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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Noire

Noire Exposition Extraordinaire

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Oh, hm." Hex said, taking a brief look around. "Thought I just saw him on the way to the cafeteria."

Nearby, Kamina was giving away his money. Apparently he didn't seem to like being payed for exploring. His heart was in the right place. His brain was a couple inches off. Several pokemon immediately flocked him, eager for some of his extra cash. Hex returned her attention to Arnold. Arnold and Archie, where were they? They could be in any one of the rooms in the guild. The guild seemed to be huge to her, and she'd learned little about it back in the hive. The extent of her knowledge was that it was large, it had a cafeteria, bedrooms, food, and a mission board. Chances are, the pair were in their office, talking about stuff. Maybe Archie was tucking Arnold in for the night.

"Yeah, he's probably back at the office. We can ask him there." Hex replied, glancing toward the guildmaster's room. She could see a light shining out from the bottom. "We can ask him there."

Hearing a familiar voice, she turned back to the entrance of the guild. Anthony, Celes, and Spruce had arrived. "Hey, Anthony." Hex said, fluttering by him. "We're just trying to get bedding arrangements for the team down and junk." She turned back to the office, and flew off toward it. "We're gonna ask Arnold and Archie where the beds are." She explained on the way. "If you want to tag along, you can come, or you can just sleep at your place." Hex just hoped she wouldn't have to share her room with some other team. She couldn't imagine bunking with a Bidoof, or sleeping next to a Trubbish. Hex at the door, and attempted to knock. It was difficult without hands.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celes fallowed Spruice towards the guild, thinking a lot at the moment... she finally had a way to defend herself.... Just then M started fly at them at a rapid speed, going to them, seemed to be in a hurry. What did he do anyway? She did not know.
"Hey M." she says. Then suddenly, her senses went off again, as she stared towards a certain direction, looking deeply concern a bit.It was as if the thing she was sensing before was... closer... She looks around, trying to find the source, but could not see it. She shook her head. She would need to be very careful. Whatever it was... she was pretty sure it was fallowing her... She had no idea though about what that it was. She shook her head and headed to the guild, before seeing Anthony from the guild. He was speaking about being part of the guild now, in the team with the combee in it. She smiles slightly at him.
"Well, it's a good thing you got a team now that is official instead of one with that creep of mudkip." she then says, shaking her head at this. She breath deeply.
"Also, careful more with the crooks and..." she started to say, until she froze, looking deeply in the back as she saw a blur pass by at a very rapid speed. She just stares at it, her senses going berserk a bit... Then another blur... Then her senses stopped reacting. She stares as she senses the thing less and less.
What in the world... was that? I... never seen that before... she told herself. Seriously, with all the ghost types, she never saw something like that... Must be new or something... or she needed to see clearer... It was like a bright light was blinding... and the other thing... she could not see exactly what it was... but it was... darker.. She breath deeply, staring at the same spot, not moving at all.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 2 days ago

Josh and Matt followed Hex to the guildmaster's office. Since she didn't have arms, she had a lot of difficulty knocking on the door. An annoyed squawk came from inside. "I was just about to fall asleep! Who is that?"
The door creaked open, and out came Audino, who looked pretty tired. Almost instantly, his expression changed from tired to wide awake. "Oh! It's you. Come in, I've got something for you."
They followed him inside, watching as he shifted through one of the drawers on the desk. He took out two bags, and handed one of them to Hex. "Smaller bag for you..." He then handed the other one to Josh. "...And a waterproof one for you."
Josh gave his old bag back to the guildmaster, replacing it with the new one. It was slightly heavier than the other one, but he assumed that was because it was made of a different material. Besides, he'd still be able to swim just fine while carrying it. After attaching his badge to the strap and putting his reward money inside, he looked up at Audino. "Thanks." He then remembered why they went there in the first place. "Do you have a place for us to spend the night?"
"Oh! I forgot to tell you that." He then walked out the door, motioning for them to follow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 1 day ago

After all of his money had found a new home, Kamina made his way back to where he had slept the night before "truly this was a most amazing first day as an explorer, but alas, it had to come to and end eventually. Now I must rest my body to prepare for the trials that lie ahead tomorrow. I can only imagine what sort of epic adventures await us the next day. One thing however is certain; whatever happens tomorrow will take take me closer to my goal, to the power and greatness that I know I shall one day achieve! The vast amount of effort I've put in before ans will continue to put in guarantee a path there, and once I finally achieve that which I so greatly desire, I'll be able to look back on those who laughed at my dreams and laugh back at them!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Keep close eye

I was suddenly paranoid. "Oh... yes, greetings." As soon as I figured that anagram out, I felt as if everything was watching me. From a statue, to an occasional glance of a Pokemon, to even my own team members. It wasn't easy going around if you could see your own reflection in windows, which were placed in a typical orderly fashion in Arnold's guild. Or the Pokes floating around you, constantly staring at you... I would've started screaming had the lobby been more packed with Pokemon.

Even then, I was seemingly flickering arcs of electricity more often than usual. To myself at least, because I didn't know if the frequency had increased or not. I wished Davis never left, or never got those damned morse code messages... "Well, to you all of course. Celes, Spruce's... step... cousin... thrice removed... godbrother... something Anthony. The rest of you I'd greet, had I paid more attention to your names in the cave."

Perhaps I was overreacting. This wasn't common, but it was certainly alarming enough to petrify me. Sure, I had difficulty comprehending who took my hat for a week... or, why a favourite Sitrus berry of mine was removed from its rightful place. (I can guarantee it wasn't going to rot if encased in ice, but that would be assuming ice never melts. I personally blame the sun for this.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Noire

Noire Exposition Extraordinaire

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Thanks for the help! This bag is a lifesaver." Hex said, glancing between Archie and Arnold. "Should we-"

Hex stopped her sentence abrutly. Something felt odd. It was like there was something in the air. Like electricity. Maybe it was M? He seemed uncomfortable, if the floating magnetic ball could really feel discomfort. She couldn't really tell. Nearby, Celes was acting strangely. She was concentrating at one spot, holding her breath. Hex paused, and an antennae twitched. Yes, there was definitely something here that wasn't supposed to be here. Hex thought the situation over. She could ignore it or point it out. Whatever presence was here could be dangerous. Or she could ignore it. It could just be a passing Gastly, maybe an explorer.

"Do you feel that, Josh? Matt?" She asked looking at the two. "

Hex returned her attention to the spot Celes was staring at it. She paused. Maybe it was nothing. It could just be some passing presence. She took a couple of shuddering breaths. "You know, let's just continue on. Probably nothing." Hex said, trying to hurry along. She really didn't want to deal with some spooky ghost around this time of night. "We should probably be hitting the hay." Hex began to flutter her wings rapidly. It wasn't enough to stir up a gust, of course. Just in case. The combee had a thing against the dark, or ghosts, or poison, or that type of thing. She tried to flutter ahead, in front of Arnold. "Longgggg day tomorrow. We should get some rest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 2 days ago

As they all followed Arnold, Josh felt something. He couldn't really tell what it was, though. He looked at his teammates, and noticed that they seemed uneasy as well.
"Do you feel that, Josh? Matt?" Hex asked.
Josh gave a slow nod. "Something's not right, that's for sure." He decided to ignore it for now. Maybe they all just needed some rest.

Arnold led them through a few more hallways before coming to a stop. "Ah! Here it is." He led them through a door, into a room with four beds.
Josh sighed. It looked like he'd be sleeping in the bucket for now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


"So that's where the rest of my cash went." I say to M, who had my share of the money floating around him. I then take what was mine, and look back to the whole TM deal. I didn't actually pay for that much of it, did I? I ask myself as I hesitate to move further into the guild. After being indecisive for a few minutes, I hand over my poke to Celes, meaning that I would have paid off my portion of that TM. "Um, you can keep that." I say to her as I finally start heading over to my team's room... which would now actually have teammates in it, rather than that random bidoof or that vanillite in it. I was pretty happy about that, the vanillite always made the room too cold for me, and the bidoof always talked in his sleep, even shouting things while asleep, such as "AHH! DUCK DOWN, MOLTRES IS ATTACKING!" okay, so maybe he wasn't that loud, but when you're trying to get some sleep, shouting of any kind sounds loud enough to wake the dead... and not just the ghost-types either. Once I got there, I noticed the two already packing their bags and heading off to some other room. I waved goodbye to them as they left, and allowed me to pretty much have the room to myself for a little while. I was probably supposed to be sleeping, but for some reason, I was too excited to see my own team filling this place up. I ended up just waiting for them to enter the room and unpack whatever they don't want to keep in their bags, but more importantly, I was just too excited to not have to deal with freezing temperatures, or sleep-shouting anymore.

"Hey, what about me?" I ask when Hex asks whether Josh or Matt felt anything. I didn't, of course, but it's not a good sign of things to come when your team forgets that you're here. The others start following Arnold and Archie to our new room, and I end up following them, not wanting to stay at my own house, today. After all, that place didn't even have an actual bed for me, and I always had to sleep either on the rotten, broken floor, or in the moldy sink... both of those options were about as comfortable as they sounded, unfortunately. Heck, it wasn't uncommon for me to wake up the next day poisoned from the mold in the sink, or already tired from sleeping on the broken floor, but now I finally had an actual bed. The bed itself probably didn't look like much to anyone else, but to me, it looked like the most comfortable thing in the universe. I instantly jumped into a bed that was somewhat close to Josh's bucket, which he apparently was going to sleep in, and pretty much instantly passed out in that bed. Hopefully, I wasn't snoring, or otherwise keeping everyone else awake while I slept on what felt like a cloud to me. It was so much better than sleeping at my place, that I don't even know how I got any sleep over there anymore. That night, something amazing happened... instead of the usual nightmare, I had a dream, as in, an actual, not scary or evil dream. Things were really looking up for me.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celes fallowed Spruce to the room, yawning. She was happy that he gave her more money after all this. She did not know why he was so nice to her... but she did like it.. Those senses she had... She does not know what happen, but at least everything looked up even if those weird sensations were affecting her. She sighed. Maybe one day she would know what the heck was actually fallowing her like that. It was really annoying. She breath deeply and then went to the team's room. She head to the bed, tired. At least... she though it was her bed, but she actually was in Spruces bed. She did not feel as if it was alright, and got up, sleepy.
"Oh crap... sorry Spruce!" she then says quickly, before going to her own bed. This was embarasing." she then says. She then lean down, tired, and stretch a bit. She just hoped she would not go and have a weird sleep again with sensations going around strangely and all that. It was already hard enough for her to be with her own... difference with the whole 'I can sense ghost types nearby'... it was just weird.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Noire

Noire Exposition Extraordinaire

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Whoop, sorry about that, Anthony." Hex apologized. "It's just you're a bit.." Hex trailed off. She really didn't really have the heart to say small.

Hex slowly fluttered into the neat, folded blanket. It was warm and pretty comfortable compared to her bed back home. She messed up the blankets and pillow, to make it a bit more of a nest. After a couple minutes of struggling about, she started to relay the events of the day over in her head. She had finally escaped the never ending cycle of her day. Hex had trekked the entire trip from Birchwood Forest to Allure Town. She had made some new friends. She had gotten to a dungeon, and leveled up for the first time in about a year. It seemed like a pretty hectic day, overall. And some big changes had been made. Now, in this dark room and this comfy bed, she began to realize just how tired she was. A wave of fatigue washed over her mind, and Hex drifted into a deep slumber. Nearby, in a different room, Hex was starting to hear some conversation before her mind slipped into a deep sleep. Some pokemon was talking about an Articuno? One of the legendary birds. And the other was apologizing about it being so cold. She chuckled before letting go.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 3 mos ago

After a brief moment of awkwardness, I was surprised to find Spruce grabbing some Pokes from me with his leafy green hands. I initially thought of something suspicious trying to rob me - like a Meowth - although I had realised a little too late that it was simply Spruce taking back his share of the Pokes. I didn't shout at him, rather grunted in surprise as I turned only slightly. "Wha- oh, yeah. I owed you some Pokes."

My paranoia faded away, as I could see nobody was around but us. I wasn't exactly crazy enough to think my own... acquaintances, were spies. I looked around to check again; a wrinkled couch was moved slightly, the big doors we came in were still open, the floor seemed a bit messy in some patches, covered with dust and bits of slime from not just Anthony. I saw all of that by simply turning my pupil from left to right rather slowly. Everyone was leaving two seconds later, leaving me alone.

"You can come out now." I said after the last Pokemon locked the doors and left, my voice echoing. "I know you're here."

No one. Perhaps I was going crazy over a simple message.

I didn't really care, falling onto my bed. Which was suspicious, as I couldn't remember what I was doing in the last half-hour.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 2 days ago

"It's been three months, and he still hasn't found me. Still, I have a strange feeling that he knows where I am, and is just waiting for the perfect time to strike."

The bucket wasn't the most comfortable place to sleep. Still, Josh managed to get plenty of shut-eye for the day ahead. He looked at his teammates. Hex and Anthony still seemed to be asleep. Matt was starting to wake up, though. "You were doing it again." He whispered, careful not to wake anyone up.
Josh was confused. "Um...doing what?"
"Sending telepathic messages in your sleep. Every Psychic-type in the guild probably heard that."
This wasn't good. What if he said something about Zane? How would the rest of the guild react if they knew there was a madman hunting him down? "What did I say?"
"Not much, thankfully. You didn't mention any names, but you said that Zane might be waiting for an opportunity to strike."
"What should I do?"
"You need to learn how to control it. It could be dangerous."
"I don't know. We'll figure something out."
Matt picked up Josh, and headed out of the room. It was still fairly early in the morning, so not a lot of Pokemon had woken up yet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celes woke up the next morning, feeling full of energy now. She had some weird dreams though, cause she was dreaming of... something of pure dark, surrounding her... something that was trying to actually get to her... trying to change her.... but she also felt a pure energy... something else that was protecting her. She just did not know what ti was.... So she continued to dream about it.. until a normal dream started, which made her feel better afterwards.
Celes then got up, stretching her legs a bit, and shook herself. She looked at her team that was still asleep. Guess she was early this morning. Sbe yawned before going out of the room, only to have Archie start yelling something to Arnold.
"Arnold! I told you that bidoof probably knew nothing, now you chased him again because of a eevee!" Archie start saying.
"Isen't it obvious! We have a mass kidnapper here, and that bidoof is responsible for this!" Arnold then responded. Celes stayed back, listening.
"But you do know that the espeon and umbreon from earlier will probably come look again.. and a eevee with a light blue scarf..." Archie then says. It was at that time that Celes removed her scarf. God... they are probably looking for her right now... This was bad... if they were to find her out here.... she might be forced back home without any words about it. She did not want to leave... she wanted to stay as a guild member... she wanted to live adventures and such. She waited outside of Spruces room, worried. She would need to go get a new clothing piece... something to stop her from being recognized. Then a crazy idea came to her, but she was not sure about it... it could actually be pretty fun to do it when she would want to go all stealthy and such... but that would need a lot of clothing... Bah.... she could actually do that later on. For now, she needed to wait for her team to wake up. She needed a now piece of clothing, and a place to hide if her parents were to come here.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 3 mos ago

30 minutes. Unaccounted for. What did I do? My dream...

I was in a room. Similar to the lobby, only void of furniture and considerably smaller. Enough to seem small, not enough to make a claustrophobic Dragonite panic. I heard some faint music, not unlike 'jass.' Despite my movement around the room, the music didn't get louder or quieter. I sighed, wondering why my little radar dish was a 1690's hat, a short brim covering the top of my vision. SHORT, not those weird long feds. It wasn't long until I realised I was in a 'noir' setting. After all, most of the humen stories Davis told me were about those. Occasional sci-fi, horror- oh crap.

"Greetings!" My dream (which seemed impossible, since I never really dreamed) was pretty screwed up at this point. I was facing the back of the room, realising how most the doors were padlocked and chained, like some paranoid preacher just did an inspection. I shuddered, turning around to see... well, a Porygon. The other half of the lobby was now... er, I couldn't exactly describe it. Think of a low-resolution photo, with pixels with contrasting colours. The way he faced me was just shocking, as in he looked 2-dimensional, but ALWAYS faced me if I were to move around. Walls, ceiling and floors weren't the same, having those low-resolution photo pixels but not facing me, unlike the Porygon.

"Er... eh- yes." I pretended as if I wasn't terrified. If anything, that could've caused a nightmare.

"My name is Visda-"

"OH GOD, VISTA!?" That didn't come from me. That came from... nowhere. We both looked around frantically looking for the source of the voice, before settling our eyes on each other.

"...okay. How about 'Miles?' Does that sound reasonable?" The Porygon asked. He bore a resemblance to Davis, with a scar covering his right leg - but Davis had a crack running from his back to his chest, originating from a circular wound on his back.

"Get to the point. I don't need a name, because I already know that's just a shoddy anagram for 'Davis.' This dream's covering what happened in the last 30 mi- God damn it." I couldn't spoil my dream any further. This was a memory I was reenacting (plus a dream), and anymore distractions from what possibly occurred would damage the reliability of my memory/dream.

"Huh? Whatever. I came here to protect-" He suddenly beeped, as if activating a censor. "-because of your outburst. You knew he was here. He was supposed to be with ME!"

"God damn it." I muttered, getting sunlight into my eye. Someone forgot to close the curtains again, apparently leaving it open to gaze at stars. "I wonder what the hell was all that for. Wiping my memory and making little sense." I said, rather quietly before rolling onto my back.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Noire

Noire Exposition Extraordinaire

Member Seen 9 yrs ago


Another night without dreams. Hex's eyes fluttered open, and she drowsily picked herself up off of her bed. Her mind was, for the most part, still asleep. Hopefully she didn't wake up too late. Mom always made her give a speech to the masses if she woke up late. Better head off to breakfast and talk with the Beedrill, she had a whole new day- wait. Never mind. She'd almost forgotten. Hex sighed, and gave a wide yawn, and slowly began to drift out of the door. Josh and Matt weren't in their beds, so they woke up relatively early in the morning. She always hated waking up early. Her mother forced her to do it, because a "princess" was always waking up early and always being polite and never using the shortened forms of words. Hex pushed open the wooden door with a gust, and flew through it.

"Hey. 'Mornin." She greeted Josh and Matt with a small nod. Nearby, there was the same Eevee from the dungeon. Blue scarf, pale fur. A bit odd looking for an Eevee, but she shrugged it off. "Heya." She greeted Celes. Hex began to flutter down the hall, heading to the main room where the mission and outlaw board. There was nothing like a good mission to warm you up in the morning. She could definitely use some practice. Hex paused, hearing voices, and ducked back into the corridor. Arnold and Archie were talking the main room. She eavesdropped for a second. They were talking about a kidnapping.. And the same poor Bidoof as before had been chased by Arnold. Something about an Eevee with a light blue sc - An Eevee with a light blue scarf?

Hex turned back to Celes. She didn't see any other Eevees hanging around with light blue scarves. Celes had taken hers off, but Hex could see it in her paw. "Err.. Celes?" She fluttered over to the Eevee. "Arnold and Archie are looking for some Eevee with a light blue scarf. Do you think that's you?" The situation seemed oddly familiar. Arnold and Archie had chased around the Bidoof for thinking that it was involved in the kidnapping of an Eevee. Maybe Celes was in the same boat as Hex. Running from home, and being tracked down by someone. She waited for an answer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celes stares at Hex, and then looks worried.
"I... I..." shes says, before looking around.
"Please just don't tell anyone... I don't want to be force back and go back with the whole 'you must evolve!' problem..." Celes then says, worried. She was shaking a bit remembering.
"Please don't tell them..." she then says worried like heck. She hoped that Hex would not go and tell anyone, cause her parents would then not stop trying to get her and she wold probably never hear the end of it. She looks at Hex.
"The number of burns, wet fur, shocks and other things I got from people trying to make me evolve by showing their powers.... it was too much." she then says.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


At some point, I must have fallen asleep, and at some other point, I woke up, and once I did, I heard M muttering about wiping his memory... unfortunately, I didn't have any dreams this time, but once I got up, I noticed Celes without her blue scarf on. I then overheard something about an eevee with a blue scarf, and assumed that they were looking for Celes, but I was certain that she wasn't an outlaw like Anthony was, so I approached her, and noticed an odd birthmark on her neck. The birthmark was of a sun, and I assumed that whoever was looking for her would instantly recognize her from that mark. "So... looks like you're going to need another scarf, huh?" I ask Celes. I then summon up some vines as if I was going to use the move vine whip, and, after tying about three of them together, I hand the mass of vines to Celes, whispering "By the way, I saw that birthmark... oh, and, I kinda know that someone's looking for you." of course, I still wanted her here, with us, and it seemed as though she wanted to be here as well. I head towards the outlaw board, and notice Arnold tying that bidoof to a chair. "How many times to I have to tell you that I didn't kidnap anyone!? I'm starting to think that you fellas don't want me around, anymore." the bidoof shouted, and then said to Arnold, who then said "Which is just what a kidnapper would say to try to make sure that he gets away!" Archie was just mumbling to himself by now, his face covered by his left wing. Archie simply walked away from the whole situation, apparently not wanting to take part in it, anymore.

I finally got excited enough about the next day to break from my deep slumber and finish off my wonderful dreams to finally wake up. "Another day, another adventure!" I said with enthusiasm once my eyes were finally open. Unfortunately, it seemed as though I was talking to myself, which kind of embarrassed me for a moment. Uh... whoops... well, that's not a great way to start things off.. maybe tomorrow I'll wake up sooner, or something. I think as I head out of my room. I noticed Hex fluttering nearby that eevee... no, wait, um, Celes, and head over to join them. Apparently, Arnold was now interrogating that bidoof from yesterday, but this time, the poor guy was already mad at him about it. I kinda ignored that, and asked "So, what do you want to do, next, team leader?" to Hex, who may or may not know that I still regard her as the leader. Josh can't be the leader, he's stuck in a bucket, and Matt can't be the leader, he's only there to hold the bucket and will probably leave once Josh figures out how to move without the need for a bucket. I, of course, can't be the leader because I was once an outlaw, and was the last one to join the team so far. I then turned my attention back towards the bidoof and Arnold. Archie didn't even seem to want to involve himself with this, as he was walking over towards the kitchen, which only served to remind me how hungry I already was. I figured that we would head off for some mission or another after we get something to eat. The smell from the kitchen was already too much for me to resist stopping by to get breakfast, but Spruce didn't seem to care, and was apparently absentmindedly heading over to the mission board, which means that he'd probably get the good missions before we do.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 1 day ago

Kamina leapt up into awakeness, an old habit of his from his days before the guild. After confirming that there was in fact no one in striking distance who wanted him dead, he allowed himself to relax (well...relaxed for Kamina. The dude's pretty high strung by default, but in a more functional way). Ready to seize the day with his little itty bitty fishy fins, he splashed over the main room, where he found Celes and the Combee who's name he hadn't learned yet. That's when he heard about the kidnapped Eevee, one with a light blue scarf. Splashing his body so that he was facing Celes, he teared up a bit and said "Celes, I had no idea...all this time and I had no idea; to think that you came all this way to look for your kidnapped kin, even joining a guild to broaden your list of contacts. When we first met, I could just sense that inside your body lied a kindred spirit, one with a goal so vital that it consumed your very life. I had no idea how right I was." After he was finished crying great manly tears, he returned to his over the top hammy self "alright, it's decided! I shall help you find your missing sibling!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celes startes at Kamina, and then facepaw at this. She looked at Spruce and takes the vine scarf quickly, putting it on.
"God I forgot about that birthmark.... Thanks." she then says, blushing a bit. Spruce really did help her a lot of times these past days, and she really did not want to leave either. She looks at Kamina.
"It's not my sibbling that is gone...I did not come here for that... I... I came here to have a adventure... but some people don't want me to live my life like I want to." she then says sadly. She looks at Spruce.
"Thank you so much Spruce... and I will need to find a new scarf... or else this might be really harder to hide." she says. She then went and looked at the mission board, with Arnold going and actually putting a missing poster about a eevee with a light blue scarf on it... with a reward of 500 poke! Oh god.. there goes some of the expense of her family. Seriously, could they not just leave her alone and let her live her life? it was embarrassing. She wanted to find her own path... not end up being something that one of her siblings were. She looks back at Spruce and the others.
"Please... don't...." she says begging a bit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Noire

Noire Exposition Extraordinaire

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"No problem." Hex replied, fluttering in the air. "I know how that feels, to be constantly surrounded and pushed around. All too well, actually."

She didn't really go much further than that. Hex didn't really feel anyone was suspicious. Thank Arceus that her scouts were awful drawers, or Arnold and Archie would track her down immediately. Nearby, Arnold was actually yelling into the Bidoof's face. He had gone from good cop to bad cop on a matter of minutes. He seemed genuinely angry, and the Bidoof was still trying to struggle away. "WHERE IS SHE?!" He roared, his voice a deep growl. "WHERE ARE THEY?!" So, Arnold was more crazy than Hex thought, or he was really getting into character. Hex fluttered down to Anthony's level, noticing how he had just woken up.

"Hey Anthony." She replied, looking at the small, gooey blob of white. "You know, I don't have many plans for today. Maybe head over to a new mystery dungeon. Didn't really study the mission board." She glanced back behind her. The pink, dopey pokemon had become snarling and angry in a matter of seconds. Luckily, Arnold had grabbed the chair and was beginning to drag the Bidoof into his office for more "interrogation" in private. Hex began to flutter out, still retaining the conversation with Anthony. "Maybe we'll go to a new dungeon." She began to examine the mission board once again.
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