, the door closed behind them. It was completely dark now. Unless they could get that torch lit, there was no way they would be able to read that note.
"Now, where's that torch?" Matt said. He felt along the wall for a moment. "Ah! There it is."
Matt then picked up two stones, and began hitting them together, creating sparks as he did so. This went on for several minutes, but nothing was happening.
"We may have to try another method." He said. "This is not a normal torch. It may be another one of the temple's puzzles. The answer might have been written on that note, but since we can't read it, we'll have to figure this one out ourselves."

Matt thought about it for a moment, mumbling to himself. after several minutes, it seemed like he'd figured something out.
"I think I've got it!" He said. "This may or may not work, but we might as well try. Now, Josh, I need to shoot a stream of water directly in front of you."
"It won't burn if you get it wet."
"Like I said, this isn't a normal torch. Just trust me."
Josh did as Matt said, but ended up completely missing the torch.
"A little to the left, I think."
Josh adjusted his aim a little and tried again. This time, he could tell that he hit the torch.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 2 days ago


Things were starting to get more complicated then Kamina was comfortable with. First off; all the Pokemon here kept calling Spruce a traitor, yet Spruce himself didn't seem to have any idea what they were talking about. Then there was the wacky physics of this place. It was bugging Kamina as he followed Spruce up a wall(?). Although his internal musings were broken by the arrival of three new Pokemon. This time however, Kamina was ready for them. "I won't bother trying to reason with you. The rest of your kin refused to head our words. So instead of words, let us communicate though battle!" That said, he fired off a volley of Embers at the Sneasel


Tini was currently feeling something that he was all to familiar with; confusion "wait...why would he need to know Transform to visit his parents? I don't know that move, and I'm sure that I could go see them if I wanted to." He squinted his eyes in extreme concentration "-think, think, think, think-" he chanted to himself as he pondered this puzzle (ha! Alliteration is fun). "Is...is he a wanted criminal who can't show his face around his home? Because I can't think of anything other then that, and I was thinking very hard"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"I think they're just making us hallucinate, what with all this broken laws of nature and shit." I suggested, once seeing Spruce not only walking a wall after 'falling,' but hearing that damn Giratina chant. "They're just trying to get into our heads. Kill every last fucker you see!" I yelled out, throwing away the can and zooming off towards Spruce - only to have the can smack into my head from behind. It hurt like hell, and by the time I had wound up behind Spruce I could feel my whole body was a cylinder. "Argh, don't mind me." I said, pulling the can literally out of my head and returning to a spherical shape. "See? They're screwing with us." Again, I threw the can away - this time, at the Pidgeotto while letting out a Sonic Boom attack. The can missed and flew back towards me, but I was able to catch it like a Frisbee. Oh... now I'm starting to remember what fun I had with Davis. I thought briefly, revisiting old memories of chucking metal plates before focusing on reality. The Sonic Boom had forced the flying Pidgeotto downwards once it started flying, though it began eying me evilly. "Right. Let's do this."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Everyone else seemed to almost instantly come to my aid, attacking whoever they could, yet, focusing on the pidgeotto, who, honestly was the bigger threat at this point. The bird seemed outraged, for some reason, and shouted "NORMALS!? You brought NORMALS into this place!? Not only are you a traitor, but you brought a bunch of normals into this sacred realm!?" This seemed to distract him, but I couldn't really take advantage of this. For some odd reason, the other void pokemon didn't seem to know or really care at this point. The numel still seemed focused on me, but the sneasel started to focus on Kamina, using pursuit on him, as if he was going to run away, or something... clearly, someone doesn't know Kamina too well. The numel used ember, and, try as I might, I couldn't avoid taking damage from the attack, and unfortunately, it was more than I thought it would be. I counter with a vine whip, but it didn't seem like he even felt the attack, let alone was knocked out by it. The thing was laughing at his easy victory, and fired another volley of ember at me... this was going to end me... this was going to finish me off right here and right now, or... not? Somehow, the ember never came, and my vision was blocked by something, or someone. I stand up, and notice an eevee, or, more accurately, that void eevee from earlier standing between the numel and I. The eevee uses take down on the numel, charging headfirst into danger... and it still wasn't enough, but at least I wasn't knocked out, yet, right? I tried another vine whip, and the thing still didn't fall over. "You think that eevee's enough to stop me? Pffft... I didn't feel his last attack," he says with obvious confidence. He tries using ember on me again, and just like last time, the eevee takes the hit... but... why? When did this random void eevee switch sides, and why?

The torch nearly explodes in white light, and once that dims down a bit, a bluish flame can be seen on the tip, a flame which served to light the cave. There were four more of these torches, each with different-looking stuff on the tip. "...wow... water lighting a torch, and then this much light? What is this place?" I think out loud as I make my way over to the note. It seemed to have the same horrible handwriting as the last one, which is to be expected, and it read...
If you're reading this, then that means you're a bit more serious
about following me into this dungeon. Now, let's get right to the
point. All of these torches need to be lit in order to reveal the way
further into the cave, but, each of them is different, and each one
responds to a different type of move. The type it responds to can
be determined from the torch's color... with the only weird one
being that white torch... apparently, that one responds to water
instead of normal or ice like I thought. Anyways, hope to see you

I then check the four torches more carefully, and note that one of them was green, another was brown, yet another was purple, and the fourth was pink for whatever reason. Hmm... maybe if I try... I think as I head over towards the green torch. I use Absorb on it, and a green flame bursts into existence shortly afterwards. I then thought about the brown one, and figured that its color might have faded over time... or... that either a rock, ground, or fighting move needed to be used on it. I hoped it was rock, given that rocks were pretty common, but if it was fighting, I suppose Matt could hit me with the torch, and I could use counter... but if it was ground, we were done for. We couldn't go any further, and the door back was already locked.

After watching William as he stumbles through trying to live his life and trying to explain everything to his parents, I notice Tini ask why he'd need transform, assuming he was an outlaw, or something. "No, Tini, he's not an outlaw... he just somehow, mysteriously changed into a smeargle... he used to be a keckleon, so, nobody thinks he's William, anymore, well, nobody but you and I, that is," I explain to Tini as I head back into the room, and check to see where Samuel might be. The beds were all empty, so he wasn't in the room, anymore. I shake my head, and look around the guild, trying to find him so I can explain what happened to William, however, I come across yet another mission statement regarding me and my father... I quickly take the mission statement off of the board, and run off into my room, hiding the mission under my pillow, just as I have last time. I then notice that bidoof's diary, again, and couldn't resist taking a peek. inside the 'journal', it said something about him finally getting to my father's house, and worse? Apparently he met the man, but, obviously, my father was too much for him, and he had to use an escape orb... which would explain how he was able to write this entry. You know, for a bidoof, this guy's pretty dang persistant... I think as I put away the journal, and, just in time, too, as the bidoof seemed to appear right after that... unfortunately, I wasn't as good at making it seem like I wasn't here as I thought I was, and he noticed something was off instantly "Hey... who's been reading in my journal?" He asks, though, I don't respond. He continues to ask around the guild, not getting a response from anyone, including me.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celes moved close to Spruce, helping him up slowly, looking at him, smiling slightly.
"I guess I was able to convince him. He is lonely.... no familly... so I told him I wuld bring him to my parents." she explains to Spruce before tushing forwards and attacking the numel, using hidden power at it, taking a ember hit for the eevee.
"I got him, take care that my friend dosent get hit more by ice or fire." she says. The eevee nods and rush back to help. She growls at all those void pokemons.
"Normal?! Do you think I am normal!? Do you think a normal can do this!" she then says, her chains formong all around her as light filled her body.
"You are the ones invading our own living place! You say we are traitors but you dont see the truth here! Giratina was lied by a absol named Desia! She tricked your master intothinking this place was dissappearing! And you want to invade our own world when we are livin beings also?! When we could have accepted you for who you are!? You have no shame!" she yells, then stiking the numel hard with her light chain' Seriously, this team was a major disadventage for Spruce. Everything could hurt him a lot.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 2 days ago

"Let there be light!" Matt said as the torch illuminated the cave. "That's Arceus. I was quoting Arceus."
Josh looked over at Anthony. "What's the note say?"

If you're reading this, then that means you're a bit more serious
about following me into this dungeon. Now, let's get right to the
point. All of these torches need to be lit in order to reveal the way
further into the cave, but, each of them is different, and each one
responds to a different type of move. The type it responds to can
be determined from the torch's color... with the only weird one
being that white torch... apparently, that one responds to water
instead of normal or ice like I thought. Anyways, hope to see you

Anthony lit up one of the torches - the green one - with Absorb, which left only three. Matt looked at them. "This brown one is either Rock, ground, or Fighting, the pink one's Psychic or Fairy, and this purple one is Poison, Ghost, or Dragon." He said. "Now, there's only one way to find out which type they are." He took the brown torch off the wall. "This one here may give us trouble. Anthony could probably use Counter, but if that doesn't work I don't think anything else will." He looked back at the other two torches, and placed Josh down in front of them. "Try to light those two, Josh. I'll work with Anthony to light this one here."
Josh used Acid on the purple one, and Confusion on the pink one, hoping they would light.

Matt turned to face Anthony. "Now, I'll have to attack you for this to work. Just try to aim for the torch instead of me."
As soon as he was sure Anthony was ready, he swung the torch at him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sumable
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Sumable Wel to Moon Come Side. Come Moon to Wel Side, Ness

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

William looked at Tini, and say "No, I'm not an outlaw..." and he closed my eyes, taking in deep breaths. He stood up, and then walked back into the room to get some sleep, but he heard the Bidoof ranting and raving about how someone broke into his room and took a look in his book. He sighed, got up, and then walked into the crew rooms, and then paced around. After a few restless attempts at napping, he said "No sleep today, I guess. No sleep."

He climbed the ladder to get to the Mission Boards and take a look at what he could get for a mission. There was a sketching of a sableye on the outlaw boards. Wanted for stealing items from the stalls, somehow slinking away without being caught. He had made some sort of suit that conceals the jewels on his back, and makes him hard to see in the dark, and he's suspected of stealing over 1000 pokê worth of items. He read the rest. 1000 pokê reward, minus the 'guild wages', that means 100 poke for each of us. He's apparently level 30, so the four of us could probably take him. He grabbed the mission, and walked outside in search of Samuel. Although, when William climbed the ladder to go outside, it didn't lead outside; it led to the basement of some building. The walls were stone, a fire was lit but there weren't any pokemon in sight. The floor was absolutely covered in hay, and there was an odor that was so putrid that it would make even the foulest, nastiest pokemon choke. There was a wooden door on the other side of the room, and a set of stairs. He turned back to go into the guild again, but the entryway was no longer there, so he turned back around, walking to the stairs and going up them. After he opened the door, and looked inside, he closed the door. The room it led to was the exact same basement. He went back down the stairs, and opened the wooden door.

He walked in; suddenly it got loud. An intense whispering of five voices drummed in my head, getting louder and more hateful as he listened. He walked down the corridor, and turned to the right; there was no other way to go. Another hall. He went down this one, turning to the right. There was a stack of hay, with baskets of apples. He took one, and ate it, and continued walking. Another right; this led right back where he was, and he thought "Wasn't there only one way to go when I opened the door? Wasn't it only one hall? In fact, where was the door? Am I dreaming? I must be dreaming... I can float, and see the stars! Haha! A lucid dream. How wonderful." He began floating in the room, seeing a wide span of different stars, but then he suddenly dropped like a stone, and the stars are gone. He continued walking down the hallway... "Hey, were the voices gone? Weren't they here a few minutes ago? I continue going along, but I see the same things. Haystacks with fruit on them in one hallway, and nothing in the others. Where am I?" He pondered about the voices, and then thought to himself "I've always had a voice in my head... describing every action I do, everything I say... and now it's describing me thinking about it describing my life..." and then he realized, out of rational thinking, this couldn't be a dream. He felt the temperature, cold and damp, he felt the ground, stone cold and hard as rock.

As he realized that this could not be a dream, he yelled "Hello? Is anyone there? Can anyone hear me? Help me, I'm lost! I don't know where I am or what's happening! My name is William and I live in Allure Town, someone help me! I'm not dreaming, this is real, this is VERY real!" beginning to run down the hallways, soon shouting "HELP, HELP! I'M REAL, I'M NOT DREAMING! SOMEONE HELP!" and he heard a voice trying to calm him, and a ghost, maybe, stops him gently, and then he began panicking, hyperventilating and soon continuing to run. There was no hope. "ANYONE, CAN ANYONE HEAR ME?! BONNIE! SAMUEL! MOTHER, FATHER! ANYONE?!!" he screamed, looking all around as his vision gets blurry. He fell down again, this time unconscious. He was in a delusional fit; running around treasure town in a square for a while, then he began screaming until someone tried to help him, and he pushed past them, until he fainted of hyperventilation.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 2 days ago


The little Magikarp had suffered a lot of indignities in his life. Most in the form of a severe beating. However, none came close to the level of insulting that this Sneasel had heaped upon him; this...scum dared to use Pursuit on him...Pursuit! That was a move that you used on fleeing foes. "How...dare...you. How dare you!" if a voice itself could ever be literally on fire, then would most likely have counted "Pursuit...you used Pursuit on me!? Do I honestly look like one to flee at the first sign of danger!? Only when my broken and bloody body is surrounded by the corpses of my commands will the very idea of retreat ever occur to me!!!!!!!! And with a feral scream, Kamina lept at the Sneasel, Embers flying from his mouth


Being a naturally early riser, Tini was roused by William himself getting up. It was then that Tini's mind came up with a brilliant idea (to him); he would sneak up behind William and spook him, just like his old teacher used to do to him all the time. The plan was foolproof (not really, but you try telling the little guy otherwise)! Following William upstairs, and that's when things got...weird. William began wandering around, like he had somehow gotten lost. Next came the weird talk. It horrified Tini; he had seen this before "no...he's got the crazies..." squirming up to William, he tried to shake him out of it "William! William! You have the crazies! You've got to fight it!" That plan failed completely, leaving Tini with only one other option "somebody, please! I need a frying pan! My friend is suffering, he has the crazies! Only a frying pan channeling the power of love can bash the crazies out of his head" the little Dragon pleaded to the other Pokemon nearby
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Well, somebody's gotta clean up." I said , shrugging while admiring Celes'... well, rage. And Kamina's psychotic fury. Meanwhile, the Pidgeotto was busy focusing on Spruce and the converted Eevee - knowing they were screwed on either side, I hovered over to them rather quickly. My ring of Pokes had disappeared, though I had a funny feeling they'd be back. "Let's clip that guy's wings - he's too high." And so, I tried chucking my can again. Unfortunately for me, it had suddenly gained immense weight. I let it go swiftly before it had a chance of dragging me down with it. Well, it's not like that was going to work. Doing this the old-fashioned way seemed to be the only option. "Ah, hell." I muttered, rubbing my magnets together (somehow in this place), sending a Thunder Wave towards Pidgeotto. Oddly, the wave was red and vicious, and I felt a bit of a jolt. I personally blame this world for it, though... it seemed somewhat familiar, I guess.
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