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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Kamina went all out rage-mode and fired another ember at the sneasel just before Celes attacked the trio of void pokemon with her chains, and M paralyzed the pidgeotto. The eevee that apparently, was on our side now, used take down on the crippled bird, getting it to faint right then and there. Ignoring the fact that I was tired, I manage to use vine whip on the numel, who didn't seem to eager to laugh at me, and seemed legitimately worried, now. Between the chains, and Kamina's latest ember, the sneasel fell to the ground, fainted, leaving just the numel. "Uh... um... Pat? Sam? Anyone? I... I get scared when I'm alone..." the numel said in his usual somewhat dumb-sounding voice. He started to back away, as if trying to run, but... would my teammates allow him to? I decided to just stand there and wait for what my teammates decided to do to this numel. If they chose to let him go, then I wouldn't attack, but, if they decided to finish him off, then I'd attack, as well, adding whatever damage I could into the mix with another vine whip... though, I feel as though that might not do much, at all. I look over at Kamina, and notice something... off... he almost seemed as though he was ready to evolve somehow. I don't know how I can tell, but I can. "So... Celes, M, Kamina, what do you think we should do? Should we let him escape, or should we finish this numel off?" I ask my team as he continues running away, albeit very slowly.

Two more torches light up with fires of their respective colors, and, of course, lighting up the room a bit more. I was then bopped on the head with the only unlit torch, and used counter, hitting it back, and lighting it up. "Ow! Well, it's a good thing I'm fire-resistant..." I say as the fire hits me from my own counter. A door then opens up to the next area, and I head right on ahead... though, again, at my new, slower, pace. This next room seemed to have a giant net above it for some reason, as well as several odd devices lining the walls. There were several switches this time, and yet another note.
If you're reading this, then you've passed
through that last room. Betcha didn't know
this, but that room's torches are different
for everyone that enters that room! they will
always choose move types that you can use!
How crazy is that? Anyways.. on to this room.
These switches, or, at least, the ones that work
form a path, though, not the most direct one,
in fact, it may be the least direct path! Oh, and
if you were thinking of floating past this place...
well... that net would like to say 'hi' to you...
I've tried, and that net gets me every time!'

I show the note to Matt, Josh, and Daniel, who says "Please, as if a net could have a mind of its own..." he then flies up for a second, only to have the net fall on him, and the rest of us. A voice could then be heard in our minds... 'NO FLYING...' odd. The net resets itself, but, only after Daniel looks sufficiently shaken up from that. I then think ...least direct path, huh? I wonder... I then head off to the switch on the far left, and step on it. It glows a bright golden glow, and nothing else seems to happen. Daniel follows, still looking a little scared of the net, and I step on the switch just to the right of that, which does the exact same.

William woke up a little earlier than usual, and ran right outside, where I quickly followed. The moment I got outside was the same moment Tini started, er, wrapped himself around William and started shaking him. Tini was shouting about the 'crazies', and I had to believe him as William continued shouting as if he was all alone somewhere. "William, snap out of it!" I shout at William, hoping that he'd listen, and hoping that he'd snap out of whatever fantasy land he traveled to. I then walk over to the shop, and check what they had to sell. One of the heads seemed a little mad at me, but the other one seemed just fine. "So... er, nicer head, what do you have for sale?" I ask the head that wasn't trying to kill me. He responds by putting a box full of those strange small mirror-like things similar to the thing that I have... well, save for the fact that they were all colored differently. Unfortunately, none of the moves that these... TMs, as Ed calls them, had, actually appealed to me. Well, either they were weak and generally not a great move to have, I couldn't learn the move, or the TM was too expensive for me. I then walk back to William, and shout, again, "William, snap out of it!" I then just stand there, waiting for him to respond to my shouting, which seemed like an odd thing to do, but it really wasn't. A random meowth walks up to me, and says "Okay, whatever I did that day to scare ya, I'm sorry," I, however, wasn't having any of the thing's tricks, and run off, this time to the guild, just to make sure that I was away from the hideous monstrous creature. Thankfully, either I stunned it with my screams of fear, or the thing didn't want to follow me, because I was all alone in the guild, well, not ALL alone, but alone enough.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celes looked at Spruce and then the numel.
"I have another idea here." she then says before her chains grabs the numel and bring him right at her face.
"You heard what I said earlier! You heard what was happening! Desia is the true enemie here! Tell your master that he should check back with his information to see if they are really true instead of attacking my world! And seriously, don't you have any shame of invading the world of someone else?! What if it was us that would come in to remove all the void completely and ruin your world! We are not here for that! We only want our world to be back to how it was! So I sudgest you stop fallowing your master blindly and question if he is still sane in his head!" she yells at the numel, before dropping him on the floor, breathing deeply. She looks at her team.
"Do as you want, I just said what I wanted to say." she then says, a weight out of her shoulders right now. The little eevee moved close to her, staring at the numel, unsure what to say now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sumable
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Sumable Wel to Moon Come Side. Come Moon to Wel Side, Ness

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

William woke up soon enough. He was still in shock, and he was having a hard time moving. Thanks to his little hallucination, he had amassed a crowd that had circled around him around the time he began screaming in a panic. He was also having a hard time catching his breath, and was still laying down on the ground, unable to stand up. "Hey man, are you okay?" a Pidgey asks, and he didn't respond. They began poking at him until he woke up. Once he did he broke into tears, terrified beyond belief from what just happened to him, and he walked back to the guild, shaking. The group still followed, insisting that he should get help no matter how many times he told them that he was fine. Once he went into the guild they were forced to leave, otherwise the guard would see them and alert the guild.

He went down the ladder, and into the crew rooms, expecting to possibly find Samuel. Samuel was sitting in the crew rooms, and William asked "Where have you been? It's felt like days since we've seen you. What's going on?" and got no reply other than Samuel looking at his feet. "I went searching for the REAL William. The kecleon one, not you, you imposter. How did you even get into the guild? Where is William, huh?!" Samuel says, standing up and glaring at Will. He looked at him, surprised. "Samuel, I'm me. That ninetails curs-" William says before Samuel interrupts with "I don't care about your excuses! You're NOT WILLIAM!" and he sighed. "Where's Bonnie?" William asked. "I heard her screaming somewhere in the guild, go find her yourself," Samuel snarls. William turned and left, looking for Bonnie. Once he found her, he showed her the mission he got before he went insane.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 3 mos ago

I rolled my eye while watching the others have their own opinions. There was certainly a morality thing here. I wanted to let him go, yet another part of me just wanted to end him... days ago, I'd be more willing to actually help. Now? Not exactly. I've witnessed evil here and there, but... eventually, I just kinda lost my heart somewhere. I still try to blame Davis, though unfortunately it's not like that's gonna help me. "I say kill him. Knock him out." I said without hesitation, facing the Numel who was deciding on fight or flight. "We don't need further trouble in this journey to hell, or whatever this place is." I continued, trying to reason and yet... even I didn't want to do this. It has to be done. Some things in this world are too dark to illuminate. I held back any reluctance in this matter, charging my magnets and rubbing my eye from the mental pain of it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 2 days ago


Still really worked up about the insult that the Sneasle heaped upon him, Kamina recogised that he really wasn't in the right frame of mind to make a decision about the life of another living being "I...I don't think I should have any input as to the fate of this Numal as I currently am. I fear that my rage at his ally might effect my judgment. So I shall leave that to the rest of you."


After an epic quest (read; trip to the kitchen), Tini returned to his fallen ally with the item of great power that would restore his mind (read; the frying pan that he was going to bash his brains out with). "William! It's going to be okay; I got the frying pan. William?" However he wasn't where he had last seen him. Panicking, Tini raced around the guild in search of him. He soon found William with Bonnie "I found you William! Bonnie's here too? That's great! She can hold you down while I cure you so you don't hurt yourself or anyone else" Reading his frying pan, Tini said "everything is going to be alright William, I'll smack those crazies right out of your hand. And don't worry; the mind numbing pain only means that it's working."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 2 days ago

The door opened once all of the torches were lit, revealing yet another room. There was a large net at the top of the room, several switches on the ground, and some strange devices on the walls. There was also a note, which Anthony showed to everyone else.

If you're reading this, then you've passed
through that last room. Betcha didn't know
this, but that room's torches are different
for everyone that enters that room! they will
always choose move types that you can use!
How crazy is that? Anyways.. on to this room.
These switches, or, at least, the ones that work
form a path, though, not the most direct one,
in fact, it may be the least direct path! Oh, and
if you were thinking of floating past this place...
well... that net would like to say 'hi' to you...
I've tried, and that net gets me every time!

Daniel attempted to fly over the switches, but the net came down on him and everyone else in the room, then went back up to the roof. Josh then heard a voice in his head.
Anthony then began stepping on the switches, and Daniel followed on foot this time. Matt tried to stay on the ground as well, but it was pretty difficult for him, since that he didn't have any legs and usually floated everywhere he went. He dragged Josh's bucket on the ground as well.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
Avatar of Lugia

Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


I hear what both of my teammates have to say, and decide to knock out the numel with one last vine whip, and continue onwards, or, was it upwards? Well, I continue on in some direction until I run out of tower. I then look 'down', and notice nothing more than the endless abyss, looking forwards, however, I can see the altar where the void crystal supposedly is... and the void crystal, itself. Were those fiends, those horrible pokemon, actually telling the truth? I ask myself as I try to figure out some way of getting to the altar. I notice a bunch of crates floating, and somehow making a path to said altar. Hm... this kind of thing reminds of Vine... he used to talk about this 'Mario' game all the time, and this looks like the kind of thing that would be in it. I think as I look back at my team, sort of wondering what to do next. That jump was kind of far, and way too easy to miss. I then look for any other possible path, but, failing that, I start to ask M something, but then remember that I'm probably too heavy for him, let alone everyone else. I take a deep breath, take a few steps closer to the edge before backing away, and then, when I think I have enough distance, I start running, eventually breaking into a sprint, up until the last possible step when I jump, and... I miss. Thankfully, however, I had a vine whip ready, and I managed to loop that around the crate before I fell to my doom. I simply climbed up the vine whip, and try to balance on the crate. "Well... looks like this is the only way across..." I say more to myself than the rest of my team, who probably heard me as well. I then look for the next crate, which was thankfully much closer, and jump to that one without nearly as much difficulty. I nearly fall off the thing twice, but, if it was the only way...

I continue walking along, trying my hardest to take the longest possible path there, though, I accidentally misstep press the wrong switch. The switches somehow flip ninety degrees, and, due to their slickness, I fall right into the lower level. The net also deploys, apparently just in case some flying-types, or psychic-types were trying to cheat the system, and just fly until the switches flipped back. Speaking of, once they did, the room got really dark, as, apparently, the only source of light down here was those switches. I look forwards, or, at least, where I think is forwards, and see several glowing eyes, which made me a bit uneasy. "Uh... guys?" I ask, wondering how to even attack these things... whatever they were. I try Absorb on one of them, and somehow manage to hit it, though, it doesn't seem to do much, as the thing laughed at the attack. Why can't I ever fight in a well-lit room? I ask myself as I try bubble, missing the mystery pokemon, this time. A few attacks, two licks, and one hypnosis are all launched at me, and, while the licks both hit, the hypnosis just flew over my head. I then prepare to counter, however, they all decide to attack Matt, instead, all three of them using lick on him, though, Daniel managed to get in the way of one of the attacks, and obviously didn't take much damage from it. Daniel then retaliated with a Shadow Rush, though, it missed, and he ran right into the wall. He tried a second time, and a shout of pain indicated that he actually hit one of them. The pair of eyes that went with the pokemon Daniel hit dropped to the floor, and the pokemon in question was probably knocked out. "Well, that's odd... maybe they're just not very tough, whatever they are," I comment, noticing the one-hit-KO that just happened.

Apparently, my kitchen-based hideout was found by William, but, thankfully, it was just William, and not that other THING... I shudder at the thought of that thing finding its way down here, and read the mission that William got... somehow. "Hm... a Sableye, huh? Well, I think we, as a team, can take that thing," I say to William. I then notice Samuel on the other side of the door, and start to ask "Why isn't he...?" I then remember that Samuel can sometimes be as dumb as a bag of rocks, and say "Oh, right, never mind, he still doesn't think you're really you... try the Transform trick on him... show him your old form first, and tell him how this whole... thing happened," Tini then came in with a frying pan, and said something about William going crazy. I shout "NO! Don't! He's cured!" I then add "But... keep the pan, we might need it in the future," I'm sure Tini would understand, besides, he doesn't look like someone who would just throw away a frying pan if there might be some sort of use for it. I then notice one odd detail... the mission statement didn't say where the thief is! I was going to start heading out in the direction towards wherever that was, but, well, I can't do that if I don't know where this thief might be. I decide to head over to Samuel, and ask "So... do you really think William's just missing, and the William we have with us, right now, is some sort of imposter?" I kinda knew the answer would be 'yes', but, I was really just asking it to keep him in the guild longer, so we can possibly pull this whole Transform to convince thing off. Here's hoping he'll at least trust the real William... I think as I stand there, waiting for his response, and secretly looking out for that hideous monster that chased me back into the guild.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sumable
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Sumable Wel to Moon Come Side. Come Moon to Wel Side, Ness

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I scream as I see Tini brandishing a large frying pan. "Don't hit me! Don't hit me!" I yell, falling backwards. Bonnie asks Samuel something, and he sighs and says "Yes. He's NOT WILLIAM! He's an imposter!" I take the mission back, and see 'Suspected of stealing from the Kecleon Shop in Treasure Town, and Ed/Bob's stall in Allure Town.' "Let's go to the Kecleon Stall first and ask them about him. Hopefully we can find this guy," I say, going outside of the hideout, and I head down to the Kecleon Sh-... "What's going on?" I ask as I see a very disheartened group of kecleon put away their items, which were very few in number, into bags for each kecleon, made out of mats that they commonly use in dungeons. "We've gone broke. We've been raided, our shopkeeps have been kidnapped COUNTLESS times, and that stall in Allure Town drived our profits into the ground, they blew us out of the water!" they say, and a couple of the kecleon were crying because they loved working there. I ask "Who's been raiding you?" "We don't know! He's as quick as lightning and sneakier than a... than a Kecleon!" they reply, and I say "It's probably this sableye guy; he was nearly caught at Ed and Bob's apparently, but he slipped away," and they sigh. "Y-you don't mind helping us, do you?" a purple kecleon asks. I look at them; 2 mats left to pack away. I take an apple, a TM, and some berries and fold up the mat, giving it to the purple kecleon, and he smiles, giving me 50 Pokê. I give it back to him, and go into Allure Town, getting some sneers from the people as they see my badge. I continue walking, even getting harassed by some of the rival guild members, but they eventually stopped.

I get to Ed and Bob's, and I ask "So, have you seen a Sableye wearing some sort of outfit that makes him 'as dark as the shadows'?" and Ed nods. "Caught him in the act the other day! We ain't letting him hit us EVER again!" he says. Bob glares at me. "He isn't in cahoots with you, is he? I bet he is! Get out of here!" he says, and I sigh. I head to the news station, which was right in the center between both cities... people usually sold their own things like human tech here, and as I'm checking around, I see him club someone down with a bag with some sort of sand-like material in it, and steal their stuff, then he runs away, climbing up buildings with a claw-like machine. So a thief and an inventor. I try chasing him, but he had already ran way ahead of me and went from building to building. I curse, and turn around. Samuel had been following me, and was now trying to climb up the building, but he fell back down after his first jump. I start going back to the guild, and see some dumb Riolu who was surrounded by a lot of police. He was hiding in a trash can, when he burst out and began to climb the wall only to get caught by a snivy, pulled down, shocked by many electric types and then taken away. "Hah! Wow, what a dumb criminal," I say and Samuel nods as we enter the guild.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celina just stared at Spruce as he goes and jumps on the platforms, trying to get the void crystal.
"Be careful.... please...." she says before seeing the eevee from earlier going to jump. She quickly catches him with her ribbons.
"Oh no mister.... we already have Spruce going for the crystal, we don't need someone else to go." she then says. The eevee looked sad.
"But it looks so fun!" he says. Celina sighed and shake her head.
"Just let him do it..." she says. The eevee looked down and sat down. Celina just stares at Spruce go.
"I forgot to ask your name... Name is Celina by the way..." she says. The eevee looked at her and looked at Spruce.
"Dylian..." he then says. Celina smiles a bit.
"That is a nice name." she says, hoping Spruce would be alright.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
Avatar of Card Captor

Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 2 days ago


"Hah! This is nothing to me! After all, I move by hopping around" and just like he said, he Splashed from platform to platform like an Olympic athlete. Although considering the fact that he had spent years training that useless move, it only made sense that he'd be able to get something out of it (even if it only is the ability to move on land). "By the way; I just now noticed that the Eevee from before is following use. Is that a good thing, or not?"

While Bonnie's suggestion that he keep the frying pan was a smart one, it also seemed to imply that he wasn't already planing on it. 'That's just silly; frying pans are way too valuable to get rid of like that just because you don't have a use for it at the time. What does she think I am, stupid?' As for their current adventure; they were finally going to do something befitting a defender of justice; catch a thief. 'Yes! At long last, I'm finally going to get to beat up a bad guy!' Little Tini was quivering in excitement all the way. They went to go talk to some shopkeepers who gave them some details; the most important being that the thief was a Sableye. Then they left for Allure Town to go talk to the other shopkeepers. Tini thought it was a really friendly place; everyone who saw them made funny faces at them, so Tini being polite, made his own funny face right back at them. The shopkeepers on the other hand weren't so friendly; while they did confirm that it was a Sableye that was the thief, they also accused them of working with him. They did see him on the way to the guild however; using some strange gadget. While Tini tried to attack him with a Fairy Wind, he missed, so the Sableye got away. That made Tini sad...for 12 seconds, before he forgot why he was even feeling sad in the first place
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 2 days ago

Anthony had accidentally stepped on the wrong switch, making all of them flip ninety degrees. Anthony immediately dropped down into the pit below them, but Matt floated above them. Seconds later, the net came down, knocking Matt and Josh down into the pit. Before they could get back up, the switches flipped back to their previous position. They were trapped down there.
"So, how do we get back up?" Josh asked. There must have been some kind of exit down there. He couldn't see it, though.

A bunch of glowing eyes appeared on the other side of the room. A couple of them used lick on Anthony, and one of them used Hypnosis, but thankfully missed. Matt put up Reflect right before they went to use lick on him. Daniel managed to block one of the attacks, but the other two managed to hit him. Thankfully they didn't paralyze him, but he took quite a bit of damage. Josh used Confusion on one of them, hoping it would hit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaBling
Avatar of KaBling

KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 3 mos ago

I wasn't... exactly happened with my actions. The Numel got a good thwack in the back of it's head, but it fell rather suddenly. "Good riddance." I said, praising Spruce somewhat. After what felt like minutes, we were by the edge of the tower's wall. The glass and everything else was quite grey, but as we kept walking, the 'ground' and windows slowly got darker. As if we were nearing something.

"Sorry I'm cheating, but blame nature for giving me the power to fly." Rather casually and almost bragging, I left the tower and began hovering over the void to the other side. Looking down was... quite sickening and caused a bit of dizziness. Thankfully, I was able to retain my 'balance' and cross over to where everyone else was. By the time I got over, Spruce was on another crate, while Celes and her... new friend decided to stay behind. Kamina basically flopped and actually made it to the platform before I did, in quite a good fashion. It was my turn again, and I was floating over the void over to Spruce again. "Well, this is eerily calm."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
Avatar of Lugia

Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


I make it across the crates with some difficulty, unlike Kamina who just flopped over there, and M, who could float, and see the void crystal, in its altar, pulsating with some sort of purple energy. "Well... here goes everything..." I mumble to myself and whichever teammates were close enough to hear me as I take the crystal. The moment I do, a portal back to our world opens up behind myself, and Celes. Well, that was nice of them saving the trip back. I think as I head through the portal without hesitation. I hear an odd voice 'fools... what have you done...?' from somewhere, as I do, but, I simply shrug and continue through the thing. It seemed as though those two fire types were telling the truth about the void crystals needing to be taken to some special place, or, at the very least, they were right about them being corrupted, somehow. Once back, I notice that the void corruption has receded somewhat, leaving at least some ocean. I then take a look at the crystal, and am nearly hypnotized by the thing. Why the heck was I so interested in this thing? Was it simply because I'm a void pokemon? I then think about what those others said... traitor... that I was one of them... that I was, for some reason, or somehow, created by Giratina... that stuff couldn't be true, could it? I mean, I would know if I belonged there, wouldn't I? That place would feel more familiar than it did, and I would have trouble knocking out my supposed 'brethren', wouldn't I? These questions filled my head as I headed back to the guild... so much so, that I almost forgot to hide my explorer's badge from the Treasure Towners.

The others started getting attacked, and I noticed a familiar pale light which now emanated from our entire team. That light meant that Matt's reflect was put up. Josh's confusion seemed to hit, and seemed to deal a lot of damage to the thing. Not enough to KO it, but, close. Daniel decided to finish that one off with another Shadow Rush, leaving only one conscious. I prepare to counter whatever damage is thrown at me, and thankfully, get targeted for an attack. I try to retaliate, but, I seem to go right through the thing, whatever it was. It laughed at my failure, and put Daniel to sleep with Hypnosis. Thankfully, it didn't seem as though he was taking damage in his sleep, this time, so, at least we weren't up against Darkrai again. I try to use bubble, knowing, now that counter wouldn't work no matter what, but I miss, completely, and get hit with a lick in return. Something wasn't quite right about that... for some reason, I couldn't move after that attack was used... wait, no... I was paralyzed. "This is getting bad..." I comment as the mystery pokemon goes for another lick, this time on Matt. I tried to get in the way of the attack, but between paralysis and my new bracer, I couldn't so much as move. Daniel continued snoozing, and it didn't seem like there was much we could really do at the moment, but, thankfully, we were almost done with the fight... we could rest once we were done, and hopefully, I can rest off my paralysis, as well.

I run around town, following my teammates, and notice that Samuel somehow decided to follow us, again. He didn't do much, though, just try and fail to mimic our thief, who just managed to slip away from us. I recall the slight issues they had with Bob and Ed... well... mainly Bob, and notice that the place is quickly running out of stalls of any and all kinds, and I look back at the only store still standing, and whisper to William "I've got this," I then head back to Bob and Ed's store, but this time, I use Attract on the two, who apparently start feeling the effects almost instantly. I then ask them "I've noticed that you're the only shop that's still in business around here, is there anything more I should know about that?" They both nod, and one of them (honestly, I can't tell the difference) says "Well, uh, I'll tell you that he's not working for us, and, uh, we're kinda scared that he might put us out of business..." he then sort of trailed off, and I think about an odd little plan, asking "Do you have any lookalike items that you wouldn't mind losing?" One of the two nods, and they both, for probably the first time in their life, work together and pull out a bunch of false items. I then instruct "Okay, good, now put all of your valuables in another bag, and we'll put these fake items on the shelf... we'll even have a fake shopkeeper take over while you're safe and sound in Treasure Town's famous guild," normally, one of them would have complained, but they both agree, and head off to Treasure town. They did forget to put the lookalike items on the shelves, so, I do that for them, and head back to William. "Okay, I think I've got a bit of a plan... I'm going to need you to use Transform on Bob and Ed, though, are you okay with this?" I say to William as soon as I make it back to where he is.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
Avatar of Evanist

Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celes looked as the portal opened and then jumped in, looking around as she sighed carefully, having heard a voice before entering the portal. She shook her head.
"I am guessing that was giratina... he just dosent know what he is doing." she says annoyed a bit as Dylian the eevee arrived near her.
"This place... woah... so different..." he says as he looks around the place, looking at the sea and the blue sky. He cleared out his eyes abit. Celes smiles at him as she nudge him a bit.
"It is colorful at least. Though even if things work differently here a bit. Just fallow me and we should be fine." Celes then says, having the eevee nod. She then moves near Spruce and kisses him on the cheek.
"I am glad that is done. I am thinking about going to my parents finally, though I am not sure how they would react to me being like this. I also need to ask my parents if they wouldent mind taking Dylian here in the family." she then says calmly,
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sumable
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Sumable Wel to Moon Come Side. Come Moon to Wel Side, Ness

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I see Bonnie come back with news. "What? Why would I have to use Transform on them?" I ask as I see them pass by. I transform into them and head with Bonnie to the stall, and I look at all the shiny things and I find some way to enter, and when I felt the items, they felt real. I see customers approach and ask for an apple, but I said "Well, the real Ed and Bob are on a break, and I'm covering for them, and they told me that I should just stand right here and not to touch anything and if any customer approached that I should say what I'm saying now!" instead, and they back off, leaving. I look at Bonnie, and ask "What if the thief doesn't hit here again?" and I look around. "Or what if he notices that I'm not fighting with myself? Or that both my heads turn in the same direction every time?" I ask. I see something out of the corner of my eye and I turn towards it. Suddenly I feel like I'm blinded as I see him approach quite quickly and suddenly when he ducks into the shade, he seems to disappear, but I knew where he was! I use Bite, but I hit nothing. I feel a heavy substance, like a heavy bag of sand hit both of my heads and he begins to loot the place, but it took a while. I wake up, and grab him, pinning him to the ground. "Ooph! Hey, watch it!" he says, trying to push me away. I push him into the ground, and he screams "Ouch! Stop! OUCH!" and I continue pushing him. "IF YOU STOP, I'LL SHOW YOU WHERE EVERYTHING IS!" he says. I hear him begin to cough something up before I stop pushing him into the ground.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 2 days ago

Daniel was asleep, and Anthony was paralyzed, but thankfully there was only one opponent left. It was up to Josh and Matt to defeat them.
"We appear to be fighting Gastly or one of its evolutionary relatives." Matt said. "Keep using Confusion. That should keep them off of us."
He then got hit by yet another Lick, which, combined with the damage from the other two attacks that he took, weakened him a lot. He tried to use Recover, but he was unable to move after the Gastly's attack.
Josh sighed. He would have to defeat the Gastly without Matt's support this time around. Fortunately the reflect was still up, but he had no idea how long that would last. It was dark, but he could just barely see something floating nearby. He used Confusion on it, hoping that it would be enough to knock it out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 2 days ago


"I'm going to be honest with you guys" the fish began as he reached the other side of the portal "I have no idea what we just accomplished. Don't get me wrong; I had an amazing time. Exploring such a strange land that seemed to operate under different physical laws, and getting into some fun fights...the one with that Sneasel aside. However, I'm not sure just what we did back there, other then getting into a few fights of course. Come to think of it, I don't remember why we even went there in the first place" that last part he mused to himself "oh well, I guess it's not that big a deal. As long as someone remembers why. I'll just be content with the memories of that adventure. So, what's next for us? Any chance we could go to another strange world like that one and get into some more random fight because...come to think of it, why did they want to fight us in the first place? Don't get me wrong; I understand the desire to fight in order to better oneself, but it seemed far more personal to them. I think they might have mentioned something about Spruce being a traitor. Although I could be wrong, since that would't make any sense. That place was as strange to you as it was to us, so you couldn't have been from there"

His very first sting operation. He had only been an adventure for a short time, so he wasn't expecting to do something this intense so soon. He was so excited that he had gone past hyper, and circled all the way around to a sort of Zen calm state. Hiding behind one of the larger objects, he waited until William gave some sort of single that e was ready to catch the criminal (sure he was super excited to get into action, but he couldn't just blow his teammates cover like that). Once he heard the sounds of a struggle, he leaped out of his hiding place to assist the shapshifter. However he saw that William already had the perpetrator pined down. That didn't mean that he couldn't contribute though "alright, you got him William! Now just keep him still while I give him a few good wacks with this" he pulled out his frying pan "I'll get him to talk. I just need to fill it with a penance aura first, so that he'll feel all of his past victim's pain when I hit him. Don't worry, this'll just take a few seconds" that said, he began to prepare his frying pan. Of course what he was trying to do was completely impossible, but he didn't know that
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Upon the sight of the crystal, I felt a little uncomfortable taking it, something not reflected by Spruce as he neared it. I was already behind him floating above the ground. Suddenly, I felt spasms and chills within myself, almost at the core really... Spruce had taken the crystal. How did an action like that provoke such a meta-worldly response? Already I heard some sort of electrical powering-down noise coming from afar. "Ach! Spruce, I think you just broke a system of power." Turns out, the pair were right about the world turning to normal, as I looked out to sea and noticed how the sudden loss of colour was returned. Though, I still felt something was terribly wrong. We solved one problem, but experience has showed us how 50 more takes its place. For example, realising we just ended back in Treasure Town. You could certainly blame nature for not following our intentions. "Right then. Let's get out of here quickly, not slowly." I reminded Spruce, since... well, I didn't need to tell you. It was fairly obvious the two towns weren't the best of friends.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

[Spruce] Celes, after talking with her new... brother, I guess, just randomly kissed me. Sure, it was on the cheek, but it was almost enough to distract me from M's warning about Treasure Town. "Oh, right, yeah, let's get outta here," I say to him as I start to run to Allure, instead of walking, like I was earlier. I then hear what Kamina had to say, and I explain "Well... apparently, we're one step closer to saving the world, with this crystal... apparently, these Void Crystals need to be removed from their altars, and put into Giratina's grave in order to stop this whole... thing. Of course, the ones who told us about this can't really be trusted... then again... that whole thing with the ocean happened..." I then find myself in Allure town, without any sort of issue, thankfully, and I notice a Meowth just sitting there, next to the guild, with a Treasure Town guild badge on his chest... that was going to get him hurt, or worse, but it didn't really seem like my problem at this point. My problem lied in whether or not those fire types were actually telling the truth about what we were supposed to do with these void crystals. Obviously, I wasn't about to just hand this thing over to them, with no issues, no, I'd collect these things on my own. I know I can trust myself, and if it turns out that those so-and-so's were lying about what has to be done with these things, then I could just do that myself, and maybe have to fight over one or two crystals instead of all of them. --- [Anthony] Thankfully, that last hit from Josh was enough to finish off the... whatever they were, and I started walking, or, sliding, or whatever around until I came across a ladder... odd... I didn't see a ladder to get down here. I head up the ladder, but hit my head on the top. "Uh... looks like we're going to have to move something if we want to get out of here," I explain to Josh, Matt, and Daniel, or, more accurately, to Josh and whoever else was awake. I couldn't move anything, not without arms and hands, or at least some limbs. The same could be said for Josh, Daniel was probably too weak to move whatever was in our way, but Mat... he seemed as least somewhat strong, and had hands, as well as arms... plus, if those fail, he's got better psychic powers than Josh does. I go back to where everyone else was, and simply wait for the others to wake up, that is, after asking "So... is there any special way to wake up Matt?" For all I knew, Josh might wake up before Matt does, and might occasionally wake him up, somehow... of course, failing that, simply waiting might work, as well... though, the risk of that would be the rest of us falling asleep once they wake up, then having them wait for us, and falling asleep when we wake up. --- [Bonnie] Not too long after the thief hit, he was pinned down by William. Tini was trying to channel some sort of power into the frying pan I let him keep, and I just decided to use Frustration on the guy, which somehow hit him, despite normally being a normal-type move. [i]That's odd... how did that hurt him?[/i] I ask myself as the pinned bandit shouts "ENOUGH ALREADY!" Later adding to that "I'll tell you where my stash is, just please, STOP ATTACKING ME, and GET OFFA ME, YA LARDO!" I chuckle, and add "And how can we be sure you won't just escape as soon as we let you go? How can we be sure you're telling the truth? He mumbles something, and I ask "So... any ideas on how to keep this guy contained?" Of course, he seemed trapped enough for now, but, we might want to take him with us to wherever he tries to send us later with whatever information, whether it be true or false, he tells us as a result of this. I try to think of some way to contain a ghost, let alone a ghost/dark type, and, after coming up with absolutely no solutions on my own, I simply wait for the rest of my team to come up with some answer... hopefully, one that will actually work. I wondered, after that, if Tini's frying pan will have any effect on the bandit, I mean, he's immune to a lot of things due to his typing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celes fallowed Spruce into Allure town, thinking a bit as Dylian fallowed her closely. "When will you go see your family." he asks. She smiles a bit. "Soon... but first..." she says before looking around, not seeing who she was searching for. She then enters the guild before going to the guild board, right there seeing her brother William (the jolteon...) watching the guild board. She moved close to him. "Hey William..." she says smiling. He then jumped and looked at her. "Wh... who are you?" he asks. Celes looks at him before remembering she evolved and he didn't see that. She chuckles. "It's me! Celes!" she says, to then have William jawdrop as she looks at her. "You... you evolved into... A... A sylveon?" he asks. Celes stares at him, before chuckling. "I guess... I didn't know what it actually took to evolve into that. I guess it was love." she says smiling. The little eevee then moves forwards, William seeing him. "Oh and who do we have here... rather strange fur coloring..." he asks, Dylian hiding behind Celes a bit. "That is Dylian... He lost his parents so I was thinking...." she says. William stares at her for a bit and then looked at Dylian, before mumbling something under his breath about the same thing as before. Celes breath deeply. "I am thinking about going back home and asking my parents to take care of him." she then asks. William stares at her for a bit. "It is worth a try... when will you be ready?" he asks. Celes thinks a bit. "Soon.. I got to ask Spruce first." she says. She then goes and leaves and goes to Spruce. "Spruce.... I was wondering... I kinda want to go see my parents now that I evolved. I hope that would be ok... maybe you could come also." she then says.
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