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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Noire

Noire Exposition Extraordinaire

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hex watched as the force of vicious water types were beginning to get beaten back into the sea. The Magikarp was ranting on and on, giving a headache to some of the water types. General Goom and Spruce were working on knocking out as much as they could. Celes was leaping between the enemies, dazing them and then disabling them. With all of them coming after the Mudkip, he didn't stand a chance. The Emolga was tied up in the corner, so Hex decided to make that her main priority. In all the chaos and disorder, the Emolga was still in the corner, silent.

"Hey." Hex fluttered down by the Emolga, who was still trying to get away, squirming down the cavern. "We'll get you out of these. I just need something sharp." Unfortunately, Hex wasn't the best at calming pokemon down. The Emolga was breathing rapidly, appearing to be in a state of extreme stress. She didn't respond to Hex. "Okaayy then." Hex said, looking at the Emolga. The Mudkip was currently trying to make his way over, so she needed to hurry. She looked around for something to get her out of the ropes with. Not much to work with. She doubted any of the other pokemon could really snap the tightly binding ropes.

Maybe M or the Magikarp could burn the ropes, but she doubted that they'd be able to do it without hurting the hostage. Spruce, Celes, Anthony, and Josh probably couldn't do it, considering that the only one with hands was Spruce, and he didn't seem to be great with them, mostly using his vines. Maybe Matt could pull them apart, or untie her, but the Reuniclus seemed to have three, large gooey fingers, and she doubted that they would be great for untying such tightly knotted ropes. Hex looked around. Several shards of rock were scattered about the cave floor.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 3 mos ago

That day, I had gotten revenge on two Pokemon with one single, well-aimed bolt of crackling electricity. The air was filled with vibrations, entering eardrums of most Pokemon and setting the danger-filled atmosphere. Water Pokemon that had foolishly went against us were sent back to their sleep, as we continued fighting the dozen that had rose from the underground pool. No longer dry this place, but wet again and with tiny holes that had been corroded over a millennium. Obviously, they didn't seem like natural features.

I watched on as one of the Pokemon had gotten up and retreated into the sea, dragging her Tympole partner by his tail. I wasn't stopping anytime soon, and neither was anyone else in this room/cave. But, change was going to happen soon, especially as I hadn't done anything about the original attack - Mister Mudkip. That bastard and his smug smile. He satirically pitied us on and rubbed saliva off his conch shell, complaining to himself about the mess on his Poke-burning sleeves. I refrained from attacking as I clenched an Omanyte's tentacle between a pair of magnets, and let go - the end result was the thing slapping its eyes hard, insult to injury being paralysed shortly afterwards. "This ends now, Sforza Mister!" I angrily clanged three of my magnets by swinging them below me, a seemingly impossible feat due to the magnetism repelling all three from each other. Made possible by getting all the north and south sides facing together. Then, I had to turn the sides again to repel, since they were being attracted to each other.

"It quite certainly will!" The Mudkip gracefully put his conch into his suit (which struck me as just ridiculous, as I thought I knew that thick object wouldn't fit at all), and his gestures reflected his blinding ego. "Where's your guild NOW, 'Nickson?'" He sarcastically quipped, loudly-

"Oh, that's gonna be your last words in your obituary. Beat him up, Atty!" Puns. Never failed me at my lowest moments. Plus, he started it, so I would be continuing out of 'respect.'


In my attempt to throw Anthony (Spruce's long lost something to which I would react after the fight) at the Mudkip, I let loose only a PHAAB helmet at his head. Anthony wasn't inside. Sure, the helmet itself dealt some damage by disorientating him and giving him a bad bruise, but clearly fighting both him and wild Pokemon would be pretty damn difficult. Especially if the latter's trying to drag you down with a tentacle or two. "I knew something like that would happen. Sorry, Anthony. Not so sorry about electrocuting you earlier." So, I started shooting bolts of electricity at the Mudkip, forming craters in the walls as they exploded from the charge. Mudkip himself was no longer disorientated to my dismay, awaken by a pair of lightning bolts that had zoomed pass his cheek and leg. "Now I did NOT expect that."

"Nice try. You missed twice in two seconds!"

"That's why third's the charm, you bloody charade!" It wasn't. In fact, I was dropping myself onto some sharpened ground to break the Omanyte's grip, hoping I'd rip several tentacles or something.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celes kept moving in, dodging water gun attack before striking a dang Omanytes that was trying to catch her and grip with its tentacles. God she hated those things. Reason why... Well, let's just say his brother and sister vaporeon were stuck one day by a group of those pesky pokemons. Unfortunately they could not escape them and were tied up, while those things were dancing around a dang statue like a group of barbaric people. Her whole familly ended up beating those crooks down and free her brother and sister, but the number of constrict attaks that they had received... God she remembers back then the feeling of having 2 of them attack her at once before her father blasted them away with a psybeam.
Then one of them tried to use constrict on her again... But only to receive a confuse ray and a tackle in the face, but that tackle hit so hard that the thing was sent to the wall, and a distinct large crack could be heard, before the omnamyte fell on the floor, beated. Some other omnamytes that were moving close stopped moving, looking at their fallen teamates.
"Anyone else want their shell smashed! Come right away!" she then yells. That was enough to make the 2 omnamytes run away and into the water, not wanting to end up like their friend, who was slowly crawling and getting in the water. Celes sighed in relief, before aiming for the real prize: Mister Mudkip. She suddenly uses confuse ray at the thing, hoping that it would end up confusing it once more and Make the job easier for everyone
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


I finish of the squirtle who was dazed and confused from my previous attack, and wasn't really fit to take another attack after that. The cold, yet dry, rocky floor underneath me I continue forwards, trying to ignore the coldness of the floor. The mudkip saw that I had broken through his barrier, and he starts walking away from me, scared. "Uh... um... you, um, wouldn't hit a guy with glasses, would ya?" He asks as he puts on a pair of glasses, apparently thinking that I'm above fighting dirty. He was wrong, of course, as I quickly hit the supposed businessman mudkip with a vine whip to the face, knocking off his, apparently false, glasses. The glasses, which were merely glasses rims bounced a little and landed in the water that created a sort of ring around this place, sinking to the bottom slowly. The mudkip, now sweating and nervous, tries to run away, however, he simply runs into a wall. With nowhere left to go, he starts to panic, giving me time to notice an unusually sharp rock nearby. I pick up the rock, and run over to the trapped emolga, and use the rock to cut through the ropes that bound her. After removing the gag, she flies off in pursuit of the mudkip, and I ran off after her. She seemed pretty mad at the guy, who started to try to throw mud at her... of course, the attack just flat-out missed, and he took a thundershock to the back... which... thanks to a certain shellos' mud sport didn't actually do much. I then notice the cave getting brighter, and turn around to see an orb of light traveling towards me. I couldn't dodge, and next thing I knew, i was facing off against a shellos, rather than Mister Mudkip, with Anthony shouting back "Sorry, guy, but this fight's kinda personal!"

"Hey!" I shouted at the magnemite who decided to take my helmet, and throw it at someone. His throwing of my helmet didn't do all that much, and now, I was without one. Why'd he have to do that? I liked my helmet, and now I have to go find it when we're done, here. I think as I try to sort through the items that Mister Mudkip gave me during my time with him. I find a switcher orb, and notice that snivy was pretty close to my helmet, as well as Mister Mudkip, himself. Without a second thought, but with a clear shot, I use the orb, and watch as the ball of light hits the snivy, and teleports me to his position... of course, it also teleported him to my old position. "Sorry, guy, but this fight's kinda personal!" I shout back to the snivy, who seemed somewhat confused about the whole thing. I then ooze back into my helmet, and make sure that it's back on my head. After that was finished, I turn back towards Mister Mudkip, and say "I should have known that you'd come up with something like this... your ideas are never good." I then add "Oh, and I know that you always lie about our apple stock just so you can have a few more, of course, that's nothing compared to this. You can't just lead someone into believing that they're doing the right thing... and then expect them to be cool with it when they see a tied up pokemon who's screaming for help!" I then, after that whole deal, use absorb on the mudkip, dealing some damage to the guy, and causing him to panic even more. Of course, he tried to use water gun on me, but that really didn't do anything, thanks to my typing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"You let go, or I'll drop you on the ground!"

That warning was unheeded. Continuously, the Omanyte grappled me as it tried to wrap me. I just hissed at that, because all he could do was entangle me. Hissed and pissed I was. I let off an electric current to shake it off, although it still hung on by a tentacle... slowly, it was beginning to climb back on me, despite my warning shot. "Alright, your profound deafness isn't gonna help you now." I would've chased after the Arceus-damn Magikarp through the illuminated cave, had the Omanyte let go instead of dragging me to the ground. So, instead of wasting a precious current on it, I spun my three magnets around. Really fast. As in, they could support my weight alone. I had sent sparks flying, as well as the stubborn Omanyte into a strange rock feature... a stalagmite, a giant's needle. Blood stained the tip of the spike, while a bloodcurdling scream came from the shell alone. It dulled my hearing for a brief second, but for all I cared, that thing finally let go of me. "Ignorance leads to downfall." I mouthed sharply.

I would regret this action later on. Wounding a Pokemon to the point where it barely escapes Death's claws... I never understood the concept of life. I was merely a mechanical being that had to be taught life's lessons, both easy and hard. I had never been taught anything about life, and the importance of it. I would resent this. Davis, you bloody... creator.

I shook my magnet and took my hidden anger towards the Mudkip. Despite my own lust for revenge, this was a personal fight for Anthony. That, I would understand, realising this as I approached the two through the cave, leading to a more dark and damp environment. Some reflections from the sea peeked through the little holes in the wall and imprinted themselves in the ceiling. A tranquil setting perfect for romance (according to Davis), juxtaposed by the quest for vengeance.

How did I understand vengeance, but not life? Because, I was in between seeking vengeance against Davis, or rejoicing and embracing Davis if I was to find him again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

As Celes tried to go and find a way to attack the mudkip, she saw that the goomy actually wanted to fight him, as something for revenge. She sighed before getting hit by a tympole, who strike her with super sonic. Celes started to feel confused, but then used confuse ray which hits the tympole also luckily. Both of them started to move around aimlessly. Celes actually started to use sand-attack around her, trying to maybe hit that tympole so he would not do supersonic on her again. It failed 2 times, going no where, then hit the tympole 1 time. In the tympoles side, it used bubble, and actually hit Celes one time. Celes started to feel week, but then took 1 oran berry out of her bag and ate it. She then shakes her head, taking back her senses. The tympole was still confuse at least. She suddenly uses tackle on it, and strikes it hard, making it back away. She then gets hit by bubble by the tympole that got out of confusion. She used confuse ray once again, and the tympole used bubble, that actually missed her with the effect of sand attack. She then uses tackle once again. That dang thing was shooting so many bubbles everywhere that it would not surprise her if it actually hit himself with it. It then shook it's head and sent bubbles at her quickly, hitting her. She rush to it and then smash onto it with tackle, making it feel extremely weak. It was almost down for the count. It then used bubble once again, hitting Celes, unfortunately with a critical hit, which left her wobbling slightly. She then finishes off the tympole with one last tackle, making it fall down on the cave floor, too weak to continue. She wished she could have fought with other moves... but she was stuck with these moves. For now at least... maybe she would learn something soon at least.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 1 day ago

"-and that is the passion of my burning soul!!!" Kamina finished, a fire in his eyes as he finished his epic long speech.

"Gah!" The Shellos who's eye Kamina hit crying out in agony. "His talking is wore then the Ember that hit my eye. Somebody stop him, his voice is pure pain!!!"

"Hey!" Kamina cried out indigent. "How dare you respond like that to my heart and soulful speech about the fires of my passionate soul!" It was at this point that Kamina felt a special kind of anger. The kind of anger that a snubbed lover or an actor who didn't get to finish their Oscar speech feels, and like those two different type of people, his anger had an identical form of release; CLEANSE EVERYTHING IN HOLY FIRE!! "Taste the full force of my righteously burning soul!!!" He cried out before shooting another volley of Ember

"AHHH!!!" The Shellos cried out "this is still nowhere near as painful as his speech!!!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Noire

Noire Exposition Extraordinaire

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Looks like we're almost clear." Hex commented, looking over the cavern. Anthony was after Mister Mudkip. The Emolga was gone. They were just about ready to pack up and head home.

The young combee quickly flew out of the way of a stray bubble. Few enemy pokemon were left standing on the battlefield, and most were injured or dazed. One particular pokemon was targeting her specifically; a corsola. The corsola launched a few bubbles at her, trying to knock Hex out of the air. Three of them missed, but one clipped her wing, causing her to fly out of control. She landed hard on the ground, and the corsola saw her chance, and tackled her. Hex's wings shuttered, but the corsola continued it's relentless assault, continuously attacking her, with it's evil pinkness and menacing smile. In reality, it looked more so the corsola was simply cuddling the combee, but Hex felt like she was getting badly damaged. Her wings fluttered once again, slowly making her way into the air.

Hex glowered at the corsola before stirring up a gust, and blowing it away. The corsola clung to the floor before being flown straight into another cave wall. Hex did this a couple more times for good measure. The corsola launched another bubble attack at Hex, but their two attacks collided, gust and bubble, air and water colliding, forming something you might see in some anime about super saiyans. Hex's gust blew the water straight out back at the corsola, covering it, and the corsola finally lay on the ground, knocked out. "That was a really resilient corsola." She panted, looking at it, unconscious. "Really. Resilient."

Hex slowly flew back on the battlefield, to watch Anthony and the Mudkip duke it out, maybe lending some gusts. But it seemed Anthony was really determined for it to be his battle.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


The shellos decided to try to attack me with mud slap, though, I really don't understand how something like that could even hurt someone, after all, it is just mud. I then counter-attack with vine whip, apparently dealing quite a bit of damage to the shellos, who tried to counter that with harden, meaning that my next attack won't really do all that much. I simply continued on with vine whip, using the fact that it didn't attack to try to scope out a weak spot on the thing. I may have found one, however, when I tried to attack it, the head got in the way, meaning that my attempt to critical failed, at least, it failed this time. It was still standing after my attack, but just barely. It surprised me with water pulse, but I still didn't take much, thanks to the fact that I was a grass type. Thankfully, it didn't confuse me, either, so I actually got to joke around by saying "Thanks, I was getting kinda thirsty anyways." the shellos didn't take the joke too well, but before it could attack again, I smacked it with a vine whip, hitting the weak spot, which was actually on its back, and just above the thing's heart. The shellos passed out, surprised that I managed to attack it there, as well as sustaining a few too many attacks. I was finally done with that, and hurried towards Mister Mudkip, though, the emolga blocked my path, saying "We'll be here if he calls on us, but for now, we should wait. This is Anthony's fight, after all." I nodded, and sat down after that, now ready to attack the mudkip, should the time come.

"Ack, um, I mean, you were always such a fool, of COURSE I could control you. That's what smart pokemon tend to do to dopes like you." Mister Mudkip said to me after taking my attack and countering with another water gun. Again, it seemed as if the water simply slid off of me without harm... of course, most special attacks tended to do that with me. I then responded to his little 'speech' with "These nice pokemon weren't controlling me, and that snivy guy over there, he gave me his only oran berry. I don't think it's all smart pokemon that do that... I think it's all mean, twisted, or otherwise evil pokemon that do!" I then use absorb on him, healing back whatever health I may have lost from his water gun. He then pulls out his own oran berry, and says "What, you mean one of these? Well, I guess I should be proud that you actually figured out how to use one, then." he then eats the thing right in front of my face, obviously healing whatever damage he just took. Just how dumb did he think I was? Of course I knew how to use one of those, it's basic life... if I didn't know how to eat, I'd be dead from starvation by now. I would have pointed that out, but I was too angry to do anything other than attack... so, that's what I did, I used absorb on Mister Mudkip, again, saying "You know what? These names you came up with aren't too great. I think I'll just call you by your normal name, now, Martin!" that seemed to shock him, and caused him to panic, again, saying "Wh-what do you think you're doing!? You can't just tell other pokemon who I am! Shoot... now they know who I am, and where to find me more easily. Uh, I mean, who the heck is Martin?" He then used Mud Slap on me, apparently trying to make sure that my attacks won't hit, but, like last time, I hid my eyes behind the helmet to prevent that issue.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celes was rather weakened right now, having taken quite some hits already.
"At least... there not another one of those," She says. She then felt a new kind of energy.... one she did not have before... could it be.... She looked at the ground, and unleashed that energy. It came up as a swift attack, and she just stared at the ground. A new move! Finally something that she could use to actually hurt instead of using tackle, and looking at it, it seemed more powerful also then her tackle attack. She looked towards Anthony, waiting. She was healing herself right now at least.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 2 days ago

Josh and Matt shifted their attention to the Mudkip now that the Pokemon attacking them were knocked out. Anthony was currently fighting him. Josh decided to help him by using Confusion. Matt noticed the rind on his head glowing, and extended a hand to stop him. "I believe he wants to fight alone."
Upon looking around the room, Josh realized that Matt was probably right. Almost everyone else was waiting for him to either defeat the Mudkip or ask for help. He secretly hoped it would be the latter, but the way things were going, it looked like he wouldn't need anyone else to step in.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Noire

Noire Exposition Extraordinaire

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Hm. Do you think he needs help?" Hex asked, fluttering down to Josh and Matt's level. "Looks like he wants to do this alone, but Goomy aren't known for their.. eh.. fighting prowess. Then again, neither are Combee."

Hex held back her gust, ready to release it at any moment the Goomy might need help. This was an all out battle between the two, and she doubted Anthony would make it out without some help. Maybe she underestimated General Goom, but the Mudkip was still powerful and persuasive. Hex thought for a moment, hovering in the air beside Matt and Josh. There were two choices here for her to go with. Either Hex could gust away the Mudkip, ruining Anthony's revenge. She could also just wait it out, and see how the battle might go, but at the cost that the General might not make it out. She decided to stick with the latter. Better to try to let Goom get some experience on his own.

Hex noticed she had an awful habit for overthinking things and rambling on and on in her head. Maybe she should stop, and simplify stuff up a bit. Being trapped up in that hive all day had some effects on her that couldn't really be reversed. Now she was doing it again. Hex shifted her attention to the battle, trying to block out anything that popped up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


I simply sat down and watched as Anthony and Martin traded blows... unfortunately, due to Anthony's constant healing from absorb, and Martin's almost infinite supply of oran berries, which he didn't hesitate to eat, the battle didn't seem to be going anywhere, at all. Anthony would get two absorbs in, healing the damage Martin could give him from water gun, but then Martin would heal himself with an oran berry, undoing Anthony's absorbs... the two didn't seem to be getting tired anytime soon, either... this was going to take a while. "I think they're at a stalemate..." I point out to any teammates who might also be watching this, er, if you can still call it a fight. The occasional mud-slap would find its way to break up the usual pattern of water gun, absorb, water gun, absorb, oran berry, but it didn't seem to help out Martin, at all, and still counted as special, so counter wouldn't do anything to help Anthony, unfortunately. The two seemed dead-set on fighting each other, with neither side tiring, with neither side gaining or losing any ground, it was a draw through and through, and, for some reason, nobody wanted to call on help, that is, until I heard Anthony say "Guys! I can't beat him on my own... um, mind helping me out?" I then jumped to the task, and after Anthony used absorb, I ran up to Martin, and used vine whip on the jerk, surprising him, and making him drop his oran berry, which found its way to the little moat surrounding the battle arena.

The battle between Martin and myself raged on, unending as the jerk seemed to have an unlimited supply of oran berries, berries which he would never have shared with me if I were in trouble, that is, even back when we were working together. Another absorb to heal from another water gun, and another oran berry, and I wasn't sure if anything was really happening. I could use absorb all day, and obviously the glutton that Martin is would be able to eat oran berries all day, which meant that our attacks and heals canceled each other out completely. I'd always hide in my helmet whenever a mud-slap would find its way to my face, just to make sure that the mud never gets in my eyes, and I can still go through my portion of this... well, I guess it's a comedy show, now, since the fighting part is completely unnecessary. Of course, it wasn't really all that funny of a comedy, just weird. About five, er, six? Seven? Absorbs later, I finally decide on something... I can't do anything here. No matter what I do, it doesn't seem to actually work on this guy. I decide to no longer make it entirely personal, and notice that some of my friends have finished fighting their minions, so, I shout out "Guys! I can't beat him on my own... um, mind helping me out?" that snivy was the first to join in on the fight, using vine whip almost as soon as I completed my absorb attack, and, even better, knocking away Martin's oran berry. This was our chance to finally end this, and obviously everyone was going to want in, now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 2 days ago

Josh and Matt were both starting to get bored when Hex fluttered down next to them. "Hm. Do you think he needs help? Looks like he wants to do this alone, but Goomy aren't known for their.. eh.. fighting prowess. Then again, neither are Combee."
"This battle's been going on for way too long. He'd better ask soon." Josh said.

After what felt like an eternity, Anthony finally spoke up. "Guys! I can't beat him on my own... um, mind helping me out?"
As soon as he heard those words, Josh turned to the Mudkip and used Confusion. Now that it was 7 against 1, there was no way he would get away from them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Noire

Noire Exposition Extraordinaire

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hex almost sighed in relief. Finally, the stalemate was over.

Hex used a well-aimed gust at the Mudkip, launching a massive wave of air at him. Hopefully, the air didn't get in the way of any of her teammates. Hex began to launch a steady stream of gusts at the Mudkip, fluttering her wings rapidly and then releasing one after the other. She doubted the Mudkip would stand a chance. Heck, a couple hits from M would probably do him in good, as long as M didn't hit anyone else, coughteamkillercough. The Mudkip was getting messed up pretty badly now, from everyone's attacks. Vine Whip hopefully did a number on Martin, and if M used Thundershock he would get Martin down low.

Hex fluttered slightly closer to the battlefield, still keeping high above the Mudkip. Unfortunately, really, the only thing she could do now beside blowing at it would be to use Sweet Scent, maybe make him a bit slower. She gushed out a pink, sweet aroma, surrounding Martin. Hopefully he got a good, deep whiff of that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 3 mos ago

If I had pockets, I'd be sticking my magnets inside them. Frankly, 'Martin' the Mudkip was already being beaten to death. No need to give him electroconvulsive therapy, or even worse kill him. I had nearly did both the latter and former to a Hoppip. ("That's what you get for shoving me into a wall!") Despite this, I felt as if retribution was needed. This wasn't enough in a way... clearly, he had manipulated an innocent former friend of his into his right-hand man. Clearly, after Anthony realised what was happening, he didn't want to be his right-hand man.

Then, I thought hard as to what was I really thinking; it wasn't retribution. It was team work. "I'd suggest you get out of the way." I stated with not further warning. I hovered slowly towards the Mudkip, beaten in every axis that was discovered to be X, Y and Z. "I think it would be in his best interests to... stay down, yes?" And so, with those final words, I had arranged three of my magnets in a 'y' like fashion, letting loose a storm from my magnets. A bright yellow flash somehow didn't blind me. Possibly because I only spent a second discharging a large voltage at the Mudkip.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celes sighed in relief when Anthony asked for some help. She rushed forwards before using swift, attempting to do the most damage with it. She hoped it would actually make Martin faint in the end... but with all those attacks at the moment.... the only way he could survive is if he had a move like endure or something... and that would be just surprising. She hoped that the fighting will be over after this and that they could go back and claim their rewards, both group at the same time that is. They been in this cave for too long, and she really wanted to head back to the surface and breath fresh air instead of having her nose filled with the scent of sea water.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


It appeared as though all of those attacks were enough to finish off Martin, who, after Celes' swift attack, simply passed out with his final words being "No... why? I thought I was... in charge..." That, of course, completed our mission to take down an outlaw, as well as Hex, Josh, and Matt's mission to save the emolga, who turned out to be trapped by the same outlaw we were pursuing. It seemed as though everyone helped out as much as they could, and with everything being over, I turned back to see the rest of the team, as well as the rest of the other team who was helping mine, and say "Well, that's certainly one mission done, huh? Heh, good job, and thank you all for helping." I then look around for my badge, and use it to teleport myself, and the rest of my team (making sure to use the badge on M, who didn't have one yet, first) back to the guild to get our reward... oh, that's right, I also made sure to bring the outlaw with us just to be sure that we can actually turn him in to officer Blake, the bisharp. He was actually waiting for us when we all teleported in, and seemed surprised, somehow, that we were able to complete a mission. I got the minor reward money of about 500 poke, and split it with the rest of my team. The result was all four of us getting 135 poke to ourselves. It wasn't much, but it was a start.

As soon as I called on help, literally everyone else came and defeated Martin for me, well, okay, I did help, but still... I turned towards that snivy, but before I could say anything, he simply teleported away with Martin, and the rest of his team, leaving me with a combee, a skrelp, and a reuniclus, none of whom I was completely familiar with. Without that Snivy's team, I guess I was going to have to join some other pokemon. "Uh... guys? Mind if I tag along with you? I kinda don't have anywhere else to go." I asked the other team. Of course I would have told them my name, but something told me that they already knew. Of course, they'd have to teleport me, as well as the emolga, back to their base, or, whatever they called it... I just hoped that I wouldn't be a burden. I then wondered aloud "Say... if you guys are a team, what's your team name?" I then simply waited for their response, secretly hoping that they'd accept me on their team. Of course, if they didn't, I'd probably find some other way of making money to help support myself and my mother... but... well... with what I've done with that Martin, I kinda felt that I had to repay the world, somehow. I can't believe I was roped into becoming an outlaw, just because Martin told me I was doing good things, and that I was helping other pokemon... I think as I sit there and wait under my helmet, looking up at the combee who may just decide my fate.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Noire

Noire Exposition Extraordinaire

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Well, that's about it for that mission." Hex said, turning to Josh and Matt. "C'mon, I seriously need some fresh air after this." She watched as the rest of the explorers began to disappear, teleporting to the guild.

The Combee began to fiddle with the satchel strapped loosely to her when she noticed the Goomy, Anthony, was looking up at her. She paused for a moment, hearing what it had to say. Looked like he wished to join their team. Hex mulled it over for a moment, rolling around the idea in her head. It was a Goomy, for one. Could be really powerful when trained, and usually really loyal. Adorable, too. But he had also partnered with an outlaw. He had a helping hand in trapping that poor Emolga, even if he didn't know it. Maybe he had done even more crimes, not knowing that he was actually doing bad. She doubted that Arnold and Archie would take in an outlaw as an explorer.

Hex glanced at Josh and Matt, still hovering there. "So, what do you think? Should we let him in? He seems pretty trustworthy to me." Hex said, floating over to the duo. "I mean, doesn't seem to do much harm in letting him in." She huddled closer. "Also I think we should get a team name." Hex whispered, looking at Josh and Matt.

Hex turned to the Goomy once again, waiting for Josh's opinion on the matter. Hopefully he would let him in, considering that Anthony had no where else to go.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 2 days ago

"I don't have any problems with him joining." Josh said. "What about you, Matt?"
"He certainly did redeem himself back there. I say we let him join."
"It's settled, then. It's settled, then. Welcome to team...um..." Josh paused for a moment, trying to think of a name. He wanted it to be something that represented all four of them. What did they all have in common? He thought about that question for a while. In the end, he couldn't think of anything. "We'll think of a name later. Let's just get back to the guild for now." He looked around the room. "Now, where'd that Emolga wander off to?"
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