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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Oh boy, love while around here?" I mumbled to myself, following Spruce who was faster than normal. AND HE KNEW WHERE TO GO FOR ONCE. I KNOW, RIGHT?! I was decently surprised, though still a bit doubtful. I didn't know why - I should've been trustful of friends. Though, I already had that trust broken before... well, I was surprised my Pokes were still floating around me, and I liked it how electricity began arcing around me again, rather than appearing like solid beams of yellow. Treasure Town felt warm at this time of year, and eventually a summery colour returned to its beach once we left. It was a shame though that we might not be acknowledged for our efforts. "Giratina has a grave?" I asked, trying to remember why he had one. He died probably, though one wouldn't exactly expect a legendary like him to die. I would die, but that was beside the point and something not to dwell on... got it? "I still think it's some ploy by the pair. Can't always trust someone who's tried to kill you in the past. Chances are, you still got a reason for them to kill you." I explained to Spruce's, who was questioning the nature of those two bastards. "So, we gonna enter the guild or what...? We still got no idea what to do with that crystal of ours you realise, so we ought to investigate while in a safe environment."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Sumable
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Sumable Wel to Moon Come Side. Come Moon to Wel Side, Ness

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

-William- I get off of the criminal, and stop Tini from using his frying pan of justice as we discuss how to contain the thief. "Well, we take this," I say, going down and grabbing his claw machine, and then his bag of sand. "And then we use an escape rope to tie his hands behind his back, and make sure he can't get away. Maybe you could use attract and get him to show us the secret base out of love?" I say to Bonnie, taking a 'fake' escape rope... well, it was a rope. A rope's hard to fake, and I tie his hands behind his back and help him out of the hole I pushed him into, and force him to look at Bonnie. "Go on then. Use attract,"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 2 days ago

**Kamina** "Huh, is that so? Well I'm all for saving the world; I like it here. Or at least, I do now. Also, saving the world seems to involve lots of adventures, so I'm totally on-board with this plan!" Kamina responded "However, the idea of tossing a bunch of shine rocks into some dead guy's grave doesn't really sit well with me...and on that note; who's this Giratina guy? He sounds pretty important...and dead." Before Spruce could answer him though, he overheard and reacted to Celes mentioning that she was going to take that gray Eevee (who he hadn't noticed came back with them) to her family to see if they would take care of him. While he thought it was very sweet...he also found it pretty horrifying "Celes' family. That poor child; left with no other option then the stay with a family of mind controlling life suckers. Granted, I've fought in enough battles along side Celes that I can trust her even though she is the single most terrifying person, place, or thing I have ever met, saw or heard about...but this boy doesn't have the same luxury" **Tini** "Okay...I'm ready to-AHH!" just as Tini was finished channeling the anguish of the victimized into his mighty frying pan of ultimate justice (if you can read that without even the smallest smile, then you have no soul), his concentration was broken when he heard the screams of the thief...well that and William kind of stopped him too "awwwww...now I have to start all over again. But that would take too long, does anyone else have an idea" that's when he heard William's suggestion "A-Attract" his eyes grew big and teary "why Bonnie!? Why does someone as nice as you know one of the Three Unforgivable Moves?" He then turned to William "and William; why would you of all people ever suggest using one of those on another living being!? Why would you ever think of inflicting the crazies on someone else, when you yourself have suffered from it at least once!? Please...don't do this...either of you. I-I-I know you're better then this" halfway through, Tini began openly weeping
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 3 days ago

"I'm still awake, Anthony. I'm only paralyzed." Matt said. "We wouldn't happen to have any Cheri berries, would we?" "I don't think so." Josh said. "We'll just have to deal with it for now." Matt sighed. "Well, at least we have an exit." He said. "I honestly expected this place to be much less forgiving." He floated up to the top of the ladder and moved the object with his psychic powers. "Now, I'm not sure if this will bring us to the end of that last puzzle or back to the start of it." Matt said. "Anthony, I hope you don't take offense to this, but if it does bring us to the start, would you mind if I took the lead this time? We may end up having more enemies sent at us if we fall again, and I'm less likely to step on the wrong switch." He hoped Anthony would understand. It was clear that Matt wasn't trying to offend him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

[Spruce] I made it back to the guild, with M, Kamina, and Celes, with no additional problems. Celes suddenly asked if I could visit her family, not knowing how to respond, I said "Um... uh... well... only if the rest of the team comes, as well. I don't want to leave anyone out," I then looked into the guild, and, looking around, there were several pokemon choosing from the two boards, and, without any sort of issue, thankfully. A group of them, consisting of a bellsprout, a growlithe, and a slugma make their way out of the guild, and towards their new adventure. I found it a bit strange that the slugma didn't leave any sort of burn marks on the floor, given that the floor was supposedly made of wood, and slugma were apparently made of lava. Heck, normally, that would make more than a burn mark, and something more akin to a burn HOLE, given the sheer heat of the average blob of lava. M seemed to be messing around with his, or, rather, our money, as he made sparks fly between the coins, and Kamina, well, he was just being Kamina.That being said, I had to hold back a chuckle as he tried to warn Dylian about moving in with Celes and her family, instead, I managed to say "Don't worry, Celes is the only one in her family capable of that... Dylian will be fine," of course, I was saying this, not only for Kamina, but also for Dylian who started to look a little worried until I told him that. --- [Bonnie] I ignored what Tini had to say, simply responding "It's kinda the only way we can do this," I then use attract on the thief, who starts looking at me as if I was a supermodel, rather than just some dirty, scarred, buneary. I then ask him "So... where's your stockpile?" And he must have heard it in a different voice, because he responded with "Well... just, uh, follow me, beautiful," I try to keep a smile on my face, and he somehow wriggles out of William's grip, and starts walking. I gesture for everyone to follow me, as I follow him. We head a ways out of Treasure Town, and even back towards Sludgy Swamp... I could tell because the smell started getting worse, and, after a bit of walking, he pressed some button in a rock, and a weird doorway, of sorts opened up from the ground, itself it seemed. I waited for the rest of my team, and secretly called for the Treasure Town Police Force, my badge showing them my location before I headed down into the, er, lair, of this strange sableye who still looked as though he was attracted to me. I try to make it look like I don't hate him, and he leads me right to a giant cache of items, varying from berries and seeds to orbs and TMs. Obviously, the whole thing was also littered with various pokedollar coins, with values ranging from 1 to 1000 each. --- [Anthony] "I guess, but, don't you have to drag around that bucket, and somehow find a way to not levitate?" I respond to Matt's, er, response to me messing up. I thought I had this puzzle down, but I guess I didn't. Either way, this trap door led us back to the start of the room, and though it was dim, any light felt absolutely refreshing after our earlier experience with the gastly under the floor. I then wondered _If the light isn't too bright... why didn't they come up to fight us while we were doing the puzzle? Is there some sort of law, or some set of rules for pokemon on this mountain?_ I then waited for Josh to start, though, I waited near the tile that I started off on last time. I then kind of wondered who, exactly this 'friend' of Darkrai was for a moment... he seemed to know about the net thing, so, perhaps some sort of bird, or other flying pokemon? He's old, so, if he's not dead, then it's likely that he's a legendary, as well... so... something like a moltres, or articuno, maybe? Then again, he knew about the whole water torch thing, that is, after telling us that the place seems to change depending on what your party is capable of... which legendary bird was it that could learn water-type moves...? The answer was on the tip of my tongue, and it was bugging the heck out of me as I continued to wait for Josh and Matt.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Huh. I've been acting weird lately. So, while we were idling outside the guild, I finally took note of the others. Especially Kamina. "Yep." I agreed with him, grinning with my eye. Well, showing pleasure in my eye anyway. "Ever heard of 'hell hath no fury like a woman scorned?' It's like that, though 10 times worse. He'll be raised fine and well though. " I joked, entering the guild with the others and chuckling. Though, he probably would be raised well - he'll get in line and listen to his elders. So, we were outside the guild, waiting and talking. Inside, the guild was always busy with Pokemon dropping in and out, leaving missions and requests while others checked in and out. Though, this time, things were a bit quieter, no noise spilling out onto the paths. Nothing exactly interesting going on in there, as if adventure had it's own holiday. Since we were left without something to do, we would follow Celes' suggestion and visit her family. "Eh... sure, we've got nothing better to do. We really need a break from saving the ocean." I said, rather apathetically... trying to look for anything interesting around us. There was nothing, aside from an arguing couple walking beside us at one point.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celes breath deeply as Dylian seemed half terrified. He looked at Celes, worried. Celes shook her head there. "Seriously... you think all my family do is being strick? They are loving and caring, though sometimes too overprotective. It's the reason I left them before. Dylian, you will be alright, don't worry." she then says to the little eevee, who calms down a bit. "I... I am still scared." he says. Celes then moves close to him and hugs him with her ribbons. "Everything will be ok, I think you will do fine in my family." she says calmly. She then lets go slowly. She then looked at Spruce, then Kamina and M. "And seriously... mind controlling?" she says before letting a sighed. "There something about charming someone so that they listen that works, get that?" she then says. She then gets up, looking at Kamina. She should have expected him thinking something like that. How to scare that kid... poor him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Sumable
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Sumable Wel to Moon Come Side. Come Moon to Wel Side, Ness

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

-William- I look at all the riches, eyes wide. "Wow... how long has this been going on?" I ask, and the thief says "Years," and I walk over to the pile of items. Almost every TM was here, and every orb was there. "How much do you think this is worth?" I ask, looking at all the stuff. "Maybe we can get the kecleon business back... in business... with all of the pokedollars and items!" I say, smiling. I liked their shop more than Bob and Ed's, since at the Kecleon Stall, you weren't harassed by one of the shopkeeps and by everyone you pass. "Maybe I can find them; they just closed their shop in Treasure Town..." I say. "But... if they aren't a business anymore, other than in dungeons, then all this stuff will go back to Bob and Ed..." I mutter. Something in the back of my head tells me to take the gold and other items and run for it, and my heart begins thumping and I grab two TMs, three orbs, a few berries, and 5000 Pokedollars, and I run outside to see the police. 'Keep running!' a voice tells me, and I was afraid, and I dropped my stuff. "So, you're the thief... come with us, and make it quick," they say and I pull out my badge. "I-I just wanted to return some stolen items to the Kecleon Stall back in Treasure Town," I say. "We'll take care of that," they say. "If they aren't there, then all the stolen goods go to Ed and Bob," they then say. I let them go in, and I bolt back for Treasure town and on my way I see the kecleons I helped out earlier. "Set your shop back up! Hurry, we found the thief's lair and if you aren't set up, then it will all go to your competitors!" I say and they look at me, some with disbelief, and others with excitement. Eventually, all of them are running back for Treasure Town to set up again, and I look back the way I came. I begin running again, but I couldn't find the lair again, until I eventually got back to the police taking out heaps of Pokedollars and TMs and orbs and berries and everything that was in there.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 2 days ago

**Kamina** "Ah, I see; so it's not a person's mind you control, but their heart. It seems that I gravely underestimated the full extent of your powers. I'm just glad that you're on our side, the idea of fighting you in battle is something I don't even want to consider. I'm glad that your powers are unique to you and you alone; I'd hate it if there were an entire race of Pokemon who could do the things that you do. Well, with that out of the way, what's our next adventure? I'm getting closer to my rebirth into a Gyarados, I can just feel it!" Kamina was getting pumped up, despite having just finished an adventure already --- **Tini** His pleas fell of deaf ears 'was...was this really the only way? Did we really have to resort to one of the Three Unforgivable Moves? Was there really nothing else we could try?' Watching Bonnie use Attract on the thief seemed to sap all the excited energy right out of the little guy, and unlike before, his short attention span didn't shake him out of it this time. So he silently followed Bonnie and William as they themselves followed the thief to he stash of stolen goods. There was someone suffering greatly so close to him, and yet Tini could do nothing to save him 'even if he is a bad guy, he doesn't deserve this. _No one_ deserves this' Things became a blur to him, as his body switched to autopilot. 'We...we are the good guys...right?'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 3 days ago

"That won't be a problem, Anthony." Matt said. "I was able to keep up the first time we went through, remember?" He looked over all of the switches for a moment. He wanted to make sure he had the least direct path through here. "Alright, I think I've got it." He said after a few moments. Matt did the same thing he did last time, dragging himself across the ground while pulling Josh along behind him. "How many traps do you think we have left?" Josh asked. "I don't know about you guys, but I'm starting to get sick of this place." The lives of millions of Pokemon would be in danger if the orb got into the wrong hands, so it probably wouldn't be easy to get to it. How many puzzles would they have to solve, though?
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by bobert778
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bobert778 Ancient Powers, / and Magic Flowers

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

_Light. So much bright! Giant GLOWING CRYSTAL! Soft earth. Warmth._ Xeno struggled to process this new environment, not knowing there was a world beyond darkness until now. This new place was so alien, and open, there was no roof to cling to. His claws slashed through the scorched earth of the desert, the sableye still in a panic from being flushed from his home. As he ran one of the green stalagmites moved, turning to face him which only caused him to run faster. _Path. Path is like tunnel with no roof. Stay on path,_ he thought to himself, rushing across the terrain. ---------------------------------------------------- Eventually Xeno's run had led him out of the desert and into a forest, the concept of a forest being unknown to him but he was thankful for the shade. Out of breath Xeno leaned against one of the trees, his breathing raspy and congested as he tried to calm himself. Involuntarily he fell to his knees, hacking as black slobber escaped his mouth. Coal dust was a clingy substance, that was for sure, but the taste was more than enough to keep him coming back for more. After his coughing fit Xeno pushed himself to his feet and wiped his mouth, grunting to clear his throat before getting his first good look around. He was still on the path, but it was now surrounded by soft green stuff and large, brown, stalagmites. "What is this?" he breathed, scratching the corner of his crystal eye while trying to understand what was around him. He spent a few minutes like this, just staring at his surroundings before eventually his eyes fell on the pathway again. _Right_, he reminded himself, moving forward again in a now much calmer manor. ------------------------------------------------- Upon reaching Allure Town, Xeno felt more lost than before. There were little caves everywhere poking out of the ground, and strange pokemon that weren't trying to tunnel or sleep walking about. Standing in the middle of the town square Xeno remained motionless, no idea what to do as pokemon passed him again and again. A few gave him odd looks but none tried to attack him which only made Xeno more paranoid. _Should I run? No, they'll go after me for sure then. Stupid, I walked into their territory. This is horrible; maybe I can get away when none of them are looking,_ he thought, dreading how fast some of them might be able to run or even fly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

[Spruce] I followed behind Celes as she berated us for saying that she had mind control... which was probably true, but, instead of bringing that up, I just said "Sorry, Celes... sorry, Dylian. It was just a joke, anyways," I then just looked around as we continued towards Celes' house, with whatever few wild pokemon we came across actually running from us rather than fighting. *Why are they running? Is it that we're really that much stronger than they are?* I ask myself as I continue along the dirt path to Celes' house, which was apparently not a part of either Allure or Treasure Town. Of course, I didn't really complain, mainly because it was sunny and warm out, and I really appreciated the sun at this time. There really wasn't too much to this path, save for it leading out from Allure to Celes' house, and apparently serving no other purpose... which was a little odd, and, since it was outside of either of the towns, I had to wonder *Will this place ever become a Mystery Dungeon like my home did, so many years ago? I sure hope not, else we might have to fight Celes' entire family, and they cover a wide variety of types!* I just continue on, starting to get a little bored, as the path seemed to stretch on forever. --- [Anthony] Thankfully, Matt didn't mess up, and the door opened up as soon as the last switch was pressed, revealing a very narrow cavern. I look between my three teammates, and head out in front of all of them. Once everyone was past the door, it slams shut, darkening the narrow corridor. I was prepared for almost everything... the only thing I wasn't prepared for was, well, exactly was happened in this corridor, nothing. Oddly enough, no traps or enemies stood in our way as we climbed up through the narrow passageway, and eventually, we make it to a strange room, one that was lit with torches, and had a crystal clear orb in the middle of some sort of altar. Static pops his head out of he bag, and shouts "That's it! That's the normal orb!" I look over to him, and notice a rather grim sight. A skeleton that seemed to once belong to a dragonite, and a note and pen in its hands. The note was scribbled in the same barely-legible handwriting that I've seen on those other notes on the way up, but this one only said one sentence 'Darkrai This guy's too much for me... I'll wait for you...' *That must have been Darkrai's friend... that's kinda sad that he died here waiting for him.* I think before Static slapped me in the face, and pointed to the orb, which, obviously, turned my attention back towards the orb. I head towards it, but, only a few steps before reaching it, I hear someone "HEY! Not so fast, intruder!" I jump out of the way as a scrafty lands where I used to be. This scrafty looked oddly familiar, somehow, which made me lose my focus as he... well, okay, thankfully, he didn't attack, but, I'm sure he did something... --- [Bonnie] We got the criminal, who gave up as soon as the cops came, and, thankfully, they got everything, and returned it all to its proper owners, but, something seemed off about Tini. "Tini? Are you okay? Tini, come on, it really was the only way. If I didn't use that move, he would have gotten away and he would have stolen from everyone else in town. Come on, little buddy, we need ya!" I say to him, hoping that my words would get through to the little guy. He looked as though he was looking way off into the distance, and that wasn't a good sign of things to come. Everyone else left, but, I couldn't just abandon Tini like this. My badge somehow went from mission completed mode back to emergency mode, but, why? There was nobody here, save for Tini and I... was there? Now I was getting a little scared. "H-hello?" I ask, wondering who else might be here. I get no response, though, I honestly didn't expect one. I then see something run by me, though, due to its speed, I couldn't tell who or what it was, that is, until I saw it stop in front of Tini and I. It was a gallade, and one that looked pretty angry at me, specifically. He didn't say a word, but the way he smirked made me think he was hostile. I was proven right when he tried to use Psycho Cut on me, which failed because... why? The move clearly hit me, it just didn't do anything for some reason. Tini still seemed to be busy gazing out into the nothingness, which meant that I was going to have to guard him, somehow...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

As Celes continued to move forwards, she looked up at the sun, remembering how she had ran away to Allure town so long ago. She had ran for so long she didn't think about the distance. Sure, it was far away but it was one of the way to actually get away from mystery dungeons that formed around the world: It was far enough from one mystery dungeon, but still close enough to the towns. As she moved forwards, William, who had fallowed, walked near Celes. "It been a long time that you didn't visit... Everyone been looking for you for so long they eventually gave up until I found you at the guild. But others decided to actually have their own adventure and started to explore near the house... I hope everyone will be home." he then says, with Celes smiling a bit at this. "I do hope so also." she says, looking down a bit, thinking. "And I will need some explanations for this..." she says as she gets some chains out. William stares at them longly, stopping. "How the..." he asks as she makes the chains disappear. "I want to know that also... I always was weird and now I want to know why..." she says as she continue to move. Then at a distance, large gates were seen, with a large house after it with large gardens with what seemed to be berry tree fields and fruit and vegetable trees.. In the air, the scent of fresh berries with something cooking filled the air. Celes smiled at the scent. "Sweet home cooking...." she says smiling. She think a bit, looking back at the group. "Well... theres my home." she says smiling.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 3 days ago

Matt got to the end without any mistakes, and a narrow path opened up in front of them. As soon as they were all inside, the door closed behind them, locking them all in. It was dark, but there didn't seem to be any traps or puzzles. Eventually, it took them to a room which contained an altar of some sort, and on it was a strange orb. This was what they were looking for, without a doubt. Along with the orb, there was also a Dragonite skeleton in the corner. Josh had a feeling that he knew who it was, and the note it was holding confirmed it. *'Darkrai This guy's too much for me... I'll wait for you...'* "So, Darkrai's friend is dead, is he?" Matt said. "That's a real shame." "So, where's the guy that was apparently too much for him?" Josh asked. His question was answered a few seconds later. Anthony began to approach the orb, and a Scrafty landed in front of him. He didn't attack, but it seemed like he was about to. "We're not here to harm the orb, if that's what you think we're doing." Matt said. He put up a Reflect, just in case this guy tried to attack them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by bobert778
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bobert778 Ancient Powers, / and Magic Flowers

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Hey, you alright there?" Xeno, still having been frozen in place dared not move when one of the pokemon spoke to him directly. Still as stone he waited for whoever was behind him to leave with every muscle in his body tensed to run should he need to. "Hello?" the same voice asked, whoever it was beginning to move into the corner of his vision. _He's not leaving,_ Xeno concluded, leaping away and making a mad dash towards anywhere he could perceive as safe. The top of the strange dwellings looked out of reach, and so finding the tallest looking one Xeno clawed his way to the top and hid behind it to be best out of view from anyone. "Hey," the same voice said, the sound coming from right beside him. The Abra had teleported up to follow him, nearly giving Xeno a heart attack as he stumbled backwards and fell off the dwelling onto the street. In rather serious pain Xeno could only glance up to see the pokemon disappear to somewhere, looking guilty rather than angry. "ooohrrrrrrraaaaaaaa," Xeno groaned, able to barely pull himself up with one hand on his head and the other on his ribs. Temporarily defeated he sat down, clutching what ailed him while life for others around him continued. _What is this place?_
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 3 mos ago

I winked at Dylian - it's funny because it's true. He seemed a bit peeved afterwards. I hadn't felt happy in some time now. While I was looking around and waiting for Celes, she had walked off towards her former home, with everyone else following. I personally didn't want to go to her house since I wasn't exactly comfortable with the idea of meeting her family, but... 'team.' Swallowing my distrust of others, I followed alongside Spruce, feeling a bit sick from the sun. Not even 10 minutes passed and we were already within the heart of the Plains. Around us, Pokemon came and went, looking at us and behaving like curious folk. Perhaps they were suffering from heatstroke. Better yet, this place alone was making them mad. What caused Mystery Dungeons? Void Orbs? It was plausible - already everything felt 'balanced,' as if the universe became communist. Well, (damn) Davis would refer to this as 'communism.' It was sweltering, and I was just able to pick out some wavy words in our group. Suddenly, we were hallucinating. A grand house, guarded with compound-like walls. Or whatever else they used to keep mindless Pokemon out. It wasn't a juxtaposition though - it fit the theme, somehow. Other than that, the wild Pokemon eventually stopped trying to take a look at us or run away, just disappearing altogether. How far did we travel to get here? "You could at least build a little closer to Allure Town. Preferably somewhere with a cooler climate." I said, looking up and stupidly blinding myself briefly. Not a cloud in the sky.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 2 days ago

**Kamina** Kamina had an epiphany. Through his sudden burst of insight, he now understood everything "I get it now! Celes...I now fully understand why you keep denying your ability to control the very hears of others; it's a family secret! That explains everything!" At this point, Kamina's eyes began to water "I...I had no idea you were struggling like this for so long; caught between your loyalty to your family, and your loyalty to us, your friends. I am so ashamed of myself, how could I have missed the pain you held in your heart all this time" no he was openly crying "you hid it so well Celes, none of us had any idea you were suffering such torment. You're strong Celes, your heart has a strength that I've never seen in anyone else before. I...I am humbled by your suffering. But it's over now Celes, you don't have to suffer any more." He yelled the next part "feel free to keep your family secrets! No kindhearted person would ever force someone they loved, platonically or romantically, to chose between their loyalties! So neither shall we! No now Celes, that you no longer have to chose between your family and us, your secrets are yours alone and we respect that!" --- **Tini** "Was it really? Was there really nothing else we could even try? Why was torture our default course of action?" Tini began to weep. "It's horrible, having the crazies. I...I'll never forget when that Delcatty gave me the crazies; it was so scary, I still have nightmares about it. I was her mind slave, I did anything she said to. I couldn't fight back, my mind was just so cloudy. Even when I managed to get the clouds to go away...they just came back again! It was like they were smothering me, and not in the good way! If...if master hadn't saved me with his frying pan, I'd still be her slave. Yet there I was...just watching someone else suffer what I had to go through. I'm no hero..." Tini would have continued his existential moping, had he and Bonnie not been attacked. As the Galade came at them, Tini had a sudden epiphany. "Fairy Wind" this time when he used his minty attack, he didn't cry out it's name with his usual energy, but with an oddly dark tone "now I understand, I was never meant to be a hero, that was a fools dream. Instead, I was destined to be a brooding anti-hero. Making speeches about how life is pain, speaking with no emotions beside apathy or anger, willing to go to any lengths to get my man...like taking candy from a baby. The ends always justify the means, thank you for teaching me that Bonnie." The Galade, meanwhile, was rightly confused by this tiny and quite frankly adorable little Dratine trying (and failing, quite miserably) to be dark and brooding
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Sumable
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Sumable Wel to Moon Come Side. Come Moon to Wel Side, Ness

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

-Gallade- I see that the buneary didn't get hurt by psycho cut. I look, confused, and draw a conclusion; she must be a zorua. I smile, getting ready to hit her with Focus Blast, but I was hit by Fairy Wind. "Hmph. That didn't hurt a bit," I say after the small pink dratini attacked me. I smirked, and I use Close Combat on the fake buneary. "That'll teach you to turn the brains of my only friend into mush!" I say, and I look at the dratini. "And you... I have no quarrel with you, but because you're a witness, I'm afraid I must attack," I say, sprinting towards it and using Psycho Cut on it, going for it's neck with my elbow blades. After finishing the attack and hopefully hitting, I say "Now, it's time to finish both of you off; for good." I prepare to use Focus Blast, charging it up so I'd hit the buneary extremely hard; hard enough to kill. -William- I walked around for about ten minutes before coming upon the lair. I open the door, and walk in, and I see a Gallade preparing to attack my friends! I use transform, turning into him, and I use Close Combat, hitting the gallade multiple times in the chest and face. After my attack, he kicks me into a wall, and I had the wind knocked out of me. "Hmph! Damn dittos," he says. He walked forward to attack me, so I used Counter, but he saw that coming, so he didn't attack. I go for a punch, but he counters it and tosses me to the ground, and I look at him. He didn't attack me. "I... I feel like I know you. Hold still!" he says, and I felt a sharp pain in my head. "Aaah... so you're that kecleon. Well, I'll take you with me, then!" he says, grabbing me by the neck. "I wish I had teleport, but I guess I can just run," he says, but I use this moment to use Focus Blast. "I think we can still kill him! Attack!" I say, backing off for a second to get my breath back.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

[Spruce] We finally get to Celes' place, only to find that it was large and empty. Considering the fact that all of her siblings seemed to have run off somewhere, I could only assume there was going to be more of them. Also taking a look at the family members who were here, it was safe to assume that the entire family was either eevee or any of its evolutions... possibly all of them, considering that there's a jolteon (Celes' brother, I think), an umbreon (Celes' father), and an espeon (Celes' mother)... and, of course, Celes, who was a sylveon by now. There were also a couple burn marks on the floor, which made me think that there was at least one flareon in the family. There was also a garden nearby, and what appeared to be some sort of ice and snow-based construction near that, which was a bit strange. I didn't pay too much attention to the conversation between Celes and William at the moment, and I turn back only to find out that I was the only one actually in the home at this point. "What the...? Celes! What are you doing out there? Don't you want to go home?" I ask her, though, her parents started looking at me a little angrily, which, considering their typing, made me a little nervous, no, not because I was particularly effected by dark or psychic types, no, it was because I KNEW that messing with them was a bad idea... they can read your mind... or, you know, hide in the shadows of your house until you go to sleep and just kill you right then and there. --- [Anthony] "I honestly don't care if you mean to harm or pick up the orb, I'm here to stop ya!" The scrafty, whose voice sounded a lot like my father's shouted in response to Matt's comment about us not being here to harm the orb. He then continues to not attack... what was he doing? It took a while, but the answer finally came to me, he was using Bulk Up this whole time, which, of course might look like he was stalling and doing nothing to an outside viewer. Of course, his continued use of the move made it difficult to use counter, that is, until he finally attacked me, and with Chip Away, and I could tell he was trying to bypass my reflect, but, thankfully, the wall was just too sturdy, and, while I still took considerable damage, I didn't pass out. I also never stopped trying to use Counter, and this time, actually managed to do exactly that, countering the scrafty's attack, and apparently dealing quite a bit of damage... of course, the state I was left in told me this wouldn't work a second time, not without some sort of healing. He then looked around, and after a bit of that, tried using Crunch on Matt, apparently content with his current attack and defense. "Matt, watch out!" I say before Daniel flies in the way of the attack, and takes the hit, using Shadow Rush on the scrafty after that. "Hey... why'd you guys bring a shadow pokemon here?" He asks us, apparently a little mad, as if we've broken some sort of unwritten rule. --- [Bonnie] The gallade, after theorizing that I was a zorua, just ran up to me and started punching and slashing with his elbow blades non-stop. I narrowly avoid taking enough hits from that attack to knock me out, and, after him launching another one of those Psycho Cuts at Tini, he tried to finish us off with some giant energy orb... no, not Energy Ball, more like Focus Blast, but, thankfully, an imposter of some sort, no, wait, William, came in and broke his focus, forcing him to abandon that attack and focus on his fake. William then ordered us to attack, and, due to a blunder from him, I could tell that he was the more beat-up looking gallade. I nod, and start thinking about my own father, and the horrors he caused me to see, focusing this into an attack, just like any other time I've used it, and eventually run up to the gallade, using Frustration on him, and hoping to hit, and possibly deal damage just due to my growing hatred for my father. I almost thought about my father for too long, and that would have thrown me into some sort of rage, but, I managed to avoid that, thankfully, as, if we were going to win, I'd certainly need my head, and I'd need control over my own actions.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celes just stares a bit as she hears Spruce yell for her to come here. "Seriously Spruce! Coulden't have waited up!" she then says, before going forwards, entering the house slowly, her ribbons moving around a bit. William fallowed soon after, smiling. Then Celes parents stared at her for a while, then looked at each other, then at Celes. "Celes?!" they say in unison. Celes smiles at them softly. "Uhm... hey mom... hey dad... I am back..." she says. Just then her umbreon mother rushed at her and hugged her. "Oh Celes... we were so worried. I though you would have been lost or killed or.... but look at you... you evolved into..." she says before looking at her for a bit, and looking down a bit, mumbling something. "A Sylveon..." she says before smiling at her. "Come on in... The others should be here soon. They kinda started to go a bit more outside the house and explore a bit. A good couple of them decided to make their own team at the Allure Guild." she says, her dad smiling a bit at her girl. Celes smiles before letting everyone come in, the house being colder then outside. After getting in, her father looked at her and smiled. "So... I heard Sylveon's are the evolution when a eevee falls in love with someone... soo... who is your crush?" he says, which made Celes blush hard. She looks at Spruce, blushing, giving the idea to her father and he laughs a bit. "Well well... I guess your the lucky winner of..." he starts to say, before Celes start to talk. "Dad!!!!" she says, with her father laughing a bit. "Sorry... but... why did you come here anyway? Why no news?" he asks. Celes breath deeply. "First off I wanted to show that I evolved... Second I need explanations..." she says. Her parents look at her. "For what?" Her mother ask worried, before Celes shows her chains. "I want to know why I can do this..." she says. Her mother stares at her and then look down, as if remembering something, sad.
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