Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Noire

Noire Exposition Extraordinaire

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"H-Hey! You know there are other pokemon in the water, right?!" Hex demanded, glaring at the Magnemite. "Pokemon beside the wild ones?! My teammates? Your teammates?" Hex began to flutter down, but immediately pulled upward upon seeing the water sparkling and crackling a blinding white. Most of the fried wild pokemon were either swept away or sinking to the bottom. She scanned the foaming waters, looking for any sign of Josh. The thundershock would deal a fair chunk of damage to him. Maybe not quite as much for the Eevee and Snivy if they were caught up in it, but for a water type like Josh, it could really injure the Skrelp. The Magikarp looked mostly undaunted, though; he was rambling on about being the strongest member of his race. Maybe he wanted to conquer the towns and ravage the dungeons? Burning the whole place to the ground? Something along those lines.

Hex hurriedly fluttered over to the remaining chunks and strips of land left untouched by the quickly rising sea to take a break. Hopefully, Josh was alright. He could probably make his way out of being charred to a crisp, right? 'course he could. She slowly drifted down, her wings, shuttering to a stop, and took a couple of shaky deep breaths. Wasn't at all what she was expecting from being free. Hex was honestly hoping for some sunshine, some trees, no work or stress. Not freezing cold, electric waters, the constant worry of being under attack, or the quickly rising threat of drowning. She quickly flew back up, buzzing and ready. She readied her wings for a gust, scanning the sea for anything to attack. But it looked like a good bit of the wild pokemon had just been wiped out by the thundershock.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Just before I was able to get back on to the land, the entire, er, pond, or whatever it was we had to cross, was shot with electricity. Thankfully, the electricity didn't do all too much to me, but, it may have done a number on Kamina, thanks to the fact that his typing wasn't too great for surviving an electrical attack. That being said, it still hurt. "Gah! Watch where you aim that thing, next time!" I shout to M, who was apparently the one who possibly KO'd whatever water-type teammates we brought with us. I then, using the vine whip vine, jump up onto the land, and manage to attack a... uh... wait... what was that? It was some sort of purple blob thing with green eyes and short antennae. Unfortunately, my attack didn't seem to do much to the thing, which countered with the move counter, knocking me back, a ways and giving me a black eye. What the? How does that thing know counter? I thought only that weird punching bag pokemon could use that. I think as I try to think about which move I should use next. This thing didn't appear to be a water type, but if it was, then it was either a higher level than I was, or was good at taking attacks... neither of those scenarios worked out very well for me, given that it also had a quick and easy way to literally throw my own attacks back at me. My thought process was then interrupted with the thing shouting "Explorers, huh? Well, I know I'm getting a promotion from Mister Mudkip when this is over! Yes, you will all know the name 'General Goom'!" He seemed pretty proud of that last attack... I just had to make sure that this WAS his last attack.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celes received a huge shock from all this, but shook her head.
"Watch it M!" she also says.When she arrived on land though, she saw the Goomy that used counter on Spruce. Fighting type move... this would be bad for her. She looks at it, then had a little idea. She then used Baby doll eyes on it.
"Oh General Goom, why are you so mean to us... why! Why!" she then says in fake act. The goomy looked at her, kinda surprised by this and looked at her eyes. She then used confuse ray on him, hoping that those attack combinations would help his team out enough for them to defeat that guy quickly. Less attack and less chance to hit... that actually could help out. She did nto want to attack it too much, cause they he might counter and then this would hurt her a lot more then what she could do to it. She might have practiced tackle a lot, but it was not really the best move to have to say the least. And seriously, seeing the teams typing... They did not have any ice type moves unless by miracle Kamina would have one... but probably not cause of his fire typing. That skelp probably did not know any either, but he did have some weird psychic powers so... that something. Well, they will probably beat it if they all worked together. Seeing thie composition, that combee gust might help a lot.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Noire

Noire Exposition Extraordinaire

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Ha.. ha.. heyyy there missus," General Goomy said, his voice slurred and his beady black eyes rolling about deliriously. "You wanna.. dinner sometime?" The boisterous Goomy slumped over, his odd gooey body hitting the damp, cold floor. He lied flat on his back, just staring into space. The general surprise from the Baby-Doll eyes and the Confusion sent it reeling. Now all it needed was to be finished off.

Hex flew down by Spruce and Celes, seeing her chance. "Goomy." She muttered to herself, as if she reading out of a book. "Naturally dopey. Can be surprisingly strong when agitated or trained properly." Hex fluttered her wings rapidly, the winds swirling about the crystalline insect wings. After a moment of readying it, she released the storm of winds on the Goomy. While "storm of winds" might be a bit of an exaggeration, it did it's job on the already half-dead Goomy, who was sent flying.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, thank you very much." I boldly quoted from the 'bibe,' or some fantasy TV show from 'humen' times. "If someone's dead... well, I saved the lives of everyone else around." I told Hex, who was bravely trying to pick out the electricity-filled water to find her own team mate. A sense of remorse peaked through my denial tone. Why, Davis, why? You got me dragged into this bloody adventure, and I've already incapacitated at least 20 others. The ocean seemed as quiet as the floating fishes, the whole sea dying down and only minor splashes impacting the walls of the cave, and occasional arcs slapped the air with sound. Echoes could be heard from the silence. My droning could now be heard with little trouble, as well as everyone else's squeaky and protagonist-like voices. "Finally; we can hear each other properly. God bless all those uncivilised Pokemon who flapped their fins and slapped their tentacles into the ocean, 'cause they were deafening." The little remorse was as much as it could get. Heck, I had to learn it myself, because Davis wasn't really good with emotions.

...was that why he left? He thought friends meant nothing? Did this spread to me in some way? I tried to float over the calm sea whilst trying to keep my head not down, but up. Yet, my team mates were in trouble and expecting some help from this 'General Goom.' Being a part of a team meant I had to work with them, not think of them as another number. Ironically, I was only saving them so I would have more help finding Davis. However, the difference between them and me was that their friends actually stuck around.

Already pissed at the events of today, yesterday, and the last few bloody weeks, I had reached into the water full of sand and iron particles, drawing in most of the electricity into me and making sure I wouldn't explode. "Alright; I'm sorry for getting your friends possibly killed, for some attempt to save everyone else I know. Would you do the same?" I asked, rhetorically to some unaware guild/team members.

At the end of it (somewhere around 10 long, awkward seconds), I was glowing yellow and letting cracking arcs every few milliseconds. Mostly aesthetic, really, but I had managed to draw most of the electricity out. Plus, I felt like letting go of something. "Oi, you!" I shouted and pointed, my command echoing off walls and being absorbed by the water. I was trying to the enemy to stare at me, but... it didn't work, because... well, you could tell if they had a name like that, then their arrogance would blind them. "Oh for Arceus' sake." And that day, I slowly floated over to the scuffle where our Snivy leader was getting owned, parallel to me zapping a stray shiny Shellos towards the glittering walls. (Again, what was with that guy!?) I was mad now, and obviously I couldn't take it out on someone as innocent as Hex.

So, I was facing Goom, who was keeping an eye on... everything. He was spinning and blurting odd words. "General... Boom!" With those words came another thunder shock from only a few meters away. This time, six separate dancing rays cascaded into each other, forming three wider and more violent shuffling of electrons in the air. The final one combined turned into a beam, still crackling but otherwise killing you with looks alone. This all happened at once, a flashing image that soon faded away...

Despite this, I calculated a low amount of damage to come. After all, I didn't feel too empowered by the electricity in the sea, and dragons were resistant to electricity. Then again, sometimes my calculations were off...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 2 days ago

That one Omanyte that attacked Josh certainly wasn't the last. There were tons of them now. Josh went underwater to fight off some of them. Five Pokemon were swimming towards him - Three Kabuto, a Tympole, and an Omanyte. He sent a black cloud of smoke at them, and although it slowed them down, they were still coming for him. He used Confusion on the Tympole as he started to back away, but it wasn't enough. One more Confusion brought the Tympole down, but the other four were still moving towards him. He looked behind him to see even more Pokemon coming from that direction. They had him surrounded now. There was no escaping.

Suddenly, the water was filled with a huge jolt of electricity. All of the Pokemon surrounding Josh were immediately knocked out by it due to their weakness to electric moves. Unfortunately, Josh had the same weakness. After the electricity stopped flowing, he floated to the top of the water. He was still conscious, but just barely. That attack really did a number on him.

Matt, who was putting up Reflect and Light Screen to help his teammates, began to panick. He was frantically looking around, searching for any sign of Josh. When he finally found him, he immediately floated over and picked him up out of the water. He then shot an angry look at the Magnemite. "You imbecile! There were more than just wild Pokemon in there, you know!" He looked down at Josh. "His injuries don't appear to be too bad. If we give him an Oran berry he should be fine."

He put Josh back in the water for a moment while he searched through his bag, hoping he had one. Thankfully, he did. He gave it to Josh, who almost immediately felt most of his energy return to him. "Thanks, Matt." He looked over at the others, who were now fighting a Goomy. "Let's go help them."

They headed over to where everyone else was. Right after Hex sent it flying, Josh used Confusion, hoping that would knock it out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 1 day ago

In reality, that electric attack had hurt a lot. However, countless times getting nearly beaten to death had given Kamina an ungodly pain tolerance level (you know...for a Magikarp). His first instinct was to reply with a quip something along the line of 'an attack this weak can't hurt me,' but considering that attack came from a teammate, he wasn't sure if that was the right course of action. Instead, he opted for something different "heh...don't worry about me. I'll live." Sliding back onto land, Kamina splashed weakly towards Goom as he fired off some more Ember pellets.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The attacks almost seemed to be enough to knock out that goomy, or, should I say 'General Goom', and I would have finished him off, however... I got a much better idea. "Hold it! He should know where that mudkip character is, right? Well... maybe he can lead us to him." I say to the rest of my team. I then turn towards the frightened, shocked, confused, tackled, burned and generally beaten up goomy who seemed to be holding on by a thread. Oddly, tears started to form in his beady eyes, and I could almost hear him whisper 'Th-thank you...' obviously, though, he was still preparing to attack, but, stopped, apparently because of me. I end up asking "So, will you lead us to this 'Mister Mudkip'? We're kind of on a mission, and he's not a very nice guy, you know." he turns away from me, initially, but I decide to sweeten the deal, a bit and hand him my only oran berry, something he really needed at the time. This may have seemed a bit odd to the team, but it was the only thing I could do, right now. He then turns back towards me, and eats the fruit, finishing it off in one bite. After letting out a sigh of relief, he says "Yeah, I guess I can show you there... heck, I'll even help keep the wild pokemon at bay for you." He then heads off in some direction, and I follow, despite my father's advice to never trust a purple blob. I didn't ever really know what he meant until just now, of course, figuring that this must be the purple blob he was talking about. "Well? We might as well follow him, right?" I say to the group as I continue walking, and following the somewhat annoyingly slow goomy through the caves.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 3 mos ago

What we all did wasn't healthy.

We went from beating uncivilised Pokemon to stupid Pokemon. Yet, we didn't even take into account how- actually, I didn't have any idea that the Goomy was working for someone, because we were so consumed by the fighting. Meanwhile, Spruce didn't seem to do much. So anyway; the title 'general' seemed grand enough, but there was always the 'king' (or other higher-authority figures) to lead the general. Either that, or they had some goal. In this case, the self-proclaimed Mr. Mudkip. The name wasn't original at all, so you could obviously tell how inexperienced and 'noobish' he was. (This term would make sense to me, because Davis was a Porygon. Would I have to explain any further?) Beating the crap out of a dragon and leaving it by the edge of life... that shows how much influence the Mudkip had. (Hint: very little. Has to hire pretty weak Pokemon.)


All that electricity that I absorbed... I think it had an odd effect on me. I was twitching occasionally, and it would be pretty obvious through looking at my eyelid. Despite this, I was ready to narrate our settings:

The caves got noticeably warmer and less damp, uphill yet seemingly flat. The cave seemed to spiral before going straight again, and then branching off two different cave systems. One was cold, the other was normal. Goom here dragged us through the cold tunnel, to his reluctance. The walls didn't seem as corroded, looking more jagged and rugged. I assumed we were going up and above, since it was pretty evident no water had ever flowed in this area. Yet, there was still sand... iron sand, with footprints in them. Thankfully, if some God damn iron tried forming on me, I would repel it away through my other two magnets. Because of this, steadying myself was considerably harder. I had wished for no wild Pokemon to surprise us, otherwise I'd swing a mace of iron at the annoying thing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celes fallowed Spruce from behind, but felt as if something was not going to be right here. She looks at Spruce, and whispers to him.
"You sure we can trust him? He does work for that guy... And I feel he might try to double cross us." she says as she looked at the goomy. Sure... She did not mind those pokemons, but...she was not so sure about that one. Her parents always told her to be careful with strangers and such. Well, this was something that she was not sure if Spruce learned. She still prepared a confuse ray just in case. One false move and that goomy would fall in confusion again and then the whole team will attack him all over again. But what if he brings them to a dang ambush. This was what was maiing her worried during all the way.
"Last thing we know he could bring us to a ambush or something." she whispers to Spruce, still worried.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Noire

Noire Exposition Extraordinaire

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Wow. I think that might've been a bit overkill." Hex commented, watching as everyone decimated the poor, dopey pokemon. After Spruce ngetotiated with General Goomy, Hex followed the group, fluttering upward. The Goomy seemed reluctant, but hopefully he should keep to his word and lead them to the Mudkip and Emolga. With all of them coming after the outlaw, he wouldn't stand a chance. The Goomy began to lead them into a colder, damp cav. Jagged stalagmites dripped water onto the rugged stone floor with a plink sound that echoed throughout the cavern. It was mostly quiet if you excluded the occasional whisper between pokemon or the chittering of a wild pokemon. Her wings began to flutter up a gust, preparing herself for the encounter. Mudkip were usually wild little things. Most of the mudkip she had met before were a bit unstable, muttering to themselves about how the world was some giant simulation and we were just pawns. Not the best pokemon to have as an outlaw.

The Goomy was painfully slow. As he chugged upward, slowly dragging himself through the cave, she noticed the ghost of a smile playing on it's face. It probably thought the Mudkip would easily overpower the explorers, or just escape with the hostage. She couldn't tell for sure. Hex began to flutter her wings rapidly, preparing a gust in case the Goomy attempted to betray them or the Mudkip ambush them. As Hex continued upward, she noticed Matt and Josh had joined the group. Luckily, they'd survived the shock. Josh had a couple of visible charred marks on him from the electricity, but otherwise he looked good as new. "Hey," Hex said, fluttering by Josh. "That M is pretty strong, right?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 2 days ago

That little moment of freedom that Josh had was nice, but now that they were on land again he had to go back in the bucket. The whole group was following this Goomy, but Josh trusted him about as far as he could throw him. He was attacking them a few minutes ago, after all.

Hex fluttered up beside him. "Hey," she said. "That M is pretty strong, right?"

"Yeah, that attack did a lot to me." He looked at all of the burn marks he now had. His left fin, which was clear before, was now a charred black colour. His tail also had a pretty large burn mark on it. There was another one on his head, but he couldn't see it. "I think these will heal eventually. Right, Matt?"

"Yes, of course." Matt said. "I'm not sure how long it will take, but those marks will disappear eventually."

"OK, that's good."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

As we continue onwards, I notice General Goom smiling and whistling happily, which was odd. "Hey, um, why are you so happy?" I ask General Goom, who says "Well, it's just nice to finally have some explorers who are strong enough to help me and Ma- uh, I mean, Mister Mudkip on one of our jobs! Ya see, we're explorers, too, and apparently, Mister Mudkip already saved this emolga, but she didn't pay him for it, so then he told me to go get her so we can get our reward... a reward which my mother and I really need." that explanation was strangely long, and oddly wrong. These were outlaws, right? As in, not explorers? The whole 'mother' part was strange, as he didn't mention having any other family... was she a single mother somewhere, then, and he was just trying to help her? If so, then it seems like he just got mixed up in a bad crowd trying to help her out. We eventually make it to some weird hole in the wall, that is, after General Goom handled a couple omanyte and kabuto that decided to block our path. None of them stood a chance against his absorb attack. "Well, here we are, everyone! Uh... just let me put on my helmet really quick..." He then heads into the cave, and comes back out with a green helmet with splotches of darker green and brown all over it, and added "Well, let's go! This is just so exciting for me."

I then head into the small cave with General Goom, and find a mudkip wearing a suit and tie, and a tied up emolga, who appeared to be screaming for help. "Wow... um... I-I had no idea about this... Mister Mudkip usually just tells me to stay outside when we have a guest over." General Goom says somewhat timidly. The mudkip, who I'm assuming is Mister Mudkip, then turns to see us. "Oh, good, you've brought another one, General Goom." He says, with General Goom shaking whatever was supposedly his head, and responding with "Wh-what's going on here? Why is she tied up like that? Isn't that hurting her, or something?" this response made Mister Mudkip laugh, and say "Yeah... wait, you still haven't figured it out? This is what we do, Goom." this seemed to almost physically damage Goom, who said "What? I-I thought we were just an unofficial exploration team! You... you lied to me!?" Mister Mudkip laughed even harder at that, and said "Yeesh, what a dope, YES I LIED! This was the only way to get money for us, you dolt. In case you don't remember, no guild would have us. If you're leaving, that's fine by me..." Mister Mudkip then pulls out a conch shell and blows on it, summoning several wild water types to his aid. "Well, guy, looks like we're fighting for the same thing... um, sorry for being bad, earlier." General Goom says as the water types start heading towards us. He then adds "Oh, and, you can call me Anthony... Anthony Birch." Birch? Could he somehow be related to me? If so, then how? Well, I guess that's not important, after all, we've got a flood of water-types to fight through, now. I think when I hear his name. I was fairly quiet through this whole ordeal because I had no idea what was going on... of course, there really weren't too many other water types, there was literally just one for everyone who was on our team, including Anthony. I pull out a vine whip, and look back in preparation of another fight.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celes shook her head at what she heard. Seriously, that Goomy had to go and not know about how this mudkip was actually the bad guy. He was rather... uhm... how do you call it... naive... ya... that how you call it. She then sees the whole group of water types going to attack.
"Well here we go guys...." she says. She then attemps to use confuse ray of the multiple pokemons 1 by one, aiming to hit that mudkip with one. She then received a scratch attack, but she shakes it off. She thne runs forwards and uses tackles on one of the wild water pokemons, aiming to strike it hard and to maybe do a critical strike. The faster they go and finish those guys, the better. It was 2 missions in one right now, so they really had to work hard to finish this. She then received another scratch attack. She shakes that one off again, breathing deeply. They were only scratch attacks, not fighting type moves at least.. She then uses baby doll eyes, trying to look at everyone of the water types, possibly making go in awe and stop their attacks just a bit. She just hoped the team could manage.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Noire

Noire Exposition Extraordinaire

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Augh! Clauncher!" Hex choked out, a Clauncher's claw ensnaring the Combee tightly. It hardened it's grip, and Hex could feel it whittling away at her. She flew into the air, spiraling out of control, and finally threw the Clauncher off of her. It landed on the hard cave wall, and upon hitting it, the shell made a loud, metal clanging noise. After shaking off it's momentary confusion, the pokemon aimed a large blue claw at Hex, and a strong flow of water spurted from it's claw, dousing the Combee. "Clauncher. I really, really hate Clauncher." She muttered to herself, shaking off the water. Hex threw the pre-prepared gust at the Clauncher. It flew on it's back and began spinning out of control like a renegade top, bouncing off the walls of the cave like a ball in a pinball machine. It slammed hard into a rock, finally ending it's spin. The Clauncher lay on it's back, dazed and disabled.

"That's it for him." Hex said, looking at the confused Clauncher. She turned to the rest of the pokemon. Celes was quickly taking out most of the wild pokemon around her, dazing them and then damaging them. Hex gusted at some of the starstruck water types, in an attempt to help some of them. Hopefully, after completing the mission and defeating the wild pokemon, she'd level up a level or two. That would certainly help, and add a bit of variety to her moveset other than Gust and Sweet Scent- Sweet Scent. She hadn't used that yet. Hex closed her eyes, and concentrated. A sweet, sticky aroma filled the battlefield, and several water types inhaled. They became slightly drowsy, and tripped on their own feet. They were less likely to dodge attacks now, which should help some of the others. Right now, she seemed like more of the support to the fighters.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 2 days ago

Matt put Josh down for a moment to use Light Screen and Reflect. Josh was hit by Mud Slap from a Shellos. He was weak to ground moves, but since it was a weak attack from a low-level Pokemon, it didn't do much. He retaliated with Confusion, but unfortunately didn't quite knock it out. Just as he was about to attack again, a Tympole flopped over to him and used Supersonic. His vision went blurry at that point. He couldn't tell which Pokemon were his friends and which ones were enemies. He could barely make out two Pokemon in front off him. He used Confusion on one, and it appeared to fall over, although Josh couldn't really tell. The second Pokemon used Bubble on him, but then got hit by a Psyshock from the side. As he regained his senses, he saw that the Tympole and the Shellos were both knocked out. Matt picked Josh up again, and Josh used Smokescreen in order to help his teammates.He noticed that a bunch of the Pokemon were confused, and all of them were under the effects of what appeared to be Sweet Scent. Now that Matt's Light Screen and Reflect, as well as Josh's Smokescreen were up, they were sure to win.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 3 mos ago

A smooth cave was what I wished for. At least you could step or float in it without changing height every step. Unfortunately, wishes didn't come true. Faith and other things to me were just denial to... pretty much everything. Obviously, faith is needed for determination. If I didn't have determination to find Davis, then obviously something was missing.

'.-. ..- -.' That odd message kept floating around in my mind, bouncing off ideas. Both nonsensical and strange. One of them was that he was abducted by a higher power. Otherwise, I had very little idea what the message was about, much less the content of it. I spent weeks figuring out that, but Davis' odd and possibly incomplete message wasn't going to be solved anytime soon. Yet, I wasn't giving up, thinking about it while moving around at the same time. I had noticed the cave had gotten more hostile, the environment reflecting this as more stupidly brave Pokemon tried murdering us. The amount of openings were dwindling as we went further into the system. I said goodbye to the last hole of sunlight peeking through, because we had been traveling in darkness for some time. I had reason to believe it was going to be our last source of outside light, until...

...we found torches nailed into walls two minutes later. Translated into fighting time, we fought one Pokemon that nicked me. I laughed at it initially, but... it was a nick. I had never got a nick. A FRICKIN' NICK. Most of the time, Pokemon would struggle getting through the electrifying boulder that was me. Futile attempts to break my shell, wasted away by broken claws, cracked teeth and bruised tails. I knew from that nick that I wasn't invulnerable. What an environment I was exposed to... full of Birchwood Pokemon that did little to even hurt or maim. I would've made another insincere comment about Davis, but I was interrupted by our guide.

"That's a... THAT'S a standard-issue- oh screw it. History doesn't really matter if it stretches by over a millennium." For some reason, that PHAAB (acronym for Personal Head Armour Against General Ballistics, which was made by the popular Johan 'something' back then) was in that Goomy's possession. Normally, it wouldn't fit on Pokemon, but obviously being a gastropod he was able to stuff his head/entire body into it. Plus, he was already strange for being able to utilize unexpected moves not normally seen in a Goomy. I wasn't shocked or anything, but I stayed in one place, motionless as I stared at the Goomy slither and wobble. I followed shortly afterwards, because I was left behind. I thought I had heard another message, but that was just some little holes in the wall whistling from the sea wind blowing through. They didn't look natural... neither did the cave we were currently in. It was smooth. Visible cracks were around. More tiny holes that were craters riddled the wall of the cave...

I didn't care. That was probably the Mudkip doing something nasty. Most likely; digging holes for the three torches that weren't arranged in any sort of fashion. They were all eye level, with some with less wood burning.

Finally, we were in the Mudkip's hideout. "See? It IS a hostage situation." I pointed out to my delight. What? Nobody responded, so I expected nobody to realise what I had said earlier. This was pretty ant-climatic thanks to all the Pokemon running to storm us.

...storm, eh? Nope. I was not doing that team-killing move again. I had to go for a lighter approach. "Who objects to me killing everyone in this room? At least the weak Pokemon around." I sounded stupid just to ask, but receiving confirmation meant I was free to electrocute everything in this room without... guilt. Guilt. Now that's an emotion I was looking for. On track: I assumed nobody could answer me while being splashed on or slapped. So, without hesitation, I let off a bolt of electricity and struck a shell or fish in its gut, making it doing a front-half-somersault. "Perfect aim."

Yet, another damn nick. From a little ball of water that merely pushed me aside. "What a poor choice for an opponent." I faced the idiotic Pokemon that had attacked me, twice because I was turning so fast. I'd blame Davis for allowing scratches to get on so easily, but he did the best he could to find a suitable strong and light metal for my body. So... I was going to kill him if I found him. After all, I had taken on a creepy and sinister tone.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 1 day ago

Kamina began spewing Ember pellets at any enemy that came close. Sure, he probably wasn't doing much damage, but it was still something. "Hah! Feel the fury of my burning soul!" he cried out before he continued to fire off the small Ember bolts. One somehow managed to hit a Shellos in the eye. Resistant or not, that hurt pretty bad

"Gah, my eye! You stupid worthless fish, you hit me in the eye!" The Shellos complained

"Worthless fish eh? Could a worthless fish have learned to fire flames from his mouth!?" Kamina asked in a triumphant voice "I think not! I have gone above and beyond what I race can do! I have evolved not my body, but my mind and fighting spirit! Through my countless days spent working my once weak body to the bone, I have gained amazing strength! I-" Kamina continued to ramble on

"Oh sweet Arcues, someone shut him up!" The Shellos begged "this is worse then taking an Ember to the eye!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celes looked as Kamina was actually speaking and hurting the shellos with all his gibberish... at least that how she called that.
"Kamina! Maybe use tackle? It will have more effect cause they are water types." she then says. She then narrowly dodge a mud slap that a shellos was using. She then rush forwards and tackles it, pushing it back a good couple of feet. She then jumps in the air and lands on one of the shellos head, uses the force for the impact on the head and then hit straight into a Clauncher, pushing it back a good couple of feet. He then aims a confuse ray straight towards the mudkip, hoping to hit him and possibly making him dizzy and strike his own teammates. So many water types... it was getting really ridiculous at the moment. It was like if they wanted to just send every pokemon from the dungeon to them to beat them up when they were just doing their job of capturing a crook and possibly saving someone from that said crook. And if that emolga was a female, then for crying out loud it was saving the damsel in distress all over again... Why was it almost all the time females that were stuck with dang male crooks like that...
Anyway, she continued to fight on, hoping to beat down that mudkips team and then finish him off.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


"Hey, uh, Celes? Yeah, he's kinda a noobish Magikarp, he can't use Tackle yet!" I call out to Celes, who somehow thought Kamina knew tackle. If he did know tackle, I'm certain he would be using it against these water types, plus, it kinda takes a while for them to learn that technique. I then watch as a kabuto runs in the way of Celes' confuse ray, taking the attack for the Mudkip... seems like we won't be able to get to him until we beat his new minions. With that thought, I turn back towards my opponent, a squirtle who looked pretty mad at everyone, but was not otherwise noteworthy. After easily taking a water gun, laughing as that just really didn't do much thanks to my type. I then attack him with vine whip, which obviously hurt him quite a bit, as his screams of pain would have indicated. He gets back up from the attack, however, and uses withdraw, retreating back into his shell, and now much more prepared for my attacks. Unfortunately, I didn't have any attacks that would pierce through his defenses, so I had to use vine whip again, which sent him and his shell sliding all over the cave, sending him into several pokemon, including some of his own teammates. Unfortunately, when it came time for the mudkip to get hit, something else took his place and took the damage for him... again... the squirtle then got out of his shell with a face that said he was dizzy and confused. Well, that certainly worked out for me, even if he didn't take too much from that last attack. I think as I walk over to the squirtle, vine whip in hand.


I didn't really hear what that eevee was yelling about because I had a new mission, to defeat that liar I thought was my friend. He sent several pokemon, supposedly my replacements at us, though, unlike me, they were all water types, which meant that they all had a common weakness, one that was found and demonstrated by that snivy. What attacked me was no more than a shellos, a blue one, which means that he must come from the east, or something. Knowing its weakness, I use absorb on the thing, though... it didn't seem too fazed by the attack. "Huh? Hey, why aren't you in pain?" I ask the shellos, who shrugs, and says "Well, you're not very good at using grass type moves, and absorb's weak." Dang, he was right, but how did he know that I struggle at using moves like absorb? It didn't matter, as the thing started throwing mud everywhere, covering the opposing side in it. What the heck did that do? I mean, mud doesn't effect grass, right? I think as I use absorb on the thing, again, though I may not have had any health to recover, this was my best means of attack as long as this shellos doesn't actually use a physical attack on me, which was doubtful, as they, like me, lacked the limbs to actually perform most physical attacks. The thing then seemingly controls some mud and tries to blind me with it... the attack kinda hurt, I guess, but my vision was protected thanks to the fact that I pretty much withdrew into the helmet just to protect my eyes from that attack.
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