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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celes looked at Spruce, very happy. At least they were not going to cook under this huge big aun outside that could be used litterally to cook gunmies. Seriously, it was surprising her that Arnold would even go and cook gummies in this sun. Who would even cook gummies like this. Usually they are bettter without cooking, or even mixed with something else, like a oran berry paste, and then surrround this paste with the gummie juice. This would actually make some rather interesting food. She shakesher head quickly. Seriously, why would she even think of food right now like this.... Archie kept yelling at Arnold to get down from the roof. She knew there was nothing she could say or do to actually making him get down. Seriously, even if she were to do her cute act, Arnold would simply ignore it probably.... And she did not care about it that much. She then turns back to Spruce.
"Well, that is perfect. With this sun, we do not want to end up like those gummies that Arnold is cooking... And who the heck would cook gummies like this when it is a better idea to use it was a ingredient and mixed with.... There I go again.... Me and my cooking ideas...." she then says, shaking her head. Must be from her mother side and the fact that she usually helped her mom in the kitchen all the time, with her father going and helping them once a while.
"Can we go to the cave quickly? I feel the longer we stay here, the more we risk to have a burn, and I don't think we have enough of those heal burns berries.... Rawst berries if I remember correctly." she then says
She then though freeze in place as a shuppet move close to her, goes to the mission board and then flies off quickly out of the guild. Celes sighed calmly.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 2 days ago

The guildmaster appeared to be making gummi pancakes of some sort. Josh didn't know whether this was normal or not, since he'd only been on the surface for a few months. The disgusted look on Matt's face convinced him that it wasn't. "I say we get this over with as quickly as possible." As Matt aproached the guildmaster, Josh started to get nervous. He didn't know if he would be accepted or not. After seeing some of the other Pokemon, he could tell that these guys weren't that strict, but everyone else was at least able to move around on their own. He tried to calm down, though. Worst case scenario, he gets thrown out.

"Excuse me sir, I don't mean to interrupt, but I have a friend who wishes to join your guild."

This was it.Now that Matt had the guildmaster's attention, there was no going back. "Um...Hi, I'm Josh. I know I can't move around on my own, but I hope you'll still accept me. I won't be a burden, I promise."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Alright, then, let's go!" I say happily to my teammates as I run off towards Beach Cave. Unfortunately, that cave was near Treasure Town, however, it didn't seem as though there were too many pokemon in the area near the guild. I had to stop my sprint towards the cave to try to sneak past the opposite guild, where there was nothing more than one sleeping Wigglytuff that might actually be Wally. Why he was sleeping when it was boiling hot outside, I'll never know, but he didn't seem alerted to my presence, and, after not too long, I finally made it to the actual beach, and, after passing by a lapras, towards the actual cave. I could already feel the temperature difference, and I wasn't even in yet. I looked back, and noticed that nobody followed me... perhaps I was simply too fast? I then sat down in the sand, under the shade of the cave we were about to enter, and looked out into the ocean, simply relaxing as I awaited the rest of my team. I was tempted to make some sort of juice, but decided against that on the thought that I might need the only oran berry I had at some point during this journey. Obviously we were going to have to search every nook and cranny within that cave, given that this mudkip was some sort of outlaw, and on the run from the law... someone like that wouldn't just hide out in the open and wait for someone to find them, right? They'd be on the run, or in some sort of very secret area within the cave, forest, or whatever they decided to make their little hideaway.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

As Celina was trying to see where everyone went, she saw that Spruce already left before them. Seriously, she was about to fallow but some dang bidoof or something decided to start talking to her. She shaked it off, but then saw Spruce already leaving. She then started to run after him at full speed, only to sense a ghost type after the other all around her. Seriously, she had to shake off that feeling, it was only slowing her down. She continued to run and try to catch up with Spruce. Soon after she arrived at the beach, and noticed the temperature change in the air. She breath deeply and sensed the air. It felt so good.... She looked around and then looked straight at Spruce. She walks to him slowly.
"Sorry I am late.. some dang random pokemon decided he needed to talk to me.... asking me how I actually broke off that fight earlier... like if I would just tell him that I used some cute dang charm to calm them down and all that. It is already hard enough sometimes to be a female eevee with all those males... I do not need more people fallowing me around or something." she then says, and let out a sighed. She looks towards the cave.
"Better wait for the others." she says.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 2 days ago

Thanks to his aquatic nature, Kamina was able to take a shortcut (although he needed to take a shortcut. Otherwise it would take him forever to get there). Once he had splashed his way the the ocean, he hopped in and swam for Beach Cave. While he was traveling, he noticed that he was much faster then before 'hah! Most likely because of my time on land. Having to travel with Splash takes a lot of strength and endurance. The speed I'm swimming at and the how easy it is to maintain it are the fruits of my hard work!' After arriving at the beach, he switched back to Splash based transportation "the mighty Kamina has arrived!" he announced.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Thankfully, I was never given a badge or bag. Couldn't be bothered, and Arnold was busy chuckling to himself on the roof to care. I just watched as our team leader had zoomed out the wide doorway with no regrets. "Well. I guess I'm last." I told myself, minding a stray Electrode as I jumped over him. Of course, I hung around in the air, being held up by magnetism after all. I did a barrel roll in the air, as everything became slow-motion...

...thankfully, it was all in my head. For a moment there, I thought something as powerful as Dialga could do something like that. That lone idea wouldn't deter me, because it was just in my head. Figuring that I had managed to get outside (I narrowly missed a bucket), I realised the importance of following Spruce and the Eevee. Obviously, they weren't very patient by the looks of it. So, by keeping track of a snake, following wasn't hard. Despite the numerous amazing views of Allure Town. Though I had imagined grand things in my mind when it came to this place, the small buildings and free community stomped the images in my mind... I still wonder why Davis never wanted to live here.

Here I was as 'M.' Things got shady once we reached some other town, which I wasn't even aware of. Both towns were practically indistinguishable, apart from a sense of stigma against certain Pokemon... especially those coming from Allure, like myself and the team. With a brave heart, I continued hovering forwards, surprised at how no one was able to recognise my association with Allure Town... Right. No badge or anything. The buildings were boring, and the community was pretty odd. Which, was a result of comparing two towns together. But, it was expected, since the two were practically identical to my eye.

I then found out I had been stalking a completely different Snivy, with a small pouch hanging from its shoulder. Disgusted, I had taken a right turn through some old street with overhangs, with no hesitation. Which, was actually right, because I had found yellow, glowing dust under myself - sand. Up and above, my team waiting for me in particular... with, an unexpected figure. "Who's that?" I asked, rejoining the team as I kept my eye on the possibly dead Pokemon on his back.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I snap out of my daze, and notice Celes, M, and Kamina have were, once again ready to help out. I simply nod to Celes and Kamina, who said we should wait, and who announced their arrival, respectively. I then hear M ask who Kamina was, and I respond "That's Kamina. He's another member of my team... um... I was given an extra badge if you want one. They're pretty neat because they let you teleport out of places." of course, I only said that last part because he almost seemed as though he was supposed to be a member of my team, rather than just some stranger who happened to follow us around. Something in the back of my mind said that this wasn't quite how it was supposed to go, that, perhaps, Celes should have been the random follower/stalker who eventually joins, but M... he was a complete mystery, something told me that he didn't even really belong here, of course, that was complete nonsense, if he didn't belong here, then some time/space/matter/all-of-the-above pokemon would be out to get him, and considering their powers... it really wouldn't take them long to catch such a low-leveled magnemite. I then look back at my team before finally entering the cave, ready for almost anything it could throw at me. I was moving at a speed that allowed my team to easily follow me, and, of course, I would be ready to listen to any complaints/comments/whatever-else my team would say while I was walking into the cave.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 3 mos ago

I phased out of existence for a second, upon seeing the Treasure Town resident twitch slightly. Upon returning, I quickly faced Spruce. Who was not very far from me, as I had advanced on the group and now was in reasonable spacing. "Eh... not yet." I turned to the cave, then looked back at Spruce's pointed eyes. "I'll consider it when we get back to Allure Town, 'cause it seems rather risky wearing it out here (and even in the cave, if there's some odd haters)." I said, finishing as I turned to the cave once more. Then, I could see a small green snake- never-mind. That was Spurce. "Oh for heaven's sake." Eh. Don't need to remind the others to follow. It's not like they're disabled, and need people to guide them.

By the time we reached the cave, it was beginning to feel... cold. I had gotten used to the sweltering heat outside, that seemed to radiate on the sands and water. I glanced away upon seeing the reflection of the sun in the sea, unexpectedly facing Spruce once more. "Huh. It's colder than expected." I remarked, annoyed. Thankfully, if it really got cold, I'd be the last to die.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celes fallowed Spruce and that magnemite from earlier. There was something really weird about that magnemite.... Something that was off to say the least.... She looked at Spruce and fallowed him closely, seeing Kamina had arrived also. Well, the whole group was here now at least. She moves forwards, feeling the cold of the cave instead of the blazing heat of the outside sun. She sighed and calms down.
"Well, we are here. So... It was a mudkip that we needed to chasse down? I guess hes gonna be far inside the cave or something." she says calmly. She looks back at the cave entrance, then looking towards the inside of the cave. Well, here goes their first mission. She was slightly worried, but she shakes it off quickly. No use to worry or anything. If they were to faint, then the badges probably would bring them backat the guild in emergency or something. She then think a bit. She will need to learn a new move soon.... So maybe she will learn something during the time in the cave.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Fair enough, I suppose. We're going to have to teleport you back to Allure Town, though." I respond to M's apparent caution. I then explain "Of course, I'm not too sure if the badges will work right if you, um, fall in battle here... you know what, though? You're pretty careful, just keep doing that, and you'll be fine." I then look back at Celes, who was following, and hear her say something about having to possibly go to the other side of the cave before we can find this guy, and nod in agreement, saying "Well, it's a scientific fact that if there's something important, or if there's a criminal, they'll be at the end. Dunno why that is, though." I, of course, said this as I was walking through the oddly peaceful cave. The chill in the air was in stark contrast to the boiling heat from outside, however, to me, this was refreshing. It wasn't cold enough for ice to form, and the cave was obviously more humid than outside, which, given that I have some plant qualities, was very good for me. I then run into a pink shellos and take a step back. It seemed as though I was much faster than the thing, and I was able to easily hit it with a vine whip before it could retaliate with... wait, what was it going to do? Uh... that's strange, whatever it's trying to do, it's really taking its time. I look back to my team, whom I made sure I wasn't separated from by keeping my pace close to theirs, and add "Well, um, just attack the thing, I guess? This thing seems really slow, for some reason." I then look back, yup, still just taking its sweet time doing whatever it was going to do... weird thing.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 2 days ago

This was it! His very first battle as a member of a guild, and this team. This was the tome to show off the fruits of his long hours of hard work and dedication to his training "you are but the first stepping stone on my path to greatness stranger. Now taste the fiery inferno of my soul!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Kamina cried out before releasing a storm of flaming pellets. And lo, they were both scorching and numerous as they flew along their path to the pink creature before him. Alas, the poor thing. For it was about to feel the full force of Kamina's blazing spirit. One could only pray that the poor being's very existence wasn't consumed by the fires. For it's fate was now in Arceus paws now.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celes looked at the thing, and saw it not move at all. She stares at it, before seeing Kamina actually using ember! So he was able to use fire type moves?! Well... that a first... but.... actually it was kinda normal nowadays to see people with weird skills it seemed. She then suddenly uses confuse ray on the poor shellos. She had a impression what it was trying to do... and if she was right, it could end up badly for one of them. This might actually help out.... and seriously, with her move set, she could not really go and do that much damage to the thing, cause seriously, tackle.... tackle was the only real damaging skill she had. If they were to find any tm, she will try to learn it or something... .Dig.... now that would be such a great move to learn. She just hoped that she would be able to find a tm for that soon or something. Maybe at the shop back at town... Well she would need to get the money for that, and she did not know how much it would cost. Probably a lot of poke. Well... she could always dream. For now she was trying to be as useful as she could be. It might end up helping out if that thing was using what she thing it was using.... Or not... Well... anyway whatever it was doing, it might miss with this
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"When hopping through space back to the guild; yes. Otherwise, I wouldn't bother." I responded, getting the usual feeling of being in darkness for a bit. If you narrowed your pupils enough, you would be able to see outlines of rock formations and hear the waves of water, to which they claimed Arceus himself carved out. My corner of my eye caught a moving figure, which had merged with the local landscape. "Alright. Let's get going. Idling in a spot is one way to die." Though a red flash seemed to consume my vision for a second, I wasn't bothered and presumed it was some chemical reaction.

There wasn't much to the cave. Some water droplets of water began forming on me, conducting occasionally arcs of electricity and brightening the silent place. Echoes of the ocean reached us from behind, occasionally from the front of the cave - there was certainly more than just one entrance to the cave. Heck, holes that allowed the sun to peek at us counted. "Hm. Not really science, because they haven't done actual studies into it." I responded to Spruce's theory. "Pokemon and such do this because of curiousity, which ferments into panic as they attempt to hide at the farthest corner of the area. They're too scared to exit because curiousity had grasped them, and pushed them towards the unknown danger. Of course, I haven't done research into this, so I won't resist anyone attempting to shoot down my own ideas." I swiped some fresh water drops off my eye with a magnet of mine, rubbing in circular motion and continuing so as I talked. "Because, I presume my... friend, Davis had published a book with such ideas and findings, including poems describing some war and wars before that." Before long, I had stopped wiping my eye, letting the water trickle into my eyelid to 'drink' it. Not unlike the sea licking at the cave's walls to smack the droplets and force them to fall.

Not a lot of time passed (in fact, about two seconds after I had explained my theory to Spruce and the others) when we were ambushed. "Shiny." I commented, letting an arc loose from my eye. Aforementioned arc had a spasm as it contacted my magnet and flowed into me. Before I could do any real damage, Sprurce's whip-from-hands and Celes' brain killer already did the trick. In fact, the thing was basically paralysed... was it paralysed?

Without a care in the world, I had finished the thing off by letting off six lightning bolts from my magnetic tips, which merged into three before into one. (I may have to remind you how I possess 3 magnets in order for this to make sense.) I discharged for a good five seconds before stopping the current, letting my third magnet swing under my body and onto my back. Oddly enough, the thing apparently hastened it's incapacitation move by slamming its shell shut. "Easy."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Noire

Noire Exposition Extraordinaire

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Uh.. uh.. uh.."

Hex's transparent wings fluttered furiously. While the trip from the Birchwood Forest to Allure Town was not great, it certainly did a number on the small combee, who had barely flown more than a couple feet before being carried on by her drones. She was almost to the town now. She had it in her sights. The Beedrill would be coming after her, but she had the head start, and hopefully she could get away before they arrived. Underneath her, Hex began to spot weary travelers and explorers straying about on the dirt road, talking among themselves. Ranging from Squirtles to Goomy, there were so many different varieties! Finally, Hex came across a large tree adorned by fluffy green leaves, and decided to rest there. She slowly fluttered onto a nearby branch, and got her first good look at Allure Town.

The town was laid out almost exactly as she imagined it. She had heard descriptions and roughly sketched maps from her scouts, but the town was amazing. It was huge in comparison to the hive, and it looked like it had countless residents! The sheer size was breathtaking. "Hah!.. I.. should've left.. a loongg time ago!" She said, still panting from the trip. In reality, the town wasn't exactly a wonderland. But to Hex, who had lived her whole life in a hive, it was colossal. A couple of small explorers under her shot the breathless combee a glance, but otherwise, she was completely incognito. She slowly fluttered into Allure Town. Well, it wasn't quite as big as she thought it was. Most pokemon tended to stick to themselves and their own lives rather than chatting with strangers.

There, way over there. She spotted it. The guild. It seemed a bit weird to her how the guild had a structure shaped exactly like an Audino on the top of it, but she ignored it for the time being. First things first; she had to stand on top of the wooden grate, if she could find it. She knew the process. Hex drifted to the guild, using her wings to give her an extra boost, and fluttered above the grate, waiting for it to open. Several minutes passed. Several more minutes passed.

"Hello?!" She yelled, looking down past the crisscrossing wooden structure.
"Huh? Oh? What?" A voice asked.
"I'm here to enter the guild."
"Oh, um.. you got any feet? Like.. could you stop flying?"
Hex landed on the ground, her wings shuttering to a stop.
"Um.. Diglett.. detected?"
"NO! I'm a Combee!"
"Oh, yeah, of course. Clearly. Hey, Joe, get a load of this one." The pokemon whispered to another.

The grate slid open, and Hex fluttered down the carved out tunnel to the guild.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 2 days ago

Arnold smiled. "Of course you can join."

Archie was looking at Josh in a strange way. "Are you sure you can handle being a guild member? You'll be travelling around a lot, and it looks like that might be a problem for you."

"Oh, don't be like that." Arnold turned to Matt and Josh. "The badges and bags are in my office. Follow me."

Josh let out a sigh of relief. That went better than he expected. As they headed down to the guildmaster's office, he began to wonder who his teammates would be, if he ended up getting into one.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Noire

Noire Exposition Extraordinaire

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Heh heh. Look at 'er. Looks like she just came fresh outta the hive." A Diglett commented, watching as Hex flew right by him. "She's in for a wild ride."

She ignored the comments of the comments of the pokemon. What did they know? She was ready. She could take on anything! She could- woah, woah! Hex nearly bumped into a passing Pidgeotto, and then almost straight into a Goomy. Not quite as busy as the hive was, but at least there, all the pokemon were the same size. Here there were pokemon ranging from Sunkern to Garchomp, and they were all hurrying to get somewhere and do something. The second order of business was to find the guild leader. According to the top of the guild, it was probably an Audino, so she had to keep an eye out for one. They weren't too hard to miss. Tall, a bit fat, pink, with blue eyes. A bit dopey sometimes, but produce some very alluring sounds. She traversed the guild for a bit. It was even worse in terms of navigation. She couldn't tell left from right at one point. Eventually, she finally spotted him. He was walking off, followed by an Archen. Trailing the two was a Reuniclus, and a.. Skrelp?

She approached the Audino. "H-hi, sir. I'd like to enter your guild." She said, working up some confidence. She was surprised at how weak her voice sounded. "I mean, I'd like to enter, and become an explorer." She said, with a bit more steel in her voice.

Arnold turned to them! "Oh! Hello! You're here for the guild, huh?"

Archie nodded. "Of course. You can follow us." Hex nodded, and drifted beside the Skrelp.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 2 days ago

Josh turned to the Combee. "Hi there. I'm Josh, and this is Matt." He paused for a moment. "I wouldn't worry about that guy. He wasn't too thrilled about me joining, either."

Arnold opened a door, and let them all inside. He handed each of them a gold badge with a ribbon attached to it. "These are your guild badges. If you ever get into trouble, you can just use them to teleport back here. It's easy as gummi pancakes." He then gave each of them a small bag for carrying items. "Now that you have everything you need, you can go to the mission board, or you can go out and explore. It's up to you. Oh, and by the way, you're using that wrong." He pointed at the bucket that Josh was in. He then took out another bucket, and placed in on his head. "See? This is how you're supposed to use it."

Josh couldn't believe it. He was now a guild member. Now, he just had to prove that he was worthy of it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Noire

Noire Exposition Extraordinaire

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Heya. I'm Hex. Nice to meet you." She said, before turning to Arnold.

Hex visibly struggled under the weight of all the items that had just been dumped onto the small combee. "Erm.." She said, her wings working hard to keep her floating. "Do you have these in a.. smaller size?" Arnold shifted about uncomfortably.

"Well.. those are kind of the smallest size." He explained. "I don't think we can get another set made. Can we get another set made? I think we can get another set made."

"Maybe. It'll have to be very small for her. Or she could keep the current set so that when she evolves, it'll fit perfectly." Archie replied, flying about the small Combee.

"Alrighty! So you can keep all that stuff to lug around! You know, when I was young, I once had to lug around about 4 of those satchels.." Arnold trailed off into the story, wildly gesturing about with his hands.

"He gets like this sometimes." Archie explained, trying to pull Arnold away fm the rest of them. "You're free to go and explore. Try to be careful, and don't mess up."

Hex nodded, and fluttered out of the guild room. "Now I just need to find a team.." She muttered.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Riddles
Avatar of Riddles

Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 2 days ago

As they went out to the mission board, Josh heard Hex say something about finding a team. "You can come with me and Matt if you want." He said as he scanned the mission board. A lot of them were for more advanced explorers, but there were a few that were good for beginners. One in particular caught his eye.

An Emolga had gotten lost somewhere in Beach Cave, and needed someone to save her. It was a simple mission. They just go in, get the Emolga, and get out. How hard could that be?

He used his psychic powers to take the mission off the board. He then showed it to the others, hoping they'd agree.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Noire

Noire Exposition Extraordinaire

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Hm? A team?" She asked, looking at Josh. "Sure. That sounds pretty good."

Hex glanced at what was floating in the air. Her first mission! It looked relatively easy, compared to what some of the other missions were. Some Emolga needed some saving up in Beach Cave. Get in, get out, save the day. Easy enough. She paused for a moment, noticing the silver ring on Josh's forehead was glowing. It gave off an aura of psychic. Hex just assumed it was for decoration.

"Wait." Hex said, looking at the ring. "You're psychic? Are you holding that up in the air? I thought that was Matt." She glanced at both Matt and Josh. They seemed to know each other well, even if she just met them. Matt didn't seem the least bit surprised to see it.
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