Best Chance

Music has always been important to people since it first came about millenniums ago. Starting as simple beats and using primitive instruments. Though its forms have changed much during the centuries, from simple beats to classical to modern rock and roll. Its value has never went away as it continues to inspire and give emotions to the people that listen to it.
More so to the people that make it. Channeling their inner creativity to produce music that speaks to people and things that people enjoy to listen or dance to. Often landing them with success and raising them from a small time group to famous stars that everyone knows about. The ultimate goal for anyone that wishes for success in the music business. The chance to make it and thrive and do what they love.
Though this can be a hopeful dream and can be forgotten as life gets in the way. Other interests and opportunities show up, and a person decides to do something other than their passion. Sometimes it works out and other things it does not. For one group of adults that have ended up in dead end jobs or living boring or dull lives. As they attend their high school reunion and meet up with former classmates. A chance to rediscover their lost dreams or passions for music. Forming a band to make their dreams come true and live a good life. If they can succeed that is.
1. Expected to follow standard site rules
2. No godmodding or powergaming or etc...
3. No OP characters
4. One char only
5. Minimum of one paragraph
1. Expected to follow standard site rules
2. No godmodding or powergaming or etc...
3. No OP characters
4. One char only
5. Minimum of one paragraph
Hello, and welcome to the rp. In this rp, you will be playing as soon to be members of a new band in the city of Santa Fe, New Mexico. As they attended their high school reunion at the Santa Fe High School. They realized there is a chance of leaving their dull or dead-end jobs and embracing their passion, which is music. Forming a band and whether or not they can work together and succeed in the music business. This is their journey, win or not.
The setting is modern day, 2024, and while it says your character is stuck in a dead end job before joining the band. While I recommend your character coming from a dull or bad situation. You have the freedom to decide what kind of situation your character was in before going to the high school reunion. As long as it gives them a reason to see being in a band and embracing their old passion for music as a good thing and see it as a chance to get out of their situation. Risking it and failing means going back to their old situation, which they would want to avoid.
As for character details, they should generally be mid twenties age wise and have some level of musical experience with their chosen instrument/role.
So the lineup is, Singer(main)(Crimson Flame), Main Guitar(ArticBeaver), Bass(Fabricant451), Drums(Theyra), and Keyboard(Fiber) are all taken. If anyone has any questions, then feel free to ask. I am open to one more slot if someone wishes to be in the rp.
As for character pics, I am looking for pics of real people preferably.