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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 2 days ago

Josh put the mission in Matt's bag. "I can only do the basic stuff, like telekinesis and telepathy. Haven't exactly figured out anything else yet."

Matt headed outside, taking Josh with him. "I do believe my level is quite higher than both of yours. I'll allow you two to defeat most of the wild Pokemon we encounter in here."

"Seems fair. It'll let me and Hex level up faster."

Upon arriving at the beach, Matt stopped momentarily at the cave's entrance. "Here we are. Let's go inside."

Neither of them noticed the strange figure watching them from a distance. It went under after seeing them enter the cave.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Noire

Noire Exposition Extraordinaire

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Uh.. I think I should probably let you know my only damaging move right now is Gust. I can do Sweet Scent, I guess, if you want to attract some more pokemon to defeat." Hex explained, flying into the cave. "Gust is good if you want to flee. Not so great if you want to fight, since I don't get to fight often. Most of my Beedrill just do it for me."

The entrance was surrounded by clusters of different, small pokemon. A couple of Kabuto peppered about, with some Shellos sliding around on the floor. A couple of stalagmites hung loosely on the ceiling, with droplets of water sliding off the slick surface. Cluttering the area were the Tympole. There they were, soaking themselves in puddles and mud. Kind of disgusting and fascinating. "Alright, so this is going to be a quick mission, right? In and out." She asked Josh, looking around the dark area. "This place feels.. damp."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The shellos couldn't stand up to all of our attacks, and passed out right then and there. I suppose I'll never know what it was planning to do to us, but whatever it was, I guess I should be glad that it failed. I simply continue onwards, and notice that some of the cave was actually flooded, leaving small paths with deep water surrounding them. This wouldn't be too much trouble for the fish on our team, or the floating.. er... magnet creature...? Either way, they should be able to travel through that water without an issue, however, the current was too strong for me, and could end with me drowning, unable to get out of the water. I noticed several more pokemon approaching us, but remained quiet, and close to my group. Okay... just be quiet, and be calm, and maybe they'll just pass us by... I think as I look around the little room they were all in. There was nothing of interest, unfortunately, and I was really hoping to at least get enough cash to get an apple... which reminded me... I was getting a little peckish from that fight and the walk over here. Of course, there was nothing I could do about that, so I simply ignored it for now, wanting to save my oran berry for the next time I get into trouble with someone. Heck, for all I know, that mudkip has an entire crew to help him out, and I don't want to get to the guy completely unprepared. He may seem weak, but he's an outlaw for a reason, we really shouldn't underestimate what this guy's capable of.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celes sighed in slight relief when the Shellos passed out, and then walks near Spruce. She also notice the other pokemons approaching, and stayed quiet. She stares at them, and then looks at Spruce.
"Maybe we should try to fight them.... we do need to train up maybe for when we will be getting to that mudkip...." she then says very calmly. She then shakes her head.
"Or not... it's you call." she then says, waiting to see if there would be any trouble. At first sign of trouble, she would use confuse ray and then tackle the pokemon that would be attacking them. At least that was the plan. But seriously, she was wondering if they were going to maybe meet up with friendly pokemons instead of all hostiles. Probably not, cause this was a mystery dungeon, and they do have weird effects on other pokemons. They might just have a huge group of them suddenly. She keeps calm, looking at her team. Her stomach then growl just a bit.
"Uhm.. gonna need to eat slightly after this." she then says.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 2 days ago

"The Pokemon in this cave shouldn't be too powerful. I'm sure Gust can knock some of them out." Josh said. "If everything goes well, then it shouldn't take too long. This cave isn't too big, is it?"

Matt was looking around the cave entrance. "Not big at all, compared to some of the other dungeons. If you ask me, I don't know how this Emolga managed to get lost."

"Should be over with pretty quickly, then. Let's get going."

They didn't go too far into the cave before they saw a knocked-out Shellos. Someone was here just recently. Probably another explorer. Other Pokemon had shown up to investigate - two more Shellos and an Omanyte. Josh used Smokescreen, creating a black cloud around the group of wild Pokemon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 2 days ago

"It's time to get dangerous!" Kamina said as he splashed over to the water. With the top half of his body above water, he said "Spruce, hop on. We'll wipe out this whole room to warm up for the big event. The current here feels pretty strong. It's nothing to me, but it might make swimming in here impossible for a land dweller like you. With me in the driver's seat you'll be free to pick them off with your grass whip thing. It's time for us to tap into the superpower of teamwork!" he declared.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Here's a sentence I hoped I would never say: 'Get on my back, Celes.'

Thankfully, if I couldn't even give Davis a ride, then obviously I wouldn't be of much help. The sea inside the cave was unusually quiet at times, but it could catch you by surprise; the suspicious silence would usually be shattered by waves of white water, strong enough to pass through holes in the cave, crashing into stones and walls of the cave. Normally, this would last for around ten seconds, with a break of about half a minute. Although, this had been going on for about a minute, with only a few milliseconds of no noise. A rising tide in a cave was always bad news, but a lack of a moon... hm, this was probably work of a mentally ill Wailord.

"Hold on; only two of us can get across, three as apparently the Magikarp can lift someone." I said, looking out at the ocean that had seemed to dim the atmospheric light. 'Lift.' I'm already disturbed at how a Magikarp can supposedly lift someone on their back, let alone use a fire move. My mind wanted me to shiver, although I had limited it to a simple pupil looking around and analysing the place. "You're certainly enthusiastic." I commented on his fiery nature (pun not intended), turning from the underground sea to everyone else like I was suspended by string. "I'd suggest looking for a way around, although by the looks of it..." I peered out at some paths, most of whom were hit by waves. I shuddered (to my mind's delight) when I was treated to a mental image of Spruce and Celes drowning in the salty, mineral filled water. "Mm... walking on those slippery paths. Don't even need a voice telling you how dangerous that could get."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Noire

Noire Exposition Extraordinaire

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hex began to flutter her wings rapidly, using Gust. The Smoke Screen was thick and heavy, and the gust was pushing it deeper into the cave to cover up more pokemon. However, her move was interrupted by an oncoming wave, which swept the two wild pokemon away along with the fainted Shellos. Along with the new wave came even more pokemon, including a couple of Kabuto who scuttled away in fright.

"Huh. We might need to hurry. Eventually, the whole cave could be filled up." Hex said, looking down at the rapidly growing white foam. "If the water gets high enough, we could probably let Josh free."

Hex began to flutter down the cave once again, wary of any new pokemon. Looked like it was mainly water types; so far, she had seen an Omanyte, a Kabuto, some Shellos, and she spotted a Magikarp. It's scales were a dark, robust red, and the "crown" of it was blue. Not quite your average Magikarp. Beside it looked like a couple of.. explorers? She was pretty sure Snivy, Eevee, and Magnemite weren't all too common in Beach Cave. She glanced behind her, at Josh and Matt. "I think I found some other explorers." She said. "Looks like they're trying to get across with the Eevee and Snivy."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celes sighed a bit, looking at the waves. Her vaporeon sibblings would not have any trouble to pass these waves.... but for her.... it was whole other story. She sighed looking at the mineral filled waves coming and crashing down constantly to the side of the cave. She sighed slightly. How to even pass those waves were the question. Trying to swim it was out of the question for her, that is for sure... Miloon could probably fly over the water and to the other side. Kamina was able to swim... and supposely even lift someone on their back. Well... she was not sure if it was a good idea, but a snivy was kinda not too heavy, so that was one thing....her on the other hand...She suddenly notice a blue smoke at the distant corner of her eye, but it quickly disappear. The same sense then before. She shakes it off and looks at everyone.
"I guess we will need to be extra careful if we are going to go around it..." she says, before turning around and seeing the combee with a Reuniclus and a Skelp. She stares at them and nudge Spruce.
"I guess we are not the only explorers here..." she says to him, unsure how to even start the conversation or anything. This was... awkward a bit. Shyness.... she hated it when she had those moments.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Uh... are you sure? I guess I don't have much of a choice." I say to Kamina. I then jump onto the fish, and hope that I don't fall. Of course, if I did fall off of him, he'd probably just take me back out of the water, right? Man, that guy's such an optimist. His optimism can give mine a run for its money. I think as I prepare to attack the room full of water types by summoning a vine whip to my hand for quicker use of the move. The water felt really cold, which I didn't like, but I got used to it pretty quickly. The room ahead was, as I've described, completely filled with hostile pokemon, but none of them appeared to be the mudkip we were all looking for. That seahorse thing and the combee seemed to be looking for something here, too, and they seemed to be explorers, as well. Of course, the seahorse seemed to have some sort of trouble moving on land, and was carried by one of those jelly-like psychic-types. Those pokemon were kinda weird, but, they were usually nice enough. I just hoped that we'd get most, if not all of the experience from clearing out this room because we really needed to level up for what we were going to be doing, soon. I checked the room carefully for any kind of holes, secrets, levers or anything, but I found absolutely nothing of that nature, leading me to believe that the mudkip wasn't hiding out here. Of course, it was probably too early in the dungeon to start actually looking for him, but you can never be too careful.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 2 days ago

Matt waved to the other group of explorers. "Hello." He approached them, careful not to startle any wild Pokemon on the way. "It's nice seeing other explorers in here. So, are you on a mission, or just training?"

As soon as Matt got to the water, he let Josh out of the bucket. Josh's excitement was understandable. After being stuck in that bucket since this morning, it was nice to be able to move around freely. So nice, in fact, that for a moment Josh wasn't paying attention to his surroundings. He didn't notice the Omanyte sneaking up behind him until it had its tentacles wrapped around his head. "Get off me!" Josh used Confusion on it, and it ended up letting go and falling into the water. It wasn't knocked out yet, though. It came back up and used Constrict again, but this time Josh's Confusion knocked it out. "I guess I should watch my back from now on."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celes looked at Matt and then at Kamine. She sighed calmly.
"Well, I guess that makes more people here. I am guessing you guy's took another mission from the board? We took the one about the outlaw mudkip, what about you guys?" she then says, looking at the others from the group. She then hears a kabuto behind her. It suddenly used scratch and hit her a couple of feet back. She countered with tackle, before getting hit once again by another scratch attack. She countered by using confuse ray on it, and then backed away as the kabuto hit a wall. She then uses tackle again, but it seemed to resist her attack. It hit itself once again, before shaking. Celes then finish it off with another tackle, which critical hit it fortunately for her. Seriously, she hated the fact that she did not have any other moves to use against them. Normal types attacks will not make her go for, especially against the multiple solid type's that exists, and ghost types... And knowing her moves, sand attack would be the best to get rid of.... She just hoped that she will find a tm or something soon for shadowball or dig.... one or the other would be great for her. Shadowball.... this would be so useful knowing her sixth sense thing. She then looks at Matt.
"Sorry... those dang things." she says, before looking at the currents.
"How the heck am I even suppose to pass these...." she told herself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 2 days ago

Kamina adjusted well to the Snivy's weight on him. "Alright! Time to kick some ass!" Before he charged headfirst into the fry, he noticed Celes looking at the water 'what an idiot! How could I forgot about the Eevee!? The poor thing doesn't have anyway to cross.' Kamina made a decision "alright! Celes was it? Get on here too. Spruce" he addressed the Snivy "you're going to have to adjust yourself. We need to make room for Celes on my back. Maybe you could get in the water while holding onto me with a vine. Don't worry about me; I can take it. My training with Splash has given me amazing strength. If I can use Splash to travel on land with little effort, then I can swim through currents with an Eevee on my back while towing a Snivy no problem!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celes stares at Kamina, and then looks at Spruce. That was one spiteful magikarp she could say.... wanting to go and carry her to the other way like that.
"Are you.. sure?" she asks. She breath deeply, and then think a bit.
"Alright... I... I will trust you on this... If Spruce want's to that is." she then says. She looks at the current and the water. God... it will be worst then when her vaporeon siblings used water gun on her full force to push her away when they were doing something they were not suppose to do... like changing their room into a aquatic domain and having dug a huge hole in the floor for this. In the end they needed to repair the damage and had to do it outside instead of inside like they did... God, that was one place that his flareon brother did not go for weeks cause of how wet and moist it was. He always hated being in a moist environment. Who can blame him. The water would be stuck in your fur for so long and you would be freezing cold.... not something that most pokemons like to feel.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 3 mos ago

I was half-way across the dark sea, filled with clouds of foam, before turning back as I heard unfamiliar voices. More Pokemon had joined us, merging our group and... well, we were attacked, but we managed to defend ourselves. I settled onto a rock that jutted out the cave's wet and rugged floor, floating a few centimeters off the point. "Who're you? Guild members?" I asked, turning 90 degrees to take a look at everyone who came. Calling the strangers 'team mates' wouldn't work, because they weren't really with us... I think. "Well, well. Many Pokemon already, in a time-span of about... 10 seconds. I'm already feeling sorry for that Mudkip, as well as residents of this cave."


What else was I supposed to do? For all I cared, Davis was dead (dead, dead, so bloody dead), so I may as well let some time pass. Sure enough, his corpse wasn't going to dissolve any time soon. If anything, it would probably get buried in some dirt. "I believe we're all supposed to introduce ourselves, yes?" I wondered how long we would take getting across the underground sea, as we seemed to be taking our time exchanging looks.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I was shocked when Kamina expected me to jump in the water, and nearly said something about it, but instead, I nodded and said "Um... just try to make sure that my head stays above the surface. I'm not going to be much use to anyone if I drown." I then, after a bit of hesitation, tie my already summoned vine onto Kamina's right fin, and then jump in, trying to keep myself afloat. Luckily, I was able to thanks to the fish that I was tied to. It was odd that even pokemon who were clearly designed to not walk on land were able to breathe on it, but I wasn't really complaining, right now, given how that little quirk of pokemon-kind has already helped me out, somewhat. M then says something about everyone introducing themselves, and decide to start off with "Good point. My name's Spruce, and I might be the leader of this team." of course, this leadership was really more of a default, seeing as how I was the one who founded the team. That being said, M seemed somewhat stronger than I was, Celes seemed to have more moves (even if most of them were non-damaging), and Kamina seemed to be the most different from his own species with his ability to use fire, and optimistic outlook on life. I didn't even know what, exactly, if anything I was actually good at on this team. I mean, sure, I was okay at using vine whip, but when's that skill going to come in handy when we're fighting some top-level outlaw, hiding in some cave of no return? Probably never.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Noire

Noire Exposition Extraordinaire

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hex turned to the Eevee, flying above the salty. raging waters. "We took the kidnap mission. Some Emolga got itself trapped in here." Hex replied, glancing between the new pokemon. "Can't really take out an outlaw right now. Maybe Matt." She turned to the large, translucent psychic ball of goo, who was watching Josh swim about in the furious waters in ecstasy. He seemed to be familiarizing himself with some of the wild pokemon, too. Several more pokemon were washed up onto the shore, scuttling about. Looked like more were coming. Hex lowered herself, so she just fluttered above Josh. "I think more pokemon are coming. We need to hurry, before they swarm us." She said, looking at Josh. Several more Omanyte began to emerge from the waters, and one actually attempted to leap at Hex, who then gusted him back into the waters. "Yup, we really need to hurry! It's either the water drowns us or the pokemon get us." She said, pulling herself out before an Omanyte could latch onto her.

Hex glanced at the Magnemite. "Name's Hex. I'm from Birchwood. Just joined the guild, so yeah, a guild member." She tried to talk while gusting away the other attacking pokemon, but it was a tad more difficult than she thought. Her wings worked hard to stir up enough wind in the underground cavern in order to gust, but it was getting fainter and fainter each time. "C'mon.. c'mon.. whatever! Whatever! I'm done! We need to go!" Hex said, gusting away yet another Omanyte. It's long, damp tentacle latched around her wing for about a second before it slipped off back into the waters. "I think we really need to go before we get dragged under by these things." She commented, fluttering around and gusting off any oncoming pokemon attacks.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celes looked at Kamine, and breath deeply. She then jumps in the water and grabs onto Kamine, getting on him slowly.
"Ugh... never was use to water..." she then says. She was hoping that Kamine could actually bring them to the other side. He was strong and optimistic at least. She breath deeply and then looks back at the group.
"Names Celes... I... kinda don't want to tell how I joined the guild though..." she then says. She was just hoping that Kamine would not just fail and make them all drown... The current was already had to keep up with. She just hoped that everything will end up fine... cause all the other pokemon were starting to attack, and this was worrying her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Okay, would ya stop talking so fast!?" Ironically, I was doing the same. This would continue for the next for paragraphs. I jerked my magnets as I gestured angrily, not catching every word above the sounds of war and waves.

I It turns out time sped up. Because 'adrenaline.' I didn't even know if that possible in artificial Pokemon like myself, and Davis himself doubted that odd 'humen' chemical. I cursed under my breath, because all these wild Pokemon were all proficient swimmers. If we were to get washed into sea, we'd be screwed. "From what I can piece together; it's a hostage situation. We've got both an outlaw Mudkip and Emolga down there, so it's kinda obvious." Thankfully, most of these wild creatures were scared by the display of electricity arcing from me. I turned around, I see I zapped an entire pool, with Pokemon floating up and incapacitated. "Yeah, I'm also from Birchwood. My name's M-" Thankfully, an unidentified water Pokemon managed to grab onto me, interrupting my sentence as I hooked it's mouth. "Wait a minute... you think!?"

That little remark was directed at both Hex and myself.

So, I did that little tactic again. I aimed for the raging sea that was slowly rising, and steadied three of my magnets towards the water. Seemingly, it just got angrier at us, throwing Pokemon of all types (uh, all water types). Without another word, I let off another arc; lightning danced through the air, combining with three other arcs as it struck a Kabuto and stray shiny Shellos (from earlier - damn, I feel sorry for that guy). Through their pathetic squeals, I opened my one eye to see zigzags of yellow bouncing through the contrasting mixture of blue and white...

Hm. If this was a real story, this would probably be considered a 'deus ex machina.' Thank you Davis for pointing that out, you twat. Because this isn't a real story, I have to say Spruce and some unfortunate other team mates were caught in the electric field. Oh boy. I slapped (or rather tried to slap) a magnet onto my face at the result.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 2 days ago

As Celes got onto his back, Kamina bobbed in the water a little before settling "alright, we are good to go!" he cheered. "My name is Kamina! Remember it, because it's the name of the Magikarp who's going to be the most powerful member of his race. Young Pokemon of weaker races will look to me and say 'if a simple Magikarp could get the strong, then why can't I?'" His introduction done, Kamina made his way to the other side with little trouble. Spruce and Celes unbalancing him more then weighing him down. "Hah! A current this weak is nothing after all of the intensive training I've gone through!" A random Omanyte came up to attack him, but Kamina managed to make it back off with a Ember attack...despite Omanyte's duel resistance to fire attacks.
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