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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celes breath deeply after having gotten out of the cave. It felt better to be up on the surface instead of down there in the cave. The sea water was starting to have a bad effect on her fur anyway. She looked at Spruce as he was handing out the rewards for the mission, and breath deeply.
"Well, that went out pretty well..." she says. She think a bit at all this. She had learned a new move... probably leveled up with that... beat down a criminal.... She felt as if she was becoming stronger, that is for sure, and maybe she would be able to be stronger then her sibblings. She sighed calmly, thinking. Well, she guessed it was a one step at a time process. She looked at Spruce and smiled. It seemed that it ended up just alright in the end at least.
"Uhm... anything else for today or should we wait for dinner before going to sleep?" she then asks, but then shakes off a bit of her sea salt water that was stuck in her fur.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 3 mos ago

In the end, Martin didn't die. He just got tortured into incapacitation. I briefly smiled at the end of his ordeal, which shortly shifted into confusion as a blink of an eye revealed the guild.

Before I could claim I was hallucinating, I noticed Spruce was grasping a spare, white badge. He basically stamped it into me to make sure I wouldn't get left behind, as everyone else teleported into the guild after the mission was complete. I must say, things got rather hasty; as soon as we got back onto dry land and in a large, painted wooden room, a Bisharp was waiting for us. Seemingly eager to take the person we had just captured into custody. I maintained an easily forgettable stare, looking around the room we came in. Paint was obviously applied freshly, looking a healthy, pale white. Floor was wooden and polished, along with the ceiling. If describing the room itself wasn't enough; some other Pokemon of any species suddenly appeared around the place, greeting strangers and dragging friends roughened up by terrain and attacks-

... . . -.- / . .-.. / . -.-. --- / -.-- . .--.

What's that? I had almost blurted that out, but keeping my mouth shut was imperative in this sort of situation - it wouldn't be a good idea to be considered crazy. In fact, life gave me a gift for not saying anything, paying me 135 Poke. However, we got 500 Poke. That would mean... "Spruce. You've made a mathematical error." I pointed out, taking Pokemon from Spurce's leafy hands and floating them in front of me. Unfortunately, I didn't control my magnetism upon taking my share of the reward... and, I ended up grabbing some of Kamina's and Celes' money. "Pardon me; this isn't what it looks like." I tried to explain, unaware I was still holding half of the aforementioned parties' money.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


M just randomly said something about a mathematical error, and then took all of my money, as well as everyone else's. "Hey, cut that out. I kinda want the money that I've earned." I say to him as I start jumping to get the money that was flying around him. I manage to get a '100' poke-coin, as well as a '20' and a '10' from his magnetic pull. I then decide that the best bet for me would be to walk out and try to buy something with this, however, once I was already in the shopping area, I noticed that one of the zeroes on each of the coins was made with dirt... uh, whoops... seems like instead of 130 poke, I ended up with 13 poke. Drat... well, it's not like I'll ever hear the end of this from M if I go back, might as well just keep this hidden from everyone... I think as I head over to one of the stalls, and talk to the clerk, a keckleon, of course, I couldn't tell the difference between any of them, so I didn't know which one it was. I was trying to make it seem as though I was shopping, and had the right amount of cash. Of course, with how bad I was at hiding things, I was sure that anyone with half a brain could figure out that I messed up, somehow, and that I really shouldn't be 'shopping' due to my mess up. "So.. three apples, right?" I ask as a part of my obviously already failed charade, with the keckleon not even buying it, and simply giving me an annoyed look. I simply laugh, albeit nervously, and continue on as if nobody's figured it out, yet.

"I'm in, then? YES! Thank you, um, Josh, right?" I say to the skrelp, who was now sitting in a bucket being held by Matt, at least, that's who I think they were, for all I know, that could be completely wrong. I then hear them ask about emolga, and look around only to find her sitting near where Martin used to be, apparently resting her wings, or something. "She's right over there, um, let's go! Onwards, team... um... Scarab?" I say, with a little bit of hesitance on the last part. I knew that scarabs were some sort of ancient bug dating before even the likes of kabuto, and other similar pokemon, but I wasn't sure if anyone else would like the team name. I headed over to the emolga, notably excited about finally having a team, and a legitimate way of making money, but, I realized something... I needed to apologize for what I did to her. I calmed myself down, and said "Um... miss emolga... sorry about leading you here, I really didn't know what would happen." the emolga smirked, and said "You can call me Emily, and, apology accepted as long as you get me out of this place. This moisture's not doing my fur any good." I then turned back towards my team with a happy look on my face, and ask "So, leader, would you mind getting us all out of this place?" of course, I was looking at the combee when I asked that, as she seemed to be the leader... of course, for all I know, it could be Matt, in which case, I'd probably be laughed at.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Noire

Noire Exposition Extraordinaire

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Well..er.. I guess it's more of a partnership.." Hex said, glancing at Matt and Josh. "But I kind of like the name Team Scarab. I think it sounds cool." Team Scarab. Sounded pretty fierce, and the name could strike fear into the hearts of any pokemon that crossed their paths. Hex liked it.

Hex slowly lowered herself, the satchel still clinging loosely to her. The bag hit the ground making an odd, echoing clunking noise, despite the only item in it was the small badge. The combee began to fiddle with it, rustling through it's folds. It was slightly more difficult doing this without any hands, whereas someone like Spruce or Celes could just tap it with their hands or legs to get back home. She had to lower her whole body on it. After a minute or so, she finally found the badge. Hex peeked herself out of the bag, where Josh, Matt, Anthony, and Emily stood. Matt and Josh already had a badge, so they just needed to grab Anthony and Emily and they were good.

"Got it!" She announced, looking between them all. "So, I guess this works like we just press it, and it teleports us back?" She went back down again and re emerged with the badge in her mouth, and fluttered over to Anthony. "Do we have to be touching someone else to teleport them?" Hex asked, looking at Josh.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celes looked as all the money was being pulled by the magnetic pull. She groan a bit at this, before jumping up and taking her own coins fromthe magentic pull and hitting some of them with swift, making them fall down on the floor.. She then looked as Spruce walked out of the guild and headed to the stores. She fallowed, listening to him, feeling as if he made a mistake or forgot something... She walks to him, looking at him, hearing about the 3 apples.
"Spruce... Do you want me to pay for those for you?" she asks him. He might have made a mistake with the money and how much everyone got, but that magnetic pull thing back there did not help at all. M should really control his dang magnetic pull, cause it was making everyone have mistake with their actually money amount. She looked at Spruce, worried a bit about him. He probably gonna need those apples if they go in a dungeon again and have to stay in there for a very long time.
"I know we might need them for the next journey we would do." she then says to him rather calmly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 2 days ago

Josh thought about the name for a moment. He had no idea what a scarab was. Probably some kind of land creature. Hex seemed to agree, though. "Um...yeah, I guess that's a good name."
Matt nodded in agreement. "I do like that name."
Hex was looking in her bag for something. A moment later, she emerged with her badge in her mouth. "So, I guess this works like we just press it, and it teleports us back? Do we have to be touching someone else to teleport them?"
Matt put Josh down for a moment, and looked at his badge. "It certainly seems that way." He put one of his hands on Emily's head, and pressed his badge. After a yellow glow filled the cave, they had both disappeared.
Josh looked up at Hex. "Looks like you were right." He took out his badge. "Do you think it'll work if Anthony touches the side of the bucket?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Noire

Noire Exposition Extraordinaire

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Hm. I gueff?" Hex said, looking down at the badge in her mouth. "I mean, none of us reaffy have any.. affendages. It should work if we just touch-"

Hex's sentence was interrupted as a bright white flash filled the air, illuminating the damp, darkened cave for a brief moment. It was like a camera flash, a brief sharp explosion of light. When the light dissipated, the combee and her satchel was gone. Hex had bitten down hard on the badge in an attempt to keep it hanging loosely from her mouth, but it seemed to apparently count as being touched. Hex shut her eyes tightly upon entering.. whatever connected the badge and the guild. Maybe some sort of wormhole, or vortex, if it could teleport one pokemon to another area. Or maybe it relied on the technique of an Abra's psychic. Hex learned a bit about that kind of stuff while in the hive. She wasn't sure, but the trip was quick and it took probably less than a couple of seconds.

"Woah. That was.. wow. Hopefully Josh and Anthony make it back." She muttered to no one in particular. Nearby, Matt still had a gooey hand on the Emolga. When Hex reentered the guild, she could hear two voices talking. It was coming from the guildmaster's office. No one seemed to notice, or at least didn't want to disturb them. She slowly drifted to the door where they were talking. The voices talking to Arnold and Archie sounded rather familiar; however, she couldn't place a name on it. Maybe she had met the pokemon in Birchwood Forest, or maybe.. Hex peered through the crack in the door. Inside, there were two Beedrill confronting Archie and Arnold. One Beedrill simply had it's metal spikes lowered, with a piece of paper impaled one one. The other, however, had his drills out, pointing one at Arnold's stomach. Hex recognized him as the captain, Marcus. Archie was furious.

"-going around threatening guildmasters!" Archie yelled, attempting to scratch at the Beedrill. "If you lay a single nick on Arnold, I will tear you to shreds! I'll have you know I was an explorer back in the day!

"Really? Because we have strict orders to neutralize anyone with possession of the princess." The Beedrill snarled. His drill spun for a moment, almost touching Arnold, before he pulled it back. Archie gasped. Arnold giggled. "And according to our scouts, she was last seen in your possession. Did you kidnap her?"

The quiet Beedrill raised the paper attached to his drill. It was a very rough sketch of Hex, looking more like a deformed Bidoof than it did a Combee. "Our artists aren't the best, considering they don't have hands, but.." Marcus trailed off. "That isn't the point! Have you seen this Combee?!" He looked like he was just about ready to impale Arnold when the other Beedrill leaned in and whispered something. Marcus nodded grudgingly.

"We have better things to do with our time than interrogate some second-hand guildmaster. C'mon, Horatio. Back to the hive." Marcus flew off angrily, Horatio following. As he threw open the door, Hex backed up. Luckily, the two didn't spot her, hiding behind the door. Before it slammed shut, she watched as Arnold and Archie walked out, talking amongst each other.

"I know exactly who our culprit is, don't worry, Archie." Arnold said, rubbing his hands together. He turned to a Bidoof walking the halls. "You! HOW DARE YOU!" Arnold began to chase after the Bidoof, who was now running and screaming, while Archie attempted to calm him down. Hex breathed a sigh of relief. So far, she hadn't been figured out. Thank Arceus Combee didn't have hands. She looked at spot where Anthony and Josh should reappear.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


I nearly jump up when I hear someone's voice behind me, this someone turned out to be Celes, to whom I said "Uh... nope, nothing wrong here, just, um, getting this Hidden Power TM... how much did you want for it, mister, um...?" I had to turn back towards the keckleon salesman for that last part, and he didn't seem very happy with me, with what he said, it wasn't hard to see why "I'm a girl. I can't believe you thought I was a guy. Also, for hidden power, that's going to be 143 poke. We're having a sale today." that, of course was too much for either one of us, but seemed to be just enough for both of us, that is, considering my mistake, earlier. I turned back towards Celes, and added "Well, um, that Tm's going to be for you... would you mind helping me get it? It's kind of too expensive for me." Sheesh, what am I saying? She's going to hate me for sure, and then I won't have an actual team anymore! I think as I await Celes' response. I then notice a bidoof running oddly fast for its kind, and Arnold running after him. the two passed right between Celes and I, and Arnold was shouting something with the bidoof just screaming in terror of having the guildmaster running after him. Well, that was odd... I think as I watch the two run out of town. Archie then catches up, shouting something about 'that's not our culprit, Arnold! Let him go, Arnold!' or something similar.

I head towards Josh's badge once he pulls it out, and decide that this wouldn't be the best time to try that, after all, if it fails, then I'll be stuck here. I touch the badge with one of my antenna, and once I do, I'm carried away with some sort of weird, bright light, and once that dissipated, I was at the guild, next to the combee, as well as Matt. "Hey, um, miss combee... I kinda would like to know your name, I mean, we're on the same team and all, right?" I say to the combee. Right after that, Emily flies over to us, and says "Thanks, I don't know what would have happened if you guys never came along." she then hands us our reward, 700 poke, which I separated into four groups of 175 poke for each of us, including Matt. I took my portion, and gave the combee her portion, and looked around for another badge before taking off again. I found one lying on the floor next to Hex, and it had the same pattern as the rest of them on our team, so I figured that it was going to lead to the same place as the rest of them did. I then headed off to my home for a moment, or, I would as soon as I got that combee's name. I couldn't leave until I knew who all of my teammates were, besides, I'm sure my mother can wait for the money for just a little bit longer... it shouldn't take too long.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 1 day ago

After a long a grueling battle, Kamina had finally beaten then Shellos unconscious with his own body "hell yeah!" he cried out in triumph "This fight was for everyone who said I'd never succeed as long as I was a Magikarp, because I just proved them dead wrong!" After his mini celebration, he splashed over to the others "So...where to next? The day is still young and I'm only getting started! I'm ready to work my body into a bloody mess through intensive training, this was only a warm up!" he cried out
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celes looks at Spruce, and then had a little sparkle in her eyes... He wanted to help her buy that, and for her? With all the moves she had... having a extra move for the day. She smiles at him.
"Yes.... Yes I want it!" she then says, getting her own money out and giving it to Spruce, very happy. That he would help her buy that for her... so that she would have a new move? That was something she really liked.... With that tm... goodbye tackle, and hello hidden power. She was keeping the baby doll eye thing, cause she knew full well that it was very useful against those in the guild that were fighting constantly. One look like that and they would stop fighting for a while... even lowering their attacks. That was something she was keeping. She then hears Archie yelling at Arnold that was chassing a bidoof that was screaming in terror. She stares at them for a long time, looking them run away from them.
"The heck?" she says
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Noire

Noire Exposition Extraordinaire

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Oh, you don't know? Well, I guess we've never really been formally introduced." Hex said, smiling warmly. "My name's Hex. Nice to meet you."

As soon as Hex turned away, a wave of fatigue washed over her expressions, the smile wiped right off of her face and drowsiness taking hold. The others seemed to have much better endurance than her, walking around normally, but her wings had done some insane work back in the cave. They allowed her to fly and flutter rapidly to stir up gusts, which she had done much of. Doing all that work had absolutely exhausted her. "I'll head over to dinner. Our first night here, so we might as well. Best of luck, Anthony." Hex said, nodding to the team. She fluttered off, heading to the general direction of the dinner room. She didn't completely know the layout of this guild, but she had some basic ideas.

Hex flew past Archie and Arnold. Arnold had finally tackled the Bidoof and was demanding answers. Archie was trying to wrestle him away. "Hey, uh.. what're you doing to that Bidoof?" She asked, staring at the three. Using Arnold's brief moment of distraction, the Bidoof squirmed out of his grasp and scampered off. "Aw, you set him loose!" Arnold complained, getting to his feet. "Now I gotta find him!" Archie breathed a sigh of relief. "Augh. Geez. Thanks for the help, Hex. Now I have to keep an eye on him to make sure he doesn't start hunting more "royalty." Archie said, beginning to fly off after Arnold. "Be wary of Beedrill, Hex. They're dangerous." Hex nodded before continuing on. She knew that someday she'll have to tell her teammates the story. But why should they learn of it today, her first day here?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 2 days ago

Hex accidentally teleported herself back to the guild. Now if the bucket thing didn't work, then we didn't have a backup plan. Josh just looked down at his badge. "Um...maybe we could-"
Anthony suddenly pressed it with his antennae, teleporting both of them back to the guild. Thankfully, it teleported the bucket and all of the water in it with them. Josh let out a sigh of relief. "Ok, that works." He said as he let the badge slowly drift down to the bottom of the bucket.
Matt approached them. "I see you made it back."
"Yeah, barely."
Anthony came by, giving each of them their share of the reward money. Josh counted 175 poke. With 4 team members, that meant they got 700 in total. Not bad.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


After Celes handed me her money, I payed for the TM, and gave it right to her. I had no clue what kind of move it would be, as in, what type it would be for her. Hidden power was one of those weird moves that could be different depending on who was using it, and may just be a neat move for her to train. For all I know, the move could be some type that she'd normally never learn, such as the fighting type, or the dragon type which would certainly surprise the enemy when they're hit with that move. Even though I had the fewest moves out of everyone on my team, it almost seemed as though Celes had worse attacking options, after all, what would she do against a ghost without hidden power? Unfortunately, I didn't have any cash left after spending it all on that TM, but I wasn't really worried. The guild would provide the same food and bed services as it always has, and probably always will. That being said, it was probably in my best interest to move away from the guild, as their services were extended to far too many pokemon, and spread somewhat thinly as a result. I then started to head back to the guild to see if there was anything new, but not before checking back with Celes, just to make sure she was still behind me... she looked kinda... cute... wait, what the heck was I thinking? She's a teammate, and nothing more... right?

"Well, nice to meet you, Hex. I'm sure you already know that my name's Anthony." I say to the combee, later adding "Um, hope you don't mind if I take off for just a little bit." I then headed out of the guild for a moment, and started to walk (if you could call it that) over to my house, with my share of the money in tow. Mom will really be happy this time. I've never brought back this much money, before. I think as I continue into the bad neighborhood. A normal pokemon would probably be scared stiff to even enter this part of town, but this was where I lived, and they knew me here. They also knew not to mess with me, thanks to counter. After passing a few half-built houses, a few broken-down houses, and a couple of homeless pokemon, I make it to my broken-down house. I don't even bother with the door, thing's never locked anyways because we have nothing to steal, and make my way to my mother, who was with some random salamence, this time. The salamence took one look at me and said, somewhat disgusted "Ugh, you have kids? Yeah, I'm outta here." he then flew off as so many of Mom's houseguests have in the past. Before she started her crying, I held out the 175 poke I had earned on this mission, and her expression changed from sadness to happiness right then and there. "Mom, guess what? I'm finally a part of an exploration team, a real one too, with badges and everything!" I shout, being just a little too excited about all of this. I then had a thought... Oh, no... I hope nobody else followed me here. They'd kick me off the team if they knew this is where I lived. that thought instantly made my excitement fade as I gained a paranoid look on my face and started checking the door, constantly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celes smiles brightly as she gets the TM. She looks at Spruce.
"Thank you so much!" she says happy. She then uses it, and replaces Tackle with Hidden Power. It felt so much better to have that instead of tackle.... But now one question kept going on in her head... what type of move would it be... Hopefully it would not be normal type... cause that would suck... and would make her so useless against the ghost types that she usually felt around her. She then uses the move on the ground, before seeing the ground actually trembling and striking up in the air. She stares at it.
"I think.... I can use ground type move with that!" she then says happily. Well... that beat having to use dig... more special attack things she guessed... One thing for sure... she would nto end up as a flareon in the end... And anyway, Kamina already had a fire typing surprisingly. She looked back at Spruce, smiling, all happy, and looked at him more. He was so sweet to have paid part of the money for her... And it would help so much... finally a move she could hit ghost types with... except for ghastly's... dang it...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaBling
Avatar of KaBling

KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 3 mos ago


"...and here's 682 Poke." I did not expect that my magnetism would end up attracting hundreds of Poke. I had about 2,236 Poke from several parties who had teleported into the large room recently. I didn't lose my cool from the intimidation, and just let the Poke orbit around me as a way of coping. Of course, as expected, nobody really believed it was accidental. So, with my analytical ability, I managed to pick out the amount of Pokes taken from certain Pokemon and return it to them. Some were honest, some weren't. Heck, even the officer in the room at the time was kind enough to pull away some unarceusly Pokemon, without even giving them cuts or injuries. Aside from bruises, but you got my point.

I returned 135 Poke to Kamina, left 135 Poke to myself, and gave back at least 1,500 Pokes. I had... 466 Pokes left. As frustrated as I felt, I wasn't going back to my team mates any time soon.

"Hey! I had 500 Pokes!"

"Do the math. Or better, keep track of your Pokes." After about two more minutes, I was out of there, with Pokes of mine and Spruce's jiggling around. Two large doors to suit bigger Pokemon (which still didn't fit some, as they had to crouch) and I was in the open world. Oh... I hate late afternoons. They just feel bad in general. I wish I thought that to be more normal. Instead, I thought: Seek El Eco yep. That itself didn't make sense. A code in a code was annoying as it is, but of course I would've had Davis figure it out for me. Unfortunately, he wasn't here. So, I was figuring it myself as I bumped into occasional Pokemon, unaware of my surroundings. Perfectly normal buildings seemed unnatural in a way. "Watch it!" I dazily said, settling down on a chair whilst catching a Honedge's raspberry. "Kids..." I muttered, slightly jealous of his decorated and shining holster.

Cop Eek see Lye
El poke sec eye
Peck eye leose

Okay, that was fraudulent Spansih, or whatever. I just thought I had an idea from the word 'El.' "Oh, grow up already." I groaned, ready to repulse the annoying, dagger-sized Honedge away in five seconds.

"Whatcha gonna do?" Suddenly, parent turns up in this small alley by passing through a little crowd that had followed her. Obviously, she had more decorations than the little kid. Seemed strict, as well as influential. She also had this odd notepad with... scribbles, as well as names from other Pokemon. Who did that? Teachers? Davis would point out how mainstream education died out decades ago. "Marshall, please don't hassle the bigger boy."

"Madam, I'm only... er..." I had forgotten my age. Both 'biologically' and chronically. I lost count because I spent A LONG time in that house... "Okay, I see why you have reason to believe I'm young. But I'm not, really!"

"Oh, you poor thing. I'd love to support you, but... I'm kinda busy with my son." She wasn't joking. Both of them looking richer than me. Fancy tassels, son's holster made from refined metals... well, I got some metals that were obviously not refined. Just smelted into an alloy. Plus, they were dulling rather quickly, if not getting noticeably etched by claw marks. "You know, he was recently born-"

"You can't catch me, you can't catch me!" Urgh. His frequency of voice was getting to me, like a chainsaw... how could that filthy rich woman handle that little rascal!?

"I can see that. Keep a close eye on him, otherwise he's gonna cause a lot of trouble." I said, calmly, somehow. Because something amazing was happening in my mind...

Keep close eye

"Jesus [EXPLETIVE]ing Christ!" I quickly popped out of my seat, to the shock of the mother and son, and zoomed off towards the pair that were Celes and Spruce. Because, she was about to smack me, or berate me. Either way, I wanted to get away.

A simple jolt of speed was all that I required. I was at (what would be considered) a walking pace by the time I reached them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Noire

Noire Exposition Extraordinaire

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hex fluttered down the long, twisting halls of the guild. Well, at least they seemed long and twisting to Hex. To any normal veteran of the guild, it would be easy, but with Hex's size and knowledge of it, it was like trying to navigate a labyrinth in the middle of a sandstorm. Countless pokemon were moving down and about the halls. Eager explorers talking about their latest adventures into misty dungeons, or the guild masters talking, or new recruits still trying to find the mission board. After a while of stumbling around and exploring, she found the mess hall. It was a large room with circular, wooden tables and a couple of seats at each. There was a stage by the end of the room and a small bar on the right, hosted by a Kecleon. Several banners adorned the walls. Many pokemon had already filled the cafeteria, taking up quite a bit of tables. Hex went up to the bar, and ordered something she didn't even know. Hex took a seat down at a nearby, almost empty table. In reality, she was still flying, not really sitting on the seat. There was a Bidoof sitting at it. She recognized him as the one Arnold was on a warpath for.

"Hey." She said. "Hey." The Bidoof replied, digging into his food. That was about the extent of their conversation.

After a while, some Pidgey dropped off a plate with something that looked like a pile of multicolored glop. Berries? Gummis? Hex poked at it, and she could've sworn it moved. "Oh." Hex gusted the plate aside. "You know, I don't think I'm hungry." The Bidoof glanced up at her. "More for me!" He slid all the contents of the plate into his mouth, swallowing it all down without chewing. Hex flew off down the halls and back to Matt and Josh. "Soooo.." She said. "Do you know if we get bedrooms here?" Matt and Josh had a home, she was pretty sure. Unfortunately, she didn't think she could just pack up and head home right now, considering there were probably Beedrill combing Birchwood Forest through and through on a rampage to find her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 2 days ago

"I'm pretty sure we get bedrooms." Josh said. "I know about as much about the guild as you do, though. We should probably ask someone."
Matt approached a Poliwhirl who happened to be walking by us. "Excuse me sir. Do you know if we get bedrooms in this guild?"
"Of course." He replied. "Looks to me like you're on a team, so you'll share a bedroom with them."
"Thank you." Matt said. He turned to Hex. "It would appear that we will be getting bedrooms. I haven't the slightest idea where it will be, though. We may have to ask the guildmaster about that." He began looking around, but couldn't find Arnold or Archie anywhere nearby. "Do you know where he is?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 1 day ago

Kamina was utterly floored when the strange Magnamite gave money "wait..." he said as the gears in his head began to move "you're telling me that being in a guild means going out on dangerous adventures...and getting paid for it!? They actually pay us for this? What's next, paying someone to eat, or maybe to sleep." His poor little Magikarp brain was having trouble comprehending this "this...this is unbelievable! It would be amazing if I had any need for this stuff. Who wants some free money!?" He asked, fully willing to give away his share of the Poke. "No strings attached, I just think this stuff would be better off going to someone who plans on using it."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


"No problem." I say happily to Celes. Truth be told, I was more happy that she never figured out my mistake, however, the fact that she seemed to like my gift to her was pretty great, too. An almost stupid smile stayed on my face until I notice it getting kind of dark outside. The sun was setting, and I'm sure by now everyone's had dinner, already. "Hey, um, Celes? It's getting kind of late, maybe we should head inside." I then note, afterwards heading off towards the guild. The walk wasn't too long, but I checked to make sure that Celes was still following me back to the guild, I then notice M hurrying towards Celes and myself. "Hey, M, we're both heading back to the guild... um, see you there, I guess?" I say to M as soon as he gets close enough to hear me. I've completed my first mission with a team. I just hope I don't mess up like everyone back in Team Wildvines thought I would. I think as I walk through the open gates, my footprints already being verified by our sentry, and the gates having been opened no later than two seconds after that. Almost nobody was wandering around the guild at this time, making sure that I knew it was now nighttime. Oddly enough, however, I ended up bumping into Anthony, of all pokemon right as I started to space out for a second. "GAH! Oh, hi there, snivy." Anthony shouted, and then calmly said to me. "Uh... hi? First off, call me Spruce, and secondly, what the heck are you doing here? Are you a part of a team, or something?" Anthony then answered with "Oh, okay Spruce. Also yes, I'm a proud member of Team Scarab... uh, you know, the one team with the combee in it." I nod, only somewhat knowing who they were, and then just walk away, though, it almost seemed as if he had more to say, for some reason.

Only moments after handing Mom my cash, she almost killed me by hugging. "Ack, Mom... I think that's enough. Can't... breathe..." I say to her, though it was difficult to say, thanks to her nearly crushing me. "Sorry, Anthony, I got a little excited to finally have some money, and it's really nice to hear that you're a part of a team, now." she then said to me, letting me drop to the floor. Thankfully, the fall didn't even hurt, however, I had to tell her about Martin, and what he suckered me into doing. "Mom..." I started, a little sad that I had to tell her bad news now, after telling her such good news earlier. "Yes, son?" She asks as I hesitate to tell her. I eventually spit it out in one big burst. "Martin, my so-called friend was lying to me, we weren't a part of an unofficial exploration team, we were criminals. Big, dirty, dumb criminals, and I had no idea 'cause he kept lying to me and telling me that the pokemon we were actually hurting just owed us reward money." I then turned away from her, expecting her to scold me, but instead, she simply patted me on the head a few times and said "It's fine, Anthony... just be careful from now on, and remember that pokemon aren't always who or what they say they are." this cheered me up a bit, but then I noticed the time... it was getting late and everyone probably expected me to be at the guild. "Uh, Mom, I have to go. My teammates are expecting me." I quickly say to her. She waves goodbye as I hurry towards the guild, of course, nobody could tell that I was hurrying due to me species' low speed... of course, even if it did nothing more than get me laughs, I hurried, anyways, eventually making it there, and thankfully before dark. Once inside, I slowed down quite a bit, however, that's when someone bumped right into me. I quickly turned "GAH! Oh, hi there, snivy." I shouted and then said calmly to the snivy who bumped into me. I think he was that same guy who was helping me in Beach Cave... and the one who gave me that oran berry. He responded with "Uh... hi? First off, call me Spruce, and secondly, what the heck are you doing here? Are you a part of a team, or something?" I then answered with "Oh, okay Spruce. Also yes, I'm a proud member of Team Scarab... uh, you know, the one team with the combee in it." I tried to say the team name triumphantly, as if I was some sort of giant hero, but it didn't work out... nonetheless, that info seemed to fall on deaf ears as Spruce simply nodded and took off somewhere. I would have told him more, but I didn't see the point in it if he was that disinterested.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Noire

Noire Exposition Extraordinaire

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

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